Show ' ' " ' Is ' 2 ' 1 ' ! '' r w‘ VI i y fiiiny '’V f i i V Page 12 — The Herald Journal LoganUtah Sunday March 12 2000 h - rit i - - - '! -- 1 mtNMMUtHa waai!iPariBB-Tiigam- Utah outlook m Forecast for Sjunday towflitgh temperatures ONDAYi Atouquerque Anchorage Atlanta Austin ' £ BMngs Bismarck vEXTENDED ' Ijjl Mostly cloudy wflh Dry Tuesday A iper a 30 percent 1 chance of showers on Wednesday and Thursday Lows near 30 highs near chance of show-- r an Kighs near 50 40 81V- Boston 98 36 y Buffalo ' : ‘ f :vr Denver Detroit 56 21 32 23 P:- Chingo' Ctovetand ColumbiaSC ¥ ' ' ' t By The Associated Press ‘ east-centr- M i Almanac v i Sun: Sunrise: 6:45 Sunset 628' - ‘vi i Moon: First Quarter March 13 129 : Average Evaporation: 26 tacheaday ''? ' i - I ? 29i £ 38 V- - Fakbanks Flagstaff Hertford 8pgfid 24 --3 dr 53 17 dr 40 38127 m Honolulu 79 89 dr 64 49 24 dr 58 56120 dr 85 57 dr 47 27 V cdy 48 42 25 dr 80 53 ck 81 71 06 cdy 41 22 cdy 41 40 '28 cdy 85 60 V cdy 45 43 m 78 49 51 42 23 cdy 59 42 v dr Houston -- JacksonMiss JacksonvHe Kansas City Utile Rock Los Angeles Miami Beach Mpte-StPa-ul New York CRy Orlando ::49 cdy S 'cdy' FortlandOra 28 28 cdy 59 i V Reno 27 cdy dr SaX Lake City ' 51 31 49 42 79 40 Seattle cdy1 Tucson v“ 'dr Washington J)C 58 50 'v' “i"1 'i i ( dr' 29 cdy! 13 cdy1 dr 24 dr "0 l ic Mi M SM 4M SSiSSi Mi BmdimpMtolilMvpMhmmnmlarffiidi al sn: aariy-aftento- on ' UV hides: (4) 19 jP The AccuWeathai forecast for noon Sunday March 12 Rain and storms darkened the states and Southeast on Saturday while parts of the Northeast and Northwest saw snow The strongest stonns were found over middle Geor- gia through the mouth of die Mississippi River Middle and Southwestern Georgia saw several severe storms C Other rain showers and scattered thundershowers pushed tip the Ihmessee VWley across die Appalacfai- ans and over lower and east Pennsvania through the southern New England coasL Snow and some freezing rain fell from Missouri to New York Scattered snow showers spread over Montana with some rain mixed in Other widely scattered valley rain and mountain snow showers were found over Idaho northern Utah northern Nevada and Washington state Clouds and isolated snow showers were slipping into the Dakotas Tfcmperatures across die Lower 48 ranged from a low of 5 in the Colorado towns of Alamos and Leadville to an high of 83 in Key West and Fort Pierce Fla With die wnd chill it felt like minus H in Leadville Cob Mid-Atlant- 02 sno 26 cdy 58 25 dr Dalaeft Wbrth Casper Charlotte J4C Cheyenne v- From the nows wire dr 427 m 31 24 49 75 48 35 33 80 58 ' lf- 41 4 Boise-4- SynopsbA surface high wN buNd across Utah on Sunday but weaken over Western Utah by Monday ' ' HT Lo Prc OK 57 27 dr ' 28 20 cdy 65 58 JS dr ' 62 44 dr 46 '28 - cdy ' s f F 4 V’1' ' V Becoming mostly sunny with htyis in the lower 40s Fair with lows in the mid to 20s this evening : Temperatures indicate previous day's high and overnight tow to 6 ajivMDT - TODAY S National temperatures ' V Cacho Valley outlook AccuWeattwtbrecart tor daytime conditions '" ' - s ESI mE2 &3 E3 m-- 0 Valley forecast provided by Natlonal Weather Service - ft QmdnnedfhnnPageS t ) ' thing as InGeo Others are developing Web access on top of older systems whereas his company actually helps the county upgrade to new technology he said Yhe county deserves a lot of credit in the whole process of developing Internet capfcbili- ties Hougaaid said The county has bebn visionary because of the wajr it set up access between private business as a process while not costing the county thing go But Hickman said has become a Land-lightco- m monopoly He believes “control issues” should be considered to decide who sets the price of the service yet right now be thinks InGeo is offering a fair nice Hickman has been impressed with InGeo’s willingness to continually' upgrade its product he said He thinks the system is pro- gressive and he wouldn’t object if it was implemented forgood B e Landlightcom fore accessing county data was just like dealing with card catalogs at the library Camarata said The new system takes a lot of traf- fic away from the county records he added Cache County has a server at the county courthouse that distributes county records The county does not have a direct Web site where such informa- of the owner property address size of parcel market and taxable values square footagje of each building the year the buildiiig was built die type of service providers We provide access to the dita” v Cache County has a record of all the land transactions that go on within county bound- aries The county keeps maps and computerized databases with details that describe each property so the properties can be appraised and value estimated The real estate industry mortgage companies and tide companies all require that building how much will have to be pmd in taxes and a legal description of the property “Evky transaction that they (county officials) change on their database is replicated to onr copy of the database” Hougaaid said kind of information' They want to know who bwnsithe piece of property and if taxes have been paid Any user can find out infor- nation on their own property but they must know something that uniquely identifies diem It’s a matter of protecting privacy Hougaard said “The only people with the ability to browse the complete records are subscribers — the professional users and they need access to the information to do their jobs” Hougaard said “The complete records are not available to the general pidilic via die Web site The primary reasons they are not are privacy and personal secu- rity of citizens such as law enforcement judges and other elected officials The com- litem wilL'ThU accurate Hougaard said “It’s a way for the county to actually provide an increased level of service” he said Most users of the Web site are professionals — mortgage and tide companies etc said ' v vf'1 Hougaard “The average citizen would only rarely want to go look up information at die county” he aid “The most common request they might have is if their mortgage company had paid their property taxes” “The vast majority accessed at the county since the records are public records”: When visiting die Web site a user logs on with their user name and password then has to choose a search method: by ' of request! for data and access to county records come from a small percentage of the population served” Hougaard said For example Cache County has a population approaching 100000 and fewer than 50 people are regularly accessing county records InGeo Product Manager ' owner official records brief legals or map index After the search ia address means1 infot mation is plete information can be has been incrmsingly difficult for fliosc farms “You should never jay never” he said “but it (inaiih tuning a family form) b certainly difficult More and more y” includes the name and address recent slump in milk prices has battered load operations "The prices we are seeing are depression-levprices” el said Thad Erickson Water dinator for the county “In sane areas the input required spouse has had'to work off the ' form to provide health insur- ance It’s unfortunate hut it v continues to happep-- : Daily prices have encoun- order to find out what cus- -' toed a similar slump drop- -' tomers would like to see ping into the cellar with prices ’ improved in Landtigfatoim ranging from $10 to $12 per Camarata said customers 100 pounds erf milk In 1980 wanted InGetf to implement the fame amount would sell more specific searches and the for $1150 " But for Cache County capability to do reports such as all the parcels that have dairies die economic scenario back taxes etc so real estate has been more promisiiig than personnel or appraisers can for crop production v find out if a property can “We had good yean in 1998 legally be sold and 1999” said Israelson ' Snch improvements may “But there wai a significant include a search for specific decrease in the cost of milk amenities such as finding all during die end of 1999” golf course fruitage lots and The success rrf dairies how- also advanced searches using ever often comes at the criteria specific to residential of crop producers commercial and vacant land expense said Israelson When feed properties Camarata laid prices are low profits are high get it” ' Camarata and InGeo want their site to be even more so they have recently conducted market research in ' user-friend- ly : - ” r “We anticipate that most of foe people who check off more than one race will check off one of these categories” Katzen laid when asked why those specific combinations ContiniMd from Page 1 Indian or Alaska Native and ‘ were selected The guidelines also provide for the collection of informs- tion on any multiple race combinations that comprise more than 1 percent of foe popula White Asian and White Black or African American and White American Indian or Alaska Native and Black or African American entirely different reason She prices could create some displacement in the dairy indus- try? Dairy is the largest segment of agriculture in Cache Valley but it is being pushed against the ropes” - From foe county level regu- ensure that green space b not sacrificed for aggressive urban development but Erickson believes the only solution to The Utah Department of v Agriculture forecasts little improvement in prices over the next few years for live-sto- tion of interest the report said If an individual who b white and of one minority race ia involved in a civil rights enforcement case that individ- ual will be allocated to the minority race A person of two or more minority races and involved in an enforcement case would be allocated to the race that b allegedly discrimi- nated against ' $ that Lewiston State Santis STILL LEWISTON STATE BANK ‘ : r9lO)qCD-- uea -- jfi JSS-- i v 24 AP fes jnfflilh in fe criidi! risflisJuj'V itsaWsUatlMatts m 64 jhQSyijH5uyLi i i ii iLa say -- leiitaUr RtooeT5M7M ' '' Anytime Access (435)253-370- 0 'WkMMHMn 121 5J HECote ' BEly'- : - girob-bufo- a ck and livestock products but crop values are expected to bottom out by 2001 and begin a steady upward climb announces -- ' revitalizing Cache Valley as an ' agricultural core b to increase that an aspect crop prices Cache County has little control Lezinstojt&ttite V Sftddtijitis onCfD’s : lations can be imposed to Serving Cacie'yallej Since 1905 Xxirfinl Month -- Policy Advisory Board Coor- formenarehaving tosupple to start an operation1 would be this infoVmationusedto be meat witfrothcr higher than the output you free and now I have to pay to occupations Sometimes the could receive I think the ' : : of the state’s dairy industry located in Cache County a I Continued from Page Jason Lambert said that as a whole customers are thrilled about die Internet capabilities provided by the company Images of official records are also available on the site and done users may decide which the company ia working on a record they would like to view variety of maps to place on the tion can be transmitted and may access as many site he said including hazThrough Landlightcom ' records as they want for a ards zoning and flood data InGeo provides customers small fee — generally 10 cents Lambert feels this will appeal with the service of viawing ahiL : to a wide variety of users and searching die data directly What most users look for Katie Levanger prospect from their office or home when they access the informa-tio- n researcher for the development “We don’t own the data” is the property profile office at Utah State University said Hougaaid "That’s a critiCamarata said The profile uses Landlightcom for an cal Component It’s the county’s data We are simply the user-friendl- for dairymen Both sides are straggling With more than 25 percent Farms potential donors to the university Since property values are an indication of wealth die information provided by Land- lightxom b an important part of her work1 ' !“I am pleased with die site because It b extremely she said “The information b easily accessed and b provided in an format My only gripe b that 'easy-to-rea-d 'The county can update the -- compiles lists of profiles of rboei&8 hsOSMW tat ' |