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Show r Thee, a train At thought trim te pats I t -osjgti m mens teniae it U ditched 1 t,i.te ti.-ir ItewH. Willi (Uifaffti. I sady Oaieertlo ion- cnnalliaattoa tm ' t see. 1IC I I rail drutrgWta refund money V aetf-mado man never nw4 to praise . maker I moli Hlnlgn Clgnreltea, 30 (or Beta i llevenee is alwnya ivm! when com r red to the blllcriie-te of bate). Ilrantyla IH'wIUnp. Clean Uood mw m -km No beauty without It. Own U lata y i ather- tlc eleaiBt your blood ji -( i lean. by.. atvrlnuplhely livi ' ii" itiKnll Im Kurtluss from the. b. . " m t,-dsy, sntoh pimples boll ! '" 'mi kneads I and thnlstckly bill" e oil i . ia taking CasoareU. bneiilv for ''' Ml drug-i gists satisfaction guar ,ted In, Mi Ml I , Tho nnde rtakcr m -1 but h manigea to overtake 1 1( "i 1 1 1 BREAD, POTATOES andTWILK. , A Dyspeptics daily diet. fiytpeptlt It oneefihr roost preettcnt of .. df.eaiee. Thou.ande of people aofftr from It la more or ttea a (graveled lorn Pew dltta... ate mole painful to th Individual or m.ie far leaching la ibtlr tittle .0 human III. andhapplutae what the dye. peptic n.tde la not local lt.alm.nl not mtiMiioiarr allmulaa The reel need it Ihe ttalng up ol tht eellte ay.lem rot Illy lh ayetem and II will do II. own It M. I log, end Pioiaplly eltct it) Intruding dlt.ait Trio a.cce a. ol Ur Aytfe Kalaa paillta Inducing lodlsttllon and dyepep. ala la daf lo lull tola quality which It ttt.tt.ta. of rtotwiag the eTtal fortta ftpaltlaglhsweeleand Iota of Itit body Tht otdiaary treatment brlsal the food , dews lo tat I...I ol the wra etotaach Ur Aytr'anar.aparllla puteetttuith lalo thttloatach aidhilaia ltaptothe I...UI . lacsltoeg lood It lor rata It data Ihla by ettrsiiheolnglhe entlte ay.lem Tht aioraach caaaal elay weak wh.a all the olhtronaaaare gelalng atteailh What lit, Artt a aattapatllla will do fnr dyepep. tlalebt.l llla.lrattd la taata Ilk. (hat of M a Shltlde, Mttldlta Mlaa, Mr ehlelde hadtotdowatothelaitletelefdylpepala, Butlilhliattllhltownelory - For yt are. I waa afllcttd wllfi dyapep-lit dyapep-lit which gtedually It.- wot. a u.ul I coaldtat aothlaf but Meed aail potelete "IRONING 7Y ,DE EASY." fT1 ,NVENWll ill I J REQUIRES NO COOKING ' .EileB, MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF HD NICE 1 pMi 1 ONE POUND OP THIS STARCH WILL 00 RdB I AS FAR A3 A POUND AND A HALI VjgH OF ANY OTHER STARCH. .jfrfW Ihy.C.HUBINGERBROaCoJ WW Ell atanh la mrartd oa Kltatlle prtartfUa r rata h" haia bai m at Mar Ural tipt rlf of la f aaef Utirtii l.taa olj Ita'a aaJ aaaimr araiata lu lt.tr aal r.1 .tliwN and Imparl, a laetlfal and aiaio or aar otbar aubalaoi. lajortoua lo llata aad caa bo ..d a. fa lot a aa.f puwd.r For Snlo by All Wholesale find Retail Grocers. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPQL1Q GAUDY ! CATHARTIC A tablet taken at bed time tootbti your .lumber and It aura to Work Whilo You Sleep, &i;l.tCartdfV..l.. fully Preno-jd l?r your day a duUca. Caiuma ao abaclutely at a.taed ta Cure Gonstipa.ion. Baulactloa cuaraotead. Thall.tllal Remed Co. CalclQO. Halrel. WwTw'; H0.TO-DAO VASAO&'VfSM idfaf!! ' "lrltl B''EOTtrTOLpABTMl iLrnEATJHKCNH'IJjH mki-w..i.w-iwwfai4ui ym"jSBr Twaaaaaiuw i.raw ta. gP' ; fmM &f xlllltr rValofir rntloHT rAlo 1 1 willroeolre auleh repll.; It. Itb N u J "' tr aaoilfd with a llllti "";J 'I.V oaty ri'iiiaf'Si v-w -VI.V..W: with rfi.tlot.a and patlta l. , ,1kv Theootwaltoiil.li''ti..ky.Bi lll.f. Maaflyl bad tjtn a aft. . atia.k that the .nlllt It I "',' T ' Wl.lt norib aod partlallT ''. lHa loadlllon f waa la Vea t i-ai oo, . a acloua The Vh'l,,".'.?id,..'i f"!1 m,l and none of the taaay ! 1 1 a .1 i me any aood At Hal '" 1 't.f.i.d me with a bottle of llf ''' , ." and before I h.dn.tda " J I tootd .,, a decided ebaoee forl' I ; Ihrte botllea and "' 1,',, 'V'i that lor four ye are I b.;tl" 1 1 tj. t'"alf d wllhlheoldcomplalalMlerni iff I aal b.atly and able to e.l J""1 "f 'hat caa I.e.aY.n II would li"l-lMe lo aay tm" ath In pral.e P,,V "I"! rllla. and I would aot ljj "' ' "If of u for a dorea of ."y,?" " -. Mlat.a.Mttldlan,IUa Try Dr. Atefa ftr.ttt'"U II yoo art dyapentle ff you iti" ''if """ay. lo trieealae of the mrllelot til lit Aye; a l urebook II la aeal Wt ttijueat by theJ.C.AyerCo,t" WILL KEEP YOU DRY. 3 ..i.uip ''""5s 77 -.? .l aiorii u ill I ll lltaM 4VV-. VJ Sii.i.r 11 n 11 ml In yr 1yjLfip A Lady , tried Sthillinx't Htst tea and did not like it. I She tried it .igain and made it according to directions. direc-tions. It's her only tea now. PATENTS RafS5 '"lo,.'., i ;;j; ", '.. .w-" WOMAN AND THC WHCCU front ( Oai.lle. fMlnsMrr, Onto. The bealtaftttnm ef Idcyrte riding for wetneo Is still n dlspBted question lietneen ealnent physicians and health reformers l'd In moderation It eurelr rrentee for women n mentis ot onl-dour rxerclee. the tieeieQt of which all hvalrinna conrede. Used to etrax tike any oilier paattine, its effect Is likely to ta ilangeroos. The etperlenee nf Miss ltertba Heed, Ilia aeventeeu yenrold daughter of Mr J It Heed. M Uke St Delaware. blo may iolntamornl forrentewtK like Mr nixl trn Heed, have rif-rleiireil some concern for tlielr ilauthtera w ho nre fond of wheel tnr In Ihe Tall of vi Miss lltrllia wlio had I ridden a great lel, l-egsn to fall In an alarming manner Hbeurew steadily later 1 and thlrtner, alM It ntqwiretl she trna xolug tnloconauniptlon Heat and quiet did her O rt al-solutely no its, rf5v H' f"4"1 Aibvsl Ir. llrTlftriwifis rl,t' found bor Jf-iJ Yi.IfFl twl'nnl HH-a 4w.Al8saK Mullr, I verr hlghrate l AVvCJVMfli ilhinkiur this r 11'. il "mny havebeen LJ V doe to temHj-A temHj-A A rary nervous. laal heaa when be m " ."J.sir'LVf Ml clo-ely, liut her pub. coutlu- ly uedntthatratefurtwotireko V He was sati.fled then from tier htxhpulte and steadily wasting rumllllon that the was siilTerlne from an-imla or a hloodraaronimonoftuelody Hlieleame extremely weak and muld not atauil the least nolae or en ltement In this condition I nf affairs they were recommended by an old 1 friend to (el some of that famous blood I nie.IUIue.lir Wllllauia' l'lnk l'llla for i'ale ' People. They did ao and almoat from Ihe I Brat dose Ilertha began to Improve. She . continued to take the villa and was by means of Ihoaeilllainadoenllrely well ami I more gralef ul i-oopls than herarenterau not be found In the whole State of Oblo Ilr Hllllama I'lnk l'ills bare ruted a t-oon lo wnmauVlud Acting directly on the blood anil nerve. Ihry rratore tb. re-qulelle re-qulelle vitality to all parts of the tody: creating functional regularity and itrlect harmony throughout Ibe nervoua syatem. The pallor of the eht.Va Is rbangeil In the dollrato I Juah of beallh the eyes t rlghleni tbo mnarln grow elaatlc, amtltloa la rreaant and govt health returns, Tho heads of tome men are llko vacant rooms they lack furniture AN OPEN tB?THn TOMOTHBnB. We are ssaerltng In tbe reran, our riant to tho Ottlualre uao of Iho word t'ASTtllllA ' and "I'llXIIKII S CANTOHIA. 'aaourTrmdcMsifc. I, I)r Samuel 1'iuber, of lljannla, Usaaa-cbuaelta, Usaaa-cbuaelta, was tbe orlgtostor of ' I'lTCIIEII S CAHTOKIA," Ibe ssme tbst has borne and does tow bear Ihe fac-slmlle alt nature of CHAM. II FI.KTt'llr.lt on every wrapper This Is tbe orlglosl "I'lTCHKIl CASTOIIIA' which has been used In the bomea of ibe mothers of America for over thirty yrara. Look earefully tt Ibe wrapper and tie Ihsl It Is "tba kind you have always bought ' and has tba signature ot CIIAS. II n.KTCIIKU on tbo Wrapper No one baa authority from ma lo use my name ex. eept The Orntaur Company, of which Cbss It rietrhrrlsl-realdent ilsrchl. IW7 SAHUKM'ITClirit, M. D. Don't think tlial every man who asks your advlco really wants It ll.waro of Olntm.ats for Catarrh Thai Contain Xf.rrary, aa mercury will surely daatroy the aena. of am.ll and comt lately deranso Hi. whole system when entering It ihrotuti tho mucous surfaces Hucti articles should nsver bo used oirept on preoonp. Ilona from repulsbl. phy.lelsns. aa Iho datnai. they will do I. tenfold lo tho ood you call poealbly derive from Ihern, Tlalla Catarrh Cure, msnufsclure.1 l.y K J Cheney ft Co . Toledo. O , contain no mercury and I. taken Internally, ael ing directly upon tho blood and mucous urfsres of thoayalcm In Luring Hal s Catarrh Cur. bo sur. you get lbs genuine It is tsken Intern. Mr and mad. In To. .do, Ohio by V. J Cheney A Co. Tea-tlmonlala Tea-tlmonlala fra.. Bold by Drugglats, price tSo p.r Imllle. llsll's Pamlly rills ars the best, A road for hauling purposes must bo JuJged by Ha worst st New K,ileto lle.hli. I.Htlo, fragrant, palatablo tablets In a dainty rnaraolcd metal box, Just right for tho vest ocket or the lady's purso. On tho tablets are stamped Ihnlollcrt "C CP" Cascarct, Candy Cathartic l&lona llko candy and the little tablet al unit purUloa and dratroya disease gornis In tho mouth and throat, stops touting of undigested fool lu tbe stomach, ttlrsupthollrer lone and strengthens the Uiweja, msklng them act healthy and naturally Theynrowoll and widely mire rtlwl In the prvas, but the best advertisement for t'atcareta It thi-lr wonderful mild yet lotlllvo nillon whloh makra n Cuaoarcl convert of evrryono who tries tin in. Wo rooomiiicod Ihcui to A,l our n adcre Homo Idea of Ihe attention that the llaltlinoru and Ohio Ilallroad la now paying lo Ha pa-Aeuger trnfllo may be gained from the fact that during the at eighteen months nearly 800 paa-acngcr paa-acngcr enra received tliorough nnd ordinary or-dinary repairs, OlHI twlng repnlnled Nearly nil of the equipment Is now royal bltio nnd most of It Is equipped with l'lntscli gaa, tho l'liittch light lelng used op local nt well at through trains. I)r Mary Walkirs famous pension esse baa boon decided against her. air., tVlai.l.w'o a.alhlne Hirwa, gar .SIUr.0 Ualtll Mil... It. gam. r.da.t. lataaa-aa.Ua., lataaa-aa.Ua., allaya yla, earM .lad a .lu. larteue biu Tlio borlwrTias a scraping aoiualntanco with a great many sir-augers To Cura Conall.-aluin mr.t.r. TaknCaacarsts fsndy Csibartle ioj orSno If U 0. 0. falls to euro iltwulalt rf uied uuoy No ono Is jour friend who apologises fur you. HlarTolnitt-o la tlio lending brand of the world, because It Id tbe beet. At a rulo a good thing will work Itself, a good thing dona not rleol 'cadul " .. r.o-To-iue for I iriy ( '- Ousrsntenlt bseeohsblt sure, toshes weak menitrong, blood pum UV II All dmgeUla Many a fHlt-dntaa suit covers an empty stomach, IlnaiUfho Uulikly Cur.1. Dr. Davis' Antl Headache novvr fnilt, Vk) After a man bwooim- ol I, two da)S ' m togontntiruu. DO NOT jH An Ounce Pretention la ITorth a IH of (Mre. ranaBsS Hwanaon Ilheumatlc Cure Co , CM- aaasa Cdgo. Dear 81 ra 1 used one bottle ot LbbH your "5 Drop," and It did toe rnoro BSK good than any medicine I ever IMDI uted. It did me more good than taKkas' II tbo medicine 1 have taken HJaa3l from the doctorn for two years, bealde BBGj suffering Iho entire time In three days BRBBsl after I commence-! using the "5 Drops ' JRjflHB tny lns all dlaappeared, I recom- BBnHi mend it to all aufterera ot rheuroa- nEaXaVa tlsm Very retpectfully, It. U Martin. lubKD Angullla. Mlsa Feb. 7, '98 HHh l.trry family should have a bottle ot "& Drop' on hand, especially at sBhhB thla stnion of the )e.ir Cliangra In HaaBatnl the weather are so llaklo to causa rtieu- fllsflssK mattsm la grippe and many other dlt- ll-sSlBsi rasea that "S Drops' cures. BTsBlaW For anniher thirty Jays you can nHHl cure a sample boille of ' S Drops" for HttaW !6 cents The manufacturers have BUBM 100,000 sample bottles which they In BLUMI tend to distribute for this small BQM amount. MHaW Write today to the Swanson Itheu taaHnal roalla Cure Co, 1C7 Dearborn street, LBHI Chicago, III. This company la relUbl HH and promptly fill every order. IH It Isenslcrtoi-uiilnwn a hill than It la- H lo drlvn over It Kl.l0 times. A heap jH To manufaclnrp a cheap kalsomlnav H stuck on tho wall with glue, claiming' H It to tie tho "saino Ihlng," or "just aa goott" as the durable Alabattlne, or to H buy and sell audi gixxla on auch rcpro- H scntnltons would stem a cheap trick, H Soma resort In it To bo safe, buy A1-' H abasllneonly In packages and properly labeled. H A largo bead Isatioutas much evidence H Of brains as a paper collar Is of a shirt H To Cnre Headache In Id lllnalea. H Take Dr. Davie' Antl Headache. AH H Druggists. HH Tim practices of a lawyer otlcn bring1 HH hint more coin than his practice). to ttiti: a roiti in ost: hat. H Take Laistlvellroroo Quinine Tsblets. Atl H Drugglsta reload tbe uoocy If H falla iocur.Ue H Tlio dlrtlott thing lu town Is the Inside H of nlaiy'a laxkot For lung and ehrsl diseases, IMso's Curat H Is the best medicine we have uted Mrs.' H J U Northcutt. Windsor. Ont, Canada. B Romepeoplearaburntlrrdaiid aomoacero H to liavo l-ci taira for tho purinao of maV- H Ing others tired H Dss'l Tsttc cs lelt sad as Vs tits S.ai. B To quit lobseeo esally snd forever. l mag H telle, mil of llf. nervtand tlgor, UkaNn-To -OfH llae, the wonder-worker. lhst inske. wesk men H strong AlliliuHl.la. Wu or II eureiuarea- H leed llooklet and aatnplo free. Ad-lreaa IfJH Uterllng lUmsdy Co.. Chicago er New York. jH AvoU uol lideo and lce-old drink a jB Both tlio method miiT rt-atilU wlirOj H Syrup of FiL'riU taken ( it In jilctuant' H nnd rof roaliliiu; to tho tnsto, nnd ncU H ccntly yet promptly on tho Ividnoyt, H Llvor and lloivols, clcanacH tlio iyi H tern olTcctually, iIIsjhjIk colds, hend- H aclicn and fuvcrs and rnroti lmbltnal H oonitinatlou. 8) nip of Flga la tlio H only remody of Ita kind otcr liro- H ducod, ilcuiliig to tlio Unto nml no- H cojitablo to tlm ritiiniRcli, promiil in H Ita notion nml truly bcnollcial in Itn H cIToctn, jirc iiarod oulv from tlio lnolr H licnltliyanii agrovnhfoBiiliritanccri, Itfl H inanyaxoullcnt (jualltlcri commend It H to nil nnd liava mado it tbo uiosti H pojmlar remedy known. H Bynip of Fig in for nalo tn 60 H cent bottlcn by nil loading drug M giitut Any roliablo dmggiit ,lio H may not liavo it on band will pro- H euro It jiromiitly for nny ono wbti H wialios to try 1 1. Do not accept any1 M nubatitiiW. H CALIFORNIA F0 SYRUP CO. 54-v rmiicisco, cal H toumiuz, tr, tw tome, tcr. jH B00KI, SUTltmHY kHO PCRtODICALt TIt(bti ur rtt A U IwA (o- fi.raKTtF H I'aimm. h l-i-nr let.k tU king uiiUdm lolri boa H Nu M Nit i Uk (lit M U ! bouri CUJa H wplnl4T.l4f . ftiriijr tfuv-i vrrtf Irtnt H ixurtalluB tiii)laitiUiiiMHir,io(bii)lliht rUiii, H kid ! yuu kfnrcUl kiii (n bvsirifr na. Vt H flt7luiili-ltlori4,(iniait u all intijaMl, In H rUw-i UiMlnxt. iclx.l iw114-hr UMtba, ml H Kln(ltfcritakiiplllfH lltblc -mt Vnfwr lmMt M liultlana tutiHiAloi'vn. UUnh Untiii OfllMn4 H lyi-awrtliT fti.,tilr tllilhrlr WvdillDcabU llolt H u? novritlM vie Wt niMi torn-he tbtl itlui ta H wrUr (rrtHiMiHi-i.i4iiHibteit tioncrr M liitrtnioq (ursiiirMi H SEIJD FOR A BICYCLE WM uCRCATCLtAniMQOALKe,f n.ft.l'rt 1,H WYVJ imM bj-t fHAUt, ft. T ft to!. dVritiM H lTl sifipTMnal (HltWul (Wlrtsstt, Ytmm aVaBH flft Alr-l" JfcU.WrHrori.r m,w HQ rHWsvU "ilw to i irti IUrl- ftad lk Pi lsMAM,ir hii(cU!dimuKk--MML Hoi WJ ((-. Uas.4ftl4ct.Awlisyl,isM(f.lp TIMl vllNMjlifuKtiiUlrtsUMM"MilWW Mfn ie. ii, ju'.aii cvcm: cin ciiioauu. fllMI tvnpwrifpr5 :!.,".!s.."w-'KnS H I JJU If IIIUI0 tou.kus ixur.r. loio. iVaVJ W. N. U Bait Lako No. lB.IQDa HR Vbeo Aojkctlag AdvcrtUtmeots Madly Kj fltnllon Ttli rape. LBI jj. a-,t --f-A-t-aj 1 0 i I 1 I i t I I t-i H I OntlAi o ny BoothlnB and subduing tho pnln. ,, H f Inl'LyW Thnt'o tho way M ST. JACOBS OIL NEURALGIA, j ll-l'i l-U. I I I I f a- a s-...l-ta....l-l.-0-A H yH J, lJjjmi0lttit&--d&l,0v!MKrr 4-nyWjksMsBaBaaB |