Show TRUSTEES SALE whereas richard D sutton aad lizzie Sutton his wife of the county of utah and territory of utah executed acknowledged and delivered to james H bacon as trustee of the coulty ot salt lake and territory ot utah their certain deed of bealine date the first day of may A D 1899 and re chided in the recorders office of said county on the day of may A D said deed of trust waa agven to secure to adamou damou G the indebtedness therein described to wit one principal bond or promissory note for the sum of hundred dollars payable on the first day of may A D 1895 with interest thereon at the rate of ten par cent per annum from the date thereof until baid said payable semiannually Bemi annually and said interest evidenced by ten coupon interest notes for the sum of seventy five dollars each which were attached to eadd principal bond or note and were day able respectively on the firt day 01 may and november in each year from and after the date of said principal pain cipal bond or note and until the expiration of five years arom its date all of sad bonds or notes were of even date with said deed of trust and were all signed by said richard D and lizzie sutton as makers thereof and are ail payable to the order 0 said damon U and said principal bond or note provides that it any part of the principal princ or interest is not paid at maturity it shall bear interest mere after at the rate of twelve per cent payable and if any interest remains thiril days afier due the principal ikall become duo and at once without notice at he option of taft holder and all of said boroa are at macomb illinois b lb principal and jo terest payable in united gold coi or its aitu current rata of exchange on new york cita said deed of trust is on the following described premises situate in the county of utah and Teni tory of utah to wit com forty 40 boils roils louia of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 13 township 8 south of ranee 1 east of bait lake meridian run thelca west one hua dred and rods theace booth cne hundred nd twenty 0 O rods thence cast ago rod thence north one hune dred twenty rods to the place of bee inina together will all tenements hereditaments privileges and appun thereunto together with all water rights owned by aran tors in said deed of trust or auy or eithel of them or belonging to or with or used ou said premises or auy part and whereas it is among other ahinga provided in aid principal bond or note that if any interest remains unpaid thirty days after due the principal shall become due and collectible collect iole at once without notice at the option of the holder and in said dadd of trust it is provided among other thing in su betance and to the effect that in case default shall be made in te payment of either of tace said bond notes m debt edness cr moneys ed bv eaid deed of trust or the taxes or assessments therein mentioned or in rase of the breach of any of the covenants therein contained to be kept ind performed bv said makers of said deed of trust then the said trustee or bis successor in trust shall beell and dispose of scid boremi ea or any part hereof and all the right title benefit and equity of redemption 0 the paid makers of said deed of trust their heirs and assigns therein forever at public anc tion at tho froat of the court house in the counte of utah and in tha territory of utah or on savl premises or any oart thereof as may be specified in the notice of such pale for the highest and beet price the same will bring in cash thirty days previous notice of such sale habinc been given by publication in adv published in paid county of utah or if no paper is in such tonnyy then in newspaper published in the territory of utah and WL erese it ie aleo provided in said trust deed that in case of the absence from paid utah county inability or refusal to act of the eaid lames H ihen harvey M bacon shall be and is hv said trust ded appointed and made nc cessor in trust to paid jarach H bacon w th like powers and y ina paid premises shall be omo vested in ench in tart for the aces uces and aforesaid afore eaid and whereas and jama II 11 acon 11 absent arm paid utah pununy and un abla to a t in th n aind Wh crea baid D sutton and lizzle gutlon have each and all made default in the of said interest nota due fand paja bif on the first dav f N A D 1893 for te sum of and on the first dav rf may I 1 A D for be sum of and in the of nov abr A D for alie eum f 75 00 and whereas said U fre owner and holder of aard principal arnd or aole and of all of taid inter pt iches that hava not been adil h 5 by virtue of the power and in rpm heated in and by said principal princ or aoe and in and by said trust died di ed to and has det de t i whole of said principal bond or note to now immediately due and payable and has requested quested te the said in trust to advertise and sell laid cremi seB and water rights pursuant to abe terms of said deed of trust and for the anses and purposes therein mentioned ow therefore public notice ie here by given that 1 harvey M bacon enc cessor in trust as aforesaid will on thursday the dav of february A D wo at 10 a re of said day at the front door being alie north door ot the county coart bouse in the city of provo in the said county of utah sell at nubile auction lothe and best bidder for cash the paid premises hereinbefore in described with the tenements hereditaments privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging and any and all water owned by the granfors grantors gran tors in said deed of trust or either of them or belonging to or with or used on said premises or any part thereof which said water rights are more particularly ticul arly described as follows to wit 20 shares in the spanish fork west irrigation company now known by the name and style of the lake shore arri aahl n company together with all the right title benefit and equity of re of the aard granfors grantors gran tors in said deed si trust their heirs and assigns in and premises and in and to all the rights and privileges hereinbefore and in said dead of trust mentioned forever for the purpose of paying said principal bond or note and aid interest notes dua and payable on the said airet days of november 1893 may 1894 and November 1894 respectively each being for the sum of and all interest barners on said indebtedness up to the day of sate which at shat time will in all amount to seventeen hundred and forty four dollars and fifty centa tl and for any axes or that may nave been paid at that tina by the bolder of said indebtedness knead pre also for attorneys fees and he costs of paid trust and will execute acknowledge and deliver to the or ot raid n good and sufficient deed of conveyance and will also align and transfer to the or purchaser said water rights belonging to or with or ased on eaid premises dated this lo 10 h dav of january A D 1895 M BACON successor in trust as afore saH if the purchaser desires to do so be can borrow part of alie purchase price for aard premises of the holder of the indebtedness or with satisfactory additional can borrow all on one to five veara time H M BACON SALT LAKE CITY UTAH |