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Show & ft Senate met In the evening pursuant tu adjourn men i. House bill Xu. 1. ivliillng tu the DisU. s. LAND REGISTER, trict courts, was received from reenrolled and signed. It was UTAH. ferred to the Committee on Kngross-nieii- et ALT I.AKK CITY, Getting Down to Business-- A and reported cor-rFlood of Bills tly enrolled, was slum-- by the presiGem-Saloodent Mini ordeied sent to tin Hovernor. The Semite then adjourned to 3 AdiiiiM, Wild A Co., Proprx Salt Lako City, l ull. January o'clock today. tin preii unite l',ir Cm, :y of In t ha matter actual vention i.f cruelty to Miilinnls. Tin bill All htndi of of any very Ilttb has an far l.rin a&'nmplKh-(1- . I'.iviilew f'M- tt.e liicuri.niiitniii wiiii-lns .i i4i:m-ilimy The stiat.nua havi 1imi taken up iiiie to null mt nlln-r- s tu Hiiiiiiiilrt. All Sin'll WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS I( iu prelim t nary wnrk, rmumlllti1 nlietlnr overworking, and nr rirfaniatlnn. failurenfto iii'ltv, .'Mid prnperly nf Kliciigfh. sl.iill lie i cnnicMs in Sevaral important iu;iMm-- have Fla billiard tod pool rxun In ronneatiex IIS subject to a to Hu Cnmiiillln! nil l.lve- tun-to comiult-tvcs- , livuuleil r introduced and lii llareliant Si, Amarloan Fork, Utah from where it is they "VyTaj ior Muktiig aiul ijiililii l.ltin uni lu giirmsliiiiiiil week. tin.' rations will lie rejHirtfd early in iitl;icliiiii'i:i. iis in tin- Mills. of piiMili ItefeiTi'd lo Iilnl il The iiiohL important an Mils to . niniit lie- Jinlli miy Attorney at Law, the courts to :v lliiH.irU I'riivlulng fur lie- iiunsfer . PROVO CITY l tinUTAH J'lslrli-ciuirts. causes of lam iieinling of a anil a bill providing system S of Die THE YRONGROO B WORK. LEGISLATURE'S ! The e I0ALIFORNIA n . i UICES iii-ii- i, l"'T i ili-i-- m-i- s for l t Ix-e- rifiril 1 fi-- i exrtd tn-- iiii-io- i i Ira - lll-ll- nH-ralion- - - 111 registration. Tin JANUARY i, nl J ni I .IiiiIk' nii'l Sei-umi- .liilii-iii- . Tiiird, lire dislrl'-t- l are Distributing Agents. w. khnwakd: - ls-gi- House Hy Furgusson of Carbon, a bill making eight hours a legal dav' - - 1 iis-or- - work. Levy, authorizing the secretary of ataU; to furnish certain lmok am documents for the courts. By Critchlow, tiling salaries. Mem-ls;r- s allowed M iierdietn and mileage. By Taylor, limiting exemptions from Judgments of lalmrere or me- HenryLee rhe Organic Remedies accordingSto'theiN'ew rci-nnl- s 1 1 By s mu i lc m$l box is guaranteed to doyou Aor good than a gallon of any medicine you took. - - Sl.-ili- s You They show their power for good quickly. don't nave to take nix to twelve Lose 1 before you can make a gue a to whether It helpday or two lull the lory. ing you ur not, t and iVe have separate remedies Tor lough Cold, for Stoiimch Liver aud bowel Trouble Nervous Exhaustion, Acuta Inflammatory e and Chronio Inflammatory Rheumatism Muscular Rheumatism and Neural Chrouio Coughi Chruiiio Diarrhoea, Female glu. Trouble. Cafker. The finest baby UolieCun in the world, containing no o elate or other uarcotic drug und I ahcolutely naruile to tlie most delicate Infant A wet and a dry Catarrh cure, a euro cure for Lafjrlppe, and the Ideal cure for the Liquo habit, which i jest right, absolutely the beat and costa hut f 19k If your druggist has not yet got our remedies, don't let him sell you something ju.t a good,1 because there 1 nothing in this wide world,oigood:and harmless, hut aeud your money direct to us and we will deliver your medicine to you prepud and refund your money If you think we hare exagorated In the least Our price are, far the Magnetic Colic cure Cough and Cold oure 90 cents, fifty Coilea cure, 90 cents: Catarrh cure, II. ST: for euougb Interna! and local remedlu to last six week, and for the balance of our cure ft for two months' treatment, makfrom two weeks tmeut In tie worid. ing the Itheu-iiiiiiim- Sub-acut- I IJKXJ. BATES, - s I t suits agrieved parties must sub-t- o Ifiilinr. JOHN MNEIL, Jly Unit litigants publishers portions tn which ex- may by stipulation agree to the trial of Praolnot Justloe. Notary Pubilo. ciiiisi'H In counties oilier than that whereceptions are taken, demanding a re- in the cuiiao originates. Itefcrrcd to the entishall All klnda of legal work trananotad with Judiciary coiriuiiltis. traction; which, if male, of Ciirhon Providing for promptuaaa. lty Marrlaga lioenaaa proourad, and tle complainant to actual damages iittorney's fees when a mechanic, arlt-sii- anything pertaining to legal matter. nilner, lalsiri'r or servant sues filing llownnl-Providi- ng CO. Western llvadquarten. SALT LAKE CITY NELDEN-JUDSO- n. for The Mil provides that when such AMERICAN FORK, UTAH. Senate Hill No. (i, by Chidester, pro- awagis. a plaintiff prevail In court, a fee lie shall utiiiriiey's ullowcd; In Justice viding certalu documents. eomt not less tluin a; In District court WOODS. Senate 1M11 No. 7, by Booth, pro- not less than $10. to the Judicommiltei. ciary viding for the beginning of terms of lly Hohlnson Providing for the revision, amendment, uunpilatlon and eodltleutlon the supreme court. of the laws of Utah. The Mil provides Ilalr euttlng In any alyl. Satlafaotlon guaranSenate Bill No. 8, by Sutherland, that the Hovernor shall appoint three perteed. Parlor on Merchant StraaL In sons, learned the to the law, Ore commission law; service. Their salary Is llxed perforin lilt each at House Bill No. 1, relating to courts, dally for service. Power to employ AMERICAN FORK. UTAH. clerical assistance Is also them, passed under suspensi on of the rules. hut not to exceed $10 dally higiven the aggreA. CHRISTENSEN Allison introduced memorial pray-iu- g gate. A report must Is made to the next Heferred to the Judiciary ifeglslntiiii. eoof nm to iiiereaiM import du- commltte. By Wilson To cities and towns ties. to Incur Indehieilness. Any or town with ttn u,,si'sscd valuation In excess of Adjourned to the 13th. $10u) may submit to Its electors the question whether coupon Imnds slinll lie Issued on tin of the city or town to an January 11th Senate met at 2 o'clock. umoiiut credit Office in Jsckson Building. nut exceeding 4 js-- uent of Its Prayer by Senator Snow. assessiil valuation fur the of American Fohk, On motion of Booth. 230 copP-- of the funding existing Indehledness. purixiae Utai ltoferred committo the Committor on Municipal Corporaamended rules and standing -tions. tees were ordered printed.the plu.-- of holding ABDREW ADAMS02. lly Allison Introduced Senate cuncurent court or Jus) lees or the In cftl-- s resolution No. 2, censuring Kmlmssador COUNTY SURVEYOR, of the llrst class. The bill gives Justices Jtayard for certain public utteruncee. the power to hold court ut any place in V. S. Deputy Mineral reference. Surveyor for Piled the city, when the precinct fruin which Bills were Introduced as follows: they an elected forms any pari of the lly Sutherland, H. It. 9, to provide for city. Deferred lo tin; l'omnilltie on JudiPUBLIC. tbs appointment of a Deputy State ciary. Ciiuhlng-T- o lly Treasurer. Filed for reference. regulate primaries and American Fork, Utah public of the terms political incoling. By By Sutherland, 8. It. 10, prohibiting tin hill a caucus he writcalled muy hy discrimination against females as ten or printed notice, which shall desigteachers. Filed for reference. nate the who shall call the meetto establish a State ing to order. Upon request ill lly Jones. S. B. II,Kited of for reference. live iierson present ami entitledwriting Board of Health. lo vote, a hulliit shall Ik taken for the choice of disS. 13. It. to Candlaiul, prevent lty iinv candidate, delegate or member of a ease among sheep. Filed for reference. pop it cominitlcc to In chosen liy such By Allison. S. It. 13. to amend section Is made a mismeeting. Illegal 2411 of the laws 1S8, relating to irdemeanor ami thevoting of challenge Is right referFiled for rigation comianles. provided Tor. Iteferred lo the BU'Ctlons ence. committee. The President retired to complete his for the cusIy i Waruml renord tody or pniH-nf United list of standing committee and Hlntes and Court Commissioners Supreme ner took the chair. and tin Issuance of uml proceedOn motion of Sutherland, the rules ing upon judgments obtained in their were suspended and the Senate passed courts. Jt is made lln- duty of the bill Not 14, for a Deputy Slate Treacourt of tin State and of tin surer, there being no opposition. County Clerks to transmit to the Justices of tin Peace all paM-rsThe rule were suspended and the bills Introduced earlier In the day were iness uml dockets pertaining lo the busof or kept by the Unit. .1 Slates and read at length. Supreme Court Cnminisslonoi-who on A communication from the Secretary .led were silting within the seveof State notified the Senate that all January rs of said .limtices of Ih- - IVaee public documents enlled for had been ieHii'i ii ely, who are made re; furnished, except the session Ihws of rm- heir sale, keeping ami dirivl- pnuslhlc to Issue such process and 1890, which were out of print. for the enforcement of After a short recess, President tiemge and docketed In such j'idgmciitas M. Cannon resumed the chair and annow oi- liercafli-- may Ih pntvliied in ease nounced the standing committees. or nrlgi mi lly l'gim in said The House transmitted House coneoin ts. to tlo Committee current resolution No. 4. providing ba- on Judiciary. the appointment of a messenger by the was then taken. Adjournment I lover nor at a salury of $3 per day. The Senate amended It so as to make the salary S3 per day, ami concurred In the resolution as amended. The Senate voted to Instruct the President to refer all bills on Hie to the appropriate committees. On motion of (Hen Miller, a Committee on Land Titles of five mcinltcrs was added to the list of standing committees. The President appointed Allison. Barnes and Candlnml as the Semite's quota of the Joint committee to confer with the county authorities with reference to securing quarters for State officers in the Joint building. House bill No. 3, the fee hill, was taken up and advanced to third reading. On motion of Sutherland. It wn voted that when the Senate adjourn It be to 7:30 p. m. Adjourned. THE ORGANIC REMEDY STEPHEN tonsorial artist. l QR. D ENT I S T r a Lewis-Fixin- p.-uc- iti-aoe- LOCAL TIME CARD One ng r priM-es- s - Hu-preva-rtii- s vui-iou- , s I 1 N KZ FKKCE, SsnYSF jj Riedrande the Wsrld 8sedi0 Lice bf The Only Line Running: Two Through East Trains Daily to LEADVILLE. ASPEN, PUEBLO , COLORADO SPRINGS, AND DENVER s Effective April 29, 1894. 1 - I I mh-.1- i r s Jus-tli-- es BEST LINE TO AND Tram No. 2 leaves Fora at Ami-rica- n Pueblo at (1:10 a m, Colorado Smrinjjs 7 :51 a ni, Denver 10 :30 a in. Cripple Creek 9:50 a ni. Train No. 4 leave American Fork (tops on signal) at 8:85 p m arrive nt Pueblo 5:27 p in, Colorado Springs 0:53 p in, Denver 9 :25 pin. 9)2 a in. arrive at E.MEHESY Furrier. Fu Dresser and Taxidermist Highest rash prlm-- for THRF.E-CKOW- CLUFF & SCOTT TKTPLE barbers. FLAVORING ABE BEST EXTRACTS are LecauM they U.cund fresh every day. ARK Iu bateiueni Commarcisl Saving PROVO CITY, DEMpiovb. Try Them Raw Furs and Game Heads. Hank Bldg. C orreappii.lenre and rouflgn UTAH. Carlos, the Spanish pretender, ts ho handsomest and most fasolnat-- n In His restless spirit la. e inEurope. traveL and ha Is cuunt iitcly runj t fog hunting and all inwnt KNCTSFORJ l Qll SCCBS Of THIS;EHKD CUARAKTEf IET TO EE EQUAL TO IKE OB HONEY BEFURBEO D 8tST IH IKE IIP I Port. ' Palouse. The Ne. Perce region lies south of the others and has until recently been a part of a great Indian reservrtion. oUO.OoO acres of it have been thrown open to settlement anrij lts;iandscan lie bought upon cheap prices and terms. Write to Charles S Fee, General Passenger Agent, N. P. 11. It., Kt. Paul, Minnesota, or F. D. Gibbs, Oeneral Agent, Spokane, for folder and rates, r V. SALT LAKE I.-M.- N. Manufacturing SPICES adjoin the oilier ami together form a region hard to equal. The Peleuse region has been neted for its marveleus grain production. Thu Potlatch country is analagous to the g HAHIBB N road. They each 9.-0- BEST TIIREE-CROW- POTLATCII, PALOUSE. These are the names of three great agricultural and fruit growing districts in Idaho and Washington, reached by the Northern Pacillc rail- Connections made st Pueblo, Cnlnrsdo Springs and Denver with ail lines mst. THLKEELEY INSTITUTE, Elegant day coaches, chair cars, mri A direct, authorized branch of the lake Pullman 8leepera on all trains. house at Dwight, 111., has parent the D. &R. Gand have a coml. imhle 166 W. Second North, Salt at opened on the Lake trip and enjoy the flout scenery City, on the line of the street continrnt. railway running to Warm Springs. the treatment of the liquor and Train leaving American Fork at a m arrive at Cripple Creek neKt moru-uopium habits, with Lesley E. Keelley Companys double chloride of golf' at 9:50. remedies. 8. K. IIoorEii, A. 8. Huohks, The institute is under the manageG. P. & T. A. Traffic mgr., ment of Dr. J. W. Mt. John, who has Denver, Colo been at work with and in the employ Denver, Colo., of the Lesley ., Keeley Company for M. CuattiKO B. F, Nkyirs, H, , The Trav, Puts Agt. the past four years. Gen l Agt., and management of pat iuors m ill bo Salt Lace citv. Utah. Identically the same as at Dwfgb tiiueFckVn THE PUREST AND MADE. FHEWLETT BROS. Line of Trade which Reaps a Benefit. Thu cliangu to a State makes iL necessary to have all Court seals, ami such notorial and corporative seals as have the word Territory in them changed. Also many rubber stamps have to lie renewed and changed. A tirm in Ogden, Utah, S. J. Griffin, does much of this work, in fact moat of it, for, althoMn business but three IX EFFECT HOY.. IF 1899. years he has by a liberal use of printI EAST. WEST. ers ink, built up a traae second to No. S. 9:09 a. m. go. 1. 11;IJ0 . ni. No. AL 1;31 p. ni. No. A. 4:18 p. in. none in the west in his line. Any one No. M. A;8A p. in. No 7 a In having this"sort of work to ?.c done will lo well lo send to the above adD. C. Dome, F A. Wadleiou, dress where it will receive mm meGen. Mg'r. Gen. Pans. Ajt. diate attention. See his advertiseB. II. Barcocx, A. E. Welby. ment in another column. Gen. Supt. Traffic M'gr. pel-so- Ttlclilow-Providi- A!. UTAH AS A STATE. - I . DRUG CO., voneral Wholesale N only. 1 Byitem. of all Irniii'.fci-shall m lie- luslricl courts of tin- Tcr- lie- iidiiiissiiiii, tin till of Run Hacks to All Trains. rllniy lit have exulilcli i In- I micil I liiiM. lu lie proper 1'idteiJ clusive Leave nrdera at Stable, Stun k luiiiii-- i nr Circuit court. All civil Slate 1'iillits, except esses will gH lu tin AMIKICAN FORK, UTAH. Harrliigtoa St Wild nl:e nf lln- parlies III Hie may pmpirly i " imi fur the triiiisfer to ItefiTI"! d tu tlie Cuillllllt-le- e II FRANK O. HOBBS. chanics wages. o.l .1 uitieliirv. Lata ragt.iar U. 9. Laud Ofllee, Ciitluuinf the lly l'roliiliitliig By Curtis, establishing free em- hiring nf pi liihor uml the sale Land and Minins Attorney. 'iivlcts in and withnf pood tmi-- l ployment offices. out tin Slale. 'Tin Mule Prison Cnmmia-hIoiiit- s Salt Laka City Utah. lire liiliil lied from hiring out By Cushing (by request,) establishill cntiin-imiii- i lnliur Willi free U i.omr. ing office of steam boiler insiiector is mud- unlawful fur uny iersnii or in luiiig into tin Stale convict and proscribing duties. lalion-iin work, under a penally of $."iUU By Mansfield, providing manner for to flOoi linn or in pri.xi in ii from throe AMERICAN FORK WAGON mouths to live years, or both, which Is changing county boundaries. to vliiluiioii of any part of tin net. Slut'-- , uml city ufllcers urn WORKS. Adjourned to January 13. friiiu priilillilted Into the State meSheath Allison Introduced a use in fur niuterliil any hulldiiigs, o the lalmr on which has inpuhlii; Uuggiaa and Wacona of all morial to congress praying for the enany part been doin' by o o Klnda Repair ad In Firat-- o All gianls mailt by conBussed free law. a actment of vict lalmr In any Slide iiiiikI, before lining s Claaa Order, and at Prloea coinage o o to ault uuaa. fur siile, Ihi imii'kisi ns follows under suspension of the rules till! words "Ciuivli-- l lalsir, followed by ho year uml name of the ihiiii1 InstituBy Glon Miller, law relating to the AMERICAN FORK, UTAH In gn-ntion, Uomuii condensed Harrington at., primer law of libel, providing that before capitals. to tin ComiuKtee on - s LAKE CITY, UTAH. SALT LAKE GUY SODA WATER;CO.,SALT nf iln-ltnil'l Piiivn mill at Ugileii Suit Inuf ciiliii. tlie uml chum- lo tiniisli-iTinall ciisch prnH'i- in ti ls. STABLES. LIVERY, FEED AMO SALES t r trun-ritilled liclln-- wuli a cci iimi in mil ei Hi ut flings prui t luIpmi tin- - Cuiiiiiv Clerks is lniiHised uml or- Firat alaaa turnout! alwaya in readiueaa. A fln ll , v nf tnuiHiiilling tin- uml der in tin piopi in-r ciiliii. J.ike aulaotlon uf liorasa and bugglea. uriji-rei- t 10. be served hot. 1 - imi-ah- le About Them YAinter,Gatherings. Gan , M , Write Us c J Just the thing - I It Grape l Mfn-lini- . New l.-r- auJ W 8LT sullelt.-- .esrouni, HOTEL artbousc, uudrr BLOCK. Maiittuu ii.. Ml Annex. -- S CITV UTAH. 3189 6 Money to Loan!! We esn furnish you with money to renew your mortgage now due and cau make you a new one at a rate of interest front 9 to 12 per cent, according to the security. Farm and business properly loam a specialty, Address, W-H.WES- T 343 W N. Temple. SALT LALE CITY |