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Show jt i GIIURCII SI Ite SECTION i TUI? t 4li liT ii w jp MJ f Nauvoo-Sal- t the broad program for marking historio spots on tho Old Mormon Trail from Nauvoo, Illinois to Salt Lake City, it is a , coincidence that plans should fot Mie marking of both ends of the trail at the same time. It is also a fitting ooinci-don- re that both of these markers are to be placed and unveiled 'during the 'week' of Pioneer day, Julv 24, at which time the minds of thousands of people will be turned toward the pioneers and their historic accomplishments. The marker to be placed at the Nauvoo end. of the Pioneer Trail is that which marks the spot of the organisation of the Relief Society. one of the first, and the oldest enisling women's organisations in the country. The marker at the Halt Lake City end of the trail i4 to be placed in Pioneer Park, where was located tho pioneer Pert and where most of tho PijinOer covered wagon carav ana ended their long trok across the plains, Dales Set ' The dates set for the unveiling and dedication of the Nauvoo marker is July 26, while present plans for the Pioneer Park monument' roil for ils unveiling and dedication pnday. July 2d. , Kaoli of the two nionu infthts will carry an inscription ,on a tablet of bronze, explaining the lustoiical i significance of the h monument, j 1 he marker at Nauvoo. seen in the abov picture at the left is a beautifully designed monument. It will be made of Iiurr-Rn- se stone obtained from It is lo be beautifully latid'capeif as seen in the drawT SECTION - IIESERT NEWS.; SATURDAY, JULY (JE 'HgjE'Wil j H l ll 15, U33. Lake By Markers 2. f j Ro-cif- ty, . j j J , Rn-meh- ne , f i i Youths to Help jTliis marker al Pioneer park will he erected under the joint supervision of (he Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmark association ami the Aaron io Priesthood df the Pioneer Stake the of vllisirch, directed by the stake Aaron io Priesthood oomimltee. A completed program for the Ntauvoo marker f zs announced by President Louise Y. Robison, of the Relief Society and the program details Yor the Pioneer pttrk ceremony, July 23, gre now being completed by a committee or Ilia slake high council. I The program for the Nauvoo ceremonies, under the direction of President Robison, to be held on July 28, with a large humiier of ChuiTli members from Utah a fid other parts of the country tending, is aa fnlltjws: aat, Community singing: America" and fi'he Spirit of Fire Ils Burningn Invocation. , President George S Romney of the Northern SUte . tr i.ssiim, Address nf welcome. Honorable Jiimos L, Qgilen, mayor of Nad- -i Response, President SarpunI O. Blennion,' of the Central State 1 n Issiion. Reorganized Head to Speak Address. Ir. k redorlrk M. jSinth, president iof the! -- auji-drlt- Re-Or- --, i Church of Jesus Christ ganied Latter-da- SainL. y Historical sketch, Mrs Amy iv Hrowti Lyman, first counselor in '.ti e Relief Society presidency. 4 Our Suejeiy, J talk, toy Mrs, Julia A. Ottild. second coiupelor in fhie Relief Society Prei'leney. IMA iVihnlit (jY Iif rv Hale ; w th ...... R 'lief Society," bv Mrs. Jplia F UlO icretai-of Lund, general t it Relief. Society.. I L Bazltono olo, Rulnn Y, It hison. ( A-- y Bus tod. Mass i Daniel S. Spencer, son , Address. Off tho first Mavifr of Nauvoo. Unveiling of th monument by Grtisse Ins, Bertha A. Hutmes, Mhltigan, greet grauddaurdi-- ir of Ktnnia Hale Smith. Miss Barbare ilulmes, gifoat grenl granddaughter of tho 'i st lllelief Society president 'and tow .Helen Olalre Robison, Bos- -, . 1 -- qn, granddaughter Lvbiwei, Almve la a picture allowing a eceneln Nntivoo, Illinois, wlirre the Relief Soclcly monument will be plneedAJul.v 26, At tlie extreme rig lit of the picture ts eeen theljoaeph Smith (kOtage, In comer of that mme lot, to tho right of the building the monument If toi be placed. The Mansion lloune In neen al the extreme lefl of the picture and the Nauvoo limine Is In the center ralnlly visible Uirough the trees. The ' i UiMiMnippi river la la the central background. tilia ' Address, I ' . of President Address and dediralorv pravor, der Gfforge Albert Smith, of lie Gouhcil of the Twelve, and president of tlie lUtali Pioneer T bails and I.andrr.arks tsaofta- - i This monument marks the site of the buiUlliig in the upper room of which the Female Relief Society, now the National Woman's Relief Society, was organized,' March 17, 1812. by the Prophet Joseph5 Smith, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- - 1903. vo. d j The site of this monument is that formerly occupied by the old Joseph Nnith store in Nauvoo, where the Relief Society was organised by tho Prophet, March 17,i That spot is now part of a private cemetery, long unused, in which are buried tlie bodies of tin Prophet Joseph Smith, the' patriarch. It) rum Smith and Emma Hale Smith, Wile of the prophet, and tho first president of the Relief Society, at its organization. Also on this lot Is located, still standing with additions, the Old knowm Joseph Smith 'cottage, sometimes ns tho Old Homestead. Close by are tho Nauvoo House and the Mansion House of Nauvoo. both J still standing, and prominent n the early history of the church, AH that remains of the old store bmldimi, where the Relief Society organization took place la a part of tho foundation. Th inscription to be placed on Ibis mohument la as follows: NATIONAL WOMEN'S RELIEF 1 ne ! i ,, , SOCIETY wall was laid, Tho house formed part of the wall that enclosed this 1 block for protection against the Indians; The Mrt was completed in November. ' 1847. On July 24, 1898,1 Pionoer Square waa sot apart' as a public park. The improved . was opened to the pVibiic park July 1 Tpn-pe.-s- ec. above," t ft seen by- - the uinive map llm pioneer troll begins at Nauvoo, Illinois, where the Saints left Ihetr lieoutiful oily for the west, upending the' winter at Wilder Quarters, before the march to Salt Lake began In, the spring of Tho troll ended at Pioneer Square, now Pioneer Park in Sail On July 23, the marker and monument seen at the left will hr unveiled and dedicated at Plqneer park, and the monument at the right, will be unveiled at Nauvoo! July 26, marking the site of the organization Of the Relief Society It is the first marker placed by the. fdiurrh in, Nauvoo, M u- , ' Louise Yates Robison, presiday Saints, assisted by,f John dent Taylor ami Willard Richards. The charter officers were: Amv Brown Emma llaie Smith, president; oejunselof. Sarah M. Cleveland, first counJulia Alloman selor; Elizabeth Ami Whitney, counselor. second counselor tEliza R. Snow, A. F, 1Julia treasurer, kecrplary; Phoebe ML Wheeler, assistant secrelliryt lElvifa ' A. pn a smaller r Cowles, treasurer.--' , placed direet.lv he ow the larger The purposes Of the Society one carrying the above descripwere to rare for the poor, fninis-t- er tion, the following is to be place to the nick. Comfort the sorI t edr rowing. teach inghteousnihs and motinmenf, erected by rTliis morals of the Strengthen thi( Woman's Relief with tiendqdarters at; Sail community. Rake tetah.l The origirjal City. minutes end lslplaecd on this site through the courtesy of the rocords were jukwi by EILtU R.-- ' Snow to Utah; where the work of Jesus Reorganized Ctmrrh Christ of Latter-da- v of tlie orJamation was continued Saints, with at headquarters by the Church. Of the eighteen Independence, Missouri, owners of this proper- oharter members three became , seven Tlie presidents, i Women ly. who have preluded over tho orThe inscription on tlie marker at t Pioneer park is as followsr ganization are: Emma Hale milli, Eliza R. hnowM Zina D. PIONEER (SQUARE it. Young, liallisheha W Smith, tThis monument marks1 the It, Wells, Clarissa Smith silb of the Old1 FprtV in which Williams and Louise Yates IUht-so- n. Mormon Pioneers wintered in thi 1617-1- 8, The prHent membership , and in which some of in 1933, is 67,000. '5 . th soi tiers f, for several Keeping pace With blio yehrs. Rrigham Yoiing laid the of the C.hmvh of Jcmis foundation stones 6n August 10, Ghrist of Latter-da- y Kain ts, this . 1817. for the first ft of (he 17 Sociotv has bocomty potent for houses erecte'd here of logs and benevolence, education amt (progyl mud blocks. On August ress among II, 1847, the first adobe in the I.inienj . . Hdil CHURCH N ina-teria- ing t- ' m President singing, "Now jUuCommunity Rejoice in the, Day of Let Raliva-tio- i n. . Henedlotiort, President EUae S, J Page ItPieaM Tara 1 1 " |