OCR Text |
Show Diphtherb.tliat terrlIe,seo'irgeis tho result of Mlemhtrs. Ra'tanTs Microbe Killer will dt-troy tic Microbe. Buy your drugs of "(he bois," Johnson, Pratt k Co., 45 Main st. The New Sof i Bel Is the best for Offices and Physicians. Waded one ton Beeswax, Joii.nsjn-, Pk tt A Co. 6rmarbB.ll Itrstce. Mrs. Mlciiael Curtain, Pialiifield, I1L, uiaktss tlie tUMenirut that slit caught cold, which settled on her '.jui; alio waa treated for a month cy her family iihjsician, but grew worse. He told htr she was a fif-e. lus neitrn of CMtwnjUioii anJ tliat oa medicine could cure her. Her Jmajlrf suggested Dr. King's New DiMjovrry for Conuni;tIon: she bought a bottlo and to her delight foucd herself btnefitcd by Cnt dose. She ciintiuued iu use and after taking ten Ujlllcs, found herself her-self sound and well, now does bet own housework and isaswillasevsr she wit-Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A. C. Smith a Co. 'a Drugstore, lare ImttltsiaOc. tod U.0O. S Itfltlard'a Ruovr I.lnlurnl. Tills Invaluable remedy Is one that ought to be In every household. It will cure jour ItheumatLsm, -Vcu-raffia, Sf rains. Cuts, Ilrulst-, Burns, I'rcs-ted I-eet and Ears, Sore ThroatandboreGhot. If you have lame Back It will cure IL Itieiit-tratrs Itieiit-tratrs to tho seat of the disease. It will cure StifT Joints and contracted niu'rft afler all other itmedlts have failed. Those who have been crlptdes for years have used JJal Ittnl't Snor Ijntnicr.t and thrown awsy Uitircrutchts and ts-cn able to walk as well as evtr. it will cure yuu. JWcc 50 centt. 2. C. L I. Agents. I" Union Pacific System MOUNTAIN DIVISION. SPECIAlTRAINS sun OOXFERENOE, OCT. 4th. 5th and 6th. TheUnlon Pacific w ill run Special Trains between OGDhN awl SALT LAKi: asfolIOAi: A. SI. A I Lv.S.1.1 OGDEN IfttOAr. Miilnle'it. " SM lCAtvn.li- 12:00 Lv. I'll. " 9 0J rAkVINOTOS 11)" ,r29-io CKxnti-viiii. ii:ti " 9-15 Wirlrt (wsi 11.J5 ' Ar.3-5 SALT LAKE 11:15" KrraUr Train i Usra Ogles at 3Sa.ni tB T r at, -I ;sipa. .1 ifase s. I l.-Je at s Hi.s,l Kpja, lusnin., nj 7XJ-t. t I o est flop St islermMwte f laUo&s. S IV I. CU, Oeaersl rwscBinrr '.cttU NOTICE TO CREDITOHS. Is tac l1osie Oait ti SsK Late CmkIjt. Irrrttatv oC Ltob. jo Uk nutter of tbe Ctute or James fsjse. (facetasd. -NTOTtCt: IS hu-EbV nt EX BY TIIK JLa aorMrnrt. vdorioHtntrtt of the Saute ot Jsmrs rsc JecceJ, late of not Cot now!, eoootrof sH uttr.tAtSe ersslttArs n st mil fsrsoas banmc eUivss sxslott Ue ssst teoaurd t ciaHst tkns vita Uto nfessanr roorlten. srltbto tra toontSs sflr tte it poWieotloa of tats aultfe. lo tse sist sossmittntrlT. at Her resMrsrr. ruic tot Mtaoisl. Sail Lake tontr Lub that beloi; the nlareforibe tnaucuon of ISO bii.sM of Ktwi estate. suzamrni v. rinotrsoN. ijaiwtnini f tae LfUte of Jaaei I'aj-ae deceacd. Ciltsixs V- ITaasoy VUnrner fsrlbe IMale. I)lo-l ABfsH tt. lsls. soairtir OTICK. Ctali ui.itStiit LtUeCtinalCumpatij. rrlixltol tlsf e Itasioess alt tale IU7, tub. -VOTttE is itsTrrnr otvtv.TiiiT oN aamrrliaor thTratess beWoo ue Sws lrot -cptesr. a li fve.in KI.HW or Uoo IJlsr por rbaie letiel 00 tbe esolitl ot o IM Cor ponUna. norMo s tbe tr t rr.tt! (rnrrat OftVro of tb eomiaoj ton 19 looser KSJrrtfre lUoct call late ills LUb oa tho IS h liar of otroiitr. I Anr fttos upon wbSrb Ibis aes- losnt o T leaia uoimM ob tbe t-lb day 1 1 Norrat ber. Isss, srUI bo toliBsirol al adrert ss tor at at paU le anctlos, aad oaleu I sr tocBt is rasa before, will bo "bt on tbe S da? of Uerootbrr. 1W). to ar dtlm tlieul asvossioroi, loretbor wita tbe cost of littUiiot-sodclptonot U s-IJss v. -UITII scey, rtab acd Salt LaLo Canal (VtqtpiBr Loeatlospt CCnce. ball La.c 11 J, tub. SUMIH0NS. fa tbe tHsirKt roart tn asd tar ike Tbinl Jsdloal KiairSrt of LTlabTsnuoiT, Cosotf el salt Late. S. II. WUIord, rtolatiS MttUs A WUIard, IMftndoat. Tho reopio of tbe Territorr of Cub lead CrjrR To MaUlo A. WiUird, Dt'esdiat trot ice iiKKErr ntQUincn to 1 appear In an artiOB bmacbt acaioit roa br tba aboro Bamed plsuff la tbe IlLUIctOoartottbo Ibltd Jadl.UI Duutet of too Territory of Cub. and I oatwrr the cotaplaiBl filed tbercia snthta lea dara fexeliislTeof tbe day of ntce) alter too service on roa of tbu soAiaoaf If . erred wltbtn ibfs eoaatr orlf aerredOBt of tola eoantr.bat la lais diitilet.snlhm tarentr d . ouenrlso wthiB fonr days-or lalmeBtbTderaaltwi l Lo liiro axuait job. bmotMIob to the ksttt of said com Tbe sal-1 aetloa u broajrbt lo bare a decree of ibis coon dtsaolnoe too boa! t atain ibobt cxlauax between too pUmul asd do readaat, ana awanlirx plaoua enitoJr of BUBorcblld.1ftBeof aald marftare. prayed for os tote rroaaa tbal sboni tbo rear !". defeadacr dlrrrsrded Ibe aaletaftfty of Uo rurrlaeo rosr. snfally aaj wuboat eaaao deserted aid abaadoae-l p aitufl aad roa lisaed to K d,smboal tt eansoorbli Aod roa ro lertby twUCrd that It roa fan to appear aad aaavcr its aald ran plant at aboro rea Ted. tbo aafcl plalatiS Wtu apprr is tbo Court for tbo relief do-roaBded do-roaBded tbrreta. nitaeaa. the tloa. Ctar'es S. Zaoe. JnJjr. and lbs seal of tbo Ih.lnsl Oesftt of tbe Tbtrd jBSidal stn t, lo and 1r lbs) Terrllorr of LTUi. Ibis lib Cay ot Jnly. fa tbo ystr of ocr Ird, oso iboataad el ill liur adBlaeiy. '""' lt IcUILL.V.nerl HyUro II Looata IhTBlOeit |