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Show Tuesdav. December 6C APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED REAl ESTATE D or dep. TWO bdrm, W D 237 S 500 W, Provo. No pets. $100 dep. $225 mo lights Avail immed. TWO, 3 bdrm apts, DW, AC, storage, W,D garden spot. smaller w 1 carport Ig one $270. No smoking, pets. 1493 8, 1495 S Main, Orem. Call $210. mo, or 9 INDIAN Hills executive ABSOLUTELY adorable home for $600 rent month to 12x55 '72. Fully furnished No deposit. 6 $6950 offer. month Call Jtaren bdrms, 2 story 4 000 sq ft. THREE bdrm, 2 bath. $325 wview. See at 3016 w10X55 TWO bdrm nice lot garden, incl 10x7 storage Comanche Lane, Provo. utils, BYU approved. shed. $5000. $1500 down, Call balance at 12 pet int. TWO University villa SPRINGVILLE, spacious 4 contracts avail for Jan Girls only. Won t last long TWO bdrm townhouse, near Univ. Mall. W D private drive. $250 PAYSON, clean 2 bdrm, $200mo. $150 dep, 6 mos. lease Sorry no kids, pets or or parties. CONDO Garden Park. 2 4 bath, W D, AC, bdrm, pool, covered parking S325 utils. SPANISH Fork, clean, attractive bdrm. Laundry facilities, storage. No pets 4 4 1 exc neighborhood. 60X24 mobile home '73 Reduced from $120 mo to S525 includes utils No Festival, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. smokers Call $100 mo Call rm, ready to be dining CONDO Garden Park. 2 CUTE 2 bdrm home, fully moved to your lot Call 489- 4 bath. W l bdrm, AC, furn for 4 students. Close to 6794 pool, covered parking. $350 BYU. Call OREM. Adult area, single utils CLEAN, quiet 2 bdrm, gar, wide, huge awning, porch, S 800 W, 356 TWO mens apt contracts Ig garden. new cot. thermal Dane win for sale. Private bdrms. Provo. $325 dep, utils. 3 dows. $9,900 or best offer W D, DW. frplc New, must kids max, no smoking pets. Call Chuck sell, will deal Call Eric RENT w option to buy. FINANCING avail. 12x60. 2 or Hal aft 5pm. home, 2364 W 710 N, bdrm w shed, awning $6500. MUST sell contract immed, Provo. $380 mo fun, intelligent roommates, PROVO 3 bdrm, rugs, 14 BY 65. la 2 bdrm, manv right off campus. Please washer, gar, fncd, city unique home-likfeatures, caM Justine W. N 1600 95 park behind, Armstrong ceiling, ceiling " S320 mo. Call ATTRACTIVE TujdkTT fan, lots of cabinet space. bdrm apt in of Provo's NEW clean 3 bdrm, bath, Inds cooler. In shed An. finest adult complexes. fam rm, shed, drps, $400 praised at $12,500. Any Beautiful view of the valley S200 dep, no pets smokers. reasonable offer accepted Must sell from foothill location, NW Provo laundry facilites within PAYSON. attractive, clean complex, swimming pool, 3 bdrm. Appliances, AC, easy access to all areas 2 acre, yr of the valley 1200 N Ter- storage, 1. $430. Brent 465- - LET us save you some grief Jan lease. race. 2305. MALE roommate wanted FREE 15 days rent, 2 bdrm to share S250.000 home. apt, contract must be sold Very luxurious. $325 incl utils Call Terry by Dec 15. NEW duplex, DW, W D hkps. $275 dep Provo. Avail Jan. after 6. extraTnice LARGE 2 bdrm apt Exc Provo location. BYU approved. 1st mo. rent free! Single women or couples. or after 6 SPRINGVI LITE TtO N 300 W, Ig 2 bdrm, own fridge, stove, disp, front & rear entrance. No 6 pets$205CaM PAYSON, downtown, & D, Well-lighte- LUXURIOUS Lg home in Am Fork, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, NEW condos wfrplc, single 8. dbl rms avail in fam rm, bsmt, frplc, AC, Jan. Within walking dis- DW, gar. $435. Call tance !of or students per apt, your newly remodeled, fully option. Exc location. All cpted, nice, Ig garden area, utils paid. Calls between gar, beautiful view, no226smokers. $475 6015. COEDS 1 0C J n 5 con-do- RENT-LEAS- Mini-farm- 1 7 TWO bdrm duplex, nice area, 675 W 1800 N, Lower Silver Shadows, yd, garden, AC. Avail Jan. $240 ( APARTMENTS FURNISHED PARK City Condo, sleeps 6 for $175. Cal, 224567 4 openings, nice MEN, house, big yd, $90 mo utils. Call ONE bdrm, clean, convenient, singles. No pet-smoking. WOMANS apt, good location, WD, $150 mo. Please or call BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm apt. $350 mo, all utils paid Couples only. THREE openings avail for single women. $80 mo all utils paid. Close to BYU, good location. Call before noon or after 9pm 2 or "MALE OR FEMALE TWO River Grove area duplexes. Private or share room. THE NEIGHBORHOOD DUPLEXES designed for singles. Private bdrms, frplc, Silver Shadows location. Several contracts for sale (men 8. women). $150 gas & elec. per person ONE bdrm, utils furnished. $195. No smoking. Couples. 400 E, Provo. ADULT, no pets, 1 bdrm, bsmt, private entrance, $75 dep, $195 util incl SMALL 2 bdrm bsmt SW Provo, $200 mo, utils paid, no smoking or pets eves. Ext 338 days, STUDIO apt avail, downtown Provo For more info: NEW Luxury apts now for WD 4 blocks BYU campus mo 855 E incl. 8, $132 50 7802. OREM, rentoption, $465, 2 1800 sq ft 4 level, BYU, 5 12 yr old, fam rm, frplc, Dec 15. No bdrm, 2 bath, 2600 sq ft. $300 dep Refs. Call pets, smoking. PI Grove 4 bdrm, 2 bath, fam rm, etc. 1850 sq ft, stove 8, fridge, fncd yd. Avail immed. TWO Bdrm home in N Provo, $295 mo, cpts, drps, fridge, stove. No pets. BIG, U rms, $550mo. Also nice 2 bdrm apt, $240 mo elec. "Tease wOption THREE bdrm home about 5 yrs old, NW Provo, $67,000. 3 4 bath, 4 bdrm home, NE Orem, Ig lot, fruit trees, Morris 8. Hansen $65,000. 1 RE TWO bdrm home, carport, Call Lee 8 Boley Realty NICE brick home close to BYU wlg yd, gar, crpt, 3 baths, 2 bdrm apt on main floor, 1 bdrm apt 8. 2 sleeping rms in bsmt. Bsmt now rented; would rent uppper floor only or entire house. Avail Jan 1. Call avail. THREE bdrm house avail Dec 4, 2 frplcs, DW, fam rm. Call ALPINE, $500 mo. Older home on Ig lot. 4 bdrm, fam rm, food storage, laundry 8. bsmt. Rent w option. COZY Provo home, 2 bdrm, swamp cooler, Ig fncd yd, gar, nice neighborhood. W D, Kinx WOODLAND Hills sub, 5 bdrms, 3 bath, fam rm, dining, nursery adjoing bdrm, deck off master bdrm, beautiful view of valley E Spring $450 mo 7980. 271 Dr. Salem. $250 dep. 224- - near church 8. school, $485 mo. Ren- Indscpd yd tal Marketing LEASE or Option, spacious 1 e J23-213- - unfinished bsmt, $450 mo. fully TWO bdrm, cable TV, W D cpted. hk-uor laundry facility. 5 PROVO 4 bdrm, I bath, utils. fncd yd 628 E 500 N $450 blocks-BY$228 No smoking pets. ROOMY 1 bdrm, utilities NICE 2 bdrm home wfam paid No smoking or pets. rnlt? fent CaM 785 58,1 $225 mo. 245 S 900 E, Provo. VERY nice 2 bdrm home, Call frplc, gar, unfinished full I'LL pay you $40 you buy bsmt, garden space Close N 900 E, Provo contract Village Apts In- to BYU-10. $450 mo 489 4898. door pool, $145 mo. R fv E f?l ROVE Silver FIVE bdrm, 3 bath, Provo block to school & Shadows new deluxe $650 duplexes, cathedral ceil- Churchy 374 9900 377j8966; ings, spacious, guys 8, girls 400 N Units, attendant. n PI N, or Orem, Phone G WANTED J FLEXIBLE SELLERS can pay cash for your equity. Must have less than 10 pet assumable 1st mortgage, or fixer uppers. Discounts from market value. Bill Wilde agent. LOOKING for house near BYU, within 2 miles, Ig lot, 3 bdrms, priced $35,000 or under. Call, Dick Butler, CLIENT WITH CASH ARRIVING from east to look for home to buy Dec 6, 7. Will close on house by Dec 17. If you have a home you wish to sell that meets the following requirements, please call Phelon 8. Asor John sociates Location Am Fork, Highland, Alpine, PI Grove, or N Orem Price range $85, 000-- 110,000. Five bdrms, 3 baths, fam rm, Ig kitchen, fruit rm, 2 car gar, Indscpd, fncd yd, low int. loan assumption. GIVE me the date you want your money for your home. will give you the sale date. Dean Plumb LAND wanted. Anywhere in Utah Co. 40 to 50 acres wgas 8. elec. Call Ernie Smith in SLC days or eves. WILL buy your lot, home, duplex or ? If you will except trade (barter) credits for your equity. $ 0 9 9- c NEW RECREATION At PROPERTY BABY-MUS- ) SELL i 1 Reference required, pets. Inquire at no 140 W 2nd S. FIVE acres recreational property near Fairview. 4 bath, Gravel roads, good tree THREE bdrm, block from BYU, cove 8, a pretty view. Good nice. hunting & fishing area. $395 fam preferred. down, $90.73mo. Total LARGE home in Manilla, $6995. SLC collect 1am rm, 3 bdrm, fplc, price spacious. 4164 W 8800 N. FORECLOSURE SALE $250 dep. Down$550 rent NEAR Fairview, 10 acres stairs apt negot. recreational property or esDUPLEX, 3 bdrms, 2 bath, tate lot for permanent livPI $315. Grove. gar, frplc, ing. Nice tree cover, gravel All American Realty, raods, 8, locked gate. 2 back Stan, pymts of $187.80. Total NEWLY decorated 4 balance $15,375.60. Call SLC bdrms, 2 12 baths, Ig fam collect rm, 2 frplcs, gar. Exc locaREAl ESTATE tion, near Temple, schools FORSAUE & church. $550 mo dep. 2 & to see. for details SALEM acre, 6 bdrm, pool, animals, fruit trees, MOBILE HOME Acre mmi-tartrees, many amenities PRICES'! LOW LOW Also, new Rulon Construction Prices start as low as DAY 30 on your lot. M Construction K S40.000 PAYSON 2 bdrm, frplc, steam heat, 4 rm bsmt, 12 acre. approx W 100 N. 526 548,000, SE Orem. VA APPROVED 5 great ward,4 RV bdrm, schools bath S69.900 4788 spot, down Owner Agent 224- - " SMILE! YOU'VE found it! Newer home has 4 bdrms, 2- 2 bath, loads of extras All for 595,000. Call Rita Hales 798- 2011. Osmond RE 2 pet ASSUME S60.000 loan, $15,000 negotiable 4 bath. 4 down. 5 bdrm, level split. Garden, fruit trees, fam rm off kitchen. Orem. 453 S 850 E FOR SALE BY OWNER CUSTOM 2 story Colonial, Ig fam rm, formal dining, air, custom central moldings throughout. Must see to appreciate the many extras. Located at 97 E 1750 N, Orem. Call Wayne Luck Or Joan or Hogge FOR sale solar townhome, 2 bath, 1024 sq 2 bdrms, ft finished. $5000 tax credit. 12 residential 373 8634 area. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, brick COUPLES Ig 2 bdrm apt, home, frplc, range, fridge elec. DW, carpot w shop area $100 dep, $325 mo Convenient to Mall & fncd back yd, no pets $425 751 $200 dep. 848 N 100 rent Signetics Avail immed. E. Am Fork. E 1350 S Orem. ATTRACTIVE house. 6( in MOBILE HOMES red ) ACADEMY 12x60, 3 bdrm, frplc, W D storm windows, cooler, skirting, covered porch, shed & more. Immaculately kept in 8, out. $8800. No 65 Lamplighter, Provo 14X60 EXCELLENT cond New cpt, 2 bdrms, lots of room, new shed, fncd yd 8, much mnrp nnlv lOflon r all High ft finished, fncd yd wfruit trees, Sprk Sys, frplc, deck, dbl carport, 2400 sq pet financing available. after 5PM BEST buy on the market, over 3000 sq ft, 7 bdrms, 2 12 baths, 3 yourself & save Chuck 224 6306 Martensen RE. LOCATED well SE Orem Priced right only SS8 500 lust hsted 3 bdrm split w dbl carport 8, tntd cnti vd For financing details call Duane Allred it 9566 or Village Green Realtv REPOSSESSED All brick bdrm 3 bath 2 trpl gar. view lot S71 900 or otter 5 pet down exc int Paul Ure ti 224 8, good Chuck 6306, Martensen RE. 224- - 599,900. WANT a gift? $10,000 you get 597,000 home w good renter. 3,000 sq ft, 5 bdrm. 3 bath. Assume $74,000 No balloons. mortgage. , or Owner-Agent- FOUR bdrm, 3 bath, repo. Fam rm, formal dining, sel- ler anxious. Fantastic terms & price Bryce, Moun-tainlan- 224-598- EXTRAORDINARY wooded setting on Provo River. One of Provo's most locations. distinctive 2 bdrms, 2 baths, fam rms, 2 frplcs. many extras On .6 acre W Lin- Pat Wyman JZ5 -- ,71 C!T 52666" REBATE on cute 3 bdrm, Orem 'starter' or owner will pay points. Custom 2 Like new inside! Great location 8. neighbors! Assumption, refinance, or or contract. Lynn 552,900. view from hath famith:. hiirm 5000 sq ft on ly home Near I 2 acre Owner anxious, leaving Best terms W Pat PANORAMIC ? Wyman RE DELIGHTFUL 3 bdrm, 2 2 bath, w Ig tam rm woodburning stove, fncd RV pad Terms. S64 90CGary Kern 224 6444 Lincoln bdrm ec J 1 1 0 Most folks sav the reason they DUYjour noxnes is our nomes. ' -- like The Foxvale for just Q l'l UNUlt I I NCI H A I (IUII M'lllllM V" lot. close to mountains in 4 bdrm, 2 NE Lindon l I) I A M CUI I T 1)1 - I PHICtS SIAHI III t SAL Al HI II l iiss ORlM UTAH Tht ifTniiriilc indHliwuitwwnltaimr S INVIHONMINI sw.aoo St ittordtbly 1 HUUI Kb- - 1' l I horn MA ?4S in 2 grrit communitiei CONCOKI) OAN oan amoiini i INT tsn.iionno it 11 0) MAM 1? S l OAN II MM 30 Tt AHS M(JN PMI 473 00 (ISt YR 'AS I O AS J DOWN Pl) fnUSTlvUK U'CK PARK KC & & Good Verl $89,000 Land ERA Mt (No. 384) II II LITTLE Cash!! $46,900 bdrm rambler on Ig lot in PI Grove 101 2 pet financing w low down Hilton Provo RE 37M700 TWO acres country living Assume FHA, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car gar Ideal tor ERA horses Verl Mt. Land (No 421). financing Nit Ml MOOR IMANS UNIOUl N U I I I t I 5 frplcs, nice view S IUII HIM S & HACK II (i IJ 30 loan avail on this SOMETHING special. Beautiful home on 2 acre $56,950? ! PERCENT, 2 yr bdrm home in PI Grove for only $58,900 Jim Clark Realty, 11-- 1 2 1 2 acre, ASSUME VA loan liiliN 1 Iwlrms Int bath. Ig rms, carport, fncd, S Orem S59.900, Dale ERA Mt. 785 5013 Land (No 448), TERMS elegant NE Orem rambler, 6 " walls, triple windows, main floor fam rm w stove D'Hing i m, 1 4 bath beautiful family home w frplc. Close Scott, 375 5103 or to schools, park 8. shopping Os THREE bdrm, 10x55, WD Call Kathleen mond RE low space rental Exc cond, low utils. $6,200. SMALL down, move-inow. New home. Buy or WHY pay rent? 3 mobile rent w option Call home priced $8500 to BY owner in Alpine, 5 yr old $18,500 Call Boyd, John Sr., brick home. 20 min. drive to or Ardel, ERA Mt. Land SLC or Provo. 3 bdrm, 2 (No. 389, 540, 538). bath up. $73,900. TWO bdrm trailer for sile, DEFERRED down pymt ow in Provo, good cond, for yr. 3 bdrm 1400 sq ft down, storage space. home in N E Orem 1900 or unfinished sq ft bsmt New 1CX50 TWO bdrm, good neighborhood $98 000 $625 cond, nice park, Provo mo pymt. 10x7 storage shed $4500 $hare irrig water w$1500 dn or $3900 cash wFREE purchase of this fantastic Am Fork bldg lot, 71 CRESTLINE 12x48. 2 only $14,000 Boyd at 768 bdrm, w, skirting For 3759, ERA Mt Land 785 more info, 5013 (NoS6S). 12 BY 65, 3 bdrm $8500 Lg FOUR bdrm, unique home w formal storage shed, S. Provo. dining rm for Holiday entertaining Call Karen ERA Provo BEAUTIFUL LOT LARGE mobile home lot on RE Snade trees, lg HOME for sale, Knob Hill garden. By new river trail, area, 4 bdrms, 4 bath, park $16,500 offer See at AC. Near church & schools. 1441 W 570 N, Provo 1C $69,500 pet int Terms avail. 756 4479 bdrm, rare to secure future of - op-pt- y in- dependence 8. security for lg fam now. 4900 (almost 5.000) sq ft solar home on 2 acres w 6" culinary iiOU sq ft Artesian well shop Both bldgs are roofed, 1 1 enclosed, insulated, plumbed, wired, heated, 8 lived in but unfinished. PI Grove Only S 89 900 Very legitimate bargain 8. oppty. Terms Must sell immed. Mitch Century 21 Golden West , PICTURE yourself in the country 1600 sq ft home on acre Needs same work. ERA Mt. Debbie . Land i No. 482K bdrm brick home, Am Fork, 549.900. Reduced 54000 for fast sale. 57000 down, contract. Gar, half bsmt. Call Wayne ERA Mt Land (No. THREE 464) c RE FHA VA Gary Bushnell DON'T TOUCH t move into this Lincoln 375 6156 785- 4MLS658 1 7973. $68.000 thing-jus- 226- 6611 Call IDEAL Starter home 3 bdrms bath, rlo'.e to BY owner. 53000 down asschol, church, shopping custom throughout. sumes 13 pet F HA loan, no Will trade for larger home 5124 900 Dale R E. 3 bdrm new S52.900. Miller Charles ERA Mt, Land (No qualifying, 375 0430, Jessie, rambler, NW Orem 477). no agents ASSUME FHA 8 pet loan. 3 MOVE in for Christmas, as4 baths, frplc, LEHI, assumabie 7 3 4 pet bdrms, sume FHA loan Fncd yd, loan, 3 yr old hi level 3 lull bsmt, .30 acre. 12 fruit new big carport new 8873 bdrms, 558.000 trees, fncd. sprk sys. For 30X40' block building. ofS59.900 Call Happy Valley SEVEN acres, in... 1433 sq sale by owner at S65.500 John ft 3 bdrm home & 3 acre fer 986 N 520 E, Orem Call RE for appt, 226 2621 fishing pond, out bldgs for MAKE an offer, 4 bdrm, stock, small stream 8, 2 NEW 2 bdrm, full bsmt. bath in N Orem FHA 245. wells, Salem. Great posRepo. 551,900. 5 pet down, 1, 800 depends uii 54J, low int loan. Hurry. Bryce, sibilities S145.000 terms. Part trade possible, Mtn Land, 847 N 235 E, Orem. S89.900 FOUR level split. 5 bdrm 6 yr uld home in SW NICE, near new, 2 story, 4 Orem. Fam rm w frplc, FOUR bdrm, fncd yd. AC bath, Sprgvl. bdrm, manicured yd, dbl gar W D disp, fruit rm. S69.000 w elec opener, patio, park- energy efficient insulation 2 bath, OREM 3 bdrm, 2 ing for RV, very convenient Can rent out bsmt 10 air, wood stove, SI 5.000 to all schools & recreation pet FHA, S500 72 mo. down, assume FHA 10 pet center. Call Jerry Loveland 510.000 down. after 5PM loan. or Bushnell Real 3 new SHARP, nearly Estate FOR those who love skiing, full bsmt, Indscpd, bdrm, mountains, beauty. New Ig 2600 SQUARE Ft Finished drps, about to be repossescustom designed home near 4 sed 555,000 or offer. Excelw wet rm bar, Family Sundance Unequaled bdrms, 2 baths, Ig. lot. lent terms Paul Ure beauty View, stream Windsor RE Flexible terms Charles security Easy access. W Miller R E, IDEAL house for profesLin Pat Wyman 3 FISH FROM sional or service us, coln RE BACK YARD carpeted entries, consider TWO 2 pet story home, 400 FEET on Provo River 4 short term contract, extra int, 30 yr, no balloon. 2 bath, great bldg. Central RE bdrm, 5107,000, 336 S 950 W, Orem. S902 mo. Marge Ruth neighborhood 72 59,000 down or terms or lease option. Owner Agent 54000 DOWN. S460 mo. 3 IMMACULATE 3 bdrm & Larry, home, 6 mos old in PI Grove bdrm, 2 bath Bryce, area. Approx 1200 sq ft, just Mfn Land, BEAUTIFUL home in like new. S68 ,000 offer. 2 Cedar Hills. 3 bdrms, LOVELY 4 bdrm home after 7. baths, fam rm w frplc, din- S285 month. FHA 235. ing rm, 2 car gar. Has full S56.500, owner. NEAR BYU, brick, 3 bdrm, unfinished bsmt. Home sets 3 4 bath, frplc, full bsmt, on an exc hillside view lot. PROVO condo 557,900. No gar, sprinklers, S62.500. 12 Will sell on low down pymt need to qualify, seller will pet contract avail. $10,000 cntract or lease w option to take out loan. 3 bdrm, close down. Priced below to BYU, Temple, shopping or buy. ERA Mt Bonnie 2 bath. FIVE bdrm NEAR BYU, older 7 rm, 2 Land (No 396). Exc cond. 554,500 or 3 bdrm, Clegg bath, rec. rm RE LOVELY 235 FHA home, w wood burning stove, forrm, Ig 546,500 Masonary S286 mo Low down pymt mal dining, laundry kitchen, $52,500. 12 pet conHome in N Orem, low down $54,000. Call, 2 pet FHA COZY & cute to assume You'll be tract avail. $10,000 down. loan, pymts S352 mo. Single pleased when you walk into Priced below bank apor carport, fncd yd, clean this newly remodeled home praisal. cond. Call Jerry Loveland in central Provo. 2 bdrms, REAl ESTATE nice lot & good location Gary Dy mock NORTH Bushnell RE Ideal for couple getting Financing avail OWNER carry $59,500. AsFOR sale, solar townhome, started Duane Allred sume FHA 9 2 pet loan. 3 2 baths, 1377 sq $41,000 3 bdrms, 2 or Village Green RE bdrm, 1670 ft, good location. ft finished, main floor util. Mel ERAMt. Land rm, formal dining area, 12 pet. BY owner S5000 tax credit, (No. 535). Cute 2 bdrm starter home, NW Provo. HORSE property! Wow! financing avail. 557,900 eves call Low down, assume low int Nice 4 bdrm home w Igfam loan, 2nd on balance. rm 8. frplc on 2 acres in PI LOOK NO MORE Fridge, washer, gar, fncd Grove. Assume super low TWO bdrm. bath, yd, covered patio $41,900. int w high balance. remodeled kitchen 8, living S74.900 John Jr rm. 53,000 down, 10 pet int, ERA Mt. Land (No negotiable terms. $36,900. CALL it home 3 bdrms, Call Bob Brown bath 1065 sq ft finished All 552K 11 78 INTEREST Osmond RE this & a Ig lot too. Karen, Provo RE MANILLA dandy 3 bdrm 2 THREE level split. home on Ig lot, S84.900. 12 pet int, low down Only BY owner. We'll pay you left realtor s fees. 5 bdrm, 2 Call Maurice Peterson, Boley Realty 2 FIVE bdrm home in exc bath, fam rm, frplc. Great ALPINE DREAM Am Fork location, low family home Low int, at BEAUTIFUL Ranch home down, great terms $79,500. least 515,000 down. $71,800 minus realtor's fees. wood Custom work throughout, main floor dinSEEING is believing Iming, laundry, office, 8, fam 2 MUST sell or default. maculate 3 bdrm, rm. Artistic Indscp. Over 2 bath, all newcabinets 8. ap- Reduced from $92,000 to dozen fruit trees 8, pine $76,000 Approx 3400 sq ft. pliances, Fncd yd w as- 2000 finished Modern dome trees w panormic stream sorted fruit trees, 569,900. 2 acre lot Assume 11 on design, 3 bdrm. 2 bath, NE Charles Miller R F, Orem Will pay points for pet mtg Don't miss out 3 RE A RE Windsor 5547 high Co 8. , 1 acre .8 frplcs, wanimal rights NEW twin home in Provo. 594 N 1300 W by Rivergrove 6 bdrm Park on 2 bath, 2,000 sq. ft., frplc fam rm. Finish 0 call very clean throughout Owner anxious. Call Jerry Loveland Dymock Dennis tompietelv 00 . c See Mgr 565 VA REAl ESTATE SOUTH ALMOST 3 a give away. S10 000 below appraisal. 4 bdrm brick, full bsmt, Elkridge home, $75,000. or ERA Mt. (No 544). Kathy Land NICE, near new, 2 story. 4 bdrm, 2 2 bath. Sprgvl. 000 S69 PRIVATE setting This 2 bdrm brick home w full bsmt is found at the end of a country v Spring lane in E. le. Mature shade fruit trees. 8. acre 2 Price w terms 8, negotiable. Asking $79,000. Call Duane Allred or Village Green Realty 2 ACRES Floor plan, unmatched valley view, exc residental area surrounded by orchards yet close to all conveniences. This partially finished home lets you add your touch to an unbelievable buy. You're not dreaming, I've got jt listed American Dream RE SPACIOUS NEW 3 bdrm, lots kitchen, bath, dream other of amenities Call Karen ERA Provo RE SALEM Over 3 acre, fruit trees, garden area, older home, new unattached gar. $3000 down, 1 $452 mo. $52,900. Call 225-3- S46.900. term's. or RE 225 7878 bsmt w assume 3 acre lot $2,000, LEHI now for $19,000 bank foreclosure. Will offer 13 pet int 8. 10 yr contract w only si 000 down Call now, NEW listing Newer 3 bdrm split level home in Orem framed down: & loan, many extras Mel ERA Mt. Land 5013 (No. 534!. bdrm. red brick New cpt. storm windows 8. furnace Ly lot, view Sunset Vista Orem, 500 out! & inished up F 575 900 Owner-- S88 in BEAUTY sale BY Call 535.500 SACRIFICE S3 000 DOWN S360 mo 20e5 Railroad Rd Lehi Cute 2 bdrm new root Contract 800-5- INDIAN Hills Best Buy Near Temple & BYU Exc etc. Owner finance. finish throughout. 4 bdrms, PARKS $129,000. Lease, buy, terms. 3 baths Buy on contract, down 8 terms negotiable. SPACE for rent; $125-moSI 5,000 below true value at 2 bath everything furn. 81except $69,000. sewer home, close to Mountain S135.000. Call Provo RE 375- eelec; with water 489only, $75 mo. 795 S. St View School. Over 4700, Skip Predmore Provo. S79 J00 Call Rita Bob 226 6917. Osmond TRADF-OPTIO- ONE CUSTOM HOMES Additional acres avail REAl ESTATE NORTH 1025-13"'- purchase considered.10 S800 mo 21 Page - 3 bdrm, TOWNHOMES distinct in style, sq ft. European appeal, it pet int avail, up to $5,000 tax credit for solar hot water & heat Dennis & Co LEHI, nice 2 bdrm, only ELKRIDGE (Payson). new English Tudor. 4 bdrm, hvng rm tam rm, separate dining 2 car gar, fully decora'ed $114 900 Lease 373-830- REAl ESTATE THREE bdrm house for SWEETWATER time rent in Am. Fork. 435 N. 850 share, gold week, anytime, . E.J72-8451anywhere, 1st priority, loan. PROVO, $375, partially furnished. 3 bdrm, near River- 7 A CRES Flat P n e side Shopping Center, dog Meadow, water & power run. Call close by, near Bear River, PROVO, 4 bdrm, 2 2 bath, Summit Co. Approx fam rm, dbl gar, Ig yd, $3500acre make offer quiet NE area, close to schools. $680 mo. Call Brad SUMMER home, view lot, 224- - 2846. Mansell 8, ASSOC. acre in Uintas. Water, 225- - 500. power. $15,000. TWO bdrm in PI Grove, PARK City Condos, avail neat & clean. $350 dep. from Dec 3. Sleeps 4 8. 8. Bear Lake Condos LEHI, 2 bdrm house, $275 avail through winter. Great mo utils, $100 dep. snowmobiling & skiing. '72 1 2136 W Lease option 756j34ir $290mo. NE Orem Rambler. 5 4 baths, fam rm, bdrm duplex, N Orem bdrms, residential area, unfurn or 2 frplcs, bar, loaded. Dale furn wwaterbed, sofa 8. $600 mo. 225 3910 chair, possible W D. AVAILABLE Jan 4 bdrm, girls, avail immed PRIVATE room for male 3 bath, fam rm, dbl car gar, no smoking pets $550 opening, good location-closto campus, free cable dep, ElkRjdge SE TV. Before noon or after UNFURNISHED, 3739pm Orem, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, gar, , STORAGE & 2 bdrm, partly furn. utiis. from Nice yd. $325. mo 700 N. Refs req'd Info 225- SPRINGVILLE fam home, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 2 frplc, fncd, women, separate bdrms. 597 4 N 1300 W $150 each $38 ple NEAR-Tem- Men. NEW luxury duplex W of Rivergrove Park. Men or Grove. $450. mo. NICE home for rent in winter renting semester. Women Mon-Fr- 8am-10a- Convenient location. $350, rent Dec 459 live-i- Mon-Fri- 374-17- units. SINGLES GRAND VI EW 3 bdrm, 2 SPACIOUS 2 8, 3 bdrm apts. bath older home on 1 acre, BYU i. help you move, or do it yourself 8. rent our trailer. 8, Reasonable rates N. FREE rent for mo. on stg $350. units in Sp Fork. PROVO-male to share 2 THREE bdrm Payson, 391 cinder block units. mo bdrm furn apt. $140 N 100 W. W D Call Call JR Mitchell, utils paid after or 12X24 ALL block storage 6pm. OREM, 3 bdrms, W fridge, microwave oven stove. See at: 771 W 450 EVERGREEN Apts has a NICE 3 bdrm, bath, limited number of vacanfam rm, W' D BYU ap- frplc, cies avail & NICE 2bdrm apt in Payson, proved $95 mo discount. disposal, newly cpted $400 mo. $200 dep. drped. , $180 mo. Call WD utils. No pets smoking. W. Center, Provo. LARGE deluxe bdrm MUST sell girls' contract, after 5 or suite. $225 heat & lights. own rm, frplc, DW, $115mo LOVELY Am Fork 5 bdrm, utils. Sue, Couples, lyr lease. 2 bath, Indscpd fncd yd, 25 JJndJVLOrem. COUPLES, small 2 bdrm frplc, lots of xtras. $450 mo, PAYSON apt. $190. No smoking pets. yrmore lease. BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm, Year lease. ROOM for your horse! bath. $225, $200 dscnt Elegant 3 bdrm home w- HOUSES utils. AC. 146 W 500 S No B. cozy family rm on .7 acre. FOR RENT Mon-Fr$600, mo. Near Alpine. ERA John TWO bdrm home in Payson Mtn Land, for rent or will consider SrL.75.6J0 CONDOMINIUM, extremely nice! Prime location. 2 contract Payson, 2 frplc, THREE bdrm after 4. bdrm, DW, disp, fridge, S LCJ fam rm, DW, near school, extra laundry NEW Brick, 7 bdrms, 5 church. Lease opt. storage area, tennis, out4000 sq ft finished GRAND View, 3 bdrm, 2 side BBQ & Ig play area. baths, bsmt. Lease or bath, acre, nice view. No roughed-i$325 mo. Call Lisa lease woption. Mapleton. smokers $460. LOVELY 2 bdrm apt, 347 S 4.4 acres Huge fam rm, THREE bdrm house, Am 150 W, Orem. $210. Call kitchen area. Provo RE Fork, 435 N 850 E. Call or Skip Predmore or OREM deluxe 2 bdrm 2 openings in 3 GIRLS, WD DW, disp, , bdrm house to share w1 ONE Acre AC, covered parking, walk-iclosets, new everything. trees, many amenities. other girl. $150mo In utils. 5100 Orem dep. Play area, tennis courts, Also, new 3 bdrm. Call near security Post Office. RV stg, individual stg rm, Rulon smoke alarm, cable TV, NICE 3 bath THREE bdrm. fncd, stg, bdrm, near Mai. $280 mo. Call No smokers. W D hkps. 1571 S 300 NE Orem. home, now, this offer good thru $340 mo. W Provo. Limit 2 children, Christmas. no pets smoking. $350mo SANTAQUIN THREE bdrm, bath. utils. agent. 2 bdrm7No $375 DUPLEX, EAST Orem area. 4 bdrms, frplc, fruit trees. $425, E 114 100 S. Call children, pets, smoke. 2 bath, fam rm, big yd, gar. dscnt. $ 95mo utils. 8am-10a- v a't-at.- QCSJ bdrm apt, $160mo. New many extras. s e 1 3 M l 2 PERCENT new home 30 vr ALMOST BEAUTIFUL 2 000 sq 3 frplcs s 4 bdrm 3 bdrms fni sned home Assumable loan lean avail on entrai ar extensive wood 226 Pa'h dining rm tam rm Close to rec center db1 gar 2 story tor oni 1039 throughout 8'v S 325 $71 900 Orem Jim ClarK A Orem 226 0080 INTEREST flexible Realty 226 Poo JUST reduced to SJ9 900 depending on down pymt. 2 14 Brick 5 bdrm 2 ba'h home LOVElV Provo-Orenew 3 bdrm brick ramblers in exc Orem area, full homes 'rem S53 500 to has several fruit trees 8, bsmts, dbl garages Central 56' 900 AH 9 pet to 11 pet as good terms Chuck 224 e30 Vartensen RE Exc terms Real Estate 373 8300 Erra sumaoie ioa,-S2000 down lew pymts pos or Jan 225 0e89 SUCH A STEAL' sible Trade ears e'e La' REDUCED S65 000 Owner SHARP starter, 2 barm RE Jim Clark ry says. Sell now Must see bath, assume 7.75 pet loan Nice 2 bdrm this leveiy 5 bdrm 3 bath Low down. Provo. $42 000 NE PROVO Windsor house covered pa'io oar- custom 4500 sq. ft home m Paul Ure age 545 000 Terms or re- private Provo Cyn comRE finance Central Real munity w waterfall too DREAM HOME Amenities include ComRuth Estate WITH free '83 car 4500 sq ft munity tennis court picn.i. Beverlv 225 4308 finished, 5 bdrm, 3 bath area boating pond 8, Provo cathedral ceilings in lg ENGLISH Tudor 2 repossesRiver frontage 50 m.n to 5 bath SLC U'v'rd sed 3 bdrm front rm & master bdrr Farm A jencv d acre near univ vaulted ceiling forma' Extras, Co Mike Donovan RE crown 3 acre m grapes moldings ope1' '56 8331 Mall w $187,000 - will trade all of- stairway SI 10 000 or otter 5 Beautiful vdor exc int rate PROVO down pet fers considered W.ndsor home on E B e n i h b Paul Ure BY owner, 4 bdrm 2 bath, racketball court Home RE 226 6611 bsmt, gar aye. $62 0C0 Call to' BEAUTIFUL 4 bdrm home valuf $250 000 now sen or like new cond 2?n26 SI 69 900 Bank needs to fv OWNER must sell this new covered built Call now for appt Dennis patio dec Co 756 7301 e energy efficient builders m BBQ 2 br,ck 2 home. 3 bdrms tarn Tn dbl fncd NEW HOME Ig yd frplcs gar frplcs, dbl gar Assume low approx 5 yrs old Most see FOR CHRISTMAS? interest rate. 582 000 Jerry Loveland Bushnell SURPRISE your family LinMuriel Heal Real tstate J73 fcf 50 224 with a lovely new plan of coln RE 375 7171 0227 If you gross your choice S1500 mo you can build our DEAR HOME SELLER: NEGOTIABLE TERMS WE'RE so convinced that LARGE Fam home in Sub- Manchester plan on our 30 we can sell your home that division near Am Fork day build schedule at a base of S54 50 down pymt we will advance you your Alpine Luxury tone he', on a price huti.e budget Move m now or of $1653 pymts o! $374 equity iiCallyuut mo the 1st vr on an FHA Hilt: n qualifies later Asking S37 500 756 2 pet 30 yr 245B loan at 10 Provo RE 375 4700 5003 fixed rate ot int Call now MUST sell immed 3 bdrm ONF real nice ig reposses- tor more info Build your bath, carport, trplc. 3 yrs sed home Needs some future now with Mark IV old. Will accept contract finish work, iiood Orem Associates 226 7984 556,900. 799 N 2200 W Provo, location. Only 5190 000 you SACRIFICE 4 level split, 5 3102 Call collect name the terms Central bdrm, loaded w extras OLDER Home in Provo has Real Estate Owner will carry financing it all: good location, easy Marge 489 4468 or Beverly at 10 pet 30 yr Call Lee terms. 2 bdrm, priced to Boley Realty sell. Provo RE LAID Of. reduced S5000 REDUCED S7000 Olga Haynie 375 8675 5 2 assume urt loan 5 bdrm, 2 WE buy, sell or exchange bdrm, 3 bath, brick ly tam BEAUTIFUL home, Asreal estate in & out of state rm, Orem 576.900 Larry bath NE 9Orem 2 pet int loan sumable 785- Westlanrt Properties Jim Clark RE or take lot as part equity. 3626, ?r-- bdrm, Winter Semester Contracts ONE bdrm apt. $180 mo lights. 489 S 500 E, Provo. 8 Call or f JUST acquired new duplex, J 6C REAl ESTATE FOR SAIE FOR SALE EXCELLENT Location, 3 bdrm duplex, N Orem, w D DW, Gar, 729 N 1060 W, Orem. $320 rent $200 - THE HERALD, Provo. Utah, 7. 1982 THREE bdrm, PI Grove rambler. Assume FHA low mt loan w no qualifying or credit checks Low down, exc terms J60.000 HIGH clas; location! $71,900 for Am Fork 3 bdrm brick rambler Bonnie ERA Mt Land (No 455) LOCATION view energy efficient 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 Full bsmt w tam rm frplc. roughed in 3 bdrms down Andy 7B5 4666 ERA Mt Land 785 5013 (No 566) MUST sell $2500 down assumes loan on two 3 bdrm homes Lehi, 768 8880 FOUR bdrm, all brick, car gar - HA I 3 ace lew int negot John Jr ERAMt Land7B5 247). Assume or $45 900 , 5013 (No. LARGE beautiful, new 3 bdrm home w panoramic view in Payson. Bank repo, sell as is or will finish. Call Howard, C & A Realty NEW brick home in Nephi. 1340 sq ft on acre. Dbl gar. Priced .0 sell, terms avail 8. flexible, low int. Call Nephi or St George. KEEP warm, this Sprgvl home has 2 frplcs, 4 bdrms Si room for family privacy. Call today, Karen E RA Provo RE 3 bdrm SPRINGVILLE, brick, fam rm, frplc, Ig lot. pet assumable loan. $6000 down, no balloon pymts Asking, $59,500. Call or Wilde Bill, 8, Co, CLOSING COSTS DOWN OWN E R moved out of this 5 bdrm. 2100 sq ft home in Sp Fork. FHA $408mo pymts. pet, $53,000. Provo Call Hilton RE down 8. low monthly pymt, you can't afford not too see this 2 story 2 bdrm home. Call Karen ERA Provo Real Estate. LOW UNSURPASSED VIEW from this quality acres. brick home on Nebo Agency, Eves, by owner. Deluxe, furnished. Silver Shadows $132,000. What terms would you like? eves 8, weekends. SEVEN bdrm, 2 fam rms, home w adjoining shop Priced to sell fast Provo RE Karen, DUPLEX well-con- BANKRUPTCY sale, 2 parcels of real property. ( ) Lumber yard at 210 W Center, approx 26,000 sq ft of real property together with an office, showroom building, storage sheds 8, greenhouse. (2) 4 6 acres n 1 real property 425 S 400 Nephi Ut. The home is a E 2 home 8. located at approx. story brick dwelling built in approx 1900 consisting of 1300 sq ft of finished living area 8, an unfinished 2nd story Both parcels of real property or such divisible portion thereof as the trustee shall elect to sell, shall be sold at an auction sale in the US Bankruptcy Court. 350 S Main St, Salt Lake City Ut 84101, on Dec 8, 1982 at the hour of 3 o'clock PM Persons desiring additional information concerning the property to be sold or the terms 8, conditions of the auction & sale should contact Roger Segal, trustee, (801 FIVE yr old 4 bdrm, 3 bath, ) kitchen Ig & fam rm. Raised, enclosed deck. 1600 3 car sq ft detached gar acres in carport On 3 Beniamin $145,000. MINI RANCH ACRE, corrals, barn, water shares, 1800 sq ft 4 bdrm older brick home Sprgvl $53,000 Hilton Provo RE THREE yr brick Approx acre w view of county Irrig, exc well, storage bldg, agriculture icne between Payson 8, Salem. Appox value $79,000 gent. 2 . 1 |