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Show N ITEM. Mi ili returned f 1 N ml-iv- . ual vlii iv day-i-. inis ilr says I ,h nur. lor thin'.--, are R?;,r,r. - estate. lie was granted the ivilege of visiting the Sunshine mine and nays it it a bonanza. They 1 iiive enough on in sight, at the ireai-n- t time to keep the mill running night. and day for five years. riianiherlaiiTs Cough Reined v is famous i ir its cures of bad colds. It opens the secretions, relieves the lungs and aids nature in restoring the sysii-n- to 114 healthy condition. If freely used as soon as lln cold has been contracted, and before it Iiis hecoiue settled in t I.e system, it. greatly lessens the severity of the at tacK and is often cured in a single day what would have heeu a severe celd. For sale hr all Druggists. Wwilrf loynuf Carried. Mkuoi-b- , lS'.Kh Utah, .bin. i! S. ! in: :1 i V illis'.l-Trl. i : . 1 ; ::r Ti.es- Ii Gem Thursday T i O.; :i examine il; a I'rit-c- s The Conjoint Meeting hel l la.t Sabbath Evening. l A L ii t : re; 1 Ll'A'-- I i t: ii E J;( ) will . 1, ! T. ? Draai: il i. t i'i lj i, in rilit H JW it-- . l oi it 1 sex- huinuing there, also a1 Sunshine, iit which plan- I; invested 111 Koine rt-ii- .MU. UAL IMPROVEMENT. all who attended the conjoint meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association of this :ity last habitat h evening at the me1 ting house, that it whs one of the 'lost enjoyable aud instructive religious gatherings hld in this city frr some time, and we arc pleased to state, a large attendant' c msist.ng of mostly young ladies aud gertlemen. was present. The program was all carried out and executed in the most instruct iv manner. After the singing by the choir nr.d prayer bv Elder I has. McCarty, It wr s the verdict of i t;, SC-- -: - -I- ; lit. M:r. ; I ; i j.,.; . An ricuu il( (b'.ouiitic Co. iipanv . i I' n.1'1 - Itiliij tin !ii - v If-- til opera li VI. om- nr i, - inyo-- li"'-- l tjl.- - i I,i,:n-(J- S i.ifiuiiji.i-- . b.!Vi i l! I v '.'J. a of j .'iK.-past f.w. ttei-k,m preparing BI1; i"i! read reiii)w;.c,l ,lraill.w entit, and ,il'ik.Vn Honler I.'obiii-o'- i g.ui-tj)(, upon dales ni:me,l hy all 1.) cultivate Hoove will a of unity, lint ail nmv ."I! May Is of r and Vi-..- ial ' . h d h-ir- , !o , ami Alii;. marl; ic-ke-.J ii:e work !i TW.itd, the !ol lowing: .1 JI. Hayilin, loliinwii, U. T. Shtllny, rionioiiftly hm conimi!l.cs E. term v.i.'c unu'cd by tu. mavor .1. L 'i . ill ITS ' h ihe Jonncil as foland :;') Waited Ivm'T rruJk V. i'..:'. i T stock I'ri sideut. .lames 11. Clarke an- lows: iv Jm Hisses kson, l,iza ill. Li . nounced a few remarks ly Couni Elen' Ua Chlninu, Mia .1. T. UiniiMu Ai.nivu, ill grouts !i' y i cilor S. u. rhipmaii. as first on the Carduci J. U . Urslnn. and Amanda Cuipniun. i f f ,i kiey's. hiiiiiu... program. matter will Vm Advertising . t.liijiiiiau. t .Mr. Chipman. in his ever pleas- Clrndv.it k. J. T. thinner. k next week. We advise allapj.ear I !.. ii week. who for half an hour. Judi.-u-. i v. r Vlif-ing manner, what J. Y. I'rcstou, J, T. want to aeo a good theatre 0 save RelIih foibj ct being. What is i!! i itiirsi i:..' V.H. tiiid.-',- l their nick lea nnd dimes, also tu Editor Item: several lie good I gaxe .1. hii. i i i 1 I, tiunlncr. U. Adam- purchase their tickets at the earL l. tht lead noticed in your iysue of Jan- igion. to his Mibject ami ill Y. !;::cl-i:iiest possible date, so as to be son. ft an article headed, Leap uary 11th, sun) iu a vry instructive ami it Uoii-.-- Wm. of a good see.t, as the house will 1 :;:i City as c. I .. are putt int? Year Actions,1' and it appears Thus M maimer. He also spoke Chadwick. J. W Urcston, W, undoubtedly be filled to overfiow-in- g i! i; ii ire for though several of the young ladies pleasing ,'Ti; '' up n li.rf.i-tiof marriage, ad- Cll iOI!.t !! the subject each night. upon The company of to are : ii your village ready leap. all who proposed to Iubli- t i' Mi.! t'lly Urop- - will produce, for the first time, the vising Will offer them folthe you pleaw il! l.i ill kinds at tliis to their religion erty and oblige a young man wed, to live up i'!:i,ii::i!i, I. A'damsou. new scenery that is now being lowing, . uiliii the and he privNY. glorious U: granted J. Icr. prepared, which will mid greatly to to lie at: - mv Dunk . the .M of sight, ready 1!0Yleaped Stivci- - i. ! Ai!,-,success of the plays. ilege of going to the temple to J. V0K ADOPTION. Adamson, performed. He J. N . I 1, th i:i .1 y and jiri"'. ton. Vi i.i. fluid wick. Horn of American parents, par- have the ceremony all to attend the Chid-jegby inviting V i t sf : lrri;i:-co- r i v i i ir in the entage guaranteed, W."" lias dark hair closed Old People, and mutual i meetings, improvement i 1: and eyes, is twenty-fiv- e nt ti:i$ cars lit Ciiiyiiu.ni. .i.::i;:i'on. years old, Old people who require medicine spoke of the good derived from so .! i hllgru: i;i;j :i;id lriniiug I. T. hi il :! 'j.'i, of the bowels and kidneys regulate attending. . (iardiicr. J. i,re.to:i, Win. will find the true After a song, well rendered by Chadnick. remedy iu Electric Hitters. This medicine Miss Annie MeNiel, Elder Jos. J. ( Rules ind.on and stimulate aud contains no does not Pica Quad, y. Address, and gave a twenty AdaniMi.i. arose Jackson whiskey Care of Mercur Miner, nor other intoxicant, but acts as a minute lecture on ''Hsptisni for the Cemd' Ibvston o' and Mercur, Utah. iy tonic and alterative. It acts mildly Dead, in which he did the subject Adainii:i. the stomach and bowels, adding justice. Hoard !' lb..lili Mayor Rob- on Unequalled Service. and giving tone to the iM.ii,' and tin strength Denver to Chicago via Kansas Miss Cora Hromley then gave inson. IVReflections organs, entitled. an exercise thereby adding Nature m itv is giyen via the Union Pacific city h; iv;. the of the functions. performance iVtiii.:i of ii,). Cruokston, E. on Religion, which was delivered ml Chicago & Alton Railways. Electric Hitters is an excellent ap1 II. Boiey. V. H. to be Pullman Sleepers, well. Through ami aids petizer digestion. Old Mrs. Julia grant rendered a song, appointed j i'l. ullman Dining Cars and Free read. find it People just excactly what Chair Cars leave Denver which was appreciated by all, after Oil moiioii, iii .j. need. Price cents per they fifty The Union Pacific is the which Geo. Cunningham gave a pointed. aily. lioltle. At all Store's. Drug !' few good remarks. IVtili'i'--Ciookston arid The meeting closed with singing John Y i. to be appointed 1 MARRIED. ii : m . read. by the choir and benediction by police Elder Samuel Wagstaff. On nioi lo'i. i ij: Ll ijji was E. L. Lomax, Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. poinlml. 11. !!, Hol Hci'-ot!On Wednesday evening, January Note?. y. estray-iu- d Omaha, Neb Rresbytfrian ki ; r, : IStK5, Mr. John Whitaker, aud approved, .i The Holey . was is ref::.;read (belter known as John Wood) to !. Miss Elizabeth Nichols, both of The week of prayer has been audncciid. The Beley House is the painted this city, with Judge John MeNiel observed by a cry interesting serolii ciating. vice at the Presbyterian church The rei option came off at the each evening of the part week. O11 of the groom, where a pleashome Sabbath evening two members ant evening wa.i spent by the rewere reeei . ed latives and friends of the contractThe da- school opened on TuesTub wishes ing couple. day, .lanu. ry 7th, 'and the Sabbath and hie bride a long ami Johnr.y school was resumed last Sabbath bi'ppy life. at the usi. il hour. From ti-- begin 11 iug of the new At cVrren, Emery county, Utah, . on Wednesday. .January lb, l.Sbit, year the ; lembers of the church were alki-will raise . fnuds for benevolent T. MctV:.. Mr. ( I.cster ileyan, (,f ' jr'n. Mi-- .; Maud r, purposes, astors salary and cur- J. E. J. ;. i.. Kin, of American Fork. rent expen :s, hv private subscrip- J. H. C;i' ir.V:) Im Mr, Hrynn is : well known and !. Me 'l.'lu.with t the 'bus John a: and tion, dispense jiopnlar young man of JVrren. and usual col ection at the regular i. i pear ji p .T! ;n lien t sheep man. His !. service. bride h the daughter o? Mr. R. E. preaching Adj'ur.i' be as will Hereafte.: King, of this cil--- , and is loved by everything Mr. E. il. Darling, on i Expo.;:i!.': MI free a3 th gospel we preach, and win) know , it. They arriye coe- etc., 1. sif- - br-rwh..re they wMl spend no emhara sment will be caused dampin'., ii to bring nil i.i r;er. wi rhi ui.mB dcy will personally eater to their any who uay desire to worship itoneyinoi ;i. We v.Vli them n hands a or tism who have not and happy future. hi the tlio with iu bright may us, culinary department, palates ! !id violent where i'er reputation elussos her as means, or he inclination to con- and fare, ci' their orian artist. Mr Darling, who has tribute. Ve extend a cordial in- itching of .in Addilionrl Locals. charge of the ollico, was formerly vitation to all to attend without gin to cM ..oh'r. Ih. J. II. lie .i.'.iiiii (hi Liniment Isan's manager of the Union hotel at Lelii money auc without price. !. should hand a at all times ard for a number of years was with Utah Lodge No. 11, A.O. U.W. U , J. A. Litinqstox Smith. the Unci fie Hotel Company at differfor imiii"! itn application when of ths city, h'xld their annual ur ent pi Uiner. It is a memorial services at the opera None But Ayers at the WorJdfi troubles of liiis appear. dr. mS. "sOc and 100 house this evening. sovereign r Fair. w.r UImbho of tlie neu-fbottle ; ;vcli:. We are sorry to state that the An investigation in Switzerland shows Ayers S.irsaril la enjoys the ex- - per dreadful disease, diptlicnn, is still that mortality from organic disease of traordiuan distinction of having Tin: I it- . fJl.'Ti per year. in our midst. Three children of Ihu heart l.ereases as the altitude of been the oV.lv blood Purifier allowd :he habitation rises, ami that it is ou exhibit at the World's fair, iM1 simva Anthony Nelson were taken down When Hi of sign frcaier ic towns than iu thu country. snrii ManiifaHures other of ilow, Thursday. irjirruscil ::? Chicago itir'-- It "ir, il.ii.;fit Tills, Ilf if lllC A. G. Dunk ley is nursing a badly sarsaprilhn sought by every means UUI - : i! 11T i hiii'iuiiI i, very ligl.t bruised leg, of their a showing to obtain goods, ', An OH SoiillerB Hcoiniiipiidutiiin. , resulting from being in kiiliieys. all turned away un- colnr it ii.'!. re kicked a horse wi but by Iii the la'e war I was a soldier in Disxtw-- i'.i t. Thursday. they iii!i- Mo tlx "f a rule for lienee I.i i: :f ji.- - ni iivuiijit nitrous The young people were talking alwut the First Maryland Volunteers1, der the np:diciiti;i of sli p t i'i iTi t. Dr J II Mc- decorating the parlors for Christmas. entry patent medDuring my term of bidding the (Jomn'x. 1!.! .'vi.iiiir 71 ii in i.xtrciseg Lean's decision Anil noiist Liii icines 'flip and I'll get the holly, saiil Ilarry. ruin, 3?:'vi e I contracted chronic diar- mu Iii'hPh a exclaimed ;ni.' l:i'!.-- inilnenrc over I'll furnish the mislctoc! fair in anthorities Worhl's rlceu. Since then I have used aloftlie i.i in v the kiiliii oriuig Hiid Dora. But what arc all yon people ssparillawas m kill CilKSi: fTi '..l.v :l i m to great amount of medicine, but when favor ot Averse laughing lit so heartily? I didn't hear h'H'JV.s- Sarsapeffect i Ajers If found Oo .: liollle coii'li'i that would reme Inter Ocean. per any give anything funny. medicine. Steele & lief it would injure rnv stomach, aril la is not a pab-nt the list of nosuntil Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera does not. belong --: - i.? 'f and diarrhoea Remedy was brought trums. It is her. on its merits." to my notice. I used it and will Rncklr ns Anita.! Saive. say it m the only remedy that gave me premancut relief and no bad The Best Ailve in the world for 0 Are Making a Specialty of results follow. I take pleasure in Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uicers, Salt recommending this preparation to Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped all"of my old comrades, who, while Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all giving their servijes to their coun- skin Eruptions, and positively cures A is Ex emled to Ihe Ladies to Call and Examine Special ! try. contracted this dreadful disease Files, or no pay required. It is Tlx in. T.ii'.y :irci Elegant, and the Prices are within as 1 did, from eating unwholesome guaranteed to give perfect, satisfacand uncooked food. Yours truly, tion or money refunded. Price i he Rvuch oi Everyones Means. B is ICR Il sale A. SALE for E. box. of ii. cents Bending, Halsey. Oregon. apoki'ii highly per Don't Forget., tlext to Post Office, American Fork For sale by all Druggists. Steel & Co's., Drng Store. by all Druggists. : M : 1 . !': . 1 1 t i m . . , ..-I ! - . Ciia-.ivtick- i drJi-uitioi- is : : . V. ed :Z ' gil-.n- l . i 1 IVi-01- : . : I : . gt t i s : I - ; L ! i ! . : ; :. Sic-.!.?- , lle-Lini- 1 ng . - 1 1 11 . . 1, I - j 1 piv,-enle- - i 11 . - - i V - . 1 , n to-da- y, -- ! : . 1 aces.-.-Meac- Orj-an- io . - . . t l 1 i 1 ! tli-.- - 11 mm-urcst- ; 'i i 1 ! nor-mi- - t r- . -- Sisters Fins Hats for the Holidays |