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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH i iMuiQcrs Cool Clothes .(joii can. C?me to ns and spend soma money for cool clothes from head to foot and from the skin out. Let us ng you out with a straw lid, underwear and shirts and a lightweight suit through xQrich the breezes will sift. Do not be tempted by false offers, but come to the store that keep good stuff and never charges you more than a thing is worth. Keep Cool.' Wear our good, nifty clothes. ice-crea- m t alnytfs-Ccuniror- IlXU 3. Necessities Canning 'Jar in Mason Rings. Cupples Presto, magic opener, makes it easy to remove caps just pull on the ears and presto." Economy Lids, Mason Lids, etc. Parafine Wax, specialt 10c for four cakes. Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps at shipment amt CLOTHES - and A new factory prices to please styles, the most exacting. Dont fail to see our line, whether yon buy or not Forks for Haying All styles. We also have those genuine Shovels THE MAYNARD the only shovel that haa lived up to it reputation. Rope all size, Including Whitlock, This rope is guaranteed to exceed in quality, fibre, yardage and strength the requirements of Uncle Sams Standard Manila Rope specifications. Just the best for haying. JHL J. SHEFFIELD & SONS KatjsvUle, tJiah OUR PRICES' ARE EQUAL TO ANY AND FAR BETTER TRAN MOST i to Tk U react city la north oust? fina plara tor raaklmca. Kara-vill- a Kollar Mill and vatatabla and fruit canning aatabliahmant of tha add Kayavilla Canning aorporation taadily to tha naaith of tha city. Gan rnl farming, fruit and vagatahla growing for ahipment and canning arc Important induetriaa. Haa tha Daria Hiith achooi, ehurchea and opara honaa. City and dcctria lUrM and Maa. X Homo of tha , ( manta for inraatmant. ( Inland Printing oampany and ita ( data plant nW Mrs. We Ida Wortera of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Phcn Munson of Ogand Misa Rebecca Pelton of Woods den were last week-en- d guests at the Crosa visited friends here Wednesday, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris IL Thomas-se- n Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham, Mr. of Salt Lake were last week-en- d Mrs. F. B. Muir, Miss Thelma and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas-ac- n. Nance, Wendell Nance, A. W. Nance and family motored to East canyon Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barton enterj" tained at a dinner party at theirhome and spent the week-enSunday evening. Sixteen gueata were Miss Lottie Ilarvey was tendered present. a parcel shower at her home Saturday Misses Gamet Swan. and Maggie afternoon. Appropriate games were Layton left Thursday morning for played on the lawn, followed by reBerkeley, Cal, where they will attend freshments. Those present were Mrs, summer school. W. E. Gailey, Mrs. Emma Galbraith, Miss Elaine Cannon of Salt Lake Mrs. Nettie Wilcox, Mrs, Ann Barnes, is spending a few weeks at the home Mrs. Orvil Harvey, Mrs. W. E. Barof her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ton, Mrs. George W, Young, Mrs. G. L. John G. M. Barnes. Patilla, Mrs. E. M, Whitesides, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Frank Cheney, Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Barnes and Harry Misses Leone Love, Mabel Whitesides, children and Mrs. Charles C; Friel Helen Whitesides, Reva Sheffield, and daughters of Salt Lake were SunVera Galbraith, Lucille Hyde, Florday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. ence Chadwick, Dorothy Roberts, Lois Barnes. Roberts, Ethel ard and Alberta ConDr. G. I). Rutledge left for Bush-nel- l, rad. Illinois, Tuesday evening upon Mrs. Emily S. Barnes and Miss receipt of a telegram announcing the Martha E, Barnes entertained at a serious illness of his brother, William luncheon at their home Friday afternoon, Rutledge. complimentary to Miss Fanny Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Harvey an- Mills of Ogden, whose marriage to nounce the marriage of their eldest Royal Kenneth Barnes of Salt Lake daughter, Lottie, to LeRoy Qualls of took place in the Salt Lake temple g yesterday, The living room and room were beautifully decorated Monday evening. d. Mrs. E. M. Bagley of Salt Lake visited relatives here Friday, i Miss Ruth Barton of Provo is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Josephine Stookie of Salt Lake visited friends here during the week, Miss Leone Openshaw spent Sunday in Salt Lake as guest of Miss Sadie Weir. Mrs. Clara Terry of Terry, Box Elder county, was a Kaysville visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Young and children visited relatives in Ogden on Sunday. Mrs. Dora Pratt has returned from Mexico, where she has spent the past three years. Army rifles can be obtained by Members of the American Legion from Arnold Barnes; - i eening. . THE HEALTH OF YOUR HOUSEHOLD Germs that breed disease lurk everywhere. fresh air, soap and water and Suff-shin- e, CREOL1N PEARSON The Household Disinfectant kill germs and guard health. Creolin is safe, powerful and economical. Ask for at your druggists Creolin-Fearso- n Layton Drug Co. 2 Is Jam Layton, Utah one-four-th A luncheon was served and the time was spent in sewing and games. Those present were Misses Art ell Linford, VerAa Robins, Claire Glenson, Hazel Bishop, Zena Williams.. in peonies and roses. After luncheon the time was spent ip playing cards. Miss Mary Barnes assisted in receiving and entertaining the guests and Misses Katherine Blood and Hazel Elaine Blood assisted in serving. Those present were Mrs. John M. Mills and Misses. Fanny, Clara and Hazel Mills, Chrissic Ilodge and Jessie Moycs, all of Ogden; Miss Ruth Barton of Provo, Miss Ann Chaff m of Farmington, Miss Beatrice Ellison of Ijiyton, Mrs. Royal C. Barnes Mrs. L. C. Blood, Mm. R. A. Hart, Mrs. J. B, Spangler, Mrs. James Chapman, Mr& Victor Sears and Misses Blanche I,awson, Doone Smoot, Louise Nebe-ke- r, Ruth Stewart, Madeline Stewart, beds Cannon? Margaret Hinkley and Marion Jacobs, well of Salt Lake; Mrs. F, Epperson, Mrs. C. V. K, Saxton and Mrs. Henry II. Blood. SHORT LINE TRAIN KILLS SWITCHMAN NEAR WOODS CROSS Farmington, June 21. John E. Baker, switchman on the Oregon Short Line railroad, was instantly killed at 10 p. m. last night when he was struck by train No. SO near Woods Miss Jenness Conrad entertained the Bee Ilive dub at her home Tuesday evening of last week. After the usu-- . al study hour the time was spent in games, music and refreshments. Those present were Mrs. Frank Jones, Mrs. Ernest Scoffield and Misses Madge Teak, II Scoffield, Helen Hyde, Young, Ella Green, Bertha Sessions, Leone Linford, Marcia Williams, Cynthia Barton, Ruth Tronam, Ruth Barker, Bessie King, Erma Bennett, Olive Harvey, Amy Barnes, Agnes Roehel, Ada Ball and Laura Lavender. Rpv. A. G. Frank returned to Kaysville on Wednesday after an absence of two months.. He has visited such joints' as Topeka, Kans.; Cincinnati. Ohio, and attended the meeting of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church at Pcs Moines, Iowa. Mr. Frank has decided to give up and residence in Kaysville and will remove to Tepeka, Kar.s where he will have charge of, the Oakland Presbyterian church. The Franks will most likely leave in about a week or ten days. Mensx buttonless underwear, NOTICE Starting with July 1 the ward shows at Kaysville opera house will be held Saturday night instead of Friday made similar to B.V.D. but without any buttons. To see it is to appreciate it. night Let us show it to you FOR SALE BY it G. FRANK Just received a new line of Majestic Range at half price; Baby Carriage, $5; Chad's Bed; High Chair; Goat 55; 10 hens; 2 small Heaters, each; electric Heater; one Wooden Bed, Springs and Mattress, $10; Oil Cook Stove, half price. Hendersons Corsets Kaysville E Harry Raver present new edition of a splendid il No Greater Love Story Has Ever Been Told! Many are the memorable scenes in this magnificent production some amusing, some pathetic, IShoe Thats why the many thrilling. world savs CABIRIA derful. Showing at is won, Kaysville Opera Hote FRIDAY, JUNE 23 8:30 p. m. 15c and 25c E 3 g -- 1500 D Big Reduction Now in Effect factory-mad- e. away. We will make them look like new. We are now operating our modern French dry cleaning plant, supervised by a master cleaner. Ladies and gents clothes cleaned and returned same day. Neckties cleaned r RLE. e never close. Mail brders solicited. Have vour suit pressed while you wait.' ALTERING his-wor- v Davis County Cleaners and Tailors PHONE 61 H H H H Boys Work Shoes, 2 12 to 6 Boys Work Shoes, 1 to 2 Boys Work Shoes, 9 to 13 12 j $2.25 and $3.39 $1.93 and $3.23 $4.00 to $7.83 ; ....$5.73 and $6.75 Dress Boys Shoes, 2i2 to 6 ....$2.89 and $3.89 Boys Dress Oxfords, 2Vs to 6 . $3.93 Boys Dress Shoes, 9 to 13 14 .$2.49 and $2.S9 Ladies White Oxfords, brown trimmed $2.75 Misses White Oxfords, black trimmed $2.39 Childrens Black Patent Slippers, 5 to 8 $I.9S Childrens Black Patent Slippers, $2.23 84 to 12. Ladies Black Patent one-str$1.50 ap TOUR WILL FIND OUR PRICES ON SHOES RIGHT KAYSVILLE. UTAH GOLDEN RULE STORE ORIGINATORS OF 2 $2.50 and $3.75 KAYSVILLE sc; j $3.00, $4.00, $4.49, $4,75, $3.30 Slippers, REPAIRING All work called for and delivered. Branch offices at Farmington and Layton. Mens Work Shoes Mens Dress Shoes Mens Dress Oxfords truar-ante- suit will cost you less than Jur Don t throw your old clothes Co-o- p The Home of Quality CABIRIA HAND-TAILORE- PRESSING . Ford Car, $150.00 REWARD- - CLEANING Calvin. , Tou will be well rewarded if you select new suit from one of our 1500 very latest patterns. your Have your newuit STRICTLY to your mdtMdual measurements by artistic tailors. We e to fit and please you. La-ve- na struck him. He is survived by his wife, Mary It Johnson Baker, and six children: Ay. ness, Viola, Sherd, John, James ui i two-cour- se 1500 Cross. Baker was repairing a svitcl light and the train is reported to bn been running without lights when it SometMimg New WATERWORKS COMMITTEE. Kaysville, Utah, June 21, 1922. din-in- Mr. and Mrs. Lowry Allen of Salt The meeting of the auxiliary to Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs, Keith the Elmer Criddle Tost No. 82 which Barnes Sunday. was to be held this evening, has been Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Burton are postponed until tomorrow evening at Spending the week at Lava Hot 8 oclock in the city ball. Springs, Idaho. A number of the Barnes family of Miss Ililma Peterson of Salt Lake attended the wedding Kaysville was a last week-en- d guest of Miss of Miss Fanny Mills and Elizabeth Green. Royal Kenneth Barnes which took Mrs. William Rigby and children o:' place at the Mills home in Ogden last Centerville visited relatives here dur- evening. ing the past week. Mayor and Mrs. John G. M. Barnes, and Mrs. John W. Galley, Misses Mr, Mrs. Robert Hess of Ogden was the Miriam Barnes and Faye Sanders and guest of her mother, Mrs. Annie BaR. J. con during the past week. Gailey attended a banqdet given at the Commercial dub in Salt Iaike Mr. and Mrs. J. G. M. Barnes ani Friday evening by the Utah Bankers Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith Barnes visitec association, , relatives at Clearfield Sunday. Miss Muriel Reeves entertained the Four Gee vlub, at her home Friday TO SAFEGUARD NOTICE TO WATER USERS You. are hereby notified that you are prohibited from using city water for irrigating purposes at any time and from using same for sprinkling purposes, except for one hour per day and then only with hose equipped with nozzle not to exceed (M) inch in diameter. All nozzles with leaks must be repaired at once. This order lakes effect June 21, and all violators will be punishable by discontinuation of water service. The reinstatement charge will be $5. LOW PRtCES 2 2 2 S 2 2 2 2 2 |