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Show PAGE DAILY UTAH STATE SIX. TEAM MULL HOT JOURNAL. REVOLUTION MAY COME WITH RELEASE OF 80LDIERS. Claimed That tha Present Strike and Rieta Are Mara Bon liras. 'Walt until the regiment In .Manchuria begin to come back to Euruiun then! Russia. See what will hup-The present strikes and riots were mere bonfires compared with the conflagration which the returning soldiers will set going. Thus spoke one of the 'revnlutlonenf that I met in SL Peters burg. Others who sre not involution' era, either )a salve or active, are also fearful of what will hapiien when the SEPTEMBER 13, 1905. WORK AT THE BAT. Hituelf on Irwin Expresses Double Plays. Etc. Games are won and lost at the bat. Vou talk shout team work In the field, nit there Is nothing to it. It amuses ue to hear these sporting aritera a Ik about the 'ni&Balflc111 tW4il1 ork' If a team happens to make a , subl Arla tiuple of double pla.-sof the St::r. i win, former malinger r I.art year, if Lewue and aile three double pya In a :' .l 'here wn-m first and second I in t'1 bo somebody 'Ivny rk. Thst but 'he wonderful tean team work. To muke a double play world. . the most natural tiling In the the tecuud Ynh a man on first Lnatuially rium to tla -j sbnvi to :top. l.en the man at bal hits f be didnt he would nut hold tla Job -. Where la the te- u wo minutes. Team work Is work in thst piny? done at the bat. There la where they I.et a man get work logoiiiii. iv.ay'on a safdj sud the others t ork with It' i. They must lccr'V-Thc--r must hit to In to kpco d. field to let him get to third. The cn on the bases must play together. "The greatest exhl! 'tlon of to-- m York I ever saw was when King Klly lid home bet seen the legs of the use runner In front of him. Kel vas on second, anil tlic ot'her man was in third. The batsman hit to eerier. The man was out. The inan on third Marled for hint. Kel was on t'.tl 1 iy that time. 'Tie rnr.nor stoprd a Yw yards from the home plate s'd he catcher tcuched him out. Tel had caught up. and us the ngged the runner Kelly silnvd rder the latter's legs rml touched he plate. That's team work.' rile L WEDNESDAY, rx-ina- THE GOVERNMENT Your Old Front Door Grafter Ready with Offer of Aid to Busted Sport. Hard luck had persistently followed him. The little t'.ory ball would not drop on the right number; If he bet on Mack, ted was sure to turn up. and He sauntered over to the tlc ver.-faro table and invested his remaining $5 only to see it go the way of his other bills. When he left the gambling place at midnight, he bad Just two nickels in his possession. On Ills way to the trolley car. at Kreet. d Third aienu; and siefl the Grand Central station. he Jusi outside the main entrance steed a young man, who accosted the busted sport with: Say. friend. I'm up against It. Been down here seeing the sights and went broke. I need ten cnts more ta pay my fare back to Nyack. Can you stake me? With a pltylnj, unile, the sport drew forth his two remaining nickels. I've That's all I have. he said. I you If too. it. give been up against this ten cents. I'll have to foot it Is OneiT to a change, so you should call and iw the Sptenillg LllIe Door Just received, as well as a large line of Horen Cohmn 143 Utah TWENTY-FOURT- Lumber Oregon 8T. CEL H Cn a. JOSE MIGUEL GOMEZ RESPONSIBLE FOR TROUBLE. DON To Offer Resistance to Any Attempt to Intorfore With Rights of Provinces. CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS R.D Forty-Secon- Double Daily Trains well-dresse- d The Cubans have been trying their hands at resistance of the national government lately; In fact. Just such a resistance as brought on the civil war In this country. But things have not gone this far in Cuba, and it Is not expected that they will, although the situation Is none the less serious The present crisis has arisen because of the fact that Don Jose Miguel Gomes, of Santa governor of the province They soldiers return. Manchurian world Clara, has decided to offer resistance say: These men have seen the to any attempt upon the part of the and heard much. They have also suftheir national government, to Interfere with Fcattored again among fered. of tell to free the rights of the provinces, which ap- and different villages, they been through, have what they parently have assumed the Fame sovwill become firebrands In districts alereign rights as the states of the govthe Whether Union. Las Kovedades of New York overheated. ready ernment will then l able to hold the says that Governor Gomes of Santa Clara, who is also candidate of the revolvers In check Is doubt ful. The seditious with Infected Liberal party for. president, has chalarmy mice retinue whole his and esnr llie lenged the government of President Ideas, luid better park up and clear out." Palma, to combat, openly trampling thd authority of the government under Thus Joslah Flynt writes from Russia Day or NlghtT the to Public Opinion of September 8, but foot. government Recently concludes: "I do not agree with those Unquestionably it would he an ex' clothed Itself with power to Inspect who think (list the return of the Man- cellent thing did we confine our pleas- the municipalities without taking into to the day and the early hours of churian army will mean revolution. It ures account the provendal authority, but the evening, retiring early, arising will mean a change, to be sure. In the when the government officials went to early, and doing our work with the methods of thinking of millions of peostrength and willingness such a life the town of yuelta, Santa Clara, not ple: but T believe that even the new would give. We might eat leaa and only did they meet with resistance, hut methods of thinking will not deter the pay more attention to food values the local authorities deliberately soldiers from quelling riots and Insur- without decreasing the pleasure of burned the town hall with all Its recrections when ordered to do so. Tht consuming our meals. The food la ords In order to prevent the hooks Russian soldier Is an automatic crea- only a feature of it, the linen, china, from falling Into thq hands of the govother accessories, and the room ture: his mind and body act by' order. and Speaking of this instance Itself having a great deal to do with ernment. The war In the east will hardly havs the meal, In the ralnda of refined peo- and of the constitution In general, been sufficient to change him ,ao com- ple. The time will come when fashion Governor Gomes declares that under pletely that henceforth he will dlsra' will upset the accepted routine of the no circumstances will he allow any one gard commands. On the contrary, It day and put back dinner to the hour to Inspect the municipalities of Sants may very easily have accentuated his of our grandmothers day. Fads have Clara except the authorities of the a way of Intruding, and idle, restless submission to rules and regulations. If health province, and this whether the municipeople welcome changes. indications These are the essential lit cornea the fad of all. sacrifices of palities be moderates (Palmists) or against an Immediate revolution which every kind 'will be made In Its name, Liberals (Gomes is ts). The governor my preliminary surrey of the situation and Just now it occupies a good part further says that if tlie supreme court In Russia have brought to light. The of our thoughts. We are eating more of the Island decides against him and 'revoluttoners with whom I conferred cereals than meat and cultivating veg- the Liberals on this point, he will Igno regard passed lightly over them. They think etables the year round, with a trust will nore tlie commands of the Judicial Some season. to big day sre trouble of thnt the signs coming in and put them out of body because of its partiality to the much more readily seen than are those perhaps step there will be Yankee national government He expects that but our reach; of peace and quiet. They d not at- Ingenuity to reckon with, and aubstl the supreme court will decide for the tempt to say when the revolution will tutes will be fond. never fear. government In order to win the favor break out In full force; Tt may not of President Palma. come for years,' said one of them. But Governor Gomes compares the situ INFORMATION SLIP. that something Is coming some day, a tlon of the Island as a whole to a which Is going to put the French revTo his friends here a Detroit man barrel of powder, with the fuse lighted olution completely in the shade,' as and half gone. He says that the rural one enthusiast declared, they all seem now at work on the Panama canal guards (3,000 strong) are to a large . to believe. Meanwhile all the foreign sends the following list of questions, extent In agreement with him. In cerobserver esn do is to remain on the which be says are submitted to all tain quarters, however, this assertion ground, keep track of the moves that Is denied, and It Is stated that only prospective employes: are nude on all sides, and patiently one company of ruiules has appeared What was your last alias? await events. If the revolution comes, dissatisfied. This company (from SanWhy did you leave? and sufficient vodka la passed around ta Clara) was transferred to Havana, Hiov many wives have you? shoot who fiends shout, among the where the captain gave up the comHow much more do you know than mand In stab and slash. It is not Impossible order to avoid disgraceful exthat the French revolution will seem your chief? pulsion. The moderates also say that as chilil play compared with the Why didnt you get hit Job? they are highly pleaaed with Governor How much more than your present Gomes's carnage and slaughter which the inlanguage, which they considfuriated Russian revolut loner will salary are you worth? er sensational and foolish, for the efGive the namea of other employes fect will have started. surely be to kill his chances who are getting too much money. for the presidency. The moderates GENIUS BAD AT FIGURE8. lion- much over your present salary assert that Cuba will never elect a perdid you get( in the states? (Dont He son to the presidency who has scorned 1 knew an eminent Greek professor about this) the courts of Justice and netted the Do your feet track? who could not reckon his class fees. Public Opinion. troops to rebellion. no Are for gift they cold? Fnnuisy hail, I believe, Darwin declared that Are you missed at home? mathematics. Normal rates have been restored by I he never understood an equation. For how much? all lines between Chicago, Buffalo, How long before you can go back? question if Isaac Newton could have New York, Boston ana other eastern Your favorite brand? passed an examination In literary or points, and the Nickel Plato Road Is "How good is your pull? esthetic subjects with the idea that till prepared to furnish strictly roetry was Ingenious nonsense and Why are you in the worst depart' service between Chicagj and the statuary only atone dolls. It la a moot ment? east In their three dally through Isn't It because you are In It? question If Napoleon Bonapare could trains to New York and Boston, at have passed a matric. In French. X Why do we try to get Into some rates as low as obtain by any other shrewdly suspect that neither Bona- oilier department? line. Meals served se you like, in the parte nor Wellington would shine In a How much do you owe In town? dining car. either a la carte, club or Think that you may get away from table de hote, but In no case military academy examination. will a It? meal cost more than one dollar. Our How many raises have you asked rates will be of Interest to Sugar ae a History Maker. you. and for? Information cheerfully given by adSugar has made etchings on the hise Did you ever ? a tory of Europe and of the voriil la dressing Chae. E. Johnson. District more ways than one. Used four cenPassenger Agent Nickel Plate Road, turies ago almost exclusively in the Wouldn't you like to? 811 Seventeenth street Denver, preparations of medicines, and long Why are the other fellows such In- Cola (33) afterwards as sn article of luxury, accompetents? cessible only to the rich, an enlarged Isn't It a shame that you have to production and cheapened manufac- work? Wealthy Loverc of Horticulture. ture have brought It within the reach Mrs. Anna Wrlghtmnn Walker ot How old Is Ann? of all. The universal use of this pracPhiladelphia has a fortune of fv . What's the use? tically pure carbohydrate, which la To this comfortable sum she 000,000. not only a freely burning fuel but a When will the canal be finished? has just added $3. the same being a muscle food. Increasing tlie puwer lor What do you do with all .your prlxe for the beat mushrooms exhibdoing work and lessening f.'.tlgue, money? ited at the Pennsylvania Horticultural must have hail wider pre::;l an Name. society's ahow. J. Vaughn Merrlrk effects on the health of civilalso a millionaire, though not so rich Laundry mark. ised nations. Especially in the case a Mrs. Walker, won 31 for rnltlvn,.!n Weight at birth. Detroit News. of children, whose greed for sugar perfection the mortert nrlirrrr. Is the expression .f a phj siolugical Got Off Cheap. want, has that food been valuable In to growM. coicat.'iicnt, conduct:: He may well think, he has got off and well oelug. cheap, who, after hating contracted We know our tea ; and we or la still able constipation Indigestion, Locomotive Exports. know your tea taste. to perfectly restore his health. NothIn 1904 the exports of American amonnuil ii; value iu near- ing will do this but Dr. Kings New Thats why we offer you ly ?.l' 'ii.fino. Tir:- v.ero hr,wr than Life rills. A quick, pleasant and cerback your money. Th" best cus-t- tain cure for headache, constipation, 'n rtr previous V ('an adit. Japan, etc. 23c at Ogden druggists ; Your (racer mane mmmf U deal UU e . Between St. Louis and Chicago MORNING AND EVENING 10:07 a. m.. .11:32 From LaSalle Street Station, Chicago From Union Sta. (Merchants Bdg) St Louis, 9:30a.m..ll:30p'' Morning or svenlng connection at both termini with lines diverfa Equipment entirely new and modern throughout. RAILWAY. A DOUBLE-TRAC- K Equipped with practical and approved safety appliances heme. Is man chuckled. The asiked. lie on le el?" the this Surest thing you know, replied the sport. Well, ssy. I'll lend you a half if you want It. The graft has been good touur.s night, and the seca!r.i. of handful a n.an hauled out lected two quarters from the assoit-menand proffered them to the sport. New YorU I'ress. well-dresse- d well-dresse- Double Daily Trains Substantially constructed. d t, Dt Attacked By a Mob and beaten. In a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street ear Arnica conductor applied Bucklens welL soon and was sound and Salve, I use It In my family writes G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., and find It perfect. Simply great for cuts and burns. Only ?5c at Ogden druggists. Delivery.- AND THE Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Line - Puck. When planning a business or pleasure trip from Chicago to Buffalo. New York, Boston or any eastern point, you should investigate the satisfactory service afforded by any of the three express trains operated by the Nickel Plate Road. Colored porters are In harg of the coaches, whose duties are to look after the comfort of while en route. Special attention shown ladles and children, as well as elderly people, traveling alone. No excess fere charged on any train on the Nickel Plate dining cars. One trial will result to your satisfaction. All trains leave from La Salle Street Station only depot in Chicago on the elevated loop. For particulars address John Y. Calahan, General Agent Nickel Plate Road, 113. Adams street, Chicago. 111., or Shaa. E. Johnson, District Passenger Agent. Nickel Plate Road.' 811 Seventeenth street, Denver, Col. (84) pai-wijr- When going fishing your success and pleasure depends on the line. When traveling to Chicago and the East your comfort depends on the Line. Ask to have your ticket read via the Union Pacific There Are Others. My husband says Mrs. Marcdowne :hat I shop on the S. IS. O. D. plan. Mrs. Carryall The S. B. O. D. plan? Yes. Send Burk Mrs. Marcdowne mi Depends on the Line Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago. These trains carry standard sleepers and free reclining chair cars. Tickets' of all agents, or write to C. & WILLIAMS, Commercial Agent, 106 West Second South Street, SALT LAKE CITY. ers UNION PACIFIC Throe Trains Daily ....VIA. Kt TO a We wish our customers to get every benefit from our telephone service. Nothing too small or too large to send you promptly. OMAHA CHICAGO KANSAS GUY ST. LOUIS and all Principal Eistirn Points . Many hours quicker than any other line No Change of Cara, "THE OVERLAND ROUTE all the way. Let Us Fill Your - Prescriptions Electric-Ughti- Trains running nvnry day. d ITnll Information furaliked os application to tw8y PRESCRIPTION SujisAsjj. A3T380W 'a V OGDfc.. UTAH. specialists first-cla- ss - short-chang- 1 The Only Double-Trac- k Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. hack-driver- The Overland Limited The Meal Luxurious Trala la the World beno-fici- Compartment and drawing-roo- m cars, observation cars, dinand library ing cars, cars, with bather, bath and Btek-love- rs Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago without change. Direct connection tor sleeping buffet-smoki- TEA St Paul and Minneapolis Tklnts, mcrvatlons, and full can bt obtained from C. A Walker, General Agent, - )!:. tr o ' Bm. )iu ng I Chicago & North-Weste- rn Ry. SS West Second Sooth St.. Atlas BldgH I Nwiea Salt Lake City, Utah. , Arlington Service not good by socidont. It has been carefully and during successive years of Increasing patronage it has been improved wall nigh to perfe tlon. Burlington. employes and other safety d aviso punctuality of traina, smoothness of track, txcoll la planned, ones of dining-ca- r service, are soma of tho features that havs helped to ootablieh tho Burlington stand- ard. Thro' sleeper for Chicago leaves Salt Lake City 1:50 p. m. daily. R. F. NESLEN, General Aga"t 79 Wait Second South Street Salt Lake Ci7- |