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Show KAYSVILLE. LAYTON AND. FAItYHNGTON, UTAH. TIIURSIHY, JUNE 22, 1922. vi oli-mex- NUMBER 34 develop between 5,000,000 and 6,000,-00- 0 upon the large majority of automohorsepower, but the demand, the CAN bile owrers that most of them do not secretary stated, will exceed the supknow of its existence. II California BUILDING ply which the federal government will had adpoted the Uniform Motor Vegenerate, and for that reason congress hicle Law, the rate of fee plus a gasoIN ' Rc.- - should give consideration to plans by line tax of one cent a gallon, the which private power construction Golden State would have had a total might be provided to meet the excess Commercial automobile traffic did addition of twelve to fourteen million demands. Floods not become important until the public dollar?, to its highway fund in 1921 Expected to Pay and 1122 and like Oregon, MassachuWhileTiot prepared to give the com- treasury had supplied the smooth, setts and coMaryland, it could have fi2 hard surface over which freight :Wshmgton, June mittee the exfigures, nanced the completion and extension nation by the federal government of pressed confidence that secretary the Boulder trucks, auto busses and stages could of its remarkable highway system out the pro-for i canyon 'lam at Boulder bumpy gravel of current revenues dam would reimburse the gov- operate. The of longCaJifornia, canyon or macadam road made the cost of tion of Imperial valiey. term bond- -. (Mo-- J ernment the entire cost of its conthe of water, flood the operation so high that even convenstruction, which he placed' at How Hoads Are Paid For ience was too expensive. Came bond river was urged today y Within the next centwo com-:tee According to the Bureau of Public issues with the proceeds of which Hoover before the house turies, if the government proceeds the load last year was distribRoads, lands. arid of thousands of miles of rather on irrigation uted in the folowing proportions; as with reasonable promptness, every, paved roads were constructed. light .peaking Hoover, At Secretary acre of land along the Colorado river Mote'- vehicle licenses... Liman of the Colorado river com19rV once commercial motor traffic grew of cultivation will have rec-- ii susceptible he that earnestly 7 To State road bonds stated like a cjrop of bootleggers after mon, been irrigated at a total expense qf up the upon Local congress action bonds road 33?e by mended The ordinary family car about $400,000,000, he added. The prohibition. until the State taxes have rolled over the new paved 12f, might joject without waiting Boulder canyon reservoir would fill could report a comprehensive Federal aid roads in ever increasing numbers alBOUNTIFUL TAKES CLOSE 14f' with nud within from seventy to most Local Lj for irrigation and power plants at GAME FROM CENTERVILLE and taxes assessments 14r indefinitely without inflictiqg after its eighty years construction, Tiver. the much thewhen along but Tier places solid The division of the burden is as uniSaturday afternoon Bountiful and the secretary said, adding that then tires ofdamage, three-tofive-toseven-to- n was the duty of the federal form a- - the sky line of New York, as enterville put on a 3 to 1 thriller that Mr. Hoover said, to take it would be necessary, in all prob- trucks hit the pavements, the sec- scientific as a cabist KAYSVILLE painting, as just gave the funs their moneys worth. e Lmpt steps to' protect the Imperial ability, to construct dams further up tions built on clay, adobe or very and AR. R.H.rO. A. E. hits and a three bagger as actions the the of equitable floods from the river at Glen canyon.. He would sandy 1 3 4 2 inundation 3b by to deteriorfrom began illey Great Powers in Asia Minor, Compar- were the willow features. The score: Bishop, 5 2 .2 10 0 0 also have dams built at Flaming ate at once. contemc the and Robins, river, Colorado e ing the charges imposed on the same 6 3 3 10 0 0 Sanders, lb BOUNTIFUL ned dam and reservoir to be con- Gorge and Dewey. Tiny Maryland, for instance, had type of vehicle in the different states, 6 3 3 0 0 0 M. Swan, If The AH. in A.F.. demand Los R.II.PO. Angeles and spent twenty-si- x millions of borrowed the observer comes to the conclusion 0 5 2 1 4 ducted for that purpose, he 2b L. Mansell, 6 0 0 4 0 2 Iuffman, 3b 0 1 0 0 would produce sufficient reve-- e 'elsewhere in southern California for dollars on a splendid system of state that n V. Mansell, p legislature ever by any chance Burmingham, E., 2b 4 0 1 1 0 n 3 1 0 to electric was of water the for sale Thomas, p the power explained reasoned highways. 3 0 0 through 4 Maryland that, informs jraelf concerning the motor lb 1 1 0 5 ..... ss n Green, 3 0 Muir, c purposes and by the genera-- committee by Professor W. F. Durand since the heaviest loads did the great- vehicle laws of any other state. 0 6 8 3 rf Peck, xWhy reim-rse 2 2 ss of Stanford university, who stated est damage, the vehicles carrying )avis, 5.1 of hydroelectric power to 0 1 I 5 cf Sheffield, should the average medium-price- d pas- Johnson, cf 0 0 3 0 the government for the cost of that with all projected enlargements them must pay the highest license 4 0 2 0 0 0 ear of 25 horsepower and latch, If ToteL .....43 17 16 27 10 1 of private power construction the de- fees. Therefore, the state imposed senger struction. 4 0 0 0 rf 2700 Argyle, an annual Two-bas- e Robins. weighing hit pay pounds Summary: mand could not be met, and that with a license fee of $20 per ton on solid-tire- d Would Protect Rights. 4 0 0 1 3 0 Three-basL. Mansell, license fee of only $10 in California, Grant, p e hits Sanders, trucks up to three-to- n vehicles 600,000 horsepower The commissioner, he said, favored the estimated M. Swan, with the largest mileage of paved 36 1 8 24 6 4 Thomas, Cook. Stolen bases Totals and fedwhich Boulder annuthe under Thomas. this rate the at hits 8. independently $60 Sacrifice canyon, Sheffield project pay generated rating CENTERVILLE highways west of Ohio, while Wash2 hours. Umpire W, Time of game I mptly, provided congress stipulated eral competition would not drive the ally. A four-totruck, however, pays A. E AB, R.H.rO. with its less developedi road E. Wiggill. Attendance 100. $25 a ton or $100; for a five-toA 1 1 2 5 truck ington 3b Sat it should not vest any priority of private enterprises out of business. Millham, And collects $17.50? why system 1 ( 5 4 c that rate is $30 per ton or $150. For Voollcy, vhts which might interfere with the Would Aid Oil Development WOODS CROSS 7 should Oregon charge the owner of loberts, ss 6 1 '2 0 3 0 FARMINGTON 8. distri-jtio- n trucks the fees are He stressed the importance of water six and seven-to- n hsequent apportionment and v 4 0 2 2 0 1 Farmington defeated Woods Cross Jlarber, cf But Maryland no the sume vehicle $34 a year? of water by the commission power .devolpment by stating that the $300 and $500. 1 0 4 2 0' 0 A. Duncan, rf Saturday afternoon by the close score Mad Legislation M. Randall, lb 4 0 110 0 1 of 8 to 7. rong the states in the basin of the available oil reserves would be ex- longer licenses new trucks larger than 2h .............. 8 0 0 2 2 0 ilorado. A five-tohausted in about twenty years, when five tons; heavier trucks owned and truck, for instance, pays Coombs, II. If .......... 3 0 0 1 1 0 Randall, in the state prior to 1918 $140 a year in Utah, where road buildam confident, said the secretary, a substitute for fuel oil would have registered AH, R. II.FO.A.E. 3 0 0 1 9 0 Smith, p continue to use of roads on pay- ing has been neglected; it pays $126 in the at the states Wyoming, Utah, to be furnished. He krgued that the may 3 1 2 0 0 0 Mills, rfx 1 6 0 0 4 3 21 22 36 9 Iorado, Nevada and New Mexico present supply of 2,000,000,000 barrels ments of the high fees, but when they Oregon; Totals Les Cal lb Ilaaeke, charges $106, 1 1 0 0 hits Wooilov, W. Hatch, If A 2b ... 6 Wd interpose no objection to this of oil estimated yet to be within the are worn out, five-to- n trucks will be ifornia is content to collect only $33.60. Summary: 0 0 5 0 5 Hatch E. cf A. Cali-imMuir, Roberts, Burmingham, Hatch, the and so to essential 20,000 jsportant work maximum, pounds Similar discrepancies prevail in the li- Three-bas- e would be conserved by the sub1 earth, 3 2 2 Johnson. Sacrifice 6, 3b C. .hits Ilaaeke, will be the weight limit. in protecting the Imperial val- - stitution as soon as cense fees imposed on 314 ton trucks. lits Argyle,' A. Duncan. Stolen hnses I,- . Ilaaeke, ss 5 0 0 3 1 3 possible of hydro- gross The privately owned car operated New Mexico is satisfied with against floods, and to that state electric power. Huffman, Millham. Time of game II. Ilaaeke, 2b ... .4 0 0 1 I 1 $15.50; 1 hour 41) minutes. 0 10 0 4 1 id Arizona for irrigation purposes, 60 Arizona is second with for Umpire Phillips. Page, p purposes pays the of member California Utah R. E. Caldwell, $25; 8 0 0 2 1 100. c Attendance W, cents Id the latter state for electric power, Ilaaeke, in per horsepower Maryland; raises the ante to $27.40; Colorado Colorado river commission, of which 1 . 0 0X0 1 If W. Mohr, commer- le objection of the states In the up-- r 1 adds $10 more; Idaho wants $40; Ne 0 0 0 0 0 Hoover is chairman, when if the passenger car is used LAYTON 17. CLEARFIELD 6 c II. Howard, Secretary 11 Colorado basin would be removed, pay8 C,0ULvaitt $55, Montana $60, Wyoming $66. asked last night as to the attitude of m1i!0Lrlnt.LU?08e8 Layton took the Clearfield gang inble this license fee. W confident, should congress in the 39 7 8 27 14 6 Totals dam unt Boulder Utah $81.50 to camp Saturday afternoon with a on the canyon $80, Wasihngton It provide that the erection of the that body Under this FARMINGTON considered, carefully 17 to 6 score. and reservoir project, sid that the Oregon $105. All. R. H, IO.A.E. worked out system of tm at Boulder canyon would create scientifically ac-- . taken There Isnt a single community any commisison has never 4 3 1 0 3 2 W. Walker, 2b taxation to 120,000 use the the of take Marylands prior rights private blessed with a system of 12 0 5 c KAYSVILLE 17, SYRACUSE 2 or against the Boulder canyon motor for tion Barton, cars paid $1,469,000 last year; ter. That would leave priority of 1 0 3 2 5 3b the Three-basdo e could that think without roads that them.Jhat hits featured the Satur- Iiybee, and he did not its lS.OORtnicks and Tonmerrial cars 5 0 0 1 e-- 1 Iter rights to be later arranged when project cf Steed, todo the to induced does not wantj mileage day afternoon game between Kaysville enlarge commission could be 2 ... 5 je needs of the different states are Earl, ss paid $525,000 into the treasury. The The How shall the and Syracuse. The score: is; 0 3 6 10 only"que8tion so. lb Wright, private cars averaged $12 in fees I'ivn. The danger of destruction by 1 5 1 0 be raised? How shall the work G. Walker, rf do not think that Chairman while the money I the trucks by payments 1 .pods in the Imperial valley is 0 6 0 If the SYRACUSE of Anderson, be presumed to speak and commercial vehicles reached an be financed? What proportion 0 0 0 5 the financing of projects there Hoover could, AH. It. II. rO.A. E. Manning, p cost shall be borne by the public on for the commission before the house average of $33 per car. J should have immediate attention." 4 0 2 1 3 2 2b Steed, the on user 44 8 1 27 9 10 Totals 4 0 2 2 0 1 committee, he said. The first step C. Walker, cf these figures in mind, lets the one hand and the Water Ample for 'All. I Bearing e so far hits Pagfl 0 other? 0 4 c river matter, Cook, Colorado in Summary: the The rights of the seven states in the see how the Far Western states divide bases K. Ilaaeke, Stolen W. 4 If I Walker, as Gailey, concerned, is of commission The owners the as private, the burden between trucks and tourf loradobasin to the use of the water 4 0 1 4 0 0 Page. Time of garAe 2 hours. Umlb the mater of pos- ing cars, between commercial and motor cars have demonstrate!: Briggs, 4 0 0 4 2 0 pire Reading. jr irigation and power purposes are see it, is to settle I). Walker, ss as between states; users of the high- their wilingness to pay ther share ng given careful consideration, Sec- sible differences is to develop the river. ways. of the highways construction cost UTAH BENEFITS BY l; ary Hoover APPORTIONMENTS ARE MADE stated, explaining that and the second for money with the bill but and Do provides BY BOARD OF AGRICULTURE maintenance, excep' What Gas Tax Would FEDERAL ItOAI) BILL questions must, in his judgment, The Swing f based1 which, the commercia build the dam, states few to a tion of which with But the state license fee does not upon storage. With the appointment of Hugh J. be it truck, bus or stage, is Ogden, June 21. Fifty million dolIhe secretary declared the commis-- a so far as rights are concerned is the tell the whole story. In addition to vehk-lo- , to succeed John A. Isrealsen, Camion had found that the flow of the same as building the dam, and then to this fee the states of Oregon, Wash- not paying an amount proportionate lars has been appropriated by the fedstate deputy dairy and food comer was adequate to meet all settle the rights question afterwards. ington, New Mexico and Colorado col- either to the damage it inflicts on the eral government for road improvement missioner and completion of other It make lect a gasoline tax of one or two cents roads or to the for irrigation and power under federal aid for the fiscal year details, the state board of Agriculture trposes, with a surplus of unused NO DISORDERS REPORTED per gallon, a tax resting so lightly 'of them. ending June 30, 1023, according to in- today finished its work and adjourned ter. As soon as the commission IN UTAH STRIKE DISTRICT formation received here today by II. J. sine die subject to the call of the rains an agreement among the June 22. The situation Helper, commissioner. tes the n! Finch, district engineer of the United plan will be submitted to here and in surrounding coal camps A resolution was adopted by (he commission at its next meeting to remains States, bureau of public roads. This board commending the work of the quiet, there being few if any held at Santa Fef August 1, Mr. flagrant violations of martial law. action has been taken as the result of federal bureau of animal industry in over said, would be much simpli- - The military authorities, however, the passage of the Dunn bill by boLh aiding the state to bring under conby the recent decision of the e trol livestock pests and diseases. It believe that the foreign element has the house and senate. court in the Wyoming-Colo-- o was agreed the resolution commendnot yet givne up all its firearms, but case, which established the rights For the fiscal year ending June 30, for ing the courteous and splendid cosearching has been discontinued the states in use of the generally 1924, $65,000,000 has been appropri- operation of local officials should be time being. the ter. ated. The sum of $75,000,000 for the sent to department heads in WashGrowing out of the searching par I Aside from the other irrigation and ties three guardsmen hTe facing THE UNIVERSAL CAP fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, has ington. per projects, the Colorado river nd wi!1 be 8ub' The state board adopted a regulaalso been appropriated. of pillaging charges be controlled, the secretary tion under which the sale of potato under tk general court $nartial The of to agriculture secretary jected i kd, preferably at Boulder canyon, which is empowered to inflict the the new bill has been authorized to seeds as certified seed will be proI governmental duty to the peo- under most serious penalty possible apportion the $50,000,000 among the hibited unless it complies with regulaDont be persuaded into buying nd property in Imperial valley. court martial procedure, ranging from tions forcertification existing in the states. Boulder canyon dam and reser- us Let else. stated is explain something Utah will receive under this new state where the potatoes originated. sentences, it I r ou not interfere in any way, fines to prison under men The law for the fiscal year ending June Ead "With other to you the proven advantages on the at headquarters.connection are Earl projects 1923, $566,273. For the fiscal year SPECIALIST VISITS GIRLS CLUB 30, this in Fer. guard detachcar. FOLD There a of of buying commencing The headquarters July 1, 1924, Utah will I commission, the secretary said, Wilcox, 18, Alfred and Last week Ethel Richert, foods and 18, receive For the fiscal year $723,784. Dearing, is no obligation incurred by pred the construction fcf the Boul-- r ment; Lester ill A, of will clothing Battery specialist from the Utah Ag$349,417 1925, 1, 20, comencing July Martin McGrath, canyon dam. in these ricultural in be aid Utah. Evidences federal for available us. college, met with Gladys Lake. callingof Salt Prime Importance A. Tace Carl and her receive will Idaho Major $625,601 girls club of the West during taken by cases has been I scussing at the request of the Point farm bureau. Miss Richert gave 1924 and department Advocate for $938,537 $813,101 1923; Badger, Judge remittee kia general kiewg on battalion adPhone 100 or see us. during 1925. Engineer Finch an- a demonstration to the club on preand Capt. B. IL Wayne, a'onS the entire river, taken Secretary paring recipes for different meals and nounces. Restitution of property jover said that congress in legis jutant. reis gave instructions on preparing and the Utah Under till present made. a L object should give first has ben mile. Effective serving. Following this the recipes $29,941.69 ceiving per ,erbion to the needs of irrigation were prepared by the girls for lunchreduced will be CLOSE amount in 1923 this TO STORES r nuke the development of KAYSVILLE power to $24,701.89 per mile. For years fol- eon and general plans for club work WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOONS should Congress, he for the year were made. added, t;onry. lowing 1923 a standard sum of SUMMER MONTHS an? absoIste power .rights A athorized-FodJShlr- L ays-vilper mile will- - be allowed in ' vAdual3 or private corporations Beginning next Wednesday I m. ) for federal aid by the govthis state clock p. CIVIC CENTER SHOW of the states. stores will close at 1 o Located in ernment. hot the like emergency During situation in the 1m- - on Wednesday only. Idaho under the Dunn bill will reWednesday, June 28, 8:15 p. m. at DAVIS COUNTYS FUTURE METROPOLIS are Tae can summer months the clerks be L removed, the fiscal mile for the ceive $23,206.02 relief Kaysville per wee gymnasium, Wallace Reid in within three or four years given one afternoon a 1923 In 1923. Audacious June Th also Mack Sen-n20, Always year ending congress has legalized and work on each Wednesday afternoon. will amount be and this $19,1412)7 Iloimes Burton her per comedy to do etnaly been commenced. housewife must will amount mile this and Travel thereafter Around About pictures, ke course of the river dam shopping early Wednesday morning, , be $17,404X2 per mile. keen located sufficient to while it is still cooL j '00 VER 'ADVISES TRUCKS PAY JUST TAXES AND STAY BUSINESS? OF DAI, I Sr,ur, On Davis County Diamonds 'W. Pn,li Durt4I!"1 rrwnt Got-Dut- y. l.-P- rompt old-sty- le $40,-000,00- 0. See-,&- ry - com-lesi- on gov-Lroe- nt, - n, n, Two-bas- sub-grad- !? 14 es ex-iine- d, irri-tio- ! 18 11 12 3 MM , n 1 n 11 n 'I Wa.-ingt-on Two-bas- e -- ia -- m X - 10 hard-surfac- ei 10 10 af-kti- ng -- 117 113 Two-lms- 10 -- possi-deman- ds use-for-pro- fit 1 su-m- y-r-i - Layton Auto Co. $22-456.- 26 le 115 wit-4Eai- d. -- ett timber 1 i f f I I 'X |