Show PROFIT SYSTEM REFLECTS OUR WELFARE the socialists have made their headway by creating erel resentment of the profit motive con vinced evinced ina many followers rs that a profit system is against the best interests intes ests of the working people industries or corporations they say be permitted to profit on the labor of others dr william T bean a pennsylvania high school principal has a good answer to this he recently visited an automobile manufacturing plant in ill france which is owned and 0 operated aerated by the french government when he queried the manager about the com cm banys objectives the manager said we are con corned first of all with maintaining jobs for the em aloyes yet dr bean found in this socialized fac cory operated primarily for their benefit belef it and without a ill profit motive that the employed emp loyes wages wages increased since 1939 why because there was no incentive for the workers or the management to make a better auto f mobile at a lower price under socialism wages are I 1 t set pet on the basis of individual need not on the basis of efficiency or individual merit or on production any profit made goes into the treasury of the welfare state not into the companas comp anys treasury for improvements prove p rove ments wage increases etc industrial improve improvement me nt and expansion out of profits is the lifeblood life blood of americas economic progress I 1 ress the real wage purchasing power of thel the 1 average d american industrial employed has more than tripled in the last 50 years under the american estem it is the employers duty to make a pro profit fit here are some reasons 1 A business must make profit to replace old worn out machines with new ones 2 profits are I 1 n needed so a company can do enough research to keep up ap with competitors 3 a business must make a j crofit in average periods to keep from going broke in n the first six months of a bad year 4 profits are needed to expand and make jobs jobs which many I 1 times are filled by employed emp loyes children 5 industries must make a profit in order to support public schools playgrounds hospitals community chests TB research and other projects for the common good I 1 whoever attacks profits or lessens the publics respect for the profit system is hitting at the heart hear t of our american system and endangering the future welfare of all humanity george S benson pros pres of harding college |