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Show " At mtgfqaj i rfr S m4K9sft .' rt re HARK IN GREAT Sensation! Long. Distance Star Sprint Last 7 Hall - Ll Mila in Marathon : Event- - Osbourne Second. Robert Martin, running under th colors o f (he Ogdon Athletic gssocta h Annual Thank'.jlTlng tloiv'won " Day marathon oter a flpld of li run.ners. Martin 'won out by staging wonderful iprint In the Lit he If nine aa 29 ; of the race. His time for event fifths seconds. , minutes, II and " record for the event. The j which is Hoggan , frrmer record, held by Ale . of the West high, wss 29 minutes. 22 - and second. Kenneth Osbourne, running - was' lhe winner of- second about place. f bourne finished strong -varda in the rear of the wtnner. team won the prlxe. has East high ins five runners across the tape.In "the The other runners finished, third: , following order r F. Albert Lindrll. Deseret Gymnasium, fourth; Ale Hoggan. West high.-' Heekfifth, Wilks. East. high, sixth; ler. West high, seventh; Pendleton, C. of r. eighth, Moshior: East high, high, tenth; Iter- ninth; Xculre.-Eas- t iJeseret Gymnasium, bert Beck. eleventh; Toif t'lsv. Dsvts . high. twelfth: Wesley Atninott, East high. thirteenth;. 8a er.- - East high, four teenth.. Fourteen of the fifteen starters fin- ished the race. The course was In - good shape and permitted the fast tfme hung up by Robert Marlin. Vln-- i ner of Lhe race, Martin has ivng been onvidered the prymler distunes run- ner of lhe Inlermounluin west and his ; Victory is no surprise to ihoeo who hove seen him run on former occa-- ; slomt He has won the event one bo- for. He was tbs winner nf the big marathon from faaadena to Dos last yeas and haa a hnet of other notable wine to hie credit. Osbourns Layton runner is moro or . less of s darkborse around these parts. lie ran a strong rare, however, and field for the most of th , led th distance. .failure of Al-- K tJcggan, Pirnh- The ,.2 er distance atar who finished .fifth, to cop the event, make the beautiful ; Deseret News trophy public property ; for another year. The cup, to bo won -I by on oidlvldual, to win ih cup must ' take the went two year in sucees-- 1 aion. Hoggan won last year sad had I ha won again this year the cup would have become his property. Aa It la, ', Martin now holds one leg of the cup. ' 1 addition ho receives a stiver loving J , to unat-itche- . . -- : j . ! - yowsooodi.1 THURSDAY NOVEMBER - - a cAorcnn logs or wow. A 44d to this I a fuod of oomedy ho Igjoct Into his set which hoop th oudicnc. In s roar of lough-k- . Logtor ood Moor, mob on ( th hoot fwgrtj door teams oeoo hsr timo. They ora unusually good M dancers end comedians of first rank. "Th Ed go of th World" by Mil. La Lucy is oa of th most delightful novelties vaudeville hoe had To o long time. It is o spUth of color that swim sad float oad merge kit gorgsous effects. Tbs Royal Pekin Troupe, add a uurnber of brilliant novelties to th offerings of set Ilka thelra. A aal girl eoatortTonlet who give few a Small port of Iholr offer, ing I without gueetloa oa of th hoot twisters oeea her lo wme time. Th let io dude Ikw ovuoi stunts sad sola novel boomerang throwing. Thera la a double photoplay offer-loAlice Joyce In Th Bee rah Ring" and "Polling for Pnnny." o Cbrimlo It in probably Ih beet comedy. Mis Joyce has dona oa tha aeroen.thing Th Is gripping and gorgeously stagstory ed. The comedy, which I being run at- all performoaeea, is a riot of mirth. Joseph R. Wayne at th organ furs-lak- e.. hlsasual delightful musical pro-fa X X . Lake Theatre AD I'axtWeeh STATE. lit7 E.80.2ND SO. rtts 1 -- Hb? CAPS Me to 2 NO HIGHER ayh g, Ordinary1 Hatters1 Get $5 and $$ for These Genuine uolours G Doouors . . . ' Loewd State. hodge-podg- Viola Dana la'tho delightful comedy-dram'There Aro No Vlllalngw- - won th baarto of tboatr goers t Loews Ktote theatr loot alght. Th girt emby California authoritloa to trap aployed supposed opium dealer, eventually lose her heart to tb villain-- ' despite the fart that he la apparently crippled, aod ho. in tnrar t fascinated with the young woman, though ah pretendno bo unable to talk. Tb denouement to th plot comes An excellent 8 coup f vsudsvlll Irsfitions combln with fh fsstujs photo-p!- r to msk the Tbsnknivtnc bill show. Vincent's dn4r skit. 'Tunes ft4 XknfM' n iMfktsr over th entir bouse. Merriment lnrrft4 th art ufttil at th curtftia sveryoosprofresd wa clL-lo-r for more. Tb W maii of Thousand Rorreta A comedy by Georga 1 Gravaa & Co., praented exposes In a food ftatursd way tb methods of fortune teller and prove that necromancy I po match ter lova Dav Kind let ia s food whiatlsTj-whtha Thomaa trio n Thr Rubs at th Bars present on unusual acrobat le perfennaee Brother open the show with Gabby aom clever worh with colored India cluha. - Th new reel features ths memorial aervlre at Arttafton national cemetery on Armlatlr day, tha delegate to the disarmament conference and some of th big aatrn football match. Cura fetron'a orrheatra haa a portal musical program for the holiday a, 1 e. py r- - , a, On-ft- Silt Lake.' pr4 i et U- fHwi of ftfual - warfar eompoMd River-Lr But k Fn)tat4 atfrnal coir of th tT. 8. m rmy atod on the firln lln turning the frank as their comrade went vfr Powder $4 1921 so tig IlavrannRcinanccctlbSalt With tbsfr.sct mars' flsished sad mors varied in Ha ecope thus ever before, tbs Canainos era bark at the and they wer greeted by an ntbualaatlc audience last night. Thelra is one of the world's beat dancing acta. Not only their Hpanish dances but tbelr American numbers as well were beautifully and gracefully done. The nf the piece Is beautiful. Jack Rose, as n laugh prod user. in a class by hlwrelf tits Irresistible drolleries send the audience Into convulsion of merriment The brand of -- nuttiness"- Jack offer IVas destructive to one s dignity as his burst of -- excessive emotion are to bis hats. Gum Drops" Is a little skit built for amusement purposes and in tha bauds of Thomas Ir. Swift and Mary H. Kelley doe not fall short of its aim. Swift has a pore ua siva tongue amt ae an. 'eapialaer must be accorded the Mias Kelley, besides demonpalm. strating some hlstrtoqte ability. Is tha voles whoso possessor Xg - - wistful sweetness sppeels. Bill Dooisy and the delectable bit of who Is his partners present femininity e e of songs, dance steps and comedy. Not the isaet entertaining ingredients of the concoction are tha stories Mr. Dooley tells while his companion changes her "scenery-Remarkable range in vocal tones Is whoso displayed by Margaret Ford, billing ss a vocal surprise- - Is no misnomer. Miss Ford's set wee somewhat marred by an unfortunate attack of, laryngitis VanTbs mats member of '(be team of Cells and Mary, openers of the bill. gives sn extraordinary hibitlcn of foot dexterity, while Mary. In tone dashing costumes, dresses up . , - , tbe act.' , If we must hsvs an animal art on tha seam and it would bill, that we have had almost n surfeit of them this season. H Is pleasing to witness one of the broth-erexcellence afforded by Gautier The Animated Toy Rhop- .- irr whlch several exrssdlngly Intelligent poniee and dogs assist their masters In clever crimedy. evolved from the view of sn Inebriated customer to the toy shop. , J i ,' ThBirdcfPzrcSS 3rphura RACE " J J THE DESERET NEWS I.IARTIN SETS kfMhfc mv MEgMft!ftlftMWhftwJ A, W ai mow. of th th top In fee of fntana fir. In th film avral men lost making of th their live. Th Powder River" film rrord th valiant deeds of a1h Ninety-firForty. second and floeond divisions... Th scene are those of th battle in the Arronne and avoral thr sec toe. The of war is vividly portrayed bidouaPa is a seen where thousands of American doughboys go over thd top, flanked by mammoth tanka A thrilling aerial dtie !r also reproduced 'These pictures will be exhibited under the auspice of thg Clarence V Allen pesi, No d. Veterans of Foreign Wars st the Felt 1ak theatr Friday and Sunday. Saturday aea-so- st Walton Tally's mmnfll offrrtaw "Tbe Bird of Paradise, showing Herbert Charles, aa Paul, Him Mahar, ai Diana, and Fmlcrlcfc Forreeter, aa Dean, the Beachcomber, at the Salt Lake Theatre commencing Monday night. - Thw importaneo of atmosphere to distinction which marks It with g flaor-play- - to -- rerr forctWy illustrated in vor all Its own. In the 'production the success which has attended tha and casting of th piny this season. production of Richard Walton Tully'a Mr. Tully is said to have strengthened which his offering to its fullest extent. Ann play The Bird of Parad comes to the Balt Lake Theatre for Reader, a newcomer is tha Luana one week commencing Monday oven- -, In the- supporting company era Her ing. November 2f. bert Charlco, Frederick Forrester. The Bird of Paradise." doc not Ellen Mahnr, Roe Watson. Frank L. depends on It plot alone for success. Cooley. James K. Appeibee, Joseph It has another Important feature, that Robinson. Douglas Cosgrove and I ho of novel and original atmosphere, ftv Hawaiian boys with their ukuleles which give the entire performance and guitars. A sormt from Rk-bar- !,", Pantage. There Is a fin Thankrg Iving cheer ip the new show that opened yesterday at Panlsges theatre. K i on of the best vaudevilf bills of th season, crammed full of fine song and dance, Tales of Three comedy and novelty. by Ftone and Manning, featurrittes.' SUPing the Kl Roy sisters. Is a .song and dance ntf'rlng in a setting of delightful" color- - The scene deptet the New - Hitdatktg from Slight Colds set- levy, a gorgeous Laxative BROMO QT'lNTNE Tablet ro. Orleans foe Fair PranHo and rjilnes Hog Brngdway ; Mss th Headache hy curing vhe Cold, a rhfnes girl, singe A tool loxatlv and gornt destroyer. 'CafernMaWoy, and American Chine numbers The gsnoins beers tbs aignsturs of K. Chinese songbirds have iau been featured "IB sura you get BBOMO.j lit vaudeville but Miss May surpasses both for vote and beauty any who r havk been Jiere'as stars Th El Roy sisters era clever dancers While Slone Uanetft themselves add much to th act with ' their excellent dsnring Amaros and Jeanette add much humor to tha show with their humorous nonsen s. Beanette Is a splendid foil Pramount-Empr-e. Highest Grade Johnny (Totrchy) Hines' Initial feature length starring vehicle, " 'Burn 'Em Up Barn," which opened a thro days run at th Paramount CLOTH HATS Em-pra- sa ..ihls morning, ia packed Mr- - Hlnoa. who temporarily deaerts the title rol In Torcby Comedies, haa In 'Burn Em Lp' Barnes' th role of a speod-ma- d youth, and automobile racing enthusiasts will find it thoroughly to their Hktng. Wln--toBetty Carpenter Is the leading woman, and th supporting cast such artists as Edmund Brens, George Fawcett, J. Barney Bherry, Matthew Betts, Julia Swayno Gordon and Dorthy Leeda George A. Br-sngdirected, and Hal Young is refor th original homer offered by sponsible for th photography. Amaros, who also adds a touch of clever Juggling and a dash of music to th Broadway. offering. Garry Owen id billed. "For Ko Rea- ' William Ruseell. noted at a star in son Whatsoever " Ha would b a f Saattraction turn on any vaudovill MIL Ho la ana waatarn drama wm tobe tb "Children of of those rare comodlaa artists who has at th Broadway Night," basod oa thof stirring tel Mag Brand. from th gifted pen "Children- - of th Right" admit of no in th display of serve his and 'muscular power with whicR name la associated. Tbe" atory I on which sweeps from high finance and piece of high society into th secretwith perilthe underworld. It bulges ous enterprise, hair breadth escapes death plotting, flight, pursuit, terrific battles with desperate criminals and of law and love. the ultimate triumph conThe romance I on of striking A moraL strong, trasts, social and brave man. a man of power in the financial world, becomes the willing medium by which a lovely girl I rescued from affiliation with a criminal society which preys upon walthand does not pause st assassination.lu heIt Is s love etory steeped roic of the right sort, and In It cen- a Russell has tral character William him aa idmlr-sUl- y rol which should fit of as does tbe fighting figure so has msde he whteh west the opep familiar to motion picture followers. wttto-thrtll- Offered by pmall hatters at $3 tb $5. NO OUR FACTORY PRICE . ; . . ; . , , HIGHER. $2.00 , Choice of The Houae j mma 266 SO. STATE. let-do- 67 E. 2ND SO. lated and Individual - policy of her pwn she would not In the long run injure Germany and she would fail to , , protect heraelL Local R(br Frmn, Incrcaaing rloud'Ban and i '"'f fM of the First Touring Car Designed and Produced Entirety by the New Maxwell Organization A car which reveals, at a glance, such a wealth of beauty and goodness that the price seems almost unbelievable. 7 a Card tlra, oon-ek- 314tacU, . ront and ld , Disr win 7 1 demountable at hub and rtm, or mood artillery wheda, op-tional wtthout eatra coot. Unusual!? long gpriage promote comfort, tire economy, roadability. Alcmitc Announ cement Plata glass window In rear curtain. Drum- type head lamps, nickel trimmed. Non-glalenses. Real leather upholstery; Turkish - ' re shion., seats, deep and wide and roomy. Sid curtains open with door. Adult-si- x windshield. Windshield ' , wiper. New steering comfort. Clutch and brake action, steering end gear shifting, made remarkably easy, Leak-pro- Handsome and accessible Instrument board. Best switches. Motcf driven electric horn. of the Sedan, the Coupe, and tha Roadster will appear aa shipments Telephone os for the prices. TAYLOR MOTOR CAR CO. Corner Social Hall Avenae and Second East. lev 5The Good - Phone Wasatch 2187. arrive. Nearly AD Beads sr tonight, Friday unsettled, probably ram By tnUeraal Her vice ctotullne Btal - Inereaaln tonight, warmer nrthwi portion Knday unaet-tiePARIS Nov Id After month of warmer argument probably tonrain BGfthwrat; Potrvt haa von th MUthkHt port of hi name over theatright placing rical pieces bn costume an lul Accumulated wrtw thtr month Accumulated ucfM aince Jan h' I m j in i ) temperature it I pm bulb lemperniun at g ( ro ea t ..... . terday Belattu humidity at d p aa-- yeeir-- i N!b lryterday Wet .. dy PrclpHalla Jn another scene th Garden Ev and the serpent, t', Edon, n Eve reproduced. attire consisting fb'Jb n her hand and jft appi macees lor sroMen hair 47 has been some cntlcletn Mthia. on th ground that Eve waa i,: ,IArh. Mliilaw Robert Tartars In a local ft, on Hobart WrnI Mr. EdwardTavlor, Tavlor. All J; HnrrUvon enue, W4nftde. uoral will l hM at tb family rraidrnc at ft pm. Fndav. wlli b in ML uh comMCry. In a ora SamutJ 8lnipo0f J0. of 2ft7 Vln ItonpilaL died U educed v. tie ws a.oatiaireaiof England hut bad bren ot iident half Lake more than Jo rttrtv F uueroi erVke v ill b held at the Joawntj vs ti. Jiam Tavjur hape at 2 pm. Friday, jmermedt will be in Ml ul.vt un - rrfl dd V aie Will Go to Kaibob Predatory Animal Inspector G. E. Holman will leave Monday on a- two week, trip to the Kalbab plateau, to supervise the work of hie.huniera particularly In tbe way of exterminating mountain ' Ilona Lincoln School Scores At a recent pageant In Oakland, CL, in which levor ... all the public school on the east aide of the bey participated, th Lincoln school of Oakland, of -- which - Miss or.d Junction Margaret M. Jessup, formerly a West' ir.w. High school teacher in tins city, Is !Mns hyslcal director, was awarded third lium . . Kaneaa City L . onor. .... In Angle Belfast Street Rioting .... ftfodena N ArNna cv New riORIITl FLORAL CO. FLOKAL.PK8IGM "T , New ' Nerth Trk roofs and doorways. salt makulb mum lake WhfU c O fttrwot AA ) Platte n alFrtn yV" Jg-.t- ii. JRhwldeil--- - - dnAit - rmtelFt j ft. Nrtr-u- T9ng ftnd trnONNKLL-and 4mmrA ; Ttrapi IJOK IL TATIR. ft1. . V114' i iprtwcimmodV w ehargo W, Hit lst Seats StL - Wt sniping' from AND MONO JotiMoau Prft t.tOBRTAKtNO SERVtr ftjlNT LARKIN'S th ofirnM. ; mtbeit sbin . jOktiiiem 8rvc.) Two morf rtwwuMr .- J ; Aj BElFAST. Nov. . .. persona died at hospital today as result of wounds received In fraction-- J JI"rV,IPh,,rr si rioting, bringing the iotal berof dead tnths dlstrubshce of the , rm. .... I Isst six days to 20. . Ther - city was . , . Pei' . .. ..a... 2 4. MOaLMKSTft. .et tndr : Intmatiooa at CALLED BY DEATH . By ts of of Ttl The Kelchum company began yesterday wrecking tbe Gardo house preparatory to of tbe new building for the federal reserve bank. . Causes Two More Deaths of a orunetic . That It t to determ'n moral character poible by phyatca tneaetjrew meatita the cfrn-tii- t. 9 German rf hn has invented an tetrumnt to nuuijrc persons heads accurate Total yeatardar Total for thi moatb , .. Accumulated dcficieacy this tronth etwee Jan t . Building and Supply Accumulated deficiency itntp Jan Wrecking Cardo House, tntjQraiiietand-pro4uc- fra. Humidity a bulb tmpertur at Pry Wat bulb temperature t I am. Rolatte humidity at . M ihe etory of Paradlbe. v r!t-fhe d Miihei Theatre, carrier in at! it as : nnnoun mcnt& Toiret's nirtie in 'lel-Jer- w the aa me aixe a Fatnl Gralncr'e The tAtg veight of foctumet aorn . Uh S girl on the 55j,n on ffniy A potmanw-iratTA ITT pound to each jfirl-beai- jy. ogiie - 4 80 Stage Girls;. rm yetrday lliiheit ia thia month laat )ar .. Man is Slashed by In thia innath aloe IS7I Higbat tJbla marniR Lofft Negro With Razor Lowest thiw month tawt year ..... Isonaat thi month sine Jtli Normal (or Arthur Johnson, who Hies st the Ma rtrday ywtrday First Showing 46 Lbs. of Costume-- On WEATHER REPORT HtRtrwt Regig hotel, called at the emergency hospital early this morning to obtain treatment for wound about the head, face, arms and legs said to have been Inflicted by a negro with t raxor. His right ear waa practically cut in two. and the other cuts on his head and face were deep while a vein in hie leg was severed. According to Johnson's story a (.the hospital, he was walking in front of the hotel when th negro attacked After inhim without provocation. flicting the Injuries the negro fled. haheds ....M KV J ? . J 4 I a; J4 ev 4 fW1 rtca Hi. 7RA 1 f g2i 4r . WM VToTBK- - aadrtbMw ftOMt wj Miulaa " OUT1C1IES' FHF.Nt'H POLICVrTt''''; iso e. ut g.,h. "mi of x I the blah 4? tfbiricLt aa Quflt LONDON. Nov. 24. Marquis Cur- - Tbmb w ..I t1 T! t, ki t n ion of Kdlaton, British aotiretary ....J tf t ?ft! T of for forftlKn affaire, apak1ng,Yntw CKMkteIK. t ft lurtebonti London today de- - j Tb " rtws st T.ss am. ssd set at j WASafcH Lawk cxmitebt p, M p M Hals SS Wss DM. i sol tt -- - ... .L 9 ee w ue U r |