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Show f J PAGE FOUR THE The TIMES-NEW- IS Times-New- s Published Every Friday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Where Your A. B. Gibson, Editor and Manager B. F. Johnson of Los Angeles, was Entered in the Post office at Nephi, Nephi Monday, visiting at the Utah, as second class mall matter, in .Mr. and Mrs. Enos L. Jones. under the Act ofCongress of March home of 3, 1879. William Bailey was in Salt Lake City Sunday and Monday, on business. Banking Interest Is Well Served LOCAL HAPPENINGS THE HONORABLE history, standing and conduct of this institution has inspired the utmost Mr. and Mrs. E. Leone Christi-so- n Don't forget the baseball meeting were over from Eureka ThursWednesday night, November 14th. New set of officers will be selected: day. Mr. Christison was here on to take care of the ball club for 1929. business and Mrs. Christison visited with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Brown. There was a meeting of the board J. W. Olpin, manager of the Nephi of directors of the Nephi Baseball Co. was in Salt Lake association, held Wednesday evening, Mercantile on business. He also visited and all of the 1928 business was Monday finished. The board decided to hold with his son Clyde Olpin, while the annual election of officers next there. Wednesday. Ernest Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Langley A. Bailey, Jr. has received a Mrs. A. J. Crapo left last Satur call to go to the Samoa Islands, as a day for Los Angeles, where she will missionary for the Latter Day Saints visit with relatives and friends for church, and will leave on December three or four weeks. She accom 3rd, for his field of labor. panied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ord, who are on their honeymoon in the Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey will California city. be in Salt Lake City Saturday, where recepthey will attend the The marriage of Miss Eva Sperry, tion of Mrs. Bailey'swedding which sister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Sperry will be held Saturday evening, at the of this city and Frances taurine, Dome or Mrs. A. C. Nelson. took place in Salt Lake City last Wednesday, October 31st. The bride The Board of Countv Commiasionern has been in Salt Lake City for sev- Will meet in this cirv tomnrrnw in eral years. Where she has been em take care of the regular monthly business, and if the Pallrfr. ami Trnnr ployed. Creek election returns are in, they will canvass the votes of Juab county, for the recent general election. GOAL OF RED GROSS YOUNG BUSINESS MEN will find here sound business council and dependable banking service. GOOD BANKING CONNECTIONS early in your career is a wise step. Firit National ; Utah ANNUAL ROLL GALL 5,000,000 MEMBERS RED CROSiS NURSES AID IN rUURRICANE DISASTER disaster work durlne the year just ndlng. the Red Cross states. Their greatest task was In the relief following the West Indies hurricane when 20 nurses were despatched to riorida add 32 to Porto Rico, to assume charge of the health work there. Epidemic conditions were especially (rare in both places, and inoculation of Mveral hundred thousand persons bad to be arranged In order to prevent Nursing the pread of contagions. Injured, the sick, aged and young and caring for the newborn were heavy tasks in both areas. The Red Cross nurses also were alleS upon tor work In epidemics in communities. Including the serious septic sore throat epidemic In New England and a typhoid epidemic in New Tork state. More than 680 Red Cross Chapters throughout the nation operate nursing Mrrlces which, they support altogether me In part. v -- Patriarch L. A. Bailey, was in Salt Lake City last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. While there he attended the funeral of Mrs. Z. G. Eardley, who was 94 years of age at the time of her death. Patriarch Bailey was one of the speakers at the funeral. Want to Win Sheaffer Lifetime Pen WATCH FOR DETAILS ft WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner : A. F. Bracken, superintendent of the Nephi experimental dry farm left Thursday for Logan, where he will spend the winter at the Utah Agricultural college. Mr. Bracken is assistant agronomist at the college, In order to enable the American and will teach agriculture. He was CONSERVATIVE IN ITS STAND-ARD- S and Red Cross to carry on its broad activi accompanied by Mrs. Bracken family. from to world the service ties, ranging AND PROGRESSIVE IN ITS war veteran to instant response in Mrs. G. L. Hobbs was hostess to of time disaster, a membership of the members of the Social Companion METHODS WE OFFER A LIKE SER5.000.000 should be enrolled, and in this club at her home last Thursday evethat Is the goal set ning. The time was spent in sewing year of VICE TO CUSTOMERS. for the twelfth annual roll call, to be and social chat. A delicious luncheon The followheld from November 11 to 29, Armis served by the hostess. ing members of the club were prestice to Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. Martha John Barton Payne, chairman of the ent: E. Mrs. Lester Pelliston, American Red Cross at Washington, Mrs.Vickers, William J in calling upon the nation for 5,000,000 Irons, Mrs. J.H.G.Belliston, Mrs. H. a! Irons, Mrs. J adult members, directs attention to Kendall, Mrs. R. E. Chappell, Mrs. the great expenditures required of the A .E. Smith, Mrs. George Red Cross for disaster and veteran re- and the hostess Mrs. G. L. Lattimer, Hobbs. lief work, and for its many other activities devoted to health preservation and improvement and to cutting down Golden Gate Amenities the number of accidental deaths. To a certain San Francisco newspathrough life saving and first aid per's assertion, in alleged verse, that courses. "this and quite enough "The Red Cross should at all times for anypaper's large need," the Argonaut have a large reserve fund," Judge of that person'sretorts: "It le quite city Payne stated, "because when disaster enouRb for an old pair of wrapping and this Is called strikes, organization or for a few books, or even, into Instant action, there is no time to shoes, for the laundry; but suppose perhaps, stop and raise funds. Dollars may It Is needed for all three purposes on mean lives, so we should have at all snme dny." Job Printing of All Kind Phone 196 Times-New- s times a good reserve. We btve been the forced each year to draw upon our reserves, and we And that the de wands are Increasing annually." Judge Payne pointed out that In the fiscal year of 1927-28- , the Red Cross had extended aid in '66 major catastro phes In the United States and Its Insular possessions, and in 22 nations abroad. This dons not Include the West Indies hurricane disaster In s Porto Kico and Florida, which oc curred after the close of the Red Cross ) L. fiscal year, June 30. 1928. The Red Cross expenditures tor Uis aster In that period were $IC."14.258.87. of which approximately J13,- 000.000 was expended In the Missis sippi Valley for the flood relief work. which came from a fund contribute-More than $1,j u Jfi by the public. was expended In the St. Louis tint-.:damage, and more than Il.OOO.ooo is New England. In both cases public relief funds were raised, although In Ne England tlte Red Cross contributed in excess of $500,0(10 from Its own funds for the relief work. In the ma Jority of the other 66 dUute:s, and in all of the 22 foreign catasnv.phes In which the Red Cross extended aid. the money came from Its own resources. Tbe largest Item In the annual bud get of the Red Cross Is for Its vctr ran relief and work for disabled -- Af" ) and service men, upon which II ex pended in this year S1.169,!5. Every man and woman is asked bj Judge Payne to Join the Red The outstanding leadership what people want. On that the roll call period, to aid In x of the Essex Super-Siis a basis it has established its these humanitarian enterprises. Disaster Relief and Work for Veterans Cause Heavy Drain on Resources. DR. JOHN R. MOTT In addition to tbelr year around work In he Public Health field, the Ppbi'ilV Health nurses of the American Red Croas nave answered a number of calls to combat eDldemlcs. and In Attorney Claude F. Baker was over from Eureka Wednesday on court business. Mrs. N. A. Nellson, returned home Be at the baseball meeting, next Tuesday, from Salt Lake City, where Wednesday evening, if you are a she has been visiting for the past baseball fan, and interested in three weeks. confidence of its customers, and has made them feel as if they had a sort of a propriety interest here they call it their bank. Bank John H. Donnely, P. J. Bonner, and Arthur A. Miller were over from Eureka Wednesday on business. - Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Crane, a son on Tuesday, November 6th. Nephi Friday, November 9th, 1928. NEPHI, UTAH S, 1928-192- - . r': '.' "Whatever You Earn Spend Less" NEPHI NATIONAL BANK J .Hid Dr. John R. Mott has resigned as general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. after 40 years with that organization. INDIVIDUAL HOMES FO,1 CRITICAL BUYERS it iVt-- C nil- Leadership ffij&U ! - -- ijJT- ! ILIgM Iitspectioita Yotii1 Insurance ara cordially invitad to call ( Our office and talk your Haw homo, ao that better understanding aay be bad of the quality in lumber and other Mleriala used in all struct u rat, iaree or imall, erected ader oar supervision. Investigate today ao that you may become familiar with tke method of bracing the walla, roof and floors used amdar I be Pacific System. Over twenty yeara of Pacific System experience insure only the beet in construction that can be bad, in all parts of the atructura whether it ia behind the plaster or in the YCXJ r" finish. Cross-durin- Pacific System with rigid inspection means Satisfaction Insurance to you. We Assist in Financing Tan years after the Armistice, tht American Red Cross still earring on for th world war veteran, providing comfort and entertainment for him In hospital, aiding bis family whirs necessary, preparing and following through his claims for Insurance, compensation or disability. A. V. Pyper & Staff, Inc. Authorized BmOdm- - Not only in performance but in price-s- ee what your used car will bring I of America holds the Red Cros em blera sacred because It represent s oniversal helpfulness a service to nil citizens without regard to race, coloi rr'f re od. ' r f ;7I5 and up AUprtcrl t. o. . If trail B enn pay for Rtryrout inenmeat of cir tnr tntvrmtt, tharw hamtltnm and M jj matter of actual and vital fact on the outright issue of long time position as the world's largest selling"Six ESS EX SuPerQ G. R. Judd Garage UtAh Nephi, 32 |