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Show Jj t f . THE JOURNAL, LbGAN CITY, PAGE TWELVE women In. scant modern gownsjioned as the. masters they considerable j place, for close deside them M. provoked comment, most, of it Unfavor- - Mason has hung such advanced ' able, in spite of the excellent men as Van Dooge'n, Van Gogh. reputation of the painters who Lautrac, Signac, Henri Matisse, tried to make the modern flap-pe- Maurice Denis, Othon Friesz, ino a masterpiena. way--as ancL UtrillGr4nr-suck-to show cleat ly- the developFor the first time in the ment' of modern painting durof the , historic river ing the last half century Ben- Thames an international .boat BENSON, .May, Thc Thgre is at least one family son people have been made, hap race will take place this year in France that is helping to! the Duke' of Yorks inter- ward off a declining birth rate. Py J?Y 1110 capious 'rainfall of for national gold trophy. The course At' Meteren, near'llazebiouck, th&f.ast few days as it has meant many hundred dollars will be over the Putney to the twentieth child of Monsiur to them in the great Benefit it Mortlake boat race stretch and and Madame Duporber Gakiere six laps will be covered. At has just been christened, Jith has been to their crops. The school activities of date present four countries have M. Iludelo, the prefect Of the ' have kept the young people signified their intention to department, as Godfather. Ikyed up td a tight tension es- compete the United States, Seventeen of these children pecially is that the case today Great Britain, Canada and are living, fourteen boys end due to the big health parade to France and it is hoped that three girls. The father, who is take plae.e $n Smithfield. and Germany also will en- a Mason, aided by his sons, of Italy ' The Junior girls furnished ter, The races are scheduled to whom the eldest is 26, built the day evening when they render begin June. 26, England won house, after the war, where ed the following program. Sotag and in 1924 the 1925, trophy they are all living. Congregation Put Your Should last winner Capbeing year's or td the Wheel Prayer, Woolf Barnato, who was The worlds finest colled ion Reese; Song. Junior girls tain entered. of again ancient arms and armor, led by Edith Falslev; Paper, comprisin' hundreds of pieces The proper conduct in the Women members of the and valued at over $1,500,000, house of worship by Carrie House of Commons, who bave has been presented to Nice by music , Instrumental Falsie v; Norma Reese; held their own in repartee with, Mr. Feli Jonbori- - noted Engj oh the. piano Talk on. Faith, Jessie Cowley; the men who occupy the lead- lish colector. The collection Is Talk, on repentance and bap- - er benches with .them, have installed in the Massena mustfsm, A'etha Saunders; Song shown equal ability at keeping eum in the room adjoining the Erma Funk, Afton and Bernita awake during recent famous Chapsal Jewels.' Reese; Talk, The purpose of setting of the house. One of the rarest pieces in fast day, Ida Maughan ; ReWhile some of the men were the Jonbort collection is the marks, Mrs II, J. Hatch of having their forty winks, two Jeanne DAre Rapier, dating the stake board; Song, Junior of the three women members from the earliest part of the ...girls ; Benediction, Mary Ho- of the house, Miss Wilkinson, fifteenth ' century. mer. Labor Mrs. member and The Blade was found some 20 The girls all did splendidly Conservative, were ac- years age in a Lorraine Chateau and Sister Hatch gave a short hut interesting address and re tively participating in th de- and is believed to be the only Iceived many pressing invita- bates and apparently taking one owned by the Maid of Ortions to- come again. Mr, If. great delight in the long vigils leans that has ever been disj.JUatch is entitled to fcredit and frequent journeys through covered. for bringing Mrs. Hatch down. the division lobbies. The collection of ancient armMr. and Mrs. W. G. Reese Lady Astor, however, only or contains many priceless "piecAiotored to Cdrnish , last Sun-da- p stays up as a rule when the es, notably an inlaid suit dating and spent 'the day very subject of the debate is qne of from the time of Maximilian I, pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs hey petition themes. But when which was manufactured in John F. Reeder and family. ? she does remain she conNuremburg in 1460; and the Benson, was almost deserted tributes' considerably ta the celebrated Casque whith wa& n Black and White day as so entertainrhent of the house. It made for Philip II, of Spain, tany 'motored to Richmond, is invariably the rule that when by .Wolff of 'Landshut. , had have gone Cthers would of the house go sittings beyond they not have been too busy their normal hours there la i Special matinees at theatres Jnvther crops putting the to allow profession to see a T The M. L Association of Ben more fun than ordinarily, ion gave a very f interesting reason given for this being that pay, ate common enough in - members feel if they do not Paris, but Charles Dullm, the program last evening. strive after a little liveliness' managed of the Atelier ComGrandmothers A cantata JE&M&n,. was very, successfully they would not be able to re- pany whic appears at the Litf main awake at all. tle Montre Theate has found given. A dance icSlowed We are pleased to say that a new variation. 'Mrs. E. A. Parsons, is slowly He has given a matinee for PARIS improving in health and we people connected with the pi css hope for her speedy recovery their gowhose duties I Saturday, May S, 1926. CACHE' COUNTY, UTAH re-ha- ve HI r, a combined-- in this New-Ty- - -- history 7-- , Six T, pe 1 ISer-ni- ta VALUE BEAUTY COMFORT POWER t i The only closed car that ever took the Siena Grade at A 2 San Jose, Calif, on high. car in this Tbs tremendous manufacturing resources of Frankly, we took the 18 best cars of America and Europe and copied their ealient features. Seats are wider, doors are broader and ths windows larger than any price-clas- s. make its low price possible. Willys-Overla-nd all-nig- ht engine through to the rear-axshaft The result is a speed capacity that ia if you can, a car that will IMAGINE, thrilling performance of 55 miles an hour, whenever you want it Pliil-lipso- n. That will pick up fa nigh gear from 5 to 40 miles an hour in 21 seconds. f f $j f ' l i i ' The result is ample comfort for 5 passengers . . with plenty of room to step in or out . . . room to stretch your legs With the utmost ease. full-si- out-pul- perform ofany-its thing else Such a car produced under ordinary manufacturing conditions would usually cost between $1300 and $1400. ! price-clas- s. ! Yef today, duto the tremendous buying power and manufacturing resources cf the great Willys-OverlaorganiSix now zation, this world-famosells fpr only $935. Six. A brand new kind of motoring experience awaits you . , . its bound to change your whole idea of motor car values. nd us outThis big sturdy Six will l. run and anything else of its size, or weight or price-clas- What to expect from this new-typ- Get the utmost for yout money. Ride in thrn car . . . test it in comparison to the value others offer. In fairness to yourself buy no car until you da OVERLAND SIX SEDAN out-pul- The new WiUy Plaa raiaua 18 Fmn money down, smaller monthly out-perfor- m ear e s. Be prepared for a big surprise when you take your first nde in an Overland Full in 40-bra- a straight ze The seats are widei, the windows larger, the doors much broader. All features youll certainly appreciate when you inspect rival cars of this price. si$e, or weight or t j horsepower is delivered its I9W swung line from payments; and the lowest credit cost in the.mdustry. FOB Factory We reserve tho right to chtangp pric&a and epeexfi call ana without ooti o prevent (Continued From, Page Seven) td health. This big sturdy l, Six will out-ru- n and out This is the average performance of the Overland Six in the hands of average oyvners . . , the kind you can expect when you drive this car. J positively amazing. It has more inside space. More cubic feet than the average car of this price. Jose, California on high. ! le Thrilling Performance That is the only dosed car that ever took the famous Sierra Grade at San - J? HATCH MOTOR CO., 89 West 1st North Logan ing to the Theatre n the evego. The regulation round of readers, copy makeup ning the sights of Paris this year men JENSEN MOTOR, CO., Hyrum and hnotjpers. Over thiec will find a Luxembourg which bundled the managers accepted is really, or nearly, what its invitation to a Saturday ui tolfounded s proposed it to be, a s of Arcel museum of modern Fiench art lmen performance LONDON I Dont Love You which reptesentathe exhibits of has been running two month-,- . the best contemporary artists. (Continued From Page Seven) Painters dead in sense lifted intact and set down near have been eliminatedevery BERLIN in favor 4 almost any American city. w imof. more modern man. The (Continued From Page Seven) don't artists paint pressionists, fofmeily lelegated Why to a small room on the light of settlement of claims of former hat the castle stands upon a term has instructed police to 'and Miss 1926? family were at Preston was served and enjoyed by all This question is raised by E. the entrance, now form the cen German Ruling Houses is that --omeal, calcareous lock winch 'issue Inc help needed badge Wednesday present. Easton Tayler in the London ter about which the whole ex- involving the ownship of t() Prlnce Frctleutk!To P,'rM,n' thu3 afflicted and1 Miss Sabina Mr. and Mis. James Parker Woodvard Cezan-ne- , zollern Castle, near spent hibition has resolves. News apThese, 01 bus tiered tot Signaling-' t Evening pud , police on duty ' week-end the I... 'KS assist them in every whose talent is still much en, in southern Germany. ,! at Mink Creek as of Preston4-whrepeatedly in other spept the last peared ot Wilhelm whose to claim II William with (he of Miss Lucile Jepson. Manet, Ilohzqlkrn lays months guest at Logan are journals within the last fevy disputed, reigns eight months. Galleriesiwhere mod- Phisaro, Sisley, Derthe Morisot, castle itself, a monumental brother is now king of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon' Oliyer- visiting ,thif son Manuel Par- errected in 1850 on, ''Batern paintings are hown, dis- - Miss Mary Cassatt, A. Guillau-mison and family went to Maladker and family. They will spend he ruins of the original castle, Buf even shoultTthe termer Degas and Renoir. play few pictures of girls in the last week where they attended (the week end in Logan. These levolunaries of anoth- which was destroyed m 1423.laiser Dime at a satisiaetorv latest fashions. the funeral last Saturday of Mr. John, Biggs has assumed the with SigmarSeveral poi traits of young er day look almost as old fash- - It is his misfortune, however,1 airangement , Mrs. Vernon Oliverkons mother the i a. ingen bran h of the farm!,-- , he responsibility as VilliagG Mrs Jane M Evans, wrho d ed a is still faced by the tact that as Mr. Long has resignCop there last Wednesday of Pneuthe Arsenal and the Bastion as ed. Mr. Biggs acted in this! monia. Mr. Oliverson returnto the well as the approach for position seveial years uptil ed home and has Monday gone castle belong to the slate ot Preston to woik at Mapleton but Mrs the last election, when Long Prussia. shopping. Oliverson and children havent was chosen. Ivan Woowward. Miss Ardell Mrs. Rachel Woodward and returned vet. and Mrs, Henry Done" Doney daughter Miss Ell i Woodward Fred lyngsford and Mis the Golden Wedding Wednes'Handed 'isitois Anna were Palmer at Pieston PER COSTS LESS MONTH OF SERVICE shop1 wlnftc proph'toi-- wete of Pres, and Mrs. anniversary Wednesday. the verge ot bankiuptcv has; L. A. D Meeham. Saidh Rnd which was held Hatch AvIvan Woodward end Miss been sohid bv the polite n the,dauifhter rora who at reston fuldwilwfc last dell the are new a evening Saturday hpent Doney sporting ! rf arrest of a gang of gentlemen "'mter at Rexbuig have return- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sedan Dodge crooks win plied a made to d horneErwin Nelson and wife 0f,Cal Foss older trade , Mr. rnd Mis. Amos Bair will Mink Creek and Mrs. H C Franklin High School had a The gang rendezvous was a move to Richmonds Weiner Roast last Frida v afL Saturday Nelson stopped at fashionable cafe owned by a:for their summer vacation r. Mr. Franklin f6r a short time on ternoon, Miss Pauline conductoi .'Bair expects 'to teach at Frank-Polic- e their former ouhestra a school teacher high way to Logan last Tuesdisclosed that a shop-ii- n was unfortunate enough to afa;n next fall, day. keeper with financial difficulMr. and Mrs. Wal.ice Olsen sprain her ankle and has had ties put in mi motored to Mink Crek last to go around on crutches for beiv and collected insurance. Misses Viola Harris and Vera Sunday, they visited with Mrs several days. , Adverse economic renditions Cottle attended a party at Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Porter d Will Cottle at Preston and took 11 13 increased the number of gan last Saturday evening, and family spent the week-en- d Creek. Mink to her with them such robberies to more than! Mr. C. W. Lundquist of Wes-te- n The Daughters' of the Ellen at F ranklin as guests of Mr, a wreek. Forty five persons ton was a Fianklin visitor last Wright Camp of the Pioneers Porters parents Mr. and Mrs. have been ai rested. Monday. , will meet at the home of Mrs. B. P. Porter. Mrs. H, M. Witner was at Mr and Mrs. Henfy Stokes Nora Daines Friday afternoon 12 Thi-ohave mo on business last Monfrom Preston vet and a and nice family where a persons program ho aie hard of hearing or deafj somewhere near Rockland-bacday, lunch will be enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peterson and dumb will be given special to their old home at Franklin The family of Mrs. , Otto Mrs. Alice Morgan were at and met the at assistance at street crossings1 after severe months absence, of Johnson Preston, and subway stations, if they! Miss Anna Palmer who was home of her .daughter Mrs. Preston Monday doing wear a new regulation badge, operated upon at Ogden for Manuel Parker for the regular their shopping. returned home Home Evening Meeting after H. M. Witner is having a showing three black points Appendicitis, a program of songs, music and Fridgidair enstalled in their , within a yellow circle. The Sunday. v Wallace Olsen Mr. Mrs, inapd Prussia minister cf the dancing, a delicious luncheon store. Mr. W. II Homer who spends most of his time on theaoad for the Case Co,, spent a few days at hotpe recently. A'b-urd- f i LAN St 1 j Ilohn-i)0,un- i 4 U Vi f Ru-struct- - n. j ! s - - Rubber Case 6 Volt Battery of-Pre- ston Brock-meye- $J36S , Other types of Cases - Plate Batteries, all Rubber and - volt Batteries, - - - $15.00 to $27.50 $25.00 to $35.00 Lo-ha- I ghoul-Pruss- 1 ia k otOB Company "HOME OF THE BUICK" 1 lat -- |