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Show Herald Classified Advertisements Classified Advertisements Advertise-ments for this page accepted ac-cepted until 9 a. m. day of publication. Please do not phone your advertisement , . . send it to the Herald rffice. Z Lines (10 words) 3 days- 50c 3 Lines (15 words) 3 days .... .... .75c For additional rates mil the Classified Department PHONE 493 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ton wilt find these Merchants and Professional People nxlous to serve you. It will pay yon to patronize them. ALTO CLASS Lt us replace jour broken glaaa AhlanW Mfe. Co. 47S-430 South University. I'hon 100. al ALTO RADIATORS SEE ua If yovlr motor overheat Kadlatora repaired and flushed. Ablan1r Manufacturing Co. 471.410 South L'nlvedetty. Phono 100. ol CHIROPRAt TOR Un. E. KAMiKIKLU, ; Lait Center. For appointment, rhone 10JJ. nl r. LECTRICAL CONTRACTORS HANG Electric Co. Phone ICte Prove Commercial and residential wiring Motors and control. Commercial refrigeration. re-frigeration. Sales and Service. 1:0 IIRRIER. FURS rest y led. repaired, cleaned and glased. Helen ewensen, 44t East 4th ekuth. Phone ltT. JiT HOT MEAT PltS 1JADB (rash dally. Part orders. Take some soma, i oeyre nsiieious. tte-tlaserle tte-tlaserle ton. II Nertb Itta Watt, el LA ItLN HUWLHS SHARPENED SHARPENED at the General Shop, HI North ll ersitjr. rnone lw. nl MCSICAL INSTRUMENTS WE buy. eell and repair Band Instru meats. Davis Repair Bhp. IIT Eaat end North. Phone ItCW. ell V PIANOS, accordions, guitars. Prei. a W. WHIIama. SOI Eaat I South. 1 buy. sell and teach. Poena KIEL alt UOVI.NU AMD STORAGE) YELLOW CAB AND TRANSFER CO lacsj ana iqiii bwmuci w.ina packing, etoraee, shipping. PSeae VI. lie tu. HEFRIOEHATION SERVICE tult refrigeration and all electrical ap pliance ice. Cail Utah. alley refrigeration re-frigeration 8er Ire Co. 0 North. L'nl- varsity. Call :IIJW. ell REP A ins HAVE oor old eewtng machlae repair, ed while parte are attll available. Singer Sewing Machine Company. west Center. Thone JJ. el RADIO SERVICE EE'S RADIO SHOP. All ma Wee repaired. Prompt service. :! est Center, Phone 4JSJ. al ROOMMi . QUALITY roatertal. expert workman ehlp. Fentey. t'leaaant View. 2020R. al SPRINGS JOBBERS famous St. tute el.o-lyrically el.o-lyrically heat treated springe. Alee reteni paring rearclnnf and repair ing service. Ahlander ManuXaeturlng Co. Phone 100. 1 TIRE br.RVICE XIKta and tube vulcanized and flat. fixed. 1. inert work at 404 Nortb Main. SurmEMlle. Milton btrlngliam. nJO TYPEWRITERS EX HURT I Guaranteed typewriter and adding machine repairs. II hour eervice unless bard to obtain parts are necessary. Ltao OUIce Supply. 43 East Oilier. e TAILORING FIRST class tailoring, ladles gentlemen's, gentle-men's, fctclusne woolens, (meet trimmings trim-mings Mitcl.el the Tailor, 431 South West. o4 FOR SALE OR RENT PIANOd. accordions, guitars. Prof. S. V W Willi rn. 20S East 3rd South. Phone MOU I buv. eell and teacb o7 WORK WANTED WEATHEK iroof. beautify your roof with lulorful rouf etaln. Painting ana decorating. WinUT di ounts. For Im- medial s' ;-'e mil 4T.1M. o!3 MAN Kiln I'.tii'Up truck wants work. Calf 1.'.V. oi: CuMVl.Cri: auto oerhaullns- '5 Norih '.th ttt&t. I'tali Machine A ehins. oil UTAH M:iciiu:e A- .. Ming. Machine and arc-w;diiig. -Si North West. iltijlM. oil M I Sl'EI.L A .MiOLS WE liL'Y. .ell id) cichange furniture, itmrs, tools, odds and nds. 40 North 4th West, BOARD AMI ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen. Private entrance A bsth. 'J West (.'enter. oil HELP WANTED MECHANIC and General Service Man A. L. DUCKETT SALES and SERVICE Formerly A. A. M. Sales and Service Third South and Univ. Essential war workers must be referred by U. S. E. S. HOUSEWIV ES and GIRLS Over 18 for Fountain and Waitress Work Attractive Working Conditions Appjy W ALU KEEN DRUG Essential female workers must be referred by USES. REAL ESTATE BUYS $4853.00 Four room frame home. New and modern. Full basement. Water heater. heat-er. Furnace. Nicely located la Orem. Small down pay ment. $15,000.00 A REAL. OPPORTUNITY OP-PORTUNITY to be in business busi-ness for yourself. Progressive Progres-sive Hotel- in Progressive Utah County Town. Monthly Month-ly Income of $700.00. Hotel is well furnished. Can be operated by couple. Total price only $15,000.00. $2800.00 Five acres with excellent water right. Three acres of peach trees. Two room frame home. Well located lo-cated on hard-surfaced road, in Orem. $1100.00 Located In Orem, two room frame home. One acre of land. Water and lights in the home. West side of road. LOANS - HOMES - FARMS INSURANCE ROWAN" S GROW, INC. 176 West Center St. Provo 283 SPECIAL! Eight Acre rich land tn West Orem. All young alfalfa. al-falfa. Good water right. City water and light Priced' to sell quick. What Some Have Always Wanted-r-N ice land, 4 room frame on State Road in one of best locations in Orem. Also two room house in , rear. This is good property. proper-ty. Only $4700. Terms. IN EAST OREM: 5 Acres, small house. $4000. IN WEST OREM: 33 Acre Dairy Farm. IN WEST. OREM: 6 Room House 8 Acres of good land. Plenty water-Six water-Six milch cows, 360 ready-to-lay pullets. 15 ton hay. Necessary farm implements $8400. On WEST CENTER, Provo: Lovely 8 Room Brick. A bargain. IN AMERICAN FORK: 4 Room Brick. Hi Acres land. Good coop. Corner lot. Only $4000. 4 Room House for Rent, in Orem. Orem Real Estate O. H. ANDERSON. Broker Phone 04S-J3 OREM. UTAH PROPERTY LISTINGS Five Apartments Large House Four Furnished Best location Owner is ill Any kind of property May Trade Good place lor Dinners for School across from BYU Very reasonable reason-able terms Opportunity for a good cook Excellent 'income. Best Income Property New Styled, Up-to-Date State Highway Records show excellent income HIGHWAY RESTAURANT Well equipped Well established es-tablished Investigate now? Service Station New and Up-to-dateOwner's equipment equip-ment included Commence independent business. 1.88 Acres Land 7 Rooms Modern Home Good place to live Good Garden Some Coops Only J$4200. PRETTIEST HILL - TOP VIEW A Nice New Modern Mod-ern Convenient Home z Acre Land You'll like every part of this property Priced right. twenty-fTve"hundred POULTRY with Modern Coops and Land Good Business Well Equipped. LOVELY MODERN HOME Addition Three Lovely Rooms FIREPLACES aud BATHS BOTH PLACES Furnace, Stoker Linoleums Lino-leums Carpeting ONE ACRE LOVELY LAND Worth your consideration. BEST INCOME PROPERTY PROPER-TY FOR INVESTOR Six Lovely Apartments New House, Always Rented Right Location Good construction con-struction Have an independent inde-pendent income for time. DUPLEX FURNISHED CENTER CITY LOCATION. LOCA-TION. Telephone 1099 Willard L. Sowards Agency Office: 39 West 2nd No. St. Provo, Utah DO NOT M18S THIS ONE. Oood residential resi-dential section Proto bona and In coma, new modern duplex. 2 bedrooms. 4 large closets, living room. oatb. kitchen each klde. Botb bate new 1 foot vlectric deluie Frlgldalree, rsngvs. automatic tut water. Inlaid linoleum. I ariioo.l fioo.-k. One side la ranted for enough to pay entire monthly pay mni a p'ave t-j live at no el. Immediate Im-mediate iio-e.ion ! Wr'te to O Win-i.rr. Win-i.rr. ill South State, Salt Lake City. 4 L'-an. alt ypH MfVB-. RH4T. FTATW REAL REAL ESTATE BUYS BY HEAL & AUSTIN INC. Two Acres all into fruit, S room brick home, coops for 1000. extra good shape, 6 shares water, UTAH COUNTY, COUN-TY, excellent buy at $4000. 6 rm. home, modern, wired for range, basement, ONE -ACRE In PLEASANT VIEW DISTRICT. $5250. A splendid splen-did buy. 4 rm. modern, hdwd floors, full basement, furnace, nice lot, SOUTHEAST LOCATION, LOCA-TION, $5425.00 $750 down, small monthly payments. Three bedrooms. Southeast, brick, basement, modern. $5600. HERE IS A REAL HOME, 5 rm, brick, full basement, furnace 'with blower, elec. water heater. EXCELLENT LOCATION, small down payment, easy terms. WE WANT TO LIST a small home with H acre ground, either in Lehi, American Fork, or Orem, Bench WHAT HAVE YOU? 4 rm. brick, modern, carpeted, car-peted, Venetian blinds, AUTOMATIC AU-TOMATIC GAS FURNACE, drapes. WHAT A LOVELY HOME, good location. Come in. In Springville, 4 rm. home, 10 yrs. old, modern, 2 acres ground, 2.29 shares water, few fruit trees, good location, loca-tion, $4000. Want to see it? AMERICAN FORK, 6 rm. brick, full basement, EIGHT ACRES, all well fenced, coops 1000, 100 ton silo, barn, 14 shares water. THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING PLACE, it is in splendid condition. WE HAVE SOME of the very best listings available, Won't you come in or phone for an appointment? EVER THINK OF REFINANCING REFIN-ANCING THAT PLACE OF YOURS. INTEREST TOO HIGH? WE HAVE A FINE LOAN SERVICE TO OFFER. OF-FER. COME IN. HEAL & AUSTIN INC. DEPENDABLE BROKERS AFTER HOURS CALL: LEE SNARR 3S0J J. E. Syrett 1130 H. D. Whatcott .... 2042W OWN YOUR OWN HOME $99.00 Down NEW Attractive five room homes WASATCH GARDENS TWO Hardwood Floors FULL Basement . Coal Furnace Water Heater Features that women prefer pre-fer In a home. THE MODEL HOME IS OPEN FOR INSPECTION From 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. Approach 4th South & 7th East Provo 1 Agents: ROWAN AND GROW, Inc. 178 West Center St. Provo - 283 HOMELAND Realty Co. Tourist Cabins, and Trailer Camp Best location, on Hi way. South in Provo. 9 acres very choice land, good water right. 8 Cabins ready for occupancy, 2 unfinished, 4 garages, Trailer Camp House in rear. Sewer connected, con-nected, flood lights, city water Cabins furnished, including bedding. A 1 goes! Priced at less than market value. Only $11,000 Terms. Also, Modern, Up-to-date Tourist Park 13 Cabins Priced at $22,000. 5 Acre Farm, good income; in Orem $3500. Farms, Homes, Fire Insurance, Insur-ance, Bonds, Notary HOMELAND Realty Co. No. 8 W. Center Phone 72 NEW garage lux:i, 1150. Also shed with more than 7000 feet new lumber, 110. Lotat.d ot Lehi. Call or write American Ameri-can Hauslne Corporstlon. i:i East Broadway, Salt Lake. Telephone 1-7451 oil Own Your Own Home in WASATCH GARDENS $99.00 Down Provo City Schools have purchased land adjoining Wasatch Homes on which a new school will be built with over one thousand seats for students. WASATCH HOMES HAVE TWO HARDWOOD FLOORS (Best Floors in Utah County) FULL BASEMENTS TILE BATHROOMS COAL FURNACE AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER Trees Planted On the Lot WOMEN PREFER a Wasatch Home because of its many, novel features. There is a City Park in Wasatch Subdivision DRIVE TO THE MODEL HOME at 4th South and 10th East, Provo. Approach 4 th South and 7th East, Provo. OPEN 1 P. M. to 8 P. M., SUNDAY Agents: ROWAN & GROW, INC. 176 WEST CENTER ST. PROVO 283 yon mi,Tnr.i. ttatb A Real Buy: 5 rm. mod. stucco, hardwood floors, cabinets, rock wool insulation. insula-tion. 2 nearly new rugs, lovely walnut dining room set, - kitchen range, large heater. Owner leaving city will sell for only $5800. $2500 will handle. N. E. location. lo-cation. , 4 rm. brick with bath, $3150. 2 rm. stucco, hot and cold water, electricity, good garage, ga-rage, Orem. $1500. 7.58 acres. Pleasant View, young peach and pear trees, 125 bearing trees. 4 rm. aemi modern home, rich ground, excellent location. 4.65 acres with 4 rm. home, nearly new. 300 young trees, 6 shares water, Orem. Only $4000. 1.66 acres with 7 rm. mod. home, close In, barn, coops, etc. 6 rm. home with V ac. ground .close in. $3150. Other good buys. Owens Realty Co. 41 West 1st North Phone 94 or 894W BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Center street cafe for sale. ALSO one for rent, both fully equipped. 4 room home with store on lot, garage, well located for business $4200. 2 room frame, new, 3 by 5Vi rods lot, N. W. location. $800.00. 5 room brick semi-modern, outbuildings. 6 by 12 lot S. E. $3500.00. 3 room frame Barn, 5 acres land, some good pasture, ideal for chickens and cow. 6 room frame, modern, 1 room basement, 3 bedrooms, arranged with outside entrance, en-trance, so that part can be rented if desired, 3 by 9 lot, close to school and store. SE $4500.00. NEW 5 room frame, modern, mod-ern, gas stove and fireplace, part basement, 3 bedrooms, nice garden spot. $500.00 down assume contract, owner own-er leaving town. N. E. $6150. 4 room brick with 3 rooms upstairs, modern .part basement, base-ment, coal furnace and stoker, extra lot. N.E. $5000. 6 room modern frame, full basement, one basement room finished for bedroom, coal furnace, large coop, 1 acre of ground, young fruit trees now bearing, close in, splendid family home. $4750 Payson. CHICKEN SET UP: 4 large coops 1400 capacity, double dou-ble garage, granary, 1 acre of land, good home, 4 rooms ground floor and 4 room apt. in basemenV 2 sets plumbing, plumb-ing, close to highway 91. $7500.00 Orem. 6 Room modern home, automatic auto-matic oil heater, 5 large coops 3000 capacity, 4 acres land, good water right, horse, cow and equipment, Priced for quick sale, Car-terville. Car-terville. FOR RENT: 3 room furnished furnish-ed Apt. Ground floor. If interested in Selling, Buying. Borrowing, or. Insuring, In-suring, be sure to see US. GRAY REALTY CO. 196 West Center Provo, Utah PHONE 370 After Hours Call W. S. Gray 1358 Emil J. Jacobson 968R WKLL establlithcd 'Iambic Htore. Invoice plua fixture. Immediate posserolon WrHo Herald Box Ml. oS NICK building lot, Spanish Fork. Phone i:iJ4. oio S ROOM house to move. Lumber good. II East 4 South Spanish Fork. 37:J. oil PERSONAL GET ACQUAINTED CLUB. Through so- clsl correspondence thousands yearly meet the.lr "ideal." Write for list of eligible. Many Vtali members. Simp-Son. Simp-Son. Box KM. 'Denver, Colo. oS FOR RENT OR I.EASB FOR Rent or !eae, cold storage plant. 1000 box rapaclt;. iii North Ith West. Phoue 1041. oil WANTED TO BUT HARDWOOD bed nd springs. Cal M. M. rifle shells. Any amount WEbTERN Auto Supply. I'rovo. ol row wt.K-ww-,T. rwTATf! Neat "Little Farm or Business Busi-ness Tract" S acres $2,523 at Orem on U. S. highway No. 91 very good soil good water wa-ter right. 272 ft highway Frontage. Low. down payment, pay-ment, Easy terms. A Lovely Home and Poultry Set-up: lYt acres In American Amer-ican Fork. 4 room stucco home with bath. 24x60 ft. coop for 600 hens 14x16 ft. brooder house, cow shed, 1 shares water. 4 blocks from Main St Price $4,350 Down payment $1,350. Balance Bal-ance $50 per month. A very nice Dairy and truck farm, 35.16 acres Just out of Provo City limits, 4 room frame and adobe house, part modern. Barn for 13 cows, coop for 200 hens, milk house, 3 good wells, good water right, fine pasture. $8,550. Less than down. Team and implements imple-ments go. 15.66 acres choice farm land fine location at Orem. 3 miles from Provo. Let us show you a real bargain. A Real Farm. 18 acres at Pleasant Grove. This year's crops worth more than price asked for farm. Excel-Jert Excel-Jert water right. Good location. loca-tion. Icthl building spot Easy terms. Equipped Poultry and Dairy Farm. 70 acres at American Fork. Lovely modem home, good coops and other outbuildings. out-buildings. See this fine money making set up. See us about commercial income property. We use the "Free Open Listing" which leaves you free to handle your own property. List your property for sale with the largest Real Estate Company in the World. SEE OUR BARGAINS S T R O U T REALTY AGENCY Erastus Peterson Broker 343 West Center Phone 113-S Night 1164M DIXON REAL ESTATE OFFERS 3 Room Modern Frame Dwelling Newly painted, 2 extra rooms in basement. One-half acre ground, cow barn, nasture. $2983. a (Worn Brick and Frame Dwelling. 2 sets plumbing, over one-half acre ground. Ideal location Springville. Only $5000. Just off North University Avenue. 2 4 room apartment apart-ment dwelling, two sets plumbing, 4x8 rod lot Sale price $5250. Lovely New Modern 4 Room Frame Full Basement. Base-ment. Furnace blower Hardwood floors bedroom rug Electric Range can be purchased beautiful landscaped land-scaped lot. Fenced garage. Yours for only $0500. 3 Bedroom Home New Brick. Furnace Basement Large Lot Fenced. Very good location. Owner Leaving Leav-ing State. $6800. Opportunity To Buy In An Excellent Location on North University Avenue 5 room brick with basement apartment, apart-ment, also on the same lot 2 3 room modern apartments apart-ments with 5 building lots just off Avenue. J 6 Acre Farm 1 acre young apricot orchard, i acre strawberries, 1 acre young alfalfa, 4 room frame home East Orem $4200. Reasonable Reason-able down payment. 40 Acres Choice Farm Land 5 room frame home, cow barn, granary, garage, chicken coop. 10 acres fruit, balance alfalfa and grain. Deep well pump. See this buy Payson. Only $7000. 34 Acre Turkey and Chicken Chick-en Rranch 4 room modern brick dwelling furnace, blower, stoker, full basement. base-ment. 3 large coops, 86x20, and 86x22, 18 oil brooder heaters, 500 gal. oil pump tanks. 2 large rain coop shelters, I acre orchard. This is a real opportunity for you. Priced right AFTER HOURS CALL A. E .Hanks 390 Paul Brown 1162 Tom Woolsey 212-M Ray Hanks Christeele Acres DIXON REAL ESTATE CO. 236 West Center Phone 73 FOR SALE OR RENT UNFURNISHED New 3 bedroom Homes No Damage Deposit $50 per month Rental Tile bath, kitchen, basement. Gas hot water heater. Oiled roads - beautiful location. Priority to Purchase Refrigerator & Stove. UNIVERSITY (GARDENS OFFICE: 7TH NORTH. 11TH EAST James E. Eldredge, Tract Mgr. PHONE 1&25-W i ym pt.t t.m. ttty. Listing Properties Proper-ties For Sale! Best 24 Acres Dairy Farm with Barn Milk House Pasture Fruits OutbuildingsWater Out-buildingsWater Rights A LARGE LOVELY MODERN MOD-ERN HOME on Main State Road Now Offered. Twelve Acres Fruit and Alfalfa Land Good Water Rights City Water GOOD BRICK HOME Outbldgs Price only $6850 TERMS OFFERED. LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE RENTED Four Apts. Furnished CLOSE $500 LARGE LOT-ONE LOT-ONE ROOM BUILDING-LIGHTS BUILDING-LIGHTS - WATER COOK STOVE. Modern House SE Provo Offered for $4500 IN-CLUDES IN-CLUDES FURNACE PLUMBING LARGE LOT TERMS. HOUSE FULL NICE FURNITURE INCLUDING INCLUD-ING ELECTRIC RANGE-REFRIGERATOR RANGE-REFRIGERATOR $950; AND A GOOD LITTLE HOUSE MODERN WITH NICE LOT; $4975 TERMS. 1.86 ACRES. SEVEN ROOM MODERN HOME Total Price $4200. ACRES OF LAND MANY COOPS ESTABLISHED POULTRY BUSINESS INCLUDING 2500 POULTRY. POUL-TRY. THREE BEDROOM MODERN MOD-ERN HOME FOR ONLY $2950. 12 ACRES MODERN ADOBE HOME CELLAR COOPS NICE SHADE ALL FOR $7000. Plenty of Good Property Telephone 1099 Willard L. Sowards Agency Office: 39 West 2nd No. SC. Provo, Utah ROBERTSON-BUSHMAN ROBERTSON-BUSHMAN 4 Room Modern Frame with full basement and furnace: water heat $5500 $500 cash; balance like rent. New 4 Room Pre-war Modern Mod-ern frame hardwood floors. Venetian blinds. Furnace and water heater. Laundry room and extra room in basement. acre of good land and water. $5250. Terms. Orem. 6 Room and Bath Brick Home Half basement Garage. Ga-rage. Close-in location $3750. 5 Room Modern Brick Automatic water heater Choice Northeast location. $7500. 3 Room Modern Brick Venetian blinds, carpets $4200. Close in. Lovely 5 Room Mod. Brick Home. Full basement, furnace, fur-nace, stoker and blower 12 acres land and water. Small orchard. Coops for 2000 chickens. Close in $7000. 4 Room Modern Frame 3 rooms in basement. Furnace, Fur-nace, full basement. $3800. Duplex Two 3-room Apts. All modern. On West Center. Cen-ter. $4500. 3-Room Partly Mod. Frame 2 years old. '.i acre good land, and water. Also coal range. $1700. 4 Room Modern Frame Furnace, gas water heater. $5000. $100 cash, balance " like rent 2 Acres Good Land and Water 5 Room Modern Brick Home. Large coop, barn. Close in. On Highway High-way 91. In American Fork 5 Acres good land and water 7-Room 7-Room Modern Brick Home. Electric pump water system. sys-tem. Coops for 2000 chickens. chick-ens. Near American Fork. $7250. Robertson-Bushman Robertson-Bushman Realty & Ins. 67 East Center Phone 710 After Hours Call: G. P. Hatch 938-M J. V. Bushman 1676-R H. A. Robertson 1125 SUNDAY HERALD nSE&F&SSSK'gir PAGE' 7 TRKIINKO LIGHT houaekeeplag reesa wltb private bats. Mi Kast Center. oil MODERN apaxtmeat. 3 room a s North i st cast. ei I ROOMS, bath, fiaeeanent. Stoker beat. net water, rss refrigerator, stave l:? West Ind South. olt ROOM basement apartment. Also house trailer. W1U place within rea enable distance. Phene ItSM. J North Ith East. el MODERN i room apartment. Adults, i'l East Ith 'South. Provo. a I ROOM apartment to uan-emoklns rouple. HM. 721 West Center. o S ROOM and bath, eemi.baaameat. Automatic Auto-matic heat, re Iris; oration. Adalta only. XI Eaat Ith Nortb. oil A GOOD 1 room modern apartment. Stl Nortb let West. ' ! 1 8MALL rooma and bath. Oeraee In cluded. Partly furalahed. ttf.OO per mon:h. too West Main Street. Amer- can Fork. Utah. of SLEEPING room. Newly decorated. Well furnished room. Close to busineee district. dis-trict. :7 North 1 Cast. at OR LNFL'RNISHED. S 1 room apart. mente. Riverside Tourist Psrk. nS I ROOM apartment. tb house eaat on Scera street. Orem. Phone eSiJl. e CHOICE bedroom for gentlemen. Private entrance. Call altar p. m. 341 North 1st East. oil CONVENIENT new brick apannienta completely furnished, elect rle ran. and refrigerator. Oarage. Use of waab-ara waab-ara and laundry facilities without eatra cost. ALPINE VILLA. Pleas ant Grove. Nine tntlea north of Prove en Main Hlshwav. alO NICE apartment. Everrthtns new. Gas hut. near university. Garase. Phone TM or 1410. Bl CLEAN 2 room apartment with private bath, uppstalra. In Orem. OMR:, el POM RENT UNFURNISHED 1 ROOM basement apartment. Newly decorated, toe . Woet Center. os S ROOM apartment. Ground floor. Ga rage, laundry room. Phone 1S43W. ol NEW cool spacious apartments. Electric range and refrigerator, garage, laundry. laun-dry. Two mlee from Steel plant. Alpine Villa. Pleasant Grove. clt 1 ROOM apartment. Gae heat and atove. forge refrigerator. Garage. Pbone 7SM or 14K0. j l.ROOM modern apartment. Cloae la. Utound floor, til East 1st South, ol WANTED TRANSPORTATION to and from Salt Ike Dally except Sunday. Phonr 7f-l of row RKT KCKHBU ALPINE VILLA MOTEL $20 WEEK - Four Persons Reasonable Bates New elec, range, refrigerator, refrigera-tor, radio. Maid aemce. PLEASANT GROVE Nina Milea North of Projo, Main Highway Phone 2942, Pleaaaat Grove SPOT CASH For Your Car or EQUITY P. E. Ashton Co. 191 South University Provo Chevrolet - Buick WANTED USED CARS We will pay cash for all Used Cars, all makes. NA YLOR AUTO CO. 70E . 1st North Provo FARMERS RANCHERS PART TIME WORK Now Available at GENEVA STEEL CO. Supplement your present income, and help Geneva Steel meet increasing demands of our Armed Forces. Work through the winter at Geneva. No prior experience necessary. Available openings now In several operating departments. Cail at Industrial Relations Building, Geneva, Utah Phone Provo 2100-ExtenJon 70-R2. Or contact your local USES office All applicants must be referred by U. S. S. S. . Electric Motors For Sale! 1 SO HP 220440 Volt 3 phase G.E. Motor. .$175.00 115 HP 220440 Volt 3 phase G.E. Motor. .$ 95.00 1 HP 220 Volt 3 phase shaft out both ends $ 18.50 11,2 HP 220 Volt 3 phase shaft out both ends $ 15.00 1 1 HP 110220 Volt single phase motor... $ 35.00 These motors have all been re-wound Contact: W. W. Phone 1737 - WANTED TO KENT LOCAL family w lakes 4 ar S re- nanae. Good referencea. No aknUdrsn under 14. Write T. E. Williams. ASS Went Ith Nortr. COLPLE wants to rant a tbrwe or fewr rwatn, furnished or uafei alshed In Prove or nearby. Cleee ta baa Una Phoae Riverside Tari Park Cabin 17. I ROOM tarnished house. Modern.-- SI miles of Pre to. Close to or boot. Bv children. Phone 1I4IM. 711 Went 4th North. 4 ONE baueekeee4neT rewen. greuad fJesri r upstairs. K alack Shea Shop. run st RAT SADDLE HORSES for Un dear huntarn.1 Vivian Park Stare. IS MRTARLE . wr rhtnea. stoisr Sewtng Msrhtnw Pbon. tr 141 PLOOR sender ana floor polisher. Utah Valley Glass and Paint. OAS rutf SALK THAI LAIRS ALL st eel trailer. 7I. 417 South T7J. varsity. el 1(42 Superior trailer bouse. Good S sty prewar tlree. Excellent condition throughout. Roderick, victory TraUar Park. Oram. nt DEER Hunters. 5 S wheel trnitnrn at-will at-will trade one trailer for i--Zt rifle. ISO North tlh West. 4 NEED MONEY?. SB US FIRST We Loan the Most on Everything 4 Watches, Jewelry, Luggage, Tools, Guns, Cameras, etc BAIL BONDS Stover Loan Office 61 North University PUBLIC AUCTION To Be Held TUESDAY October 10 10 a. m. at Geneva Steel Plant Salvage Yard - Giving Farmers and Ranchers an opportunity to secure articles in lots, they have needed but have been unable to secure se-cure including NEW and USED Hand Tools Power Tools Bldg. Material Small Equipment Equip-ment Bedding: Supplies From DPC Surplus All Sales are Cash COME TO WEST GATE ON LAKE SIDE OF PLANT SORENSEN Provo A I ii l i I .mi, m 1'.v V low Subdivision Kt. 1 Bat l.,;. Hili'r, Hah. J |