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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. 3E MUST HAVE PERMIT Where Your Funds Are Safe I The I Irrigation Company There is delinquent upon the folassesslowing stock on account of ment levied Dec. 1, 1924, the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as follows. No. of No. of Amt. Name n I io, C. I SATURDAY w III !" u 2 and UTAH situated In Mount Nebo Mining District, Juab County, Utah. If you fail or refuse to contribute your portion of such expenditure on or before Ninety days from date of first publication of this Notice your interests in the above mentioned Mining claims will become the property of the undersigned in accordance with the laws in such cases made and Drovided. J. E.I KRAUSS, Salt Lake City. Utah. Sept 23th. 1925 JfettiM $ Booth Dr and Mrs. J. A. have Certificate Shares moved to the Ostler apartments on 461c 1 $100 East Center street this week. Their G. L. Shepherd 6.00 former home is now occupied by 294c 6 Chris Paystrup 15.75 10 420c President A. H. Belliston and family Larsen Peter Hans Anderson H. R. Francom Nephi National Bank UTAH No. 1, UTAH No. No. 3, Mining Claims, Lerov Stubbs of Provo, Utah, spent Sunday in this city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Downs. He was accompanied home by his wife who has been visiting here for a short time. 9 1?1 100 8.75 429c 16 100 412c 1 Erick C. Peterson 234c 14 10.50 Annie Stephenson r 388c 14 14.00 uAX TVTnrtonaon 1 J. "" Catherine M. Mortensen 485c 6 6.00 And in acordance with law ana an order of the Board of Directors so many shares of each parcel of sucn ctr.ir win hn sold at the residence of the President of this corporation in Levan, Utah, on Nov. 30tn, ot i n m to nav the delinquent as sessment thereon together with cost of advertising and expense or sale. On Time Deposits Frank Mellen J. W. Mellen You are hereby notified that I the undersigned have sxpended the sum of $400.00 being the sum of J200.00 for each of you as your share due for assessment work for the period ending July 2nd, 1925. as required upon ths SPIDER, EMMA, HURRY BACK. BUY GIFTS That Last SEE OUR CANDY Christensen, Pres. J. C. Jensen, Secy. FOR THE FAMILY boxes. in foil wrapped Highest Quality, No Bon Dons No Peanut Brittle. g, Per Cent Interest NOTICE OF FORFEITURE HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs A. H. Maiben. John III and Maurice Maiben, of Arthur, Utah city Christensen visited with friends in Forest Ranger A. in yesterday. that information out the gives order to obtain a Christmas tree it Air. and Mrs. William Bailey have will be necessary to secure a permit. the been down from Logan. Utah Mr. Christensen has fixed next Tuesweek on account of the illness past in be will he when as date the day Andrews canyon between the hours of Patriarch L. A. Bailey. of 9 a. m and 2 p m at which time Mrs. Bert Swindlehurst of Beaver he will be on hand to supervise me Utah, spent Monday and Tuesbe City. will No tree trees. all of cutting the guest of her parcut unless it has been marked by tne day inMr.this cityMrs. J. E. Irons and ents forest ranger Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams of Rex-burCounty agent Smith, returned Idaho, are visiting with Mr. home Friday from Chicago, where Mrs. Alfred Orme. and Mr. and and he attended the national convention Mrs. E. Howard this week George of county agents He reports having had a very profitable time. Frank Hobbs, who has been rethe siding in Southern California past few years is here this week visNOTICE OF SALE FOR DELINQVENT ASSESSMENT iting his mother Mrs. George Hobbs. think you can earn with safety elsewhere but at least your funds are safe here. That feeling of security is worth the difference in interest. And you can always draw cash as needed. 4 LOCAL FOR CHRISTMAS TREES A Saving Bank may not pay you as much interest as you We Pay ! No Hard Tack, Just all Hand Rolled Chocolates Selected See the boxes opened before you buy. A 5 Tube MASTER RADIO MUSIC Guaranteed Volume Guaranteed Selectivity Guaranteed Tone quality Complete set up in your home for only $122.50 Easy Payments Come in and see our good values in quality Toilet Sets, Fountain Pen Sets, Purses. Men's Purses, Choose, Watches, New Patterns in Ivory Ware early. gifts your "It Pleases Us To BIDS WANTED The Board of Education of Juab School District will receive bids for the sale of the barn located near the Central School. Bids should be tiled with the clerk of the board not later than December 22nd. The Board of Education reserves the right to- reject, any and all bids. By order of the Board of Education Dennis Wood, Clerk. Please Y ou Ord & Mangelson DRUGGISTS 43. Phone - IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL COURT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, of Sale The Resolution Postponing ST ATE OF UTAH. The Above Delinquent Stock Resolved by the Board of Directors M. RYDER, Plaintiff, in meeting held Nov. 14th. 1925, that FREDERICK vs. Cora G. Buckingham, Charles above the of sale of that the date H. Kent, and Jean H. Bakeman, capital stock as fixed in Isthe above SHERIFF'S SALE. Defendants hereby notice be and the same sold at sheriffs sale on the be To Nov. from to 30 wit: days, postponed 19th day of December 1925, at the 30th, 1925, to Dec. 30th, 1925. of twelve o'clock noon, at the hour Pres. C. Christensen, of the County Court House door front J. C. Jensen, Secy. Utah, the fol First Dublication. Dec. 11th, 1925. in Nenhi. Juab County. real property, to described lowing 1925. 25th. Dec. Last publication. wit: The South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14; the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 15; the Northeast Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter of Section 22; the West Half of the Northwest Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 23, all in Township 15 South, Range two West, Salt Meridian. Lake Containing 460 Together with acres, more or less. CHRIST MAS OIFTSTO RE all water rights owned or used in Situated In connection therewith. , Juab County, Utah. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of Amer' ica. Dated this 27th day of November, 1925. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County, Utah'. By P. P. Chrlstison Deputy Sheriff P. N. Anderson Attorney for plaintiff Date of first publication Nov. 27th, 1925. Date of last TSth. 1925. publication December AND UNTIL r IAS EVE i rrrf-r---3 5 MAMMOTH XMAS CLEARING SALE before Inventory. Now is a Big Money them move must and lines some on stocked too are find we We heavily to select your Holiday Gifts reduced of the prices Take greatly advantage Saving Opportunity. $31.75 Men's Reg. $40.00 Curlee Guaranteed Suits $26.75 Suits Men's Reg. $35.00 Curlee Guaranteed $18.75 Suits Guaranteed Men's Reg. $25.00 Curlee Some Odd Suits At Half Price $15.95 Men's $25.00 All Wool Overcoats 1 Men's $27.50 All Wool Overcoats One Third Off All Bovs Knee Pants Suits Half Price All other Men's and Boys Overcoats . . $3.98 Regular $5.75 to $8.50 Mens Silk Shirts Regular $4.00 Best Imported Broadcloth Shirts $2.98 Regular $5.25 Mens Plaid Knit Bottom Jackets $3.98 $3.69 Regular $4.50 Bovs Plaid Knit Bottom Jackets off 10 cent per All other Men's Flannel or Dress Shirts off 10 cent . . Ml Mens and Women's Bath Robes per Half Price Mens Wool Knit Vests at Radio Jacket Mens and Womens Water Proof Half Price ..... $1.43 Humming Bird Silk Hose in Xmas Box $4.25 Three pairs All Women's and Girls Coats and Dresses to close Half Price at Half Price Big Lot Silk Remnants at Big Lot Felt Rugs $4.50 and $6:75 .... One Third Off All Cotton Wool Nap & Robe Blankets 10 per cent off Wool Storm Serge, $2.75. $1.50 and 1.25 yd. Half Price All Reg. 30c Ginghams , All Reg. 25c Ginghams All Crepe Ginghams Groceries 24c Yard 23c 19cY.ar (Fast Color) Toy Department $9.98 Only Reg. $11.50 Rolls Racer Brake $9.98 1 Only Reg. $11.50 Kiddy Koster Automobile $8.59 tire rubber roller all Wagon steel, bearing Reg. $9.75 Regular $7.50 Royal Flyer, roller bearing, rubber tire 1 $6.79 Wagon Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. $9.50 Trycycle roller bearing, rubber tires $6.75 Trycycle roller bearing, rubber tires $4.50 Trycycle, roller bearing, rubber tires $7.75 Scooter, roller bearing rubber tires $3.25 Scooter $7.98 $5.69 $3.69 $5.98 $2.98 Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. $7.50 Doll Carriage $3.75 Doll Carriage $3.25 Doll Cart $6.49 $3.29 $2.89 $2.98 $3.50 Kiddie Kar Reg. $3.75 Girls Trunks Reg. $3.00 Girls Trunks All Dolls, Toys, Box Stationery Ware 73c Pound P.ag Sugar $1.85 25 Pound Bag Sugar Best Seeded or Secdles Raisins. 2 packages for ... 25c 50c Best 4 lb. Packages Seedless Raisins 35c I'.est New Crop Xo. 1 Walnuts. Pound 25c Best Xcw Crop Xo. 2 Walnuts. Pound 40c 1 Brazil Nuts. Pound Best New Crop No. 40c I'.est New Crop No. 1 Almond Nuts Pound 2 Best Xcw Crop Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Pounds, 45c 25c Best Xew Crop Mixed Nuts, Pound, Best Hand Made Candy. Chocolate and Creams, lb. 45c 1 lb. Tray, reg. 60c lb. Hand Made Chocolate 75c and Creams 2 lb Box Best Hand Made assorted Chocolates . . $1.25 $2.98 5 lb. Box Best Hand Made assorted Chocolates Assorted Xmas Mixed No. 1 Chocolates, Cream Mix2 Pound 55c 30c Pound ed, Gum Drops etc lb Can . . 25c 45c lb. Can Walnuts 19c 4 oz. Roll Toilet Paper 5 Rolls for 25c 1000 Sheets Tissue Toilet Paper, 3 Rolls for 10 $3.39 $2.69 Dishes 10 Aluminum PER CENT OFF Reg. $1.15 Childs Red Chairs . 95c 1- -2 1- 1- -2 Remember the Date, Saturday Dec 19th, and until Do your Xmat shopping and save 10 to 15 have excellent selections in all lines. We cent. per Xmai eve. CHAS. FOOTE & SONS an 5Ej -4 3: mm i 2 2d |