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Show 6CSDCD rsn Tuesday. December c MUttCAt MOTORCYCLES INSTRUMENTS BtCYCttS WURL:TZER Upright Grand console, like new cond, must sell. between 9 8. 5. TWO drum sets: , wcym-balscym-bal- DELUXE accordian for sale in great shape. $250 KAWAI upright piano, beautiful walnut finish, exc cond. or CLARINET, $160. Makes a great Christmas gift, (oi SKATING 2454 '81 YZ 125 H cond, S749 Yamaha, exel mission, must spll best offer. or SUZUKI-'80- , hammers, case hand checkered French walnut, sling swivels, listed $1295 in 1979 Shooters Bible asking '81, '82 RM DR400st legal. 489- - TWO AUCTIONS ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8 12:00 NOON & 5:00 P.M. '82 HONDA XR 200R En 622. trade in 4436. 375 TWENTY eight inch wdeluxe child carrier car carrier, 8, SIQO. '79 KAWASAKI KS 250. Im mac, low hours. $1300, for you650. $850 6 Colt Ace, like new, $250. S 8, W model 36, 3" barrel, like new, $150. Att 4pm RELOADING supplies: Shot, powder, etc. Very low prices. Firearms, dealer 8 pet. cost THE ultimate in private hunting clubs, $99 down. For info call Lynn ROSSIGNOLChallenge7s, 185 cm wSolomon 222 bindings, fairly new shape. Used season. $120. Call Troy, SKI outfit. Great shape, K2 200's, Salamon bindings, boots & poles. 1 everybody to 375 6034. be able to attend so we've size REGULATION fooseball table, like brand new. FOR sale Winchester model 94 exc cond. Call '80 250 TD Suzuk motorcycles Both like new, low ms. $1000 each 226- - atc All gloves, windshields, racks, lerseys, tires 8, etc. Performance Cycle, 762 N 1200 W, Orem, '71 HONDA 350 Must sell. going on mission, 5325. 785- '80 HONDA XR 500. Very fast, many extras. Hopped to the max. Call ENFIELD Stainless $275. S stainless after 64 5PM. Package. Like new Rossignol (170) skis, bindings, poles, boots (size t Sell! 12). Best SKI 9- offer-Mus- SOLOMON 8. 66 bindings Rossignol FM Skis 160cm 2 $25. Jacket $120. Boots 8, bibs, size 10 $45. RUGER 44 mag, 10 inch barrel, holster, grips, exc cond. TRAMPOLINE Kit, easy, hundreds unique, sold, $179. Superior indoor rebounders, $79. 14 ft. TRAMPOLINES, round, 7 yr gnty, $389, Christmas lawaway. 1 full-siz- FOOT Insulated Camper Shell, good cond, Best offer. Call ft, Camper propane stove, oven, htr; $900. 224 sink, sleeps $300,000 USECTSALEH! '71 21 FOOT Breeze, '75 20 Foot Nomad, '77 24 ft Great Divide, '77 25 ft Fireball $6900. ft Terry, $9450. '82 Nomad, $6990. '82 Prowler, 1182 State, Orern. N TEN foot camper, exc cond. 5x7 utility trailer. Call 22 ft, '78 ROADRANGER dual axles, dual batteries, AC, stereo, cpt, equalizer hitch, extra clean, must see to appreciate. SlOO's under spring price, firm. $5500 after 6PW. CAMPER for sale $500. Call before 5 PM. 1976 TERRY, 19', tandem axle. LAYTON Bunkhouse. Books S7300 will sell for $6800. Before Dec 20, 754- - weeks for delivery. '81 s 3323. SNOW CALIBER Sako Rifle 8, PSC Compound Bow 17 quiver. MACHINES 3 Scott, 6 Nordica 8, Scott. Also Jr Skis 8. Bindings, like new, make ONE Polaris TX 500 LTD, 3 cyl. One Polaris custom 530 wtilt trailer, mint cond, only 1,000 miles, always stored inside, dealer mainor tained. FOR Sale"' 81 Yamaha SRV. Like new cond. $2100 best Offer. Call GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! SNOWMOBILE trailers, Wells Cargo enclosed steel structure, manufactured in after Make offer. 5pm. SKI BOOTS FOR SALE 12 11 SANGIORGIO, 11 Lange, or 7 offer. LARGEST UTAH'S Oqden, Ut. Collect SELECTION CHRISTMAS Sale. New i Futura 500, track. Reg. $2,995. only, $2,359. Lakeside Trade Sell Buy Moto-Sk- COTTONTREE TRADING Cottontree Square CO. I 7 Bldg. Provo Futura SALE: Moto-sk- i save $$; snowmobile 500, trailers BOATS & MOTORS C $130. 234. MUST sell 16' Sea Nymth w25 H 8, 5 12 H Clinton 9' B. $1250 offer. APOLLO 25 ft 78. Must sell, best offer. Call 225-9- 33 20'6" Sa- '80 BAYLINER Weekender, ntiago , CabinGalley, 360 Merc IO, trim tabs, moor cover, full weather cover, many extras. Ideal Lake Powell. Immaculate after cond. $13,500. porta-pottie- 5pm. c MOTORCYCUS & BICYCLES YAMAHA YZ 100 '82. brands cluding such as: Horseman, Mattel, Skilcraft, GAF, Castle, Remco, Nucor, Continental, KTS, Losix, Mr. Skate, Wilson, plus many other brands. Exc cond, hardly ridden. Call or $525; 5 Sets, pc. Luggage Ladies and Mens Watches, Mens and Ladies Brass Cologne, Brass Spitoons, Licensed dealer. GUNS, immed cash. bow With a whole new load of Christmas gifts in- MERCHANDISE: $2950 $3995. $5900 '80 27 24 ft 23 ft $6995. Quality RV WILL order guns wholesale 10pctor$10min. Allow 3 & WE'RE BACK! name TERRY, Prowler, Ally, Fan, over 30 to choose from. '82 8, '83 Models! You will not believe our prices! Quality RV 1182 N State, Orem. TWO very strong utility trailers, $400. 8. $200. Great fold-a-sle- Lakeside Sports, 785- - Mens and Jewelry, Timex Planters, Ladies Alarm Knives, Hunting Cigarette Lighters, Barbie Fashions, Super Jock, Electronic Robots, Footballs, Doll Houses, Wood Doll House Furniture, Terri Bride and Bridesmaid Dolls, Hundreds of Brand Dolls, Stuffed Name Animals, Stuffed Animal Piggy Banks, Child's Chairs, Plush Electronic Toys, Backgammon Sets, Latch Kits, Rug Seamstress Scissors, Cutlery Sets, Tons of RubberHousewares, maid Car Caddies, Ski Goggles, Sunglasses, Skateboards, Canteens, Home Stereos, TVs, Car Stereos, Assortment of Horlequinn Romance Novels, Tube Socks, Pen Flashlights Bat- c Trouble Lights, Extension Cords, Socket Sets Screwdriver Hammers, Nut Driver Sets, are just a few of the HUFFY 10 speed. Less than cond. yr old. Sell for $100 best after 6pm. offer. low 77PEexc250 Suzuki, cond, $575. Call miles, Cat Pan-tara'- s exc DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AT A FRACTION OF RETAIL PRICES 1 POLARIS AUCTION CO: Reserves the right to add or delete any 3 Make good Christmas items. TIMMONS HARLEY-DAVIDSO- WINTER from now until Christmas. Unbelievable savings. Save now on '83 Harleys, buy now & layaway. No int. due until April 1. 192 N. State St, Orem. '79MOTOBECANE Moped, like new, great gas mileage, $400. Call HURRY! Need to sell '77 YZ Mono Shock 100. Exc cond. Only 200 miles. $450 bPst offer Good bike for kids. 80 HONDA CR 80. Like new, less than 300 miles, gar-kep- $450 . t, must best offer. see. or (5) C ) A",ciiAfT Pilot written test guaranteed in one PRIVATE weekend. Dec 4th Flight Tech. 0C 8, dry markings, mouth, long hair 373J3139 kitten. HIMALAYAN 756 5th. AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE WED Dec. 8 I auction at 12 noon sharp 2nd auction 5pm. 194 N State St, Orem, UT. B 8, P Auction Co will be back in town 1 more time before Christmas w a whole new semi load of name brand toys 8, gifts. ChecK Tuesdays classified section for details. Auction Conducted By: B & P AUCTION CO. Joe Profaizer BEAUTIFUL Idaho Russet Potatoes. Unwashed for longer storage. 10 to 100 lb bag S 10 cents lb DELICIOUS red potatoes JOHN Deere 835 3 74 12-- An-io- 6133 Provo, APPLES 8. varieties-gif- t 4322 SPRINGER mix pups, AKC mother, hunting stock, $10 FARM selected al! FRONT end pears hydraulic hand direct, USDA Grade 489-504- f Call local J honey. A gift. Sprgvl. practical Christmas 295 W 4th S, 5pm-Mo- PURR-FEC- for T Christmas, fat adorable kit 510 ea tens, PUREBRED Beagle pups, great for kids, 570. SPECIAL Bred puppies, adorable, worth a lot but going cheap for Christmas 4 Call GERMAN Shepherds, Reg female S125, will hold until Christmas. CaJ! mo FREE to good home, n J c 6C 72 FORD Ranchero S725 Call 12-- J HAY barns, steel pipe or wood post, flat steel or gable truss roof, any size low as 2.50sqft. Free est. Wilson Farm Bldg 3195, 768 4202 must sell S2500 offer. 30 NEW engines, fer. '78 LOOK '74 Dodge Club Cab ton PU w AT, AM radio. 3 4 miles, under Only 377 8634, 0 wholesale. Washburn S988. 350 Chev eng, perfect low mil. complete. days, ask for rebuilt motors, various & sizes. Complete & waranteed As low as S649. pypes '58 Int, Step-sid- e pick-up- 0C ec J J V-- rear-end- J Exc pups. Husky bloodlines. wks old. S75 7 BROWN SwissHolstein family milk cow, calve Ju-- I y, 5700. OBFDIENCE classes start Dec. 13. Gtd results with any dog. Don Willett, 785 3473. GERMAN Shepherd pups, 8 wks. Champion lines, out standing temperament 8, quality. Free obedience classes w all pups, terms, first shots, fully gtd. Don Willett, Shepherds Timpview .785-347- COCKERS- Christmas. 768 BRITTANY pups, AKC, bloodlines, championship Will hold for S50. Chrisimas. Call GREAT Danes, purebred. 8 mo. old male 8. female. 754 3355 or - S10 PURE white Alaskan pups S30. Call TERRIERS- - friendly,8, care Westies small-eas- Cairns. The Turff FREE German Shepherd pups to good homes. 768- j!23-)62- 925J ENGLISH Setter pups champ hall of N 181 fame lines 100 E Am Fork. Hand COCKATIELS raised, tame babies. S40 incls free gray, training tape. Will hold for Christmas. Wanted: TV . video game FREE: 2 beautiful orphaned female kittens, approx 3 mos. old, box trained, loving, needed Call 37513550 " ACME FENCE CO DOG runs 8, kennels, por table or permanent 1440 W Center, Orem. FREE darling puppies small silky Terrier cross, pedigreed mother Also Christmas trees THE first known Want Ad was for a run away slave. ARABIAN mare 34, 8 years old. Best offer. Call after 5 pm. ILLNESS forces sale. Choice milk cows, home raised, gentle, easy to milk. Also, heifers 8. young bull. Priced to sell. HORSES, sale or trade for good car. Now booking for Utah summer pack trips. R ( rsar ) R ( ""ay ) Day or week. 63 w yrs. BRAND new stalls for rent. Convenient N Provo location. SSQ.mo. FOR sale full blooded 3 yr old Arabian filly, ready to BEAUTIFULLY tooled Western saddle, new cond, 15" padded seat REX Rabbits, quality breeding stock, seal 8, ermine, bucks 520, does $40. SADDLES, very nice 2 NOTICE HORSE dispersal sale, '81 tandem axle 2 horse trailer. Cost 54500 new, will sell for 53300 best offer. Quarter horses priced from $500 to 53000. Saddles, tack, all accessories, horse walker, horse feeders. Will take auto or truck in trade. Exchange Short Blocks Save Money Avoid Sticker Shock! Crank Cam & timing component kits Overhaul kits kits Short blocks $7500 '77 JEEP condition LOOK !!! (6 mo machining services available SHERL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP "A Greaf Ron For Your Money" 377-538- 8 1515 N. Riverside Dr Provo A. Hatch Verlin Dolf vanKesteren After Loaded. flatbed. 6, JEEP CJ7 Renegade soft top. AM FM sterPQ cass chrome whls, 8.000 miles. S9200 226-- 8 9 7 after '82 9pm. 72 BLAZER, 62,000 miles. 4 spd. big tires, chrome spokes, great cond. $1100, take over pymts. '72 CHEV 4x4. offer. '74 Ford Galaxie 500. 51350. '66 Ford LTD. S350. 74 JEEP CJS new paint, full cage roll bar, 52300 otter alt 6pm or see at 480 E 2875 N Provo. 8C RKREATtONAl VEHICLES GMC '64 bus, 24 psgr. New tires brakes, great cond, S3000. F RAME dune buggy w VW climbs eng, anywhere DL. S675 offer RENT our 28' Pace Arrow for your vacation. All the luxuries of home. Call for info, anytime '80 APOLLO, low book S36.000 will take $34,000. ur Dodge motor home chassis, mil AC, 9000 owner, generator $15,500 Rent: '78 Dodge FOR Lindy. Sleeps 6. Exc rate. No smokers USED SALE!!! FOOT Brougham '78 30 ft Midas, loaded! $21,995. '78 23 ft Brougham, loaded! $16,995. 81 23 fl Tioga 519,995. Quality RV 1182 N State, '78 20 Orem. WILL trade view lot above BYU for motor home in clear. sume As- 17,000 equity. 59,000 mortgage. GMC school bus - no seats good cond. S800 best offer. 72 ELDORADO, will trade equity for car 8, take over pymts 5250 mo. FOR Rent: 23' motor home, sleeps 6. Exc rates. (Zo SPORTS CARS EXCHANGE rebuilt imported car engines. Sherl's Automotive Machine Shop, 1515 N Riverside Dr, Provo. '78 CAMARO, AC, 350, extras. many S5400,best offer. 672 N Main, Orem. '78 MGB, good cond, low mil, AM-Fcassette, $3800 or best offer. Before 5pm after 5pm '80 280 ZX, 2 2, 5 spd, AC, AM FM cass. Perfect cond, low mils, all extras. $10,900. Call 225 1221. nice '78 2B0 Z. exr SUPER new cond, wwire trans, radial TA's spoke wheels, 5 spd cassette stereo, lots of extras! Not a nier Z around. Chris' AM-F- At Quality Motors, the Y entrance. Trades welcome, financing avail. '79 TRANS AM, sharp! custom equip. 11,000 mil, showroom cond. Kept under car cover in gar. Make offer. 68 SS CAMARO, new eng 8, trans, great body 8, paint, rims wTA's, chrome 5 Boullion cars: '69 GTX & '73 Please: No 16 yr old kids. 1975 FIAT xT9, good cond. Call, BMW 2002. 1976. One owner, 2 all service sunroof, 4 records, AC, spd, AM FM cas- sette stereo, new wheels 8, tires Must sacrifice for $5995 377 8668, '73 DATSUN 240 Z. Sharp. Pioneer AM FM cassette, new tires. Eng, body 8. int in l shape. Steal at $3200. Call Brad 2261312L '80 TOYOTA 4x4. air, stereo, Futura fiberglass slradial eeper, maxi-tractires, chrome spoke wheels pa int, int, clutch, brakes. $1950. Very dependable. rear bumper, 19,000 $6800. '77 GMC 3 4 ton 4x4, PS, PB. AC, AT, locking hubs. $3800 Call 798 8710 '77 CHEV 4x4, new paint, new interior 4 spd $5,000 or best offer '81 BLAZER, great for snow trailering All op tions, low miles Only $400 & take over lease-3pymts at 5330 mo Low residul. 169 S 925 W, Orem '79 FORD 3 4 ton Custom, PS, PB, below book at $4350 ' '76 HALF ton 4x4. '70 3 4 ton 4x4 w $4400, DL NO INTEREST THE CHANCES OF A SNAKE BlNG STUPID ENOUGH TO COME STROLL ING ALONG AiNP STEP INTO... 1200 W, Orem, miles, like new FINANCING AVAILABLE AT SNAKE TALES CJ7 Excellent Must sell. Call '78 GMC 3 4 Ton 4x4 w stereo, push bar, running lights, hitch, propane conversion, new Toyo tires 8, spoke whls. $5995 See at 8. Complete engines All Work, 2pm, BRONCO 4x4 Custom. PS. PB, AC, some extras, Block Kits Call '79 SUBARU 4x4 Brat, low mil, super clean, roll bar, c ass e 1 1 e stere o , mag wheels & more. Call eves, ask for Gale or Joe. perfect original int, quad stereo $2500 offer. Call after 5pm or weekends. low mils. CORVETTE, custom body, PS, sun roof, 1980. Low mil, T top, roll new trans, exc cond. 785- bar, cassette stereo, alum 2943 mag tires, 4KC lights, dark blue, 6 cyl Home before CRAIG Lewis wants to sell '78 Machine shop engine kits cab trailer special. She's got it all. Chris' Quality Motors. 1201 N 150 E. At the entrance to BYU. Trades welcome 8, bank financing avail. 78 GMC Sierria Classic, loaded, mint cond. 56,500. 51500-trade- 1305 N Kits Pistons or CHRISTMAS pony, P.O. A. Well colored, 10 yr old mare. Well trained. Will sell or trade for horse hay. CYL Imports brand new, PALAMINO gelding, broke good, gentle for any age Horse boarding 4 Domestic & or Call & ENGINES t Q Sp'rTnGER Heifers bred to Angus bulls, pregnancy 2 tested. 3 Angus bulls, breed. 22 SUSPENDED Rabbit Pelting cages, 585. Call CLOSEOUT NEW '82 CJ-hardtop Renegade, 6 cyl, PS, tilt wheel. Regular 511,388 Sale S9.488. '80 Jeep Wagoneer owner, low mil, Ltd, S9.499. Halstrom AMC 8, Jeep, 530 E State Rd, Am Fork '79CHEV Luv PU 4x4, exc cond 53900. '61 CJ5 w over '81 GS drive 450 L Suzuki, under warwill trade for ranty $1600 snow mobile. Call FORD F150 Larriet 4x4, 1 V8, 6 '81 FORD F150 Lariat w hubs She's a beauty. Super clean w power windows, AT, dual tanks, club '79 DREAMER CHEV stepside, 327, ext '76 FORD ton flatbed, new sunroof, new radials, 428 motor. 52500 make ofJUNK cars 8. trucks many extras. fer. uld Apricot female wanted. Highest prices 78 CHEVY Shortbed , Cockapoo. Moving, can't new paid, same-dapickup; '74 DATSUN PU. Exc cond w extake puppy. Give a little or give away prices on used radials. runs good. Best ofat tras. Must sacrifice 225 love for Christmas. auto parts. Call fer S3700. HAY, 53.50 per bale. No 0089,2245810 anytime, weekends inchecks. Call '74 CHEV. 350 eng, PS, AT, 72 cluded New PU. DATSUN tires, PAIR of Finch w 4 tier new eng, 3 4 ton. 51800 best offer. clutch, nearly propane cageCairTMOO LIQUIDATION, UVESTOCK Call conversion inventory. runs great S1500. FREE Labrador pups. 754 '51 CHEV pick-up- , body Various equip at cost. Kits, '80 FOR D 45,000 3760. ARABIAN mare, El Araby brass fittings, office mils, 3 spd w ovedrive, new good, runs Make offer. tanks, TRAINED AKC German daughter. Gelding, trained equip, etc. or 22 mpg. Must radials Shorthair, out of field Western. CalL489-7208- . sell. S3200 B's Double DRIVE champion REGISTERED Arabian PARTING out: Two 1974 73 MAZDA PU, rebuilt eng, Lucky. mare, 7 yrs old, Surific Chev tons. Call cassette 10,000 '76 loaded wen-Iras- . miles, JEEPCJ5, B oodlines. Call 423 2910. GOLDEN Retrievers. - stereo, fuzz buster, sliding Will consider out CordobaPARTING '76 wks, qlty, AKC. Hold for SMALL Palomino Mare rear window, perfect cond. small auto 8. cash. body parts in good S1.500.J25-673Christmas. Superb mostly Arabian. Good all '72 GMC 4x4, needs engine. shape, eng 8, trans good, temperament. wkids, needs to be ridden pair high back bucket '6 5 GMC 34 Ton. Make offer. Call 5400. MALE reg. Basset Hound, black. day, Mechanically perfect, new 1980 FORD 4x4 2 ton PU, 550 best offer. eve. PROFESSIONAL tires 8, paint. SHOO. AT, Blue & Silver. AM FM POODLE pups, 4 mos. Horseshoeing, corrective. PARTING out or complete radio, exc cond. S6900 ofhot or cold. 20 yrs prof exp Bronco. SQHD411 AKC super pets. '79 LUV PU. New paint, fer. complete CHRISTMAS kittens: 3 reg Also, prof horse training book 54500, asking S2600of-fer- . 1977 GMC Jimmy, rebuilt or 798 Virgil Neves See at 240 E Center, Persian males, only 550 9124. AUTO batteries, recon motor, new paint, new each. ProvoVan Lant ditioned, exchange. tires, locking hubs, 4 spd, FOUR yr old papered 615 W 800 N, Provo. '75 FORD Courier 4 spd, BASSET Hound Puppies AMFM tape. 53950. Will ac Real steal. horse. AKC reg. Lovely fam pets blue, w shell. Good cond, DL2774. trade. cept 5150. FOUR Kelly Safari RVR $1450. '82 DIESEL forced Blazer, ACME FENCE CO 33x12 5x16.5 radials on SUPER MPG's in this '79 to sell. Make offer. Low FREE grey 8, white kittens, UTAH County's portable white 8 housebroken. lug Ford Datsun PU w canopy, spoked, mils. Great cond. Loaded. horse barn dealer. The rims AMFM 8. more. Only Financing avail. II Christmas DORILANE barns are avail in 4 distinc 52588. Washburn Motors TRUCKS '79 BLAZER, 4 spd, lock puppies. Dep will hold AKC five styles. Come in 8, see 2251300. fORSAlE tiny Maltese. Also, AKC our display. Acme Fence hubs, AC, PS, PB, AMFM 2 oi rs ton. PU '80 GMC Labrad Owner W 1440 yellow Co, radio. Top condition. 55750 Center, Orem. 1975 FORD ton wutility 34 S600 book. under lanxious. firm. Call HIGH Bred Timber wolf 8, bed 8. pipe racks. 54975. 1 2 24', . New '74 BLAZER, LUV, new paint, new tires, AC, chrome rims. Call after 5 30pm. 2 PROPANE '79 Chev 25 f mpg, ton, 305 w sleeper S4500 '73 DODGE 3 4 ton, 4 spd, '79 GMC Suburban Sierra good cond, S1525 or best ofGrande, PS, AC, excellent fer. After 6:30pm condition, make reasonable to offer, Geneva Federal PICKUP nosoldbids highest accepted Credit Union 115 N 1600 W, bidder, over S3100. '78 GMC diesel. Orem. Call or '68 FORD 3 4 ton, AT. '72 8, C30. PS, '75 Dodge Monaco's, 4 dr, '82 CHEVY Van low mileage. All good cond. AT, AC. Con convert to RV. S7995 Best offers ton '68 INTERNATIONAL '59 GMC P U truck, exc w new flatbed, good tires, running cond, needs body runs good. S1000 best offer. work. Call Scott I Rfrj Motors '76 Flatheads for Ford 40 new PTO's, of- Clayton. L IQU DAT ION COURIER XLT, brand new, cond, HAY, covered alfalfa horse, small bales, 52.75. Lg bales $4.50. Boyer, 628 E 400 N, Springville after 3pm 8, Saturday. BRIGHT green Dairy hay for sale 8, feeder cattle hay. Will deliver. Call LWB low miles, S3595 375 TOYOTA PU. Short bed. white spokes Good looking 77 '82 5388. 375-322- MAY & GRAtN Call S12.95-S24.9- GOING away holidays? Board dog cat at Dorilane ONE week Christmas Kennels II. Also, Christmas Special. Almonds SI. 89 lb, mixed Calif Dried Fruit grooming lb. Call The Nut Man GET a Free bag of Puppy 52.29 at for free delivery Chow w each free adorable 8, other nuts 8, dried fruit. pup.JIallJ374-277Please no calls Fri SPECIAL bred Gold Labs 8am. '69 CHEV Body parts, bed, All shots. FOOD hood, top, left door, fender, CHRISTMAS puppies, Reg STORAGE grill, bumper All fnr $200 Poodles, standard 640 W 400 N, Provo, adorable! S150. Call 226 HONEY-Grea- t Christmas REBUILT short block 350 3817. Reasonable. Local Gift. after 4:30pm. Chev. 5408 or exchange Call FREE Shepherd-HuskSherl's Automotive mix, 8 mo. old female, good FARMERS Machine Shop, 1515 N watch dog. CORNER Riverside Dr, Provo 377- . Datsun King Cab. 5 spd, AC, AM FM cassette stereo Make bid w Jim or Val. ext 236 '49 CHEV Truck. S700. Call 1981 HARD to find economy turck this '74 Toyota has or canopy, 4 spd, qgod cond Only $ 488 Washburn 73 FORD F250, 460 eng. PS Motors PB. AT Good cond S1400 1981 MAZDA Dave Sundowner w shell over FANTASTIC Value! This sport pick-ubed. Super low miles. 80 Datsun PU is fully eqpt back 2061 5 spd, AC, Not a nicer truck & n cond good around. This one won't last BATTERIES for "less Unbelievable, price only Chris Exchange. S2988 Washburn Motors She's in top condition. Free delivery 8, install, 785 Quality Motors, 1201 N 150 E. 37 7 - 20 1. Trades 6566. 70 FORD van, 2 ton, 240 welcome, bank financing 1967 CHEV 3 4 ton rear end, cu. in,, custom int, white available front end, 8, transfer case spoke wheels, many extras. SHARP '72 Datsun PU new S899. trade" paint carpet custom MUST sell newly rebuilt 3 Must see to apw AT S950 or offer Call AT looks 785- SU00 sharp, preciate Provo. IZOI Anal-o-scop- CHOICE wheel, 56,000 2pm. BANK Repo, tires Call OJ ( 8C power S6000 2070 S Main 9 f dows 23 Page loaded. New paint, radials. $2850, conor sider trade. Call locks, tilt Bill after 4x4 27,000 hwy mils 53 WILLY'S PU, 4x4 runs best offer Will ac- good. trade Call MOVING to England must FARM bldgs colortd or cept galvanized metai Bldgs, 64 FORD 2 ton PU Short sell 78 GMC Sierra Grande 2 ton S3000 nearest offer. any size will design vour bed, good body, eng needs needs low 52.50 sqtt. free work, white spoked whls New tires. est. Wilsc-- . Farm Bldgs Asking S650, Call 226 2892 PRICED for quick sale this 78 FORD PU exc cond, 6 76 Toyota PU is fully eqpt. THERE is only 2 things a cyl. $2500, Only s 6 88 Washburn feller can trust: his mother '78 TOYOTA w camper Motors and "Want Ads," or REPAIRMAN S Lien sale shell S3400 Call Open till 5:30 p.m. 82 71 Dodge PU 1196 S '78 DATSUN King cab 5 State Orem 224 4357 HEAVY EQUIPMENT J spd. new paint white 77 DATSUN PU w covered spokes S2995 offer utility bed tool boxes 8, HEAVY duty dual wheel dual wheels 226 3151 single axle 5th wheel ask- 82 78 TOYOTA 5 spd. dual DATSUN PU repossesing S1200 best offer 224 sion S5750 or best offer tanks, AC shell radials 3237 dozer blade. $300 packs 82 S10 PU, 4 cyl 4 spd w deluxe top New snow "Idaho baking potatoes". SAMOYED pups, AKC, 8 Washed, sized 8, sorted. wks Dec 25, great blood Great prices. EXCELLENT gradedcoid lines, shots. Reserve now Krystal Wood Kennel 754- - stg red delicious apples. H 3571 Fryer 247 N 600 W Provo Bring containers AKC German reg area, Shepherd pups. 8 wks old, MAPLETON-Sprgv- l w shots. Call after cold storage apples. Double 7 PM. Si Red Golden Delicious LABRADOR mix, male, 8 Fresh, pure apple iuice. mos old. Needs good home Marshall's, 240 E 1600 N. or Shots, housp broken, aood Mapleton. N w kids. Call after 6 wkdays, Marshall's Conoco. 540 AUTO, TRUCK Main, Sprgvl. PARTS or russet. POTATOES, red ADORABLE Gifts! 6 wk S8 100 pounds Davis SNAP-oper Mother puppies. Dachshund Pekingese. 510 Farms, 540 W 400 S, Genola. Oscilloscope w exhausi gas analyzer & other Will run ntf battery nr 110 unit, por Want Ads do wurk BABY Cockateels Best offer table. Parakeets. 8, Finches. 6 mo MARKET PARTING out 1968 4 wheel AKc Springer Spaniel. 225 BASKET drive International PU 224 8676. Call nHD LUV, must sell, radials, 97 7 ONE ton Chev AM FM cass. new brakes Silverado Camper Special 51200 will bargain. PS PB. AC. CC. oower win bottom roll over plow. JD 13 tandem disc JD 10' gram drill. MF 35 tractor w rear after 6PM blade MF 2675, 103 HP, 80 DATSUN PU. AM FM 2 000 total hrs MF 2 bottom cass mag whls. exc cond. plow Select Equipment for 53795 or If we all & needs house machinery APPLES, potatoes 2 ton PU 6 cyi 66 CHEV ll it we it. find have don't 8, Cook's Farm plants. good cond S800 Greenhouse, 4264 N Canyon Low prices. Rd, Provo. Open MUST Sell, '78 Chev Silver WANTED: RED Delicious, Romes. Wisconsin Auto. HD 2 ton. Fully pears, exc quality. Dick VG4D or Continental loaded, low mil see to apBurr, 1185 Columbia Lane. engine good cond Call 785- preciate Ercranbracks, St, Orem. S70 white, liVi'V Hi' MiW.tifi'. 756-361- 750 SUZUKI '78. Good cond. SAINT Bernard pups. AKC perfect Call 440 ARCTIC" Cat wtilt trailer, Need good home. Trained Cock-APOMERANIAN Poo pups, 10 weeks old, Sport. 1200 W, Orem TWO "'78 Arctic adorable kittens FREE 9141. and items. SNOW Mobile, parts 8, service, all makes 8. models. New or old. Fast service Call now 8, beat the rush. Performance Cycle 762 N 7359. Padlocks, Chinese Woks, Fork Panther, exc cond, $1500 New tilt trailer $500. Persian kittens, reg 489 reasonable. Tools of All Kinds, i.e. Foot Pumps, Watches, Sets, 8 RHODESI AN Ridgeback adult female 226 15o6. BEAUTIFUL Christmas darling pet 8, show quality pups; a colors. The Turff YORKSHIRE Terrier Pup py. AKC reg. Exc breeding S250bestoffer GOLDEN Retriever pups, AKC, shots. Exc for sales 8. factory master service center, Sp Country Foot View Masters, Roller Skates, Car Model Kits, Encyclopedias, Electronic Games, Hundreds of Brand Name Games, ball, Talking '81 POLARIS Velcro Ciocks, Wallets, First Aid Kits, Complete Assortment of teries, YAMAHA SRX '80 Yamaha SR5 '79 Yamaha XL5 '78 Yamaha 340 CajJ house-broke- F AM E xc cond. UTILITY trailer 18 foot, flatbed, really nice. S1400. Call wsights promise to be on time. cond. wbrass 4 W Model 38 $160. This time we $3200 LIQUIDATION 30.06 $100. mini-1- INVITED! FOOT Travel Trailer. 2 new iites, propane tank Sjeeps 6. $595. TRAVEL trailer 21 12 ft, dual axles, equalizer hitch. 14 in ex- & EVERYONE 12 3159. im- in the Schwinn Cytlery building. ? Reg $69 now only $36. Must EXERCYCLE, Auction held NEW 8, used utility trailers, different sizes 8, designs 4 BEAUTIFUL, Cuddly, AKC reg male Collie Pups. 545 OREM, UTAH '80 TERRY' Trailer. 32 ft $1500 down Exc cond. See at 415 E 900 S, Sprgvl or call 10 NORTH STATE ST. TRAILERS & CAMPERS 8 maculate, monitors pulse, speed, etc. $125. Call 194 03UU. Wkdays GERMAN Voere, 7MM Mag, set triggers, 3x9 scope. .22 Bearcat Ruger awesome amount of toys and games we have to sell! the Holidays, Helmets, '73 SELF contained foot camper. Call sell at cost. Obtained change for service. believe the motorcycles, parts 8, service work discounted for SKI equipment, ladies size 2 boots, skis 8, bindings like new. Mens boots size used 1 yr. Call aft 4pm, make offer. NEW Colt 45 Auto, $325; Stoeger 22 pistol, $100; S 8, W 38 Special, $125; 1896 Winchester Model 94, $250. NEW mini trampolenes. auction times at 5:00 PM. You won't CHRISTMAS SALE GIFTS for the Motorcycle, 8, snow motile rider Call BROWNING, Colt, 8, High Standard HD military .22 target pistols. Also Erma .22, Colt Army .45 auto Shotguns. added extra 3746 0C want We TWO PRICED to sell S & W 41 mag, $250. Antique 1915 Stevens 22 Rifle, $100. S 8, W model 38 Bodygaurd, $175. 10- - man '80 RM 125, '80 250's, another bike hardened, TOY & GIFT duro, $1175. Will take BEAUTIFUL Bernarddelli Brescia side by side, 12 gauge, CHRISTMAS Call KAWASAKI trials 250 good shape, dependable asking $600 or good offer Call between 785 mos. old puppy Cute, blonde, housebroken FREE ' 76 $250. 1 without SI SO. Call ( att '82 HONDA nn $1300 best offer. Must sell THE HERALD. Provo, Utah, 7. 1982 224 0940. '74 FIAT" X '67 DATSUN New 9 1 1600 Special. little work. Runs, needs Best offer '69 DATSUN 2000 convertible. 5 spd, needs minor cosmetic work. $1450 offer. II. 3 door, V-spd, radial tires. 51500. . 423 1453 or '74 MUSTANG 4 74 PORSCHE 914 2 0, new- rebuilt looks 8, runs great $4800 offer. 5621040 eves. days, ly '74 DATSUN 260 Z, AC, cassette, great AM-F- cond. See at 543 N 640 W, Orem; Call 225 8952 By Sols THAT Vouks SAUSeuRr-l9- Dittnbuttd 6l NEA.Inc m HAS GOT1O0E ASOUf A ZILLION TO ONE?! Professional Auctioneer ll 1 9i |