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Show G THR WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVtLLE. UTAH. It the 40 volts Is maintained on the plate and a negative potential of E-la applied to the grid. It m reduce the current to aero. Suppose represents five volte. It can be seen then that a change of five volts ta grid potential win accomplish the same result that 40 volts vtUJ POSITION AND SIZE to the plate circuit. The ratio of the voltage change In the plate curOF GRID IMPORTANT- - rent Is called the 'factor of the tube and is denoted by the letter "K. In the tube Just discussed the amPoof factor would be 40 divided Value plification Negative Determine five or eight. The by amplification tential Necessary to Reduce factor of the tubes available for amateur use at present Is usually between the Plate Current to Zero. 4 and 10. The amplification factor Is vacuum a function of the dimensions and rela-tlvla asing to positions of the elements in the tube la a radio let It la preferable tube. with 're maintain the grid negative An incoming radio frequency alZttct to the filament In order to the minimum amount of energy ternating current applied to the grid e of a vacuum tube Is the control of the plate circuit not of the rectified but only the variation in grid relative position The and the the plate Is multiplied by K," the with respect to the filament site of the mesh of the amplification factor of the tube.' This plate and the O O-- three-electrod- Pithy News Notes From AU Partt of E e ' UTAH set Ceatentt fL Plasant Grove An annual Straw, berry day was Inaugurated here this . AelWeIVepaioatfAi Farmers In this section large quantities of Hinckley. nisulntinthclsod ty vxpect to produce tin the Stomscis awiBowvlarf i 'eej this season. The poateffloe was robbed of PV5 by bandits according to a report to Denver police. Salt take Meetings are being held to lay plana for the great Diamond Jubilee edebratkm of the arrival of the pioneers In Salt valley. ChretfuhK5 Mffher Oum, Morphineew ItatfnL KotKabcotw: W- - fWW AfW WOOD. A helpful Remedy ftf Constipation Salt Lake. Over three times e many births were reported to the city board of health aa there were deaths during the pait week. Births' totaled &3 and dtwths 25. Delta. CU0. J Beaver Tariff rates on transporta, tlon of freight between Milford and Beaver have been reduced to 85 cent per hundred pounds by the public utilities commission, the order to thla effect having Just been made. e makes the vacuum the most sensitive detector available. In actual tubes the point "O on the characteristic curves as shown In Fig. VIII and Fig. not fall on such a point of the curve that symmetrical changes In grid potential will cause a symmetrical change In plate current, starting with zero potential on the ' grid. then It becomes necessary to apply constant potential to the grid by through the small mesh of the lneans of a battery In the grid cirgrid on their Journey from the fila- cuit, called the "0" battery, to mainment to the plate will negatively tain the grid at such a point on the (targe the grid and will be repelled. characteristic curve that symmetrical Similarly a small positive charge ap- changes in grid potential will cause plied to a fine mesh will tend to acthe maximum symmetrical current to celerate the velocity of the electrons. flow in the plate circuit In case of a very coarse mesh grid, the electrons can pass through the apBig Ships' Radio. ertures in the grid without coming In The radio equipment of the ships so close to the charge on It and a Is described In n and Paris Lafayette relatively high potential will Je reOn both of recent Issue Radloelectrldty. on electhe grid to control the quired transa steamers tube tron stream, or In other words, the with a wave been The corresponding plate circuit will be or B-more than hen the grid bad no I-- plied to A it - - current it was potential ap- negative potential of 0-1- 1 rs now applied to the grid where O-is equal ta value to O-I- , but opposite In sign. The application of the negative poto the grid will use the plate current to be reduced o a value II-or less than It when there was no potential applied to the grid. So It Is seen that a negative potential when applied to the grid does not reduce the plate circuit current as much as the same positive Potential increased the plate circuit current. This irregular conductivity of the tube is made use of when the tube ta used as a detector or rectifier ot Mdio signals. The Incoming radio signal Is a high frequency alternating current. Bet us Pl4y an alternating difference of potential whose maximum positive val-uis equal to I and whose maximum tbe value Is equal to to the rid of the e tube whose characteristic curve Is same the m that shown in Fig. VIII. In Fig. 7 tawn the alternating difference potential applied to the grid. Through the first quarter of a cycle, com zero at J to a maximum negu-- , value at K, equal to Oil, the Hermit current will vary from its value at P when no grid potential Is applied 4o a value at Q equal to A-- C, e O-- O-- three-electrod- me- motor-generat- r, t 11C During the next grid potential arixnum negative quarter of a cycle J changes from a value at K to zero Tle corresponding values of . circuit current are shown by the i riin of the plate current curve During the next r third quarter Cycl applied grid potestial cre8 from zero at L to a e value at II, equal to . cd causes the plate circuit to in-frODl I Ms riu when the 1 ln jL "Potential j l(,ro to j.D in plate current equal to 1- maxi-positiv- i j l J J l ! Don't expect the circuit to os- dilate with equal strength over a great range If you tune the with drcult capadty grid atone. Keep the ratio of L to C as near constant as possible while tuning. Dont expect a drcult to os- dilate If the natural period of the tickler drcult la equal to the natural period of the grid Randy New Water mains are be. tag laid throughout the dty. Provo The chamber of commerce Is making adrive for new memnera. Brigham City. John Hodges was terribly burned about the face, neck and band iu an explosion at the cement plant. Brigham City. Sperial lectures and 4euontration on health problems are being given In Boxelder county by Mr. Victoria Christ nea of the Utah Agricultural col ese. Race suicide of the Intel Logan. lortual classes is overwhelmingly the problem of time, declared Dr. M. Tertuan ef the Leland Stanford university, I his owning lecture be for the slimmer school students of the Utah Agricultural college. i l i J I ! J j i J drcult. r J Don't place the tickler variometer against tight plate the grid coil or a change in the J plate drcult will detune the grid I circuit. Dont high Impedance J r511 tubes to oscillate freely tn a dr- - I fourth remaining quar,e cult designed for low Impedance J thf Mdied grid po-n-vnti.iC5rle from a maximum pmd- - I tubes. a regenerative u ,l R to zero at N, the plate J Dont discard circuit have tried ( until you receiver current varies from a value IS to T. tube. one detector more than - ' 2 ga soft that Dont forget l that characteristic ' eon- - tube la the best detector, J 88 8ho',n in Fig. VIII and Fig. IX and that a hard tube Is the best with a potential of 40 voir mi .t J oscillator. 3te- - then. If the plate current 1 tg . t treat Inductance coli t'-rod to zero by a varui-G. thaj with shellac or any other Tar- 2 .. . . f1 tlbitge with no Pfen- 2, nW ahor cotrjnund that will to tH grid the plate 2 ino!ure. I sorb !Tni educed to zero or t rfljV ,r t? 40 volts Laust be in'td. Ummmmmmmmmmmm W I1-- exi-ec- f j dJJ a four Salt Lake. IMi ing ier(ol, '1 i.or who tal ked the vL-we-l Capi- valley cn J from the Ior-frea chilli wn in twvn j( the tnjetui reproseajol Un-oof tbe state tlie of t) were npre aa from for.L-- lau-ln i 3 of .ngrtnl, lb1 'n -- figs, Ye. Little Incident Shews Hew Much Chinee Mere Man Haa With Real Mistress ef Finance. Whltehouse, the who hus gone into the leather business, said at a tea in New York: Woman should succeed magnificently in bUHlnesa, ahe is such a past grand mistress of finesse. I know a pretty girl who once took the purt of pulmist iu a gjpsy tent ul a fair. A young man came in to have his fortune told, and Ihe pretty girl, holding his luind In hers tenderly, said ; "You have an extraordinary character. Your most reinurkabte quality Is generosity. You hate skinflints, you despise the money hoarder, and you look on avarice ns a shameful vice. A large and almost reck less JlboraUty marks your path through life,' Thank you, suld the young mau. Mushing and giggling. 'You are flattering me, 1iu afraid.' 'Not at all, suld the pretty girl, 'him! now Im going to wrap you up these three dozen tickets for our tur key raffle. Theyre only a alnioieon apiece. Three tens, a five, aud a one. Thank you; that's Just right.' Mrs. Norman pa-trlcl- bo. ini o n u a Isni. Cansds, ri. s l f ia S iiterianl, Hut3 anl China in pie 1rnzll.an 1 to tb n l'i.itd-- to Old Lingerie dyei or tint as you wkSi Raid Hairpin Bland. The universality of the acquisitive Instinct Is shown by the number ef women who take away hairpins from an uptown hairdressing establishment. Each cubicle contains a tray on which ere scattered varicolored hairpins. A member of the fair, sex may have bet coiffure aurfelted with the wiry holders, yet shq tylll stuff what she can And Into her bag. "It eez the1 habit, perhaps, " sighed the artist of the wave, "nor do M ladles cake what color their hair may be; dark pta r light ph- - M ee all tbe Mine to them. Chicago Journal, 1 sui . ' Af c esN i I Bold t Last. Persistency In Inserting Ihe same ad vertlsement) with no change of word Ing or Illustration, Is a trait of soma, advertisers, A prospective customer wrote to n never advertisement firm whose seemed to change; Have ' not your picture of one-pacorduroy punts tn Home Mhga zlne for post four' months. More If see of them better I like them. If not sold as yet, please enter toy order lor same. Forties Magazine. - lr t Ths Common Conversation. 'Ro you want to put a radio outfif' ta t'rlmn Gulch 1 "That the Idea," answered the afYou cun sitjdvwh, of fable stranger. an evening and hear whats got o for miles around." , wouldnt Interest . anybody-much- . All wed be likely to bear fur miles around would be gimme threw That cards or thats good, or such rei marks." Washington Star. The more reputation a man b more disappointed other mei when they meet him. 11 s fh nr All who Joy would win roust si nr happiness was horn a twin. So he matched his strength against the swirl of the rapids, and laughed at the danger, and kept repeating the stunt, until It was the day the life-save- Its an easy matter to coffee warnings when going strong. smile youre , . But a good many strong swimmers wont risk the rapids, and a good many coffee drinkers are beginning to. think of the caffeine in coffee. Theres id I Theres a safe and satisfying course for everybody in the selection of a table drink. rs had been waiting for that day the call for help came. at can disturb nerves and digestion, and often it does. Coffee Postum has charm without harm. Its the safe drink for all, and probably, therefore, its the better drink for jou. Thousands have found it better, and fully satisfying, for them. bi Your grocer both forma of Postum: inswim Poe turn (in tint) mede instantly it the cup by tbe addition of boding water. Postum Cereal Bn package of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal I being prepared) made by boiling for iully Id miaul. j Au-trai- ii. - MW VO.K CIV. Watch me, said the strong swimmer. U Im not afraid ei-hl iH-n'- . VESSEL? ' e RADIO DON'T til of Home con-ce- rt Professor Bell n Radio Fan. Finding the telephone, his own Invention, a source of annoyance to him, Alexander Graham Bell had It removed ffrom his home. With the radiophone ' there Is a difference. It seems, for Mr. Bell, now seventy-fivyears old, is said never to tire of listening in and experimenting with the new device. There are few more ardent enthusiasts, declare bis friends. l get Tri-Kt- Radio for Animat Training. Experiments with the radiophone a an aid in animal training are to be made at the Hippodrome, New York city, by George Power, trainer of the elephants, to determine whether It will be possible for his Wg pets at some future date to execute his orders on the stage while the trainer himself is absent. l n entued: "Did you Philip? WEAKER n What did jou 1 with them? threw them away. Salt Iake In order to work out the did you do that for? Whnt of posdbllltl-rusing the vast amounts Well, mother, 1 bit into on and of salt that are available In Utah, in U hail bug'n eggs in It, and I wasnt the metallurgical treatment of large to eut bugH eggH, was 1? deposits of low grade and complex going Now. once as well s other problems, six fellnwihlpa have been awarded by the Doctor Declare Musi Heals. University of Utah department of meMusic, a a powerful healing ngenoy tallurgical research. Six out of thirty-fiv- e for physical as well aa mental malaapplicants were awarded the fel- dies, was one of the principal topics lowship. These were the men with ot discussion at tbe annual meeting the highest scholar whip and best ref- of the Medical awmeiation erence, and they represent the states t Memphis recently. Approximately of New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, 250 phjsicluns and eurgenH from MisMissouri end Utah. souri, Arkansas and Tennense heard dUcussed. The physicians this Delta, Ilyrnm A, Knight, farmer were subject music an In enthusiastic mar here who had a badly water, n heulcr and classed boosting it, ta certain cirlogged farm prior to the Installation cumstances, as almost as effective as of the drainage system, report that drugs. he now has one of the most produc. tlve farms tn tie county. He says Not in ths Defying Business. that this year he has some of his I see where a scientist has disbest crops on tracts that last year and covered how to burl thunderbolts, the year before grew nothing and were said the garrulous stranger. Qulok, ths Emtrgoncy Brakt, considered worthless on account of Well, replied the crusty old genJunebrlde Rtop tbe cor at Mr. Throughout tleman Who was absorbed In n book, once. waterlogged condition. In this the various drainage districts the discovery means nothing to roe. Her Ilushuml Whats the Mutter, country It Is said there ore numerous Let him hurl his thundeilsdte. My dearie? Birfarms under cultivation this year name's not Ajax Its Smith. Y"ou Mrs. Junehrlde haven't , which were abandoned yvr mingham Herald. kissed me once ta the lust mile. i Ft. Dougtas, II. Scholtena, former Fitting a Shos. When a woman expresses a wish conductor of the Queen of Holland's "The shoe won't fit her and thats her husband generally hus to pay hand and now a wnrrant officer and the truth. Cant you stretch the the charges. hand master In the United States army, truth a little? asked the will direct tlce triweekly band at Ft. Douglas ordered by GenWhen a man doesnt care whais rich man who There never was eral U. G. MacAlexunder for every didnt do more kindly deed timn lie for breakfast It Is pretty good sign that It Is the morning after. Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday after- was given credit for. noon during the summer months. Sdioitens Is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music at The Hague and of the Institute of Muiieal Arts Before coming to of Xw York. seven years conwa he for America, ductor of tii royal Holland cavalry U band, known as the Queen of Hollands Band. tential when applied C RiM'rintendvnt Cotiwr of tbe White-owwltuol t'Hik Home tig, which hi ooMier Intended for cooking, without fr knowledge. The following "1 ters. A set Is used to produce the plate-hig- h tension for four rectifying and four oscillatory tubes, and the low voltage current for the heating of the filament of these tubes. Both vessels are or equipped with a radio radio goniometer, which, reduced to plain English, means a radio compass. A distance of 3,400 kilometers has been covered safely by messages sent from the transmitter of the Paris. range-finde- WHO SAID Bugs Eggs. lor and seniors of high schools Ihroughout the state. In n contest for students of the ninth and tenth f grades Miss Gertrude Iletneckte Salt Lake won first prize. The sub. Ject glvon for the essay was "Why the High School Student Should Fight the Cigarette. flve-kl!ow- five-kilow- tMHNV. PUJNAf.1 FADELESS DYES - ay VWS CtMTAUa Gives Charming New Shade Mies Is ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. Josephine Olson of announced ns the winner of first place tn an essay contest conducted by the Women's Chris, tlan Temperance union among the Jun price CASTORIA GENUINE jjvrYORU building by D. H. Minor and M. V. Farshall, Price nndDUnty Loss OF SLttl seetdthvi fcefefttsnta0 The people of Delta are now In the evenings by entertained 'log the radio station set up In the Mercer three-electrod- That Baby should hare a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it than to use is more reasonable for an Infant to sleep with grown-u- p a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of shunned. H either would that same infant. Either practice is to be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine most be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health ii too often disarranged by improper food. Could yoti for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Hake a mental note1 of this: It la important, Mothers, that remember that to function well, the digestive organ of should you receive special care. Bo Baby la so abnormal that must your Baby the desired results may be had from the use of medicine primarily prepared for grown-up- s. omw SHOULD HAD THt IOOKUT THAT H AROUND tVfRY SOTHl OF fUTCHfM CAST0M4 Thmty Promoting damaged the plant to the extent of Installed mitter has range of between 2,000 and 0,000 Special Care of Baby. Winter-quarter- s Holliday. Fire started by an nlum. mum die casting machine In the Bald-wl- a Radio fkrtory In Kust Mill creek 0, Ft H CENT. LOOHOL-- 3 three-electrod- current flowing In the plate circuit. la the Referring to Fig. VIII, 0-current that will fljw in the plate circuit when there la no potential applied to the grid. Suppose a positive potential as 0--1 Is applied to the grid. 9 IJtJ re-ool- re IX-m- Thcte Salt Lake, thirty erection of a eral roserw bank buikllng Is expected here. e grid, determine the value of E. E is the aegattve potential which yiust be applied to the grid in order to reduce the plate current to sero. The value of F, which la the positive grid potential that will cause the maximum or sataration current to flow In the plate "circuit, is also determined by the relative position of the grid with respect ta the filament and plate. If the grid Is of very fine mesh, the value of E is small because the electrons In pass-la- g lSTluidi Children Cry For a Reason for Postum Made by Poeturo Cereal Company, Inc, Battle Creek. Mkhigan f i |