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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL Kobie wtim isTTtiDUj will be held Davit, who dlad Tueaday. t $?iaFuac lundir at 3d. m. In the Flrtt wtrd chipr) ruitt! ' . a t. CARD OF THANKS WIT with la tiis.jii nut niSDT fVlen.lt iid a I, tf rolatlial tVw. tkola L InIn Ik) reodered durias the recent beret merit of l beautl oar k'jftban and father: lio for the fui floral, offering. Mr. Jitnn H. Carter p'1 faaHy. FUNKRAIffiKTOjaS WM. TAYLOR. JO.-EI-H Th Letdlng Undertaker. 21 '!3 Scutb Weet Temple St. Phone Wat 700, office tad realdeaca. t. M. TAYLOR S CO., "A aplrlt of friendly aympatby mtrba every featnre of our aervlce." 861 Etat let Smith. Wat. 912. tlMMJtTIST SONS CARLQL'IST CO.. Under-tifieri- . aery Ire. 2128 Prompt amhulaaca South State. Ily. 172. and em O'DONNELL 4k CO.. t Wat tiWl. btlmera. 32 So. 4th East. EVANS EARLY funeral director!. Mortu try ehapei. 48 8o. State. Wat. RSI'. 1989 IDDINGTON Mortuary. t all By. I2S. So. 11th Eaat. ABOVE fflBHff MORTI'ARYB SERVICE Wat. 2482. ALL. 88 Eaat 7th nth INTKRM0U NTA1 N Unrtnary Co., Wm. 0. 1446 Brlrkann. E.L.EaU, Stt te - I 1 4 FLORISTS LXUrrKTJlTrs. 1M8. CEMETERIES W.vsat II Mtln 48 LAWN cemetery, at. Phone Wtt. perpetael ctra. 1888 MONUMENTS rnSTT)?nE371Sto5(H); marker!, 10; flower pott. 86 op. Morrla. 252 No. let W. LOST JLND FOUND filfttMAN I'OLlCaTTtJP 8 weVia old: $S Collar oa, no lirenat taa. Latt reward. teen Federal Heljbtt. Ily. 6229-i- . foot; Black, nlth white face, tan left, b"b tall, was wetrlna; collar, antwera to aame New Orand hotel, Nel"Stnbb." Beward. lie Rawaya. HAND PI.'RSK Green leatfler, cooUlntcn Return to Bolauil money end recclpta. 2nd Vteat 820 or Park So,, city. City, Flynn, CLASS PIN Loat at Bluebird Thitrt., 2tb. Reward. Was. 10088. BIIOWN r.OX NEl'KPIBCB. lott Ptrt-niouBeward. theater Friday eTeittar. . BI-MCall Hy. FLUFF RUGS fitM.VeIT nap ... from your own aeamleta, re- - r de)n. material; beantiful a Teraible, any color. Eetimatet free. waa. 8807. 222 So. Weat Templa. BEAUTIFUL rug!, tH tlzet, colore, from old ctrpete, ate. Stlt Lake Fluff Bug So. State. 1848 CO.. Fly. MOO. Mfg. CLEANmGjSLNDYEnJO oreat'or Ciaei7rtwork; coait TUXTaiilt, prtmpt terrlce: no no DYEING gatotlne odor; more. SALT LAKE CLEANING Hy. CO.. 283 Ettt 0th South. DYLl.NG CO , 138 KEGAL CLEANING But Second South. Wat. 380. Clothe! cleaned tinder mwdeodoriz1ncnroccii. TTRUSSES ELASABDOMINAL BELTS, TRUSSES. fitted by experienced TIC STOtKlNOfl Yon pay ao money for thlt attendant nt. THB Your doctor recommende PHYSICIANS 8UPPLY CO.. 48 W. tnd Bo AIEN, wear Our truatee; fit guaranteed Bex Drug i'o. W Temple and Hrd South PRINTERS AND BINDERS i f A' JUSTIN "JnTntTnTTilu Co. 248 8. Ick service. Welt-erW. Tero. W. H.V Printing FOR private and public library binding, tee F O. Dutt Co. 221 Edleon at Waa 1117" PHYSICIAN OSTEOPATHIC T austT?r, o7f1cefieT5on3c- Iotyre Bldg. Waa. 43tn: rat . Hy. , FURS AND FJJRRJtERS cletned, rcptlred. mtde: reat. prlcei. Wat. ,1707. FT R9 Oeneea C. HTckii. 88 So. r.th E CHINA PAINTING to floor FiNaaaDxeoore TfftoTts hantiried. tshr, ..VI in t0 an. QOOD car, good routt, for good bottler Chicago ( leaning Co. double on btnlo or SAXOPHONE player, Tlolln. Apply Ren hotel. 2o3 So. Httte tt ITBONO young man. ateady work; married C.lre ace, belglt. weight. man preferred. and wanted tcliooliitc. wagea referencea, Uui phoue Lumber la flrat letter. Trlbtine. DINNER COOK. Neradl, 1120. room. 10 hrt. 8 TEAMSTERS, Nevtdl, B. 2 FARM HANDS. Idaho, 845. R. B. FARM HAND. Nertdl. 860, R. MACRTNB MINER, NtTtda. 83 78. Bait lake Em p. Agt., No. 2 B. ltt So ft - Learn Trades UTAH BAUBRR COLI.EOB. Operated by B. B. Manafleld, eoulnoed to teach til Ittett metboda la barberlng. Barn tcbool. We aa yon learn. A rtiartntea poaltloa after completing conrae. leaned. Information free. 148 Diplomat Regent tt. LAKE BARBER COLLEGE. Moat mod- by W. N. DAYTON. tcbool la tha etate. State We guarantee t potltlon; Bait Inforvttkm free. Lake Utah, lis Regent at. MM baBbeB SCfiOOL. equipped Largeat and moat completely tchool la the ttate Only tcbool la the etate affiliated with tha Hatter Btrbert' itanela tloa. Only tchool la tht ttatt lndorted by Inrettr tba International Barbara' nnloa. , partlcu-laragtta what thlt meant. Write for Moler'e Barber Oollega. 114 Begent It.. Stlt Like City EXPERT. BE A BIG PAY ELECTRICAL KARN kv.0 and more per week. Any mm ctn" qualify by new training method. Piaclnttlnf work. Big opportunl-tie- t for training men right bow. FREE emeervice. Earn living expenaea ployment while training. FREE electrical book glrea Write Kttlouat Electrlctl til information. School, A. Y, 4000 Bo. Flgueroa, Lot An gelea. trn tnd reglitend tchool. diplomtt ltaaed. Furniture Wanted IF WISH YOU 8LLA"B"onSEFl TO L OF FCRNITI'RE TOR CASH. HI 6842 CO. ptyi more for WASATCH FURNITURE tecond-nan837 Houtb state furbitutt. Wat. 8IW. aaieet. HIGHEST rath prlcet for furniture, rangca, refrlga., rugt. oddt aad anda. naa. Moi. AUCTIOKMBR. M THALE8 DERRICK. on Inya hontehotd fura for CASH, or telle FREE By. 8842. enmrolaalon APPRAISALS WILL pay klghaet prlcet for need ftirnlture, rage, toola. anything of value. NOAH'S ARK, WAS. 27.13. &IOHBST prlcet pi Id for good and Stlt Lake Furniture Co. Wtt. 8B37. WB pay hlghett prlcaa for fnrn. Big Four Fnrn. Co., Waa. 7742 10V So. W. Temple. WILL pay tub for all or tny part of lioute or rurmtnre. van Bf, pST FjPM 'prlce far need furniture, ttoree, ruga, til klndt of mltc. Wtt. 8727, WttCLD .Ikt to purchaee for CASH CALL H0UBBFUL FUBNITUBB, HY. 2134-HIGHEST caah price for furniture, rugt. ttoree, rtnget, etc. Wtt. 71a- -. COL. B. C. JENKINS, toctloneer, ptyi more Wtt. 18M. 848 Bo. Sttte for anything. Wan ted Salesmen PErvrpenTnTwe hava aaleacnin. 28 experienceif Ulcliardt atreet. OPPORTUNITY for experienced tonthern and haTthlayear tot one Utth Woolea Mint. EXTBAORPINART ta tjtah clothing ttleamtn Idabo, Beit ttyllih Una la America today. Brrlta Trouieri Breerhei Knlcken. Mtnuficturer of twenty yeirt' ittodlng will give good man long liberal contract. WEAR. INC.. DAY'S TAILOB-TACOMA, WASHINGTON. SAl.KSMRN AND SALESLADIES. If you ire tnteretted la ttlaawork In the book field we have the belt proposition in Will trtln you in. roughly; the ronntry fnrntsh lendt. Hava fineit Indortementt of and church men. educttlonal letdlog tllei people Ira making good money. Addreti Tribune, for ippolntment. elec.,' pa men ..te rTHTON H. CUTLER BROS CO.. 88 0. MAIN. FOftt men to work tn city, evening callt by tppolntment necetaary. Salary and fln- ! PHONE ptrt or fnll tlml. real fnture. A Bee Nelten, 40T Mclntyra bldg., Saturday and Monday. OPPORTUNITY for taleamaa tnd itletwo men. tnd rail 808 Scott bldg,, Wanted Agents Wat En- diWil-ctLii- -r fSVaWfioNt hava you Adam Flahcr Mfg. Co., Your Wftt pay t yetrt; Tribune. i ait real tatttt. monne. Pittengtra tad tabaggage LOS through aarrlca CrBTAINS bead Idered. by axperta. uy. wra-- j pr. All Idry. Call, del WAN TED-Spr- ing claming or laundry, work ttore: good taltry; LADY ta rnu TrlbiaBa. poiltlon wltb future. I. houiework. Hy. GIRJ. for gtneril 1371 Browning tvt. for aaienwomrn, bb,' com GOOD opportunity Scott Bldg million. Ml tnd WEEK. WYOWlNG, WAItRERSES. 2 SALT LAKE EM P. AGT., NO. 2 E. 1ST SO. Wl work eg tt hm.i-Utruatworthy cook dealrea or car of tick Itdy; tmtll wtgea. he l PICKWICX I LOS t. $20 . tt Via $20 0. r reclla- and butaet. through nchednlea with liblog eral iioporar pvlvilegei. Fully csvered with h- public liability ind property dtmagt Twentv-il- i fit a. Mala office Dancing Schools Bal Bo. Mam WOOUtVAUD'8 atlMlMt. -et. ballroom, up. oriental dancing. Prlt. eaaona 78e. II. Waa. 8012. Write for home tndy courae In toa danrtng: ilw catalog. JACKSON'S Dancing School. 15 Beat North clatt. fox trot end Beginner Temple waltz. 'Ill urn. 8 p. in.; ndftneed, Hon. 8:80. lino billet, tap, icmhtttr, prl. leatont. Catenng BAMBERGER INTEBt'BBAN STATION. WAS. 4271. WBST SO. TEMPLE. Downtown office. HOTEL BLDG.. 211 KENTON MAIN. SO. CI Y MALE DEPOT. ELY. Ruth. McGll, Klmberly, tnd Reno, Net., 8:30 a, m. Tonopah SALT LAKE Kemnierer Tuln tinge dtlly; alto Evtntton, tnmberlnnd, Oakley, Frontier tnd Mint, t, Wyo., 8 t. m. ru tht. Ulket. Bute tub RLAL mattagt, . rm BaL 2.So. Bute. 10 t. m to 7 p a V PEN KB, Ktnttt City. St. Loult. Chlctgo, Dr. Helen INTUITIONAL Paychology. Detroit tnd potntt eut, 8:00 a. m. you Ulrd Wlllwn It retdy to prove to Call tour own noatlhllltlei. Private oaly. LAS VEGAS, Angelet. Phnealx, Ban tt once. 242 E. 8. Temple. Wtl. 87SU R Francltco, 7 p. m. 8 a. m. HOIE-BUrum SHOP REPAIR witche for revoirert. repilrt gum, rpYnjppr"il'ei t In Twla illk botiery. Ding Tempieton POCATEI.I.O, Flllt. Idaho Falll, rjniariL dlamonda. mnalcal inatrumtnte Buy, tell, trtda tnything of raloe. Money to Wtt. 1851. portltnd, Seattle tnd all polnta north. Loan Wtt. 6904. PEEHY HOTEL. Into at raatombll ratel. Dtvldeon't PROF. MATHEW KELLY. 473 8. 3th Kael. Office. Office. 80 lit So. Wtt. 1)048. ELY STAGE LINE LEAVES Art you worried' 80 yeart' experience tocltl adelcf. MOXUM HOTEL WILL buy iltad or iiteleli hortei or cowl In health, bualnetl and or a tclentific human tntlyilt. Phone Mnrny 870 DAILY 8:8U A. M. Will pty cub. Phrenology . SAM tht TIRE Ily. 4288-BConnecting wltb . CASH PAID for 0ed tirei TNI0N STAGE LINE OFFICB tdvlca in Iletetlca, MASSAGE and bath, If AN. 8211 So State. Wit 443. ELY, NEV., for At 88M. E. 238 8nd Wa. health. WANT to buy. wheel chair; mutt bt chetp BUTH. M'GILL, KIMBEBLY. FOR butinett wltb Jtpaneec, wrltt to Leo for cub. Yttl. 8138-Jand al NEVADA POINTS. RENO Hlraaawa at Colonial hotel, city. Wat. CALL FOR INFORMATION, 2 red or 2 Plymouth letting bent. WANTED 401.1 WAS 827. inn att ntn no. John M. Chamberlain, SALT LAKE SHIRT SHOP. 403 Neil bldg. Shlrti made to order, reptired; nt gutr. or Lease To nr.r. hive stages. hath tnd mat fTifM mod. mhurhan Home, urgt lot for MISS WANDA REED, tteamBonn IOC 514 Atlai bldg. rOCATUI.LO i.e. cnicxen coop, nam garden lxit, imtli TWIN FALLS. IDAHO FALLS hat her own borne problem ctr line, In toutheaet tectloa. Ctll MRS. BALDWIN countellor, PORTLAND new BOISE, light iome forum, Cupld'l Uy. S867 K ALL IDAHO POINTS anclal, bntlneii, Ctll In rear, on every preailng problem, SMALL home on weit aide. 4.13 E. 2nd So. PARK CITY AND TOOELE. health, love queationa. njti WtOB taa w.Ft. BATH. Hrt. 10 7. Open Sunday. Fl'RNISHEb home of S or 8 rooml, for a MASSAGE, BCBSE8 ALSO I.EAVB FOR Atltt Bldg. Mlat Jenten, rmt. 523-2Write MJ, neferencei. thort time. bullnetl trouble.; DIVORCE: Bankruptcy I. OS ANGELES TribaBa. . contracta, willt. Interview! confidential SAN FRANCISCO, DENVER Law National terv. free. Legal Inform, RENO. TONOPAH CHICAGO. W.. 2nd So MOVING, STORAGE, 25 Atlaa block. Aaan.. ELY, HEBER CITY, DI CflESNB VERNAL. COALVILLE MASSAilE, hatha, elect, treat. Honn 9 to 7. ALTA ORANTSVILLK. Rm. Sol 207. 34 8. Main. Mme. La Marr. Y0UB FrRNITURB, KEIIMERER. FINB CHINA A HOUSEHOLD GOODS - MRS. II. PRBP8S. expert SWedlah mnaage. conW re worth a lot and deterve ipeclnlited el. iweat htth, Kenyon hotel. W. 4354 CNION BUS STATION, Our ttornge tccommodatloni ire .deration. 601 Nl ltSERY for children luc per hr. Iplrndld, clean tnd orderly. We nrewa not E. Sre) Rh. Hy. J9M4. 144-1do B, BROADWAY. bothered wtb mti or mice became FOR ALL are FSjVATi HOME Our packera NUB81NO WASATCH 6281-- . not itore merchtndlta. PHONES, We CIASSBB OF ILLNESS AND INFIRM1-TIKS- . trainee) men wltb yearn of experience. . HYLAND 1149 EAST SIXTH BO. tre proud of our tervlee tnd Invite Intpec-tlooto IOl Angelea Monday. Stnde DRIVING All lnqulrlet cheerfully antwered. I'ot-tlbl-y 4070. wnt. 9947. haker aedan; talfe twe oar lUBgcitlona might help yon. MASUL'F.UADK coltumea. play, bookl. operaa, SHIPPING. PACKING, STORAGE. MOVING, L. Coattltne. 83 W. 3rd S. W 998. S. etc. Bedruan Fireproof Stonge Lo. rtirtiint made, et retched. SECURE tht helpful bind of i grett tervlee DRAPER! ES, 138 So. 4th Wett Street. Wl!. 2008. 226 Conatltutlon bldg. wltb yonr ticket. No tdditkmul coat. OfWnt. 1483-4-3- . ficii! agenta for ill iteatniblp tnd tounug IF Marie Murrla, or Monoporla, will low it: Prlttortge monthly Ex American Siiectal tourt. with Box 180, Ogden, Cfth, or roinpaniet vita locked ttnnt gs.uu; pianot. ei.oo. Wat. 280. Co.. 24 W. 2nd So. trunka. 80c; automobllei, 88.00: honaenmn phone Or den 8001, Ihe will leirn tnmethlng prcit to her tdvtutige. commercial 81.00: Til SETS to tny port in tbe world. A per open itoraga, gooda. aonll aervlce thlt plrtten. J. a. 'lorn apace, 2Hc to. foot. No chtrg for. hauling. EXPKRIEN'CED prtctlcal nurae. good at Union near See your goo.lt at any time, tgency, phone Wtt. 8322 Wilton no ind tht belpleii. Box Inoiirablee ' teL Wtrehonte. Broadway Wat 8SI0 Tribune. Bdwy A TRANSFKP DELIVERY MERCHANTS' SARAH SANBORN, Broadvrty formerly Wa are eou pped to move, peg inn etore AUCTION hntt, Smtrt Bhop, tpedallaet In In for matron! am! mlaeet, 12.98 tny and ill houtehold goodt. Speclallatt prlcet popular WM. II. ADAMA. AI.'CTHlNEKR. Bonded at to $5.95. 59 Eaat Bdwy., with Glizler and freight hauling tnd itorage. Mondev. 2 n. m.. 23 Edlaon et., we will lota. depott, which Inturet tgalnit.tny Taylor Hoiiery to tell by AUCTION to the high bidder all the 181 llertxint. Office, tianred. EM'KItlENCKD itenognpber will do extra remaining iitett of the Motor Body, Inc., Waa. 370". Wai. 8222. Ref. work of tM kinda. 1 In part fine clock. 1 office follow!: STORAGE meana DANGER Irom CHEAP dealt. 1 Dalton adding .midline, Remington I UK. DISKASK GKUMH, Bluut ua tnu 1 1 circle band naw, law nnd vpewrlter. VERMIN. People who hate vermin la their 1 2 rnotftrt, tcetylent plmer, Culture. For OF STORAGE. SCHOOL L. M. CUEAP Uciuty tile telect EW1M, 1 2 gooda 8. V. nir. weldlna rompreaaor, autflt. call Wat. 6722, at a co tnd expert packing, 403 Cult bldg. Experienced Ucenaed r (rown tntay gnat, 1 hnffer with hnlf STORAGE CO, KEYSER FIREPROOF Wtt "244 for Information. r motor, 1 emery wheel with bltck-imlt- h TRANSFER CO.. motor vani of ei MRS.' CLANCY It now marcelling nt Lee 'a lot 2 electric drill!, motor, Barber abop. 4th .. I8th So. Uy. 8158 tet of tapt tnd diet, 1 periinced men. Wat 1883, Hy. 4481 J. equipment, towing car, lot by h.oit gcisH school or beauty cvi.tcbe. metal bretk, 1 Studebnker UAKR1B tndexurett moving, Wnt 713 8th Bo bodj mtterltlt, fendera, or ewntnet. 18 Every feature of beauty culture taught. of atnall toola, etc. 7560. 9 Ezra Thompaoa bid. Wat. ptrta, hnul 1tv or LARGE motor tin ntermotintaln Ata:n. credit Men. taaicneee. SALT LAKE etl HOOL BKAl'TY CI LTL-REMolletup't. Wtl. lo62 or 7003. WM. II. A1IAMS. AUCTION EER. 37 STATE arh'iol. Llcenaed regulatloni. MOVIJB1, tny kind, nny pllce, tnywhere; T. B. HALL. BUYS FOR AUCTIONEER, J. 7337. Free marcelling dt By. 1t So. W. rate! ret! Fred KlmhtH Hv. 4283 W. CASH OR SELLS ON COMMISSION. 738 RAMON A AVB. HY. 1858. S. L.'l Reliable Auct. COL. K. C JENKINS. Office. 318 Sonth Sttte tt. Waa. 1392. VLtlOJtTTeTntifled, SPcTTMwTI'rTrSlt elec.; planted dodrt Tout dry, 7c lb. In walnut, etc. I.HA8TON, H. 2S79 WM. H. ADAMS. lb.; fltt Ironed. SV4 AUCTIONEER. Clotbet cirefully withed indlvd. machinea. fin ahlng especially; CAKI'., remodeling, Lace curtaia tpec. Quality Laundry. H. B2a. Hv. 4800. Office 1490 So. Sttte. b w. floon Hid. odd Joba. Hy. 5268-11- . W. .2821 nad 2023. B0YAL LAt'NDRY. M. UALE8 AUCTI0NEEB, cement DEBBICK, CARPENTER, Irk.. young, fltt: Our aervlce will merit your pttrosagk. It no job tells furniture, reel etttte, farm ealet, patching, gen, remodeling; We operate toopltater or coata ao more have the beat. ininll. Detlgnlng. Wm, 3340-W- . vettoc. dry goodt. SATISFACTION ALe large . the Royal Ltoudry. Blngh.. Ct. Phone CtO EAST 21ST SO, HVf' WYS. or rented contract CEMENT 184 I by mlxtr, . dty Tray Laundry. Provo. t. Phone Hv. work. LALNDRY. WASH BALT LAKE WET Mowers remodeling. building. WHITEST WET WASH AND BEST SER- CARPENTERING. Et Ungate! A7JiTre7!aTred"lTu7 PHONB WAS. VICE. home uy expert. verythlng; long experience. Call mornlnga, erenlngi. Hy. M95-W- . free. Work guaranteed. J. B Cnrtlt. Hy, 137,1. MCWKUS for and aharpened. called LAWN Cement Vork iOKS so i. utb tatt. ny. OIL, Xc1iiiOLSEt'LEANlN0 ijgi Work ali. BOB of A.cement work done. Method of gbindi.no is J. Blrkltnd. Pbont Hy. 835 so. gutrinteed. rncdson's. way. Floort WALL ptperlug. clg.. painting. ISM So. 101b Eatt. 4994. was. 4288. Beat. Wit. T17f. B, General houtiig. A. Chat. SATISFACTION gutrtnteed. rm. In73c TO $2 for clg. waB papt 82 Wett Broidwty. Fowler. Wtt. 4980 Wtt. 4785 J. terlor decorating. we mtdt to Lawn Lower SpeciaIist. FOOB your tprlng cletnlng, ptperhauglng, WINlMiW tcreeni ind done tcreent meature. porchel tereencd. We paint tnd best. hansen, fob painting, floor pnllthlng,P etc., real., Home Cleanlngf.d fLPl W. 42ft8 hing tcrean wtndowa472.and doom at low BY. 4o84-- J L Cromnr, By PERSONAL SHOP" offera dlitlnctlve borne tering aervlce for luucbeona, teaa. ate. Silver and rilahei provided If Phone Wnt. 0033. "MY ca- Ia Miscellaneous Wanted Rent Wanted ETC Steamship Tickets it SALES tt Beauty Culture 1AM it Elt LAUNDRIES BUILDINGCJ3NTRANG ': Lawn Sharpened HOUSECLEANING the ocr factory state. ir Screens the sharpen SWEEP CHIMNEY 'Ski Sweep; PATENT ATTORNEYS Beetnn copyright!, driwlngn. Bldg. 7292. wit. ATTORNEYS JUNK fu rnitubr TTTSouryonlDk1 rags, bottles, books, odd, ends Ti7. ETC. WAS YANKEE Junk Co. will pay mora for furnl tare, man, pottlen, oddt tnd endt. W 6881 We buy ill klndt junk. Beit CLEAN UP prlcet: Salt Like Junk Co Hy.' 8880. r: t. court. -- STiT Legal advlc BBIS-J- . in rjinerSractice 811 Brookt W. n I (4 --net Boat Una .. ... .. .1 Tim. nmta.Ttt.TI met .1 .10 I .Tt $1.10 H 80 6 40 1.80 . .46 l.U 1.40 T.20 . .80 .71 1.80 l.ST 8.00 8.00 . .. ptopla knowing how thajr pay una tha Wtntada every day. 8 Unci MAI- LYour Wantad if Yon tire Out of S II a oawc vwvi aw BUT I I . 1 l 7s 7" all" 427 SCrbAVT am v iv i a m vAv. ,a0a -- i . wriw yX. TO g v rvjva . e--w - -- J .. 1 :J PvcrrUt- - - kv .' 1 HM. vv HSN uirar aeeivoinu 9rHvtnru tu inma UKU Otlh. HTO GOK( VNVAO,fV.T OVtHVrAt, J TVaE Y GOOD brick.. Fat 39 o. CUNV4 SUOVSjiy f ao W. 880. Wtl built-u- 1702. ST.. B I, 4 HntiMS mud., 3 blkt. no of temple. Int. SIP. P.; alao coltacr. 112 00. 20. 31$ Almond itreet $28 - RM. mud. brick, nice ind cletn. git 470 No. linoleum. alaln. range, t(17VJ MM. 427 So. It 6 mod., garage. $20. Kail Inojn ire 440 So. 9th Bait. room modern, lull httement, 4 OR pltce. Inn. 713 E, Bdwy. clow RM. mod. brick, 5 I'll! $31 30. mod. btle, cmt. hamt., good con Waa. 848 W. 4th Bo, mod brick, gar.; clean; fine loca. tion, clone In. 826 B. 8rd So. Hy. Ttg-B5 RM. mod bung . new gal rtnge, furnace. l thtpai ciote la. bw. floore, gamge: a 325 But grd 8o. Hy. 792-B- , ot. mod. brick, fnrntce, cmt. hamt good cond. 840 N. Mate. Key Wat. 830. NICE, cletn donbla tldt. houae, 184-1- if Hartwell tva. honte, nettly faro, for bounekeep-ing- : plica for car; $22.60 980 Euclid av. with al. pot., turn, kit, gar. md large cor.. $80. 858 N. 2nd Weat. MOD For Rent 8tores and Offices FOR RENT Storeroom, One of the Main itreet. front on Beat butinett locatlont In the city. Apply to J. B. Mc Olnty. room 211. Beirut building. ON STATE STREET. NOS. 181 AND 227 SO. STATE ST. WILL ARRANGE TO SUIT TENANT. 0. S. HOLMES, 13 80. STATE. NEW NORMANDY. 123 1ST AVE. ROB living room with dlaappearing bed, "kitchen with tUa drtlnbeard, breakfatl room, bedroom and tile bath. Newly decorated tbroocbont, $33 to $60. Phone Wit. !:3K. VVEILBR APTS., deaned, redecorated, vary eomfoTtihle and coay. $28 np. 48 E. Tth 8. with THE RUTH, 66$ B. Broadway, tleeplng porch. modem FRANCIS, 68 Bo. 8ta Bait apta., nl cely decorated. SIS. Inuuire No. 2 Mr. Baynoldi. apt, or call Waa. 1188-LA RGB, aptrtmeat, Godbe. 184 Eaat Sooth Temple. Rent reitonabla. FRENCH APTS.. 60 B. dtb Bo. Wat. 4234). 4 rmt. tnd tl. porch, ttrictly modern. LA PETER JR. APT. Bxclnaivt apt., hraakfait aeck, electric refrigeration, tpactout Ilviag ran. Excellent tervlee. 88 So. Tth E. Hy. 8S68-i ROOMS, hardwood floort. two dll. bnda; ciote in, Inquire Apt. 4, 131 w. ata Ba. 3 RMS., terrace, privtta bath, tteam belt. t m Bedbugs Exterminated IN 1 HOURS. ARCH M. Kit s. HY, 4880 MILTON AVE. USB" tor bedbagt. 1ovlngert Inaactlcida --onngnr uiti. Rotrh Doom Tor poai-neT. Teinu'e Wit. 2814. Co.. $19 rAlNUTE TUE fv.t YOU Is Right OvHO - Ww r"ovsr- 1 REwYOvUr YOUH - ' V l giaaad electric raaga. tpt 427 Srd wtlklog dtitanct. 6080-- porch; 7. or Waa. M1DGLEY 8 rmt., rtg- 821 So W. T. Wit. 4088, idtire FA1BMONT 60 Ettt 6th So. Attractive 4 or 5 room apt.; many Saw lmproveataati. Waa. gas. Wa. SOW. Including Frlgidaln. 4 BREAKFAST ROOMS. RKAUTIFUL BEDROOM. LARGE PORCH. NIIOK. EXTRA I1RTS DECORATED; NEWLY AITS.; $40. 882 1ST AT8-- . LA FBYBR. IBM. mod., gai range, baamt.. nice la waa. 18th Ba. Liberty park front. $20. 510 $ rata., glttaad alp. hallt-lfeataraa. gar. 34A E. th S ROOM modem tpt., nip. porch, beat. ground floor, good locttloa. uwaa rroot ind back. 99 B. Uth South. By. 114-Wl- 5 BOOM mod., 2$0 Ba. iotT Eatt. Eatt, Wit. 1'223-- MAYNELi-NE- tatch HBO. I BM. apt.. Miliar Temple. iflii i' ft4H. .' a apta. rro in. Sea Wta. hltchaaatte. tpta.. 20S So. apt.. bath. $28 m. llth mt- ATMr7T. BEAUTIFUL A an.1 aim narlor. ,M INI 1 hardwood floort. gmnwood ritrhak, molera la chaap raat; aiac a rjlen evarry Tha hatlWaa, ble tnd ana parlor; UH tta aowie- t III, . m mm at parea. 4 R'tOMS aad iltaplatj v CO.GRoVM.J ?ECOR- U- ) rn bad tt i'RINCfTON-O- ar. 4 a pi I inam tratlve a ta i lk. f- - Saw- -. $S mt. ' xldelrt . M aDU. Newly decarTarlr for waya rente . t ;mr, et ta right ' ETerythinf . inct. vYW 4 KOOM . t warn par word Ut pa wart 80 gar wart The Tribune tot A Mtrketplae HII-J- NICELY BEAUTIFl'L chajrit, il Atiayir"! 8. lovvaN Phone Waa. 411-4South Weat Temple. DEASO.N AND BLACE Atatytra tnd cbem Wtl 1214 lata. 185 Sonth Wett Temple CRlSMON A NICHi'LS Aiaayen tnd cbem mtn. 229 Soma watt xatapta. 164 OFFICa ASSAY UNION P. 0 Box 144 South Wett Temple. r. jt fgf nwaaaj. M. hk 4o lit tret iv tl. Ttn Bo, fnrn. rmt., raraga if deaired. 837 So. Etb Eaat. BEAUTIFUL Beverly apta,, 4 roome. 41 7th Eaat. Newly decorated throughout, large living room. Furnlihed or nnfuraiihed. C. City 8 4 Ettt 125 8 lt H K avalltbla. apartment aervant'a hatha, qntrtert, girtgt. Call Trnat deptrtmaht. w)rh attandaat. Central Trutt Company, Witttrh 455. TWO funiithed oftlcet front Banion bldg. Phone Wat. 8041. two nnfnraiihed. inittble for painter or decsIn tor. rootn, Apply i.laua rrcncu oatery bbou. Phone Wnt. 28. . "lu.K Will IIIK- en Bey Weak V.d-wall, 87 CRlTCHLOW. lit ava. Urn apt, S SiORB for leate, eattb. but,, $30; 1 mo: pchet., all outtlde wlndcwt, altrictiva. 266 E; ith So. free rent. W aa. 54)76-Wtt. 860 DEM1RABLE office tptce aa low $10 00 DELPHI A APT., 251 So. 4i Ettt month. Boyd Ptrk building, 12Can-tr-8. ler tractive 4 mt., garage, rest reat. Miln tt. Inquire Trunt Deptrtment of 4 RMS., belt, atr. mod.; bat Trait cVmpanyJWaj55, reatdeatltl dlttrict 40 P at. Hy. 7S8- - n.in, sVoVT THB MAYFLOWER, uth Tempi It U atreet. B ttght-ron- fur- NINTH EAST. NEW 8 rm. mod., beautifully fnrn., $95 mo. Wta. S744-J- . 459 B at. SEVEN roomt, elegtntly furnlihed, with gtrage, now till Sept . $129 per month. Wta. SQ39-J- . St H at. clean tnd nicely fura., ra'dio. Tiff VvA Kk $. SO. w.n. iUT HttP ABB, na:. MSORCBE K FEW WAS. FVliN. or unftrn. kttchenetfa tptl , mod. Yea win ha delighted with tha met tloa tad nrt. Call Wit. 1001L or tat eart-ttke- r tt room 49 Commnnlty Market. N1CB apt., clean, heat furnlihed; very lonahle. 779 Ba, Tth Bait. ATT RAtTlVE apt.; alec, rtngt: will. W. SOSOJ. 3rd E. W. 427 dltt. a BBAI P1FCL in Sir .ittt nmrai for 2 or 851 Srd East. S tdalta. Wtl 8349. BEAUTIFUL, clean, apt.: at rant $40. laundry, porchia, janitor; Wat. 1154-North 2nd Went WK 3 RMS., terrlce ind cement ornament, wood floort, ttetm heat and hot watar; tlto 4 rm. honat nnhetted, cloaa la; rent reatonibla. Apply Jtnltor Kniter tpta., 86 B. 5th So. at. VYOODBfcrf APTr5., R. Jad Waa. 8808. Good 4 room apt., anfaraltbed. for Idetl lummer. Sleeping porch. 4 ROOM modern apt., alto 8 room faralahM. 4 W. 7th Bo. Wtl 4227 W FINE, light, ttrictly modara tp flrtt floor; glaaaed-lileeplng porch; newly decora tad. $14 Tth --ltt. Wtl. 8012. modem apt., giaaaad porch aad Frtgidalre, $40. 47 W. 6th Sonth. felTC 486 B. 8. T., apti., neatly Bet elec. re frig. Choice location. them. TWO cholca apti., SA. $, $80; No, S, $27. Oak floort, t lie bath, port air, fine location, gar. 98 $rd ava. t ln - $. S. MAIN ST. 181 nlihed, beautiful yardt. gtrage If dettred. Adulti. 1081 Hollywood tve. Call forn-o-oa. S ROOM APT. FURNISHED houte, 4 roomi. clone la, or I 454 cntwton pi. (82 So. 6th Eatt, J ait what you hava been looking tor, S roomt. . bedrma., new automttle elect, rtnge, front , rear) . l hwd, cond., flu, 4 ROOM, ileeplng porch, httement, ga aad tnd rear poTchea, at 418 coal ranget, ntwly painted, cleaned. 141 thronghout, all onttlda room. . Apply .....,,:?iiit aveasa. let ..J. K. 7rh So. Gaddlt Inr. Co., 870 So. Main. Waa. nltM. etr. mod. bung.; gar.; ileal for fljh- - THE A VONDALE, ey i it tly of tdultt. uy. tii.n. raMM and glatted-Itleeplng porch, front Uth Batt. fit rent; NEW KEARNS, 230 6th B., 8 tnd 4 5 ROOMS, moderately furalebed, nil., part of double houae, rent reaaonabla to Frigidalre. etee. range, 840 and np. -right partlci. rnonu ny. oito. ATTRACTIVE 622 mod. Ettt apt., h. ind rtTp !: M mod. flat, heat Flrat Bo. Wtl, B010-J- . 84 B. 2nd Ba. Hy. 8874-J- . Su. room and 8th lat Eatt BERNICB, EMIBASRBNT DCPLBX. $0; apt., ground floor; alto 4 at., front and 2110 STH EAST. HY. 8017. 8!A or jtnuor. nict porenca. ny. ntgn-w- . comforta clean, MO cool, $70 MADSEN APT8., 5th Eatt, tnd So. Cloaa required. home with gtrage; referencea In, fire tnd tlx roomt, beautifully deco. Wat. 8240. rated, hardwood floort, git rangea. Children furnlihed houaa, GOOD 9iroom modem welcome. Inquire Janitor, apt 7, or call only $40 per Waa. 1133 R. Mr. Bayaolda. Jawa.lhade, mo. 8. 2nd South St. Wtt. 2232, APAHTMfNT. 4 ROOM modem brick, fenced, Itwn, thtdl, mod. apt., frost and rear Detlrahle 1032 Lairned ava. well arranged, fine location, at 418 garden, chlckan coop. porchea, K nevl do .r, CI' Hr 2S7 let avaarn. Unatonable rent. 3RM. cottage, neatly fnralthed. 828 W. Gaddlt Inr. Co.. $70 So. Mils. Waa. 780 . 19B4-WBo. 7th Wta. THREE and 4 room real coay apta., tteam heated, $88 and $37.60. Take time to tea iKk Uuii'm miioeSS BlflfOALOW NKWthem. 444 So. 4th E. Wat. 8881. Hy. 2848. GOOD LOCATION. 128 LY FURNISHED, R .0 OT YOU STWSVT YOUR CMAPWaH TO GET NNY CO4 EYE CjVK HO TytATKY XVictV YOU OU VVfVNraXHtt HOaN Vf4 HOT K FaNMHCAAaY. T) ta, Furnished Houses mod . nicely fnralthed; piano; TB Be 7th Eatt. Inquire modern , honte. well $t. - mod-er4 rooml, North 6t Watt. CM." iv., GO gt 88. $40. each 4)28 50. tt., rm. brick, ciote la, R. S4S B. lit ., $X5. rm. mod. brick bungalow, cmt. bruit., 87$ Gemmn pi., at 117 So. 8th B. 5- - em. mod. brick, at 844 B. Srd (ao I'd $8180. moil, brick, 128 W. 4th Bo., wlU ra. decorate, $49. mod., with W. T.. to 87. dltlon. rage, rm. mod. brick, gttaaed north, fturraea, 417 4- - rVM. I" 4- - 5- - ... Wit. rm M $44 jtj NEARLY NEW. modern, coiniel kltchtn and bath, tL 253 ltt i eti, garage" BOOM duplex, 750 Kail So. Tempi!, $80 Splendid nelgblmrhoou. inquire a nootn Tf b Eatt. Apt. No. $. Hy. 8308-R- . SIX rmt.. ISO E. 3th Bo. aad 622 Denver it ; modern, gnt rtmrt, 121. Hy. 281-W- . MODERN 4 rai. doplex, gtrage. 10th Kntt. Phone Hy. 3491 R. hrlck mod., near unlvemlty; l condition; ranre. coal beater. 1071 norm tve., inn r.. aonthle. 2 3 Sonth. mod. br., glatt ilp. porch, newly 872 Login, decorated. Hy. 8248 W. HOUSE containing ttrictly modern 8 rm. 3 gait get. 881 3tb ava. with tptrtmenti. $60. Hy. 11875. cleta. on o ROOM modem brick; furnace, car line, luuulre 1803 11th Eait. 8l(M. MOD. HOME; NEW OAK FLOORS 888 FIRST OARAGE. DOWNSTAIRS. PHONE HY. 6874-M- . AVE. J ROOM modern hrlck, built-i- n featnret: 484 Cottage ct. Hy. B1SS-NJ- . 1051 hnute. mod., gtr., $18 mo, Wett 2nd So mod.; gal, coll range; cement btta- meat. 272 E. 8th So. AVtg S283-J- . 4 porch, garage, $20 RMS., bath, lip. 1047 So. 2nd Welt. month. Hy. 8197-THREE rmt., $12. 841 Beldim pi., 3rd Eatt between 6th aad th So. Waa. BB40-W- . ft KM. mod , beet locatlonr$28. Inq. 425 E. T:80 weekday!; Sundiyi 13th So., bet. all dty. DC PLEX HOUSE. 4 roomt' and bttb, mod., Phone inattlled. clenned tnd papered. $18 per mo. 934 Btddley pi., bet. 3rd tnd E. 10th 4th SB. modem brick with httement. dote Waa 236 M. In. ctn rent ont apta. and al. porch, gal range NEiv four-rooand gtrage. $40 per mt. 302 E. 17th Bo. 728 b"roVN1NG mod., fnrntce tnd gnmge, $46. 1942 Bo. 3rd E.. 8 rm. mod-- , fnmnce. $40. 880 Somerby et., 8 rm. mod. brick, $18. W, 1714, ma. H. BOSB-e- '. A. FILLINGAME. NICE, clean double houte. 4 roomt, mod-er14-1 North 8th Weat. etch title. btlRIS Trott Co., 1480 Main it., Hy. 2090. 817 Nice Jnod., dll. bedt, gat. So. th E., mod., So. W. Tern nr. 4th E. tnd Nice 4 rm. mod $19 Sle. So., $13; rotttge. neir 9th E. and 17th po., titi.uu. 20$ JlRritiS honae, cheap it $10 month. 4th tre. brick, modem, newly papered tnd piinted; full cement baaement; gartge; clone In: $20. ' Hy. 3812 M. mod., $13. Call Wat. SoiS! 424 So. 2nd Wet THREE rmt., partly mod., newly painted tnd papered (double honae). BBS W.. 7th So. Inq. R03 Weat 8th So. Wit. 7132. mod. brick; farige; new pi- $21 anil cleaned all through; line loca tion. N. E. cor. Main It. and 17th So. Douclll 253. SAVE cir fare. 4 rml , 1 hlk. from $13 t y. bldg.. 21 E. 'ith so. ny. tarn, br. mod.. ex. beat, aenly papered. Very desirable- - 381 Fourth ave. CLEAN 4 mil. partly mod., $13. Inq. Btat Linden. Inq. 284 So. 7th Eaat brick cottage, mod. except beat. $23. . two ill)' Vadner ct. ulod. brck bungalow, elec. range , . . II :,.. - tn . v tot fl n aairri. A.i 7fh Ho Tia male at bet. 3rd ami 4Ah Eaj 4 R COTTAGE. 44 VAN NESS Ct., NEAR NEAR LIBSTH EA8T, $20 $19 SO . ERTY PARK. CAJtS 10. 11 OR 28. brick home, mod. except GOOD for beat, wired for electric etova; aheda 2187 chickeni or rtbblti; fine glrden ipot. So. 8rd Eaat. Hy. 104. 3 ROOM Inquire boutt, pirtly mod.. $18. 1048 Bo. wett Ttmpic. ny. nau-- VOV1 mod. htirk bungalow, hard, fin , MSB $80 to right party. 1224 Feswly, Bo. B.. 8-mod. brick, cloat In, 411 Roberta it , $18. brick, cloaa ta, at 489 Church tt, mod., will decora II bo ami, 88$ B. 9th So., $20. mod brick. wOh gar., 4SS So. U at. $4$. 8rra. mod, brick, cloaa hi, 411 Chnmh aVg 3 $18 50. FIVE ROOM Mick bungalow, modem except heat, double gaiase, verv reatonanie. aonfheatt. Phone Murriy 10 J. cletnad. gat thoroughly modem, irame rtnge, acre. n,-- rwrn. quo en. 3 B .1 ROOM mod. cottage, clean, $20. lit South. 4 RM. mod., with tleeplng porch, cloaa In, good locution. 632 So. lit Wett. Inquire Wit. 9045. 5 RM . S17 W. led So., 113. Wtnt ptmttr tenant tn do repair work. Wit. 2168. home hack porch, pirtly mod.; If. comer lot; 110 per mo. 840 So. 8th Ellt. Blaine are, after 4 p. m. Inquire FIVE ROOM modern, hardwood floort, largt ilaetrtng porch, double girage, furnace. 213 800th Eighth But Hyltnd 857U. $22.00 440 PABK tt., 3 rmt.. mod. 22.00 422 Park tt., 8 rmt . mod. 82 00 624 Redcodo, 4 rmt , mod. , 85 00 83 Htrtwell. 4 rml., mod. . 88 00 4 Hampton. 5 rmt., moo. 40. ou 427 E at rmt.. mod . tl. porch CONSTRUCTION SECUBITIBB CO., 1113 Newhouae Bulldlnt. haute, rear of 28 Sonth 12th But. LOVELY atr, mod., giaaa pch., bdw. So.. 8.1 Arnold plice. 3rd E flpura. LOWEST rrnt 8 tnd modem, cloee In. Ina. Gerry. 281 Wett North Temple III PER MO., 4 rmt, ind hath, clone in. No. 642 Kenneth ct., opp. utay-guan- 'l Utah Loan ft Bldg . 506 CUft Bldg. THOliOrtlHI.Y cletn I tnd 8 rm. mod.; iditltt; girtge. 51 E. tn Bo. Bui'M modern lioute. near Hottl Ctah. Call Wat. StiV. li 3 RiiuM partly modern tnd partly rurnlahrd If dealrert, 112. 4411 Oena pltce. 11. tuui-iv- . mod. tt, coal ranee Una. cement htfemeiit. 32 B. 5th Bo. Waa. SM3-J- . mm Offer for Renti Kll. E. 3rd 844 m, n. Wl. ttr0., TRACY LOAN ft TTtrfTP 00.. a Fjuj-m- 1 k O0VBY INTEtTTENT 239 E So. Temple Wat. $871. 8. it 4 RU mod. brick. St Delwood, 3rd Bo., 8S4. Wat. 850. &90S BaJt RATES 5i tnd Sh $38.00 00 35.00 $7.80 room mod 'tuvtop HN TUlKlb, Hotel 842. $. 3.529 KNCN WKO TO . blk Temple 270 Edith ave 4 room mod. 131$ Bo. 11th E . S room, fi rra 48 So. 2nd Eaat. apt. COOK ft NOTES. INT., WAB. 833 t it. HY tiftata hava large front tleeplng perchae aad are with a heanttfal all pnrcalila refrigerator wltb the Frigldtira antt tttlrhed with. out any tddltloaal coat In tht feaiaL Three tpertmenta are all la excellent and yon mutt tea them to ippaacffta Jnat how Ilea they ara. Thrtt tnd glttted-l- 8 rm. cloat In. $8 ind $10 t mod beat. 112 50 Wtl modern, new. 125 atovet, linoleum. 429 So. tnd Ettt. Ily. 7173 R. A alee, cletn, modem BEAD thit: Si N. 7rh Wett. brick cotttga. 124 S TTESFlTs GCAItANTEEll ROOFIJCQ YOU 4 and Cor. South Temple and B804-- NEW 4 room mod Right r Tht Buckingham, . od.rn, good condition, THE GUMPS RATES t .4 ... R. modern bmiea. newly cleaned aad Wat. Hn.li j painted at 82 'at aie 180 lino. RM. mod. dnplea houta, gar. 7182. Wit. I) Itreet. home. nice wltb 4 ROOM brirk. . . .,- -gtngt. LT . -- a . . II. v . JTfiO .ipm. very cioae in. an v. eml walking 3rd K. Wan. 3 AND 4 room modern, gat ranget. Apply 448 W Sth So Hat. ew ONE two room flit, retr 851 So. Stlta tt. Pbmie Wit. 8812. 4 ROOM nice home. with glrtge, brick, very dole In. 314 W. 6th Bo. Hy. 4789. 23. eaat and 4 TO 8 mil., mod , $13 to weat aide; alao partly furn. 5 apt. bldg free. ASPHALT thlogiea. tar, grivel. roofi repaired, painted; 20 y HESTER Boot Co.. THOMAS' aa cholca astmaaBta, Tha Hlllcrett, 4 aad 8 rooaaa. Cor. Flrtt tva. aad A N. J nr. "at and depot, TUB 116 Ito 4 nviin modern, Ily. - tnd til wett com polnta. TICS0N, KL TASO. Ir A wVt.v 780. mial. neat, clean, ll range. 141 B. 8th Be. Hy. M7 4 room ttrictly TWO $21 clem, modern c c. porrtet, hornet, built In featurea. Tth Eaat, 8rd Near httement, garage, ttc. So. lag. 025 But 2nd Be. Hy. 8848- -. mod.. 643 Eaat Broadway. Waa. $18 dl.tince. $13.00. p. PHOENIX. Box aiiiTie dime nt home bk ex tnd perienred Innndreaa: nlao tlble trnrn Ctll Will call for tnd deliver. hitnkett. Hy. 480. w work. Ironing. YOI'NII lady wantt dty rlennlng. wtlhlng. Reference!. Wit. MM COLORED womtn winta work hotiieilet nlng cooking: go home nlghtt. Hy. 2187 NJ. EXPERIENCED Itdy wtnti potltlon In ttllor ahon. Phone Waa. SH77. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE ' DAT. WAS 8017-n- . PHON s.tl 8434 T FBANCI8CO Lot Angelea Wtt, Main, So. in. t 'in, $83 1M E St r ftrt; $20. BTAGBS. ANGEL-- 8 Thica Dally Co.. 170 brick bungalow, with hot air furaice. gat Tinge md watar better. trto gartge. Choice northenet bench location. Only $82 80 per month. Alto an tttractiva 4 room frame cottage with hot water 4n honae tad alactrlc llghta. Oa fine lot In eoutheatt locttloa. Only $11 SO le-moalh. Ctll Wit. 180. ko6 41'ttS Tribune. ttl CALL FOB OUR PRINTED RENTAL BCLLETIN. 4:RTi0M 00 $1.1 30 - Mat brick, turance. evpe-'-'-r- GOOD, and Ba. Main Wit 536 Wludxor Hotel nion But Stitlon, 144 B. Udwy. Wla. 8282 (Female) 85c Detailed Detcrlptlm ef Vagant Pmpertlaa ta Bvary Slat, Price and Location. ReanouaMt Bepalrt. All Are or Win Be Put la Good Condition for Deal ra bit Tenant! 3.ROOM modem a. m. dtlly S I "bona Mtla Street. 157 So M tor 82SO - F mod. brick, $20 South. honae, aewvy papered. NBAT, cleaa. elan In. attrartlva neighborhood. A antp tt $18. 7 So. 3rd Ellt. Apply Olnui Fyaoc Ft'try thop. iltrben: 8 room, bouat. DL'PI Blatk, will paper to ault tenant. Beat $90 mo art- - Int. Apply 44 2nd tva. 8 BOOMS, ttrictly modern; lira bitht, ga017 lit art Hy. wot-J- . ragt. $40 mo. 10MF.' 6 RMS . NEARLY A BEAl Tin L M FlNIStt r. ,,! M u ihk FIOS 714 8TH EAST. RRY COMFORT, GAB. . II Y. 3JB8-Wmod brick, nice tnd cletn, git 128 tnd coal nnga. 470 Bo. Hiln Wtl. 475 J Wta modern brick' boute. ntddlt lav. OO WYOMING. KBMMEREB. a. m. dtlly .. it Situations SlI riKNVEIt AND POINTS BAST. a. m I'OCAYSLLO aad Idaho polnta, 8 p. at. amy. ntan CALL FOB 6tJR FBIB PRINTED BBNTAL BrLLETtlf. FREE taewred dally fully ANGELES 1:89 a. ELY. NEVADA, $10 .80 FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses Complete Flnett Buaaaa Money fan Bay Tha FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished Houses I Facto! Safety Coachet, recllalag rbtlr. tieeper type; drinking foanttlnt. kit rackt, white llaea teat covert linndered tnd chnnged dally LA RG an, Wanted I mini mon bid Waa. rtlfcw. COOBING. "OrTenfll. three yetrt Itit tv Hotel, raaUnrtnt. botrdlag hou John preferred. Reference!. I XI. Trioune Flllprnoi winta work wl YOl'NU TBATML I I iiht VrTbimttf Wlfi i I.ASS na mal by getting the chimney, etc., eleaned Hv 879tjR yearly " F.rpert adrtre cent. (Male) larpentert la aay breach of Call labor Temple, wat. ihe trade YOUNG married mm. employed la morning at Ironing work would like afternoon riBaflr-- Tt Addreti FOB one year tt 8 per give good teenrtty. Addreti Situations Wanted (Feiaji TBACHXB8. rural to ULlverettr. genaen Trarbera ageucy 807 lVaerat Bank FYta prleaU nmlly: ctn arivt ctra; w. Htlg., Klthryn Tergrnaea.4--t manager irioone. Braoch of- - aretdy pltce. Phowe Waa. enrollment. For aat tied at work. NEED HELP)) at 314 Weat Onter, I'K'atello. Idaho. rail Wat 0S4 No I B. lit Bo. for OPPORTUNITY young women to earn t a K K OVMENT AGENCY. American Tele aa yoa learn telegraphy n Regeqt bldi., Waa h3 Rh A1. young mm wtntt Heady Jah graph college, 0431-w- . Waa. kind. of any Bureau Y W. C. A FBER Employment RELIABLE innng man wanti any kind or Apply 8:80 to 1, 3- -2 -- . Bdwy. Wat, i.ni . Tribune. wock. Addrrtt 6 111 I. tor geaeral houaework and cooking Vlab, Idaho, . Ttl"VFIINli man 8) O It. far wall known einerteore. wltb reari' 22 B. lit So., ttkt til yoa kARCBLLIST. Jobbert, detlret connection with good boutt make Maraelltng. fair; htlr cnt. !8c. reverencea. n sv. itiuhut. WIDOWKll wit four .h ldirn nam. n.nldle Apply tt tlcktt YOUNG man, 21, waata telling la nore tged woman hoaaekeeper. Tribune. ifternoonl. i.. nepoi. office, o. CVT t,oaltion aa Itnitor la office bldg EXPERIENCED girl for gen. houaework. Alio exp. or apti. lttindry wringer Refa. No. 1 BouleTard apt., 116 B. Wh B. conaldered. Mldvtla 84 -2 oppon unity mtn. or tnything IlEMoNSTRATOllS. exceptional work. In or out wlthri mevhialc for two yonng lad tea to tectrt poaltlona SKILLED at city. Beta. Hy. inns-tdvertlaed food nttlontlly iemonttrttlng -mm r be n enw heeneh BTbm n Matt tingle product In grocery ttorea. and free to trtrel Salery $2.VO0 er week. the trade. Call Ijlvir Temple, Wat. 8838 Ad- referencea. State tge. qotllflcttlont, drett II 88, Tribune. GIRL for genertl houtewnrk. amtll family.In WetimortW1U, do day work, nerving and cooking 1815 Glenmare. Hy. 8040. Mla Swenaon. Hy. W K. land place. I' I NET) wmin waatt ttetdy day RE Aptiiy GIKL or woman for upttalra work all or ptrt time ily. IWaneat. 3d tve. ratbler. wltuee po altlon. IIOOKKEEPEK NO woman or girl to help with home88441 Phone Wt. work; good waget: tmtll ftmlly. Ctll Hy. par cant on loan o? InoS) toir $800 590. Help STETO BOOKKEEPER, preferably rata fa- miliar wllh. or klrtag htd etperienca In. auditor"! office of traaaaorttiloa line, al thiugh act abaoliifely aecreaary If compe-tB- t H44, Tribune. 41S rtat, it. Lama, Mo. Wanted To Borrow Wantad if Yoa Live in Salt Lake Was. 3. viWTtn MAk.ariN. oTiA?Trr"EYiToTfi:Ro HntpR Watt rirat Booth PBONa WASATCH Bellahle help fnraltkrd en taart aatlea. TBoCk'8 BMPLOTHtNt AOBHCT, 81 Weal aarund Sooth St. Waa 8000. AND BCI.I ARLB. 0I.DBWT. BBMl fi--B wbare tod barstra eat hair fur 25c, two btrbert wanted TKACBBIS waated or all acbool poaltlou.. Apply HouataJa Statta Teacbara' Afaacy 210 Ttmplrtoa BMf A MtlNltr rtIB VtlCB BOMB Wen and women eta earn $13 to $23 a week la No can. apart time writing ahowearda. raailnc or tollctrta. w tattraet yoa tad The work. Write today. tupply yoa with Menbenltt Compaay, Limited, 184 Dominion Oaa. Toronto. btilldiny. RATIONAL Plow Serrlca Co. deal roe conaec ti n wltb man wltb knowladft of farming, who bat ctr and capital tf 1180, to take chant of farming bnalneaa. ItotKI per Eyeer 34. Addreaa guaranteed to right man. Tribune. k'lN boyt for. bowling alley, laotrrra ll?337 43 W. 2nd fry Oribetttn Unwllna Alley. AN opening fer J young aien ta etra and tili er month whtlt tttrna ng trmx,: Americtn Ttlegrtph Collega, 401 Begent Blda. Wit. 6Jf8. E. 2ND SO., where three btrbert cut -- hair fur 23c. barber wanted, nnrry. WA NTET Top tenor alngert. Apply to R Ferrii Ttylor. Semloh hotel. buatneet BEI.IABLE Sugarhotree company waata a man who can produce reeutta; man familiar with mlllwork prererred. H 36, Tribune 1100. CAP BAKEB,MACHINB 3 LEYNOll MINERS, I 80. BI W. 2nd Bo. St. STROCK'B. KELLY preaamtn. Apply tha Seagnll Prete, 23 Rlcharda at. Wat 4SM. EXl'FJIIENCED houtemtn: moat know how to drlrt car and take care of lawn. Ad dreaa Box II 41. Tribune. FIRST CLASH furniture upholaterer. Apply Wlltlama' Fura. Repair, loa N tt. uy 87 MAI.T Mala, tafia. Oldrat and leadlni florlat. BEST GRADE CARNATIONS, 75 dot 748 E. 2nd So. Kino FLORAL CO. Floral detl(aa oar B. 2nd So. 211 Wtt. 2418. ecllti- tB'SRW WMted Help (Male) CtTii BiipLotHkNT iqMjici. The lahop John 0. Daactn will officlatt. lb bom o( her body may be viewed $48 uM". Mm MIDI D. Shepherd. tooth Elabtli Ettt llml, Sunday from 10 a. a. to 3:30 p. n. Interment will ba In under the direction of the City cemetery Peairt-mortuary wTixlAMnV tervleei for Eltte Fty Wlllltmi, daughter of Jamet Weetwood Emma WIUUBa, who dlad aid Wedneidtr. will be bald Sunday at 2 p. wtr ehtpel. Bithop Id tba Twenty-nintWUford W. Eniery will officiate. Tba Uly may be viewed at the family retldeaca, 924 Will Third North atraat. Sunday from 10 a m nntfl 1:30 p. ra. Interment will ba of direction under tb In City cemetery Hit Larxin l norrtat tg comptny. wi)n ta fonr itatere Lar ntrenlt. aha torvlved by Ida. Clara. Baby tad Roth Wtlllimt. tad pat) brother. Jamti. Jr.. all of wait Lane. iYh'E- B- Funeral eerYlret for ha Bricgrt. W. and f Bratat daeghtar Mabel T. Brlrkcr, wbo dlad Thiiredky, will ba bald Sunday at 2 p. m. at Miller ward The body may ba viewed at the ehapei family reiMenee. tfi Ford tvenue. from m. time of terrleet. Interment will till p. ba In Wtaatch Laws ramrtary under tba direction of George A, J en line of Murray Funeral PINKBRTON tervleei for Uylltb will Olare Plakertton. who dlad April ba held from tha Emoi St Early mortutry 1 28. at p. at..' la ehapel, Saturday. April Intarment charge of Dr. Elmer I. Uoahen. Olivet Mt. la tba follow la will family plot cemetery WATSON Puurrtl tervicee for Alel R. Wateoa, .a former real dent of Salt take City, wbo died at Portland, Ore., April 24. will ba held from tba Brant Early mortuary chapel, Sarnrdiy, April 2S, at "B p. ta.. Interment will In chtrge of Blarop Iverkon. I fll..w In tha famll y plot In City cemetery it -- Wanted NOTICES Travel Opportunities WANTED WANTED WANTED FUNERALS AND DEATHS 15 28, 1928. :i J . kvuaa, aHaa .it tea ta wta |