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Show WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13,' DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL. PAGE FOUR. 1- PARLEY JOHNSON DEAD. SHORT LINE TO EXTEND TO learn to use. to some extent, PARK YELLOWSTONE Thie hands hla otherwise untrained Succumbed to Diphtheria at Residence Justification aim la In Haelf audli.-lenPublished Daily at 0$dn. Utah J5T. ANTHONY, Ida., Sept. IS. mimual to art; the This Morning. uttentlon for aome la' found alao that these very ac- - ;fllre the end of the coming winter the PEOPLE OF PAPER THE OFFICIAL facul- - Oregon Short Line railroad will have tlvitlea which develop dormant Parley S. Johnson, the eleven-year-oto completed the building of Its Yellowneeds for the com- tlea hell- - the child directly son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 8. JohnChlrf of stone National park extension and Its son, died this morning at the family ing municipal election la a candidate a better knowledge of reading, writing tutor spur. The Yellowstone branch 2133 Stewarts avenue, of for mayor whom the cltlsena know to and arithmetic than whs lioaalble residence, 111 excluextend from St. Anthony to the , fined unhamiM-redon on waa he clean, straight, h eat, with which he had been when Uttentlon diphtheria, h1m" from this extension a i and line iiark child iHioka. unsubstdlzed reliable. The and a filleted only ten days. The parents independent sively to The preaent Incumbent la none of part tif the community that surrounds spur will run through Teton paaa to are heartbroken over the sad bereavewhich la near Henry's lake. The these. ment that has come to their home. hla school, and the school endeavors lclor, new will be incorporated within under road 111 Intimate Clean he 1m not, If filthy lucre to Introduce him to an Parley was born at Sprlngville, Utah, It life. few days and the usual election of Htnndlng of his got leavea a taint April 14, 1894. Mr. Johnson is emthe co- directors will be held aoon after. The on the new government buildStraight he la not tf broken pledgee utilises, therefore, through ployed and mu Yellowstone park extension will get no count for aught. operation of museums, parka ing. Honest he la not for an honest man nlcfjH.1 works, all the wealth of the revenue save that derived from taking The funeral will be private from the to liasaengera In the park. The Victor la God'ii noblest work. Olty-iniiei'ly thut can be brought home tomorrow (Thursday) morning child's life. branch will develop a good agriculUnhampered he la not becauae even bear, with service, on the at 10 o'clock, when the funeral cortege the parka, tural country. In nature to himIi takes him with his trickery he has Involved will form and follow the body to tbe self In ohllKntlnna to thoae w horn hi where that ts possible, or else brings Ogden City cemetery, where Interment In the CAN BLOW OUT GAS real things from nature to him nerve. will take place. This la the first must be that the WITHOUT ANY FEAR death from diphtheria since the spread Independent he cannot be when his whool. The result child will come to manhood or womanmasters crnck the whip. of the dreaded disease throughout the more valuable to the state as an TORTLAND, Ore, Sept. 13. Land- city during the past few weeks. The , Subsidised he Is. as hla daily papers hood economic producer, more Intelligent as lords will soon need to have no fear prove. health authorities are using every preI ' n mil cun rltlien, and better fitted for all the Reliable lie the consequences when patrons caution to prevent the further spread be from the country blow' out the gas only Is needed as u reminder to thoae duties of life. The process may of the disease. who knowr him and that may be found summed up In three words education lights. Isfor life." In his record on the waterworks Victor E. Campbell, a jeweler of HISS FLORENCE ROBERTS. sue. Goldendale, has worked on a patent for the uron cannot depend (lent lies ight years and his present model JAPAN ASTIR ELECTRICALLY. New Play, Ann La Ills policy Is In muyor-edMn- r, seems perfect. The principle Is ther- Rehearsals of the de of the H. dale Frank publicity Mont. defense of the Mormon church. mostatic. A glass bulb two Inches In I Electric com-wh- o Mormons cannot rely upon a Gentile partment of the General contains the mechanism. The I Industries an diameter Today Miss Florence Roberts will sells out to the Mormon church pany writes American flames expands the liquid and rerecent note large more no the second act of Ann La regarding Interesting rehearse can be that for a consideration leases a brake wheel when the gas la General Elec of the new problem play by Paul the Mont." the purchases Japan thnn promptings or sincere honest blown out This brake wheel la set by I trio make of ateam turbines, as illus- Rehearsals of Miss RobArmstrong. of policy. the cooling of the gas, shutting off the characteristic altratlve sucnation's of that If policy be the sordid motive is not erts's new vehicle portend a most supply even when a cut-o- ff I of first The a dra with come shipment cessful season, together any day, change of front may used. in steam arrived overonly turbines matte Innovation. Japan Headed conditions mny by Max because any day In well-knoSepa over Now, Httle ago. comedian. year the FIgman, turn the policy. WITTES HEARTFELT THANK8 Miss Roberta' supporting company InA clean, straight, honest, Independ-- 1 tember, 1905, Japan is one of the ENVOYS SHOWN FOR COURTESY I cludes H. S. Northrop, Robert Me ent man la what Ogden most needs for largest users of turbines In the world, I was turbines of or This first shipment Wade, Clifford Leigh, Lucius Hendermayor. Whether he be Mormon 13. The presiOYSTER BAY, Sept I Gentile, Republican or Democrat, mat- - of COO K.W. capacity, of the Curtis dent has received the following com- son, David R. Young, Wilbur Hudson, Mer-cel- ta tern llitls so long as he la unhampered, I type, and were for operating the Before Norah Lamlson, Luclle Lorke, munication from M. Witte: I Robinson and rellabM. and gut railway In Toklo. These were so Florence Esmonde, leaving the United States I beg, In my I Important Issues will soon confront successful (they were In operation own name and on behalf of my fellow Lillian Armsby. Rehearsals will continue here at the Grand until October the council having In charge the wel- - four weeks after their arrival) that the workers, to offer heartfelt thanks to fare of Ogden. One of them is the Japanese have since ordered from the to the government and to the 1st more Curtis you, The mayor-edit- company thirty-seve- n waterworks question. whole nation for the cordial welcome has posed and promised on ev- turbines with electric generators, with extended AT THE GRAND. upon our arrival and the unia total normal capacity of more than form ery side of It and been true to none. shown us during our courtesy If the iieople of Ogden know these to 35.001) horsepower. sojourn here, the memory of which win Fay Foster Company in High-Clas- s The Jainese manufacturers are he facs they should shake off the live In our hearts forever." Vaudeville. preaent appnrent apathy and In both even ahead of a largo proportion of Of oucuse In to men concerns their to name American unite good parties THE USUAL COURSE. Patrons of the Grand Opera house ceed the present mayor. Then, no I electricity In their plants. One of the will I be treated tomorrow and Friday matter which wins, we will at least steps taken by many of them Is the In The returns were all in. The last I to the highest and best in the evening have a squure deul In the difficult prob- stallatlon of an electric motor for each lamb had been slaughtered. The fren-xle- d vaudeville line on the stage. The Fay I leins soon to be faced. tool. In dace of the old cumbersome financier had cleaned up eight Foster company Is made up of a bevy I The shafting snd belting systems. billions. I nf pretty girls, all magnificently cos Fussy Jimmy and Calltster are now Japanese street and Indoor electric we Now are that rich," said, you turned and exceedingly clever in their In sole charge of Utah and Governor I lighting systems are also of the most rich beyond the dreams of avarice, vurious roles. I They have been play Cutler. Joerph F. Smith hna gone to approved patterns, as are their street what do you propose to do?' I ing throughout the west, and wherever visit his colonies In Mexico and Sen- railway systems. I shall retire from business, he reI In they appeared have met with an ovaoff Ruckskln will for the ator Smoot The coal mines of Japan plied. and go about preaching what tion. Mr. Grant received a telegram Some be operated electrically. lually an Intolerable burden wealth Is, and from Reno - today, where the company of the turbines mentioned above are how much, happier I was as a ookkeeper appeared last evening, which says the As showing what happens when Intended for the Mllko coal mines on on 111 a week. company was highly appreciated there. murder Is defended, the Chicago I the Island of Kyushu. These .will use Evening Post says: The Mafia has two 1,000 K. W. Curtis steam turbines, COMPRESSION. been put down; the Pennsylvania The Osaka Electric Light company, PINGREE-STEPHENbeen have to sup"Molly which the furnishes Maguires city The final chapter of the serial novel electricity pressed; It Is highly probable thut a of Osaka, which has a population of was two columns long, but the editor Wadded in the Salt Lake Temple Thie means will be found to eradicate I over 800,000, Is equipped entirely with had only one Inch of space for It. Afternoon. unionism that advocates and defends I American electric lighting apparatus. he Accordingly compressed the murder. The hero's tragic end into the following Including six steam turbines. This afternoon in the Salt Lake capital of this comiainy la 2,400,000 paragraph: Temple Mias Alice Plngree became Arthur took a small brandy, then the bride of George Owlpg to a new Invention for .mak- yen, and with Its progressive methods Stephens. Both ing glass bottles, one large establish It will soon rival some of our modern his hat, his departure, besides, no noyoung people are well known In Ogment employing 400 men and boys, but American Illuminating companies. tice of his pursuers; meantime a re- den. the groom being the eon of Jease One of the largest electrical In ter - volver out of his pocket, and lastly, his which has been shut down for some and the bride the daughter Stephens time, did not take Its force back when I vats In Japan Is the Toklo Street Rail own life." of Job Jr., the grain dealer. Fingree, e, It opened on the 1st Inst. The bottle I way company, which furnishes The young couple returned from Salt according to one who attend-- 1 portal Ion facilities for the city of ToLake this evening and will be at home Trading Off Old Love Toksna rs ed the recent conference of bottle- - I kin (iiopulstlon of 1,440,000). Its A society man whose, perfect dan" to their friends at their new home, I at Atlantic City. N. J Is near- - anese name Is Toklo Shlgnl Tedsudo. fng is the envy of all the men h comer of Grant avenue hnd Thirty-thir- d Ap knows snd the admiration of all the ly perfect, and manufacturers are nnlyllis franchise runs until 1952. street after September 15. waiting to be certain before introduc- - I patently the municipal ownership Idea women, stopped on Charted street tin tng It. Blowers In Milwaukee get 39 a has obtained some weight In Japan, other day to greet an acquaintance. I'm amusing myself this morninr day. Three of the new machines will for this franchise provides that after The Puffer Fish. do the work of 108 men and boys in the year 1982 the municipality may nelllng old Jewelry, said the soclet The puffer fish gets its name from twenty-fou- r hours on pint bottles and purchase the property of the roinjKUiy nan. a bablt of puffing himself out when "Old jewelry! Whose of 182 on quart bottlea queried by imying a proper price fur It. Its taken from the water. In his natural state he is about six to sevea inches capital stock Is 15,0011,000 yen. Why, the returned love token til long and but two inches thick. When Although some English and German ' lot of EDUCATION FOR LIFE. girls I know. Things the.i fully blown ont he is almost circular material Is being used by this road, tave given men whom they adore'. and measures nearly a foot la diameof nil electrical the practically tor a brief season and with whom ter. It Is said that this exhalation Dr. William H. Maxwell, superinof This they exchanged gifts of jewelry air assists his tendent of New York public schools, equipment ts American niude. breathing, the though contributes to the Octolier Delineator Includes live 2.000 horsepower Curtis which, like the rat. Tame back' when maneuver has the appearance of a fuunits, with power- t coolness ensued. tile attempt of the little fish to intiml-dot- e an article that ts filled with Interest But the funniest part is their house his enemy by increasing his size equipment and railway motors for parents and teachers or nnyone sons for parting with these souvenir. to the y. bursting point. like the frog in furnished the electric by general who hears any relation to educational f affection they want the money tr the fable who sought to emulate the Wheeler condensers and Brill affairs. The paper Is the first of two. buy mementos for other mm size of his acquaintance, the bun. trucks. Besides a small of amount and Is entitled Edueation for Life supplanted the first it, rheii German and English machinery, such changing affections. Hence niy mis Through Living. Writing of the new educational Dr. Maxwell as lii'llcrs and trucks, there are a few slon to the pawnshops and dealers Ir small dynamo He drifted away to seek which were made In old gold. mays: The schools are endeavoring at s sign of three balls, humming the Japan. mce to be substitutes for the defects waits that was played at the of home, for the absence of childish and jangling in his jackTlie first systematic attempt by or- ets the love possibilities, and for the Insufficiency tokens, some f which if play-place- s, where muscles may ho gan red labor in Wisconsin to win over were worn as pledges of never dyinj. exorcised nnd lungs expanded. This 1s the farmer and the farm laborer hRS xffertion on that oecasiou. Ual'lmon the reason why the city school of to been begun. Tbe cumpaign is to rover Sun. day sees to It that the child Is made a heretofore practically neglected field, happy. Is taught to play and to sing, and Its effect will lie shown, it ts InAuto Manufacture In France. to exercise his body and have a chance tended. in future legislation of the The manufacture of motor car and, to use Ills hands. He Is encouraged in state. In sessions of ihe legislature their accessories has become one-of the school to do and make real things heretofore It has been found tlint legis- the most important French Indnsiik . for himself and his fellows. Tie Is lation affecting employes of shops, From a total of 1.850 automobiles in given also thorough Instruction In the factories, rallnvids, etc., has met with 1898. valued at 11,602,0(10. the output three R's,' but this knowl- more or less opposition front the rep- In 19(4. according to the Chambre de l'Antomoblle de France, made of resentative of farming communities. Syndicate edge is. Iiy actual appik-ntinn- . has grown to 22.on0 cars, of an estipatent service In his life today. The This opposition lias not been so mark- mated value of $24,000,000. school also affords training by actual ed ns that from the factory districts, performance, In drawing, nature study, but. it has existed, nnd It Is believed by designing and color work, as well as labor leaders to have been due more to In sewing, cooking nnd housework and misinformation than to opposition. We all drink tea ; most all shop work. The design Is that If the The primary object, however. Is to disabuse the farmers of the Idea" pupil has special artistic or mechanipoor tea; great market for cal ability, he mny early discover the that the advance In farm machinery trash. talent and develop It for practical and farm supply prices Is due princiIn or. he no have if to advances In marked life; pally utility wages exacted by Wrha for m KnnUt B mi. A SJiAxg A technical npltudc, that he may, nevrr- - abor unions. Campanp, Gw p lUalj f - theh-as- , Stair 3mtrital A Splendid Opportunity t Be-bu- Tt ld We have placed on special lections of Elegant Waistgs event-mountai- S. trans-machin- Jap-make- f turbo-generat- or ra com-INin- wh.-lav- e Madame Wooley Who is in charge of Our Dressmaking Departmt is now visiting ths eastern centers of fashion, and on her return bring many nsw styles for tho department 2429-2431-2- will Washington Ave. 433 THE PACE THAT KILLS. Long Distances in Florida. We often laugh at the Ignorance tf of Business Working Europeans as to distances in this der Forced Draught. country. We sometimes display u We hear a great deal nowaday some troth, much twaddle concern- much Ignorance ourselves when vt speak of distances In Florida and Teing this subject. Like many another xas. A land trip from one end of Floscapegoat, says American Medicine, it rida to the other Is as long as from the lemerited bean r burdens, but its to the gulf. A citlien tf gitimate load Is well worth occasion- great lakes who Maine makes up his mind to p al weighing. The latest welghmaater halls from New York; where, we are south may pass through Maine, Nev told, deaths from heart disease and Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connectfrom nephritis have risen from 13.5 icut. New York. New Jersey. Penney), per 10,000 la 1808 to 29.6 per 10,000 In vanla, Delaware, Maryland, the Di1904. Much of this Increase is attrib- strict of Columbia and far into VI uted to changed conditions of life, and glnla without taking any longer ride the arguments, therefore, are ' suffi- than he would take in going from one to another. And yet ciently sound to be at leant partially Florida town convincing. We work, play and eat some people complain of the slow tine under forced draught, as marine engi- made by Florida trains. They need te take a geography with them. Bosta d neers would put it, 'and In the Globe. industry rapid stoking and in ferior fuel leave troublesome clinkers In tbe grate. The rank and file, how Passed Without Inspection. ever, need not worry. Hard work In There is a maiden idy up ton making an actual living Is rarely who answers to the rather unnstf pathogenic and still less often fatal. 8he frequent name of Mignonette. It is the man who would add to his visits a woman friend who luu i possessed fortune, small or large, who bright boy named Jack. Jack eoB mr t go the killing pac. at never be persuaded to kiss the mtida squarely. It is the eternal hurry for friend of his mother, and he was toll wealth, or dissolution in the spending that this made Miss Mignonette fed of it, that dominates the picture. Let very bad. this point be clear or faulty, perspectBut, mamma, dear, sne it toe ive will breed discontent and alarm in ugly. the man with moderate competence or Yes, my darling, but yon must relesa The results of unnatural living member that God made the ugly pm must not be attributed to the "simple pie as well as the beautiful ones." i life." WeH, exclaimed Jack, with an ih of Impatience, if God made Mies Hip nonette I bet He never looked it her afterward. Brooklyn Eagle. Omissions of History, The courtiers were felicitating Pepin, king of the Franks, upon his giant TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY son, Charlemagne. What a magnificent looking he will be some day! they ex- FOR SALE Fine young pony, 3 yen ' claimed. colt. Call I8th old; well-bre- d Yes, said Repin, but Jt looks like 552-Bell Grant. phone wasting him. Think what a ' Senas' tion a man seven feet high would WANTED Young man of good ad. make as s crossing policeman in Chidress for well paying position, betwe cago! " rail Wilson, 8308 Adams Vain, however, was the dream of 9 and 10 or 5 and 6. was Men Un- To-da- y last-name- em-perl- ff-J- doting father. It not to be. mu WANTED Good canvasser; have quick touch and easy F this mesn Revival of Dickens. away. If you know what More than 200.000 co cs of Dickand you have the goods there the Htsle ens various books were sold in Enggood opening for you at Clreul land during the inutil f December for Journal office. Inquire tf last, which " ould seev. Id indicate tor. that the tun '1st ho!d s popularity f well. Another sig.. ..is popularity FOR SALE A, fine Altamont mare, is tbe starting in London pf a new Altamont. years old; Is from Must M magrzine, the Dlckemian. lo be edit3600. by Altamont M B. 1 d W. Matz. and published ed by Mr. a soby The Dickens Fellowship ciety which now numbers more than 6,000 members. Sptel-jartenfe- 1 Fall Wear 58c the yard I" or for that we have ever shown. Thoy comprise all the nw shade "d Utsst designs. Each and every piece is positively fast color and stand the wash even in the dainty high eoloringa They come in fin liah wools and heavy high art cottons. Not a piece in the lot thit sctli for lass than 75c and moat of them at $1.00 and $1.25. Your W,lil thoy last at s . col. sold. 2344 Very reasonable. Washington ave. Inquire Goodale Co. THS IMPROVED OCEAN WAVE WASHER Nevada-W- Ws ars ths Exelusivs Agents for Utah. Idaho snd sold twonty-fou- r hundred (2,400) of thorn in thie territory in 1904. Could wo do this if they wars not porfoctly m"9 toryf Thoy are ths most simple, strong and efficient, n ths work thoroughly and easily, and ths machinory all in a solid metal cover. Try one. Got your money bock if porfoctly satisfied. o ed TEA New I New Carpets and LinoleUi11 Furniture, Stoves Ranifej Us Arriving Daily. 20 Carloads on the Road. Watch OGDEN FURNITURE & CARPET COMPANY eesBcssssssssci YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 3BS9 Gro. |