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Show j Mrs. Carma Novian and sons Mr. and Mrs. Max Winter and family of Kaysville visited Sun- of Bruceville, Texas are visiting of Mr. and day and Monday with Mr. and this week at the home Worwood. M. G. Mrs. Winter. Mrs. Alma Levan news at the home and Mrs. Clark S. Wood were Mrs. Lola Lee and Mrs. Linda Davis and sons, all of Tooele; and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bennett of Holden. On Memorial Day, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wood of Salt Lake City were guests at the Wood home. Visitors Saturday o! Mr. The (ieseendents of William Worwood and Alice Lila Jennings held a family reunion on Memorial Day at the Levan LDS Ward Cultural Hall. Following J V dinner, games were played and y y program was presented. two persons attended. Sov-fiit- Mr. and Mrs. Rex Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Taylor and family, all of Provo were visitors over the Memorial Day holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wankier. P' Double wedding plans told Mr. and Mrs. William Ii. Bryant of Nephi announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughters, Patty and Jeannie Bryant. Patty will become the bride of Richard Jenkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins. Jeannie will become the bride of Wesley Jepson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Zelda Hill is Lit-Leag- Visitors at the home of Mrs. Hazel Bosh over the Memorial Day weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bosh and son Leon of Las Vegas, Nevada; Mrs. Farrell Bosh and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Christensen, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Vest and family of Brigham City; and Vernon Taylor of Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Vest First-Secon- Highway Patrolman Gary Taylor spoke to members of the Kiwanis club about the 55 mph speed limit and the drinking driver al their meeting on May 21. the 55 mph speed limit was imposed as a fuel saving measure, the saving of lives is an even greater benefit, according to Patrolman Taylor. He said that the reduced speed Although and family also visited with Mrs. Ernestine Vest. President Zelda Hill was installed as the president of the Ladies Literary League at the home of Gladys Tolley on May 6. Other officers installed were Natalie Orme, vice president; Erma Greenhalgh, treasurer; Ireta Carter, reporter; Norma Pay, secretary; and Rheta Sperry, historian. Those in attendance were visitors Saturday at the home Ireta Carter, Phyllis Price, Stel- of Mrs. Lucille Lunt were Mr. la Boswell, Erma Greenhalgh, and Mrs. Morris Stout, Mr. and Natalie Orme, Norma Pay, Mrs. William Stout, and Mr. and Maxine Parkin, Lorene Kirgan, Mrs. Ralph Kelson, all of Salt Pearl Wilson, Gladys Tolley, Lake City, Zelda Hill, Erma Goble, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mackey Elaine Garrett. spent Monday and Tuesday in The Times-New- s Granger. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brent Edmonds and Utah Nephi, children, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin May 29, 1975 Mackey and children, Roger Mackey, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mackey and family. 4 jJK CALL THE RUG DOCTOR Trained technlcans ran "operate" on your rug, removing comph tely the cancerous dirt and grime collected over the winter. Rug Doctor gets to the root of the trouble, vacuuming out the dirt that ruts fibers and ruins rugs. Call 1 today for an appointment to use the machine yourself or for the Rug Doctor to come fo your home for a thorough, cleanup. 623-047- rug-savi- CHAPMAN FURNITURE Ailing from the winter's collection, ff your carpets ore ailing from years of wear, we'll be "Johnny on the Spot" to show you samples, to quote you prices, to arrange fin- ancing if needed, and to lay a nice, new modern carpet. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Powell and children of Malad, Idaho have been visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Powell. Other visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Powell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Powell, all of Nephi; and Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClure. d cent fewer miles were traveled. However, Taylor noted that the accident rate is inching up again as more and more people exceed the speed limit. He encouraged Kiwanians to observe the speed limit. "We can live with it if we try. he said. The drinking driver is a real problem. Trooper Taylor said. The person who gets very drunk is not as much of a problem as the social drinker, Taylor said. The real problem is the person who, after a few drinks, thinks he's the world's best singer, best lover, and best driver. limit definitely saves lives and prevents injuries. According to Taylor, nationally in 1974, highMr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier way fatalities were reduced by attended a family outing at 17 percent while only three per Burraston Pond on Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cazier and children Annette, Wendy, and Tim, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cazier of Holiday; and Mr. and Mrs. Greg Cazier and soh Scott of Granger. FIRE ue Carpet . . Mr. and Mrs. Myron Shepherd Trucking. of Henderson, Nevada were visA double reception honoring the couples will be held June 27 itors over the weekend at the at the Nephi Ward home of Mr. and Mrs. Heber G. Cultural Hall. Both couples will Shepherd. On Saturday, Mrs. make homes in Nephi. lone Shepherd of Tooele, Raymond Jennings of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Ruell Mortensen of Ogden visited with Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd. Taylor to Kiwanians: '55 mph speed limit boon to safety7 Nephi news Memorial Day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Austin were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Randle and family of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hawkins and daughter Heidi of Spanish Fork. in Nephi. Jepson is a graduated of Juab High School and was an LDS missionary in England. He is employed by Tidwell Coal and is Jepson. The double wedding hportswear in Nephi. Jenkins will take place at the Manti a graduate of Juab High School, Temple of the Church of Jesus and was a missionary for the Saints on LDS church in Texas. He is Christ of Latter-da1975. June 27, currently employed at Jenkins Friday, Patty is a graduate of Mineral Sales and Service in Nephi. Jeannie also graduated from County High School at Hawthorn, Nevada and of Dixie Mineral County High School at College at St. George. She is Hawthorn, Nevada. She, too, is curretnly employed at Zions employed at Zions Sportswear Meorial Day visitors at the Heber Taylor home were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor and children and Mr. and Mrs. Brent Taylor and children, all of Hunter; and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thompson and children of Ephraim. They had a family dinner in the Levan canyon. for Ailing Mrs. Edna Peterson returned home recently after spending a month in Midvale. While there, she underwent surgey at the Cottonwood Hospital and then visited with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson. Wesley Jepson, Jeannie Bryant Richard Jenkins, Patty Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jennings of Ogden visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shepherd. Visitors on Memorial Day at the Shepherd home were Mr. and Mrs. Jay Winter of Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Monte Shepherd of Ephraim, and Mrs. Bill Shepherd of Tooele. I would appreciate the privilege of providing your insurance needs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Anderson. all of Woos Cross visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Niels C. Anderson. Mrs. Onita Wade and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Eva Bendixen. of Bountiful "With today's prices, I'm getting back to basic foods. That includes milk. Milk is still a GOLD & SILVER As one of the nations leading precious metals brokerage firms; we buy and sell both gold and silver coins and bullion In any quantity to the wholesale market for our clients. Should you wish to buy or sell; please call International Coin. Toil free: 1 800 2 for more Information. IUa good value." UTAH DAIRY COMMISSION 528-105- AUTOMOBILE COMMERCIAL BOATS MOTORCYCLES GLASS SNOW MOBILES MOBILE HOMES BONDS OVER 25 YEARS INSURANCE SERVICE IN THIS AREA BUSINESS The K-- J INSURANCE AGENCY K. 51 J. North Main SPERRY, Phone 623-038- Agent 7 Nephi, Utah How MINERALS guard your health! Saddle Pants. Feel the Fit! Each of the several mineral Jas vital to you. For instance iron prevents certain forms of anemia; sodium is essential to body fluids and digestion. We Are Here ro Serve NEPHI DRUG CO. 48 South Mam Phone 623-15- Nephi 68 I Hours: Daily, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 do the BICENTENNIAL THING THIS YEAR travel with us - to the HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT, beginning in Boston with sightseeing in Rochester, Cleveland, Gettysburg, Phildelphia, and Washington D.C., transfers, trans- personally escorted portation and hotels included $ July 22 - August 2 from Salt Lake City for only or HISTORICAL TOUR sightseeing Boston, Washington, D. C, New York and Williamsburg July 22 August 2 alo from Salt Lake Cty for only $565.00 In pants, the fit is everything. Weve got Saddle Pants from the people ivho invented fit. Ditto of California. Come on in and round up a pair. Pronto! -- Call Collect for Reservations Now deserct travel 288 North 100 West Provo, Utah 84601 1 V. JO tOfeTirrri Even if you you'll don't like the ad LOVE DITTOS! I I |