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Show . 4, tq. : ' ee ft w v r 0 Tyi.-- W" r" . r -- - p THURSDAY1 THE DESERET NEWS COflMH! SEEKS oral NOVEMBER il 1921 24 -- ! SUES ON STOCK u A ruling on tho to question whether an agent can bo prosecuted for celling dock in a company wlth- out first ttcuring a lli ,e nen from tho state securities commission, is sought 4y W a Haee B. Kettyv assistant county attorney, in a letter sent to Attorney Genera! Harvey H. Cluff yesterday Tho question has been raised by Bob-art H. Hoare. a former agent for Our 'COOS soeos -- - International - Touches which lift tha far a ho vs the draw and maka thsm stand out as dscidedly and Infinitely worth tho associa- t tion. which Hoare Is said to have sold some 200 employees of tho Denver & Rio Grande became-insolven- 1 mu-- ' tut ion. The query read: "The attorney for the defendant has interposed a demurrer in which his contention la that at no place un der the laws regulating tho sale xf securities do they date or intend to state that an agent an be prosecuted - for selling se urina without a license from the stale securities commission Under section 23 of the special session laws of Utah, MIS. we have an art defining' and preenhmg-the penalty for an asent not dirty licensed who aella op offers for sale, securities as herein d fined, etc A careful perusal of ths above section would go to show that an asent can be prosecuted Just as thoroughly as the company tt'elf but be act ataya aittuw at- whe-eer offer for sale s herein defined, any eu , but securities, at no place does this particular define what an agent should diopter do as far as the sale of secuiities is concerned. This demurrer was argued before Judge Johnson last Haturday morning, at under, ad-- i visement. Judge Johnson desiring an opinion from the attorney general's i office, inasmuch as tht par- ticular case, would test the law as far as ths act regulating tho securities was concerned, and unless properly settled In the lower courTtnnld be taken- to the supreme court either on appeal or an habeas corpus tho Big Window Showing Today of dtacrtm- - tnat'ng Each frock has Isast otlS touch lndtrldualtie many havs m women. 1 Real Lac Including combi- nation real filet fof vet 1nw Paltiey effect In Canton crepe which 1 an note 4nc prn in bead and fir-d- ie not commonplace but PU- cut jet end - n Indlnduallatte treatment Walkers Super-Sal- e Achievement UnflfflM4L QroadelotH l hand embroidered coat frock New gtrtpad Valve CSIfTae Exclusive Paisley Bead Designs Significant Facts as To Ddiry Products Use In Human Nutrition Two facts of startling significance relative to tho vital importance o( dairy prodiu is In human nutrition - have been brought to light recently Through the National Dairy Council wo fearn that a survey has been made of SV.Oiin school children In Los by Dr. Everett C. Beach and the remarkable fart revealed that children w ho are users of nnlk complete the eight grades of school work two years earlier than - Sale Prices less than the wholesale cost to make in many instances v. Angclcs,-Cattfom- non-user- s. Looking at it from Jhe financial viewpoint, and recognising that there are approximately loo 600 children in the elemrntry schobts of lox Angles alone, and that 20 per cnt of theac are retained longer in 'their school work than necessary, R H. Greene, secretary California Do notfce misled by the modesty ofv this price two-year- s1 ... Dairy Cosocit.-figur- e -- that the total loss to the coV each years runs Into millions- - of dollars. It costs about $7$ of the public money to keep s child in elementary school each year, of 1156 for two years. Twenty thousand retarded children, therefore each year coat hoT taxpayers of Los Angeles 3 6tt,fl6tV'c e IL thtt tefeiy w,pnnfcvpP "milk for every one of three retarded Eight children for fhe entire eight years of the elementary course, and If the Exclusive children made normal progress as a result, there would be a considerable sum left-oof the present cost of keeping them In school two years longer than the normal children. Sketched.- From an authentic source of Information wc learn that Jeo.ooo people In certain districts of the south are Buffering from pelagra at the present -time, and that 10 per cent of these suffers will die from the disease The victims ars principally from that claes of tenant farmers who devote their entire farm to cotton snd fall to the demand Considering the time, raise gardens, chickens or keep a reonbie regarded cow. priie were bewa some complaint though Dr. E V. McCollum, during hear- cause there wa not 5 to 10 centa low- turkey ing on the olgt filled milk lull, told the committee that pellagra was on the Increase in the south and that It Church Authorities had been conclusively proven to be s disease of the ' undernourished and To Attend Dedication that there is no effective treatment other than a satisfactory diet ttuch President Hebr J Grant. President a diet mav be had from garden proRud-K- .r duce tf the green tops, which are Anthony W. Ivin and President cianson lU. lta.ve thl evening for - unpalatable, are eaten, bo more Immediate recovery and. more palatable Mete. Arlt , to attend quarterly conrations are made when liberal ference of Maricopa .take Saturday and amounts of dairy products are used gundav, to bo followed by the dediration of tho Arlxona temple atle MonThe Dairy Farmer, Nov, day As first announced President riawson o name waa not Included, but be School Students later it was decided that beOnshould High the reof the party. one and Addressed by Naturalist aturnmember will day atop trip they perhaps longer at Los Aneeles. An address before the student bodv Good Roads Meeting. of the West high school was delivered Wednesday by Enos A. Mills, yiatural The local Southern Pacific officaa scientist and author, of Estes Psrk are in receipt of a notice of a meetColo. Experience in the woods of ing of Ihe U R Good Ronds associaolorado were related by the speaker at Phoenix, Arl , April who waa Introduced by Dr. Charles O. tion. 1922. which it le expected about 4.600 Plummer of Salt Lake. Delegatee from people will attend A "penny shower." under the direc- tbia will be Gov. C R Mation of Frank Murdock, president .of her territory VV. Davi. Idaho; Utah: Gov. D. the student bodv. and Irvin Behlndler Ralph E Bristol. Ogden: Rov Bullen. businesa manager of ths Red and Logan; C. O Paulson. Richfield, Ida. Black, was held at the school Wad-- i ueeday and netted I43S6 which was turned over to the N'leghborhood House hr rare of Miss Ellen Taylor The money was used .nproi Id mg a , Thanksgiving dinner today for Ihs children of the institution. A contribution was also mads byjhe students to the Salvation Army, in the form of a wagonload of potatoes, canned goods, and other eatables as .well as warm clothing. Five dollars was donted by the Acorn cluh. an or. ganlzatlon of girls, to the Neighborhood House. city-wer- 24-2- for ' Thanksgiving Feast markets were Thanksgiving enAif with apprntlj Tb" retail ireryhodyfigure averaged41 45 cent with ! bead and cent wtth feet off. and on. However, there were exthe price fell to 44 where ceptions Tho extent of the demand this cent. week I illustrated by the fact that one 'narke-- d aw)4 and-o.poae4 f 4 000- Her. atner Mondays 2 tnna received In the over were left bird four week, only laet night. Chicken wer jb arood came along fairly welt at J to 40 the A notlceablo featura wa rent. excellent appearance of the fowl, due which was te plentiful supply of feed, cheap thta year. The demand for the other thing esuabwlth Thanksgiving dinner wag good, and the supply equal To lleljr last- lt to 10 a. m. m a very rOffered at. er was abletornake this unusual pur-- j chase. V A SENS ATIONAL PURCHASE our New York specialist WuWeek from New York. made at this price only because our J L: They are the sort of gowns you see vom by women of taste and cul- ture, whpre fashionable persons of position and distintion foregather. special sale into underrating the unusual appeal and worth of the dresses. "Styles! Local Markets Lively J : Sale Starts Friday, Jby ready-to-we- ar buyer and forwarded by-hi- m The very latest word in style creation JManyJbeing exponents of id vance apring style notes- - Bought at a bigr price concession for cash, because of the backward season. Remarkable and most) attractive dresses in the unusual charm of their individuality aivJ distinction of style at Regular Price, which would be in many cases more than twice this sale price. Actual construction haa a flat cut of approximately II per. continent rent on western hay and grain rate,! begun at Mitchel field. Long Island, field. Va ; Moumlav Ule, W. put-- j Langley which the railroads hare delaj-eting into effect and which they have Va . and Wilbur Wright field at Fair- field. Ohio to to sought compromise by offering install a general decrease of 10 per Army aviation officials said today cent on agricultural products they hoped through operation of the beAll of the present differences system to prexetn In the future such tween the railroads and the commis- disasters as that which occurred last sion center around this question shall May near Morgantown. Md , and coat rates go down first, or wages. Confer- the lives of seven aperson by an air-violent storm of ences between the road executives and plane flying Into far have failed to which Ita oecupants had no knowlthe commission compromise the difficulty and the or- edge. I By Associated Pres ) Plana for installation of the new der of tho commission to go forward Wa'sHINGTOV. Nov 24. Investi- with Its own investigation was taken safety devices which will lunction by observers to indicate that Its fur- - as a network of electrical waves covgation by the interstate wlllbe virnedby ering the country provide fqr the discommission on Us own behalf of the therproceedinxs in the laat analjsis tht semination of weather report, storm fact thqt ..the reasonableness of the present level of commies on has compulsory power to warnings and of all Information afnational fecting fljir.f The army air service transportation rates an-- 1 enforce Ita own conclusion, "" contemplates In the extension of ths ' pounced last night. Is the latest and! net eventually to every field and staIniOrm&tlOn to perhaps most mandatory of a series of tion In the country o which have government actions, all Aviators Contemplated . e been directed towards forcing down r,c.an . Through Radio System railroad charges. Who Died in Mexico Are - While the railroad spokesmen, in ofAssociated (By Pres). ficial pleadings filed i''i the com- - WASHINGTON Nov. 14 A radio Sought to Claim Estate to have xccepted the sjatem designed to give Information mission. appear ( By Associated Press 1 general dictum that transportation to aviators of weather condition 24 Nov. Some WASHINGTON. rates must be reduced Ihe commis- along their roves of flight. In the air sion s decisions and the railroad pro- as well as on the ground, has been thousands of dollars, the property of are at variance posals considerably approved by the army air service and Jan American cilUsn, D L. Drake, who Ths commission bps .ordered that soon will be extended over the entire died in Mexico In 1912, and whose -1 U. S. Commission d Determined to Cut Railroad Charges ' Wfllhcf 'n - A ,4 ,r r V. . I Women who under ordinary circumstances do not bother" to attend -- saley will find, themselves well re- paid" due by-giv- ing heed to this one. place of residence In this country is undetermined, are awaiting a claimant. according to the state department the estate will revert 4o the Mexlran federal government unless a claimant cornea forward within a few dak. it was said at tho stale department Mr Drake was an employee of the Cananea Cattle company at Cananea femora Mexico, at which place he died Friends or rslatlvea of the deceased ar advised to communicate with the mate department for information regarding hi death and estate. J described as resting easier. Complete real and close medical attention toi two weeks however, will be neccsaar). It was said by Japanese delegation members Irish Peace Conference Faces Unfavorable Future -- Great Britain Delegate Suffers Severe Chill By Awdcliied PrtM ) WASHINGTON. JCov. 24 Illness of another delegate to the armament conference was reported today Lord Lee of Fareham, firiit lord of the British admiralty and ranking delegate to A. J Balfour and head of Britain delegation, was confined to his bed toi day wtth a severe chin. Baron Shtdehara, Japaprse ambassador here and one of Japaire dole, who te suffering from Inflamgate, mation of kidney following overwork and a slight nervous breakdown, waa f (By Associated Press LONDON. Nov. 24 Ths negotiation for an Irish settlement are feared to be nearing an unfavorable end. according to a high authority and there t apprehension thet next week may witness their unless more favorable clrcum-tfuneehiil develop to-d- a. col-lap- ft Aristide Briand Leaves For Return to France WASHINGTON. Nov. 24 Aristide Briand. premier of France and head of the French delegation at the anra ment and Far Eas'ern conference, left Waahlngon shortly after S o clock this morning for New Tor from which port he will axil tomorrow for home The French premier had been lu Washington a, little more than two week. ... - - -- J. s. |