Show DAILY WEDNESDAY JOHN 0 manager ia 27 dosal mention in toia column 30 centa par line each insertion advertisements and anat be cent to domce not later abac 10 a m to alcure inser on same day awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MADE pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or an adulterant 40 YEARS tha STANDARD the modern has tastes medicinally in keeping with other luxuries A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form purely wholesome in composition giuly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every quality if really ill he consults a physician if constipated he uses the gentle family laxative syrup of figs the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others divorce suit elizabeth 0 gough cot a divorce yesterday afternoon from james T gough on the ground of cruelty he was but 30 and ahe fair 40 they had quarreled over three bushels of lucerne seed she had helped him pick and finally sold and about a cow finally ee he anya she had called his mother a murderer and him a s of a b then patience ceased to be a virtue and he gave her in abe eye judge king allowed mrs gough a divorce and awarded her 80 acres of the homestead and decreed that mr gough should lift a mortgage she was also allowed 25 attorneys fees and costs of suit when baby sick w gave her cassorla Ca storla when she wa child the cried for castoria when she became misa she clung to Ca storis sho bad ha USE PUKE WATER parties desi noua of haleing ta leing tha city water will do well to call on the super in for the cost of connection to the water main bates or any other questions pertaining to cost and uee ol 01 tha city water kindly by EPH bupt supt A bunh a well are you billioux Billi oua constipated or troubled with jaundice Jau sick headache ball laate in the mouth foul breath coated tongue dyspepsia indigestion hot dry abkin pain in the back and between the shoulders chills and fever ac if you have any of thesa symptoms your liver is out of order and your blood ie eflowly being poisoned because your liver coee not act proper ly will cure and disorder of ano liver stomached Sto mache or bowels it haa no equal aa a biyer medicine price 75 cents free trial bottier at smoot drug co the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great la beav coing power as the royal provo opera house S S S J J ONES treas J U GRAHAM manager ONE ONLY saturday february 16 fac 8 COMPANY in the thrilling modern drama in 4 acts entitled OR tho uinta hid box office oden for the sale of tickets ou friday and saturday REDUCED SALE OF PRICES drees circle 50 cents and first circle so crote ana circle 25 centa how an enemy was foiled the following graphic statement will be read with intense interest 1 I cannot describe the numb creepy sensation that existed in my arms hand and logs I 1 had to rub and beat those parta until they were sore to overcome in a measure the dead feeling that had taken possession of them in addition I 1 had a strange weakness in my back and around my waist together with an indescribable gone in my stomach said it was creeping paralysis from which according to their universal conclusion there Is no relief once it fastens upon a person they say it continues its insidious progress antu it reaches a vital point and the sufferer dies such was my prospect I 1 bad been doctoring with no particular benefit when I 1 saw an advertisement of Drill les restorative procured a bottle aad began using it marvelous aa it may seem but a few days had passed before every bit of that creepy feeling had left me and there has not been cheu the slightest indication of its return I 1 now feel as well as I 1 ever did and have gained ten pounds in weight though I 1 had run down from to ast 1st four others have used dr miles restorative on my and it has been as satisfactory in their cases as in mine james haiie la rue 0 dr miles restorative is sold by all on a positive guarantee or sent direct by the dr miles medical co elkhart ind oa receipt of price 1 per bottle six bottles for 5 express prepaid pre paid it la tree from opiates or dangerous drugs sold by all sure to get the handsomest dress in the city at b S tones co s old stand at our proposal as we are in earnest to show you alie finest stock ever brought to provo novelties are now daily arriving see our new silks for waists annie jones atkin A U smoot prop successor to milling co manufacturers and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for wheat mill opposite union pacific depot D IS BEKKE FREE DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER MEAT MARKET keeps constantly on hand iab M H lepi a ai FAT CALVES AITO HOGS WANTED diee delivery to any part of the city centre st pruva third door east of cosmopolitan X aror we received an assignee stock of boots shoes hats dry goods etc and will place on sale regardless of cost 1500 pairs of boots and shoes at OKE HALF regular prices about mens youths and boys hats at prices never before heard of AIOO THE LOT AREs bool ars french calf hand sewed shoes former price and 7 conr price to per pair ars mens lace and congress slices former price 2 sa 50 and 3 conr price ars mens extra fine and heavy calf hand sewed and pegged boots former price 5 6 and sa our price 2 2 50 3 and ars lace and congress shoes doimer price 5 and 6 conr price 2 and 3 50 ars mens rubber boots former price 3 50 conr price 25 ars hip boots former price our price ars children s shoes former price 1 our price and hats hats hats mens hats former price 3 and sl conr irice and ars youths hats former price 1 50 to our price and boys hats former price 1 to 2 conr ance to ix ois 15 duz asas price OUR PRICE s 0 o 10 L 25 7 5 1 HI 8 and i 10 2 5 former once CO ay S 75 50 5 1 00 ai 1 25 A few dozen left at each ladi s 5 doz ladias nat wool vest and pa s former price our price 3 doz scarlet and nat wool ast and cants former price aoe and sl our price 5 doz nat col ribbed vests and pants former price our price 10 pieces conton flannel from ac ap 15 piece indian head muslin 12 ads for 1 ua 10 pieces crash at ac per sd tuckey red linen bic 10 pieces dress goods double width farmr price alc our price 15 pieces eiderdown Eider down dress good former price buc our price loc all other dress 20 to 25 per cent cheaper 15 doz ladies hose former price and oar price and all other goods at prices that will you gome and get some of these wonderful bargains before it is too late jail jy il sapt ESQ booro ljra sr i s brims or iMs r will to buy clothing for next spring j B gs g C tati ITI rh 7 |