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Show 4 - v- rf . . Eugene Meyer, Jr. ffilllS LiUST . -- " State Board Require Money Be Set Aiide Be fore Federal Aid Given. Landscape "Architect De- Crowds ville clares Salt Lake Attracof ( Big tions Best He Has Seen. ( t f 4 U; t J v: set Wa $:j0 tit Gravel Communication Received. The commission- - received, and laid n ill table, a communication frorfl companies of the state who demanded that If the product of the state in commercial gravel pit Is to be .old open for leasing traffic, the pit le thrown communication on competitive bids. The - grads; Grav-o- f , "Ths undersigned, Mellsn Sand company, Utah Band A Gravel company and Ides Hand A Oravsl company, protest knd severally hereby jointly of, a contract for against ths execution the leasing to ths Heleelt Construction ompany or any other company, firm or Individual, of what Is known as ths stats the grave) pit at Mount, Utah, unless use of said gravel pit is first offered bidder therefor to the h.ghest and bestherewith " " demand Tht undersigned If stats the tbal grsval pit at Mount Is to be leased to private parties either corporate or Individual, that the same ho leased only after the receiving of the un.Competitive bids therefor. And dersigned, having received ind.rect Information that the etate gravel pit at Mount Is about to bo leased to the Helselt Construction' company, herewith demand that bids for the use of said for by public ad-gravel pK bein called the usual form." vertisement View" la Unusual. of Further Conferences Held. J. W. Mellon eigne for the Metlen comA pany, Eric Rvberg for the Utah Band for Gravel company, apd F. M, Maher th Ideal company. With repaid to the Helselt lease, referred 10, It was stated yesterday that beie did not come np for consideration fore the commlseton because o the ab eence of one of ths members, George . Cseto. However, it is known that was made the subject of further conference among stats officials who may be Interested, and It Is Indicated that Harvey H. Chrff holds that tits lense Is subject to action by the d. state land commissioner, John T, Before the final contract with the Heleelt company Is signed approval wilt also be asked of J. H. Glenn, state of finance slid purchase, for the reason that the contract provides that ths eta's may purchase 'gravel required for road purposes from the lessee. Since the contract wtU be submitted. It ie not found nedeeshrv by etate officials to decide the question of whether it had to $ s'ened, by the director befor It was ion Gold-roy- g " x. Authority Questioned, It is also indicated that the contract already signed and of w hich - It la now alter the terms, ts. In ths opinnought tosome state officers, at least, of ion, of no legal effect because ths minutes of road state commission do not act salthe ly authorise she signing of the document by the chairman of the committee. 'Owing to the wording of the motion. and to whet had passed In the meeting, the chairman Interpreted It as i giv'ng him she authority, but th'a It now very aerloutlv questioned. In any event, If the new contract is of the conagreeable to 1. H. Helaelt struction company, there Is little Indicaoffices the tbet it will not tion la cute be executed. was received from the - Communioat'on tote board of examiners yesterday ap. pTo.v'ng the 19?i program for distributing federal eld, already announced byi the comnvls.lon. , , s , i v of Way Discussed. The matter of the right of say from tho state road to the bridge over the J'rlce river at Helper, leading to the section known as New He'oer, was referred to Commissioner Irv R, Brown (tie, with power to act. Ths right of way was deeded to the town of Helper in 1914, under a deed which le Jield In escrow by the state road commission. It wag Intended at that time to route the State highway over the new right of way this derision wee altered end bridge, but The vieei ln eacrow provides for a flftv- and Tom Pitch, the of wav, foot right be regrantor, asked that the deed turned to him. whereupon he will give a t of thirty-fooa for way vled right The frontage of twenty feet would be on the main street of Helper. The com mission found that the bridge Is not now on the state road system, and the attention of the Carbon county rommls-- , will be elopers and of the city of Helper drawn to It, In order that aom settle-i- , b retuhed and ths matter inept, may taken out of escrow, Manager of Corporation tp Arrive Today for Con- ference With Local Men. a , Eugene Meyer, Jr., managing director of ths war finance corporstlon, will arrive In Balt Lake this afternoon for a tonference on the work ot hit corporation and on general economic conditions In this district with officers of the lTtah agency of the corporation, bankers and representative of the sugar, livestock jtnd agricultural Industries. Mr. Meyer is accompanied by Gerard C. I lender eon, general counted lor ths anil Mr. Meyers assistant, Mr. Harrison. In addition to his private conferences with local Interests, arrangements have been made for Mr. Meyer to diarusse publicly (be operations of tits Hart-ente- Advertising Advocated. rs r '! feel certain that Balt Lake (ns a bsllllnnt future, and it Is up to the people to bring it development about It should toe extensively advertised. California has a mild climate, where flower may grow th yest round, but you have many things here that wo haven't down there. Bag LAke is at a good altitude and rlimattcal It should at. rondii.ons are favorable. tract msnv from .other place who are looking for th geographical condition thnt exist here. "The canyons are a great asset to th city, t have not seen all of them, but What have seen convinces me that they could he utilised to a greater extent than thev are sif the present time. I have been encaged In landscape work all of my life, irfld I must say that I have never seen anything to" compare with th tosee of entrances to those mountain and th The sparkling streams, those canyons. the drees and the mountain background offer a rare treat in th way of eceoecy. The canyon entrance offer ,wonderlul !orelono for Sutnmobl camps. "The city is Indeed fortunate and should benefit by it resources. I wish thst we had your wld street down In Ton msv have congestion here but o compare with conditions it I nothin at home. Tour streets would be a big help to us. I am certainly Impressed with Re It take In s general wav. and I am sure hat other people would be if they knew , , the possibilities here." ts i An-gel- Convention r.t Ephraim Considers Road Problems Attorney Protests Paying Advance Telephone Bill d Mnntl-Plgeo- ur Postmasters Indorsed tor Utah Appointment hope aoceleratlng elation. ral-aid road In their county, Survey on this work have ping teen completed, POSTPONED, . EXAMINATIONS 'and speclUratlons will be turned out a For lack of candidates, examination soon as possible, .leaving th work ready . announced by J. T- - Hammond, state dito advertl-- e. . rector of finance and purchase, for candidates w'shlng to practice the kea.lng BANKRUPTCY A9KED. The A voluntary bankruptcy petition Has arte In Utah, will not be held. law require tests In these subjects quarUnited In th disfled yesterday States Mr. had HamiYind set th terly, and trict court by Georg A. Hearts, Inspector date (or April 4 and I. of t i Slate dairy end food department s who estimate his liabilities WATER PERMIT SOUGHT, s end his assets at fK5! The i er Malm New msn of MuiVy and asexemption of $36 on James A petition was filed sociate have applied to the eprwrel engitp tat i I y l,dwln Erickson, a farmer of neer for permission to use tdo eecond-f- t .eld, Utah, who setlmatHe his Da- -I creelu' In Emkry Fish from of water s at $',6.o 13 Ths petitioner claims at th Bear . Creek 'coal, mine, lion of Jit.'d on ol esists. house-- i county, to which It would be carried in seven-Inc- h and overly earing apparel. , pip V 1 ,H most wonderful site for summer homes, and I am surprised that there are not more of them there. In the larger cities people travel farther then that In going to and from tholr place of business, and do not find sites that compare with the one which you have here In Salt fake. It takes outsiders to appreciate 1L devetoptod many of the beeutv spots of California, which native of th stats were unsble to see. .Flares that were nothing more than waste lands were made s' tee for beautiful homes by people coming in from other localltlea. Californian Were unable to realise tho possibilities, -- hog-fftl- el . distance- Tt Is a porutlon. A dinner will he tendered loMr, Meyer this evening at the Alls club, where the will include members of the Balt fuests and Ogden Clearing House association and representatives of ths Industrie which have been benefittd ny the credit extensions of the corporstlon. Tomorrow morning ha will hold a setles of meetings with first the Utah agency of the corporation, with ths officers of the Bankers! Loan company, ths Sugar Beet Finance corporation and. the Western Livestock Ixian rotntxiny. In the aftersoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Meyer'wlll appear at the Hotel Ttab o d souse publicly the - remits achieved bv the corporation and ita alms It la expeotuvl that several hundred livestock producers In the citv for the livestock show, In addition to others of the community concerned with the sdoiln'strstlon of this work, wtU attend this meetng. Memiicrs of the Utah agency who will meet Mr. Mever and have charge of th arrangements for his visit, are E. O. Howard. chairman Ernest Hamburger, Charles S. nuron, J, E. Cosgriff and G. A. Mart. Srtwe'ary. While- - Mr. lfeyer ! In the city, the western interests vGrich have received w.ll express loans through the thole desire to hevs the life of, the corbevand extended act.rttles July poration's 1 of th year, after which, under the lens, no further applications tor loans oan be accepted. Bpertal to The Trttaie. Thev are expected to give their IndorsetrpHRAlM, March M A convention of ment 4o the bill introduced ov Bena'or from Fountain Green, Moroni, Robinson hi Arkansas, now pending beCheater, Ephraim and . Mantl Wale. fore congress, to have the life tf the corvesterdav In the Commercial here opened for another venf. poration evtended having been called bv th club t ascertain Commercial Ephraim th sentiment of the people of the north-enwest' part of the county With referin ence to gravel or hard surface road from n Hollow roacj to the the A forma protest against th right of Juab countv line. j . Telewas It the and opinion That hard surface the Mountain States Telephone and a petiin should be constructed, roads to Its company charge patrons graph advance for their telephone service, and tion to that effect w drafted which will towns affected all In the a circulated penalty toy to discontinue the service as for failure to pay the bills In advance, and submitted to the county commissionwas heard by the public utilities commis- ers. copies being furnished the. state road commission and B. J. Finch of the sion yesterdey, H. A. Smith. Salt Lake attorney, sub- -' federal highway board. It wa also deletter to the commission, in cided fhat a letter be pry nared to .th mltted which he complained of the Iniustlce don etato road commlseton and Mr. Finch rehim by the telephone companv. He de- questing Information a to why Ranpetee on Pigeon Hollow to clared, in the letter, that because he had money to toe spent only on a failed to pav hie telephone charges for the Juab ltn waa matched , baal. the month bf Match, for services which deleA telegram was read before th hod not yet been rendetei, the company of the th from Nephl He president further gation had disconnected service. stated that when he had protested, the Commercial club to the effect that they company had told him that he had no were in favor of having -hard surface business te'llng th company how to con- roads. At 6 o'clock a banquet was served the duct It affair. delegatee In the dining room contends that the public fortv-foMr. Smith teleof the Snow Normal college under the should not b required to pay for phone eervlc until It le rendered, unlesa direction of Miss Afton Hinckley and the t It so desires, any more than the telephone domestic science girls. companv Itself should be required to pay In advance. it employees Tim commission wtU make the complaint, a bos'a for an Investigation. . Col CHILDRENS, MAT1NEB ANNOUNCED. At the regular Saturday morning matinee of the Home .and School league tor boss and girls St th Farsmount-Empres- s morning, 'theater tomorrow "Black Beauty," a picture for children, connection with thle will be chosen. ,ln a Harold' Lloyd- - comedy and an InterestBridge Repair Authorized. ing scenic picture also will be presented. Eugene Bush, state bridge snglneer, was program atarta at 19 1$ oclock. Th authorised to make arrangements a 1th The tnutio will be furnished by mom bars of V. R Bush of Moab r.lstlvs to a conTeachere the Jaikson school orchestra.. tract for repairs to ths stst s bridgt over of the Jackaon school IK b ushers and th Green rivsr at Green River city. The chaperons. sum of $3690 is being contributed toy Grand county for repairs to the Grand , DISPATCHERS CONFER. county end of the structure. lilsiutlcher of th Union Pacific sysgummit county commissioners have deIn the termined that tho $30,ik)0 federal aid al- tem were In conference yesterday of th lotted to that county, together with $10,- - office of the generalThe'rmanager work was, the MO put up by the county, aheH he spent Oregon' 8tort Line. In acsheets train of on Improving ths Hall Lake-Pnr- k standardisation City of the Inrusd from ths county tins to Kimballs,' cordance with th requirement less than five miles. .There terstate commerce comm lesion. .something ' whs some debate as to whether the money should not be spent farther eaet, on the LETTER fS COMMENDATORY. Lincoln highway in Echo canyon, but the Dr H. A. Pattlson. eupervuror of mediSummit county authorities preferred the cal service of th National Tuberculos.s more westerly location. Both sections aeftoclatlon, it ho recently Melted c Hah re on ths proroeed federal highway pri- lake, haa sent leUef pi appreciation mary system. for Utah "tale numtiil Morgan county oommlsxloners called on and praise Wallis, executive H. .me to J ths slate road commlseton Wednesday,fede-la rotary of the Utah Public Health of work on th ' the , The view from tho elevation east of the city offers a variety that adds to Its splendor. I felt as though 1 could stand over there and gaxe for hour over that landscape, including the Great 8aK lake and Its islands. 4he btrdseye view of a beautiful city and the mountains in th I' SomIsI to The Tribes. WASHINGTON. March tative e, o, taatharwood ' 10. Represenhas recommend- ed the appointment ol twe presidential postmaster In Utah, Reid H. Gardner at Lehl and Victor A. Net Ison at Magna. Two Idaho postmasters have been appointed, William E. Clark, Canyon l Creek, vice F. TV. Havlea, resigned, sil Nellie Jemmett, Terre ton, vice J, R. Foulka, resigned. Six Blackfoot Men Are , Taken on Liquor Charge , March $0 Charged by County Atlornev Hamilton of moonsa: unlawful with the Wright shine to W, M. Wilkie six men were arrested last night by Sheriff Stmmono and deputies. Those arrdsted are Charles Gallowev, second offenoe; P. E. Farnsworth, Peter R lev, Roes Chalmese, R. Parsons and A. Parsons. Th first four named today waived preliminary examinations and were held ,40. the dlatrlct court bv Probate Judge Good In bonds ranging from $100 to $1009. FUNERAL TO BE SUNDAY. Tribena LAYTON, March $4. - Funeral services for Mra Sarah Adam. wife ef Senator Rufus Adkma who died at ths De hospital In Ogden Tuesday evening following an operation for appendlcitia will be hed at th Kaevllle tabernacle Sunday sftemoon at 1 dock. Bishop James K. Ell'son of East Layton ward will have charge of th servteea Interment will be In the Kaysvllle cemetery. ' ' CADET IE APPOINTED. . Special ts The Trlbssa On WASHINGTON. March X of Repreeantatlv French, IV alW allace. lace H. Barnes ef Idaho, has tesn appointed cadet st ths West Point , fi military academy. - Special to Tb -- . . recom-mendatl- Th ghrbos circus is on. "Fb'lpw ths fes" was the word, knd The crowds did as directed last night. When more than 1000 Salt take 'men, wearing the red headgear, led 'toy their band and patrol, marched down Main street early yesterday evening, the people followed. They just bad to follow and they were not sorry. For they were led to a real clrcua Thousands lined the streets as tho nobles passed. There was not muck noise, tout applause was general along th line, and the people followed tbs fes. Bonneville park was the center ol attraction, gnd It promisee ito remain so until the circus closes the last of next week. The big pavilion was packed to -- opened to the public. It wee estimated thst there were at least 9000 in the paa vilion at Sioolock, and every seat filled when the show, which was brought her from Chios go, opened at 9 oclock. The big hall was gaily decorated , with flags and hunting and tho booth that lined th walls added to the general attractiveness. Ths tolg business places of Itah are represent eL there with exhibits works or wares. Then there are of their other booth where hot J dogs' and th other things that go to round out a circus, Indoor, or outdoor, may bo found. Parade Starts on Time. The big parade left th Masonic temple st 4,30 o'clock, th Bhriner claiming a record for having started a parade on schedule ttmg for the first time in Halt Lake. Th line of inarch waa west to State street, north to South Temple, west to Main and south on Main to Ninth Bouth street and the Circus. - The band and patrol led th way. Then there were the Illustrious potentate end his divan and tho nobles. El Kalah temple ape fexxes, tout there peared on most were othera In the parade, representing a toore of temples .of the United-State- s i and Canada. Th Eastern Star drum corps also was there, following Immediately behind those who marched and beating time for those hr the rear of the Una who could not hear the band. Most of th nobles wore their overcoats, tout th women marchers' wore their white suits and made a prqtty part of the parade. Following them writ? more than 190 automobiles decorated In colors of ths order and bearing Shrtners who or old or Infirm and could not join In th inarch to the circus grounds. of-th- - Opened With National Song. uu.L . y Dy'roc New Pavilion Being Erected at Show Grounds lapid ( ly Reaching Completion. - bin-son- ; j 1 w y " PurebredT Jersey' for Exhibit tlere. ur 7 A pure-bre- d tt the pig to bo to fifth annual lntermounta.a livestock how, will be sent to . Saly take from Elko, Nev., toy air mail Rnturdajr morn- lag according to word received yretor- day by Dr. R. N. Mead, managing director from E. J. Mllno- - superintendent of the Nevada industrial school at Elko, tor- - J 7 ,, d Mr. Mllno has mad all arrangements to sontf tb pig by pares with assur-ance- s that it wlU be delivered by air- -' stx-ho- ra Sisters Were Riders. plana ' i f s lp t, q y. . Dairy Section Completed. Dr. Mead, J, H. Msnderfleld. manager, of the Union stockyards, and David A. ' . , Smith, chairman of the livestock commit tee of the Commercial club, will be at I the Salt Lake field when the exhibit ar- 1 f rlvea. It is a pure-bred .eossweeweisssseas.sssaeee Duroc Jersey and will compete for the premium of- -' ' Robert gtlckney, 4r., who Is part , fared in that section. of th Shrine drew with his- - dog and Tb mew . V? of section th dairy t pavilion pony show. Mr, (tlcknoy, who now i being erected at ths stockyards was com- - 4 . Is known os Undo Bob, or Tho Kid, pleted yesterday and will be- - ready for ' , -was Introduced In Salt Lako in 4972 .J occupancy toda. An. additional force of s th Apollo Bslvodoro, and graded men has been employed so as to couplet of bareback rider. the section to to used In housing breed-i- n i'ill 1 J .. stock North Platta Nek. HI second wife altd his daughter, Emma and Emily Btlckn are clrcua ridera, working now in Ohioi Undo Bob took g proud part in Shrine parade last night, though toe plained that he was not a Bhriner, though he had boon a Master Mason abljj half, a century- - Ho worked all ievenli amusing Uipse who went to Bonne& nark to see his act. b , Saturday morning. Dr- - B. W. Black. Subd!strlct ' 1 manager ' 1 bf the flitted Stats veterans bureau, . notified Dr. Mead yesterday that twemv-- 9 nine former service men who or taking t a course tn animat husbandry' at th Utah Agrtcalturai college will be sent to Balt Lak to spend the entire week at the show. Th party will be in charge of Mr. Hurst, supervisor of the department of animal husbandry at the college. Officials of the college are anxious for the atudenta to benefit by thsieducatlonai features. Cattle Exhibits Arrive. Beveral large exhibits for the cattle sec- tlon arrived at the stockyards yesterday, Three carloads of registered Hereford bulls werqJ received from A. Oauderault A Rons Neb. The Cochran Brady, ranch, at ort Collins, Colo., sent a car- - t load of horthorn and a carload of', Herofords Six carloads of fancy .Here-1'- -, ford steefs were received from C. B. Reynolds f Brady, Neb. Other shipments which eafi In during this afternoon Included a carload ot Berkshire fat swine from Ed Todonhoft of North Platta, Neb, and oaroad of purebred baby beef from W. 8. Shprt of Elko, Nev, Arrangements were mad yesterday for s' truckload of prie steers, surrounded ranch, to lead by eowtooi s from th Bar-the parade of automobiles to tn show grounds Tuesday afternoon. The parade-' will fornf at th Commercial club Tuesday noon. Immediately following a joint, luncheon of the Klwgnls club and repth resentative ot sother civic clubs of on Monday morn-.- ,, , city. TB4 consing. Tlje judging is scheduled J.0 menca at 10 o'clock. 5 t I t p, J. ' ss Require Corporation Hearings Ordered at Salt Lake and Other! Cities Court of State to Where Buinei m Territory; Affected, - t " I , Thl is ths first time sine the air mall service lias been established that do- - 1 livery of livestock has been undertaken, Claron Nelson superintendent of the I western division of th pert Ire yestsr- day verified the report that ,-- such arrangements have been made, and said that the pig will "take off" from th Elko field at 16 oclock .Saturday morn- - , Ing. It is due to arrive here about H $6 , oclock. K. L Unger will pilot the plana ' Mr. Nelson stated that the pig wilt not' Interfere with th regular first-clamalt; delivery. He will be placed 'In g crate, which will be Strapped In ths mall pit of tho plan on top of the other mail ' 4 All precautions will bp toksn pounche , for th protection of the animal. after this my father gave up the theater In Now Orleans gnd moved with the family to Philadelphia. My mother was not a showgirl, but my three slaters were all riders. My only brother, Samuel Stlckney. started to ride, but hurt hi ankle, so father sent him to school. He wont to school for a while and then went back to the show Ufa where he became famous as a clown and a Shakespearean Jester. He died last summer at the age1 of $0 years. My three sisters have died during the last few years. "Wa lived In Philadelphia for a good many years, traveling out through the 1 recountry in the oummer months. member once, before th civil war, going to Vermont, where some of th riding acts were not allowed by th Vermont laws. I played wRh P. T. Barnum, with old man Forepaugh. with 8ells ft, Forepaugh, and with th Bells Brothers 1 have my own ponies and dogs here amt am working with Arthur' Davia head ot th Davis Amusement company, under contract. I have .known him ainc he was g bgy." ' Years Old. ' Seventy-si- x This la th story1 of th oldesu bare-bac- k rider and tumbler In th country. He win to 14 year of ago April 99, but be acts like s boy. He had to ttv up riding several years ggo on accffunt of ho wtU got quit hurting hi knee, bat th show buslnesa HIS first wW died, and his son by thst wife, Robert, Jr. with his grandson, Robert III, whig Is just n horses In 21, are breaking 8oon blue-ribbo- Iron-jaw- I y world's greatest bare-bac- k rider, tesper and tumbler, tb Apollo Belvedere ot th circus, th man who double somersaults over tea elephants or twenty-foth Inbone' This troduction given to Robert Btickney, 8r., when he first mot th people of Salt Lake In lt2. Ho was hero with John Ro 's clrcua, Mr. Robinson was his father-in-laand with him played over Utah. He ha been here several time sine then, for he still Is in tb game, but now he Is no longer known ns Ml Is Uncle Bob or the kid." Apollo. and he still entertains well with a pony and dog show. He will be the center of attraction and tb sprteet ot the spry at the 8hrtne Clrcua and Mardl Gras today pad tomorrow and all of next week. "I began the circus life early," Unci Bob said last night. 1 liked It and have been at it ever' wnt'fc 1 waa bum in tho-olAmerican .theater in New Orleans. My lather was 8. P. Stlckney. famous at that time as a four- - and rider. He was manager of th theater and had rooms there In th building. When I was years of age I was Introduced in the tragedy, Ratio and th Child. Edwin Forrest played the part ef, Hollo gnd I was the child. They say he tossed mo about most every way, and I have been bumping around ever since. Thera was no delay when th show actually started, knd 9 oclock seemed to come a few minutes after the big gates opened. The first act of the tournament was by Miss Henrietta Barthe), Chicagos Eastern Star prlma donna, who. formally opened the circus by slngihg "Th Star All stood at attenSpangled Banner. tion while this was sung, and It waa the onlv time during the evenjng when the fexxes cam off. Then Dr. A. C. Wherry, Illustrious potentate, made a short talk, of explaining the purposes and Intentions those responsible for the show. horixontal with their Eugene brothers, bar act, gave a fine exhibition of strength and skill. Then came, the Herman trio, a bicycle act that is not seen In the ordithe Japanese, nary walks of life. also gave. a good act, and then cam hi and with ponlea. dog Stlckney This .dog and pony act Is- - show In ItThis - veteran rider and tumbler, Bill self, since retiring from his rough work of the L circus a few years ago. has insisted on Use remaining on th active lief, and ha trained bis dogs and pontes to do Just about what he want them to do, They I Done. do everything but talk, and when two of th dogs cam out calmly on the stage i i sad, dressed like real dancers, set the thev took the pace with a real ' crowd toy storm. , Then followed Sols and Special to The Trlbona tn order WASHINGTON, March Sonny and LaSalle antj Mark in comedy acrobatics that were especially popular that state courts la Utah and other westwith th children, who cried with delight. ern states may have Jurisdiction ever civil suits brought by or against corClowns Prove Popular. doing business In those states porations wa Dainty Estelle In the flying web another popular act. This was followed but incorporated in other states. Repreby th Australian Waites, whip crackers, sentative E. O. Leatherwood has introand duced a bill the Ftaher sisters with th amending the judicial Cod th lour LaSalles, acrobats. Rosaires, by Inserting in section X4 of th act of wire walkers, were next. Ids Deluo. 'the lady contortionist, dld March I, 1911, the following language; evrrvthlnc that could .possibly be expect- - "That all corporation Incorporated for ed of her In her line. The Flying Valen- thq purpose of conducting any business tines, In an aerial casting act, closed the or But there enterprise, or Incorporated for th purlist Of regular performers. were others who took part. Between pose of taking over or purchasing and act and before the show began and after carrying on any business or enterpro It closed. Will DeHovoye and his company In a particular state, shall, for lha purof olownk, mingled with the crowd and pose of jurisdiction, be deemed to be continually provoked fun and laughter. cltisen of the state in which such busiTaken Tonight will toe the first real presentation ness or enterprise Is located. ef the circus In true form. All were over, purchased or carried on. regard-or office tired last night and the parade Interfered less of whether the prino.pa! with th general performance.- - There pace of business of any such corporawill be matinee today, beginning at X tion is located In a state ether than ent o'clock, and again at 9 oclock the night th on where such business oror carrl will prise la located, conducted, show begin. This program will be on or Is between cttlsens of a state OB' eon timed throughout the run of the circus, except that there will be extra per- foreign states, ciUxens,or subjects.', deN In worked who formances for parties . Equalizes" Advantages. sire them. Tomorrow afternoon. If the newstoovl Representative Leatherwood nays that of Salt take can toe gotten together, they such legislation as this is necessary to will be given a free performance end ad- protect alliens of one state against cormitted to every part of Hh circus, porations- organ .aed under the laws of another state, and to take from such Children to Be Guests. foreign corporations tbelr present right of going Into federal courta, and carTomorrow night will be Knights of rying an appeal to higher federaljcourte night, when thetoKnights expect to In the event they lose, knowing tnat attend In entertained by the cttlsens suing will be unable to bear bodv, to the Bhrlners. The .show grounds will be the expense of an appeal. t Closed Sunday. The bill be has Introduced, he save, Morula v afternoon of doe not in the ' children affect any way corporation Kearns St. Ann's orphanage, seventv-fl- v that may be organ sed .n other state In all, chaperoned by the stst ere in chnrg and that offices In maintain of the Institution, will be called for, taken other states and do legl'lmats buslnesa In several to th circus and given a free perform1 to meet solely but designed ance. Monday night Is livestock night, states, an abuse that has common In which means that th livestock enthusi- Utah end elsewhere tngroan t the west. asts in Halt take will toe guests of honor. an h is Pryevil of the As l.lustration Tuesday is to to Ogden day. That Is, ing to- eradicate, Mr, Leatherwood points most of th dreue and many of the nobles to a case areng Jrt Uuh where a corwill go to Ogden and give the children poration Intending to us certain water of th deaf, dumb and blind school and coming out of the mines at Fork City, those of th state Industrial school free incorporated, not under tho laws of Utah, , but of another state, and immediately performances. Wednesday afternoon the children of started contests with farmer who hod and home th orphan' day nursery prill been using water, from this same source be entertained at the circus. There are for irrigation for many year. more than 190 of these, and they will be under th care of their usual Instructors Expense Prohibitive. while at th circus. ' This corporation, claim nf d verae because organised in another Thursday Elks' Day. In the federal court, stare, brought suits Thursday is Elks day, a hen th ant- On appeal from the decision of the fedlered bests ef Salt take and Utah will eral court for th district court of Utah cases would go either to the cirgather at the big pavilion.' Special deco- thee rations are toeing provided for that day. cuit 'court of appeals at St. Louis or that the wearer of th purple may not St. Paul. VVh la th corporation could afford the expense of carrying appeals be disappointed. Th Ovdert Shrln club occupied one to those distant states, the Wvners cou.d booth Thar were easy chairs there and not bear the cost, and would toe through in charge, gnd the their inability to. follow th appeal, If hospitable person for no other reaeon. booth was a popular on. In this way the corporation, with th On account ef th big rush for season resources, enjoys privileges In th greater ticket for th circus, It wa decided Is! courts that It would not enjoy night to continue the eal of these today federal In courts. etate the and tomorrow. The season ticket sale Mr. Leatherwood maintains that a corf will close definitely tomorrow night. organising to do business rth The circus gates will to open every aporattlon, and state, operating within a afternoon and evening, excetd Bundav. should made amenable to the latwi from now until the night ef April $, and of the he In wifilch It operates. Th state there will toe Bhriner on hand at all time plain that his blit does not chdng to see that everjbodv has fair'" play, an mekes th law with reN'rence to. forelgncor-poratlon- s. sven break and a good time. and tohere a corporation 4 dobuelnees in several states it wul not ing ENGINEER RETURNS. be affected by Ms but at all. He Aims E. A. Richmond, formerly assistant to'ely at the oorporatlon doing buaQie state road engineer, who spent the a In- In on state, but Incorporated In another ter in Cullforn a with the state highway etate for the manlfeet purpose of being commission there, has returned to Utah able do avoid suit in th state couttaand will resume work on a mining propRummag sale. First M & chur-erty In which he ts Interested In Ameri- end can Ftork canyon as soon s weather East and Second South, Saturday, It 30. permlta Adv.) two-ste- l.wiIL Send 1 will now in- troduce to you th 1 Kiht "tadie DJ f'rTm Elio , Industrial School VJ r Entertainment rRR J , u "people of Balt Lake apparently have become so accustomed to ths scenic beau-tle- g surrounding them, that they do not appreciate them and are not capabla ot gitsng judgment on them. I am In Balt I lakt for tbs first time I took a ride out over the Wasatch boulevard thus afternoon, and I can truthfully say that t have ' e never before witnessed a scene that comTo slat road coiunUsiou yesterday pares with tho view of this valley that RJopted a resolution providing that ooun one re a from op there. It Is certainly a lies ot ths stats L asked to provide for ml take that ths city has not attempted maintenance of ths stats roads within to develop a greater boulevard system so as to benefit ty such resources. their borders, as a requirement for par This was the statement of O. W. Howextensive In ths counties tulpatton bjr the ard, landscape architect and engineer of federal aid road program for the current Los Angeles, yesterday. Mr. Howard ha estimates state commission had wide experience tirpark planning and year.' "The la TotaI'6rrK5;F(r-T?rtt-ta!--reinrtrenrism pe on large entateadn-Ga- H 1 and Managing director of ths wsr flnanes font la and ethet parts of the country. He this year for state road roainteraues, said that Balt Lake and tho dose tlclmty set aside amounts ts asking the counties tofunds corporstlon, who jwill srrlvs In Ssit has natural beauties that offer poeelMH-tle- s as follows their state road, Lake todey. Mr. Howard none, unequaled elsewhere. Beaver, 910,009; Boxekler, LIO.uOO; 15(lll; la here for a few days as ths guest of Jlfi.OOO; Car notv, D.tggett. .. Auerbach. ft. Herbert 3 m via 19,006, Duchesne, glti.tr'SJ; Einerv, '"Tho Wasatch boulevard, which skirts 006, Garfield, $6rtJ; Gland, $6000, lrofl, the mountains and connects the entrances 916.909; Juab, I'S.tlOO: Kan. MOW; Millard. to the various canyons, is the most beauRich, Piute. 920,000; Morgan, tiful that t have ever seen. It is too tad ,',UIW; Salt Laket,iM.9J0icSen Juan, IWW that a greater system has not been deHinpet. $16,000. Hevira, $J5.000; Summit, veloped, one which would enable autolate A15 600; Tooele, $16 w,; Uintah. $l,i0; to drive out that way and circle back Utah, $20,00i; Wasatch, fS'KO; Washingthrpugh the valley. Nd other city that I ton, fS090; Wayne, $1500; Weber, $,003. have visited has such an opportunity. - yin RiaO'nlll Idol of Saudurt Leaper jand Comes to Salt Lake fer Shrfra I Tales of Early Life Un? Trail Fez to Bonne der Tent Are Told by Circus Performer. on Opening Night to Action Is Deferred on Pro test Against Leasing of Gravel Pit qt Mount ' u ; t T z : Former Bareback Rider, Tumbler, 1 ' ' I ' 7 I. v XIIE .SALT tAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1922. 2i C . , Special t The Trtbase.' WASHINGTON. March dissatisfaction hating been manifested against the rates on bituminous coal In th western part of the United States, tho Interstate commerce commission has concluded to Institute an Investigation Into 11 such rates from producing polntadn Moinana. Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and all states west thereon to destinations in those state to El Paso. The general purpose of the Investigation Is to develop facta which will aid the commission in determining wht would he the proper adjustment of rates on tool tn th territory described, both wjth respect to the level of the interstate rates and the relationship as between the various pro due Ing mines or groups of mines. To .this end, and to afford oil interested part (nr on opportunity to be heard and preeert! to th commission such fa, ts as thev deem iwceasary to the acoompltsh-mebt the de tired object, heartnns wlU too hckt duping the month of May at represents tlve points, including Denver, RaH fity. Butte. Seattle, Ran Franciscti 'tooenj't and El Paso. to Parties desiring to present and offer tdnye at any of th h pqn4 should promptly advied the at J above-mention- ed Funeral Services Held v for Fairview Woman to The Tribune. r . Ip-e- UI v show-open- MisslEllen Miller Dies at Home in Greenville gpeeial to Tb Tribene. BEAVER, March 10. Mies Ellen Miller, years of age, died at her home tn Greenville Saturday of last week, following a month's illness of la grippe. Funeral services were held In the Greenville ward chapel Tuesday afternoon. Interment waa In the Greenville cemetery, and a large cortege' followed the body to th ' grave. Miss Miller was born at Cedar City October 7, 1953. - She was the daughter of David and Margaret Fife Miller, who were early pioneers of Cedar City. They lived for two year at Rlverdale, and moved to Greenville in 1963, where she had eineo resided. She U survived by one brother and four sisters. 69 Pioneer Sevier Valley Woman Dies at , J . Tb Tribue. RICHFIELD, March 9 Mrs. CaroHn . widow Gotti 71, of eb Knee and Enee, on of the pioneer women of this valley, died at her home yesterday fro; rancer ot the liver, from which she hj ( been a sufferer for months. Mrs. bfi was th mother of six eons ankf on 41 These are Wllford daughter. jflApU'HI and Walter Enoe of Balt Lake Cl Arthur and Joseph A. Ence of lKfohlield, , and Mrs Joseph Beegmlller of iEgden. ' Mrs. Ence. earns to the Sos9Jftr volley , With, her husband and waTamong the " settler to return in 1972aftar having been driven out of . the valley by the Indians in 1964. She was! an active Mor- - " iron church worker dugflng her lifetime. ' FATHER FOUMfo GUILTY. . , I Clarence Loughneyof Nephf was found' Wn a 3uventle court by Jury the guilty yesterdav of contributing to the delta- -, " ' Sentence will be quency of hi deur-titepronounced by Jfudg C. R. Bradford to- - c, " day. Spec 1st t , ' S' r. FAIRVIEW., March 90. Funeral eerv-to-were held yesterday afternoon In the North ward chapel for Mr. Ingre Monson ATTENDANCE REQUESTED. 8wensen, 97 rear of age, better known Membefc of the B'aln school gwensen. Grandma' are being urged to Mra. Bwtnsen was born In Lanatrop. attend meeting of the board of Rh was Sweden. September X2, 1934. Granite the. d'trlot at the married in 1961 and with her husband Granin, 0fhigh school auditorium this to beemigrated to th United Etate beginning at 9 o'clock. come member of the Mormon church. Mra. Bwensea had been a widow for thirty-nin- e yrerq, her husband having died Jn US. $ t Three obililrf B, John Sweneen of LeHil. Utah August Bsennen, rankling In Can. thirteen MARSH 21. ada. lniiiSmesVBwenaen, granfciuia The governing signs ef this blrthdate "are Place and Arlesi the combination IS 13 LARt'htreAlgiving both splendid understanding and nADUATiiya ci igSrlsi t The Trttwne, jhreeUent Intellect. This means unusual the ability to carry SPANI8H' FDRK. March XO- .- Member biV'u poaer-.an- d ts. scheme and detail to of the senior class of th Spanish Fork thJ,ixh projFv conclusion--- ! , sucw'eful high school are preparing for commenceTh remarkuhle kindliness and ment exercises, which will be held unmake events and people usually early this year. Th students to them he most lancinating of oompanlon f be graduated number aixty-twwhich la twice as msnv as anv preceding class and lAvnds. Their lojalty can alp ays be V Poo- , of tbs Spanish Fork b gh school. do not ehlne as logicians, for In They! hAlmt Is there their something far greater FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED. loan ,1 Kic. and that 11 intuition, and tl Sprats! te The TrUstae, seldom! falls them. SPANISH FORK. March X9. Funeral Th koveming planets of this date are services for Robert .Kinder were held XeptuJt and Jupiter and the blrthaton st the Third ward is a t Irquols. , yesterdsv afternoon Well T. Brockhank Wot ft wlU toe Incremlng toy now and chapel with Bishop In charge. Interment we In the Spanla borers, mechanics and strai worker s ish Fork cemetery. The service was will ri,a well to keep ihetr eyes on th Want Aids for th following month. largely attended, ee eriu-pall- or eve-n.n- ap o, doc-nd- I j u 5 coni-r.c- and th remondent carrier of the particular members end which they desire to hav ccnsld-J- n so far as practicable, it Is desired that rates to points in Chtorado to considered at th hearing at Denver, to points tn Utah at Balt Lake City, to points in Montana.and Idaho ut Butte or Balt and Lk Cltry to point In Washington Oregon at' Beattie, to point" in Nevada and California at San Fianclsro. and to points in . Arteona and New Mexico' of I Phoenix or Pt Paso. The on triers wRt to expected to stjbmlt itch iktta and offer St.rh evidence In justification of tholr present, rates to the more Important consuming points on their line se they would submit anl offer If the rates to su"h points were the nubject . , i , , ef forma! complain!,. j1 f' ' |