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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEIIt. S. Good Business in Chicago's Shopping District Chicago Receives a Visit From President Coolidge Chicago merchants report on holiday shopping trade, and this picture made at State and Madison streets, known as the busiest corner In the world, seems to verify the report. Si 1 ft : 1 . : ? c;. ' it' k -- ?, J aQK UTAH ,1 hW$$M$3$ mm m View of the great crowds greeting President and Mrs. Coolidge at Randolph and La Salle streets, Chicago; and, at right, the President as he was addressing the convention of the American Farm Bureau federation in the ballroom of the Hotel Sherman. Action Pictures of Civil Warfare in China iiwi I i V V ftiniir tnr i'1 iiiiiiiiii ilium vrrTTfim ' Great Fire in Council Bluffs Business Section 1 : i il - b4vaJ' m ' r-- l gSi?- general" of China, on These two pictures were made during an attack by the troops of Feng, the "Christian the forces of Marshal Chang, the war lord of Manchuria. Ono shows a cavalry charge and the other the artillery i.o 1 - r. ' ? Ill v hi iif 'j k'-sls-- !: if 'if! 4' y s.?1 ; t, i 1 ; In action. REWARD FOR ECONOMY McAdoo Helps Near East Relief 2v mm mm n""i HmtmiiMi imiiiiiiiiim murnmirai imi ifi nin miimiitiinFlfc null Scene during the progress of the great conflagration In the business buildings were destroyed and the monetary loss waa verylarge. lai-ii- i tiftmn m inn wmn mi i mn m,m riln i Ten section of Council Bluffs, Iowa. 3 WINS FINE TROPHY Three Women in New Congress 'filji'SBW lei 'em i ft 1 Since tlie Smyrna disaster, the Oreek government has spent $100,000,-00- 0 for the care and settlement of refucees. The Near East relief estimates that nn additional expenditure of $18,000,000, or $30 per person, will be needed to complete the work for the two years. This picture shows William white cap, Jacket and bib over3Ibb SIcArloo wearing regulation alls and deftly wielding n paste brush, helping with the posters in Los Angeles announcing "tlolden Kule Sunday." White House Callers Face Camera r i 4 I iVni ;Su7 l I - ' i , wife of Con. gressman Kamsoyer of Iowa. hand-mad- e rug wnicn sue P wi i rest m.:u i t,wjuuj;e vu Carroll of Bloomfleld, Iowa, who made and sent it to Mr. Coolidge to show her appreciation of his economy. Mrs. C. W. lUmnej-er- " Here Is Miss Frances Smith, elght- eon, fiirm girl of Geary, Okla., who wbs made the grand champion of the United States for leadership In home, rlub life. She Is one . . . and community , colne(rd for thp coveted prlze whlch ghe j, ,hown holding. 1 rrr; 1 ;? h 1 i fr v' - A . r. -- , , , . jiln.ve photograph Hip , i 1 ? i " l.ow l few of the news cameramen that camp l..or vt the lTtnldoiifs Klires at the White llnuwe from dawn to The notables liii k. reiidy to "Muict" tho- who call to we the President. s Baron ton Maltzen, and hi l'hofogriinhpd re (tie Oonnuo anibn-wilurtmfct, Prlnre otto v I'.lsmarcfC N-in- ., The women of the country are well represented In the Sixty-nintcongress. In the photograph, which Is the first one to be made of them together, Rre, left to right: Mrs. Mary T. Norton, succeeding Charles F. X. OT.rien, of New Jerwy ; Mrs. .Julius Kahn of Culifornla, ttiktng the place of her late huxhand, and Mrs. John Jacob Itogers, elected from Massachusetts to succeed her lute husband. mm y, . ' -- v - . t-- ' -- William Cavalier of I'ottsvllle, fa, sixteen years old. who bos been sen tenced to death In the electric hal( for th mtjrder of bit grandmother. IS- - , V . r 1 Tle ; M . out ot A; J 'v : i i i ' - ; , '' - " , New War Chief of Soviet Russia SENTENCED TO DEATH '' t- - GUILTY "DOPE QUEEN V. - K I 17? ' Kittle Ollhoolpy ef Chicago, known as the "queen of the dope ring" who has Just been found guilty of vlolat- law. tier bus- tag the band also was convicted. a ! i' " 'i f ttie new coniinlsfur for war of Soviet Bussla, while Inspecting bis arm for the first time after Lis appolutment. K. E. Vorofchllov, |