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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL Society By MARY MARSHALL. Plans Travel Wasatch Junior Music meets Saturday st 1 p. m . C. A. election of officers. The annual spring parly of the Col. lege club will bo held Saturday evening at the Marian Lois tea, room on East Flrat South street. The affair will be In the nature of a "tour." and the committee Included: Ticket agent. Alice Sanford: assistant agent, Ida Simons; conductor, Marlon Styles; steward, Margaret Hess; chef, Marian Hiskey; entertainment manager, Ix.uiae Ijoofbouruw. the Following dinner the members will attend the Wilkes theater. Announcement Is made of the engagement of David W. Cannon, son of Colonel and Mrs. John Q. Cannon, wnd Mils Nellie Waterfleld of PhilaThe marriage will lake delphia. place In Philadelphia. The brideis a graduate of the University groom of Utah and ihe Georgetown university of Washington. D. C. He has been admitted in the bar of Utah. of Washington, J C where the young coup).- will make their home. At Kurtz Home club Y. W. Members of the Salt Lake branch of Ihe American Association of University Women luncheon Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. H. Richardson. 510 Twelfth East street Salt Lake circle N. 559. Neighof Woodcraft, card party Saturday at 8:30 p. m. at the home if June Wilson, 837 Green street. bors a If you follow the fashion of wearing evening gowns cut low at the back or If you plan to do so next autumn your bathing suit for this sum mrr's holidays with care. It should either be cut extremely low In the bsrk or high enough to give protec tion to back and shoulders. might add that if you are a brunette you are better entitled to the former choice. The high cut bathing cos tumes sri a hetier , no Ice ror blondes That ought aot to be an unwelcome bit of advice, because the high-cu- t Luncheon Guest Phi Delta PM alumnae meets Saturday at 2:10 p. m at the home of Miss Esther Nelson, f?l Sixth avenue. Party at Tea istMiiMiiiitiiaiitai Bride of Future Browning section. Ladles' Literary club meets Saturday at 1 p. m. at the home of Miss Linda Jessup, 656 Twelfth East street Bridge Tea Oil Omega Mothers' club will entertain at the fourth In a series of bridge teas Saturday afternoon at the sorority house, 1431 East First South is street. Mrs. Duncan MacVlchle general chairman of the affair and will be assisted by the following hostesses: Mrs. J. H. McGowan, Mrs. Francis Goeltx, Mrs. A. J. Hogan and Mrs. William Story. Mrs. H. C. Hicks will entertain at a bridge luncheon Saturday afternoon Miss rtuih Holbrook will be the In honor of the retiring officers of the hostess at a luncheon Saturday after- Wasatch Literary club, to be given noon at her home In honor of Miss in the blue room of the president's Iaona Smedley. a popular bride-elesuite at the Newhouse hotel. - Mrs. Harry H. Kurti was Ihe hostess at a prettHy arranged lunrheon Friday afternoon at her home In the In of Honor II merest apartments Miss Bernlla Doran. a popular hrld of May. The rooms were decorated with a in pastel variety of spring flowers shades. The guests were seated at one table which was covered with a Isce cloth over yellow and was centered with a Kong basket of daffodils and Japanese Iris. Silver candlestick! held tall yellow princess candles. Covers were laid for twelve gueete. afternoon Miss Hanna Saturday Ruth Cohen will entertain at a luncheon at her home In compliment to Miss Doran. rf bathing auita are every bit aa smar- teven extreme as those that are cut with an extremely low derolletagr Last summer the extremely low backed bathing costumes made their appearance at smart French bathing rea nee, and the low cut waa not nan offrequently the oriatnal Women had simply found that while a back entirely sunburnsd was de cidedly smart beneath the low decol lecage or tne new evening gowns, a back sunburned only down to the shoulder blades wss quite the reverse So they slashed down their bathing costumes to suit tnese new requirements. fashion now sets a premium on a nicely sunburned skin, or rather, on what we know In this country aa a skin, but It Is one thing to have a smooth, even coat of tan. and another thing to have a akin blistered and parched by the affect of the sun's rays. By tsking the most usual sort of precautions, the bru nette French woman's akin ahowa no such Irritation from the effect of sun snd seashore. There Is enough brunette In most American women to make It possible for them to show the same faahlonahle tone of skin. Rut the true blonde doesn't tan at all her akin merely reddens, blisters, becomes parrhed and then peels. And for su' h women the bathing costume should be chosen. e The advantage of waah frocks Is that Inatesd of having two or three you may have five or six, snd, although the new type frocks tske a little more material, It is not enough more to make much difference In the price of material. This week's help consists of a pattern diagram for one of these frocks suitable for any sort of wash material. If you would like a copy of the pattern diagram with sketch of the finished frock snd The new type of bathing suit cut low directions for making, send me a at the back. This model is of print- stamped, self addressed and ed silk with narrow shoulder straps. I will send It to you at envelope once. (Copyright, 19x3, McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) Knudsen the graduation of John lAter Mrs. Knudsen and Miss Kather-In- e will visit in the east for several here and there, and ao on until the weeks. batters have all been used and the la sufficiently full. tin A meeting of Chi Delta Phi alumnae In layer cakes It Is somewill be held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. times making a good plan to wait until the at the home of Miss Grace Nelson. last minute before putting the layera Miss avenue. 761 Sixth Carolyn and then to use some nice Burnham will review an original nov- together filling, sort that would of "gooey" el. Mlsa Gertrude Arhuckle will give soak In if used toothe long In sdvance. readings from "The Creative Ufe." One auch filling Is made by besting by Lewtsohn. Miss Mllllccnt Lynns a quarter of a pint of whipping cream from "Creative will give readings a email bottle and then adding Criticism." by Splngam. The assist- a hajf sieved powdered sugar little ing hostesses will be Mrs. James and somefinely grated cocoanut. Carlson. Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. J. T. This week's help consists of direcWooton. tions for making a number of attractive and amusing place cards for luncheons or dinners. Please send me envelope your stamped, and I will aend them to you at once. McClure 1933, Newspaper (Copyright, Syndicate. ) deala-nln- Bridge Dinner Dr. and Mn. V. S. Hatch will entertain at a dinner, followed by bridge, Saturday evening at the Hotel l'tnh. Twenty guests have been bid- Founders' day of the Pi Beta Phi fralernltyl will be celebrated by the L'tah Alumnae club Saturday at the home of Mrs. Walter i. Penlck. 24 Fifth East street. Mrs. Leslie J. Bat-tewill be ssslstlng hostess. A o'clock luncheon will be served, to be followed by an Interesting prngram. All l"i Phis! sre urged to be present and to please notify the hostesses. y 1 d and Mrs. 8. R. Zlmmerley will entertain at a bridge supper Saturday evening at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Probert. who will leave In the near future for Colorado to make their home. Mr. Cnrouih the turnstile vu pass with your bosket before sneives or wonderful ali rx- -i uii over ing 1 .jr for your convert oria ience ana pricea ror your mai I L4Bu! ' Hol-de- benefit one-ac- will be aerved. Help Yourself From a Smiling Shelf Folger's or Maxwell House COFFEE skl 43c With Tomato Sauce Libby's home-mad- The semimonthly meeting of the British Social club will be held Saturday at 8 p. m. at the Moose hall, South Second East and Second streets. The following program will be given: Address on the appreciaProfessor Reginald tion of music Beales; soprano solo, Bessie Marley; vocal duet,. Mr. and Mrs. Jack accompanied by Mrs. David t "The Sweet Owen: play. Family." Lottie. Be ml re and Elisabeth, portrayed by Betty Slngley. Verda and Eple Mayfleld; reading. Fern Drury. All members and friends cordially Invited to attend. Refresh-ment- a . Becipe From Piggly Wlggly Health Menus Page 91. NUT SAUSAGE Mix naa cupful of. cookdl. lint farina with . of soft brrail ormnbs, two cups of chopped walnut of a eupinj meats, half a of a teaspoonful of paprika, tenspoonful of salt, egg; mix well, roll tenspooiifhl of thyme, and one Place in buttered pan into twelve even ausa);e shaped pieces. Peel and cut six baand make in a moderate oven 'M minutes. nanas in halves lengthwise, roll in flour and fry a nice brown on Place the sausage on hot platter and both sides in hot butter. surround with the cooked bananas. Watch for Eecipe from Piggly Wiggly Health Menus every Saturday one-hal- one-thir- well-beate- BANANAS gt A I WITT MCATC YTALinU 1 MJbSl IO U Gold Medal The young woman's Bible class of St. Paul's church will he entertained at the home of Mrs. Conrad Jones. Twelfth East street. Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Virginia Pltcheos. whose marriage to Peter Dlazlkls will take place in rhe early summer. 2 . . 1 23 lb 43 ib FURNITURE M A VAMW A KC aU I VmrtliJL. Oquirrh Brand ... Pint iar The Keyser Fireproof Private PACKING and Shipping The safety of your goods In transit depends upon how well they are packed. The "Keyser Way" Is an assurance of firat-clas- s packing and safety. M. A. Keyser Fireproof Co. Storage 2nd South Street 328 Weat RI I 1 WV DUTTTkR Churned daily from sweet, fresh cream. LB. A good Room is the safest, cleanest and most sanitary method of storing furniture. We also have open or general storage at a lower rental. 21c 39 c jar pan. STORAGE For all salads. y2-pi- Your Home and You Trie Sextodecimo club will be entertained at luncheon Saturday at the t'nlverslty club by Miss Eleanor By BETSY CALLISTER. Wight. Ribbon cake Is made by making layColonel and Mrs. F. L. Kmidsen and Rill lav dmigrhter the ers of different colors and nutting Kfltherin, fhern latter part of May for West Point for togelher in the same cake, and marble cake la made by using two or three or even four different colon ror the batter and putting them In Irregular arrangement In a deep cake per lb. 7c Fine for salads, candies etc. Fresh Sweet Calif. Mrs. T. E. Newman of Salt Lake, who has spent the winter months In Los Angeles, sailed on the S. S. Emms Alexandria from Loi Angeles harbor during the past week for Mexico, where sdie will spend some time visiting. 149 PorkandBeans2c3ns15 Was. 5722 or 5723 Phone ..41c Calla Lily 2 Patent Hiarh ElfllTl? rLlUiV large cans 23c Guaranteed 48-lb- . toplease Bag 1 . . C'l of cakeds batter of come out to make divide the batter into three approxi mately equal parts, using two extra bowls for this nuroose. Now add little melted chocolate to one batch of batter Just enough to give It a light chocolate color: leave one portion plain and add a little coloring matter to the third. This may be bought at the grocery and is quite harmless. In making the marble cake you may use a fourth batch, using yellow coloring in this; or you may be satisfied e effect, using merely with a the plain rake batter and some colored with chocolate. After the pan has been greaaed, fill In the batter with a dessert spoon. Use a foundation of the plain color fairly well spread out and then add a little more of the plain batter at one end and In the center so the streaks will be Irregular. Then, using a clean spoon, put in some of another tint taking care not to mix the two batters In the pan. Pile this batter up a little rose-color- two-ton- bottles 37c Blue Gooso 2 I We reserve the I DRESSES Of the Newest Print Creations for 17c Fresh Utah SPINACH. I r- -r 2 GRAPEFRUIT Special New York Purchase .sfinUd Bleaches. Removes Stains. Kills Germs CL0R0X I 2 lbs. 9c I right to limit quantity. EXTRA SPECIAL Ib. 19c FINNAN HADDIES BEEF POT ROAST lb. 20c Ib. 35c SLICED BACON PORK ROASTS 17i2c SKINNED HAMS ST " . . . lb. 25c ...lb. georgette prints flat crepe prints ! Food'Health I Jeeale A. Knox. fOOO 8PICIALHT E S Bv " ? iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GOOD FOOD AT REASONABLE COT. people who are considerably limited aa to the amount of money that can be spent for food each week Many 6 I jfaMk If I k flST have a feeling that anything that has to do with the term, "balanced menu," means added expense, so far as food la concerned. This, of course, la not so. In the main, menus that are given are Intended as suggestions and not aa hard and fast rules. Almost always it Is necessary to alter them somewhat, according to market conditions and seasons. It Is, however, necessary to remember that there are certain be types of foods which must always one Included and that In substituting for another, foods In the same class must be used. Meat is perhaps the most expensive When Item in the family food list. economy must be observed In planning meala It la not necessary to Include meat every day. Lentils, for Instance, offer an excellent substitute for meat, and at a price that Is very considerably A lentil loaf has the same lower. value as a meat loaf at about the cost. Dried lima beana also make a good meat substitute. TberA see manv of the macaroni com blnatlons that can be used, sad espeand cially those containing cheese that milk. It must be remembered meat is a protein food and that In mihKtitntine- other fooda for It they must either belong to the protein group or be combined with some otner rorm of protein, auch as cheese. nttage i.huw renerallv less expensive than In used be should and other varietlea the msklng of a great many wnoie some and nutritious dishes. vrnir Is Mm verv best food for grow be ing children anda an effort muet made to include liberal supply In the rooa A medium tin diet priced should Include plenty of cereals, eape clally the whole grain ones, as these also contain nrotein or building matf rial; fresh fruits and vegetables, either of the canned, fresh or dried1 variety It Is a better plan always to use some fresh vegetables. The least ex pensive of these are carrots, beets, and turnips, squssh. potatoes, onions When fresh fruit Is expencabbage. sive or when it Is necaeeery to coeta closely, the dried fruits can be advantageously used, as they contain more bulk per pound than the fresh fruit, because most of Ihe water has been removed from them. In other words, your money buys solid food value and the water can be put back Into them by soaking. Next week I will gfve you a few menus snd t"H you a little more about the planning of thla type of meal. (Copyright, McClure Newepaper low-co- georgette prints with navy georgette overslipi Syn-dlca- ) I I Forestry Interest Sizes 14 to 46 Priced for Today Only I $1495 1 I lll 1 "What's thla? I don't understand. At night? None Oo to the movies? of us are going to the movies." "I'm going with Louise. I need 10 cents more." "Who said so?".eays mother weakly. "Nobody ssld so. I'm Just going." Thst Is the time to tell him that he lap't. He belongs In bed. If he goes to the movies he la tn be taken there by an older person In the afternoon and he Is not to engage himself to escort a girl anywhere without his parents' permission. "But the girl calls him up and ssks him If he Isn't coming for her snd I fsel so sorry for the boy. I hste to belittle him before the girl." Dear. dear. What haa any of that got to do with the matter. No girl one but a very bold, would call a boy the telephone and aak him to take her to the movlea or anywhere else. Instead of allowing the boy to go with her. call her mother on the telephone and ask her to the little girl not to do this go out sga'n, aa your boy Isla not to he to take a In the evening. Nor out. girl It is not good ror oniiaren to nave spending money In exceaa of their needs. No child ought to have enough money to treat his compsnlons. to make bets, to play crapa. A boy ought not to soend money for the entertainment of others until he haa earned It, and by that time, If he Is at all Intelligent, he will not apend much of It that way for some yeara to come. Bora who are attending high school and college are given an allowance that permlta them some leeway in sorts! matters. But the occaalons for spending on entertainment should be few and well approved, it ia bad lor young boya and very young men to get Into the habit of posing as ma ture men of affaire, taking laaies to parties and making little beta and sit ting In at the early morning game. Better stsy what they are, boys, and live as boya. Anybody knows that boya have no money of their own. When they are spending a lot of It for parties and theaters and flowers, everybody knows where they get It, and smiles. Train them beforehand ao the amllea won't have any quality of derision. Protect the boys by Instruction. Set a guard on the telephone If it la necessary, from 12 years up. (Copyrljht, 192. by the Bell Syndl- cale, Inc.) o-- Auction Bridge 298 o. Main sUkkXasFr Clothes KM gfcgLjJ l IKBsWBKUffi-- Lti Money tion conditions In this camp and can- yon tonight, and so keen is the interest in the subject that a Aiass meeting of cltlsens is to be held early next week for presentation of the sub-ioto the cltlsenry aa a whole. Va rious civic, fraternal and other are to be invited to join in the movement. Dr. T. B. Betty, Hate health was apeaker tonight, and l.e ther Lee snd Mrs. Ella Smith, members of the executive committee, lira. Ida Thomas waa president of the) or gnnlxation during the present school yssr. There will be no more meetings until plans are completed for nest year's work, which will be early next fall. RECOVERS RAPIDLY. gpeilsl ts The Tribune. SPANISH FORK, April 27 Miss Mildred Corbell of thla city, who waa seriously Injured In an automobile accident at Provo Saturday evening, la rapidly recovering from her Injuries at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corbell. Miss Corbell suffered (irftroken bones, but waa bruised. be confined She will badly to her bed for ten more daya because of the Injury to her shoulder, whore ' the tendons were torn loose. emphasised general health conditions QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. Tne commlsslonsr had eomethlug lo say In regard to the garbage dump Speclsl lu The Trlhsne. near the mouth of the canyon, and SPANISH FORK, April 37 Quarrecommended either that an incinera- terly conference of the Palmyra, atake tor be Inatalled to dispose of the will be held here Saturday and Sunrefuse, or that it be acreened from day. May i and (. at the Eecalante public view by a fence. The flrat meeting will comCardens. Or. Beatty urged competent mence at 10:30 Saturday morning. lnapectlon. and thought thst the county ahould provide that for outlying districts, it being of especialas Importance in a town situated ilingham la. The health commissioner thought that thla district is sufficiently Important producer of reve nue to Sslt Lake county to merit some special attention In thla regard. for The achoola were dlacuaaed and the most part praised, though attention waa called to some malodorous refuse near the Intake of the ventilation system of the Highland L'oy school. Mayor J. F. Flynn and Dr. Paul Richards spoke along similar lines. Members of the town bosrd were present. R. J. Bryant and H. B. Aven were chosen delegates and Kugene Jenkina and John Kennedy altematea to the Klwsnls International at Seattle in June. aanl-tatlo- n P.-A. ELECTS. te The Tribune BOUNTIFUL, April 27. Members of association the local Parent-Teachheld the annual election of officers school build Wednesday at the grade ing. Mrs. C. H. Blake waa elected Special president, with J. A. Taylor, principal of the Junior high, aa vie president; Miss Eva Hancock, secretary; J. W. Hill Mrs. Edward Barrett, Mrs. Es PEOPLE LIKE HOSKISSON'S We hear our customers frequently remark that they like to do business at HOSKIS- SON'S. They like our convenient stores, our fine assortment of choice foods, and, above all, they like the "treatment" received from our men. Personality gops a Ions; way in business. D A XI We a'ain offer those fme ripe, yellow fruit. Lb... C A XI A DAN All Ad 7c BeetsExtraTc."0 10c Nut Butter Special. 2 'tT lbs. 35c It Pierce's. Catsup IS, 23c Booth's 25c CheeseMrV Eat Sf8"1 "d 'iv' take-out- 15c Sardines ' ovl can, Lima Beans lie 2 lbs Bluing 19c Stswart's. 23C S a lbs Full of food value. Ace-Kin- named should he bid strength elsewhere in the hand makes up for lsck of it In the take-osuit: and that compensating strength csn best be reckoned by using the count In which sn Ace Is rated aa 4, Klnc as 3. Oueen as 2 and Jack as 1. On that basis, the following table shows what principal strength and side strength go together: Strength of Five- - Side Count Nteded Card Take-Ou- 3 Ace-Jac- Ace k S Queen-Jac- Je King-Jac- King k Jack-Te- n I worthless singleton, especially a worthless Minor singleton-- makes the take-ou- t so desirable that the temptation Is strong to make It without side strength; but unless the holding In the Msjor Itself justifies It. the temptation should be reslstsd. With a score of 40 or more, any of the above side strength requirements may be dispensed with; a score of 40 precludes sll danger of a Jump by the partner. should One exception: not he hid without side strength. (Copyright. 132.Tohn F. Dllle Co. , College Invites Churches' Aid in Magazine Stunt' te The IjO ; AN. Recognition of the master farmers of l'tah, through presentation of properly Inscribed certificates to be swarded during the encampment. eighth17 snnusl fsrmers' to 30. Is announced by the July Utah Agricultural college, rh rough the extension service. The l'tah farmer haa been selected as the special medium through which gaeclsl ta The TisUai. to promote the movement In this atate, SPANISH FORK. April 37 Ameriof other agencies, the but can Forest week has been observed includingcooperation the state board of agriculfarm buresu and during the past week In thla commuture, newspapers, Is nity to a very marked extent, under civic and religious organisations. thj direction of locsl f'hslrmsn J. of--F.! ssked. jtklnner. assisted By local forest from fleers and a number of speakers other communities. Both the Rotary" and KtwanU dabs have been ad dressed, while eight seniors from tne high school g speeches In all wards of the Palmyra stake. April 33. on forThe schools st est conservation Benjamin. Ikeschore and Thla-Uand the Thurber school st Spanish More than a Fork were addressed -- Wis mUred Boy Scouts listened tn an II a fw ssssr mmSmtn Mark Anderson, histrated address by state chairman for tne American FormSTOOES COLOR ANW est week moTesnent. last night BEAUTY TO GRAY! OenrBa C. Larson, one of the forest AND FADED HAIR rangors on ftte Strawberry reserve SO t ! states that mountain lions are doing at n drutUsit. considerable da ma sre hs the portion of OtgMIc fill IKSTCJ the resent under his Jurisdiction. ReSXSJ t NY Wws nak ash Snn SSS StseexOMr ports are coenlnr In to the effect that as sn asraeaaa smlisw ttmm ssatasa the Hons are killing quite a number taasaMsi MsaTise ass Is s assr sasss ssd of deer and thev have skso ta hitsY Bair lil i some thoroughbred sheep during e se past week. At Spanish Fork Ss-le- e 5 ii M m 04a aV Serve for Olives Mayonnaise Star of 10c ... Elgin t approval Liquid Sunshine 19c pint. IS Small. Large. The polish that saves labor snd does no harm. purchase for a quick sate. 20 This Is a apecial Butter Corn 29c White Ross Daiay etc 43c .5e Tempting Bakery Products Queen Ten Trlbsne April 37 3 Our DAISY Whipping Cream is dis--I I Rag cussed all over town as the 1 hett ppingr Cream told. Va Pt. Peaks Oolden Sweet 2 for ,., A Sfieelsl VlRr AM 3 3 k King-Quee- n with cream, Thsy 7 2 2 Jell-We- ll The quick dessert. 15c JamWhiler"1':... Laat. t Suit Ace-Que- v "Prettier April 37. Bingham bad another whirl at tne sanita- B1NUHAM. BRIDGE. Continuing our Consideration of Mas of partner's No Trump, jor we take up today a knotty Contract What strength Is needed for problem. a Major bid of two over partner's No hand U Trunin when the take-nu- t wltKout sr3e strength? "ATI agreelhat the bid needs material strength because It Is a distinct encouragement, although far from a command, to the partner to continue with either the No Trump or the Major; my view Is that only four holdings Justify a take-ou- t without any side strength whatever. and at They are g least one other; and at least three others: and at least two others; and at least two others. With any Major weaker than the above and a side hand without assistance of any character, it Is better to pass the partner's one No Trump. In many cases the pass Is made not because the holder of the hand thinks the No Trump will work better than the Major, but because bidding the Major might produce a Jump from the No would result disasTrumper which take-out were made trously If the without rerjuialte strength. Majors of less strength than above Tribune Ths Special By MILTON C. WORK, The International Authority. i con-ald- Of Sanitation y ANQELO PATRI. How soon should a boy begin to take girls to ths show? I would say that when a boy waa old enough to support himself he waa old enough to begin escorting young of entertainment ladiea to places That includes the movies. si A old lad haa an allowance of li cents a week, none of which he earns. He goes to school, gets a fair mark, does no work about tne nouse. has no share In- - the family life aave cafe. accepting shelter and food hisandmother Friday evening he aska for 10 cents to go to the movies. CONTRACT plan in making either sort to make a good plain cake the sort that you know will often consider that menu auggestlons In case you are going and plans that are published are far right. a tnree-iaye- r riDoon cage too expensive for them to use. They Davis County Early June PEAS a d den. Bingham Aroused Over Conditions OUR Chil urcir&9, Moods in Modes Events of the Ddy College Club Couple WQlWed sisiiiiiiaiiiiiitiimiiisiMaimniitesaaaiiassasiisssiiiiitits 23 28, 1928. These Our cakes please everybody who tries them. are made with fine, high quality, pure ingredients and baked in a modern, sanitary bakery. Parkerhouse Rolls, OPfi Filled Coffee 25c -. dozen Ring .... . . Apple Pie S2"! 35c Two-laye- r Fudge Cake, 40t You Never Ate Bread Any Better Than Ours Our rsputation for fine meats Is winning us more patronage than perhaps any other Item. It means more thsn Just s sale. Try our mar- They are email, but convenient. Choice cuta. MEATS keta. Rib Boils lb. .15c Dry Salt Pork, lb. ........19c Pot Roast, lb. 20c Hanis htiVr 24c Mission Brand. 33c Bacon Lardp2u?b.wh:u J2c Whole or half ,b,,ie- alab, Ib. 27c. UTAH VEGETABLES No store worthy of your patronage will be without a choice selection of all the fresh fruits and vegetables the season produces. Our buyer is an expert in selecting the best on the market, which makes it easy for you to get the pick of the city if you visit our stores. Utah Utah Utah Utah Rhubarb Spinach lb. 19c lb. 15c 10 lb. 12c 2 lb. 33c 3 4 Radiahea 5c Potatoes Asparagus HOSKISSON'S A Utah Lnsti'ution. |