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Show BflD TwojeariagoB.J. Warreo, a drug. HMR rilt at rleaunt Brook. X. Y , Uugbt a 9DH ,miU mpply olChimberliin'e Coujb BHHJ Bemedy. Ha iubii up lb remit ai fol- 3RJHI i0,, "Jtt tbat tiotbgoode were un QQuRNB kso.Diuihliieelton.todayChiral'er. )MH j,B, Cougb Uemedy l a houbold MR vurJ " It ll tbe Hme in hundred! n V3m Mimisunltiei. Whmr tb good aoal- tVfWt lUei ol Cbaniberliln'i Cough ltemedlei ''WtJaH Beeome kow tbe Ptopie will hie 'fW nothing!"' For nlb John Ilo.den ysBH JeCooi. bSBh if L.6ocua, Ooifon. Ta.uyi "I 'MTllB iuC'" (or un J""' lry'DJ rao" iflBH all Vtsdi of pit' rrnedli, but without iSMH iocii. DeWltt'e Witch Haiel She UH , (eeoamendcd to roe I uied on BBH bfli Jt bai etTeetad a permanent ch." Ai a pirmi.iiat cure for ptlei DeWltf. H Witcb Haiel 6aU'bai no equil, John H Tyl" mBHH ---ll ,. Il ' ' LOCAL BREWIES. Ilon'l ( tel the iid'lriy dii on Fil'a nexl. free. W. W ClnlT went Id lotonfcr-etc lotonfcr-etc today Cert fcMredge went to Sail Lake Wedttteday lait on ehort vlelt Tb firil oseftlen kd by the ladloe bow li yon a co'laral!' EeeryWIj whoowniegrKnltiirelland herealiout la haiy plowing. The warm nealher nf the pit le dare bn dereloptd a Number of tutei of ipring feew Thomn Morby l leing op goodi at tbe People' Merfinllle Company Itoie Ibitneek. Ml.. ItoUrt Meatie and fimlly It'll Mod ay for ScofleU to Join huiband arxl father at .hit place. I, E. Eklmlgf end HtirMh tVilkine e.entlo4li Lake Tuvtda; to alteod roeetlng ol the KOTSI. We kttow "hat bmagbt Loopohf 'onea biik from t-coflld in iucU a burr, Un wub't lell, at lean until next week Hen. Alma Bldiedge and wife wel In gait Lake thi morolng In attendioo-feieore attendioo-feieore and If itieir mnr (rlendi ibere. Haggle Salmon annotintei an opening of ipring inllitniry on tbe lolb. She w, nt to f-ult Ukc thli i to eeleiit bcr giwl. The new clti hall bai been nicely flttexl up and futnlthed, and e under land Iberoit bai been ikI loth" rlly tnitlatlei. Mn J A. Tuber went to Salt Lake Monday on aianiniontliom berdangb ter. Air. W Fmltn, who u ikk. We gueiaaglrl Cet)Lo.l) i inMtni'to attend Ibclec tut and mltilonirr lull next Friday night. Hrlug our iliieie jnd your couaina and jour aunte. Ai Wilton feela much belter now. Ou Sunday lait bli wife pieicnted bias ltb another little Bill. Aiawai greatly t-lleve-l In And It wam'l twini. We kne from lb way lf Blondo,ulit waiialltng around lait weok tbat icnie-thing icnie-thing wai going to hipou. and aui enongb. It did. Ii a a tm, and atrned baturday Andrew I'elerion and ion Charlet hate relumed from Almy. Andrew bad tbo mlafortun to Irteio one of bia Un-gere. Un-gere. 'Ampulallou" aeiinaivd be luat the dial half of It. rbomalLopley li cutting itiuk m ibr tVop uierkel while Jobnule i.auib at tenda coulerume, ant I M. bbaw la handling lb deliver end of the itoie while Ilouule Ulrch g4ei lu to Sh Late to cumuli an attorney about obtaining a Biirnag llcenie. ftuoe vandali either loo moo; to work or too proud to beg, broke Into ib Ovop wareboute Wednesday night anJ itoie about lOtf) puundi nf lour, which tbe took a ay in an agon Itlood hoiiD.li will be put ou their track ai aoonai tbe) can beirapoitaj troiu f-pun A treat la IP iter lor oarcitlie oa neil Friday evening, ubeu Piof Iltliuhall n I'roin will lecture before the I'oljtopbi-lalboclety I'oljtopbi-lalboclety at tbe Btakellaui At ttie eloteolllie eiurcitee a grnud lull will be given InUluu Hall for tb benefit el ulnlouarlee toon to depiit. Mrl J a Smith guo a delightful high fire at her home Uedneadiiy etching. etch-ing. Kle table were Oiled and thi uiual program wa carried out I iplrn did luncheon iaered and the party waa an entire lurceii fl Chandler carried otrtbegentteoiin a prue a trie iou-enir oupaad aaucei , Mr Ua 01. matt on the ladieV Cr.t pi lie, a basl t tome navel I) card (feeder Jiin Brun d'ge wa awarded the cnmlellon oiUe, Tbe Ret. W. II. Moater,pitoroflh TJ, P,. Church, DilM urg, 1'a , recogoitei tb value ol Chamberlain. Cough Horn-I Horn-I edy, and doei not heailate lo tell other I about It "I Late uaed Cbamberlalnji Cough liatuedy," he , "and Sod "H au oxeellent wetllciue for cold, aor and boarieuete." Sodoeeetert"u,hu give It a trial Sold n D.iy,!, &6oni. ObildraTlianlt . ,. ,..',, W men Ouu v I (.ore,iho 4 '.U - wph, eSp, , ..:?, 'uronchlli., grippe, and all t Grout f I and lung (rouble. John r!odtn Rm i - - - i if I - li i. ' With nearlv CTerybody lone to eon ' I ferenc thlsj hare been o qalel thla I week I bat it would ant lurptite ut if lirme enteiprtttBr nndrtaker wiwiM i i I m and bu tbe who town i , Mllieaii eUllenolCommaederiand j ' PuitComniinderanf theK 0 T. M or teamed in Salt Lake ihli ek, L E I dredge waa efeotcd lleotenanl coai-man coai-man ler and llurtah M ilkin wi elected I ai.lain Itolh are of br Tent No l ,alvllle. I rot Brimball of l'mTOhaxoBiented i I I leorrji before th lolriopblcal Sod' ci oxr Friday renu., the 1Mb. at! the Slake Hoaie. Iiumedlatelt alter ue lecture a grand hah will begiten In riulf Hall for tb benelil ' f tbe inieeloa-ane inieeloa-ane wbo are hhmi to take their depart uie EteiyUkly Invited Ilammeriley All.'ud. "hlle at work nf Beaver ciek hli.mg with the tltf beiing ol Ihn iliaft on the .Summit Mining Min-ing Company property nearly ered hi thumb. Ihe aicldent occuire.1 on Saturday, am) that eterlng Mr AllgiiOrl ttatted for home afmt and reached here earl) Sunday morning He wye the wiirknn tremntrar i pnnffeitlox el iifartorlty ami will winn he rntnpleied George Beanl d il ng eome ef the beat pbolograpbtag we hate teen and we do not ie why our people ihould wilt for wine travejilni: pbt igrapher In fame along to ttk then monee anay when the worlc cenild be dor her and th mooey expendeil kept at home. Peaide, on might be able to Hand (leorge off oeloiially, for he n good natured If be ten'l hamlisme, a.d lb wmplee of work which h hai at the Co op ie tu periortoaii) that the Inteling t)ho tograpbeu baet eer exhibited hue. Uioutaiv ol no'erer Irom grippe have lrn reiliKed to heatlh by One Mlnuie Cough Cure li n,mcUv euree rnugln, eohli, hmmnlli pneumonia, grippe, ailhrna, and all throat and lung ill'eM-, John Hmden A Son roljiiiMl lai. The iVtlyiophical Soviet bnlde III rseetltrg nexl rndaj evening in the Stake llouie. In order that all may have an Oiportunll lo hear I'mf. Ilrimhall leelure. Fnllneing la the program ler lhaterentngi Selection Choir Solo .... Mn J. A. Smith Uctuio . . I'mf. Urimball Quartet J.Cilln. 0. L Jonee, Joietb JniiM. I M. I'innen. a4lelll..i L.lt.r Ll.l Tbefolloarecleitere now In tho iOil offiic at Coalville, Summit rounty, U,ah, if nor called fur before May 1, will be tent to the dead letter ofllie at Waibiogton, D. 0. Miti J E-fon,box 14 Harry Hodgri A. M. Ileuder. In calling for thoelMte letter, pieate atate that they ati advertl d. J. J.Joxa, 1. I. 4illf ll.ll. ,viy pleaianl wtddiog took place at tbe rratdence ol Dp. f II W right on MniHlay evening, whon Mr Funk Illp-1 pon and Mill Amelia Jotiee were Joinrd lu wedlock. Ihe ceteo.onj wa per I formed by Hon. Alma Ltdredge at 7 1 otlock inthe pteienceolsfe reUtitei arvl fitend. Mil Uarlo nf Ogden acted aa brldeimaid and Dt J. E. Hoc mere beat wan. ThebilJe waaattlrel lu A dreaa ol blue ailk, tilmiutd with brilliant fei-eiaeuterle fei-eiaeuterle and lace, with rote and car. nation. Tho groom wai attired In full rnlngdri tfterthecettraouy Ibe entire pally repaired to the dining loom where an exirllent banquet aealted tbcin A pleaianl evening nai (pent, with ongi, gimei, tf A very Intereiting number wai the reading ol aouie ere compoa'd br Mr. Tillotion ol Ogden Many lfganl ami uieliilpreaenl w preiented to Ihe bride. rboie pieient were Mr , and Mrt Alma EHredge, J E Hoiraer. Mr Rippop, F li. Wright and family, Mitl Ilartow ol O.Mi-n Mr and Ml ItoWrt Jon, Mr and Mr Cuarlea Tonne, AI (red Jone. Mr. and Mr Jamei Salmon. Mil Alice .U!oit. Mil Florence L. Wright, Mr Saage. lUn Wilde The bride and groom left eilerday fw Salt Lakeonathoit wediing tour and Hh a larco numter ol Iriend Tut Tiufi wlibctthein long III" and manv well, bleMlogi Mia. V Invcen. reiidlnsat7!0 Unr St., Alton. III. lUflered with iclalie rheinuatlim lor over tditbt month. .rbe liooluted (or it nearlj the whole nf tbli i lime, uilng xarlou reraedlee recora-mendeti recora-mendeti by friend, and waa treated by ' tlia phaiclaue, but received no relief ' She then uied one and a half bottle of Chimbeilaln'i Vain lUIni, which effected effect-ed a complete our. Thla i published at htrien,ueat, be want othera aim. llarlyefi'1 ' know what curttl ber, Th aYiMii'i iti 'uilefor aalehyJobn I 1'"i 1m.ii. ,v tit '"o. aJ (nr bottio of "get it id the morning a fait can." i. druggilt rwgnld buehiM uaue lul 'lieWltt, Little UarlvUliori" and gate htm botlle of thoio fauioua llllle pill for oonHlpstlon, nick bead. I ache, liver an 1 atomnch trouble. John lloydcn A Pom, torpid liver roba vou nl ambition and ruin jour health. IMVUl'i Little Early Iluertelcanie ibe liver, cure con-eiitiation con-eiitiation and all ttomath and liver tinuble John Itovden A; Son. ICOH HOT ICC t. ! an cinoUlitrt tvi oTttr ron.pi.iiLirvtio.N -lanii or IN BcealllUClir. Utah fell i) Im Kitlw I. betrtir Jlteo irwt the luli xintr nanwn wtilrr b 11.0 wiiln ( hi. inveeilnu to (ml VttMf I Mil lull nl hit fUlm, and Uut .114 preof vrtutiuii'le Urorelbu Cttuoty CWlkol biliamll NHintr t'lab, al hli snlteat Cuarrllle tub ou i" "S J nrn K. 04.11 II I. No MM.ilalM April JJ. !! Mr tb eLol.Mv( M4oIK',.ih1nL'(cI rtv. ttt i lp .N ll rl a t M Uinb ' lie uamt thrl.,tVtwiii wltiH lo imr bi eenilntyen r.lru iin anU euliltatlua ol aldwiHl vi Hulwct ealter Wlliuhi llarrit, UunaM tlaDUII. It ant Ir.l.j all ,, I toe. tuuraltriiiul,tili Aleultiof alll t Vl4 tielufM tbe CttUBtr CleiW ol eumratt f uuiilt, al Cealtltle. lub.tm Aprtll I -! AuJiew I'.l.iMtu II c Su. 4li.Wtrd tilil.t C. Il lnrtbeUI(t.,Tl ii lilt HI t tub, 11 U. ID,-, lb- lei-lowing lei-lowing wltnw l ptowfilt runrluttouv rl leneeupunalKtcallltallnu ol alil l.txl, vti Jotkuft ftatea, Jo-hua WndVu-n. Ov-if rtf on, lllch.fl Vi'lJfii, all "I vtantblp. luuuil Ctwntr, tub. It N. Mc(inLtv,Ruiiirr t c Palkr. Attorurlorrlironi rilll pOllltaMoil Marrh I, lw II jtomt. or ronrrrrcnr To it. r tomiicorr ami mk. lima NortbcoiL rour btira anil awlfiui Yu are bnaiqrnolllltdlbal. ILa urnlPltlaucd l) lr (eiurU lb anuml laUir rulrt-l by law tjfuii tba Urarutout- nl oilalue ct.toi. i-our.M si tbe Ur, ' Clarraodl lliirubMu 'Uod en1 ' uttt rulDlac rlaUo.. la tfaumtt Toanir, ttab .liuaKd ou wrut la cominoulrl known a htar trrrki the in iudi ol innura4 later m eapauiltd upon aM ctaiina ii fit a bun-d'tJdwolUullaii bun-d'tJdwolUullaii ourponiou ol tbi amount woablba ou. II I .Suilhoiill Ibeauui olona huu.lird as4 tblrir Ibrea ami a no) (itu aa) dot lr, otiogibe auuuil UUir lor an un4lrliUtt tme-ibiruf ," " "b! """ J lareravai ItuaiboHr anil Hue rltim, aodjou Lua i Noiibroli, iki run l LoMifl illwji dllir hatee tba amount enalr auaual Iatirijt4tniba U4 anlaiet rliirn Aal uu art lunbar ao.4lLt ll jiuoraiibri ! ro'l till ut ray I ibe akota araonot tcittb.r wiit it,, cent I ol UtatilMaa wtihla ninety ( dijt iron . ike eiplialloa ol tblt none, inui ttw.it to i.MimirotmlDigictitaiwhl b iwtNitl it uibyUti II IiLmoK i JAVire tuWB D4I-1 Januirj M Kit oncr. or roprtitii.i TO 0 U MARX A D CUANBEIOAINANU ZeaoaMOffcr lourhalrt an4 aniaa Yen are baraf-y ootia ibai tb uwl.nicuf Jbata Kiktmet Iba annual labor rnllifj br lav lei a T't till "l0 Iba t Unfa' rowlrv rlatm' lu euuult xounry, tiabv anojQtin to Ita Mm of one buMhl (tin l dollara. o If r-iloo r-iloo ol iba atota amouM la l-.oir d-o (l!t) Sol iarieacb Aol you ara furiber uoioM tbat II jouor ettberftfrotiulltoraTtbeaboieeranuui toalber 1lb Ilia eotta l a ItTlllllaa 1tblU Mbairaaiaireni ibe eKpuitm) et tbif nolW-o, I youi luiaoit In iii4 eliito 1ii bacitoi Inrfatrtd 'lomeyla JtMreitoxnv, I J r iLM. I Patnl l.auirr II lUt No VU4 i Tvi oner ro iisiicATio.s -uxp or I IN treat lilt LakaCiit um Marts taliwa I -Name it brrabr attan tbil iba k hoalnr sata4 i.lll.r bat Ola-t noUra ol bitlsianaoa le Itaaie toilpntol In luppoii ol bit rials aul I taat rant wool ill ba made Ntpra the cvuatr Clark ol rAietDtu roitutr. airotlnllr 1 tab os April Ja.llfi vi naoraarowl.r Utoefrr II I r m tWTi ai ataeMal by " o iretaabar jo iwi Iortbilv7ol f- II IMS Ki( I IliBiiuritbloUoiD wiioatKi to proa bit ' oontiniiout raal4rma npou aa4 ciiltMatiea el I id land vii tbomii Ricbim Hrorr K gandall nrroa 1 Pttrdau trliiur Rirbiu. all al llanalrr Jum I tali reumr I tab II klcaacw kirtnar Pat ol ortt rubllcailon ilirtb II lt)( IS THE DimtlCT lOlRT Or UaiT I Cotintr uateoll lak-M H rape plautu. M Tbe A Ol Uall Anvuiloo tsorrera t !t C Cbiabert 'atnri Itera Jobb X Waber JobnJ kraina, Aauri Oornaa. J A Urallunl.J C vvraiuLuutwrCoaaanr.ecoi potation and T vv Lawn drlrudinta To wbom it may eoncarn eiicau brraby nran 10 au iiioui bitldttiff oi clatmlor to bold a Ilea oatbeprorrnrot im i o r tv iuua.hci artoa a corporation' at rark City loromit eoui'ty liab lobaaodavflarbatoiatbaliiltd Ja4lelallltirtct Court let .alt euntsit uiijuit nuTueadai tbaOtbitartllar 1 i,on wbtcMald day a laiulii tarrn ol ttM Court , will be nald) and to riltut tbau and ib.ra tba rroot ol tbrtr tab! llaua or to ba (orrrar batrad ' Uatad April 1 lw. U Mrt, Byiloay tutiiei bit ttioiaa; tl IMnrTiiiRnpyTmcT cot'BT atJiMir I Ceuuly ttab -ch.il.t Addr a uluor br William 11 vtllmu bit laardlln ad blrrc. Viatutlir, lit I Mam aud CliialMb Marx Itlrutlant. To be tobt at eb.rtQ a uU on tbr jatddarol tinl A I) IrM alianaebxk a q al tbe (rout door ol tbe toutibouta of euraratt lotuitr Itab In Ibaelt) ,1 Coalrllla all tbe tjikt. futrretl and tllla ultba tild li.lndtjn e A tlauaaad Clttabfib Uam iuaudtutba olfowlairitiirtiUnaleiiatr to mi au u( lot tbrra (ablu niorb obf buudrrd fourtvau in, Dial 'tl. Oualtllb l ity tunty dKllewi at reloi UtaluBtuiiaiib oortbwaat vonirr ul Mldblotk 111 tbaara utb JU dad Wutlu tail I tHtlraruMti tbeutt; tan ae dag an tala tat taw rodti tbrore uortb u dvf 3U ulu at twelve rodn Ibtot1 watt ee dry au uln watt tee roda lo pl.rr vt twaiautng and Miutatiitar IN aware, rtel. cn.i.i tu.ii.ilt, tiactlona or , IWIMiM dretlad to rlalaual M HoWuvJO and ttillUn, llilKaiir,arot. atlli. tim. a) (batata 1 tba treaewt et tba Raeuittar ol auutttit vuumi, , Dun. Tent,' o( tali, vatb li.Hw April I, IH. flgOtng IJNPA. it , ibtrit ol t Count;, ' ... l I frjff-rya, aJil pjnnaTda-ITiT' " f ' l"f,WtPr Tk li m j People's I 1 ' I Mercantile Co. I tM,,-aaa-p.- .. i, ,, ll-im It w aj,,, S jlfycuwant High Grade Tailoring, I "r HAv'TotJft Al!&i"H-a'-'MAlbe'To' order rfy 1 H Bv Strauss Bros. I lilB!) AMERICA'S LEADING TAILORS 3 WW ncwyork"CHICAGO-cincii,kti jf ZA3WJSST PRICES B ll I BUSGAJXT ASBORTMSXT M J I Jrirz5sr mTYUsa H m JILL rcnrccT fit and HiQHrsT.oRAoi er H T' WORKMANSHIP OUARANTCKO fH I g You are Irvrlied to took at their aamplee at H People's Mercantile Co. 1 ALMA ELDRHUCE Matinyct. H li 1 1 an-aaaa- 1 ' I j Millinery Opening, w April i th. 9 YtawilWec disphyeda very beautiful and artistic H litjtcdhii and Tiimmings; also a Hue of Partem H Hjj&on the latest Paris designs This is tbe place H I ff'dv-mide Waists, SUits aud Wrappers. H I Maggie Salmon. I Style l4 faamaker & Brown's Clothing. I $ 75t9Ym utB'wpnsedw)ien you see tbeie samples. Grod, v ' er ttiblt juita at tbi s price are very scarce. Tbe M are fcSoog md rviceable. You pay ft j for suits not H ascW. p SW 50 '3uiUe:i'ft'roper'tver need not be eoandered. That I' v' ' .jre to follow. Sayiaj; tbat "clothes are all vool" did kit Mtitfy us. We proved it by chemical anilysti. H ' Sf3 50 2' r' Kli of coUoa csn be found in these cloths. B !y TJ especially high in quality, especially low I pne Why pay $17.50 for suits not as good? V! S5 50 7hes' ,tyl" lre direct from the cradIe of fohion, y v,v beaulifal ja colorings and designs. You pay Jo for B suits not ujwd. ! SW 00 "aomk in making your selection frotj this V iyiww supetbiswKujnt, Every style is a gem. It this suit t.t cloth ii superb. No use in your payior S3 H foi senj not good. ia m The reputaUa of Wanamaker & Brown is in e ery jtitdi f and fibre of these psodi. We extend a cordial invitation t in- spect our new spntg WrapiM) just reteived. We have ever thing that completes a Smlm.a'. wardrobe, including Hat and Shoe B ,- , -ro.u . WANAMAKER & BROWS. I W. J. WRIGHT, A 1 - I5 2 aw , Eg -w a3gg S gr 5 a - 0 ,S a I" S ' 8. g. &3- n 1 9 " ' -a |