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Show Friday, June 4th, THE 1926. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, PAGE FIVE cardinal bonzano LOCAL NEWS C. E. Iiigler came down from Salt Lake City Monday to upend the day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. LJurgesa and son of Salt Lake City, spent the week end at the home of J. R. Black. 1 'jet H. Belliston, manager of the Juab Mill & Elevator Co., was in Salt Lake City Wednesday on business for hU company. A. a little generally ends in losing in banking a little generally ends in having a lot. entertainment on the set where motion pictures are made, are often almost as interesting as the picture itself. When univerasl was producing "Chip of the Flying U," at Universal City with Hoot Gibson in the starring role, entertainment was provided both by Gibson's stringed orchestra, which always plays on the set when he is working, and by an amateur quartette organized by the members of the troupe. The quartette made up in enthusiasm what it lack ed in melody, Gibson sang a lusty lead. Mark Hamilton, tall, slender character actor, reached skyward for tenor. Harry Todd, a barber-sho- p another character actor contributed a somewhat throaty bass,' and "Pee Wee" Holmes, star of Universale two-rewestern comedies, who plays a role in Gibson's picture, contribut ed a baritone which made up in vol ume what it lacked in shadings of harmony. The repertoire ranged from Sweetheart" to My Little Gypsy Sweet and Low." "Chip of the Fly ing U, comes to tne Venice louigui. it" isaTh T The Good Morning Alarm f wdmmmmqm A great little alarm clock that rings on time, runs Ion time, stays on time, 'it's compact, neat, sizable easy to set and easy to wind. Cardinal Bonzano, formerly apostolic delegate to the United States, has been appointed the personal representative of Pope Pius XI to the Eu- charistic congress to be held in Chi cago In June. CLASSED Its dial Is clear, open, pleasing to read; its call snappy, cheerful, pleasing to hear. It's guaranteed to get you up in time and to do it without a miss. ADS - STYLE. 100 RAY FUSION. 95 PER-CEN- T DIFPER-CEN- T LIGHT. NO HIGHER IN 12c Hose- -M. W, Mang . Half-siz- e violin IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU FOR SALE CHEAP Good second hand refrigerator X. L. Bakery. Horns GET THE NEW Genuine I. H. C. parts for all kind of farm machinery J. M. Brough Phone 272. FOR SALE Donald Ellison. Healf Chandelier SURFACE. each. Guaranteed Garden per foot. Good quality elson. Buy Lamps For Your PRICE. EASY TO CLEAN. SMOOTH Cake Sale Saturday, June 5th, at the Nephi Drug Cakes 35c to 50c el LET US DO YOUE 1 J m Off-sta- NEPHI NATIONAL BA NATIONAL MAZDA When You Hoot Gibson At Venice Tonight a lot; while i I Mrs. Spencer Miller of Herrlman, Utah, came 'down to Nephl Saturday and enjoyed a short visit with rela tives and friends in this city. GAMBLING n Four to six week old cockerels fo sale. 10c each. J. Walter Paxman l::.'zr Ecasis That I'eopie me always IiiIKmi:. of tlir Yet In enses of beasts and birds. tinct often pits. Vmi would eeriuii) ly think that instinct would warn an animal against poison. Yet many horses and cattle are killed by eating yew, saffron, and other plants, while in America the is even more harmful. London Mail. Camping Time is Here Colman Lanterns and Lamps are here M. W IN CARE OF COtVAi-ESCEN- T SUMMER Mangelson. Dr. J. E. Harrison will be at the For those who are Just recorerlvi; Nephi Drug, Monday and Tuesday from a serious !llnss the problem oi June 7th and 8th. food Is a serious one. The patient though well on the road to recovery Plenty of New Potatoes and Stra,w Is usually weakened by the rigois oi berries Special Sale every Wednes disease and the excessive heat is won day from 10 to 11 a. m. Sanitary to sap hi energy- - Hence, the food? Fruit Stand. 8th North and Main. We have just installed new that are consumed during this period should be considered carefully as to Let us make your old car look like Acetylene Welding equipment and digestibility, food value, ease of us new with genuine Dupont Duco simllation, purity and sterility. Thes Grace Motor Co. are now able to handle any welding are important In any food but espe so when the consumer Is noi FOR SALE 5 acres alfalfa land daily is neded. job that strong and healthy. with water. Close in. Easy term In most cases, the one who Is con James D. Pexton. valesclng consumes milk in lai quantities. This food contains all of We buy cream, eggs and poultry We also do auto repairing, battery .the elements that are essential to tin also veal and hogs. Nelson-Rick- s body. If milk Is pure and germless. Creamery Co., Phone 7. charging and repairing. it Is easily digested and assimilated. Where the milk supply Is uncertain Let us refinish your car with or the quality not of the best, evap Genuine Dupont Duco Grace Motor All work is absolutely guaranteed. orated milk should be employed. It i: Co. sterile; It is Just pure milk with about sixty per cent of the water removed We have a complete stock of Ford Its double richness may be modified parte and accessories M. W. If desired, by the addition of water or It may be used Just as It Is, where rich, creamy dishes tire desired. We buy eggs, veal, hogs, poultry Many people make the mistake ot and cream. G. W. Lunt and Sons. confusing evaporated milk with con nnt at nil Him! ripnseri milk Thov We can save you time with our Iar In appearance, composition or in refinishing taste. They cannot be used for the your car. Itequipment only requires three days n same purposes: condensed lnllk is to turn your job out complete with Precocious Student Davia Camel Promoter combination of sugar and milk; evap genuine Dupont Duco Grace Motor President afterward William Wotton. an English clergyJefferson Puvls, orated milk has no added sugar, being Co. of the Confederate Stolen of America, man, who died In 177, was admitted pure milk of double-ric- h quality and was the chief promoter of the scheme to Cambridge when only ten years old. food value. FOR SALE Building lot on 163 tried out lu the early fifties to utilize When he was graduated with A. H Following are recipes of easily pre East, 3rd South, lnquire Mrs. M. T. on the had he burden of of In 1679, nt the ape thirteen, camel as beasts pared dishes and foods that are well Jennings. mastered 12 languages. rid plains of the Houtbwest suited for the Invalid and the con valescent WANTED Pork, Veal aud Poul Cy's Market, Phone 7. try Cream. He Pcrtervcred Loganberry Battle But Latt of Liberty' cup loganberry Heard the story of the man who eup evaporated The bsttle of Kutaw Springs. S. C PROFESSIONAL & PRACITICAL milk juice showed up at ls golf rlub on Sun la called by some the last real batlemon Julee NURSE MRS. LOR ETTA FOOTE I water It cup tbsp. toss-ua was It said It whether nnd Revolution tle of the American day Plncb salt PHONE 276. be should go to church or out to the was fought September 8, 1781, over In Mason a fruit Put all Ingredients York-towlinks? He had to flip the coin 1,1 month before the surrender of ir and shake thoroughly. Chill and Plenty of Fresh Strawberries at time. Seattle Times. serve In trlaases filled 14 full of lc by Cornwall!. R. T. Beagley's. Rmpberrjr, - blackberry, and chips. cherry juice may be used Instead of the loganberry. Get your orders in early for parts needed on your harvester thresher Iced Cocoa. If you don't get the order In early S tip. cocoa you may be unable to procure the S tap. sugar milk diluted with necessary parts. Genuine I. H. C cup water H cup water Pinch salt parts J. M. Brough. Phone 272. H cap evaporated tap. vanilla Mix cocoa and ancar thoroughly anil Dr. J. E. Harrison will be at the Wearing a shirt for three or four add the 14 cup water and boll jver a Nephi Drug, .Monday and Tuesday. Scald the low flame for IS minutes. days simply isn't done. Wearing diluted milk and add cocoa nyrup and June 7th and 8th. one for months without cleaning alt. Continue cooking- for IS minutes Add vanilla. Chill In double boiler. ICE FOD SALE at Hert Oreen- is unthinkable. . and serve wltb chipped Ice. Top wltb halgh's. whipped cream. loco-wee- Wonderful, H or$e given by Charlemagne to the four sons of Aymon, was a won dcrful horse, according to old legends He could lengthen himself to carry He supfour masters comfortably. posedly still 'ves In Ardennes forest Ruyard. d The Answer You can I tlme a sp:iister for be-ing particular; if vbe hadn't been particular she vouldn be one. Birmingham Press. Forr.JresB of Shaker "Mother Ann" l.ee. foundress of the American Society of Shakers, was entirely unednrafed. She was the daughter of a blacksliilth. and. worked as a cook and factory hand. She founded the Shakers In 177 . Bryan Garage in 7 n We're giving thorough service to men who like to know their clothes are clean. oncc-a-wee- k We can do a lot more, too. Phone 280 for the little blue wagon Carter Cleanlnf & Tailoring Co. ft WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH SCREEN WIRE, WINDOW SCREENS AND SCREEN DOORS PROTECT YOUR HEALTH - to a shirt cuff. r i IF YOUR SUIT WERE A SHIRT But doesn't a suit pick up as much dirt ? You know what one day does Here fern XTr )tw p k jm Is Fly-Tim- e For Sale. In good Mrs. Will J. Allen. Phone I3ABY HUOOY Manner and Knowledge Manners must adorn knowledge and smooth Its way through the world Like h great rough diamond. It may do very well In a rloset by way of curiosity, and also for Its Intrinsic valuv; but It will never be worn, nor hliie. If It Is not nollsltd Comparatively New silk, or rayon, dates hack to the original t'liardonnet patent 1b 1SS4, but lt commercial ntilir.Htlon has taken place within the last quarter Artificial condition. 91J2. Another big shipment of Silk Crepe and Rayon Dresses No two alike Just received at the Nephl Merc. Co. , Special for Saturday 5c EACH GLASS TUMBLERS . Remember Your farm machinery cannot run without being kept In repairs. We have the parts for all kinds of farm machinery. M. W. Cake Sale Saturday. June 5th. at the Nephl Drug Cakes 35c to 50c each. Kendall Bros. Nephi Ulal. li |