Show THE D ank IS 13 I 1 NO the airet fl ret national dank bank of or price prim with a cit pital of twi nty irn fire thon dollar dollars will ic ix open and ready for thia this much has ha been decided upon tipon by the tile gedemen gi nelmon interested und and who tune hae already to a large bor tion of tho the block stock of tile institution the organization organ Izat loi might bo be perfected sooner but it takes soine time to ap i curot cure the lio bonds upon aich tho efrom lation h 1 issued rind to 0 have tho the for the currency made anti the print log turned out by the of on gm log ing and printing in ngUm besides mr mcgovney who Is to bo be tho the cashier has certain bu 11 iness roa con in which demand hl his tsa thera ubell the of 8 p or the first ret of october then again tho the brick building in which to do burnesa has to be erected en cu d th atell and fixtures got en an lo 10 and otha mothr a details attended to those aro are u algots ight in view but ai i yet no deal for ground haa has been ciol local pool 10 lo will ill be b given an to como 0 tho tock 0 tho institution and already without any solicitation whatever prominent bus bossiness siness men at vernal castle dale huntington cid moab oat gate green river and elsewhere have 11 A ismine interested A bank at price would do more towards tho ing of this title gedion of tho the than thin any other that could at timo axi lion there la a alcid id for it und and 0 wo o ballme the generally its it importance Import inco ince to the country |