Show GREAT it HAVOC WROUGHT UY by VIRGINIA FLOOD 1 I wt 1 I aai ufa 1 I arl rei lat t arty igi I j gi ft 01 urt ur t A in the hr fix pok alion taa 1 1 lat let top region near Ut ewt N ir lr ginta 11 sunday details of which are yet incomplete caused a long 1 of seventy ke venty give lives and tile dext destruction ruction of a roll wall loo dollars ww worth orthof of properly property toedor stion of the unit in enlea less than in go hosar nearly two inches of water fell ill on scout tala top rait rest and anti wet west of the tile filey valley the ali water aters in a narrow beylon anil anti raulo causing untold the dittli ton low n not of he henstone with will ft is population of at about 11 10 seeing the greatest su Bul frerer practically tir tile entire n lire low to ir being fil assay this town Is I 1 the principal cip our olle in lie tile poca bont tico deldo andis and I 1 located aft near its center it was VB to a areat great extent the headquarters fron from the win ing as population supplies anti kni the only place la in the field whisky could b at attal this place there were some twelve to fit eon adoo ni allot all of which were washed away the report comes that the min calalo ing rapist aaion are noy occupy ing the batik banks of the tb tream below catch log the chaDdIe and barrel barrels of liquor and ber beer a as they float down A front great number of 0 cotti corl and coke plants throughout the die brict ire are reported practically destroyed de troyed and ire are in some lo toi taace stances entirely washed away owing alo to the very high water which has ha coded the region and land prevented communication any like a correct the loss of property la Is impossible 1 I 1 kly dead bodle bodies I 1 aye been 1 found thousands of people ire are homeless ho inele and it to t feared that many arc are without food or at the tile beet with only 1 enough to lat a few da dava ye the work of establishing rall mici tion line li Is being figur there la is little hope of sending the tile sufferers uffer er succor until railroad rall roul connection Is restored ken are it at worl worle clearing 1 away the debria debris and recovering the bodini of the dead orr over mile miles of trick track belonging to thell abe arlous coal operal are emett artl cally loat lost the rail roll are re bent beat and twisted twitted like wire wires even the beavy girder girders of the coll almed rail railroad roal bridge bridges were rendered ekeler ek elet the tile force of the flood ia to better understood when it la 16 explained that by eaon eason of a long louir fin all aid and slow ft low iron bridge ome some distance up the tb valley the flood wa was damned and a monster body of rater abed probably as a lurge a volu volume meas was contained in the tilt famous darn dam at johnman Johnt lown inksen hen this obstruction gare gave way it let down dowa a great flood good on the tillage villages and mining camp camps below tbt the atom wu accompanied by Is terrific thunderstorm and much dim dam age waa was caused by light clog |