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Show 0. P. Long, NEWS or A WEEK IN saunas mam RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS TOLD IN BRIEFEST MANNER POSSIILE. a wealthy Wholesale liquor merchant of Jacksonville, Fla, shot and killed Miss Sue Davison of Wilmington, Del., aged 23, and then killed him-self. The tragedy took place in Long’s office. / Ten tanks of oxygen pumped through tons of, coal under which be was buried saved the life of Joe Forrester, a laborer, . employed at the League island power house at Phila— delphia. With simple "but impressive ceremonies the body of John Paul Jones, first admiral of the American navy, was placed in its final resting place in the new crypt under the naval Happenlnge That Are Making History -—lnformatlon Gathered from All academy chapel at {Annapolis Md., on Quarter: of the Globe and Olvon ln a Few Lines. ' Sunday. Alex Shutte. a mail carrier of Mankato, Minn., shot and killed Joseph Budde, a policeman of the same city. INTERMOUNTAIN and then turned the weapon on himGeorge Edwards, a rancher of Gas- - per; Wyo., shot and probably fatally self with fatal results. Electrocu-tion was substituted to. hanging as the official form of capiVermont, when A. J. Sheffner, en route to the state tal punishment in Governor Fletcher signed a bill to penitentiary at Rawlins. this effect on Friday. An engineer and fireman were WASHINGTON - killed when a snowsllde struck their Mrs. Margaret Zane Witcher, who engine near Wenatchee, Wash, the carried Utah’s electoral vote to engine being overturned. E wounded Roy Landis while the latter Was being taken to a imain by Sheriff Washington, was presented to PresiJames H. Brady was elected United States senator from Idaho for the term that expires on March 4, 1915, on the thirty-first ballot of the joint session of the Idaho legislature on Friday. Senator Brady succeeds K. I. Perky, Democrat, appointed by Governor Ha'Wley to succeed Weldon B. Heybu-rn, deceased. The Utah state Dry Farmers’ as- dent Taft on Saturday. Deterioration of irrigated lands in the west has resulted in efforts by the government to overcome what threatens to be a serious danger to all of the lands embraced in the government’s jects. immense irrigation pro- BLEAN SWEEP SOUGHT IN REVENUE LAWS Thirteen Bills Introduced in Utah Leg- the senate on the 27th by Benner X. Smith of .Salt Lake on recommenda— tion of the state board of commission— ers of revenue and taxation. Sweepingchanges in the method of assess» ing property and collecting taxes, in the method of assessing public utilities and distributing proceeds, and many other important alterations of the present laws are confimrplabed by the bill's. In order that the mines of the state may ‘bear a heavier burden of the taxation than at present the commissioners have included in the ernor James H. Brady to the United public reception at the white house States senate there were many dem- on the evening of March 4. Democratic control of the next sen. onstrations of joy and hillarity. Hundreds of telegrams were sent by ad- ate, which became a. certainty when miring friends to the senator-elect John K. Shields was elected by the and‘in somepffices a half holiday Tennessee legislature Thursday, now rests at the minimum strength of forwas declared. Woman suffrage passed the assem- ty-elg-ht, exactly one-half of the membly of Nevada. w1th but three dis- bership of the senate. rested at Los Angeles on a charge of swindling women. According to the authorities, the prisoner is known under a dozen aliases and has oper- ated in almost every eastern and ficial circles at Berlin believe the new administration should be given time to workout an answer to the powers jointly. It is understood that the Balkan officials hold the same view and will not crowd the Young middle western city, Turks. After eighteen months of inquiry into labor conditions in factories in New York, thirty-two bills in the in— terest of men and women workers will be recommended for passage by the legislature. . . The «Solomon derby, for dog teams, ' {r0111 Nome to Solomon and return, sixty-five miles over the snow trail, was Won by John Johnson, driving a team ofSiberian wolves, in 6 hours and 1% minutes. driving a team Oliver Blatclrford, of Missouri bird Consul Letcher at Chihuahua, Mex ico, reports that peace negotiations between federals and rebels are pro- gressing favorably. Other reports in- dicate conditions are more tranquil in northern and central Mexico. Belated reports from Jimenez, below which point the Central was out last week, says rebels under 'Cheche Campos have taken Escalon on the Chihuahua—Durango state boundary. A small federal garrison resisted briefly. hounds, was 'Second. Ratifications of the wireless telegraphy treaty signed at London July 1131111 and their daughter were badly 15, 1912», it is‘ expected, will be exchanged at the British capital within injured, 'when a train struck a wagon a few weeks by the thirty-one signain which the Helm family were ridtory powers. lug. The bill providing for a loan of Jacob Helm and his two sons were killed near Martin, N. D., and Mrs. Edwin C. Burleigh, the new Unit- 100,000,000 pesos, already approved by ed States senator from Maine who the Mexican chamber of deputies, will succeed Obadiah Gardner, is a failed of passage in the senate. conservative Republican. Mr. BurHakki Pasha has refused definitely ieigh is .a former governor of his the portfolio of foreign affains of the state. Turkish government and it has been ‘ The New York Street Railway comoffered to Prince Said Halim, who is pany intends to establish cooperative expected to accept. Said Halim is Q11 stores on its own property, where the Egthian prince. necessities of life may be purchased The report comes from Constantiby its men at actual cost. nople that a contract has :been signed A bomb exploded while in posses- under which the Ottoman governsion of a 12-year~old boy in a street ment Will obtain an advance of $10,- in New York. It tore off one of the 000,000 to be reimbursed out of the H. R. Hausgen, general manager of against Janina in a semi-circle. The eXpected arrival of the Amer- the National Freight Traffic bureau, ican gunboat Wheeling at Vera Cruz, with headquarters at Chicago, died at Mex., on Sunday has caused rejoicing Springfield, Mo., from the effects of among the Americans and other forbeing overcome by gas in a room at eigners, as well as among many of the better classes of Mexicans. a. hotel. (By PROF. HOMER H. DEPR) The success or failure of the dry- iand farming depends primarily upon the nature of the soil he is tilling; and secondly, and none the less important, upon the manner in which he tills it. The most desirable land for this purpose is a deep, sandy loam. Such a soil is easy to plow deep and cultivate thereafter, and readily com- To clear the title of lands claimed by a. citizen of the state and also by the state, a bill was introduced in the senate on the 27th by Bonner X. Smith of Salt Lake, giving the citizen the right to force the state to enter into litigation that will clear the title. bines with organic matter, making a rich, deep seed bed which absorbs moisture rapidly and retains it for a longer period than most other soils. It made compact it will draw up na’ turu's supply of moisture in the sub soil perfectly through the action 0! capillarity. In this kind of soil roots of plants penetrate freely to a consideragle depth, which is not the case in clay, on account of the hardness of the sub» soil. Owing to the compactness of the latter, water percolates through it very slowly and, when heavy rains some much of it is lost by being shed from the surface into watercourses were passed defining the rights of em- The money, if the bill becomes a law, stored in the subsoil, to supply plants ployee as preferred creditors; bills raising per diem of Witnesses, and eliminating interlocutory divorce were killed; and joint resolutions were presented requiring Utah materials in the state capitol where possible, and is to be expended 'by the board of regents of the university. ' A comprehensive fish and game bill was introduced simultaneously in the house and senate on the 27th. The bill raises the sale of the state commis— sioner from $1, 00 to $2,400 and in- creases the allowance for clerical hire A change in the system of branding from. $2,000 to $3,000. Among other things, the bill provides for a spring duck shooting season in Salt Lake, Davis, Weber and Box Elder counties of fifteen days, for this year only. There is also provision :for a spring fishing season. . Readjustment of the bounty laws of Utah is provided in the house by Day of Iron. The bill increases the bounty fund from $20,000 to $50,000 a year, The banking bill by Hansen, which in order to meet the big annual defic- providesthat where an account is. in its that occur in this fund. the bank in the names of two persons, payable to either or the survivor, The senate on Thursday passed the the account may be drawn out by the Lunt bill decreasing the rate of intersurvivor without any court order, was est on deferred payments for state passed on the 27th by the senate by lands from 8 per cent to 5 per cent. a vote of 17 to 1, President Gardner The vote was 14 to 2, Senators Hanfloating in the negative. son and E'ckersley being absent. .Passage of the «bill took place after two One-quarter of the constitutional pe- efforts at amending the «measure riod of the Tenth legislative assembly failed. fifteenth day. little rainfall during that season. On the other hand, land which has a thin layer of surface soil underlaid by a subsoil of sand or gravel is even more undesirable; for to attempt to raise a crop on such land in semi-arid regions is worse than folly, only amounting to time, labor and seed lost, unless summer rains have been unusually frequent and copious. as during the past season. A gravelly or coarse, sandy subsoil will readily ab sorb much water, but unlike the lamp wick in the oil, it will not draw it up to the surface again. This accounts for» the fact that there is a. much greater quantity of water flowing in underground channels than in stream! upon the surface of the land. In seeking for new farming lands it is bred into the hearts of many 01' us to look for a clay subsoil; but beware to test the soil several feet deep, and remember that tour or five feet oi sandy or silt loam is ideal for the so called dry-land farmer. VALUABLE WAX FROM PLANT Three bills passed, five bills introduced and the adoption ‘of an addi- Arid Desert Specially Adapted to Cul- tional report from the committee on rules sums up the work of the lower branch of the Utah legislature on Thursday. turn ’ . of Candellla Weed—By- Pi‘ilducis Poalbfi. " Vegetable wax appears to be a prod» not for which the arid desert is speci~ The bills passed by the house on Thursday were: House bill No. 7 (McRae)—An act requiring collection sixty days‘and permitting of no turn- agencies to give bond. House bill No. ing back of the clock, perished in the 14 (Swans-onl—An act to amend secupper house on the 27th, when it fail- tion 4397):, Compiled Laws of Utah, ed to get a. two-thirds vote necessary 1907, relating to obtaining credit by to pass it over Governor Spry’ s veto, false representations and providing a submitted at the session. punishment therefor. House bill No. Two bills were introduced in the house on Friday designed to prohibit corrupt practices in connection with elections. For one thing, the first bill provides that there shall be no carriages or automobiles provided for voters on either registration or eleo tion day. The measure provides that every political committee shall have a treasurer and that breasuner is required to keep accurate account of all moneyls received by the committee, which, if the bill becomes a law, is" not likely during extreme hot weather, when the demands. are greatest, and there is - expired last wick, Monday being the 22 (Cardon)‘-—-An act to amend section 1408, Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, relating to lessors liens. ally adapted; As a. protection against excessive evaporation, the plants exposed to dry heat develop a waxy covering, and a British consular note states that in the western part of Nuevo Leon and Coahuila, in Mexico, the candelila weed yields two per cent of wax, although in well watered regions it contains little or none. The extraction of this wax is becoming a. considerable industry. Several ex- tracting establishments have been re Creation of the office of state bee inspector is provided in a bill introduced Thursday by Senator J. R. Edgehill. .The proposed office carries with it a salary of $1, 500 a year, together, with the necessary contingent and actual expenses. cently started and one of them—now being enlarged—has a capacity of twenty-five tons of wax per month. There are certain possible by—prod‘ ucts, such as tannin, to which little attention has been so far given. The wax product is exported to the United Arrangements may be made for a ' States, the British isles and Germany. special lecture on soil culture before and is in demand for many purposes, the legislature January 30, according such as shoe polishes, floor waxes, to be very much. The treasurer must to action of the house on Thursday phonograph records and electrical infile a statement of receipts and disin leaving the matter with Speaker W. snlation. bursements with the city clerk in J. Seely and President Henry Gardcases of «town «elections, or with the ner of the senate. Wheat and Rye. secretary of state in cases of county or state elections. Rye is more hardy than wheat, but A bill making one of any number of No person, says the bill, in order to when farm work is pressing in the aid or promote his own nomination or bondsmen vouching for the conduct spring a week or ten days would make election, shall expend a sum greater of a 'public official liable to surrender a great deal of difference betvveen the full amount of the bonds in case than his own necessary “personal exThe rye grows so penses,” these being cravel'ekpenses, of the defection of that officer, was wheat and rye. stationery, printing, telegrams and introduced Thursday by Senator Jo- rank it dries out the soil fast. On the‘ seph Eckersley. other hand, wheat gives us more latpostage stamps. 0 , itude if we are rushed with other There is a prohibition against any House bill No. 14, passed by the work or kept back by late rains. committee or politcian soliciting funds. Every voluntary payment must house on Thursday, simply amends be made in the name of the person the present law regarding obtaining making it. Fraud under the act is credit by false representation 'to include the changing of a person’s name made a misdemeanor. without legal authority. A bill is expected soon providing for the erection of ya tuberculosis sanitarium in Utah. The bill will be urged by the [satanic board of health. As. tuberculosis is not “native” to Utah, the institution is intended for the treatment of patients coming into this static. child’s hands, stunned him into un- next loan in connection with the new consciousness, smashed scores of concession for the Metropolitan railAnderson of .Sanpebe on Friday in windows and precipitated a panic. way of Constantinople broduoed a bill in the house enlarging News comes from Manila of the The Balkan Dienipotentiaries, who the present law reSpecting the liabildeath of Captain McNally of the Phil- have received full powers from their ity of naillroads for stock killed. The unless a ippine scouts and seven of his men respective governments, appointed a new matter provides that nailnoxald pay damages within thirty in a fight with Moros. Three of those committee Sunday to draft a note to days after claim is made that the who lost their lives were lieutenants. the Turkish plenipotentiaries explain- owner of the animal killed or injured The scouts also had fourteen ing why the peace conference must [may recover double Inhe- value of the wounded. ’ now be considered broken off. animal, together with $25 attorney’s Mrs, Lorraine Carroll, a beautiful , The Greeks are pushing their mili- . fees. Salt Lake City divorcee, committed tary operations in Epirus. The army Identical bills aimed at bookmaking suicide at San Francisco by inhaling there, numbering 50,000, is advancing chloroform. The resolution presented by Senator Mrs. Cannon of Salt Lake has introThree bills correcting errors of judicial practice passed the senate on duced a. bill in the house for a woman’s dormitory at the University of and streams. The capillary action at the 27th. Utah. The amount appropriated dn' water being drawn up through clay In the house on the 27th two bills the bill for this purpose is $50,000. is not rapid enough, even if plenty is FOREIGN senting votes The measure will go Thirtyhsevod;giiis had been introThe Russian emperor has present- . duced in the niuué\on the 271.11, five out? ~59? state senate and should it pass, ‘ as 11; generally expected, will go be ed 2, 000, 000 kilograms of corn to the of which have been passed and two The corn was have been killed. fore the people of Nevada at the next Montenegrin people. brought to Antivalri by steamer. It general election. Senator Banner X. Smith’s bill limwill go far to relieve the distress DOMESTIC iting legislative sessions to the actual caused by the war Posing as the son of H. E. Hunting- In view of the suddenness of the ton, the traffic magnate and multimillionaire, J. D. Huntington was ar- change in the situation in Turkey, of- of Soil Tilled and Manner in Which Work is Done. Mining corporations are authorized to acquire by purchase or otherwise the capital stock of other mining companies and are (permitted to exchange their capital stock for stock or proppnlncipal bill several sections the pur- erty of other mining corponations by a pose of which are to increase the as bill introduced in the senate on the 27th by gBenner X. Smith of Salt Lake. sessed valuation of mining property. took action against misrepresentation the commerce between the Atlantic livestock and recording marks and coasts of the United brands is provided in two bills intmof land, to prospective settlers and and Pacific States via the Isthmuses of Panama. ducedin the senate on the 27th by unanimously favored a more thorough H. W. Lunt of Iron county. The bills and Tehauntepec in the last year. exploitation by the state government provide for the branding of animals Railroads in all parts of the coun- by the position of the :brand on the of the non—irrigated sections. After four days’ deliberation, the try are preparing for heavy travel to animal. Different livestock owners committee on privileges and elections the nation’s Capital for the inaugura- may have the ‘same brand, but they of the lower house of the Wyoming tion of the first Democratic president cannot have the same brand and the legislature returned. a majority re- since Grover Cleveland became the same position. port on Friday, dismissing the con- country's executive. vluch Depends Primarily Upon Nature Rideout ratifying the proposed amendment to the federal constitution providing for the election of United States senators by popular vote was returned to the committee on wfedenal Complete and comprehensive revis- relations and state affairs on the 27th, ion of all revenue laws of the state at the request of the authorof the resis made in thirteen bill-s introduced in olution. providing for a state flag. Abandonment of the inaugural‘ball ' tests against the three Republican repand the decision not to pernfit the resentatives. When the nevvs reached Pocatello, use of the capitol 101' a public recepIdaho, of the election of former Gov- tion, has amused talk of a. mammoth SUCCESSFUL ON A DRY FARE] islature Aim at Revision of Taxation Measures. One hundred and twenty-five mil- sociation at its final session at Ogden, lion dollars represents the value of House bill No. 24, by Morison, am act melating to unfair discrimination and competition in certain commodities or articles of commerce between difieremrt sections of the state was ap-. proved by titre house on End-ay. Corporations whose charters been revoked by reason of have nonpay- ment of license tax are given another opportunity to be reinstated as corporations by a bill present-ed in the senate Wednesday by Senator J. R. Edgheill of Juab. Two bills were killed. An act to amend section 1541, compiled laws of Utah, relating to extending the period of minority of women, and an act to amend section 1190, compiled laws of Utah, 1907, relating to the procuring of marriage licenses. About twenty members of the legislature, including the committee on education of both houses, were the guests of the Agricultural college at Logan for most of the day on Saturday. Durin-g the forenoou the law- and pools-elling-mosnmacels were intro- makers spent several‘hours in conduced in the house Friday by Mabey sultation with President J. A. Widt‘ of Davis county and in the senate by soe on the needs of the institution. Thornley, also of, Davis._ The bills Later they were guests of honor at pm‘hlibit betting on horse races, base the chapel exercises of the college, ball, and almost every other game. and several addressed the students. The butter fat that goes to waste eats up the profits. No amount of doctoring will cure a. poor quality ofbutter. More alfalfa and less corn means more milk and less beef. The smoother the roosting—poles the more easily they can be kept free from vermin. Whenever a. farmer gets the auto lever he at once becomes a. goodroad preacher. If the churn is likely to remain idle for some time, keep it filled with lime water. When a. dairyman learns to use the Babcock test he is started in the way to economic salvation. Better to have two small silos, than me too large. You can feed with ess waste from a small silo. The surest way of getting rid of poles is to set one of the steel wring traps over their runs. |