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Show THE PAGE EIGHT Jest We Have Just Received Another Lot Women's Slippers in the Latest Styles. See Them. Also See Our Line of Women's Coats. Styles Right Prices Lowest Nw Line Women's High Class Wash Dresses wide Linoleum, yd. 9x12 Linoleum Rugs 2 yd. $1.95 $1.79 $12.50 $6.95 and $9.50 9x12 Feltex Rugs GROCERIES 1 New Crop Raisins, seeded or seedless, pkg. . . 8c 2 ,23c Pineapple, can boxes Matches .19c Double size pkg. Macaroni . .10c; 3 pkgs. . .28c Rice 2 lbs . . .10c .15c; Lye, can ". Jellwell, 6 pkgs. 59c, Set Glass Jelly Molds Free Jello .11c 9c; Campbell's Soup, can 2 6 1-- Heintz Fig and Plum Pudding - ft 45c s 5 3E Democrats Take Majority Of Juab County Offices from pace 1.) 95; George H. Ryan, 60; For State Representative, P. J. Bonner, 64; Thomas H. Burton 91; For District Judge, Grover A. Giles. 98; Leror H. Cox. 67: For District Attorney. Abe Murdock. 95: A. L. Larsen, 60; For County Commissioner, Term, June Kendall 97; E. P. Peterson, 68; For County Commissioner, Term, Earl F. Dunn, 100; John Q. Bunnell, 62; For County Attorney, C. N. Leather-bur82; P. N. Anderson, 73. Levan Precinct For State Senator C. D. McNeeley, 111; George H. Ryan, 152; For State Representative, P. J. Bonner, 72; Thomas H. Burton 190; For District Judge, Grover A. Giles, 123; Leroy H. Cox, 140; For District Attorney, Abe Murdock. 119; A. L. Larsen, 143; For County Commissioner, Term, June Kendall, 43; E. P. Peterson. 218; For County Commissioner. Term, Earl F. Dunn, 107; John G. Bunnell, 166; For County Attorney, C. N. Leatherbury, 141; P. N. Anderson, (Coctlnted .McNeeley. y, -- respondence. "Some of the towns and cities of the country have already been identi fied by The Department of Commerce has been particularly energetic in this work ami has been aided by civic organizations in. progressive communities and by private interests, such as oil companies and railroads.. In order to make this movement comprehensive, however, the Fund has worked out this plan in cooperation with the Post Office Department and Department of Commerce, . "For the purpose of maintaining a record of the progress that is made in this work, the Fund requests that it be informed when the edentifica- tion of your communitv is actually accomplished. "Because the markine of a town is a very definite contribution to th advancement of aviation, the Fund has askej Colonel Lindbergh to send to each town carying out this work a certificate expressing the apprecia tion or those who are interested in the progrss of aviation. This certificate, signed by Colonel Lindhereh and the President of the Fund, will be sent to that organization or person responsible for the work of identification. Your in n im portant task will be avpreciated. mis record will be made availabln to the Aeronautics Branch of the De partment of Commerce, the Post Office Department, andther Government agencies. If your efforts tn enlist local suport are unsuccessful and your community cannot be identi fied, will you be so kind as to inform us to that effect in order that there will be available a record of unidenti fied towns and cities. roof-markin- G .E. Electric Vac $35.00. Equal to the $65.00 Cleaners Sold by Salesmen. D. from page 1.) oi Aeronautics, the need of adequate and proper identification of towns and cities throughout the United States. In the opinion of Colonel Lindbergh, who is technical advisor to the Fund, one of the most worthwhile steps that can be taken for the advancement of civil aviation 1b the identification of communities both large and small by roof markings. His opinion is shared by other pilots from coast to coast and has the emphatic endorsement of the leaders in aeronautics, government officials, and directors of the Guggenheim Fund. "In considering a plan whereby the work can be accomplished, the Fund, after consultation with the Postmaster General, recognized that it could best be achieved through the of the postmasters throughout the country. Accordingif your town is not already identily, fied by I am writing to ask if you will take the initiative in organizing this project In the way most qualified to assure results. "Specifically what is to be accom plished in your community is the painting of the name of your city on a roof according to the plan .and specificating detailed in the enclosed bulletin. Adequate identification will be an important an essential contribution to the safety, reliability and speed of air transportation and affords an opportunity for a distinct service on the part of some organization, such as the American Legion, the Chamber of Commerce, the civic clubs, or of some individual in your We have tried to make community. the enclosed bulletin clear and com prehensive- in order to obviate any delay resulting from unnecessary cor Your HaisAlIriglit pur ow about iiour Notice is hereby given, that there will be a school election held Wednesday, December 5th. 1928, in District number 2 (known as the North district and, Ward), number 4 (known as the Nephl Ward) for the purpose of electing one member from each district . as member of the Board of Education of Juab School years. District, for a term of four, candiIt shall be necessary for each date, or at least five citizens in behalf of the candidate, to file with the clerk of the board of education not less than fifteen days next preceding the day of election a signed statement announcing that he or she is A fine new hat won't make you "dressed up" if your shoes have "seen better day''. Notice the trim looking people a they pass along, and you will see that they look nice from the ground up. a candidate. BOARD OF EDUCATION, Juab School District. LEVAN NEWS More than likely you re about ready for a new pair, especially a real nice pair of blacks or tans for special occasions. ITEMS Step in and see the new patterns in "Star Brands" we've, just put on the shelves. They're the kind that lock best the longest and cost less in the end because of that built-i- n solid leather value. roof-markin- Men's Heavy Wool Coat Sweaters , $3.95 $2.95 Boy's Heavy Wool Coat Sweaters Men's Dress Shirts $1.00 and up , NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTIOX (Continued ceive Friday, November 9th, 1928. NEPHI, UTAH S, MARKING OF CITIES EE C. TIMES-NEW- 33 177; For District Attorney, Abe burdock, 128; A. L. Larsen, 185; For Term, County Commissioner, June Kendall, 168; E. P. Peterson, 144; For County Commissioner, Term, Earl F. Dunn, 142; John G. Bunnell, 171; For County Attorney, C. N. Leatherbury, 131; P. N. Anderson, 180. Mills Prerinct For State Senator, C. D. McNeeley, 30; George H. Ryan, 13; For State Representative, P. J. Bonner, 15; Thomas H. Burton, 28; For District Judge, Grover A. Giles, 24; Leroy H. Cox, 18; For District Attorney, Abe Murdock, 24; A. L. Larsen. 19; For County Commission Term. June Kendall, 27; er, E. P. Peterson, 16; For County Com Term, Earl F. Dunn missioner, 28; John G. Bunnell, 15; For County Attorney, C. N. Leatherbury, 20; P. N. Anderson, 23. STEPHEN C. SIMMS Yours Faithfully, St Mr. and Mrs. Niels Mortensen and Miss Neola Warwood of Salt Lake City spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Mrs. Joseph Christensen of with her field spent last week.-herparents, Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Boeh. Yes, step President.' n and see them. ii SL Rich- 'Mrs. Robert Gren returned to her home in Payson after spending some time with her parents here. , spent a Mr. and Miss Vinnie Christensen few days of last week with Mrs. S. P. Christensen returning again to Provo. Nephi Merc. Go. "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" Sfar Ifrand Shoes v 7 Mrs. Ray Adams of Scipio is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. George Connelly entertained a large number of her friends and The relatives Monday afternoon. occasion being her birthday. A de licious lunch was served at five o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mangelson went to Salt Lake City Thursday to see their daughter Inez, who leaves Salt Lake City Friday for Denver, Colorado. And 1 will trust that be who heeds The life that hides in mead and wold. Who hangs yon alder's crimson beads And stains these mosses green and gold. Will still, as He hath done. Incline His gracious ear to me and mine: Grant that we ask aright, from wrong debar. And, as the earth grows brighter overy star. lark, make Whlttier. SEASONABLE DISHES Is a uain dish which Is popular whatever the season. The following Is one which will add to your menu: Cadillac Chicken. Wipe a chicken dressed for broiling, sprinkle with salt and pepper, place on a broiler over a bot flame Remove oi coals for eight minutes. and rub over with the following mixture: Cream four tablespoonfuls of butter and add one teaspoonful of f made mustard, teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of vinegar and f of paprika. teaspoonful s cupful of Sprinkle with buttered crumbs and bake In a bot oven until the crumbs are brown. CHICKEN Your Motor Has Changed How fast the automotive industry changes its whims! Not so long ago every car had cylinders wide of bore and relatively slow of stroke, and it took a cupful of gasoline to push the piston down. Not so today! Small bore, long stroke, and rapid revolution that has completely revolutionized the gasoline motor and made just as emphatic the change necessary in gasoline. It's got to be a fast shooting gas, full of punch and power to the last atom. TryPARCO. It has kept up with the changes. VEEDOL and PARCO oils Judd's Garage ' Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars G. R. Judd, Manager 44 -- HARRY F. GUGGENHEIM, 122. Nephi Daniel Fields of Lyman, Wyoming was a Levan visitor last week. eve4 1 one-hal- Prlcinct No. 1 For State Senator, C. D. McNeeley. 140; George H. Ryan, 267; For State Representative. P. J. Bonner, 88; Thomas H. Burton, 319; For District Judge, Grover A. Giles, 173; Leroy H. Cox, 233; For District Attorney, Abe Murdock. 143; A. L. Larsen, 263; For County Commissioner, Term,, June Kendall, 203; E. P. Peterson. 204; For County Commissioner, Term. Earl F. Dunn, 149; John G. Bunnell, 259. For County Attorney. C. N. Leather-bur128; P. N. Anderson, 279. Nephi. Precinct No. 2 For State Senator, C. D. McNeeley, 194; Geo. H. Ryan, 218; For State Representative. P. J. Bonner, 113; Thomas H. Burton, 299; For District Judge, Grover A. GUes, 220; Leroy H. Cox, 192; For District Attorney, Abe Murdoch, 195; A. U Larsen, 217; For County Commissioner, Term, June Kendall, 257; E. P. Peterson, 166; For County Commissioner, Term, 211; John Q. Bunnell, 201; For County Attorney, C. N. Leatherbury, 17;' P. N. Anderson, 216. NepM Precinct No. 3 For State Senator, C. D. McNeeley, 125; George H. Ryan, 187; For State Representative, P. 3. Bonner, 94; Thomas H. Burton, 217; For District Judge Oorver A. Giles, 136; Leroy H. Cox, DOC WISE one-hal- three-fourth- i 'V Pimento Canape. slices, Cut bread into shape with a round cutter and saute In buttr- - Drain canned pimento dry between towels and shape with a round cutter: then saute In butter. Remove to the bread, garnish with a border of finely chopped parsley. Serve hot. , y, U9UALW BOTH WIFE AMD HUSBAND CLAIM. A VICTORY IN THE DIVORCE COURT - THAT 19 IF DADDY LIVES TO TEU.THS BTORY SIR PEORGE GRIERSON Slmm was elected director of the Field Museum of Natural History In Chicago to succeed the late David C. Davie. Mr. Simm has been a member of the scientific staff of the museum since It was founded by the late Marshall Field In 1893. Stephen 'A s- i- C. I ' 1 'tbf ' ""'tI ' Orange Puff, Orange 8auc. Prepare a cottage pudding mixture and bake In buttered gem pans. Beat the whites of three eggs until stiff end ut'd one cupful of powdered sugar gradually, bentlng constantly, then add the grated rind and Juice two ornng and the Juice of one Fill crer:: and serve with la not only a which Is very may be mnpl i pi-.f- tlx "it;?. V', f r.iictls with Ice crenm a rhwolnte s.uk-p- . This quick dewert but one well lil;cd. The snur r r;irr.tni'l If preferred irn w.T'Tir l'ntm I Foolish Distinction Kolster Radio ' J7 Commander Byrd's Choice For His Antarctic Expedition 1 it ' t1 - A DEMONSTRATION Will Tell You Why! i 1 VENICE CAFE Phone 246 MAPLE Nephi, ut. SERVICE Sir George Grlarton of London, who recently received the Order of Merit, I matter of 179 language and 664 dialect, having Just compfeted a monumental linguistic eurvey of Indii on which he spent the past 25 years, ha j Pe' ij'li who lire arrogant on account of their wealth are about equal tci onr who measure a ninn's worth hy the number of hi N'lr,di'-- r Frpdrlka Bremer. rV'Tsiart" CLOTHCSAFT Tailored Clothes Many a man buys a Clothcraft suit without fully realizing its true value. But not for long because Clothcraft quality and tailoring shows itself in the long wear the suit gives him. Come in and get acquainted with a Clothcraft suit you'll be better dressed for a long tim: and at a lower price. ' A Clean as Your Own Home $22.50 to $45.00 Theatre Building Main Street The Toggery 23 |