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Show PAGE 8 mi'r':m5E7;7?,'Z SUNDAY HERALD Y Nautilus At ; Birthday Fete A dinner at .Chicken Roost was held by the active and alumnae alum-nae member of the Nautilus social unit of Brighton Young university, Friday evening, the vent celebrating the twenty-Iburth twenty-Iburth anniversary of the girls' organization. The alumnae group sponsored the birthday dinner attended by SO actives and alums. Gladioli and carnations were attractive as decorations and autumn place-cards place-cards were used. "Reminiscing" was the theme of the program. . .Mrs.' Betty Powelson, alumnae president, welcomed the group, and Mrs. Fay Buttle was toast-mistress. toast-mistress. Toasts were given by Mrs. Gertrude Keeler of Salt (Lake City, Mrs. Oa Cannon, Mrs. Orem Literary Club Entertained Mrs. Harold Calder entertained members of the Orem Literary club at her home in Provo Thurs day. Tne entertaining rooms were beautifully decorated with lovely boquets of gladioli. The delicious hot luncheon was served at one long -table which was centered with a bowl of- choice rose buds Plans were discussed for the bond drive which the Federated clubs are sponsoring. Mrs. Nina Strat-ton Strat-ton and Mrs. Melba Calder sang a duet and the little Misses Jac queline Smith and Marilyn Price sang a duet. In attendance were Mrs. J George Stratton. Mrs. J. D. Park Mrs. Curtis Gordon. Mrs. J. D Pyne, Mrs. Thomas Cordncr. Mrs. E. B. Terry, Mrs. J. Erval Chris-tensen. Chris-tensen. Mrs. J. D. Pyne. Mrs. Roy E. Park. Mrs. E. H. Calder. Mrs. Brides-Elect Name Wednesday As The Day' ...... X- ',.'?Jr. 1 iiris ureer, iviiss veraeii riant. n.. nv novk Mr SEf11,?' actives- and M"- Clifton Py'ne. Mrs. Thomas' Jac-iBetty Jac-iBetty Walton. ,oha -nd th hostess . Mrs. Betty Powelson, Mrs. tDaryl Sparks and Mrs. Eloise JPeterson comprised the commit-rtee commit-rtee assisted by Mrs. Phyllis Long, jMrs. Beverlee Selck and Mrs. Iris Creer. After the dinner, the women Jwent to the home of Mrs. Anita JS. Hammond, where she and Mrs. iCreer, and Mrs. Ellen Knight Jwere hostesses. A huge tiered Jbirthday cake, in yellow and blue, was cut and served and Nautilus songs sung. Alumnae members present included in-cluded Mesdames Norma Jacob-tson. Jacob-tson. Iris Creer, BeverLee Selck, Imma Olsen, Phyllis Long, Anita olammond, Ellen Knight, Faye Buttle, Maurine Startup, Daryl Sparks, Faun Barnett, Louise Madsen, Louise Tolman, Aline Smith, Eloise Peterson, Betty Powelson and Marian Clark and Miss Beth Sutton. The following active girls attended: at-tended: Maurine Boswell, Geneal Martin, Beth Rambeau, Barbara Sherry, VerdeU Hunt, Geniel Mower, Helen Olpin, Adell Rams-bottom, Rams-bottom, Marian Hyde, Mary Lou Dixon, Mary Ellen Christensen, Bonnie Wilson, Helen Martin, Isabel David, Shirley Barrett, Beverly Cronen, Barbara Bailey, Virginia Rickenbach, Norma Prusse, Carma Adams and Winifred Wini-fred Dychei. Guests Included: Mrs. Klara Snyder of Spanish Fork, Mrs. Betty Walton, Miss Marian Pyott, Mrs. Barbara Redd, Mrs. Oa Cannon, Can-non, Mrs. Erma Dixon, Mrs. Gertrude Gert-rude Keeler, a charter member, all of Salt Lake City. i.v yaffil & i'i il "t fi ii ii i mi w.iiiii finiiMi -'utiiMMi i-irii.in i i is lir MISS BEULAII RHODES, soon to marry Myron P. Sorcnscn. MISS DOROTHY PRUSSE, affianced bride of Lt. Irwin L. Bailie Cozette Club Members At Party Mrs. Gladys Denhalter entertained enter-tained at her home Thursday evening eve-ning for members of the Cozcttc club. Lunch and Monte Carlo Whist were the diversions, Mrs. Fayc Guercio winning the high score prize, Mrs. Nelda Jensen, second, and Mrs. Lois Curtis, consolation.; Mrs. Guercio, Mrs. Mildred! Hunt and Mrs. Fay Bogh werej guests and members attending attending were: Mrs. Nelda Jen sen, Mrs. Doyne Clark, Mrs. Lois Curtis, Mrs. Marjorie Breinhplt, Mrs. Gladys Denhalter and Mrs. Erma Evans. Retiring Board Members Honored ' Gifts were presented to Mrs. F. G. Warnick and Mrs. Maude Mrs. Coscttc Rhodes announces an-nounces the coming marriage of her daughter. Bculah, to Myron P. Sorenscn. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sorenscn, of Malad, Idaho. The marriage is to be an event of .Wednesday, the ceremony to be x?rfonncd in the Salt Lake temple. The bridc-to-be attended the Brigham Young university univer-sity , and the University of Utah, and is a graduate of the Salt Lake General hospital school of nursing. Mr. Sorenscn is a former student of the B.Y.U. and has served an L.D S. mission in the eastern btatc.-. Ellen Ashworth Calcares Prexy Ellen Ashworth of Provo, will head the Y Calcares, sophomore women's honorary society at Brigham Young university, this year with Elaine Gwynn, Wash ington, D. C, as vice-president. Only twenty-five members of last year's club have returned although al-though more are expected on the campus this week. Traditional, white V-neck sweaters make the distinguishing feature of the YC uniform. During registration the girls served as temporary mentors, oi-rccting oi-rccting freshmen and ushering at orientation programs. They will serve in similar service activities A Hallowe'en idea was carried throughout the year, out in arrangements for the jolly-; Other officers are Barbara birthdav partv given bv Mrs. Bailey of Salt Lake, secretary; Merlin Finch at her home in-Jean Anderson of Pleasant Orem, Fridav afternoon, for her Grove, reporter; and Pat Hatch, S. Richins, retiring members of i seven-year-old son. Raymond. Provo, advertising manager. ure rrevo bmac xyenei society uain ncii- jjih -u anu luul' board, during a social afternoon pictures taken. Hallowe'en hats Wedding Date 'Sr.tertaJns For ;0r.Rv Pa, ,nlo Srid9e Club 'Reception Set For Y Girls . . Announcement is made by .Mr and Mrs. Joseph G. Price of Vernal, Ver-nal, of the approaching marriage of their daughter, Eva, to Birch E. Boyce, son of Boyce, of Provo. The couple will Mrs. Mrs. Sherman Wing was hostess to members of her bridge club A reception for freshmen girls Friaay evening at her home. 'and new girl at Brigham Young 1 '- e?rd pame followed lunch, universitv is being given bv the r.rvi . James Chatwin won the B. Y. U." Women Thursday! Oc- '.:;.! score- prize and Mrs. Josenh tnlvr 9fi at the hnmo -f TroiHor.t Hollowe'en Motif At Children's Party Home From Navy; Is Complimented - A delicious pot-luck supper was enjoyed at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nielsen at Wasatch Gardens, in honor of J Wick Swain, U. S. navy, who is home on leave from service in ' the Hawaiian islands. The Pro-voan Pro-voan leaves Sunday to rejoin his ship. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Wick Swain and son Noal, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bascomb, Miss Ruth Bascomb. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nielsen of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Hadlock, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Josie and daughter Lila of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown, Miss Evah Shepherd, Willis Elmer of Springville, Don Ollerton and son Garth Nielsen. Victory Group Holds Initiation The Warns, a Victory organization organiza-tion for girls of the seventh and eighth grades of the B. Y. high school, initiated 28 new members Friday evening at the home of Mary Young. Carmela Tanner, general, was in charge, and 46 girls were in attendance. at-tendance. The candlelight ceremonies cere-monies were held on the back lawn, and later, refreshments were served. Mrs. Julia Caine is sponsor of the club and the committee comprised: com-prised: Carmela Tanner. Kathleen Culllmore, Lillian Freebairn and Mary Young. held at the home of Mrs. Lee Snarr, Friday. Colorful fall flowers were arranged ar-ranged about the rooms and on the small tables. A 1:30 o'clock luncheon was served, after which a short business session was held and chat and music enjoyed. Those attending were Mrs. Clark Allred, stake superintendent: superintend-ent: Mrs. F. G. Warnick, Mrs. William Qldroyd. Mrs. Lee Snarr, Mrs. Maude S. Richins, Mrs. Emily Nielsen, Mrs. J. C. Moffitt, Mrs. Harold Anderson, Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Mrs. Ivan Young. Mrs. Edith Cottam .Mrs. Floyd MHlCt and Mrs. Margaret Atkin. House Party Is and candies were Riven as favors and a delicious luncheon was-p;, mm. DiL.J. served as well as birthday cake. V7lVen VJV DITTnaay Those attending were: Aftonj Finch, Eugcna Bliss, Dianna Celebrating her birthday an-Lewis, an-Lewis, Beverly Booth. Colleen nivcrsary, Mrs. Walter F. Clark Baker. Marlene and Dc:.nc Duke, entertained Friday evening at her Robin. Gay and Shanua Turscan- home. ski. Richard Duke. Gn-Kory Far-, Moving pictures were shown ley, Jan Pelerson. Kc.-.-o Bunnell. 'and a delicious lunch served to Leland Davis. Vani' Asry. Mer- Mr. and Mrs. Clark and children, rill Palmer. Wayne Frederick. Bill Carl and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Warnick. Shiil ai:d Douglas Farl Smith and son, Melvin. Mr. Smith. , and Mrs. William Smith and Also, his pran l-.iotlicr. Mrs. daughter, Pegpy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Win ill. a-, i a int . Harold G. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. EthM Fin'ii . :: .'I :,h Vir- John I). Gordon and daughter, ginia Duke. v. n i ; . ent. Linda Louise. Interest attends the approaching ap-proaching marriage of Dorothy Doro-thy Prusse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Prusse of Provo, and First Lieutenant Lieuten-ant Irwin L. Bailie of the air corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bailie, also of this city. The young couple will be married Wednesday at the Bailie home, with close family fam-ily members attending. A wedding dinner in their honor hon-or will immediately follow at the bride's home. The bride-elect is a graduate gradu-ate of the Provo high school and the Provo School of Beauty Culture. Lt. Bailie arrived Wednesday Wednes-day from India, where he has been stationed the past 14 months as a pilot with the air transport command. He has been in the service for three and a half years and was attending at-tending the B.Y.U. prior to that time. He is a graduate of the Provo high school. Young Couple Here For Visit Lt. and Mrs. John Bell (Rose Lee Peterson) have been here from San Angelo, Texas, where Lt. Bell of the air corps, was recently re-cently graduated as a bombardier. The young couple were married mar-ried in San Antonio. Texas, dur-thc dur-thc summer, and Wednesday, they went to the Salt Lake temple, where their marriage was solemnized solem-nized in the presence of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. N. A. Peterson. Lt. Bell is to report in Florida, and his wife will remain In Price with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peterson. Thursday at the home of th bride's parents in Vernal, and : reception will immediately follow The bride-elect served an L.D S mission in the northern state- She is a graduate of the B.Y.I". and is teaching at the Mac. ; r school. Mr. Boyce is a well kno.vn farmer in Provo, and they w ill make their home here. V c Felicia Club Is Is Tendered Social Mrs. Esther Long and Mr. Mary Jolley were hostesses t" the Felicia clib members at home of the former, Friday afternoon. after-noon. Mrs. Jolley read a letter from the commanding officer of )ur son Max, commending the Pr-voan Pr-voan for his work. Also, she fu' . c several poems. Sewing and 1u.il h-eon h-eon were enjoyed. Those attending wero Mr.-. Louise Palmer, Mrs. Marinth Pendleton, Mrs. Mary Bennett. Mrs. Sallie Sorenscn. Mrs. Loie;;a Leavitt, Mrs. Florence Sum: t : . Mrs. Wilmett Tucker. Mrs. Not;. Bullock, Mrs. Ada Wiseman. Mr-Mildred Mr-Mildred Liljenquist, Mrs. 1..; Richardson, Mrs. Amanda .Te!:::-ston .Te!:::-ston and Mrs. Evelyn Kiddle. V V 4 Mothers1 Class To Meet Thursday The mothers' class, scheduled for October 13, will be held Oct. 12, instead, health officials sntd The class, sponsored ly th' public health department, will conducted by Mrs. Ku!h Orwah!. public health nurse Thursday 2 p. m. in the Public libra.-;, building. Elmira St. ..kla!:;j. the consolation favor, and Mrs. Franklin S. Harris, from ra. William Love was a guest 3 to 6 o clock. jn..:ut-i s aueuuiiiK were. f-.- ... ! , .J Lnaiwin, Airs, raui be married j)'" j'. Elsie C. Carroll is chair- man en arrangements for the af- t (;:irf nd the committee comprises: Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Nettie Neff Smart, dean of women: Mrs. William Wil-liam J. Snow, Mrs. II. V. Hovt. . Mr.-. II H. Mernll and Miss Ehibcth Hill. Birthday Gift I ': .-".'ii. Mr?. Joseph Strickland. .V--. Sherman Wing, Mrs. Kulon ii u..m,i. Mrs. Glade Anderson, r .: - Bree Christensen and Mrs i i . . it - Stephens. . Jamboree Slated For B.Y.U. Girls Czrr;. m. on their program of filwiart MamhAre uelciminc new women students wIVCII fYlCiTIUcrS the Associated Women Students :-;. 'i.-ation at Brigham Youni; Mrs. C. L Ellertson was hostess i:i.. vi -j Mty will be host to all the to members of the Belle Mere A " r i ii ; t the school Friday, Oc- club at her horn. Friday after-pl ; -.-r i:, in the Women's gym noon, the birfhday anniversary ' '.'l a carnival - jamboree, of Mrs. C. A. Dahlquist being :i VounK of American Fork, celebrated. She was presented rvl '.air-man of AWS, an- with a lovely -ift. i todnv. Sewing and luncheon were the I : ( ; ir.ival spirit will be fea- diversions. Those attending were: v. ith concessions such as. Mrs. O. A. Watts. Mrs. C. A. Dahl- i and pink lemonade be- auist. Mrs. Golden Tavlor. Mrs. v . It is planned to have all J. E. Goates. Mrs. J. Earl Lewis, -iv ; le.-hmcn girls participate in Mrs. Clifton B. Thatcher. Mrs. J. t I the jamboree. Miss F. Mower and Mrs. Byron Den- Young said. halter. 'ur.-d 'Fashion-Fresh" m n c c MINAMAX SHOE DEPT. "We Enjoy Doing Business With You" 127 WEST CENTER The Ideal . . . GIFT For Your Service Man or Girl Overseas! Over-seas! BOOKS We have a large, varied assortment to please the taste of anyone. Come in - Select YOURS NOW! Remember! Ten enly have 6 Days Left to mail Christmas Packages Overseas. Utah Office Supply Co. Phone 15 43 E. Center At Taylor Bros., largest selection of f urniture in central and southern Utah 9 B Living-Room Suites 5 ' ' I of Character a varied selection Sofa with Chair to match' 149.50 To 298.50 Your living room reflects the character of your home life . . . Whether you prefer modern or traditional furniture, you will find fine examples of each at Taylor's ... two entire floors of fine f urn iture. Love seats, large modern sofas, Charles of London, and Lawson sofas . . . each with chair to match ... in mohair, frieze, tapestry and brocatel . . . blue, green, wine, rose and beige. The Nov I .-i SN DRESSES Designed for a j : 'jLi ? Fashion Future'. LjJ-H & iTV Austelle Dresses V 1 1 M ;;(!- ( . I "in k p.: . I ie.-tive. y4, v v"1f f Designed to flatter sparkle to oiir l';iH-i!iio-v. robe, these j;Taev ful in v. make anv occasion moi Siren black or bri!!ia:it-hir.-d rayon crepes deftly draped, shirred and swathed, to slim oiir h' whittle your waist. Touched with sparkling jeweled buttons, femlidr.e ruching. 4crisp cartridge pleated pi ckets and flattering jewelry n-ck!!i:. --. In Misses', Juniors' su'. . Pi 1 4. 9. rtmmmr .. |