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Show Commercial. Salt Lass City, Deo. 0. Cold. Buying, 107; sellinfi, H9. School Term. Tho winter Urm of Mrs. Jkl. K. Randall' school will commence com-mence January 1M, 1872, in President li. Young's acbosl-liouse. A competent writing master baa been engatred to take clmrfja of the pan mansbip department. depart-ment. Terms liberal. ::! Read C. W. Stuyner's column. d31 Nkw Vkar's Tka.-Pjlkty at the INSTITUTE ! JSO Lamps for Przsexts at the Pioneer Lamp ritore. d-U Go to the Crystal Palace, 78 Main streot, lor Furn'ture, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, Cbina, Glas,5iiverwarc and household house-hold goods generall". doO Fashionable Hats at Siegol Uro'a. olO A kumijer ok people shot up Alain stroet list evening, having beard that the Great Unknown never fails to pro-duco pro-duco hair. Try it, gentlemen. d31 i'iosker Lamp Storb, nearly opposite oppo-site the market, Is1. South street. u-'O Lidiks Drksskd in tho height "of fashion uso tho Groat Unknown toilet liair-oil and pronounce it excellant. It is exquisitely perfumed. All should uso it. Read advertisement. - dtfl i Fino Furnishing Goods at Siegel Bro's! - olO I A Good Joke. John McDonald culls tho attontion of the Ladies to hie Innro assortment of LADIES' AND MISSES' FUK.S, which he will sell tifiy per cent, below cost, at hia store on Main street. d') Dantohtii .Fluid at the Pioneer Lamp Store. d-50 Butr.Ks. A snlendid assortment of FAMILY BIBulfid, beautifully illustrated, illus-trated, containing Album for Photograph Photo-graph Pictures, for sale at Dwyor's. d'2H Goto N. & E. IJoukofskt's for Genuine Gen-uine Enclisb n.nd SCOTCH ALES and POUTER. ' d'27 Garhett iV Woon have on exhibition exhibi-tion at t'mir flail tlie fimut Iambs in tho inarivPt, t'rti-ii'd by John Ijainbert, ot Jtlu.''ts' Viilloy; a mammoth calf raised by Jamos Smitliii's, ud hit beef raised ly .1 annw Davis, of the samo place. TIh'v invito tho public to cull and see tliL-iii. d'2't KW Yka: Tka-Pxrtc at the J NST1TUXE. dSU Nsw Vicar's' Tea-Party at the1 ! Institute. Tickets at, Tribune eflico, i I Kimball and Lawrence s and itr. Man- j mug's. d:i0 Examine the now style Prince Alexis Al-exis Hat, just received by L. (John at tho California Store. dl'i Coal Oil at' the Pioneer Lamp Store. d3U Gents Attention. Ed. Harris, at tho Little Cioar Stork "round the corner," keeps the best imported Hay-ana Hay-ana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Notions. Come and judge for your-Bolvee. your-Bolvee. Throe doors east ot Poet Office. Dunns roR 187i Dl A.KLES for 1872. HO ditlorent style?, from 40c. to S'-.IH cadi, Sor sale at DWYKK'S liOOK STORK dl'8 Gasoline Stovei at the Pioneer Lamp "tore . d'-'M Ckaxuelikr'6 and Bractiit Lamps at tho Pioneer Lamp store. d;'0 No Sulphur, no lead, nothing injurious inju-rious in the Great Unknown. Kead advertisement. ad-vertisement. d;:i Overcoats, a fine assortment, at Siege! Bro's. olO Goto N. oVE.Boueofsky's fur BHST CIGARS in the city. d27 A Great Tohic. ELKGKM AN'3 CUHD1AL KLIX1K OF CAL1SAYA BAKK'. A pleasant cordial which strengthens and improves Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, lcver andA.gue.etc., and a great Konovntor and Tonic for invalids and debilitated perrons. per-rons. Heokmas & Co., New York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggists. . ;"2u Cuttijjq & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies are tho best in tho market. Aak your grocer for them. E'J I For fine White and AVoolon Shirts go to Siegol Brq'a. olO Kead C. V. Slayuer's column. d:il Frkk or Cost Our Trinl LAMPS. Com and get ono ovorybody, at the Pioneer Lamp Store. tiSU Th t.kst BRANDY, both French! Ami Native, will be found at N. & K. , BOUKO FSlvY'S. tli7 1 Just Arkivkd, two more car loads of plain EUUNiTURE at 11. Din-woodey's. Din-woodey's. Thso who did not gut served last time will now have u chance. d'22 For thk iikst WINES and "WI11S- KIF.S, go to N. & E. BOUKOFSKY'S. dl7 i No moke hair failing oft' since the j Great Unknown is ucd. Read advertisement. adver-tisement. . ' d:ll Largest . stock of clothing at Siegol Bros. olO ! Tun Teleubaimi Pisaislkd. On account of a severe storm cast of Omaha yesterday, the wires were not working last night up to the time the Herald : was put to vires?. Wc aro therefore without our usual telegraph diipatche?1. Tiikrk is no poison in the Great Un- known. Read advertisement. d;H I Large U'Ck of tine and heavy boots at Siege! Bro's. o'-M I Honc'1 W- -ner's column. d31 UKPAIITIHKS AD ARRIVALS P,) XV nits (C- KimhaKs Singe. I.c.tvp Olll.o ..f Wolli, Fai-go A Co. Jwly, l 7 j Deo. o0. T.) Ol'lltR, STOCKTON, ETC. J W S.vry, San Thomas, Charles '.Tours, N Laurence, Mr Jennings, Miss E Wt lN, J Clinton. OGDEN DIRECTORY. ! f-'irst-chtf-t DtisuKSS UvHscs. MERCHANTS. Walker Uroi her, Zi on's (ii-np, .Irrtalit lie Iliitl 1( U tloll, Jnnirs Ilorrocki, ('. Woodmnnsrr, F. A itcrtinr li i Di d. BOTl'L. Og.if ll Il-iuc, John il.iljD, P.-jirleti-r. livery staelt:, iD. G. Nclton, Praprfeinr. MISCELLANEOUS. THEATRE; Last ight but Two of MIS. OLIVER DOl'D BYRON Monday Aflenioou and Evfnin Will ba proJiii-od the Brent Sen?.iti"n;il and Km ouo oal Lrma. Ben McCullougli! CERTAIN AS DEATH. Mr. Oliver Doud Oyi onnt Ben McCullotig h. Hlra. Knle Byron n Din ml .1IcCuJ1oiiEi. t W i tli bo.iutiful song.) New S entry by Mr. J. A. Ursenlncb. New ilachiucry by Mr- Peter ReiJ iud assistiuti. New Properties by It. A. Dakor. Tuesday Ev'g, "Ben McCullougli ." In active preparation. tho tbrilline pon-atiun . "T11K FOOL'S TUKASOX." s I 5 i s C3 - J2 S gS - s: ci" ; i i s 7, e 3 : I ?!i E II 1 1 o) : . ; : - s u , a : I ' " Si J 5 U g . It s 5 o i I t e I , : S lis o! H" I O ss"- g e s 653 I- ; UNION PACIFIC 1UILI10AD COMPANY. Central Freislil Depai lmeut, Ouaux. December 20. 1S71. SPECIAL NOTICE. On and after January 1, 1S72, all Special Rates and Contracts of overv natnro, not in nocordanco with tho rerular printed Tariffs, CIossiGoatioris, and Kulcsofthis CompaDy, will tcrminnte and become void. Approval: JC.P. VIXIXG, T. E. S1CKKLS, Gon'l Freight Afrcnt beoeral Sup't d8j S. T.-1S60-X. ONWARD T THE medical revolution which commenced com-menced years a,eo with the gradual disuse of blood-letting, salivation, drastic purgatives, and powerful opi-atep, opi-atep, goes hravely and Rloriously on. Every day the sick prow wiser. They are no longer willing to open tbeir mouths, shut their eyes, and take whatever what-ever the doctors are pleased to prescribe, ! without inquiry. They want to know the nature of the medicines they arc desired to swallow, and demand to have the mysterious Latin lingo of the profession translated into plain English. Eng-lish. The Invalid Would understands at last that VIGOH is the great an- taponist of disease. The feeble decline , to be utterly prostrated by depleting pills and potions, and turning from! such mendicaments with loathing, j judiciously place their trust in a reme-. dy which "combines with the properties I of an Alterative those of a pure and wholesome Tonic and Restorative. It, is now about (we've years since this! grand desideratum waa introduced' und r the name of - PLANTATION BITTERS, and from that time to the prosent i$s' progress has been without a parallel in the history Oi proprietary medicines. With the spirit of the sucar cane the most nutricious of all stimulants for its basis, and medicated solely with the juices aud extracts of rare vegetable specifies, such as Caiisaya Bark, the best known Tonic that the world pro-1 duces, and which makes it, by all odds' the most unobjectionable inyigoraw oorrcttYfl and. general i',;em;ve has ever bow ;ccd by science within t". .each of the sick, the suftering. and the despondent. Hence it has overleaped all competition, and Plantation Plan-tation flitters is to day the most popu- lar Tonic on cither side oi' the Atlantic. MEXICAM IMffi mmi j oji "jrj.v .4yt jtji.tsr. Probably few articles liavc over hud so extensive n sale, whilo none lia-vo been ninro nniversnlly bcnptieiul '.lian tbe celebrated Mkxicas AIustaso 1ini-mknt. 1ini-mknt. Children, Adults, Horses atid Domestic Animals, aro always liable to accident, and it is safe to say, tliTit no family enn pnsn a siiiRlo season without some kind of an cmolliont being necessary. neces-sary. It becomes a matter ot" importance import-ance then to sernro tho bunt. The merits of the AIkxil' an Muotanu Liniment are well known throughout the habitable world. l'rom tho million upon million of bottles sold, no complaint com-plaint has ever reached us. It is recommended re-commended for Cut., Bruisr, Sprains, Kheumntism, Swelling?, liites, Chilblains Chil-blains &C., upon man,' and for Spavins, Founders, King-hone, Poll .Kvil, Scratches, "Wind-Galls, lloofalo, &c., upon hore. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS 0? HORSES. "Thii is to certify. That tho Mexican Mustang Mus-tang Liniiuont has been extensively ujed in cur siuble.H throughout tho country (wc have 2, horses) with tho cro.itost benefit in nil ea?cs of gall.', kick?, sprains, lamenos. el ift-nosa. ift-nosa. etc. Many of oar men have hail occasion occas-ion to use it in their familic?, and all apeak ofit in tho hii-'oest torun. Ono of oar men cot kicked and badly cut nnd bruised; as usual, us-ual, tho Mueiang Liniment waa resorted to; the lanioncr-s wa.c romoved, and lio wai almost al-most wcil in four dtiya. Wo can cbcerlulli" recommend it oi a valuable preparation for man ur boast. Youth rcspcirullr, J. DUNNIXU. Foreman of Adatoi .t Co'-j. Kip'a. Stablca, "Wo tnke grcBt pleasure in recommendinc the Mexican linstang Linimunt as an india-pen.-ablcand Taiunble artii-le. and the bu?t we have ever Ufod for Sprain. Sorei or tinlln on horew. Some of our men have also u.'ed it for ecvore bumi and iorc, as well ni rhcumatio pains, and all eny it acu iike magic, , J.n.ITrWITT. Foreman. For American Express Co., o Wall Street-Harden'? Street-Harden'? press Co., 74 Itroadwnj; I'ullen Vi rail k Co., lvtprew Co., 11 Wall Street-Well,.. Street-Well,.. Fargo & Co.. U Wall Street. Overthrew hundred livery etables in the city of New York alone arc u-iiiK the Mkxicas Mustang Liniment, in all of which it gives unusual satisfaction. satisfac-tion. cirri ox. jCiB uni'TinrirleJ rartirr h.ive ua-ler-take:i to eonnterfit thi-: Liniment. The Fcnutne is wrapped in a fine ';ccl Pinto'' : cnkTaviDg. wiih "(1. W. V' c, tbrouk, Chrm-. Chrm-. i;t."and "Trade Mark, MEXICAN" M L CANU LISIMj;NT," tnsravod acroa ibe fa c of each wrapper. The whole brnr' the IFropriotora' private United States Revenue surap, and not a oo mm on ttamp, at ueod by dmeglitt, LTOS ,I lTi OTrt I K C C.i., VZi WrmkrUti,!?.!. KISSSLLAKEGUS. NOTICE SALE AT AUCTION. The following iin'hiimcJ pnrknei wiM bo 5t!ldat tlu's-.i'i nh Uieoi hmo lln .1-$tev-en. Sefund Smnh rtrccl. cuitr.en.-inf: ;i' lu o'cloei a.m.. Wcilccj'iay. rbrn.-.rj i. lt. -vBiiCLr.i. abi r.r--. t- r. -irj- v, blcu". h. llox Au leif II C : S-v't L itn June 21 7 1 Sk Aiie-uJlM Paring City .Inly T! I'kir -:ir!ir?c J J'n"j M'Tl l'k l'nslin -Stockton ' li.71 T,.K I".iy J I' Kep it 7u I'ke r.:-tm:in A V. N.v 1.1 7" Kec r.mjt I! .1 May V 7tt i"kc inv or rtih Nov 7 vt !'-( liud-.-n H " 19 'i'.' H,is Hudsnn Miss T, May V. "Til Kcnn.ir.U.A F,-minpton Iec 21 :) Pkg L.irf..n 1' M.;iUi Mnv S 7u rk-e Mine-111. JVy:V7H ltlix MurfT M Aj-'l l'J 70. l'kg ilackay M II July In il'ix Mori' f M Mir H '70' Pks MiddK-mi'? .1 ' " -4 '7o IJkc M..Caliouj;li.IUSt George J'n'y -1 '71 ' Halo ni'uk't--0'CnTir,tr .1 May lu v Vks I'-iul K Nov .' 'ft' i'kg i'in-B .11 ; .feKihnu-h lrt' 7 "7' (loci: i'- ta;s C'p Douglas Ap'l :t '7u ! I'k- l.'imi noll A Alnyi7 '701 l'kg M Clair A M Nov 21 Vj ! Pi:' S:cnh..usc USD Nov 21 j VrS Sbl'.L-k J li Mar 22 "Till l'ig Stater A V. a t.I 2o 7(i , ll-S S'tiith J.I. Mav2.-.-U S-hcilk-r IJ II A.'l2.'7u Pkg Xuiiin O Aug 1 70' 1-ks cb -ip W H II .!! f 701 Im'nk'i. h-.i-J'crCjpt J,,bn fVp "0 7U 'I'ku- 'I iiomps-m J A Aue U 1 l'k- Wniie W l'.;b 1. '. iltx 'c--t wiT.l.l ' I JtianiiuU Mnr 1 '.U1 l'kg Webb C T k Co June 14 '70 j It i Yoims Jo A J'n'y 1- ' I i S-.cU isKojlIannnet: I I'cl 'I'rurable W I.otsburg I i'kt,- litwisvL- K UjucvCS 'kg Tbatrhcr II 11 n:tnnoek j WELLS, FAHOO Ji CO,, per Thco. F. Tracy, Agent Buckwheat Cakes! roil NEW YEAR. BitckVi'heuE. Flour, Rye ?) Giaiiam Allen's XXX And several brands of X X for sale, cheap in lots of from five to twenty Packs. Joio is the time, for Families fo lay in their Winter's Supply. CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, West aide Main stroet. S. L. City. CALL AND SEE. ocG S25 SAVED By Buying THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE J. Daynes & Co.'s Two tloora eust ofPoit Ofllce, SALT LAKE CITY- j . 'Warranted for Five Years ! CALL A XL) SL'E THEM. SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing ParposEs, Embody all ttt is now and novel In Bowint Machine!.. 'J'licy are ',iij imepi iiu proved ani lihte-t run nine shultl" nincliincs in tho world. Ucautitul arm ;impact iu model ana uncserllcd in material i.nd liniah. They sew evorytbinK from lace to Leaver cloth in the moet perfect uiannor. Every vnrlet y of Ilcnunliif:, Fellliigt HtiHtliiK, Cord I li);, Kullllnff, II cm St I idling etc., easily pciforaied. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheols, KO VIKItATIXG SPKINUS. livery Machine Warranted as P.epreicnted. Salesroom on First South Street Suit LnUe City, ojipojiKe tlie New Mcnt ninrfcei. IRA PFOUTZ, jaylS A cut. Declaratory Statements PROPERLY mode nut fr of Hit lot , in Cfiif.rn!i:v with lnt11c A'o. lice f Hon. :, Minth. Probnto Judpe, publi.hfd in iho S.Ui Lake Uj.kald. November Nov-ember it-th, l-i71. CLAVTuN Ji JOXASSO.N'. OK!'7cTi-F..urth door south of Godbc's Curner. n'-'J "Thrill: will !.L. ,i iut t -s of tho Tru ifr-r I of tuu riA.11 AM) CALII'UK.NIA Ll'MLLK CO'.U'ASY held at the Cicc nf the Uuini..in7 ia si. It Lai.o City on tho 17th d:iy of Junuary, 1:72, lor the election oCo.h-e.cr?nd oCo.h-e.cr?nd for ibe irr.nf action of ea:h Hh;r Iboiiiitii u my come bciore it. D. W. PARK H L" RCT. FecrrtarT. Ei.U Lite C'.tr. l. T., iJKBitr h, liTl, " MISCELLANEOUS. i ! COAL. WI G to the advance in transportation, the price until further notice will bo al j Depot 914.00 per ton. I V. II. D1RI, f.KO. CKISMOS, I d2 F. A. MITCHKLL. UE, BOUKOFSKY, Wholesale Dealers ix WINES, LIQUORS, i CIGARS j AND I TO 15 AC CO, Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY, ; Three doon wut of Walker Bro',. ' ' d5 New Store I rjew Goods I, II. WALLACE Has opened his new store, on I FIRST SOUTH STREET, ' Next door to Mn, Stenliouie's, j With a choice stock of 1 Fnrellome-miule COSFECTIOXEItY, Also Fips, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sardines, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries, j Will hIbo con 1 1 line bu.sln.eea Kt Hi old more. ARRIVED J.t Last. ! ' JUST IN TIME FOR NEW YEAR ! A l'INB STOCK OP DRESS FLANNELS, LINSEYS, WATERPROOF CLOTH, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, SHEETING, BLEACHED, KENTUCKY JEANS, &o., &c, &e. 3L.O"W FOR CjfVSHC AT TAYLOR "& CUTLER'S EAST TEMPLE ST. LEGAL SUMMONS. Iu tlie District Court of Hie Tlilrd Jtidlolal District of like Territory of Utah. Salt Luke County, September Term, Wm. S. (Jodbo and Fred- A.D. 1S71. crick A. Mitchell, pari, ner.i, doing business uniler the tirru nome and style of Godbe k Mitohull, Plaintiffs, V3. Thomas B. 11. Pienltonsc, Defendant. The We of the Territory of Utah send Greeting ,- To THOMAS B. II. BTENHni'SK. Uetomlanl, You nre hereby required to appear In nn ctinn brouuht acainsl ynu by tbe nbovo ! u nurd PnintillV, in tho Ditrlat Court nf tho I Third Judicial DiMm-l of the Trriioy of 1'tiih. and to nns-er the complaint tiled therein with in ten dny foxelnivo of the day I of service) iifti-r tho service en you of this fummons if FerTed within this county; or, if served out of th is county, but in this district, dis-trict, w'.thin twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by default will bo taken aeaioBt you, acoording to the prayer ol said couiphiii.t. Tb Fnid ii.-th.n is broucbt to recover tbo sum of S-t'iU.Oa, duo from delcndant io pl.iintiffi fnr Koodn. w;ire and mcrebandino udd and delivered (."a id Bum hcjng du and piyuble on the !ith 'lay uf May, IfiL'l, toil to-il ether with lecal interent thereon ag sot nut in tho complaint on hie herein and eoit of suit. And yon nra hereby notified thntlfyou fil to appear and uuewer the nail complaint com-plaint no adore rrniilred, the paid plaintiff" wi'l t" kc Judgment ninft you Hir cflid mm of SUi.Uo. with iutorest us aforeiuid ao1 costs. IVltneaa the lion. Jas. B.McKean .Judpe, and tho tft-iil !' the Lis-, Lis-, ' , tnot Coui I of the Third Judicial ( 1 Utstnct. in and fur tbo Territory jsUL of Luh.thin 7tb day uf Noreui-( Noreui-( ) bor, in the year.td' "ur Lord.Unc ' f Thousand Eisht liundrod and tcventy One. d2I Wm. 8, WALKER. Clerk. im TAYLOR & BPiO., Mercliaiit Tailors, COMMERCIAL 1TRKKT, KEKP eonpt-mtly on hnd a hnieo aport-mont aport-mont oli' Hf'.X'll, K.VU1.1MI nnd AAIKKlCAtt Cloths, Cas8imeres, VestingSjEtc, Of the Qntit'iunliUop and latet ptTle. whieh wo rako up to order in the inont fashionable and approved manner. fr-PATKONAGK HOHCITKD- axieZ', Attention Miners I WANTED GOOD AKOK.VTIFKROIS GALENA OUK3 t j SCHEUNER'S SMELTIG FURNACE, j At Union Fort, Lillls CotionwooJ. I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. . A. C. DIETZ & CO. j PITTsT ' OILS, i Varnishssand Lamps, Ko. Ot FROST SIRttl. Bot Skjwu.uIoA CikirnM, Sin Fttuclico I C0M!SiCN IiIlkCKARTS 48 Clay St., Sn Frnnclieo, ! DEALERS IX ORKGOS PltODl'CK. j Are ooaitantty In ro-i;-t of Orreoa Haici, Baoh, Li.-J. s!:i...a. Slarrh, of our own Kum a.n,u'tH;r THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAX FRANCISCO. D.O. M V.A.. - PKKS'.DFNT. W.C. KALaTOS. - CASH l.Kci. CIIaI PmUI V, - 95,000,000. DRAW DIRECT APiD ISSUE LETTERS if Credit on ill the ici-ieipal cities ot tbe (S V,',-r!.i. CGiViMIESION MERCHANTS liUt n iid J 00 Ca.lt for li to St., San Frnmlico, - - Ctlfornt. Particular atlenticn iv ;,J to thenUineef orders ior every dejinptiou of merchandise, n2S Snla of Urea, iku., , A.M. GRIFFITH, t--altr in JJTS all ticOiot SALMC'h MS HERRINGS;"" - 1)3 Vathli;tAQ Street. All lsii.il.. Drt.sl. ti.Ki..4 abd rickW Fish ftnfnily ou hani. CHSNESY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobber! of FOR EIGH" A.D OOJtBSTIC BRANDIEa.' VVIMES, , .VA) L1QU0KS, 311 Gin; direct, S. a Franvl.ro. ' vaMiir.csKa c kelioqs, , In-i orters and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, "ZU A 216 FRONT STKKKT, 1 SAN FllA.ClSCO. . MARTEfi CO. ' Wliolesale Lipr Healers, OS Front Street, Sun FrnncUco. Proprietorf of BIILLKR'S EXTRA OLD noUHHOlV And solo nKonLs for J. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OlD BJL'S-lf'N WHISKIES Constantly on band, a full aorttuo'il ot all the Sto.nd&rd Brands of WUIbkles, Fine tlrtiiutlee, Fewelgn and Domeatlo Wlnea, mb Blttcra, Cordtala, Ac. Miohael Kane. T. N. Wand. WAND, KANE & CO., '(Saoeeaiora to II unit r, V and a Co.) Importers and Wholesale Pcalcrc in VLES AND LIQUORS. Proprioto.-B of Uunter'B California W laoat T7A7"lxi-li.oy Aldo Ait-n'j for Jn?pph S. Finch's colobratod lVnusiivania RYE WHISKEY. SOT and 600 Front St., near Jackvou, SAN FRANCISCO. my31 LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of J'o-oian and Do-uu't-tic Fancy and fctaplo DKY GOODS. Drput of ...., t.s Mu,,;. nriuredut ihn Mission and I'acif.c M. Conoli,oieK 6!45 t 5147 lUarJict s( , San Fra. juylS Paris: 2-S Kuo lie 1,'l.cb.iyuicr. - o y rr. 3 1 7 ft Merchants' Kxchanao Uuildine. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - - 050,000. JOHN II. K::i)niN'UTON. - Pre-ddrm. L'llAKLI'.S l(. S'ldltV. - . S..,-r.'l iv OKI I. II . IIUWAKI), - . "re-Ifi i Iru't" N. H. 1-:IHV. - - - n'-,n-io Scrrotar. H. H. lilOKLOW. - ,.a-r.-l .Mr,.(.r. H- R. MANN, A(.Tiit fcr L'tali Tun Uort, Olllcf, under the Itrnttlnjr Kooma, jtl 24 Salt IjiLetKi- SALT LAKE BRANCH Hf TUB Great Western ii1 U li A INSURANCE CO'Y, OF CHICAG-O. T II KO. K. Tit AC V, l'jfiltlent C. II. UASKTT, ) MK.MtV W.I.A VVH t;.N( l-; '-Director CIIAS. L. DA11LKK, j MARSHALL dt V AH TKIt, A 1 1 oriie ya. II. R. MARK, ?UiiKrr. Under Salt Laka Roatiinp Rooma. A Branch oi'lia, h'OiiiJ hdJ KVAA- $5,000,000 COjIIM'Y Having y ii n njr city, wt aro uuw rcily l'r bu. i.ic.-i and earn-osily earn-osily solicit liiibiio j-i'ti-ymt'c, turaD- tccicg tliat ail lire rl v. v.l rc carried Kt a 'air rate. H. R. MAKN, ' aft flkiii, |