Show r t Another Veteran Gone f FAIIUUJ Utah County LTtah January 1S90 Correspondence 1 of the DEStBET XBTIV sJ James J Pjrk died at his residence In Fairfield 1 l Fair-field December TOth 1SS9 after a i 100 and painful illness of rbcuma hism hismThe t The des was born on Decem beriUt 1521 in Use town of Cam buslang near Glasgow Scotland > Ie joined the Mormon Stnd asia lu the winter of lt < l went to sauvoo the following summer and was sent on a minion to Canada tw = was with baintsduring the j exodus from ond shared in I the trials and persecutions which tons they endured He wasa member of I Jthe Mormon battalion tht orn bton Afterhis I I discharge from the government ser l iice he remained fur a short time in California and arrived la the city of the Sot Jnthe year 184S On the 15th of September 1852 the deceased de-ceased went on D mission to the l British Isles and was absent from I tome 1 little over five jearspreach I ing the gospel In England Scotland I sod Wales jeturned home during dur-ing the October conference of 1857 For over twentiflvisyears the de I ceased bad been afllictud with rheumatism rheu-matism and during thelatterpartof hU life hu had been totAlly helpless Brother Park was a man who took great pleasure In labor hag in the great Xatler Iay JJork Throughout extreme af 1 J mction his faith was never once I len Cot ho had an abiding te ti y concerning i the truth of the WOrk in which he was engaged Hoe 1 ° Ho-e thlle iith tbe fullassu etlL g and glorious nur i tThe Cunerl rlr wer held Tn I I t Fairfield meeting 10u on Jan 1tTsrd at p m fhe remarks by W lter were Yery approrrie t of f h j nter i S 1 < I tok ph at the cemetery ADBLW EA J |