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Show THE PAGE SIX J Quality Meets Low Cost Goodyear Dependable TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, LOCAL HAPPENINGS j PATHFINDERS For the man who wants really good tires at the lowest possible price wc strongly recommend these big, sturdy Pathfinders, built by Goodyear. Ernest Garrett of American Fork, Utah, were Nephi visitors on Memorial Day. visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Mr. and Pitt, a former resident of this Salt Lake epent a few days this week in Nephi, visiting with relatives and friends. M. ! Low Prices on Pathfinder Cords Clin. .$10.25 3 y2 32x4 32x4, 33 x 5 30 x . S. S. S. ... .$20.45 S. S $33.60 S.'.:.. $25.25 Special A. W. Cord Zy2 (oversized) . .$10.50 GRACE MOTOR CO. in i Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baldwin of Salt Lake City, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Chrlsti-so- n Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd and family spent Memorial Day In Tooele, Utah, the gueBts of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Huntington. I" - mwaJ DR. E. MANSFIELD. Pitt and daughters Norma i sfawiniiiiWi. Mniiiiiw. Chiropractor "THE DRUGLESS ROAD TO HEALTH" and Enid of Salt Lake City, spent Mrs. Decoration Day in this city. Pitt and daughters have spent the past winter in Los Angeles, UTAH fry.' e" Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Winn spent the week end in Logan, Utah, visiting their son, Sheldon Winn, who is attending the Utah Agricultural Mrs. Ed. NEPHI, Thousands are finding full restoration to health in Chiropractic Adjustments. Should you consult the Chiropractor, you might be equally successful. SCIENCE IS ALWAYS ON THE MOVE. Don't dismiss the science of Chiropractic with a passing thought. Investigate its merits. Let it be made known to your nearest Chiropractor that you want full information, and same will be given ; consultation costs you nothing. A few Adjustments will convince you that Chiropractic will correct the CAUSE of "dis-easand put you in possession of good health conditions. If you are afflicted in any way look up the Chiropractor. Miss city, who is now living in 30 x i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright were Nephi visitors Sunday and Monday. Ethel Wright of Salt Lake City spent Memorial Day in this city, Friday, June 7th, 1926 Office Over Nephi National Bank Phone 282 Nephi, Utah Office Hours, 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7 to 9. Visits to the home made by appointments uu 1 U. A. G. SCHOOL STARTS AMERICAN YOUTH ON F 14TH Millinery for dress wear THESE NEW HATS EXHIBIT JUST THE STYLE FEATURES YOU MOST DESIRE FOR SOCIAL SUMMER FUNCTION WEAR. McCUNE MILLINERY ROLLER SKATE AT ARLINGTON HALL EVERY DAY SPECIAL OPEN 2 to 5 CHILDREN'S SATURDAY 8 to 11 p. m. MATINEE . Free Inslrudions to Beginners Dancers Matson-Tipto- n FEATURING: MIRANDA MATSON HATTIE TIPTON MELBA MARKER ARMAND CARR ONE OF THE FEW ; GOOD ATTRACTIONS ; TOURING THE WEST DURING THE SUMMER ; GOOD MUSIC "XfS ?.TSf StmnmSF1 FCL?at?c: 1 PERFECT RYTHMS j DivertUemenU Musical Visualizations Musical Comedy ( Spanish and Oriental Step Dancing Eight Solo & Ensemble Dancers in Vivid & Colorful DANCE CONCERT TABERNACLE MONDAY, JUNE 7th Auspices Recreational Committee ... . Nephi, Utah The long promised announcement of an regarding the appointment authority in primary education to the faculty of the Utah Agricultural College National Summer School is ready. It has proved to be well worth waiting for. Mrs. Lois C. Mossman of Teachers College, Columbia Univresity, assist ed by Miss Rose Jones, also of Teachers College, will offer this important work. Mrs. Mossman was selected by the college from a group of five national authorities in primary education recommended by Professor Kilpatrick of Columbia. Professor Kilpatrick characterized Mrs. Mossman as one of the outstanding teachers at Col umbia and as one particularly well trained elementary education. At the strong suggestion of the authorities of Teachers College, Miss Rose Jones was secured to assist In sii Two and one-ha- NOTICE are employed In ' China for tea leaves. In Nanking they scenting are also generously nsed by bakers for giving aroma to cakes and pastry. STATE ENGINEER'S OFFICE, Brewers produce a liquor ; a candy made of sugar and rose Salt Lake City, Utah, May 15, 1926. Notice is hereby given that the Mt. leaves is a popular confection. DurNebo Salt Co. a Corporation, whose ing the flowering season, vast nun post office address is Nephi, Utah, ers of the petals are preserved. has made application in accordance with the requirements of the ComNOTICE piled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by the Session Laws of Utah, 1919 and 1925 to appropriate 8 c. f. s. of IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST- water from Bradley's Canyon stream RICT COURT IN AND FOR JUAB in Juab County, Utah. Said water is to diverted at a point which bears COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. The S. be 77 feet and E. 1159 ft. from the State of Utah on the relation of W14 Cor. of Sec. T. 13 S., R. 2 E., Harry A. Crane, Plaintiff, versus S. L. B. M. and 5, conveyed by means Maryland Casualty Company, a cor- of a small iron flume a distance of poration, Jacob C. Hawley, O. A. 312 feet and there used from Jan. 1 I. N. Hinckley, and Anderson, and Dec 31, incl. of each year for proto Phil Peay, Defendants. Notice is ducing power for electric lighting hereby given, that any person having and propelling machinery for the or labor in materials the supplied and refining of Salt construction of the State Highway be- manufacturing tween Chicken Creek Dam and Mil- at Nebo Junction, Utah. After having relard County Line, under Federal Aid been sotoused the water will be stream at the the turned natural No. 17 B. and Project being unpaid of confluence with Salt Creek therefor, may intervene in this action point on or before June 21st, X926. BY OR- which is N. 284 ft. and E. 1159 ft. from the WV Cor. of Sec. 5, T. 13 DER OF COURT. S., R. 2 E, S. L. B. M. P. N. ANDERSON, This application is designated in Attorney 1 r Plaintiff the State Engineer's Office as File Date nf first publication May 21 1928 Date of last publication June 4 1926 No. 9905. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit In NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION duplicate, accompanied with a fee of Department of the Interior, U. S. $1.00, and filed in this office withLand Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, in thirty (30) days after the comMay 24, 1926. pletion of the publication of this NOTICE is hereby given that notice. Jacobson of Fountain Oreen, GEO. M. BACON, Utah, widow of Wilford Jacobson, State Engineer. deceased, who, on June 22, 1921, Date of first publication May 21, 1926 stock-raising mado homestead entry, Date of completion of publication No. 019591, for Lots 4. 5, 6, Sec. 11; June 18. 1926. rose-scente- d rJ t3rS-'j- t"V r Elizabeth ("Betty") Clark, 13. of Cedars, Delaware, Is. one of that state's girl candidates for the American Youth Award, established by the Indirectors of the ternational Exposition, to be held at Philadelphia from June 1 to December 1 in observance of 150 years of American Independence. If "Betty" is finally chosen to represent Delaware she will be given a week's trip to the Exposition and to Washington and the White House, where she will receive a medal from the hands of President Sesqul-Centennl- IN CAKE lf Ar-vil- la l(T lf credits Other courses to be offered of are: apecial interest to teachers Educational Mental Phychology, Tests. Methods of Teaching Nature Study. Methods of Teaching Secondary School Science, Principles and Methods of Physical Education, Club Organization and Manugement, Introductory Psychology, Principles of Education. Utah State Course of Study, Methods of Teaching Elementary Subjects, Educational Art for Grade Schools. Psycology of Adolescence, Science of Education, Method" of Teaching HomP Economics, Methods of Teaching Agriculture, School and Administration. Organization Health Education, Instructor Train-In- s for Mechanic Arts Teachers, Public School Music for Teachers, Methods of Coaching. Over two hundred coumes in forty department will be offered. It is possible to meet all requirements for certification in Utah and other western states by attending the National Summer School and to meet tb.4 Sew Utah requirements in coaching and rephysical education. Residence quirements for the rarralaureat! and master degrees may be satisfied by summer study. Exceptional op portunltles for recreation will be offered. The National Summer School opens on Monday, June 14th. Saturday, June 12th, has been made the opening registration day. m Roaet in China m studied. First term. NW54 ; WVz NE Section 14, Township 14 S., Range 2 E., S. L. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land aboVe "described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Manti, Utah, on the 6th day of July, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: Hy-ruJacobson, Henry Christensen, Peter Jacobson, and Lewis Jacobson, all of Fountain Green, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. Roses Mrs. Mossman. In recommending Miss Jones, Professor Patty Hill of Columbia described her work as outstanding at Teachers College and declared that she was one of the best prepared authorities in the field of elementary education to be found in the entire country. liss Jones is trained in the nursery school, the Coolidge. kindergarten and the elementary grades. HISTORY Mrs. Mobsman and Miss Jones will cooperate in offering the two following courses at the 1926 National Summer School: Principles of Education for Primary Teachers The latest results in the science of educating young children as they have been experimentally worked out at Columbia and elsewhere. First term. Two and credits. Methods Applied to the Teaching of Younger Children Consideration will be given to the tendencies and capacities of young children. From this standpoint school room activities, subject matter, daily programs jj j('n-i.and school-rooequipment will be on-ha- N,i NW!4 ; SE Ostrich aa Food The flesh of the ostrich Is use for food to a limited exteat In tit sections of the world where the on trich Is bred. It Is used fairly fre quently by the Arabs, who regard li as most wholesome and palatable. Thf value of the fetitWrs. Inwerer, it Improbable tlmt the of tbf ostrich will ever be us.-i- l o a.iy in Idernble extent r tel??TRT-til ft "America's Greater T Summer Faculty iv lit This replica of historic Independence Hall In Philadelphia Is a fine example of the baker's art. It was made by the chef of one of Philadelphia's l leading hotels to advertise the International Exposition, which will open in that city June 1 and run to December 1 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of American InThe "State House" dependence. stands on a table at the entrance to tb main dining room of the hotel Sesqul-Centennla- Hence the Name (;tilri--"Tb- lM 'Lovers' (astounded) spot Is known Fair Vlxltot Sm li hii old .liif-eHow In the world did yon (litne to give It such romantic mime?" Kuide P,ecHUe you enn't lt here five minute before a 'Hterlll,ir d.nj down your hKk." Loudon Tit LIU. "w'lmt . So hint the National Summer Hrhuol faculty been described. Include such famous names an: Terman, psychology, Stanford U.; Ross, sociology, U. n.' Wisconsin; McCollum, biochemistry, Johns Hopkln; McLaughlin, history, U. of Chicago; Needham, biology, Cornell; McCurdy, physical education, editor Physical Education Review; E. Laurence Palmer, nature study and rural education, Cornell; Mrs. E. Laurence Palmer, nature study and rural education, Cornell; Smith, scouting and recreation, Columbia; Wldtsoe, Irrigation and agricultural economics, Salt Lake City; Hinman, dancing and pageantry, Chicago; Mrs. Mossman, primary and elementary methods, Columbia; Jones, primary and elementary methods. Columbia; Mllllkan, director Norman Bridge Laboratory of Physics. Pasadena; Griggs, author and lecturer, New York; Bryan, president. Ohio Unlveristy; Mathews, dean of Divinity School, U. of Chicago. KpPclnI emphaxlfl will bo placed on courses In education and method a teaching, including method In the primary and elementary grade. A fat uity of one hundred will offer standardized credit rouaeM of unler-gra"uHand graduate rank In forty department. Opportunities for recreation unexcelled. Climate cool and Special trips arranged to points of interest, inInvigorating. ognn Canyon, Yellov.-ntone- , cluding Bryre Canyon, Cedar Breaks, Zion Canyon, Saltalr, Kaibab Forest and the Grand Canyon. First term, June I 4 July 23. Registration, June 12. Hecond tem, July 2fl Augunt 27. te Tuition, $25 for either or tnth terms. Send for Catalogue. Address: National Summer School Utah Agricultural College LOGAN |