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Show A HOME . : PAPER FOR J HOME PEOPLE : J ' . COUNTY 0 Nephi, Juab County, Utah, IMdayt 'December 18th, 1925 The Times, Vol. 15, No. 49, Air Fight Leader JUNE KENDALL HIGH SCHOOL TO HEADS KIWANIS The News, Vol. 9 No. 49 RECEIVES LETTER A Annual Election of Officers Held Monday Report of Committees Show Club To Be In Thriving Condition. The annual election of officers who will serve the Kiwanis club during the coming year were chosen Monday at the regular weekly luncheon of the club held at the Forrest hotel. President Will L. Hoyt, presided at the session and reviewed briefly the activity of the organization during .the past year. Reports of the various tit, committees were called for which were given by each chairman. These reports indicated a healthly condition of the club with an increased membership over the previous year much interest having been In evid ence for several months past. The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place with the following results: June Kendall, if' . 1 V - A musical will be given next Wel- nesday evening, December 23rd,. in the high school auditorium under the auspices of the music department of the school, with Prof. Chas. J. Engar director and Miss Viola Starts ac The band, orchestra, companist. and the girls and boys glee clubs will be featured in the following n program: Part 1 2 J ' i s' i . " '- - .1 3. (a) March (b) Serenade "' - y ' 1 "The Merrimac" "The Lovers" the Deep." Byron Taylor Duet, "Dream of the Shep- erdess,'' Mildred Sperry and Wanda Petty 5. Overture "Determination? 4. Violin " One Band Dee Hawkins Saxaphone Solo Tuba Solo, "Rocked in the Cradle of Band ... Part Two 6. Representative WILLIAM C. OCKEY (a) . "Mendelshon's Wedding f vice-presl-le- of the Nephi Chapter of the ATnerican Red Cross expressing appreciation for the ten sweaters sent by thij4 local organization: Mrs. ;jfi E. Lunt, vice chairman, Nephi" Chapter, American Red Cross, Nephi rtah.1-MDear Mrs. Lunt: . Abovt twa days ago we received a packa&r from you containing four sleeveless sweaters and six sweaters with sleeves as a Chapter contribution to;the disabled', men at " Whipple. We can 'assure you that the sweaters were welcome as our supnJHwas entirely exhausted, and o wing $ to the cold weather our bed patients who. of necesity? must sleep on ftOEjhes were clamoring for warm clothing, especially sweaters. We are glad.rtjii.doed. that thanks to loyal volunteers such as the knitters In vour Chapter we can now supnly our men with nice tubercutf warm sweaters which add ro reatly to thi comfort. Will you kindly ex tend tn.cfach and everyone, who ts In terested-ln-: your production program the slncerst 'thanks In behalf of our patients? Tojjyfll jjrotjabiy be Interested f n knowlnir that. Sf thu Tirnsnnf t1irw 'e NEWS cos-tuut- es : -- TWO MOUNTAIN LION KILLED BUDGET MEETING; PUBLIC IS INVITED le -s Resident of Nephi For Seventy Three Years Formerly Active in Church and Civic Affairs Funeral Sunday. vice-chairnf- an court-marti- CATALOGUE FROM DIED WEDNESDAY The,, following letter was received ek by Mrs. J. E. Lunt, this Randolph Perkins, March" liiil.lican, of New Jersey, will be one (b) "Romance-Tende- r Thoughts" " of the leaders In the expected fight Orchestra vor the Mitchell charges and court- - 7. Vocal Solo C6ra Latimer i. t:f':il when congress convenes. Mr. 8. Overture "The White Queen-- ' a member of the house is Perkins Orchestra and Gilhert Bailey. The seereaary iMuittee to investigate the air serv- 9. Solo dance l..' 'The Rose" will be chosen by the officers and ice, und appeared as a witness for Norma Engar directors. Mitchell Colonel at the we, hT'4bont 400 patten-fher all After the election Dr. W. L. Eller- - proceedings. u ntlertrone treatment for tuMfcorcnlos Three Part beck, general manager of the Nephi is. Winnie is the 'fcecon largest - A minstrel overture Plaster and Manufacturing company given by the hospital in the TTnlted girls and boys glee clubs consisting tuberculosis addressed the members. The speaker States-- . J iAt the present time bav ITENIS LOCAL of a solos, and snappy of outline the chorosesj gave jokes improvements Some real "black face comedians mum hj'u a hi an to proneriv care tor that had been made at. the plant this whose singing ts a scream and make 600 patients and if necessity'should year at a cost of many thousands of arfoe wr? have .enough nuildimrs and you forget all your, troubles. He expressed his faith in dollars. enufnmfnt to care for 900 men. As To, help pay for the music and J. W. Paxmau transacted business the future of the industry here and Whipple: Is located in the northern in will be Milford and made. Tuesday,; Monday charge paid a high tribute to the employees Arizona at an altitude of a For students' of high school and nnrt: of' of the plaster company for the loyalS 4,7 fet, you, of course realize Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Petty visited h grades oc, and all others 10c. Every- bout ty and cooperation In the past, and that we "have some cold weather as ; body welcome. which to a larire extent had been a Salt Lake City Tuesday well $ snow during the winfer deciding factor in determining the months which makes warm clothing Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Park r have attitude of the company with rea necc.'!y, especially for those who spect to continuing the business here moved to the Louis Pitt home this must so mnch f their time ont in the face of many trade obstacles week, having purchased same. arei in - vvtTia of iTustiwa.w' that were presented from time to 'j . -vv T time. ., hope to tnake the holidays pleasant ip sail laKe-- i ipsaay ior a iw uays .The &Ht of: Br? for those who must remain In the visit. members the greatly appreciated by hospital. and it is hoped that at some future Assuring you that the cooperation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worthington time the club will again have the This office is in receipt of the of the Nephi Chapter is greatly apvisited with relatives in Murray and privilege of hearing him. school catalogue of the Maori Agri- preciated. of two Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday. The program consisted New cultural Very sincerely yours. college of Hastings, piano selections by Mrs. James H. Otto S. Lund, Director Rulon Linton returned home Fri Zealand, sent to us by our friend Ockey, and the regular club songs. Red Cross Chapter Earl Reid was successful in winning day after spending a week in Provo Albert Sells, of this city, who is the attendance prize. visiting with relatives and friends. principal of that Institution. L.The D. college was established by the Mrs Bertha Russell has been here S. church in 1907 under the direct- TRAMWAY COMPLETED from Salt Lake the past week on ac ion of Elders Rufus K. Hardy and count of the illness of her father L Benjamin Goddard. From a small AT PLASTER MILL A. Bailey. beginning the school Is now a thriving institution with a faculty of ten includng the president of the mission. According to the catalogue the The tramway which has been un courses given the native Maoris cover der construction at the plant of the a wide range of subjects as the folNephi Plaster and Manufacturing The State Fish and Game departlowing list will show: English, Arith- company was completed this week ment have been conducting a hunt metic, Nature Study and General and put into operation. The tram the past week in the vicinity of Mt. Agriculture, A Study of Farm Ani- way is S500 fet long and was co- InContsru- mals, Physiology and Hygiene, structed by the Inter-Stat- e Nebo, in search of big game. Deputdustrial Arts, Algebra, Dairy Science, ction company of New York, the work ies Earl Clyde of Salt Lake, and E. The City Council will meet in reg Bookkeeping, D. Park of this city were successful Sheep Management, being in charge of W. J. Gentry, in killing two young mountain lion ular session this evening at the City Biology, Theory and Harmony, Field engineer for the construction comfor the purpose of approving Crops and Soils, History and Civics, pany. The cost of during the hunt. From the report Hall erecting this imyear. All Church History, Book of Mormon provement will amount to about given by the deputy game wardens the budget for the coming The tramthere are quite u number of lion in taxpayers are invited to attend this Old and New Testament. $80,000.00 it Is said. hand what Mr. Sells and his wife, have been way was huilt to connect the mountains east of this city. These meeting and learn first the mill in New Zealand for the past year and wilh a new deposit of gypsum locatanimals are destructive to sheep- - and the budget provides for. Tomorrow the county commission- a halt and nave met witn success in ed In the cattle and also prey on wild game vicinity of the Rowley such as deer to a large extent during ers will meet in special session their labors. springs on the north side of the next the for a season. main canyon. The working of this Any measures taken by to approve their budget new deposit will give the company a the State Game department to rid the years expense. This meeting is open taxpayer in the county to ALUMNI DAY AT greater variety of gypsum than is range of these meat eating animals for anyand find out for himself how now possible In the older workings all attend welcomed will be greatly by are used. the funds on the south side of the ennvon. stockmen. N. H. S. WEDNESDAY The county tax committee has made a request that representative business men of this city make an MARRIED IN SALT LAKE URGES EARLY MAILING effort to be present at these meetNext Wednesday will be a red letings in order that the public busi- ter at the Nephi high sc.iool TEMPLE WEDNESDAY OF XMAS PACKAGES ness may be better understood. This whenday"Alumni Day." will be olser-ve- d in be will state that committee they riven a and splendid program a position to answer any questions from 1.15 to 2:00 p. m. by former be presented. may that A marriage of local Interest took The Post Office department again graduates of the school who are now. attending the various state inititu-tions- plHce Wednesday In the Salt Lake urges the American people to do its The following is the program Temple when C. Leon Gibson of this Christmas mailing as early as pos-lliTO as outlined: In order that there will be as LEVAN SCHOOL Miss Mabel city, was married to Five minute talks by studentrf rom Glass of Salt Lake City. The young little congestion at. the post offices as HAVE PAGEANT the 17. of IT., n. V. V. and tie U. m.in Is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. possible. At the local post office in A. C; selection by male qua'tette. Jacob Gibson and Is an Industrious this city the appeal has been deedstudents of the IT. A. C; pian solo, and progressive citizen of the comed, much activity having been shown student of L. D. S.; reading. A C. U. munity, being engaged In business the past wpek in the mailing of pack-aeiE. of Under the directionJoseph chorus, B. Y. U. stuients; here at the present time. This paper for out of town relatives and a Christmas pageant student; U. of IT; instrumental selel Jolni with their many reading, In view of the fact that no Christensen. friends in will be presented next Thursday eve- rtlon, A. C. U. ; school yells o' song wishing them Joy and In mail v.iil be delivered on Christmas happiness school. Levan the nnig by A. C. IT, IT. of U. L. D. S. and NHS their married life. They will make Day at any of the of flies in the Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mangelson their home In this city. country H wll be necessary to mall the week end in Salt Lake. well In advance of Christ inns Day in Is in ..Mrs. Mary Anderson visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kloyd Lunt. Mrs SEWING EXHIBIT AT order to insure delivery. Stan Park, and Mrs. Ixirraine Lunt Postmaster Lunt wishes to call Provo this week. Mr. Delia Lundsteen entertained special attention to the mailing of CENTRAL SCHOOL spent the week end In Salt Lake City are Sorosis club at her home Friday the Many people ranis. Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley. spent putting a one cent stamp on this in honor of her birthday. Refresh class of mall which cause a delay in ments were served. Saturday in Salt Lake City. While There will be an exhlbi. of the there Mr. Beagley attended a meeing A free dance will be given by the sending out. All cards except governnext Wednesday work done by the sewing grls at the of the State Poultry assocatlon. ment post cards require two rents class Central school next Tuesday and postage. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J A Chrlftenen.sen. Wednesday, Dec. 22nd ftid 23rd club Sorosis of the members The ur- - The general public is Invted to at- and daughters- Frances and Ivy, will Jacob (Jlbson returned home hist .'rive Mrs, Thelmii Peterson a occasion being tend and inspect the worl that has leave Monday for Los Angeles where night after upending a few days In i.rlse Wednesday the been done in the sewing d'partment they will spend the holidays. her birthday. Salt Lake City. T. O. Durham, Will L. Hoyt. district trustee; Directors: Cleon Memmott, Gerald Pyner, Spencer E. Forrest, ' A. B. Gibson. Jas. A. Starts, Paul E. Booth frli-tids- . Hill Seeks a Toga GIVE MUSICAL OFiAPPRECIATION r president; DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB . .l dooi .i.a n.-,- - William Cole Ockey, lifelong resident of this city passed away at his home in this city Wednesday, December 16th, following an attack of Bronchial Pneumonia. He was the son of the late Edward and Sarah Cole Ockey, Utah pioneers, and was born at Salt Luke City. June 21st, 1850. His parents moved to Nephi in 1852, and he has grown up with the city and been identified in the progress of the church and civic affairs. As a young man he took part during the Black Hawk Indian war here He also was serving as a guard. in Echo the railroad by employed 11111 t Representative John PhlUp Baltimore has filed his certificate of Canyon when the Union Pacific built its line to Utah in 1869. candidacy for the Republican nomluu In civic affairs he has served as tlon for United States senator from Maryland to succeed Senator O. E City Councilman and also as County Weller. Hill, who is an avowed Treasurer. "wet," has had a picturesque career His first marriage occurred in because of his defiance of the prohi 1883 to Sarah Ann Webb, who died bltion unit In the manufacture of July 2nd, 1887. Later he married cider which he allowed to ferment Zetta Simpson and Ovena Jorgensen, He is an attorney, formerly a mem who with the children surbe of the faculty, of Harvard and vive him : Leahfollowing Ockey Chase, Joseph Johns Hopkins,, and served with the William Ockey, Wm. Cecil Ockey, America forces In Franc. Gordon E. Ockey, and seven grandchildren. Also the following brothers and sisters: Edward Ockey of ll-SGHOOSalt Luke City; Mrs. M. A. Jackson, Willard J. Ockey, David Ockey, John J. Ockey, Mrs. A. E. Webb, all of Ne' phi. v The assembly "program by .""Mr. given was Ockey highly respected by the Freshmen " .W4Qftes(liiy morning all who knew him, a man of inteas as follows: PrayerKW. John-oand character and hia welection N.. H. Si ' orchestra; grity, willgood be generally mourned by passing .Roh-co- e ?" Chase readings-Florenctalk, a large number of friends la " this G'iyer; and selection by. ''the orchesira V Funeral services will be held at the ii m "wi.ii 'i nil vwu wi iMiii rimm . ,git,i . i.shel by Miss Hattie Diamond, a thff noou.; interment will take place in the Vine Bluff cemetery. . hig Bchool auditorium weanesaay evening was an excellent one, the following number being enjoyed: Piano Bible reading, solo, Viola Starts; Edith Belliston; violin solo, "Ave Marie," Wanda Petty; readings from Dickens "Christmas Carol" Ellen Cole; vocal solo. "Silent Night,'' Evelyn Brough. , The next program will be given in January and will take up the art of dancing. A fair settlement of the differences existing between a number of Carl Ostler was unanimously elect- Western stockmen and the Forest team Service will ed captain of the basket ball not be difficult, announlast Tuesday by the ces William M. Jardine, for 1925-2Secretary of members of the team. Agriculture, in referring to recent fees and other criticisms of The N. II. S. basket ball team of features of grazing administration on last Kcaon will play the team of this the National range Forests. year. The game will follow the anSecretary Jardine believes that the nual Faculty vs Freshmen game. policy of We expect these games to be very department's value fees the upon basing grazing 3 At in. p. interesting and exciting. be continued, a basket ball game will be played be- of the forage should tween the N. H. S. team and the "All but that any resulting increase In the Stars." A matinee dance will con rates should be adjusted liberally to economic conditions in the livestock clude the afternoon's program. Industry such as the depression from The Domestic Art department have which the western cattle business is been given a show case in the high still but slowly recovering. The department has previously an school which they have decorated to display some very beautiful articles nounced that In no event will the made by the students of tho depart- grazing fees be increased prior to 1927. The range appraisals recently ment. made by the Forest Service have been Next Wedneday afternoon a basket submitted to an experienced western ball game wilt be played between the stockman. Mr. Dan B. Casement, for review. N. II. S. team and the "All Stars." an independent check and the This will enable Secretary Jardine to A matinee dance will conclude consider the matter from all angles afternoon's program. before further action is taken. All former students are invited to The fees for grazing on the Natv i t the school next Wednesday ional Forests now average 12 cents actmorning, also to tnke part In the per month for a cow and 3 cents per ivities during the afternoon. month for a sheep, and bring into Florence Chase, Reporter the federal treasury more than The present comannually. mercial value of the forage is considSCHOOLS WILL CLOSE erably more than this figure. On the other hand, if I he fees were based upon the cost of administration only, NEXT WEDNESDAY as many stockmen have suggested, the rates would be cut of what they are now. The schools of Juab Distrirt will Owing to the Importance of this loe for the Christmas holidays nuestlon. Secretary Jardine believes nert Wednesday afternoon. They that the policy upon which grazing until Monday, fees are based should be settled once will remain closed for all by Congress, leaving to the January 4th, when work will nud continue until the end of department the latitude necessary In the school term. A number of exer- determing the specific rates appliccises have been arranged for next able to the thousands of grazing alWednesday, particulars of which will lotments In the National Forests be found in another part of this with widely varying range and market conditions. Issue. HEWS L a; i.'f wiwv n GRAZING ON THE NATIONAL FOREST long-standi- $2,0-00.0- one-thir- d com-meti- Miss Florence Sperry entertained the Juana Gleaner girls at her home Wednesday evening. A very enjoyable time was had by all. RefreshCounty Clerk Earl Gadd has in- ments were served to the following: stalled In his office this week a steel Zeima Pay, EJma Jones, Eva Sperry, counter and cabinet which will great Marian Pyper, Rheta Sperry, Marly facilitate the work of his depart garet Bryan, Holga Hryan, and the hostess CVIIss Sperry, ment. Deputy Sheriff P. P. Christison went to Seipio today on official business. |