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Show t Tmr DESERET "NEWS' i S ALT'LAKE SATtTRD A Y JULY CTTY - 1933 15 Giants Pound Annual Lopping JOff Dempsey Is Dizzy Dean Center Of From Mound Attraction New York Club Now Four 1 r H T. DOCIS, , July (API Giants bounded Nut iork Broims About Due To Manage Detroit DischargeKillefer In 1934 Tigers Thr -- tt , n' .'only tee dJ o th t h rprw'1 09 whont tpl ry rw .1 tf bill J rontoatu rr Frsoeh 29. . ha TrJ T S 9 4 1 4 I 6 . i 1 Wrawfsrd 1 1 t 3 parchf m dscad- two 2 4 I 4 I'MO.P .. I i 4 ) hrid the multiMooney p. 1 tude at atteQf 44 1 5 USWIlSOft ti os from the 4 4 4 Johnaa.p. arha moment UU4U4I. I 4 4 4 on the rived .scene with hie Totals StUZTISI Totals 4 IS 27 S Mtaa ifiH4-i- F instil 4ota th fourth fiancee. Max Baer th sishth. xtBattsd for Mooney Hannah William of musical com Batted fur 0 Farrt.) In tbs ninth, a Hatted tor tur ocher In tns ninth edy acclaim until he called Jeanses la U ninth. Lra oat at third haa on a foul, aax&atwd-duIS eiO York ,,....303 ball to conclude the wrestling pro- New eu las Louis i t or referee gram Aa spectator, Summary: Errors Ryan. Frisch. Da boxer. Jack usurped the limelight rochay I Twobass hit Terry I, Ormt-t- l CTDoul. Mancnso. Mwun JPTWeh ' and it was quit a light at that e plsys Dean to Dur ocher to CoWhile the greatest heavyweight Ixmb Duroeher to Frierh to CoUisa Basso ins; scrutbefore was the of all time up os balls dark t, Jotmsos 1, Dsas t. out Dean I, FUcsstm-mon- o iny of the old home folks the. Mooaey U Mooaey X Jobe son L BeU L - next champion - of the world. Wtonfns pitcher Clark. Loalns pitebor Max Baer, his own inimitable self, was being glvefc the okeh or the . populace. Max will do aa the title contender. Even though restrained Dodger Cop Series n..a f 14 0 imiese Koenig 1b till m.n rf rf r lb roy M I T fumms s L.i.ib t i KM mr Hrini rtmm 1 J j.nsio.ib Rotmsc. I 1 - Clmmp 4 J. .1 i 11 ! 1 4 DESERET NEWS cameraman re. THE corded an important and interesting sport eent last night at McCullough's Arena when Baer exhihe shot the Jack Dempsey-Ma- x bition. AB0E, left to right, is Mrs. Cecil ! 1 2(4 I I tt i l 14 I l t t 1 -- take-the-f- all. i 'J Kilti-fr- n their own year-ol- d string of at WrigUy field by bunching with blows chair Chicago's errors to win, tbs series final. ( to 1. .Four of the Dodgers1 live, runs wars unearned. Bissktr H O A I (Write H H.HOA goTle rf KUH-ff- leading Hitters -- one-rou- eet Foxx and Klein Hold Places As impromptu competition, the With Chicago Cub tamper from Livermore, showed - 'CHICAGO. Tbt most to the convince July 1J(AP skepenough hatlrd tha Ueal 'p.eUtor that h l)I uka J?khrn - DoH Cub - , - ieague-dub.-ao-i- by th championship away from Mu. aollnl and Primo Camera, the joint holders. exht- d Baer hosed two bitlona Billy Murdock of of and Salt Chtcaco Ed Sheppard Lake, who anbatituted for Bob Heckler who waa out of condlfon. dla- Max then put op a pUy acslnat Jack Dempaey out of which derived more fun than the most enthusiastic customer. , riw; f -- t 4 $ t 6 t t sTTvmefif UT Wt t SIS (rbtrcf 4 O rTI. B f tbe flin ' r iI bsen aport - j y4A(ioc, Rn l greatest I 1 magnate 1 8 Ot Fa Sit tsss S July ilNSl That - Oscar Vltt ths of Hollywood manager Sheika, is receiving strong contown car' on the strength of BT DAVIS J. WAIH sideration for the Job of Ahrlr pronperia, eltl tha .DelroltIigexi. ,1s a- EW- - TORK.- - JtilydS-ffNS- ) rumor gaining persistsnt I - It wa one of thoa off the AS THE CAT JUMPS ground daily aa new faces and circumstances add apparent record and ITH Street and Gtbaon. its Confirmation. conversation nd, before Word brought out from the xtxktJy g jQAttcr ot oppor- Eastern sector bv major league the la.t Innuendo had been alred.TUI1aIII With the former. It scouts has it that Buck Har-- " waa revealed it probabiy a case of win the pennumber is up with Frank memseveral by nant and stay or lose and make bavin, ths Detroit owner, and ber of the St. up his mind to do his losing elsethat this is due to b his last Louis - Browns where. With Gibson, its season with ths club. Vitt the feelBUI today that spent It years In tbs American by ing, not altogether justified KlUefer of this service most pfebleague, ths material he has to work with, with Detroit, and is still rs-- servint ably'l win buMapH--out the - latter memberred there welt and faSor WithFoneca, Its probably a -ably by customers and owners of hlojsei part alike tence In JL W,,Lne. -- Vitt's the situation with Kutli or present - , Loulf j 1Hambody else they might mippvr employer iff the Boeiflo -1000 he Jree to UkoiwrtteF t ha league; has always said that at nothing be would never stand In Oscar's That ought way if ever he was offered an week ex- - cumbent. matters considerably, as the undera to manage major these apportunity In pensea Is that they're decided standing would be casea the vic- not la Uke Fonseca on a ety Jjrpad nothing but best wishes from at e tim nsoally this sector If th proposition some paint to should be made. indicate that be VEW TORE, Jeljr 15. (ISV am Koif re Is greatly BH1 Rilkfer, nMKr of tbs St. lieved by what has taken place. fkMis Browns will nuuri tbr In fact Im under the impresBoston Krd Hos In 1131, rrplaHns sion that ths whole thing must be Marty' HrVUnvi, tt was reported boro today. very desirable except maybe at formal an Bounce me nt of meal time; so the resgt of those was awaltrd from signing tf affected won't mind. Im. sure, Boston, Before -- leaving been to r I mention the fact that It wont Wasttwigtoa with M. Mult, admitted h would M return b4 long before the annual lopping season. Brownies next to the off ot managerial heads sets -- in. baseball belnga business that Is conducted impulsively and strictly YORK. July II AP) JEW on the bias." JTs always getting a seals. As for McKectinte, his five I continued steady hitnew manager for the ball club. year contract comes up for reths ting of Jimmie Foxx of overInstead of a new ball club for the newal which la alwaya ominous, FhiisdJlphis Athletics manager. j particularly when the owner who shadowed batting performance th ths major of other leaders In this way. It seem that Kills-fe- r likes oy Is bickering with U to be asked to go because owner who doesn t like antody. league during theoutweek 12 hits In Foxx pounded about Still, there's no two was he has been unable, so to say, to his S3 times at bat to boost with the fact the man doesnt live who add something to nothing 174 aftaverage six point to and Shot-tocan is Burt So figure to beat William a probably er yesterdays games gain nothing. w R b the Braves so over In Philadelphia, although eles-r title-- to ths America to The others mentioned are merely the man didn't have enough league had. seamanagers working start of the the win at with IIihsmi Drops A1 Simmons rapped out IS hits son and now la winning with leas with and on undeveloped properto at 27 bat times but rquid he's been there for five ties, .although Harris Is beginning t points However, get them and dropped years and. by tho very nature of to show something tangible in Deto .234 while Joe Cronin sufthings, its somebody else s turn to troit and McManus hardly hat bad fered an equal loss and remainall the chanc- e- that ought to be ed a point behind him. e Mce coming to him in Boston. In the National leagxe Chuck : Leaders wbone status Is defto Manus baa hardly bad a chance Klein had Just a breese hold tbs top place as his two initely open to question at sH to gt anywhere except up Spud Philadelphia teammate. this time are Lew Fonseca, of m time for breakfast, Davis and Chick Fullis. failed the Cardinals; George Gibson, to hold the pace he set. the Pirates, and Max Carey, of Altogether tt isn't so mmh a fames. After verterday'fl matter of genius as rirrumManres of the Dodgers. I dont think Klein had an 11 point lead with In managing a ball rinb. Yor no .244 to Davis .35s. Fullis. who Marty McManus, Stanley Harmatter how good you are, you can't ris or BIB McKechnJe would lost sight points as be made in 21 attdmpta, was new n want out to and eight hits buy nothing. manage go third at .242. ' man-agi- . spirit of ftugnacuy, mcr-their mr.n ovr ell the roked by lh presence of Jack. to of th. uther Dr,t d viflon tlub Beef. It four Mai end making perBi!.eaj iwntu, vaIlljnj DmpT ond mer plac. tho osone at McCullough Arenlmes onlooker tii bhow cph. 'b'rlday mbt here aw that! Dean. who returned fo th. hill with a reetrafter bating era SU nine Giant lueeday. yielded run. belore-h- e and three bourn hit andaevoe "hy la the fifth Inning. heft the 1 U. Uih Sew lera B H. O A. B H O A 4 Baffin lb Bonn If. 114 j f John dominate J Is Shotten, Fonseca and McManus Also List. ed as Future Tree Agents 11. 3LLYWOOD, tiy few occasions be ba failed to go th route and dsfsstej Cardinals, 12 to 7, In the uerte Iteti. The vktorj, .New Yorkf third In yaTny nete, raaftiytths Giants HB League Managers Slated Shortly of Losing Major Carnet Ahead of Cubt -The Runnert-U- p Derin Loses Rough Grappling Bout On Foul BOXERS LAV TJITH FANS PACK' ARENA TO 17ATGH I Dempsey. Jacks mother; his fiancee. Miss Hannah Williams, the Broadway singer, and his gi'ler, Elsie, as they viewed the show. BELOW, jeft. is Baer, the cleer and colorful title contender in action against Billy Murdock of Chicago. Dempsey is the referee. 4 I Uthe as a panther, tail, yst 1 Si (ClHipbtl o f dy of build, with legs Uk a sprint- 1 Vlon p 94 rhotonp er. slim waist and broad shoulders. )iHMrck p Max looks every inch a champion. 1 1 I Hia muscles npplw lth rhythmic iesabsw.P grace under hi tan akin and he woarx a amfi that la utterly conI 7 U1 Totslr 11 12 27 12 Total sBattad for Tion'op is fifth tagious Neieon tn serenth. fraB4 forfor Wsraeks Against Murdock and Sheppard. xBattrd IS eighth. W1 12S -! .... . big fellow used a dazzling left jftrosfctya poo iU9 which shot from a tremendouslyCMp Ion arm with .Urtlln .peed ndi -. wn15. , T.o ait HOLLYWOOD, July accuracy. He kept this weapon In tcocctnoVo Kotrfig F Hvrmen ;Serr Detroit SIugs Out for(INS) Gus 8onnenbFrg. h face, of his agitated nw. DENVER. July 15 Flow... rspeclal) It lrrws',M sparring a Dartmouth college was Colorado against California toBoston merly Over Teams. e Partner, .toon conatantly Three JfJSSTwT.aX,' tcU MunjO. Standing Victory YORK, July ,15. (CPA) JTEW headfootball star and now a day as the Colorado open tennis times bs ventured to cut loose with ing pitcher Tiasing. Over-Brown Primo Corners is Detroit sacramsnt BOSTON, July 15. (AP) tournament slatted at the Denver already h right and rowle! What lined professional wrestler, towal-- 1 " slugged It way to victory in the Portland Country club with a choice field 10 reaping tho harvest of his victory waa forbidden by physias the1 Los with f.nal of Anseie day of rs their raniA players from ail parts of the Single jMaranville over Jack Sharkev. The new On of these eomplrtaly Rfd &ux. pSDng up aa 5 to 2 score, Hollywood ... r-seat. cians to apeak of bit marital n ' ed world's . heavyweight champion ntuis- Tommy Bridges, waa holding. QeJ UCCldcl g OF prftVCI Murdock who was lifted Inches! Especially--stron- g representations was 'supposed tirjiave salted- tor th- - Sox t jMiMion from the two states gave the hjta Sonnenberg suffered a heart and atT AP The YORKJuly-4- 5 JY AP) attark-after- ri on Fox hut July 5, or win Stone and lose, r"r?FITTSBLRUH. contrihtidftvr a dual meek ' July m .P .C!tl?va Italy, grueilingsfid back of his neck. Baer Sea Francisco MararmU s Ingle In the kia. fVir his soDoarsnce Yankees clinrbetfcaqk Into a Listed among the California en losing match with Jim BrownSheppard down twlre. although puiiRabbit doSbtflH U virtual tie with tenth Inn.ng drove In Pinch Runner. double Wednesthr ed off fast the trants for were banta MonMissourian. plat Washington t Dory, ing .giant I. that fillip plenUfu coun.er in. Fridays Resutts ddft mean H at all. Referee' Gy.!m.n with 4 th. Detrott putting j day night, and is In a hospital ica, Gne Mako Jack Tidbali. Bn At Lot Anse.es: over the Primo leaves tSese shores any American league lead by Alrht.run B-- H O. A. KHZ lo ' B H O A ji triumph Ufted Ed to"ha feet anrf,,, Bo,on he teast Billie where Bartosh . ah at remain Dey, Seward. Inpaey in wiij S 3 44Jerry Mlwion our-44 44 4time soon for his contemplated n th t8 tter a moment- - repos had two weeks. ' and Don Budga ot Los Angeles. splurge in the.Dsrisjb, 4 4181 S Wsrstlrm W fir IS W vU-witWalwr.iP 2 15 j Hollywood, w. .. Mussolini. Premier and tuna koao ptrchtng attack hWJ'",'b'lrrh Meanwhile secret sixth his score Several Irrntng bride, best of Colorados H. Chtilnl end PUietts Batteries 4 5 ( 09k c. . on ,1 Ilx BwJe The fans of Atlantic City saw J Judith Allen of the films, nee players wtfre entered. defeating the Maxlew abdomen! section which B H O A RMapp lb 4 1 I f Dus yan: gheehaa and Summsra Fraaka Oil y wHh muss a' In terrible I Carnera I I Louis Browna, . Masa were 1 Other 1 Marls R H. Elliot, At entries Boston,' 4 Oakland: Jobosn 1 cf J rf outstanding Idrtrm Provoked nary wine from the rirk,lt Ml 3 1 3 4 Ferrell c. t 1 Riccard Bertazollo two years ago. j W'hlt if l' Portland ........ .08 149 Me f0.- 1 It a rmr.ky If Ray Brown of St. Louis, former naciety girl, declared the would j Jedio lb Purported victim. 1 3 3 It was thRrtf11 0 it 1 divorce Sonnenberg as soon as Oakland f1 9ed If 1b 4 0 tional clav courts champion, and which ended in the third round fh.l TrTrnYlb h 1 seventh 4 e Bowman 3 nd and Falmisaso. 2b. C t Batteries Hayw-tMuller bis condition permitted bim to Neison Mcinich. Kansas City. Tapka d nmfc.'. J 1 J Still, the promoters of the resort h !!1,Uv 3 2 1 1 Ludoipb and Raimondi. victory Bndtes.p 2 14 1 Jrtler reIf discuss dtvdrcg plans. v.a.hna. thereupon hl'nr.Jb straight ot-Ifopen junior champion In 1322. -tu 3 It jj city make such, aa attractive mr tt.. R. H E I Le. tr ... and their foqrth At iMraaeiUK p 3 1 , Miss Allen explained that she Ftps a member Lott of now punch.. George Primo'a in 41 for 1 the : 4 t t that bare mad. boxing hlaiory JarklHw.ae. l 1 J Pm :b ., t Welch p.. .61 appearance Seattle '.I In row over the and Sonnenberg both were mors the United Stateg Davl cup team. 9 Sacraments e oi.ee e allowed now he levelled Jw W !J. 1J ..Cl., a I 4 ejthe role of champion that be was 444 033 I T zWerber., 4 9 '.if Brown. Interested In their respective, won tha singles championship last . . Toledo George. Carncnti.- - Harg. e 0 . ard i l 5, unable to resist It. Batteries Hadonlts and Bradbury, Yanks sent .careers , than they ware is xtxar-- r year, and, teamed with Billy Deeg, t. i4 Hartwiy. Saunders and Woodall. Tot! at Boyle Thirty Acre.1 and Lui. Hnrri. Hr i 1 I to 13 men the u the Instead of going through won ths doubles riagg. M ninth. 1 Welch in R. 4 for Batted E H. At San Francisco: sixth io the MTiHiueo IBS WftjJOft Frkhttp ' a over -plate stumble. of 70 .motions 161 1003 Oetro.t X 40 pushing M 13 Los Ansels .....! that put Max Bchmellng out of ths Totals 34 11X4 14 Total 14 in Bottos . and gathered 3 06 OOP Carnera was paid this time 010 ., 00JI 111 .............120 gaa 44l4jbum. fisiW picture rancisco ....319 x seven hits off Summary: Error Jolley J to UTUb Haft for Hofv for performing as a behemoth of Batteries Newsom. Ballou, Hermans Jack was not onl ths dominating ht George Blaeholder tilt. Hrtd.p., lalr. Thr.-bB(j McMsllai; H.n4.rMB, Doiwlu, on display last nixhi h S? plsn,y for an personality fcaiub Fox Wr Stnlea... Stone. Fox. M1 Mcltsscs- W rau Sa?rf1cegnt, but h was also the busiest person ' RuhrTthe act, but an Irksome provision Bill n.rkpvi tenth 1. Rogeil. PouM Erors Vainn. Summary Jn th throvwr - of hia Lindw Ho was kp! busy Fnu to! the sear Bridxes to Bogel! to Dana. ItoxelJ as that he waa contract WOomer hits Marnuu AMKIUCAN r. Tnr4-.baos . eon and Lou Geh- - Gehrinsfr to DaelS, Hodspp to Wantler shaking hands with old friends, frJ.Klcompel!td to hide away during tho ' bis party which Included Won, Lost Pet THIS time bn FHSio. B5t ttaf 'display. gd besides Mia Wiillams. his mother, plsyp vuhn t York Struck to (3) Warefler to to New 28 Ferrell Wsltsra 61 .623 loaded! BPO the bases Washington loves crowds and finds immense' Viapman g Celia Dempsey and two out Bridies f. Pi parse 3. Welch L Strck ogjjFrefp V . Prsokhouss L air. were the blows. . ,B2 to New yorkT-,,.,- ,, .524 Important Chicago .. nd directing the appearance of his delight In hearing the passing Ben Chapman socked a homer In pitcher Pipirse. 40 .512 Philadelphia goes rmiixo throng emit gasps ot astonish meat ths first for th other three Yankee protege, ynu?x Baef 41 St . Lout 42. ,06 Chicago his a.ze as they point him out. runs and Carl Rejnolda hit a circuit mt Psl at Fishing" 15 Fleaty the Is OGDEN. July -But John really had something to ,4"6 has beckoned the drive for St. Louis. Halter Brown Chicago Continues Dick Theratage of chief ivapiiie, hobby 44 41t , Cirtarifl do when he refereed the wret! n ,459 .a. .39 ' f athletic, ,t Os'ieo h'gh due- - champion and he baa been signed sot credit for the victory bv Rus.4211 .433 Ronton- - , 34 47 Der? sad To Trounce' Solons Joe J Maggio. 14, outfielder for frfor an HidefB! vaudeville tn- Edwards, an equation which t Billy 49 Bt. .417 o'V.h sell Van in 32 55 Aria Cincinnati the .363 ....35 the In Lout, fine Patn His roporta this contract fishing of the Kapjl ritv. Seals hold" San Francisco the 15. Wt. LmiU WASHINGTON. AF) fw rl0' lort July of W.I..T county goud-uat- tl " . ths pubbu loses its awet FRIDAY- - JUtXTB ' BH A B H.O A.A 4 to 4 defeat by the scrappy CM- -r rifle eoast league baseball Uaro, Dempsew was kpr busy putltnx. said my limit, 4 3 CTa'kr t shattered a record that Poston 4, man who felted Bharksy for Mura 3 4 caso White Sox B iy s ffngers out of Iras mouth Kannlo twlite get 4. 8 yesterday sent. theiyeterday for Bt Louts . New York ,1 1. ' Pittsburgh, I. 13 years when he hit . 3 Sewell 1b. 4 t i and hi hands nut. of --what's left tha count with one low.he most WecUcf slumping Washington Senatou-- lntohad otood Cincinnati . . fcBldS if 0 ituth rf 3 I (. .Detroit 3 Ronton 3. Philadelphia 50th hi consecutlvs in game. f Ira's hair. Occasionally a man with in woffi the laafely is tie for virtual Jack Wce prisurprised 'HART OVtARD Clevelahd 2, Philadelphia t Combe If. 11 rf. had to get In and wreetio himaelf In 1315 Jack Neas, who waa Oak Brooklyn 5. Chloafto 3. over ths rougb-g- j mo g manager of record, gorsesi CmpUl ihrir leadership 2 Burns 11 Gehrt conis ( Tboro wera a few fouls ..New York 12, 8L Louts T. OGDEN, Jul- y- 13 Harry Hart The latter took over the job when Ouhc 3blb, Chicago, 4, Washington 0. New York Yankees represent land's flrsteJseman bit In 43 s 1 Cprra If ft riding baited . S before gittbea being Lake secutive an4 Beni;. Bh.rroA of,. t ed by only a if w precarious percentputt.ng p.n- - f t L&zri 2o 3 debt trrtno to MeiUe lb OUTLOOK FOR TODAY'S GAMES --tl la M.h other- - like Vernon. of Fromms Art ' now. for prelor .'ire. River, ffyom.n,, .will meet Jf " JT! v by he 0 age potnisr Dtekey c. " money Wrlth De ifagglo established bis record P0 I ;evrs but then the boy Rashlasta CkWags New York at Cincinnati, partly 3 Ferrel 3 miaht In the ten round motn event o? s Chicago at New York, cloudy. r Car-- , Bishdr e B H O A I BHOA. Hi the first Inning when he rapped cloudy. have be--n excited what with Demp- - boxing card mb the Ogden stadium Ber Boreal waq willing to sell his(;.ayp V ACS p. 1 Detroit at Philadelphia, cloudy, 2 2b . 3 tn Swsnvn 14 . a sharp single over second base rf out amount 1 as the he there Four supporting holdings for Myr Brown p aey referee and whstnot.jMonday night paid, sOrm. Cleveland at at Boston, cloudy. .clear. Brooklyn Pittsburgh S T 0 yosh.lf. "Buck 1 of IzCrosetu. the off FharNewsog. Hsrft. will complete the card. before $13,000 th? Flbafly In hung a couple of pitching them, jfor 4 111 0 Gol n.rf. Boston at Chicago, clear-- ' 8t Loula at Washington, clear. of the Los Angeles team. . , key fight, but It Is doubtful if ten 0 kcait ef 4 33 t : 13, Philadelphia at St. Louis, clear. Los Angeles won tbs game, 7 te . To! 92333 12Ml27 12 Ap!lnes 4 J14I4 Kubel lb.j Dempsey awarded the match to tbeRferee R. Verne JfuHotfgh act - tinies that much w6uld Interest PI Tnllil Lo Jis IL looked for a white a'cd waly Kanevn, tho match and I1 Boktnas " 4 I the present time Vu 003 li though Ira were going to take the vtory to bharmdn 3 3 3b. 4 swarding Bluse Two- - Hyr.k Lt rr Var-4 0 10 r , c that would have as Wanning waii bleeding profuse v DLI1 h h'l Ck Burn Gt- - JJ41 C:s aatrealJackstoryandabout A1 Ncwtiistt. home from the vrwt- - I nUilCS unUt VUt two osder p r h t Ghr g Home Nw, Miller 9 There tf buddies, the bear and the- wrwstlor ling wars after on User.... Irw key. Stolen TnjTin Cincinnati Reds tw ttm.Ula atiucft oul Van Alia who plaved together the Fpd. defeated pat Flanagan, the zxHarrls, sacriBostonian in 1J minutes with a flyaehohter ficing fhefy great friendship Bnu J Wtnn'ng pitchAP OVriXNATL July 15. M 1 a i n'ni . Tout. er Brown.- - Losing pitcher Biaehoidsr. alter of showmanship No that 5u ima ing mare. Newman greatly Holding the LmcinnaJJ Red hltiees, j Betted for fth, eontdn't be. Dem won fimt fall wb proved wrestler. the! until Adams ft ex scratched in 0th. J Masoali Batted for ? is D t A body press In 13 minutes and EdBill Longsott, local heavyweight sixth, the Jhilhes won aingls MO m 010 4 fhicsfo Homer yeaierdaFs.Dinff Miller wards took the second In evn and Walter Logan ofM&mt two 44 000 000 o 4 to 0. and with It the sev- Washingtoa minutes with tackle ftndfmod young gentlemen from tbs gas game. batted1 . la flying Subdues Dykes. Hayes 3. er.th Cleveland Runs f the bodv hold in ft riotous draw. tengneplace prise 3 Dykes jndulred jhoj5. vs Tvebtsr sertes. In and out because there is no gear Think of car without a gew shift TJae Hv Fhrman-J- n Kress, Basse on balls Miller l.nCrowdcr V'innfng Itelbrt Kunkel subdued Arfhflr FHILADEfcfUIA, July 15 (AF) Ctartaafttl 1 Fbitadriphia mseh ended ahrupMr when vnnin Hedin in 17 minutes with a flying w H, O A iBing Miller a hm B H OA rm two on L Btrock out Msiier t, Crowder I. ith fever! of downtown Think shift lever to scumble over! . . . All 3 3dAdm.3b suffered a severs cut under h's eye mare. 3 I S 3 base in the driving ffuSHrrf r Inning gave, the 3 1 f rfmrtri J f? 2 vcory over the Momv2h 3 A 3 4 Athtetics a eighth traffic ever without these revolutionary advantages and in 1 1 i,? t Ind'sn. bothering Th. heavy .l.o 1 iRhimchir the Mmkfhen th. crie Fhr. a? j Botmljf.th tf uorf out without Umta I shift to your, tiring I many morein th .new REQ FLAY GOLF gears e 4krf-nrV,el.n PhlUOHplil 0 u arrr 7h. 4 1 4 4 Hemvty , 3 S think of And .BHOAl See h try h in the new 0 TBtSm.2b loot on 0 M La o.l lb 1 1 the BHOA 4 clutch 4 r pedall Sltlwst V alting s Porter rf 4 4 4 4 R'lbop 2k 4 t 3 Khem p . 4 - 4 Bluece.ss i SstoHar gwwday r Holidays 2 11 4 lb 4 114 f 4 Bu 1 f'cLuctu ... I A Mmk p . of ease the and . the extra room CALL HI LAUD 333 getting ReoeRoyafe or Reo Flying Cloud I 3 4 Awrm.ef 1114 Cochraa Carnera Goes Yankees Practically Over Good On Tied Yith Senators i , Stage Tour S t L. Gus Sonnenberg PACIFI rttlEAGU Chapman Performs Heroics Club - Colorado Tennis Not Allowed to Talk of Divorce Tourney Opens . j r. ' v I aotntrt ri r Bt-t-r- 1 f o- .31 sf? jj er Fpeiy-n.p- Colo-aro- ,2 L. 1 k 34 tf h. rtn i 1 H- Major League Baseball Nummary Two-haa- pj hlU-Bri- dgss Y Tvo-tKi- " 4 I : De Maggio Sets New Bat Record In Coast League HMawr-Wsrstls- Loe-i&- rs raffle ......42 .u.,4L4t. .... . , ' C 1 t 1 4-- il aw, e fill - 2.-- NO GEAR SHIFT LEVER 1 1 g , ' rv V & s-- SELF-8H1TTE- I UilKWilllL Mnios.e fRissy.S jFrsy.p ... 01 2Z Roetgfcf !3toat,p 143 'll &lkdad VuuU The Finest 3 19!2rP i. - vv V4 FIrst-Orad- V e Gallca 1 4 Cnir-.r.c- 41 1'PFoxslb...3131 14 rf .131 l.erf till roams H's.oalb Vonnfk If Hal4.2b Kmram.lb M 3 4 KncbMMl 14, oCl,.t,.r 1 4 Pwt,.1.p- - 1 Prtlsk-e- . 4 a. Ph Uiriphi u t'n )??.' 4 1 4 4 11 nriimo. I 1 01,.p If FSTiWYSfy" jfcrror k t A Icy, Btuese, Stovt. Tw-b- s Moore K.eut. Adatr Pb Stoics .! BarteSU Itoub., lunm')' Bariiice h(t to Warner to Hurt. bote- - tv tf re O Varner to BvrlII to Hurst. Struck Doj I nvtmimc ptUhor A I srbockrv to Boss B snop .Moors 3t Mt-fin- iU ttixsF A OUvsr d pitobsr p!y.0rto!l Fry Hnt ussf . 3 4 1 3 9 4 1 I 2. 1 1, I J , iuf A ad lac inmliftt uric FOREST 4 4 4 1142 DALE GOLFCLUB mmIwoimo aay ftrlal Sat to fog aft 7t rstra vkarge-- RRmU?mf MADE OM: V. a;a ay ts Foxx. Struck k HAY Yt- BB K IY Brower-Towl- er 120 East Sth Sooth Motor Co. Wasatch. 2702 , |