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Show 600Oitscv.....3n6ous 600kticollanoou$ For Sal 600S-4k- Far Sato AUT UL 6' pecan Med iterra BEST PRiCES loolb tor )(mac water aquarium es healer, efc ,1150 HIL0S play labit porno, C urns 1,0671 77I .01her lig oven torry;ft, mic frame, Sears dishwasher, ruq..24" girls bike, 27044t9 couct YY.C12141740yai SA E new RIVPFIA tot mod S", StQ 7Y CA, ett S25. With couch. shark yd.57I-7355- . S. buy Good househoid Hetet-CARPORT SALE 5128 Gurene fr nego E.L Sat. rkrg, Sun. 13M, Xmas tree. ion at ehsc. GENUINE Persian rugs, tor sale at wholesale price. Prices $225 to Genuine buyers onlv. $1,603. motor, lads clothes, sot 12, hooks. McGregor poll set, complete. Crutches, table lamp and misc.el Otter sas r St rRAKI-SCA"Madeira" Stem ware Brown, 24 PC- - set, used twice RMail, $120. Sell 103. Call eves. WOODEN to ride, Ele'Minim horses. Chess PnOnK NOM. boards, trucks Sturett. Buy nOW for Christmas. 96114,97S. GARAGE SALE: Tim, fishing tackle, tools, clothes size ladies, oat office desk. mix 8547 I reasure Mountain Dr. IC SALE GARAGE Nov. 12. 2 families. Many small itrrn. 5854 Fontaine Bleu Dr i 100 Est). BEAUTIFUL wedding dress and veil, Small. VS Or best otter, 33 inch SPaftiSti halliVng light. $20. PUPPY, $ia Call SINGER Touch & Sew. New 80,- 000 trailer furnace, Oil 3912 43512 Alum. windows. 'n suICK SK YLARK, (All 62 BUICK Electra. 20 gallons of odiril, variety of colors. new tiller. garden shredder, i4Ix141 UTILITY SHED with fruit shelves. hardval. floors, corm insulated, 6700 STORAGE SHED. 190 ft 912 ft. yr. old. Must part disassemble to move. S300 TOYS. ski clothes, eauipment. rack, children's ctothes. furniture, misc. BARBIE end Ken. The latest fashions. Rees. priced. Beautiful-I- f or made. COUNTRY Cookers. SP? 66. seasoned flour, S lb, bag 13.96, 36'25 tall GARAGE SALE: Bar stooli . eyercise equip, guitar, iewelrY, skis, boots, etc Sat 9 a.m. 3666 tf,llside Line (2r4TS F4,01 STROLLER $15, tqoh chair 16. Hartirney movie camera SSG, coffee table S15, Sears upright vacuum S25, tricycle SS. 4 DRAWER Dresser, $20. 2 cube toyboxes, $7,50 ea- - 3 sets of way draw drapery rods, lettirlottl pull, $S ed. expand CB Base Station 23 CHANNEL will SO ft Lafayette antenna- - Plus (09 It $203 or best offer, Call So. 1671907. CLECTROLIFT snow plow, complete wilts heactlOts, atom's I atlachment049S, 90432, mount antenna. one Ca Trunk-Li- t MACK, toted maple he a Der, velvet rm divider-caheedbrd by me fAatisnrinos, aft 6 vA46ys '76 EDITION World Book Set Doused new Iasi May, Paid $32S, will sett for S250, or take over mo 5214441. naimords of 602 SHORT SHAG green carnet, and oad, like new, $80 Call after SEWING month old, $23 new Will sell S12 or best otter. Call Z2419. RADIO CONTROLLED model olacses., engines, radios, parts. 292 822 BUILTIN Oven wilt cirrus unit and canoe Mod. Harvest odd color. Best offer. VERSA Tg Atli I ui, trailer, $lf,A. Stewart's, MO' S State Portatile,manu;1, Tviseevricers 5, and Min.Trane healers tor 160 r0S, eic from 93 Vol 1661. tog CABINET MANUFACTURER CABINETS IDEAL CABINETS BATHROOMS REDUCED DOSTICALLY FOR: KITCHEN STORAGE MAJOR BRAND APPLIANCES (Some Below Cost Wersoties Still Apply) REFRIGERATORS RANGES DISHWASHERS (under-counter- ) O RANGE HOODS ALL MEACHANDISE IS PREVIOUS DAMAGED YEAR'S MODELS OR SLIGHTLY ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th PCA WhotopoJ Coo( h, tornit.Jre mis c. Ws& items lAt 12x18 orange with Oad Used 6 nsys SIM (all aat 9675 DISHWASHER 700 root, rug, CMl1, t 1,K. dr vv.. elrottle, Woo.. 11,twc9 bench shobehos, 1165 hio 152s Ai b1oe Soodre yaris I710001 COnditt00, hest otter. (all Etectric tE I, LwItes S.,Ndonli Varsi,e ii, 3 Inwnt pr,res -- U,4C1 1;12 br!,na Ot A 10We tw,ote etn leg --- , s wowed LW s, ro Reing Eff Susi SA 0, ye, Ger, 1,4Ve W3V111 18 Vs TV CISOf fireplace, WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE VRONTIK1S & SON PETE S STATE 487.0614 I'0,P PPR E'. Rereaeraters & Freet,c 0.e buy, w.41 I Woo, Eastory trained servicer,en Hansen Rev tiger et ion 2010 R , 164 116' swinging arm rest, good Geld 1'33 Rejsards St reasonabie (alt LOVELY. A1.M01 NEIN 17 H P. a or compressor, 19 CIJ newly overhauled Aisn '69 EICamino white Oven ran9e Pt Drove. S.425 both. RAnirl000l (aro MO NEW FOR Christmas. 962, 272165) I beck,oread Beautiful, WI4IRLPOO1 Refrisierator, handmade. Sale I22S 420 Cu ft '76 Inonfil, like new Kw or San best otte, Must sell, One Yr vest spold, 000 MISS1064, l dAY 8 p m dl SUPPiY tom! storage, for person Sat Sun 561 0468 561,4748 Best otter Call Marke, YARD SALE Saturday, Noy l2. LIKE NEW It 14 Gilmer Dr Antiques. carpet. 2? ft Gold G E. retie; freezer I., etc S82 sole Sadll 511 5W,S MOVING SALE, Sal., pm washer end Canceled last time, more this WES1 INC,440tSF dryer. Gold coor 0 veers old lime! 9706 Raintree Or 9431517 Washer needs Minn( repair $15) 4 12x12in. box tvoe 3 bulb light fixtures, white with brass trim. USE D 7 ckur rett Kier etur Excellent condition Freerer or the bottom. Good s WANT ID wheel, cond tion $l 15 prefer lorkerbie or Shimpa. Call BF SO STATE ADAPs5S Idaho (706) antosie KELV1NATOR orld, SPANiSH NEED A trilevel double oven deluge PICTURE to hang on voor wall? range Was lam. Print, IS. Farmington sell $35,3 C,c,od oo,k1 966 1181. ONE HMC Green miscible weed GOL 0 I ti. Fr,clissaire frost free Nvef. Gas powonsi 7efrispe, perfect rnen $700 AlPd 'dined hew Call ?e0 ?OA? 0 ft pitlOw back sole, new VA, 3 15R4E-sell s2so 2., yr 04943-016MG instrument.; 2 sets r and E. Greed sets tor esperienHOiP01111 Range. dishwasher-(UndecAd.new draftsman orgod Very counterl, in cond Dbl sink white, Very ocud MANS Rolex corgi Cali 462 .6ese, gold and steel IMO, worth 177S Beautitul Call EL EC1ROLUX REPOS and vacuums. TYPEWRITER. Royal Electric: REBUILT Varioug models oertect condition, sod. tile!. Call RENSSESSE 0 ELECTROLUX VACUUMS Obi. S1S sink, TOILET, $IO Reasonable or ices. 532,S917 Deep treete, SSO Rearig tia, 3 sod girl's bike SaS 466-I- I Ba USED and new, washers. dryer air cord., microwaves-- Doge DRAPES. Valance, for 2 or 4 reg sired windows 4797 O. Mingnon Maytag, 1791 So State Dr 0100 W. 4291 S SLIARS Fridge, nearly new, under warranty, IS cu. ft., frost PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS Stainless steel COOKWARE. trii free, $300. pie walL $279 CRIB with mattress. Good cond. OIL Call before Wm. HYDRAULIC floor part 75111) lb. cao never used. $AS WOODSMAN 94.3.219s STOVE. Nzw. SERVEL gas rPfng., $175. Sears 21" chain saw. S1SO. 27241125. USED CANDY VENDING 4844661 MACHINE. BEAUTIFUL wedding dress and veil. Size 10 Call eyes, 407 i!9s, CARDBOARD Moving boxes all sizes BEODT. black sbeired beaver coat, sport leogth, 50 RED sr olotured carceong, E S 12,21 WIien's Sheepskin Coat 309 lath Ave. Call THREE 400 gallon Storage tanks. Navy Buoys. $70 each. 571,542. EXCELLENT green 9xI2 carpeting, $50, call 2659956. Yds., NEW 030181-02- and (RIB 26e other baby things. 945y I BUY BRASS BEDS KENMORE uprigett vacuum, all attach. E xcel. cowd. 2 DOUBLE BEDS S25 and 115 Call LADDER and plank rack for ss tom truck. 575 2724027. TWIN bed with spring, mattress and hea0 boarg, S60 COLLECTION of PLAYBOYS. '76 to 17 for sale SWIVEL desk and chairs. Le031 hie cabinet -4 KINSIZE MATTRESS, excel. cond.. SSO or best otter, 5 INDIAN RUGS. 20x40 in., will sell fOr appraised value WOODSMAN stove fireol lo $55 discount. 7914113. OSCILLOSCOPE, HP, 120A, like new. SI10, CROWN answer h0 $75. 6 phone Eska 013 motor S100. at wANIED-Baby sfki and mat tress. also hign chair. 46401 AUTO ramp, newsnaper log roller, 3 storm doors. Call WHEAT GRINDER Kit, partialiy assembled S50. 5712419 TANDEM Trailer. 73 ft. Single axle trece. IS ft. b21(11, REFR1G,, side Pi side, $275; avocado washer, $1. HOSPITAL bed, metal desk, single teds, BEAUTIFUL Philippine jewelry at great prices, 2 HARLEY Davidson lockets. I man, I lady. S60 each. walEMPEROR dock nut Westminster Chimes 766:S23D. YEAR old couch and love seat, goldbrown. Sacra S550. GAS LOCi. 24 inch S20. Call 2713 0116. . GARAGE SALE! Saturday mill Sunday. 3050 E. 39P) Bernina SEWING MACHINE, 030 excel. con4,484-4880- . MUST SELL, new sewing machine and typewriter. 773,1610 OF mrs me- YOUTH 7900017. do 6 too ER 193,003 BTU SPeCe heater, $165. MOVING boxes $50. Iron-ril- e VS, Toyota tires $10 ea. 777 0700 tAtiGE refridifreet ; 16" Girls bike; 6 marble shell CRIB mattress 120 hot ismer fur bedspread full bed 920 coucH creed 1,50, boxes Make offer. USED carpet wiM pad. SI per trunk, baby swing and bed. GET UNREAL PERFORMANCE with synthetic motor oil. GARAGE SALE 'rove, dothinit turn., rnisc,.,.3997 So rrpo UTILITY Trader, 13 covered pract new, BARBER and BEAT.IT Y equip. liowdm Kin sale. 2610'46 MEN'S MAGZ'S, Save S Now 514 S State SHOW BLOWER, Atlas $ lw, new corset., 5f3791 USED 170,000 BTU pas down-flo- furnace, $O, 9.1 yards plus of tISPO AVa(400 greon csrPel 2 PAIR skis, boon $25 Norge 2 Cycle winner $100 376 10K6 P FERIc' ant works prest per drone trunk $73, 266 1;35 Ise 9X12. beamed ntsc. RuGS,3 ...ertfeting olus steirway GARAGE Saki, Trucks. teoli, conveyors, bikes, rn,st.. 377 07,0 FURNITURE! used bedand brown for room mica, misc. kitchen and wall cabinets; baby chest; hand Mede used Spanish bedspreads; Holladay area drapes DINING table and chairs at ttz cost. almost replacement Genuine Ethan Allen Georgian Court Queen Ann, deep ridge cherry finish. 2 leafs. 4 chairs. Almost new priced to sell LEAVING Forced to sell quality turn. White gold Fr.Proy. bdrin. set stereo 010110, sofa, beds etc. ALL 14, MUST GO, See Fri. 251 So. 7th East tS. 9 00, MAPLEWOOD bdrm. set: bad, chest of drawers. night Stand, box springs, mattress, 30x43 inch bevel edge mirror, all tor 1145. Metal bed and Wings $25. Maghavc,x radio onono 100 MOVINGMust sacrifice 2 beautiful sofas, like new. WO. Twin size bed. yellow headboard, tsox swings, mattress, like new. Dbl. box SPrinStS and mattress. Misc. items. Sat. 9 to 5, 535 5111 Ave. SPANISH Front rm cornet' 14,0043 with table. Ovel and chrome formica table with ierif and chairs. Counter top elec. range Irg window air cord. 8' SOFA, Liscent Oxiternp. shaped, avacado green, gold arrd white swirl, textured nylon, like new, 7771 new, sell $39S 7 Piece breakfast set, SSD Eves FRENCH Provincial, Magnavox TV needs repair, Stereo,TV. beaut cond., $12S. Antique white vanity with velvet revered bench, good cond $.75. 27774a6, STUDENT desk, 125; wood cook stove, otter, metal of fice desk, 725; French Provincial vanity, SJIL, chaise lounge, $7; Porch glider, 713, EARLY AMPt iCan: akKil. $125; cabinet, $250; Chair lamp table, 145; modern elect. range, So5. See and you'll buy it. USED WHIRLPOOL dishwasher cooperIone, 2 wed. 6 cvde, used less than I yr $115 Sandy WASHER and DRYER. Wanking gni needs repairs. $AO or bet' otter, 7624240. SPACE Saver Washer 'Dryer combo, Whirlpool Mod LACt490e, 3 mos old, S380 HOTPOINT whisper Clet),, Portable dishwasher, Excellent - Cond., $100. 487 3577 MODERN Maid Combo. Dishwa- sher 'oven range, Harvest Bladt. POO best otter TWO xsher weed S 4 cycle Whirplool cycl gas dryer. copper Ie Matte offer. DISHWASHER 942.4591 Westinghouse, filter clean, portable chop Ward top $103 ADMIRAL built.in oyes and sur, lace unit. Harvest 294 Excel. condition. S125. 277 7611. NATERSOFTNER, never esecL still in crate. Wilding contractor has extra, save $200. LIKE NEW 30" Continuous Cleaning Dbl Oven Gas Range, 5125 CO41 atter 5 HOTPOINT refrig., approx. 17 Cu. ft. White. Good cond. SISO or Pr. 268-- 164. DRYER Electric. Few months alci. $175 or otter. Or will trade !Or gas 295 1332. dryer. USED 15 CU. FT. CHEST FREEZER, $99. BEECH ADAMS 1816 SO. STATE ASTRO CHEF Microwave, paid aver $OO. will sell tor 1,450 Or Om For Oter. MOVING-musell G E. electric washer and dryer, used I MOS, WOO 2 units with radio amplifier tor Excelient speakers. Books and listening pleasure. BOOKSHE LVES, AM 'FM LAKE New Hotpoint 16 ro It 'Ong, Etre 15 Cu ls chest freezer SI20 Call 561,0719 GE Flattop ironer, new void , Catalytic heater, used lull 'Lie box wring, mattress, REFRIGERATOff-AbiTu- bulit-i- n and TOUCH Of CLass for holidays. Round, glass top dinette, w4 cast alorn.chairs, 539S, 2 Henrycson tcriching tante- $195 match-hal- l 16 t years old. Works good. Best otter. 9424249 PORTABLE coppertone Whirl-Poo- l Dtsrivmsher, form4ca too, excel. oysd,S09, DELUXE Kenmore elec. dryer Yr. oil, like newl Must sell, S2110 or otter. BOTPOINT Lads Exec. 16 lb washing machine, Avocado. Gcod cond. Sag. 907360. G.E. electric stove, dishwasher and retrtg-- , excel, condition, make Mier. JENN-AIcounter top stove, 4 IT. Old. With accessories. Remodeling. must sell, elE4 Whirlpool 30" elec. range, continuous clean oven, avocado green, $786, MAYTAG, Porlabie dishwashef copcetone color. like new cond. , Call ELECTIZsC FREEZER, USED, VERY REASONABLE.et cond., GE Refrigerator, wh,te, $110, S50. KENMORE drver, 0 E. washer $50 or test offers HorPOINT upright freezer. WO. CnrisCiit S195 sloTPOIN I Washer, and Dryer. for set. Whirlpool 3 cycle heavy duty washer, $2C1 Frigidaire Deluxe coppertorie refrig SI 76. OAK combirsatoon chest, desk, and wardrobe Maple chests and bookcese headboard. Bowling ball and case. Lamm Ofninon. Colonial bedsoreadi FLORAL print sofa, excellent cond., red velvet chair, divider dinette set 4 shelves, 72x,46, chairs with ball casters, table lamp. Call ANTIQUE white draoery rods, 20c a K. large 4 drawer walnut venieer chest $59. Gray plastic chrome kitoten fable 149.95 Cat PouNr) dining rm. lack with 5 chairs, metal desk, black naug. bat with stoois, ebony Magnavox amptii theatre, old tables. All in Sun. or eves excel cond. 1 AISLES, pedestal, trestle, dreiii Wei, collet, end, oak, hardwooc or pine. Unfinished. Ready to Finistt 333 3 So. State, &4,0 SALE Nevi rebuilt SPringS and mattress sets your 155 95. Aldon's Furniture. 1674 East 13th So. S. L. C. DUALITY Firm, rebuilt Box S120 ta GOLD KENMORE Pori. Dishwmher, like new. $I05. L Gm Stove and refrigerator, SI50 for 1501.521-942a- . E1FCWC range $45. ireirige-- ators. $30 each. 35513563. GAS RANGE, MD LIKE NEW cce spring USID GIRLS Oranoe 16" 2 wheel s,oyustk bke $10. Also, used 24 hi e Sears bike, $25. otrI mooday only, 527 1221,1210 Arrow AMFR4CA. Adult worm bicycle. Made in Be 'mum. Still in box. Retail S260. Socratic e SI 50 Cal LADIES idSPeed Chinto. Baby beet cycling access. excel. cond.. and eves. eh mon $100. ÉS Mbi-and UkCI-1-Sof Ile tourine bikes. Not 2 yrk old, arruksories. $90 es ,)9152t6. 10 speed LIKE ma Schwirev Super Sport. L quipped tor tour-NBest caber. 968 245. SAEINS 10 sod bp. 90 make oter. 66 Ittn oiler S p.m Tex days. 1 -6eiWINfr Tandem 3 sinv-new. SliS (Ake seat bane ;in --- SPEED. end mat great cord.. St 5(,, 5618272 size !Wm. stt Headboard, hand mane, Italian, wrought win. gold tee. Tripie dresier. Mens chest. YEAR OLD, Serie queen bed, maple dining tot., and chrs, it,tch , sett cotter Ibls..lamps wasnerelryer, It'eSs. KING 5. SEARS dryer. works iike new, $50 Color TV eitelina. G.E. Coorerione washer arT41dryer for sale. DR SPE E DOEEN good I 46 roiNifioss 150, ELEC1RiC PANLE 255.6195 2ssti?r, r. 3 yrs. ki TCIIFNAID cliswkas-h-e2721241 cond. oid Ertel WHi Natim Stove w6h au'o SOLID EUROPEAN VALUE, So'S 266 T:159 SCWINN Varsile reen's 10 spd !nit 25" Centur,on &Aron,. Good (and S101 382 90s! lp oie, ELECTRIC DRYER. gond CO(. le It5. Norge. 1065 N., IRS W. MN O'Keefe and Merrill ges range, make otter. 266- OW. STOVE, white, electric 3009. S. S15 Good otodition. G.E. Bronze buitai oven and Good cond. too. range tiCiUre dishyash$90 KENAN)RE er like new. Call 271 STOCK REDUCTION SALE Gas vs, St li 1 1,65 Sill SALE Like new mat Ross. S25, green and blue lama, S15, electric heater. S1L elactric fan. Si, ALL WOOD dming rm. set. re distal tagle with 6 chairs, Irg china tabtnet, 5995. lays NO 160r, eves, 111,erlds AND &airman pine bdrm set- canoov bed, armoire. 121" dresser Plus nightstaod. sual0 Call alter S. 262.9101. . 3 PIECE teem rm set. red eta vet. ottoman, coffee !able SOD- Vest otter couch New E acellent cond. 5,42 4615 PostureoPtitt ktoo sae Sk,ALY mattress with txo sof ingS wilittli ruckers, porl ti,yef, tetelboards tdOie, etc 943 r2 MOVING FURNITURE Coto 1,1, VAt 1,,,,,op 1GS 'OKI SlAte 377 'Al! (tinting End table, Si, Stetted cha,r, SIS Dresser with mirror, S35 Double bed, 1;10 L4'1p IS NICE 6 Couch, alnynt new Record cabthet, End table Re Roll-Ftc bed outer. "raw 194,2 Ramona. I have too much furniture tor sm. apt NH), new goid veivet tore sola and IOW seal, 3 !antes and liewe.. ctn. 777 arra ---must sell mlrrof s, MOVING, spl,ss, paid leaf Sects, queen, siando.'d and single roll away. BARGAthiS1 2a8 43760 AM FM EARLY AMERICAN radto stereo combo.. complete twin X. rocker and reclimr. $50 502,337s. mi Used refrigerator:v-6;condition t2S. 7954)2A. HARVEST Svid Kenmore elf( dryer. I year oid. 1150. eis 429I exc;iDeS oven GE S,OVt. wOrking weld Us, I87S598. SAVE $IDI new GE 21' reirig. Frostless enery saver, 4855701 19' OVeli weekendROwN ti ClearlictOch,Po. SP1C MAHOGANY chairs, table, 3 leaves. and uotiolstered seats. E stet cond , ilk, FOR HOMES & APIS Water Heaters, GasA,Elw Ortcos GasA,Elec cod Rags, Hocattfs & Chairs, Chests BeCK, Sosts, Malts IlSoP Desk,. (oodles, Kit Rdrm Liv Wm, $55 96. FAC1ORY 71noUtlk 75. 1 HOIPOiNT vAsiver-irveryr. oid. Like new SO. LITTON 420 Microwave oven, demo, top waft $395 2e23133 UNUSED ID" elortric. rarigr,, 1 mattress. tweed Hercuice Fman Allen chair, $49. BilJegreen plaid Ilerculon club chair witn ottoman, $aj dart pine. Hercul6n, 2 HEAVY, su4as, leive Seat, roickar, nearly new. Excel. guailty, WO or best otter. COUCH, mds3ern, newly recovered. Metal frame. hmdwond face marble end tables aliached Like new otter, 955 f Street. it:INGSize mattress oliv, exc$ 20,9269 G.F. reirigersior, while, SI SO, excel. cond., NiRLPOOL 40. Sere dryer. Vert' good cond Slag 2shaossa You Wit it Kenmore Gas dryer, GE dishwasher. $25 ea. like PORTABLE Dishwasher, new Call alter $ m. 9(13949 USED KEN590RE dishwasher. white, S140. GOefi washer. WfisRLPOOL CNOPed-$1- I MATTRESS THE 307 E. 21st So., SMALL BICY C LIES 10 53S0 292 1511. Aobl MOVing Yard OLD baby Car a Parr in Freezers REPRIGFRATORl, E xceiient Washei s, DrverS, CM or y Take trade-ins- , coed 1,C4Jnor 44t) Sim unit 79S 33V. BEAUX FU. cast iron artainer tai dinette set almost new 4 Cts4:-- 4 with velvet cusnioo seats. Round tcl,le loft white. gold antique) Co t VS, Sell tOr only USED & REPOSSED APPL -- mat,' re,tror, duratae Nercuton. mann natesohyde, welyet Aaanv anI co4or.. iks icwo Fri SO OS I, an' t oe mAIL nt i lats., Aklou'i, Furnddre 104 Easi iris So. LIKE fiRAND NS Oil Dual Auks stde tate 04,tatta bed inytatayawl, am,' man sscle missage.Incliv, clt1 Peri. cond tht Oa MS) in trtnichastt Ateltnd sw nt sa,trad. t,,Int(i btoch 5', 73 13(.0 cotn, ilr 'id? is-5,)( ID wilnut ttonng rtn Sante ) SAll0 leaves, s (halts, tstAtel Drastl laltrn set 2 ntsetSisadt, Ms motor and ciressensi ante beat h. (Nest Intal Lass,dis sots so 2 closets.. set yotis Fisyorne 1'4! $ )0 Pt6o.e w,, 'UM RUDE (ORA I sift; 1 StOn oinn hot m Stereo k15. t Ir kner cakft,Ssi5 Lamps, ortof tahr... 2 chairs. 9100 end tato., INA.An 1,r, rin set, w 4 chne hi twat chairs SISI) Hang75 ing slate labie lark). be 3 EL EGANI, Classical lixing iuorn tables; vinare commodn. hexagon. round with lothqu . like base Gorgeous COM ifniSn lin4Utitti Pesstarernent cost ovel SIM BUY an i la tinnu DINING ROOM set Heywood who no veneers. Swedish tricKli-rtkirey color, drop leaf tatz,e with 2 extra leaves extends to 94", 9 nowt chair s 54" long butte and tnirror, Excel rood 5.9.50. 2ISI 2841 GARAGE Sa4e 23" Curtis Mathis cosor I V S1SO, Electrophonic console AMEM multiplex I rack and him table SI SO. Dinette table. 2 extra laves ,SSO. Dresser with Ann mirror 570 rno'"' Sav morn Casten, St. OF DRAWER SALE. CHEST metal handles mounted On all Many sizes 4 drawers liom 5 drawers 95. Si from 5t9 95 ovetst pricel in tran Aickurs Funiitur e 1674 East 13th So. S L t PECONDTIONFO r! Ho dresser. ycNri n,tant ,land, S1SC Bel Sl le F urnoute Per! il 2.10 so yri 16) SOFA SAO.' reutseat,sterad Was, it ataa re, tp sturdy hat ()wood REPOSSESSED ft-- torirr,, it que ne,00 jg, neat $1 Plates, 1 APPLIANCES ' tot, Airmgmt c ti, p. ti,.,Inneett s -- Softener, tropefiai, tully $iteitrrie 0kAS! , near nem. S315,,262 l940, RO1 L,S Commode chatr, Eirdkes. auto vi 'or nrkt,otnold ty0 ivrn.,L.:rt se;:!. ks Dun leasnd I AA I Kku HAtR Also pptocIA, aolgjue Wu itrno 4rell Itil't .1 7 6'''' 624' t. S, Am ,Ivp-r46'7644--- ''''''61 nw tsisoed o - sots ',Awe 4it.",,, ne, , oreso h Ns' ht.1,, ,,,i,,,,. 111,ie., No.r. i?), r APLY cooteincor,lt 3 kwo Sot,' kwe,eal tit'', 4)1153 0' 40, IAPrr, S4t5 Nt v SOP 27! BLAU s41.1 blotA c ushtor,s ,4,11,1 oh, Sk9' C told I iviiNkihitee ain,..I vN, - 1N,'M '.... inoi. oH - CY !P T Ast, t,,s, t,.!4 u ntely 1,0. P9 rl .017 90129 was, table. ANT r S15 Si;e , (all mantes-old $61 Sot klit9 D,STAL retinh,hahle IL,L1F L'AVIW,8,1 ix,. Wee I Thie Best otter 969 7538 FINE ()DAILY e m.hxme,, tpq 1a,,o6 chairs, ek,oatit buffel 5415 Dev, 762 7141 LARGE. OLD Oak k,tchen Si 4) Old 0,r150,, to', Wood Ikea 262 Mkt CUSTOM Too th4 POO courh-o,trs- APt. $1,;(i, 741 tOr , zed Brown vetvet SPANISH COUCH and love se.11. new, red and tlack, WC,rtt, $1,200 Take tor P,00 2e.1 4536 TABLE and HARVEST hardrock raeoee, also htde a bed soli $82 5525 STURDY Dinette S01, pede,.tal table with teat I peclostal cria,ri . gco o coed 632 rth Ave. KINGSIZE Orthoned ic bed, with frame Excellent cond , Also, twin hoot sef wogs. Call QUEEN Waterbed. comotete with base. Baffle, heater, vibrator. $I 7$ or Otter and coffee tables. Sturdy, Suitable tor office or 54(i LAMP-table- Condo 7 PECLINER naugahyde, ROCkER-,---b;ow- almost new. S90, Beds with Spr,,An and mattresses, SID), TWIN 166 brONS tle0 F :t Walnut 7308 Excel anu road rod Bea,nitul round wal nut lathe, S150 07,64705 LIKE new 7 mice dining room set, Danish coevp., Peacan color. 8500 or best otter. 27131T311, BEAUTIFUL Couch set. coffee. arid lamp table, hanging lamp, dbl, bed st 'mattress, COUCH, chair, end tables. kitchen set, dinette arnd buffet, twin beds Misc. DECORATOR couches, chairs . 15,45 lamps, drapes. Indian Hills Dr. LOVESCAT 101.11H tAti SOFA, like new, Can 46T1k36. mattress-boKING sunrins. Good oTnd. Best ottyr 2 MATCHING Sofas. 6 dining room chairs, desk, $82404 BEAM IF t;L bar stools, chairs, statues, fire screen. 4 PIECE CONTEnsP. Bedroom Set, with mirror, Vs S2i .4Ka4. QUEEN size box springs-mattresexcel. cond., SZSTI 21414'768 GE washer and dryer, bdrrn. set. eves. sofa, freezer. MATCHING tables and other furniture. TWIN bed $IS, kitchen table T20, $,TO and TWIN Beds, corner group. Like new, Sidi with typewriter DESK, Oak Pullout tray, $7S. SOFA and chair, biack vinyl with red velvet front, VG. CHERRY47000 twin beds, $75. Recliner chair, 5100. CORNER GROUP bed set, with stereo. Must sell. VS. BEDROOM set, 5 pc., blonde, Si IS, gird cotirt, 9 drawer MODERN chest. $AS 1803 E. Gurviersen Ln. SETS twin size box spring and mattress. 28e5 Melbourne St. QUEEN SIZE Waterbed. Brand 25S- - wweir v v fr I ' rt I HT Aq!,t4,,e h rda,,K1 1,:b ,,,, -ple,,,,,t 4,, e'. r, ''''' ,:' wit i,,,, , Ar ,,,,,, C,,,r Itt, is ,NN pr stt,t,s att., Tone le 882 5264 THE ANTlaut P Secretaries 7 kw extra cldSsy. S700 go Primitives, CCOled What 241112 able s tvt Shoo 71 W MainHyrurn,U1 BOTTLE COIL ECTORSH Pvt collection Purchased Over 200 old bottles, claw toot round oak ANTIQUE table cast iron bed, and cowl antioues 51250I8 AN TIQUES, WAR leaves Excel. cond ASSORTED PORCELAIN collectors plates It G.R G. Iladrn Sale Prices. 181 5958 1919 Buick, Call days. or 6238680 atter 6p m WOOD (lin. table $15. Art deco. booth $IS. Ice Box S35167-350OAK rocker, S110, Seth INISTidS CIOCk, Strs 4851S46. carved DRESSER, ANTIQUE oak, Will take best otter. LARGE ornate table and buffet, ST25, call TOP REPO ANTIQUE DE sk $1,175. 186 7839 --THE ANTIQUE ROak DoorS-Ova- l Glass. 1661531 ANTIQUE gun, 3 very rare call 6 DINING "table, chairs, but. el, !kritiqued, librar Y table. ROLL-Todesk, solid oak, Ccurve, swivel chair $550 THE ANTIOUER 5 Oak ice poxes, F INGER carved Victorian settee UP) Wicker rcnlier $25 6 MATCHING Oa k Nomad,. thAtrs, S12e, dryer or BUY A TV Rent with option to washer & S2S, color, Stokes Bros, Also stereo syst B&W, Buy SVS.SS v BARGAIN!! - ZENITH color TV, orrsole $. $ 268 rree., hond, I Cliv v Knhitt, N ow , Welghr ..0nO is;11., t)r M piano I ,'ri SW() r t A", okr,1 . i,60 S0 V5 011 PfdlCF r) GET ONE FP.EE! t,kookE SSI, MUSK E .144 415.1 BAQ MOS ne 210 cahroor SA)4) 566 241 1110 22 auto BROWN:NG Pro It::(1.9)C, 3212 floq coma I C SMI rH 16 Ga., exce, P1 12SO SMI Jar,. 943 2A81 or 2e8 ?led USE D Story & Oar piano. ex cel corn.. $650, 950 SOIS att. S. AN ACCORDI Excelsor 120 hay-3 years od 1225 Cell 277 7'35S or t. raSF anti twvanto stot k as C.,of (..hoose SOt Et as Loo roontis oat', tho unda.d S?0 ,ntorest w, 200 pianos on from the world s and compare dor ,o0c,ey 5.,sdny oru.et. SOMME. R HAYS 1043 So. Mali, DUNC 0 organs & SALE Order Now For Cte istelas his PiPPO, PM' Set 7043 on months old, Fut, soie $1,000, 486 0313. GUI IAR 51S Casettrr 4;ayer $6 I bores $20 222 05c0 BUNDY Ev..ei CORONE1. .cond., $125 9684555 Co. 27it 4711 neee,,S2b0 pickuo-bran- d Dirnarzio Dimarzio bass piLkJpnew VS. Rotosound bass rnode set extra t:elq, Set lOng strings-SIS'Ett UniV0)( Univibe phase $n0 Bora or Glen DEATH forces saie Travis Bean Ba.t.s with deluxe caxe, Perfect $450. Gibson cond. EB3, $12S. Sunn 800 amp., $.500. Vox Westminster amp. head, S125. Gibson $2u0. amp., two 10" JBL's, new S55 '76 RIC KENBACKER Bass Guitar $295. New Arnoeq SVT bass cabinet with $ 10" sokrs. $250. Acoustic 450 175 Watt Arno head, graPhic equalizer $325. 2 Soon hash reflex cabinets $25 and US. be Sell for PIANOS & GRANGER $I 75, 277 1505, ACCORIAANA MUSIC PIANO SALE Con,u.es-Grand- s and uprights ST MARKS MUSIC CENTER WI East 1Y00 So. Guild, Yamaha. Ibanez, Tama others. Low prices, good selection. The Music Centre, 219 S. Sth E HAMMOND A 100 Organ with fuil base pedals, seat. dollies and cover. Also Leslie 910 speaker p with and covers. Best coffer. WE ist used grands and Highest prices paid. DAYNES MUSiC BUY So. Main up- 1594611 MARTIN 0018 SISS I 0p Not. tulrof arcor-ria- exteLcono $80 HAMMOND T snaot series Cost new S2,200. 582.5525 Organ RI( KENBACHER bass guitar, or best osier SELMER Canner, series 10, likel make otter..268:1140, -1 piano walnut AAussee to appreciate! $725. 571 1619 BRAND new Kawai console piano, walnut finish, S1,87S, CASSETTE TAPE dock, still like new 060. 571.5371. CONWAY uoright Piano, good tone and cep& we. 4644510. 1400 CONN ORGAN 2550292 new. . 5 brand o.m. BS.) Noy FLUTE excellent condition, $;50, IhOOD Clarinet, case, used 6 mos. Si 75. Call 3644296 WANTED ; old piano, MC, condition OK. StYll pay siOn sit ..7rwy DRUMS-DC. Tama. With case, like new S330. 'i0 BASS Guitietti accordian, BOATS AND MOTORS ( MOTOR JOHNSON New Motors HP HP 6 2 SALE Reduced To Clear Soln3, 53 HP 51,19s, 1465, 4 HP 1349, $279, 9 9 HP Sa89 CLEARANCE SA1 E Props, Ladders, Chain SAWS, tiodt Trailers, Boat Caverl. Used IS' Tri.Holl 100 HP motor and triiler SI .995 New 18 Dere V 115 lir rrit'ithr and trailer Now only 14,795. BOAT HYLAND 1790 $12S $iti'ill ORGANS 2 LISF1 Ai iRt 117ER orgcm, reed tyne, 5245 9698757. orn DRums AND CYMBALS, Plete set cheat, 2613 2618. new. like ROTH violin with case, MARTIN YAMAHA mode, tiute. student RUNDY vrs. lid Se ;;41,,, 36d olS.1 PIANO-- amaha, Wurtitzer, Baldwin SAVE UP TO 40', DWIN FACTORY DMEC I SAVE UP TO CLARK MUSIC Cottonwood ma!I SO dad Guam. Swenisx SI ,cyl, r BROWNING gave auto., &No t24S at NI: POOL TABLE $190 West ocy Ave.112111',0.).5.t..0 Prof ACCOPOtON Sorso,a SS-Lies' otter lattes, 242 Sli5s VOX aroustic bass wan cat.e .17.r. strap $95 466 5007 CLARINET t'seo, good cond., 5103, Plano and Organ wernhouse 2362 S Redwood Rd e new, POWS Nev, & K.Ohler & CaMPOOL Aore', mode' and WESSON must TH nr., 170 A,..corrlorton,a, $r(113. VI ttxts HA(;STROAA P',,A,TNU3 WV tinow ACCORDIAN, bass, toll sire, new fla,.). 1 f.l.ce,!onf rood 532 5417 - Harnrnond 63 with ,es, Mnt ,:ond le',)ocirstii DI AN. excelienr ((lc ITEM) $..(k eekt SP.", iKSO sPErl,l,tt S. quitqy Nottv,,it1( SNI 44 & aut.', wcrn, S rTLVOr ,t1,S shtl'o lif OW...AN fif(., ?I) Ina v. HASs I'vANE ,,rn VI,,iny dse!' ,ase Best 'ter 2'03 '90 2 Oxt's.AN k IMB.511. yrs 010 Sl.506 C,r SPM 12 AW-.H- ,ew. aftor 15 '1 ,72 .. 469 .0)64 S'R.50 qa 21) Cgno,,, $1S0 SIn 01004nd oues xi IC r, hod b0,7t, OW ,i,ii. ,'Sr, 69s42 V,,,, i' VF ..1,,,. s4( Pit I SE S26 nes, 14s, Y13 IRA Sno,4 kets v4i9.01 o Shod sk, s -or iSS. N3rdrca Boots 7 t OMP 9un 2 vow.. r A VoN) 11:' .,N::) . ER, '111' E BEAUTIFUL 1964 classic guitar in mint condition . excellent tone, with deiuxe Martin case. Perfect Christmas gib! 4800, Provo. B4OGAINI.! 1HOMAS Minstrel 134,0 64468. Color glow with rithm section . 19" MAGNOVOX COLOR TV double keyboard, bass pedals. PORTABLE. LIKE NEW e auto chords, head Pbone, books, $120. nevi New S200, sell $160. Like new, $1,001,7. 255 3200. bench. Yamana KORNER HORNS RUST COUCH, matching chair, receiver. Technic turntable and MICRO Mini Moog synthesize,. rnake otter. 1117 So. 3rd East uissehe dricli, must see and hear Improve your sound. Save. only BEAUTIFUL 7 tt Early Amerito aooreciate. Must soil suoer $485! Yamaha stereo P.A.. ISO . . can C3VEr5 Lice nowt Will welt. system, sacrince st,ino or sepeRon deal. MODERN dinette chairs, green, rately if interesred. good cond., $40. PIANO, 6 mos. so. Yamaha STEREO SYSTEM, excel Gond KR 2120 Console, pecan tin.. matching SPECIAL built 8 ft green coucit. 1215 Dual tumtaole, XP Kellwood bench, practice pedal. 92800 nee, Siend ord. SI OD receiver, Fiseher speakers. 1.300 Can't gel Saccrice $1795 or hest otter. DESK, dresser, antique or Provo better sound tor the money. After chairs, Picture frames, 6:30, TV BASS AMP with power to ROUND Kitawo tabie 2 leaves, 6 French Provincial spare, 400 watt head, has equalizchairs. 575. 571.6990, stereo Excellent condition. SIIS er and distortion, 2 15 in. SP888 SOFA, green and gold French or best offer. Matching cotor T.V. ers tor Powerful guaiity sound, Province'. Excel. Weld- Needs son WOrk. SI25 or otter. S45o, NEW Renett turn. set 2 occaor 969.906.S. Call PIANO sional chairs. '76 G E Color TV. 19" screen mEDIum CONSOLE. hiqh-loBLUE velour couch. with Nock matrix tube and auto NEW. EVESIET1. Must sell. Excellent fine matic new tuning, $175. cond. Like weekend, an nays after 6 stand incluided. 942 2396. SEARS white twin canopy bed cond., HAMMOND ORGAN. tone USED 1" vioeo tape reconder, LV.C. frame with canopy US. 2788623 tapes. Video CBMtfa With bar model. Excellent quality. QUEEN size bedroom set. All plus terms. 2,230 So. nti InDnitOr and room lense. Make Bargain. wood. $150 East. offer, XING SIZE BED. used 2 ma., Model 83 HAMMOND Oliit,AN, 8140, 4 channel. R R. DOKODER S160. console with HR40 lone cabinet S on S. echo, plus muliti svnic from condition. Excel. Reduced TWIN Corner retiff, extra bed. 8 Woltensak ooad track recorder. $2195 to S3495 cash Good rand. 4672919 Call eves WANTED child's bedroom furniCOMPONENT Stereo. Excellent NEW Everett Nark), Country French ture. style with matching condittort. .11131 speakers, Sony amp. B 0 1900 tom- - bench, must sell Cali for details, FULL matt , box springs, frame, table. Sell one or ail. like new 19 in. SYLVIsNIA Color TV. New LIKE NEW. Gibson SO custom SECTIONAL SET, chairs. tables Picture tube. All other tubes 8 guitar with case and new bridge. and lamos, phone or less. Good shape. 6425. Fender Bandmaster 2 than. mos old, KING size King Hitherodon headhead arid cartet. $250. S150. Call 2rtain6. board. And stereo, MUM 8 !tact record-olatape musT SELL 9 K.. Pearl Drum COUCH, chairs, drapes, lamps. cassette re set, Mari( extras, 11 !Ms. old, dedt. tables, well decor., etc. cord-ptatape deck with Dolby, paid S1,700, make offer within , SIMMONS excellent reason, can anYtTne 484 IPS. fl73 onrod., make otter. FENDE-Toier aster guitar, like 5 THOR ENS turntable, BUY WANT TO Rosewood dahng welt with Shure smE arm. Stan- new. S275. Fender Reverb amp ibenet Les Paul $20U. chairs, Ion 681E11E, and base, MI val. $19) 277 2847 ue, Best etler over MS, Guitar. Marie and TECHNICS, BC, KoTwood, CLASSICAL ACCESSORIES) Phase Linear, PTO end ether bought in Sweden 10 yrs. ago. New rert t text, Esli Loy, stnngs. Stere0 components, nice case Sacrif SI75. vices! GREEN living room drapes, op TANDbERG TCD3I0 oasis. lane FENDER 400PS Bass AMP. 435 Oecntator rods, SIM each. White deck and 11S 0 41119 torn table. RMS power, ortly played Approk sheers and hardware Ina Aiso aOth almost new and in excel. 10 hrs New SIft.t, sacri. $1 50 or assorted carpets. best ol'fer Call core, 2111713 DRAPERY BUY. 2 sets. Like SI200 custom WillingDRUMS, USED color TV's, $1251220. new. Otl.white textured, ht,strti on, Ohl. torn, all Zhao cymtals, new SEMCD, With set Some guar. Ore sheers. 8ax83i2", will seal for Si) Amp reaiistic ;15 So 5th East, iNc., Pale rOse De,r. - 2722465 miCroh0ne COMPLE rE used component USED carpets dark blue, luvuriDANCE BAND system $179 or $IO trio King' s Otis plush nylon acrylic. SS.yd. 2 Ciut Musicians Prof Nignt Magnavox, 2233 Sc. 7th East Meats, aoProv.. Si) so yds. Also, Great Tune, 4s, SO's, 60ls,70ls. COLOR USED T.V., exceneot hallway and stairs 27B IS77. Ca0 ei54608 'PO Per ,ho King's RASPBERRY snag terve', SA.10. rondinnn ASPEN RickonPacker couy bass MO. Magnavox, 2233 So. 7th East. and valances, Drapes guitar wan case, $275. Fender REELby tape deck bAss amp, with speakers. 6275 MagnavOx, hardly used. $150, N5.32, Cal, KavSvilt0, 7660738 eves USED HAMMOND ORGAN. 2 PiECE STEREO CONSOLE ( ANTIQUES condition excei fee lonebar hemiti tut rosewood construction Very dek,xe. $895. Terms. mode, Slik or best otter. 295606 2233 So. 7tti East TACHI Cassette re(order, LOOK!! RHODES Pianos Complete line. AC Battery Ca r stereo, model .'ti)der Guitars, Amps. Don't miss the A I F antique SOO. MUSiC Stores Marl BrA. SO BociA Rarna this week! Over choice quality antiques or open DELUKE Zenith 21" coif), TV. DRUM SET, Cost SI,Cet) in 197. set in used console excei. Lrg. We a new! Will also have Still iike very nice take $3. Cali bpi. cond. S150 Dee Anne, 250, ev,O9 seiticlkin IA glassware and primifor tives ThY is lust a peel( list of STEREO CONSOLE sale ACCORDIONS, small and Likri new. 5100 or Dest offer. Cell what wid be up Mrs wee, Railmedium size Rom in new cond. road oak wall phone S10; large 25S- 1,41 Ally reasonettfe otter. of indian artifach si0; TAKE 00 collector $12 rio0t0 PdyMen1. IOU PEAVEY Amt.,. C,a,sic refinished oak dresser SW oak 00 MAgnavox 19 inch calor TV. wafts, RMS, Ivy used onyatey rocker SIO, squaee oak 'sole Sig: ADiiiMS 16,6 SO STA-1BEE name. Iot.0738 ,n Kos,5w,lie. 4 piece lanry bedroom set $7) eve', CHANNIL kifferc..if kiaie sta solid 42" rourvi table SSC) parlor CABLE ronsole Wer10 beautito. 'ion, mike coax, and antenna. stove SOS; osk Hoosier (uphold Bargain, qu,;tv pm titer Silo. player piano S)95 rehniterms 2213 So 7in Ea,t shecl oak S rol rolltoo desk WO; B K Sweeproarker generatcr. FULL SMALL SC4,E PIANO church 0W1 S1O. 42'. Plata Ian iive new S350 iNill accept otters 1,57U full or,ce. Baroa,n, terms Cv square oak table with I leat sn Isuis So 7til East 22J3 WS: carrel pact hunk SlO Pon't roust sen 8 roorin (41 PROL INE tisa miss this chance to Wit UP YOU! ?5 OVING, TV RCA console coior Christmas preiwnts at a real ii600. in566 yip roan. Unnoo4 PiX piano 0326. Pi-- st SilVirK15! otter takes, Dfer91; ittS Wee is CLASSICAL tor Sed in trade, Come in early RECORDS, top SUNS PA mixer. 8 cnanne, 2 Dros E M, DOG, Philips, and we all the bargains plmem Quad E 0 eier. cross ovets, P.L) ter aft bids trust bp in by Om teed as new iossi mikes 467,9,49 met s Eves 48 ' 8J49 Nov 141t Oath every clav this RENT TV SEMCO 'YAMAHA wat case Iturripet weak 10 toe, 215 So. 5th East728-16YFine condition Ideal for scnucii BIO-PAA4A Sun. 12 to 4 A & COLOR Call black bard. Sly5. port. 340 S Slate, S32 2lItY v,hlte port.- $45 EARTH PA bass AMP., mikes ANT IOUE HARBOUR COLOR portable T. V. First $125 cond and stands excelient 111 S beam. Lona. Utah 2040 So Stite 4044 or itit,a307. at See 958 takes. Phor Di GiOPGIO rintsal guitar. Beautiful Viclosien rose carved iiONY PLirA7 Rea to reel Sure Ekeatiinan madallion back love sestl, ornate dryA, 20 tapes. $200, rosewoot beaptitul .722. 70, 2O2rose wood marble top sodetoard; sound, sd MUST stereo vuamut tall hont secretary, nice FVERET1 smaP ccnsole Dyna cone 0091332 Excet Soria selection tables, art 19- tension. Real beau.y. Call 277, COLOR Magnavox 1 V, good glass tridesco'd vase. stormd 4112 an 5 p m. 9 7 a rood S150. pc Victorian silver ttany, GRAND PIANO Beautiful ctset,i, set. OPEN DAILY 10 arn to 6 pm 21 ioct, color TV, A condition, Must wond,. French Pro,inciaI. Soo by eSPOt C411 7S2 3365 Mt. 9,5Q5652 aft 5 Xr) Sd rit,ce USEU n inch color TV. $S(1 -- SALE SALE-SB CONN never clarSnet f.i, BEECH AOAMS IS!o SO STATE At S L 's used, 'ike new S',60 at' best otter. net Antique Shot EAC r.e, to ret, S2' or tr3oe C61, 214 P5 up TO 12 our or cav.otte L,KE NEW Greco ete..tr:i. ENT ikE STOCK New' MARANTZ 101 Pkf.AMP and arnVifi,r, S,20C trade hr H P MuRPHIS ANIQUES Sti2 Si49 S.;i00 (An. good tr,4d cur, 158 East Broadway T RCA coo, tracii, remote contra, LARINE ,- wc,. AUTHENTIC Oak antique ivrro new mr, aelt SVO3 3644670 r mstrurntYd. Ord W"" rt., tore Lard:. roll sop desk, se of 6 mAGNAVOX S150 2Ii v)49 oortatie 3 5;)(1 Hi. ca. e hand tcoved chairs Smail F te dn 3.,S 1.0 r:44 RANO 'MOP. Mgr 0 cfrobe, dr Nsff W ntt(,r Color Ite,t, ,ako d (.)n MOTOr IOC take, (t)rc'r 0," 71w 2no te,fk, V? ("nrd ,,h,ta.? 160 yeeten, oro LIKE NEW $120 ft ikNOS I it,' i 442 SSik) ,1,, 1,10 ... of ."","3 riol 25- - .r,,,', ,v BrulAw,t 7: NE r.RANn GUITARS I Tv, STEREO SIO. I , 4.'2 !! 43 )1, S,:k) Po, '0 A AO Liming 2 Lev5 ,66 0, .40 Wife, A '0,1' DI A ,,, ttnest desk, S600 1891 uank record player. 1865 Secretary Grapnel-vit$701 255- 2990. RENT 400 I ;HA'10 "" (LTA A, Rent , 0 dst ?),)) E ELJY A TURKEY! hedter GRANDFATHER silver Ione lea tures, oak, beveled was., runs tx,rr GERMAN own iv PO4 .t mt - I, ,,,,,,..,,IA CpC.A y , 5 if, Siek ,,, SI r t,n,dxt 'k )6, Qt., At qttant 461 391 Table Walnut, set, ,s rn Th,s, rrrv, "'"' ''''',e '''''"" e , ',try nr,c,r.t,. ' L5. fit 7 Anct ",445L:t SAA r h (' R, tr to, A F ' er, ,,,,, r , wolt Parts. I'd:Knit oval' Kaylett Pest Ottt9 794 ,(35 OAL and atdod Nut rintrd tit, hen tango Warmlnit thdtlf otd,m. CIVIL 1T.;) k, - o- '"t0"644' 3 A, ( A s, ar,fi 4,'5, 3'42 45 wk, ) Strist, '7 SnIttttfteld Utah 4,43 ' 7'9 DOD61 tO,V 6 well, ' (.4415 'OP, ' HAfr F S AR T. T (9)4 DISK r S,0 P ,1,) flew. 0, ,10.J. 1601,6 66, silo eluip ty,16( , N t:,...-iii- tt'acth ,n lop rd dark S'u A S H TRW1F. A,,t, woeld a ,t if tT F ott ',tato ; 'yx) flO, t,,tot- - tor Y Abet RoLold 1,) Pr tn)KI, idko vo.t, tot ,roPAT OAlt Anti 4 ch.yr4 4A6 S:11 ttot Sit to ttko, old 'odor heads T1A1. natit IA, os islattoe NA ANA', Must TA cot oviv ,v,1 t ton , Anu es.10 , t OR l(tti 0!,1 S ' ,IZEw WL .00 '1L;AWdW rv, VI OFF SA I.E ; vo,,,eittroki in S0,,,, I, 014 I UN 1;,,,,!),NC, POST AK, I ,..:00; ,:,, yr Di 1,0 11300 ,,,,,f Se wot, iNk) 4t, 1L i,' ,$ k4 S 44,75er H11 Dot whop, SI i5 ,t v f,,,,tt O. wt., 0W, AnNgLoN.- tuq c3Q3 'A,14 qc.s, c2' CIPr,P1 net two har SW' 100,1 roott,E,firl,' hAl 4;t;liei- loci... find wall , uv 0 ,v4,4 ( 4,, ,oriq oN. iicis.,, No Neigh, s 1 osh cr,, 4.ft, & r 4t viN Aii()RAIE 7 9A 23 mn 21 S4x. .1.1 :1g71 inv5, ele.4 Nultom. tw anc On, Hee p 3 O r4yol .e1,1:, A' IS'', CLif do ivAsm, sNorbt- rPe c ree Mist: P19, sm, ofte, Gooch .11110.10 r OL FAYESF taki BE AUT Early Ary,e,90,,,t tvam set Reasonabie firm 363 roS1, "satt'eV, 110, tinrai Atte n velvet Atilvmn coiors. 2 yrs oid 1,300 EN OL'S coA stos,C heote, Stove Messer vessr,stond mss lurn erpd rtsall items 440 erse turttr tcm, 7 Z'S t w.:0 So Si AP,IfUrif resso, And 311 ...,',10., Ant,,e ,,,,,,w ,,,i, ,tii 0( wti il,..) s s p, QUI- , , , NA SIX CR ono 97) C ONIMIONM11100110010 kstTuments 01,1S!,Y.4.0 NbAl S, E trokt 116 ref, AA Rk. A I. '', F ,ocni MKA on', S'OtScavtv M(WINC, 1)1( t S ,n11 too (110.1v 1411.1. t DV,b3 tAtt V li 6 re,s.S nur I Ftreiot3, chat, ' '''. UNO hems Aryl Sit tSeE r14 off S,A) r 972 14s1 whdp, tr.d. SAT $o 7 0 m De nolotssnwood on AN WANT! D Toon c.,,Inopy bert 941 0106 tisdrisisim s.ii! QiUk FN s. is A s ("." Wiird ,oi S21:4 9 1,ses ?,' DIN,r,c, seceel , rev anti AP tnI th r base too nmt,,Kbon 'vAA, S86! . , 4:s , trusc:0 poster tsel 1,,,,it tm,t, OUT, , er.1 6 k es, An nons.snation (Net. onodkal usbowt, 7, (Irmo, 00$0-- IAN1,-1'- ?I., V Not. RAPE Net., '0.d E 1,11,1i, tNONt hANTORf ANTED04D "'n beqet Used Furn;ture i 00,1 portable N - btrke. Gerlaa now. $IS Sk.,1 2335 INN SI IPF. R PORT 4.1 le? 51(OfN 26 bov,, I aoe ( SC006 S27S AttrrtirM chest treetcr e hew, $1115 1S5- i4S7 WE:Slits1GeSOLISE refrigerator, SA) SSO PM SOIW;e4N 14 In 164 '77 Ntt atoc,re kca--abicyde 0y's SALE, ISCHS SI 7i7 4:.53 :Irrd S58 261 1?01 GAk AGE w:vc, ,,p,, 13- HVY $1110 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH NO DELWERIES, NO CREDIT CARDS WO Moos.a China. O'9 caet MOuse viakh ER S3161C4) SKI b(301S. Kasinger, io,te 6. Sli Isurnanic Silt 8 S21) Loa size 12 SA, ,ack S15 210)6 GARAGE SALE, collrus ctred,r, done boggy tires , bed, Chests, I., 4211 Sp211S West ASSiLAL sheet music dm' altorns. concerto. sonata, doe Piano, Irg variety Reds 322(iddli QIIAL TV (hrtstr008 trPes ed n sits. Prise Cat! by 11 71 1, S75. 10 SET - velwANIS bkt., 10 e A, tl 18 PEG FAMILY S.,1A kwe vri1 rxtt,st chtir bnri g000co,d St 516 nrol, tnnn nnornhn, krxIA,1 10 sod , Poteaout m, I tram t,d bke new VS 9684670 eves ONLY sM1 10 to.e 1PearleY, CORLS orn IA. 4e r P c Wall 't N s 10,stneod Nke i a., to,112, 'Otte I ,9ht Moe, Se 971 7S01 ) jo SPD. Stereos NEW &CO a.m.4:00 p.m. 1511 SOUTH 700 WEST 266420, DRAPES, green, mini Weds, cost,,ns bar stoots, chying enumnsent 042 4414 WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SALE PREFINISHED ilue US1OM 04., 9030435. IMO UTILITY Trailer, SUS. wheel e 1.25. Play balancer 930. house SOO Canoe 62013. MOv NG anpe. dishwasher, Cana'. Anhoue school desks, Val rub, Etc. MOMER-set- t LAWN propelled rear banger. ENCPS condition, 6 mo oil St 75 HAT SALE, merrs felt has, dress or cowboy. Mifst sell. Wool wits, .0)41 Maks offer. HEA THK IT TV 23" remote control 6250. Oscilloscope mtu. trig sweep $100 561003 70" APT. sized gas range, RCA Port. stereo record player, boat winch (1,006 lb innilt I CYLINDER Wiicions,n elecirk start MOO ft. bed. 0 h. Mt SUPER GARAGE SALE East SO Sac, Nov. 13th, TemPle, 9 a.m. 14 p.m. USED 71" D.E. 0.11.VS TV, stand Used tank-tvn- e S6S Roval vacuum, accessS20 used metal benchtV11 IkAckno vise $IS and USED basw furniture ontries, 'minding basinet, dungtng tattle, swing., and more Call turnances. Rocky 319 So. State. 2te MOO orange. Never per Baby-Locexcel WRGER, cond., $250. Also 2 tree V, Siamese kittens, Amer, Fk. 7 pool GIRLS 10 spd. bike table with access. Excel. cond. $.731 So 4270 West. $70 WASliE R , gold heavy dutY, excel. am& Stereo, otter rarPge, refrig make Nee, eyes $25. Rnil QUILTING frames, away bad. St(), Elect. heater, $13 Barthe and mini turn. FRANCISCAN Earthenware (Hacinda green). 20 servicing misc. $25 Perces, and RESTAURANT BOOTHS, S Pleated orange naggahvde, in gcnd cond 1495 Orern ALMOST NEW, Ladies Pant Suds. Size 16. Variety of colors. Phone 406 9t3 for OPP'. HANDMADE BEAUTIFUL, WILTS and COMFORTERS S12.50 and up. Bikes. 3 sod,, 26" $25 ea. 2 Pre- ;Jeers, overall hung French 5X61", 1200 firm. NORITAKE china. chintz oattecik series 0, never used, paid sno will sacrifice $95. 2624425 SNOW TIRES. 700x14. Clews and shoes, couch. sink. cots. window tracks. :012 So 2Ohl East WA TERSOFTWER, never used. still m crate, building contractor has extra, save $2110. 8 FT. iiiergtass camper too Water conditioner softener, used mos. 16' ROUND Trampoline. wiM Pads. 1 cu ft refrigerator, tor compel', 12 mit or 110. MUST SELL beautiful antique buffet Ex. condition. See to ap oreciale. $250 or otter. 10 SPEED Bike $60; S sod girl's Schwinn $45, 4 bar stows, "Miura! fin. $s ea. eves, wkends. 612 FT. Mack naughavde dire mond twit bar. Excel cond. $125 firm. Lots of misc. USED galvanized pipe and fittings. Over SOO ff. $ 50 or offer. DRAPES beat10V! gold sheers water of new Brown-bur- 17.013 Sale, Thur. Fri. Sat. nee tove4seat, horra tent, heakehre (artier, candle molds, misc. BERNINA KO too trindel like nee, retain St & Set! tor $540 All attachments included. Call 169: t:isE1:5 -. 16- SG. YARDS. GARAGE Sun Like myth arta ELE-(1- apot PORTABLE electric typewriterLadies COWBOY BOOTS, size 7. Best otter. 10" RADIAL arm saw, Craftsman. Excel. cond. Legs and castors. S150 LAWN MOWER, 2 yr. old Jacobsen 18" reel Lawn Prince, excel. cond., S150 SALE GARAGE couches, chairs, ski5 . ski boots, etc. Sat. 0 arn., 384 So MIS East DYNA GYAL like new. WO or best otter. Roll away bed. Doubie with mattress, S25 901,5$95. 6- 270 El3k8". morel chairs. tor lowiiiced 01 set MOVING on children clothes. Famous breeds e mos to lc 2790 ore Or. (390 So.) chair WV 571 NORTHERN LIGHTS KIICH6. PRINTS 13 99 sq. ad The Carpet Barn. 3725 So. Redwood, 973-- 446 QUILTING frames, stands, both disassemble, store easily. Neat Cornoact. $25 per set. SPECIAL-NEMATTRESS SETS: Queen, Kant), toll. twin. Off 9691090 anvinne Up tO 711),15 mud & snow tints rims. mounted. ttF W teivs leather coat. 14. S75 Wei coat, 14. 1410. Dresses. I 4, man's sun, AO. new. $15. Antique tante, ail paintin9s, 404468. 0151,44 generator with sleel theta twee Lege, SAO King sited solo mattress and box springs. A x MY horse died Will sell brand new saddle. teidle and blanket. SISO Also good used saddle. VS CHEVY misc.., ell SAVE S tiresil5 r casset LIVING Dynamics-3Motivation ()urse. with recorder leather and velvet case. Beautiful gift. Call CASH NATIONAL REGISTER multi-dra1904 1910 patented brass end oak floor MOO. apOrOX S3,00 Yd. come it sUCCesS PINENUTS Big. sctt shell. polished. makes excellent gift. Call CARPET, Beautiful green nylon corn,. rod non gas wall turnace. BTU, 30,000 antique tolding words chairs. 295 2731. 1.5 HOTPOINT nitric.. Ping pong labia, exercise bicycle, toaster broiler, bird both, 1560 Indian -Hills Cr, TE XAS- Instrument Went& matte calculMor writs rnagrxttIC Programs and P Cl A printing carriage. Call SHINGLES, Sn, S. gal. drum, dtil sink. chain saw 5x3 ndovd, steel lathe. $10. Utility trailer, recorrierAAS boo, 3 WY Wale COMbUSSOCM MarningSide Dr. 27711171 UTILITY TRAILER, $I SO. lb sod. bicycle, S50. Fur Sewing Mach., SI Electric range. SaS Vacuum. $20 eves, kends. TOASTMASTER electric oven, 6"x15volt, lit inmoe, VS, new; G rk AM-Fradio and cassette everything winter &Ming. slat. stioported ventalat- utter.,.12541016, FIREPLACE, gas 10g, tor family. Call SOUTH we can't attractive atuMin-steet- , S bONE comotete 12 (Or t In.It & SC HAO1 NSI WOO rowS ROYAL D01..11.1004 S0,vke 40, WA Orenge itch. tabie and Site 14 Misses petterris ant (knees. Inch fAss ler eke crux 0167. PATIO ROOF, thla, calvinireg NEVER USED 2 gal gas water heater, S95. Used 63,000 BTU oil furnace out of mothie home, Plus 250 garter and stand. $IM. 2020 So, 6750 W. Hunter MAPLE BABY CRADLE $217 Duncan Phyte dross leaf table with I ciwiri. $150. Oblong hand braided rug. $AS trunks VS. Dal rocker 1510 SINGER Athena 2000, cornpute, rued sewing machine with Sing. erl. finest furniture cabinet and chair mo old Beatdifut and lasting larly Xmas gift k ITCHiN and bathroom doors, drawers. Reg dooi s. Used. Von, good cond, exr 'beta FOCA. Raittrooro sink, good cond Glass bricks, NE sewing th'arhine, piog pond table, Color Portable 17,1 , 0I25. , $75, Stere0, clothes, misc, items. Call AIMS ITEMS for sale. Quilts, dolls, crochet pillows. doll guilts, doll Ittltoe MOS. misc. items. 3076 MOVING S11, tock lug K MOVING SALE' S SOD CARPET-10'0- baral washer, dryer, pwc mower, Mare MISC. items MO, ftPel SaMPleb Of eltrbell Wore nerves 144 East 3045 So., 135. JUST IN TIME FOR rfitlitIST MAS sale. Garage M,sjIy clothes. gool quality. Low, low nriras revel varier's, tde ari, birds. 209) Wildwodd D. 2 COUCHES, mod cold Swivel metal rocker, periect desk, x31". 6Mvtag wringer washy', good cond. Set IS medical Part stovettarts wheat grin es', $I ie Book es fwirmon Stitrie, Crird Organ S20. twin bed, S70 94 FOR SALE Home topper tor th km pick up. S30. Also four 6 Mote 15" Chevy nms arel fires Cash only. 9436IS4 PORIABL E Kenmore dishwasiT tr 2 pr. ski boots size II and 9. Early Amerkan stye end tables. earn. room dividers 'DO. Fridge kis I 11, chrome bar tiviures. $15 each Chrome circle iron light Picture, VS 2'840,82. rent, bete-- couch $10, bicycle, St Phone 946 'FRANKLIN S50 shag, VerY IA so yds., all or l'i: Fog twin OCCO 0160 S. So 780Eas1). fE Sol &AA Ent ycloit-eobrand new, navewed Bought a bet, then won a set! Excel price, no wa,iing tor, Oeirvery. 1611345 PANASONIC' cassette recorder, Sts. Cobra 71 CB, SSO. Bosch Schwire Stmorak ribber, Fastback $39. 2A5LL)71. GARAGE SALE: Skis, boatsTBR Orates, bisibpiead, 12x12 carpet, misc. dems 4470 Loren Von Or. (3401 East I, WOR-L- with cha,r, green-gold- , cut wdvid MS. Sala tied, So ra bed, comer unit, like eye. VS Site Sy ski toots, la Cor.tinne rings. yeas f2p,74,47 SALi Ant,gue sevirrig GARAi3C mann, twin sae metal beds, typewriter, bumper and Pallia; grill off '70 Fore, etc 2747 Sc. 315 Nest, 9734,96. 9 a M-- PP, COME-1- Excel cold knic4macks much 'nerV13001,-- 1 COIJCH 7 plc. and chair pictures, Vaiel. esantieL vet "add (And witt; case, $tS Kirby Clasmc with 7 attachments yrt old, SI25, very good rood. 9064125, icr AFC seeing thati., 23" color TV, dinette, I cksis, retrig medicine cites with alike NI Sretc Redvecod 12, Rd ( Sat. and Sun 12 5 SIMMONS Halle7a:bei,Owe" coil Sa.13, Sarti $100' GE toasty' oven, VS Misc. chairs Mens lur lined overcoat, sew, IV Mem trig Jumpsuit, litall-2588CsiiiiRiaitA SALE. Arden., sioee, bronded rug, Avail rind toreacts, narked. donuts, lots of relic Sal & Sbil 700 Galena 0, 551 2720 30 (yrs , siertirms , $30 rick I oven casserotes Aise, te vinyl striped canvas awning S125 ?en CHANGiNG DECOR Black vinyl box matri-ess- vises. haid, power tools 4 Easefiake rcorch, bores. , twin hod TOWNoo new Wrenches, soli drivers. IN 12, 1977 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Str.;: 640-T- V., 630Antique limowlimmmomoon.o.. IEMPla.Mi001 near stereo word Payeir wan AM r m radio, VII. 75 gal salt onlurnituro 615Furniturt ytiti, Fen Sole & MOTOR Highland Dr. Rear. 271440' OppnsOE,AtBRyAayndt;a:tAt;Ein.... 18' 1500 000 TO 30' Inventory ReductiOn Amt's Lowest Prices At S52cf, Seaswit I. IV OM( 16695 is Searay, 175 OMC $10.9., Searay, 228 MerC 113,25C model Demo Soaray. Saw hp Evinrode Motor Al boats Mt deiuxe trailers DUCE MARINE 3650 So. State to 72 24' SEA RAY BOATS $250,000 Annual inventory Reduction Sa'e 1971s. also several nice used boats. No reasonable otter relused. Open till 9. SPORTS SPECIALTIES 17S So State, tn't, SAILING 24' SLOOP Made in Holland. for North sea, hill 5 sails, 9.9 aux. 2 9as keel. length tanks, heater. 4 births. head, galley, 4 instrornents, and 8,1 accessories. 4 whitraller, birthed on Great Salt Lake, I sailed aii last winter, except for 3 weeks Some demi) $12,000 522.2839, VALLEY BOATS NEW 1978 MODELS IN STOCK AMF Crestiliter Starer,. Apollo Mercury Outboardi, Close.Out On Remaining W7'S VALLEY BOATS $395. ssol SPINET piano excellent comfit its, I (JO TROMBONE S210 , halt size vioiin, PIANO. Spinnet. exceilent cond. Best otter, BEAUTIFUL antique ivory and gold Spinet piano. NE6 PEAVY mace head with cover. 415 P.S. 4t FFNIIER MP watts, used I Year MARTIN GUITAR. 1971 Take rarnE on 0777 NEW RE INELL, 24 ft Command Bridge. 215 062C. swim platform, Complete tops tandem trailer, $13.5. THOMPSON MARINE 2473 So. State, Salt Lake City 180 No. Main, Kaysville SaY5. S550. DRUM conch. or Set Good drums, S 969. 969. 969. SPORTING GOODS SO West 53rd SO pH 320 WINTERIZE YOUR BOAT Pr'ir1 4riv Let us wintet patr work now to avi:80 Spring rush. ROBERTSON MARINE 5341111 1045 So. Main SPECIAL PRICES ON I978's SIARRRF MARINI Grant Ave., Ogden PETERSEN 3333 (1) Liquidation Sale Everything mvst go. GUNS, AMMO, PARTS FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT P & M GUN SHOP 736 North IA West CHRISTMAS TRAMPOLINES These are the well built AMF size, weather regulation Proof bouncing bed and frame Pads Will deliver and set Up. Phone HOME POOL TABLES Factory to You, Many new styles for '77. Gen. Ital. slate, rx,se. Finest ouoll ty Lowest prices. )UALITY B1LLARDS 612 1075 E tst 21st So. Equipment, mens and ladies btckle boots, size I0',6 and IL )90 Stein Erickson skis, Soloman bindings. 175 Miller wood skis and bindings. Also mons ski Cloths Make offer. Cali POOL TABLESNEW OR USED Over 50 models to choose from. Juke boxes, amusement WIMPS. Everything for your rec. r0Orn. Best Die.t 3753 S. State SO MODEL Winchester auto. 12 gauge. S175 Model 12 Win. pump, 16 gauge, $I75 Sears 12 skuge, bolt action, 155. All excellent condition. SKI HIGHEST CASH OFFER DUCE SO. 3650 STATE SHOPPER'S SPORTING GOODS WE BO Y, SELL TRADE GUNS HIGHEST prices paid in cash, West 3500 So 1500 TRAMPOLINES Buy from manufacturer-Sav- 4674951 BASKETBALL STANDARDS Buy from manufacturer-Sav- e pENMANS USED SKIS,BOOTS,Bindings MATTERHORN, The ker.:min Sk; SnrxDay RENT42.95. 2774171 GOT F CLUBS FULL SiT with deluxe bag and Bagboy cart, 6xe new amdltion A Petted gift! Provo. ti.tio. 7'OHeAO 74irs, used yr. Merker Rotamat bind. ogs. and LeTtaPPekr 1012 boots. Eves 12 guagt auto., ex BROWNING new Ira barrei s2e.s, sheiis, iPS Dee wacter, lacket, misc. Gono o6g. deal. 9,ar 830- SAVAGE deer ritte wah V4eaber scat, Iirg. carryinl l anc nevi reloader i 75. snetis. SrKrit TRADE E4nert Gunsmttrnng NOLF E'S 750 Sc.. State CASS FOR GUNS SPORTSMANS DISO3UNT I, AWN SHOP. 1458 So Man, Ai; NCHF STE R moon ,;(el porno, ful; Choke. ex..e.. curd. S'xi -- '5 ROSALIGNOL k'o 01,,c14,cv, Nnots 262- , Adi0 0.taW0PO'., a vnoo,,,11,1; no Pr9?-- 106ro oot,00to., s: 46)0 S 2141 P',1 10 GUN 00900SE go) snows ,h0C1 e0 lilt ca,,e arki $160 ,,rro 7)506,) WC 'Ai NS Nevi Clothes. Golf clut,s toixer Sk, Boot 0001S 1112 364- S254 and mat. Hart 110140(,GA)9 a,,a boots Y.ainatta 250 (as is). 562 2964. 223 E 851 13th So. Or r,41-- 1 0109 ,,,,,t COMMEMORATIVE RIFLES kctve 2 Wells Fargo & Co. model V. :arbines. 5714342 ; CAt 'BUR Thnirnznne renie-arms. HAWKIN gun. with access be,,are 4 p.m., 582 MAIO l,TVALT-HPP .22, Star .22. Mouser HsC .380, S&W .22 revolk. er, POOL TAB,E and accnssories Requistion ize, SIS. Excelient - --- --- condon HEAD TOM 203 s, 1..CoK Nevada 7,soci Prix bindings, size 10 Hunnanic Boots. $Z10.5T1.34 & R sine St1.0- S35, Browning 20 ga meg- - auto, 1300 like . REY iNOTOki- 700-Mag., stee1 ;In.r.less tool 1, ekcei. S150. Bum or N)0.2i2lEA rrro,.. n e. Mirror Ski Bc9A. '76 Used 8 tim e! ilk. blue, nve 9 r9)911 (11391-10.4- BOAT COVERS $65 and Up. Convertible toos, S75 and up. Free estimates SMITH & ADAMS CO, 355 627T. Ilse so. Main WINTER SPECIAL with 16 IS Hot. Flamer trade,$1895. '75 Hobie with tangerine hulls. yellow and white salitS, dbl $7110. trap set-uSALT LAKE SAILBOATS 3151 Sn, State 23 '76 ER iSISON comp. equipped. Johnson 6 he motor, Sails. main, working gib, 2 Rennes, 17296, 110, soinnicker tots more galley, Salt Lake Sailboats 110,50). 3151 So. State. FIBERFORM BOATS BECKSTRAND MARINE LARGEST MARINE CENTER SOUTH MAIN 3600 WINTERIZING AND BTORAixe of motor homes and boats-I-to- m 115 to 815 per month. New it She time. Call or see Doug Roberts or Mel Sanders at Peck i& Shaw, 5650 So. 9titt East, new '77 Gulf Stream BRAND boar. 18,0 ft., Inboard 302 enelne. cstom toy equipped with trotter and top of line cover:- S7500 or best offer. Ask for Corey-B- us. home GLASTROM, Volvo inboard )9.5' 165 'outboard, loy5 track stereo, sun anode hrs., heavy duty canVaSs Cover, trot!. or, Good rood., must sell, S387.iu Or offer. 77' SAILBOAT, steel, built in Holland. 16 No. Saab deisel, saes, stove viith oven, head, knot 'T'etff, main900y inlet lot , After 6 cond., $14.500. call '77 CORRECT CRAFT 21' cuctov 7. cabin, port-- potty Sleeps Tandem trailer, 255 tit) direct dnve. Teak swim deck, travel rnv,, 3 corMeSt040 too, mooring 1 cover, props. 112,900 8 FALL SAIL BOAT SALE ALL BOATS MUST GO WESTERN YACHT SALE) 25111 So, sly. Temple 77 TOLLYCRAFT 40 ft. oh oleic in, air cOntl., radar. Moored at Lake Powell. or vieekdaYS, 2 Dr BERKLEY Jet drive, Excellent Olds engine conc., 140,. (not marinpi AT, AC, Logan (Bill ) 52 9)49 tvea & weekends, 77 SEAWAY, lit', 185 .o.. OMC. 8 track stereo, immarolide, hrs., canvas cover, open boo, many extras, 16500 17' ARBOAT ,ezvieu:ineedi. Hr., elect. st,trt motor Motor 'tome 2S 77117 ' O. 75 tn.l SEARAY, Foaneft veth extrAs Wknas,. ti isS ti32, 943 tth 5. 563 3384 aster 6 STAR'FiRE V. 225 O. ',it, teb5. very Sono coma.. 1o,0(k 5.3ilboat. elc,, tor V qv jet. Great sKi and tam, bow E ,ce eono. 21:' 5509 FITE RFORM caodi Ar, loaded, sett or swan. for 4),)1 or '76 24I7 Nome. 21 484!, over wood with out boa,O 33 ho Scott with traae, Sol20 at Sind 22eVeras '77 CURTIS 5(11 $ tk. BOZO 31,1 464 troller. Par,,her Jet eng , Jet dr,ve Many extras 10Kv11 g,ts generator, and 3 abase, $1,000 or large outboard car etc ite 5271 72 STARF tRE 20 toot, 225 horse Poorer, stereo. tondum trader ike new 297 3488 16 FT. with a0 motor and trailer. Excellent rood. 81,653. 481 Saat. T ALUMINUA.Sioar. Deepi-hull. 235 h.p. Johnsen Outboal O.1 14' GLASS SaSO or or USED BOATS WANTED AND Marme ULEMAN canoes. Morse O Ps. Siewart's, 66131 S. Sfate 70 PEINELL. V8. MC, 9Must see to appreciate. PECX.STQ NICE 18 f1. farxture Ott SK tio.oad, all or Dirt, PF ORM cornmeal pricoo. o.tras trnmat, 262 61 L. FIF It t - 416.40.11....11 ...A AL ak.-- AIL Aolk, - |