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Show 9 TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, .1922. FOB RENT WANTED UlT wr pnaiont Miti L0MMi88I().1 Maas tub sals. iw value Lb your property tmt ABidwtTt-K- O TNLaaa w tolictted. listing ft, For Rent Beal Batata Wasted BARNES BEAL ESTATE COMPANY. Wat. 4092. 463. Mata Street. $3$ fteut riMS VUA tot er tvt Ima aticr, ttrrn buy rl73T must be May. F. O. to IS1. WILL pay email for tot m est etde; er will D W, Addrees or Mmb busgstew. , bey 4 i 4944 Tribune, A RAILROAD bib wants tt buy a beme will ti4e. If you want ts sell, get I . WtiMMMi ANY TERM. A6. Trlb "Addrera v r6M4 h OV1NG here grim tiUforwi.'viit ( toy a 4- - er I room bams, rout be st torattos; price mast be right. Pay L ease. Andres rtWi THbuue. wsgun, good abape, will trade for iOiequitytpavdla vacant tola. Address Ba7, Tribune. Iwl a, ree.4 , ' Wanted-Mlecellaneo- t I BAT tap prices for guns, rtvslrera, warcbes cameras, diamonds, am steal Instruments, er or ex anything of value. I buy, torn at reaeuoahie anything. Mom; to hag Davhtoona - rare. Less Office. SO Kilt 1st bo hlOOO Wee. 9440. , aellt-tv- , aie WILL pay eaaii for SO use;! National Cask reg levers. OreebeU'e Cask Register Exchange, 17h4 Slate at., Umkell Forohee buildiag. used BEST prices paid for ladies' sad gent etothea; glae f urn it art and earpeta. tail Rl - 'Was. 4404. 'NEW bars, garaga or ?So74 for studio. if land With pay f.&o Consider tradlu propoelttoa- la food. Was. 9877. Address D 87. rS437 Tribune. WANTED- - Acetylene outfit; must be cheap. . rbiOS Hy. 1963 N B, C" clarinet, tow Card , WAITED pitch, Boehm arstem. ln Wa7j44g waah. ava., W A TEI Altrratloca and repair work, aim a ,lWilrt a apactalf. Adilrcaa SIS E. 8th So. . Tboa H. 4TS0J. 16W8 bouse x W sn tad Fnraiture paya mar. far ... .mU-Bbobb- O koulk.. lilAta i SB. iMS4 7 UH.UEitr prices' paid (or fnraltura, ruf. hla, Wcclaa an thing an bara. Wft. 4210. '5 " rllSS. " tv A N T K I V-- oral lure . ncl ketiaekald foodo 14 ba shipped out of taws; will pa Butra tbaa Jaral daalara. Call Vat. S727. rJMt HIGHEST prices paid foe vied furaituro. A a.1rad Pursuant (Ja., 44 W. (id South at. ' Wantrk SSS. a8M4 waat bouasbold goods. We will pay you what your foods are worth. Hire aa&oy-hoeSalt Lake rural Utre Co.,. 184 187 Last ' Broadway. Wss. 8087. a MS I PAT tba moat reaaoeable price for furnl elotfcladies' men's sad used' sad ture, rugs tog. Call Wasw 4806. g7808 1 WANT a large refrlgereter, used aae; would Uke full doepfiptinaa. You may answer ta P. O. be 98. Pegram, Idaho. &3148 i PRIVATE party waala furniture fur cash. Wit. 4496. . p3887 TRIVATB party eiabea to buy auM good need Call Wsa. r2597 furniture. LL PBIYATi party- - wants to boy some furniture . 48U9-W. an4 nigs fog ewa Cull) Hy. PCRMTUBBCO.- WASATCH . - ' rs4l PRIVATB party wauls amis good used furni top price paid) ruga, etc. By. 4870W. f' a 4ora; 6840 L?wr- - Unfnrniibed Apartments m.Kota 0 firm ,rRIVATS r ...pa utes. i WILL per cant for S1000 leas. Address D-Trtbuua. Z-- T WaNTEO AT ONCE. Ta bairaw HOW er bmhw fram prints party! cwOt pa par rant and lac flrat jaartfaa .1 aw real aatata ta Laris ca, AdUraaa D IS, Trlb-- I pa aacajity. 10 TdOOS BBS. In nr W An ted To Rent or , ROOMS h II. - a.; $. Ai FINS apt, W. 8887 174 , - 2 Eaat . 'tint, gmund floor. lat are, Snow, to ' GTenwood; also 460 3rd Eaat. r68M rOSOl Waa. rttMl dren. rnt Fof 5m!hCvJb7" Booms priraf bath, pleaMat froet room i atrictly mnd-r- u bore. Waa 9748. M (I at. r66S2 0NB larf OlTR For Bent or for Bile 8 room modern boaae oa Eaat 2nd If desired. Has. at. r6428 NirETeY furiSaftedrouaekepTng apt. 7 rr'duced ratra. Call 40p lat are. Waa, 4058. .r655t ROOM modern apartments, 88 3rd Eaat, r65M rent $66 Inqolra 44 3rd ATTRACTIVE front apt, for rant, April 1. 889 B. 2nd South. r6568 TW'O with thpeerwSn apartments sleeping 1562 Ira. 10th East. r670t porcbea. FINE apt.,- - ruofna ara larga. noil Xu ua and of furnished olabad; arerything lundry room; 'private entrance. Adults only. 372 15. 1st Bo. Phone Was. 7048 R. riH56 W'HITB A FT8.- nol. apt,, well and completely fnralalied, large sleeping porch. Was 7970-- R. rftWS 850 B. Bo. Temple. TWO three mom furnished apartments, modern, Tel. .Was. 5912-W- . r6796 yard, $35 Oto THREE ruotns nicely furuiabed, close In. m2 fUmth 2nd East. r6tao FOR RENT Heautifuily furnished apt.. Poiuieaslon April 1. No, 2 Canning. r6S89 NICELY furaisbed 4 room apt.. No. 4 Oaks apta, 279 60. 4th East. Mas, 9615-W- . $ ROOM furutulied garae. South Temple. r637T In- m 7611-- V apt,; garaga r688S Be. at., strlctl modern, pared atreat, ta-- ' completely furuiahod; piaao, hot water heat, laaac two Cara. Hyland 42311. r22 garage. Jaa. K. 8haw. 20H Neaa Bldg. pROM t.WANTLl to rant, by 4 tdultaplcal JurnlalwtL . 9o. for $100.00; $25 down, ba!. 4 moalha. kpt. or bwaa; must ba cuaa-- ,1.4 or platal fnraiataad, close la. Address K 10, Trib- - ar ford ear or anything of Ua ealu. . 1510 W Be , or Waa. 4601 weekdara. r683S 4084 ,,.a WAITED 8 or Oraoin strlctl modern ' bnn-f- galow,, famished, mat of Main at. Two DM SSMAJUNO Rafercncm Tnildran. Iren, tall Wsa 8014. FIR8T-CIaA88 dreaaraaklng. Also dreaaeo made r0888 ear. lft and 17 Lteri hotel. 255 $37 let ; WANT Bi 74 rent or lease furulahad modern Week. Waa, 5196. d!901 boa alow with fnmaea. aoutlieaat HOFF, experienced dreiwmaker, , banela rT2S 1UHR1KT' prafamd. Phone Hy. 28U K. wiabea work Waa. 8982-147 'AS Apartment, ana room, kttrbeaatta, bath, B. ,Bt Temple by tba day. f2972 ewnplataly fumlabed, close la. Address ' . fOR plain acwtng. cU Waa. 4522 W. 116 P rrrttinna. r000 traet. fl7?$ ARTISTIC rcmudellag of mils, d reaaaa sad BPAJDANDROOM coats; ala t order. 716 So. kih East. Hy. NICELT fumlabed non, good beard, reaaaa 47M. hlWH ; a hi ratsn, 2U 2nd East. Thus, Was. SU63. MACHINE embroidery and beading, hemstitch2742 'Th Embroidery Rhop, Waing, 10c per yd c GOOD boaea far goad paopla; board and mom, satch 201 Brooks Arcade. 4004 n2t30 W an 8788 U. 228 Lansa read. weakly. If ,fA... k4S74 DRES8MAK1.no at home, or will go out by K. 238 Mrs. Watton. th So. Wee. day. VERT warm and daalrabl trank and back par- - 2268-M. ntWIl Wcm, aultabla for 2. 8 or 4; steam hast: DKE8RMAK1N0, 47 7208-omallar roam. 0. 8th B. gnarnntaed; Ru. " Was. 6804-8J2 go. 3rd East m4H rllW ' DOAHD and mom, ham ranking 242 ga, 4tn LA 111 NS and children's dreaaaa, , city. bungalow rPpg also other reasonaprons: sewing neatly and nag hoard In print ' BOOM family, madora ably dona. 170 B. lat 8a., Apt, 1. Was. Aoaea. wig 6rd are. Was, 2320-1rl2M 8742 2. r'.K.'l raa ; FnrniAhRoogM I rtWW) Eu Rent I. Wantod DjamontU an nab for your dtamonda. its aatanBt toe lara for ua. Siallh Uianoad 4884 Shop, 1M South Mala. J Tot Tf Hwooo AT 1 par centt f ta promntc klh-claa- a partly furnlabM. Laraga If , deaireg. Gfo4 ' show. Will coasidar partner. Stats all flrat tocatlou. Hy. 416 M 'Tetter. Addreas El, Tribune, r67M TO I R ptosaant room a, modrra boma. loping porch, 1 15. 9M So. 8th Boat. Hy. M-. (SVEN par east farantaed plna ratio earn-(n- et HM83 8 tan. Unit 8acsrHy Wan 8404-rAVtd yOl R 4irRaat 'rontua. modra bora, fr4 alplug 58-985 So. tfa Eaat. Hy. 15, porch, S WILL pa Fur&izlied ApartmcnU FCKN1SULD aad nafnralshed light housekeeping apartments far mat. $17 So to $MMW pr ril modem apt., with porches. No chilMarquette apt., 880 E, Broadway ' rft02 rlSOS A Nlt B thre-n264 North at hannpient Good 8104-rS04 8tat. Wan. r40M THB STRATTON, 222 W. 6th Booth 8 , , . S471-Wmad. apt. Adult. Waa, r888l party waats ta bomw 50UUi will Address A 8, Tribper ccut iauraat. Ent . toeuth; Jlfhl ud M tocio46. ANUCL18 AFARlhlEkMH, M W. .... 4 RIH1M apt., No. Call Waa. 872PM. LIBERAL, DlSCtftJNT. . Bfalaat A. Rtckfer aatata. Was. S27S. For FOX REKT Large, rawly fornlabed. airy, and kept clean, witn big eloaets. telephone, piraty f wa tef , rant and light. hot t $5 and $; with wltk ntepteg pmt. Iom la. .1. N tu-b- l Broudwty. bath, $6 t $9 par waeb. Etoratar. S m, Amn, m brat IN ulM K, r2979 t 167 So. Ma atoa LRU room. betcL iss it. tui so. pku u. ewe-J- . 75879 Street. rato D, 1 ud teoss aptE, ywuui 4U9 HOTEL ptoyu6. 410 to). pto. VERNAL. $49 Stat at. .Nicely furn, MOUABN iparuamt, bnnhnwd noon, kot it room, ctonn, comfortnbl bad, RtoOM THREE atrieiif la. kMt lrg U.lag pwrk, a of purtmeat, funkiM, km tat., baths, public parlors; $4 pav wfc. ad op. tocn. lb fimevtm, 159 k. 6o(h Terapto. wltk gnr.gr; willing lutait, .a, tpte.., M1U0 w ow block !96 III. W tetA. 061 tarn-U- f or South West 419 TWO-ROOatf ktot HOLLA N D - 8 leaping fkiM la; Hgbt, rmio,; Wan Irk 0V kaalww bourn. ipk, b585l ISO'. Tempi. fHrittoH hit Itouth WNt Tempi. pa 12 I RM.. at cal f urai.bad apla. Hut a! THI RICHMOND APT., 70 KA8T N. TEMPLE. LARGB, CHmfortabl Kama in rawly fumtabed mXUM auppIlMl. H. 4185-W- . modarn, brat, garngu, ban, strictly auitra, comptouly furaUbed M bowra aging tram la connection. Special rate. THB NKAU ktoyini, lorludiag Ilgbt and ga, apaciMU totoby. tou Phan Waa.. S586. 129 G L K signs. Gentl-a- m arrvte Strict ntod.ra front apt., I noma, bath, (tophoB la ach iptrlnut n4 aia m5930 , oIy. pU)9 Hub hut. Janitor or rain. 17 W. a, Tb-pl- whea dftirad. Wbb. J878. BUM TUI . for particular fur furaiEhvd ELB47ANTLY ALEXANDRIA Two . 737 R. Alao garage. Was. $489-Mpeople. 4 HOOKS, bath a ad potek, adults Oft 247 apta.. ttrta braird and maters, with ail fb 5388 nt7M rauifurta of Mac, 53U 9. W. Zapto. Tel. 8. Tempi. Iraadrif, Apt. No. I. M IE 7099. pt55$ A PLAC 8 WHERE TOO WILL LIKB TO UVB. IN BASEMk.ST. ih M at mb a apt., Homelike lobby, clean, comfortable room, S and furnished apt., teem BUM MODERN aenrict, hot and raid water and pbon ta i2 brat and garag. bib FbuUw pb1 betel I R. APT. tut rfil. Appl Boynl Csfr. Ml room. Rate $4 t $7 pra week. Bring every ' Mats t. APTS., 235 2&d Kat, Araraa apt., this ad und get 80c rebat your first pl7 WOODKrrr No Waaatch with cbiidrrau w sleeping rah. parch. Only on ad accepted per room. WJlILEft A iT.U. 2 noma and balk, dtaapp aar-- n 4963 ar Waa. 6460-J- . p2UH3 NEW HOTEL. I EE SALT A . la. 1841 M4 or J. Haa. batla, flow 872 Mala 6L ,' isia, 9th Just south of Potmc. p458 CAROLINE, I rwxaa beated apt. 419 p no P215 I ROOM modrra wltk ftrifo, Mi. 61 Plllk raid Wilt LARGE, WELL heated rm.. with hot aad P4U63 BEAUTIF1 LLY furatobed four-meora. Wai. 771 A J. apt.plM 11 water; garage. 426 Rest fad to funiltar. 4 Ralredara apt. pdl9 T ROOkfS and .looping porck; modcra rsrapt furnished room, suitable for S apt,, elora la; light, gaa aad beat ELEGANTLY kut; located oa aruDco. Will accnBalata TWO-ROOor 3 business prapto, erary thing madsrn. borne two taiaUlM l( fumtobrd. 541 South Wat Tempi. p5U9 211 Waa. 2619. wwaarj. Pkoaa Wil rail. pnl)effs. ,247 COMPLETELY"' furni abed Arootn apt,,$l 25 STEAM HEATED, large front room; ala single mu Call Warn 7065. FOR RENT MO q2U alacplng porck. apt., ream; I bib. a. Hotel Utah., Ill B. Be. R. Paartk Soatk at. POUR rooms alraty furatobed, f rout aad rear Temple. KRKEUITH APARTKENTS Strlctl aaartara porcbea. Tb Lund, 155 Ik '4th East. la HOTEL WILCOX. sA . Btat, Htrlrriy mofl-erftwt room a. lag Pint art. f559 rifles gulru 116, rear Apt. special rates by werb wKxmonth. Wa. r531 9795. 1922 1 AN 11 4 tun a partn auta ; ilkt, ,aa and heat aROOM modern Wa. K. K.. furatobMl for a Ira 8 room apt.,, 141 N. 8th taralabrd. M E. lat Soatk, kro bolrl. Eulid furaiabed modern except cottage, Waat. Waa, $549 J. rlMtl ' beat; garage 944 Call Waa. 1792-W- . Pol R roams mod., tarts sleeplnf parch rod 245 JND IAMT Two aad four-rooTWO furnished rooms, $18; 4 apt., bath at $25. front porch, atram beat, fruit lorkem, atar-4- ( rtdk aad aleeping porcbea. Waaatch 22u0. rlOOO 420 Blame. nook Vamut March 20. 884 Re, 8th Ea.t, HOLLYWOOD.. APT So B room in prVate mod. botne, east aide; C2U ' u .. aud S ruota pia., compieu and attxaetively . 8481-Wr2560 Wan. Raferencaa. garage. r!529 BERNlt , 4 mom strlctl modern, no children, fyrniahed. 234 B. let ttoutb. WARM, comfortable rood, $14 month; running 847 60. Was. IMP. r2T24 O.VB beautiful, large fraat room kltcbea, bard-woo- d 88 are. modarn in. boma. water, lat uRpac Mt'R Iroom apt. la the Omark, 484 A 8tk bast. 279 North 2a d ftoor( bot-vat- a , rsm r2794 Waat. Eaat, graead floor, $28. Saa .Janitor. 8 STRICTLY mod. lure, rooms. 780 Eaat 7th rUT8 C02Y 2 and 8 from modern apta , fuentobad South. Hy. 818-H209 627 Bo. Mala, NEAT, rlaa hat sad mid ; alak coflnplata: eloaa is: raaaonabla na. 2948 A LOVELY front room, alao ether rooms; board a alar, hast and tel. apt. M Pott 8th East" r4448 rt i tvsrot THREE momr private balh, aa rana aid MODERN apU. 9 large' rouma, sleeping porch Waa. 9152-R- . 6. HcihwiUhUr- Vft N362 41k ad bath; spring cleaning tome, 269 B aireet. (ta water healer. $20. 8M Oblad are.,HD70 modOK 2 beautlfnl rooms, I NIT9 furnished; Was, 2899. Eaat bet. 6th and 0th go. Hy. HA2-akwly , ern boUVntar brat, reasonable. 279 N. 2nd BRY dretrabls light front and FOU RENT 8 sd 4 rooms, strict iy modern, Wist. apt., H747 r9U2$ rear porches. Aroadals, 214 go. ktk Eaat. including lights, $30. S19 9th are. NK'B. etoan sleeping rooms with or without rtW8 Apt, g. Hy. 4811-M- . nicely fnrntobed apt., modern, priest prirate butb, single or ea suite; beat Iran-tln- n and aleeidng park, modem, with faa; , bath, clrappearlug bod, steam beat; ranging la eity. Keith Apts., 122 E. 80, Temple. 2nd naaonabla to rl(bt party. 83k Ho. 1st We,. from $'5 to West Temp between 6609 Waa. r4694 rflh21 fid 3rd South, 159 Pterpoot . Was. 4394-i- . v r4749 PLEABANT ftirntohed room for one or two gen6 ROOK clean cbaarful. and modarn. atrlrtly tlemen. 805 let are. r63$3 248 go. 3rd K rM23 3 AND Was. (dfO-W- . apt. Phone, pfiaate bath, cheap furnished room and bath, modern borne. real; alao 9 and 8 room .modern fu ratified ONE PLAZA nptm, yery nice place to lire, four 748 E. Bo. Temple. 6497 Waa. 16068 M lara rooms, bath and cloaeta, steam heated, bvuaea 2 room furnished.- Athens Apta.,?r4653 Janitor aerrlce, rery close la and anl $35; will No. 2nd WaaL NICELY furnished bedroom for two men, with ba tacant April Jat. Apply at apt. 207 Eaat a 6543 board, close In. Waa, 8497 J. and furn. apta hcat and jighta 4th go. o4 Ml. Tylor, 08$ Edlaoa at. r8nk2 rBI90 SMALL furalahedw 279 No. lat Wet. room, nicely furnished, $9 per month. THE 0A1THNEBS. tXR. 2ND AVB. AND B ST. NICELY furaiihed 8 room mtwera. 718 . r6784 . 3rd Booth. apt. on tower PHRNIRHHD UR HNrUNlkHEU APAHT-KENT- . floor. 8t. Regia, 841 E. 2nd Bouth, rt21 WARM and pleasant room wltb plenty pf hot PHONE WAR. M2 r277 BARTON--- 8 419 r6789 W. Be. water. 'Temple. roojn apt.. $87.50, 3rd No. and fen- hit E apt., sleeping purrb. huill-lr.824 A !'RY- - deui ruble double- roomi- - brand if fa- Main. Was 5082. tucou. 5 L B. gtb goutk. --Warn PP67 R, aired. 29 No. Wf. Temple. Phone Waa. 8466. apt., ckrae la. r42 ('LEAN and auimy two-roor684 , near Eagla Gate, 114 lanyoa road r6i47 TWO apte , $28 month aaeb; close in. 140 ird are. funidtd rwoma,- - 11 EmWan 4783. r421 APARTMENT No. 4t Yirgiola apartments, 416 ATTRACTIVE, newly B. Bo ery apartments, one block from Hotel Utah. Call Eire rooms, piano. THRE1E roams and bath, newly cleaned, die. Was. 8361. Temple. ' r9845 . rftiiOO , bad. gaa range, cabinet kitchen, $23. 308 PKlVAfE W. ird No. front apt 73 West family Will rent front bedroom In rflftUli BHf BKKK APTA. modem bungalow;- - arery modern convenience; r6106 4th Bo. Was. 4482. modern apt,, $63 W. 2nd Bo. Vii. flora In; $15. Waa. 6&. 16866 . 3AJ. aiuirtment, completely furnished, inr8g 5 ROOM cluding Bteinway piano, in hlgb-claa- a apt., CHEERFUL sunny front room, I block from double Hotel r6806 17 clout Utah. heat, lraHl east sleeping porch, la. Address Tribune. apt., aide, 0 apta. -modem. Langtaa opts., 178 No. Tat West. I 11106 NICE newly fOfnlshed rooms, including bath, 238 00. (6708 BBAUTIFILLY furnished front suite, atram close In, for rent. 236 Bo, 3rd East. Wa. 4P7S-R- . FRENCH A PTg 60 B. 6th South Waaatek 6807 heated; light, gas, plume, linen and alirer S162 K 8 room a, flrat floor, front, all mama Vacant April 1, 666 R. 8. FIR8T-CLA8$42 50. No. 9 Emery board and room. 8015-Wan. r6292 bark Tempi. light! it earn heat, oak floors, front, 6887 apta., near Eagle gate. Was. 8241. Was. 0162-V- . porches. r7ta FtKNlBUKD except linen, r , ArBngtou apt., nice, modern fPoot room; also smaltor TWO modem opts. 814 So. 2nd Eaat. lat are. and B, $75 00. References required. VERY 6886 room; close la. 85 lat are. Plione Ur. Idddle. Waa, M r6728 No children,. 'Call Uy. 2896 for appointment. LE8TEB APTS. L8RD nutomobUe; will pay part easb, want Trlbuna. p48tl Jtorma on baL Address WANTED TU boy a bcmaiitching maeblne. Address Y I8. TrlbniM. q207 ' WANTED to buy ford bug in good runnlag 6974 Addresd 1 11, Tribune, ? ceeditloe. FOR RENT A " Rich-,uP0RD6, dc't ear about looks, ate. galls Mr, L, . W, mand'n Ante Phop J6 Waat 6th 8a. ' , u ,6877 Wntit-r- " FOE KENT DLB1&AH1K objectiou to one child) tike moat attractive Hgbt rraplc too one of can rent and cheerful 8 room apt. In the city, with front and steeping porches, for $32 50. Wn AN ForjptruriilfihedHoog widow will share WBUrPI RNT8HED room In .near Eagle gate. No. 19 Emery apt. IF GU want a nice clean outside room, batr I wt and cotd"wteTTAT$ 09 per come over to the Kan hotel, 241 Bo. ' street, . firt-clas- For Bent r6885 steam. week7 Btate 6809 Unfurnished Hoatea rrRlCTLT MODERN BRICK HO MB. IS ON 2ND WR8T. OI'FOHiTB THB NEW WEST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL.; $ I'LBNTY OF CHOSET BOOM, HOT AIR HEAT, CEMENTED BASEMENT, HACK-DRTKAY8. GARAGE A. RICHTEB CO . IKC.. WAS. 873. 68 80VTH MAIN. rtTlT NFURN18HED modem brick. " 1219 McClelland Vacant March L Hylaad St, 2369-CIXiSH p8594 FOR ' RENT 9 room modem furnace, large basement MS U at, $45 mo. E. MTONAUGHY. , Tel. Wan 2349. 22$ FOB mat la April, modem, eery comfortable 9 room bouse, nicely finished inside. Adalte preferred. Hy. 1994-W- . gllf B. 6TH SOUTH, rear, $ room and bath, $18. - Was. B824. 1970 2 ROOM brick, clues iu, $10; also modern apt., cellar and bam, $22. Inquire 98 E. 2nd Be. s: r3875 bouse, not modern, $15 00. inq. 206 Kearns Bldg. Phone Waa. 8161. 4174 4- - ROOM EasT &1 modem Bo, with garage. Apply apL 4 Call Hyland hiseWrar728 734. fur- apt., a r382S $ ROOM modem cottage. 266 Wayae ave.; Janitor aerrice; no children. Call Waa. 5671. elderly elegeatly aisbed bungalow, including Chickertng baby 7489 grand Ampico piano; or rent bedroom and aerv breakfast to bnslnem or prufeasloaal men. In terrace, cloee in. 1U3 3rd ave. 2619. Wee. otv Garage, q21$ PIkwwi Yii. A852 ra 6708- - W- ,r6481 NICELY furnished room, 460 R. Broadway, cottage at 256 Kenmar place, ftrd Glenweod, Apt. No. 5, rl919 r5967 Eaat, bet. 4th and 6th South. 4 KM. furnished cottage, nice garden. Mahan, 4 ROOMS, modern, and garage. 722 80. W. 278 W, Temple.- - Was 4651. 2401 rfi9h4 Temple. ft'OR rent or for rale, obr 8 r. modem home, $ No children. 604 E. 6th ROOMS, opetaira. oa Sod So. at., completely furniahed; hot wa" Bou tb r6949 : Jaa. b,. Shaw, 200 fer beat, plane, garage, 188 Neee bWg modem brick bouee. 3384 htfK HKNt c' E. 6th Sooth. r5581 ' NICELY furnished house East 80. modem bme, 202 W. 2nd North. r40S2 Temple. Was. 6674. f Phone Woe. 4129-M- . rt503 FIVE rooms and basement, strictly modem. Five-rooFOl 280 Center at. Call Waa 2308 W. r4563 bouse, close la, $18. modern, $29. Bennett A Heymaasen, FOU reiff or lease, mod. 4 rooms and sleep- --28bouse, West Broadway. r6581 ing porch. 1043 Fuller ate., 6th 80. off llth brick terrace, mod. except beat; no r6471 Best. 928 B. children; garage If desired. 4th Bo. modern; large hall. bath, brat, F9541 123 H at. screened porch, garage. Was T REN FOR rm r. modem with gabouse, rMf 634 Sixth avenue rage. Apply 915 Hth bouse of ten rooms, all aveeue. . 7542-WPhone Wss. r6643 modern convenience, close 1o. Address r6308 AiOULKN Tribune. bungalow with aieepiag porch routh-JTaa- . hardwood cement full floors, basement, FOLNJaHED 7.,PKrabaxdliig house 2619. r6718 For perticnlars, call Hr. 8733 R. 6551 THE Brown School of Dressmaking will da ji-- , tag, iBdlrldaal aerrlc tables, aratlag t w modem 159 house. W. 2nd North. $18. Was. lDlg, yonr spring sawing. r848g HVK roteu and double shvplng four; rates maaonabla. W N. Buts at. ' porch, modern, r6726 with babe grand pinna, etc. Reference re, rl4M LADHtoC serge dresraa. $4 8d, aud chlklren a, 809 K st $ 2 to 6 p. m 245 80. $th Eaat. cottage. 969 Dresden ave, $'JU. phone Hv. quired. $3 00, for 1 month. dally. FIRST TLA 86 meals warm roaina, $30 anti ITS . Mr W'se. 64. Uddle. J944-Jr6727 T6399 (6852 per BM. 880 B. 4th go. r2340 l 625 Bo. 2nd moderu boosts dttae reasonable, or will ge out peer furniture; wifi 7 ROOM strictly modern brick. A1H8T-LAS g board and room. 173 Eaat South DHK88VTakINO East. 63 6657 Bo. Can giro reference. 8th K. r6918 rent to right party. $33 month . Apply 32$ r - TSmple. rMUO West 2nd Noith or piioue Btloj W. FOR 813 W. 9th Bo., School of DreaemEking VACANCY, two frlanda, largo room, hot aad cold r6787 . r6B5B IIS. w- - watw; Mcellam board. 6t,t$ E. lat South. PARENTS. h our Ooughtoro' grotltud .11 NICELY furntohed 5 rnnu bouse, modern, pi' cem. kit. 936 basement. toilet, m87g cab., a roorvo " theii life. Give theta the at 445 E. Mb Bomb. ano. Appy house lit Penney Uania Place, sd. from 946 Eaat 2nd Bo. 'EXCELLENT table board and rooms, modarn fCelater, 84 Boath Mata. p3350 rear. . 6893 . r6662 820 E. lat gontk. M0U3 . . horn, cloap In. FOUR rooms' and sleeping porch, modem ex- DwAI T1FLLLY fnralalied rooms, with board, WAIJa PAPEU CLEAyiXQ cept beat, firebrick bu&gatow, now vacant, ar eh aulla; print balh; saw home. Otagl CLEANING Cook 4k Noyes TemrePAPER MODERN CO., oldest, 333 Eaat Sooth Temple. WHEN la doubt, qsil Hy.- 4584 If. ) Day heard. . rd.11 7 1sintlng Immediate poeeeeetom. Was. 9742 meet reaeoaable. Wss.1 2ft1. 8954 r6870 bldg. liable, Ilk pleton the 1625 end ft. you way paper hanging 1 MAYS apanad a dining room and ahall aery k 66.19 TASTY 7th East. bonne near S. B. L. depot, $20. PAPER AND TINTED WALL CLEANED cooked maala la connection with L 'good bom Guaranteed work at reasonable prices. Walt EXPERT psper hanging aud kalsoinining, half Home: inv, Yk Bat. t o.. 20$ Walker Bank fin. largB,. airy bachelor tar Hot a ml. cold Johnson, ' Waa. 6692 p.1018 rtlbll In rme. 'Tba funlshlngs and aervtca , watar price, Uy. 225$ W at 8 a os Good house BWg. mlR45 , af lhla placa will appeal to peopla of reftno- Model painting. EXPERT, guaranteed paper vleanlng. modem bouse, slevpiug perth and rme. meat. All suitable for tno, rates reaeao-.- t Co., Waa. 6?nT. 0217 PAPERING, J5c bolt, kaisumiuiag, paper clean-lo538 E 5th Bo, Paper cellar. Droning r6858 range, gas able; refaraneea. KM East Beeaod goiith. rtPWj work guaranteed. Wasatch 4969-- J ideal paper classing, tintlog and WKHLEY'R $ NICE, clean rooms, very clue 2nd la. Hi ' .COMFORTABLE ream and board for gentle-- c 4413 8atlsfarttoa guaran-terd.- " pa'atlng. reasonable. ave. Adults eaty. t612t , near business district. 181$ Wie. 8237 J. HyUnd 4626. BEmT work at lowest prices. Painting, and. JbM 88 a at. modern Eaat atrictly garage, 16878 WILSON Waa. cleaning and kalaemlniag. Paper cleaning, kalaomiolng. paper 4697 6th Bo at.. $45. Eslinger, 610 Contlneutsl a494$ blrak J. BOARD aad room for bnaiuea,. woman or man rfllhS hanging. Was. 9872 R. Wss 8878. nb$ wltb Mtl girt do b rated for. er elderly B1.IHS R( 8HWGRTU. PA1NTERB. WALL PIPER CLEANING CO. Work WONNAtOTT 8 room new bouse for rent at 1201 lad. Cl 8. preferred. Call Wai. 7203-- 2 K Don't watt for the tush, (all Uy. 2986 U. MuOKHN ave. Was. 206fM, streaking. guaranteed, ' Ashton r6789 rdsOk . psper cleaning aad r4919 ralnttng, paper hangipg. Night Uy. 4729-W- . r15d6 42U 5TH EA8T 9 rooms and 3 In attic: furkaiewnlning EXCELLENT board for two. Call Waa. 8720 M 4k GHA4 EH Wallpaper clrauing, KIMBALL &24 - nace. $35. etc.. gaa, " Continental .HOMO Apply, Was. 7814, Waa WLLKa8 Ideal tinting psiaimg and paper Bank bldg. Valeutnlning, paperbaagtag. r679l 8aihfactlun guaranr9892 cleaning, rrlsonabie, board nice warn! isvmt sear 7223 sKXCEI2ENT 4525 Hrland teed.' DU$ e RhNT-On1224 Broom WuiS-W. house 2nd FOR with shaping anlTentty, kc. Waa. Floor Sanding 24 Last Malvern pwroh. A M. AXDERBERG. Si2T Grrau r6807 . iw. Phone Hv. at., Hy. 2963-J- , r$792 cotmactra, painting, paper hanging, fo8 M. VACANCY for 8, oaa Immediataly, two April HARDWOOD floor laid, sanded and polished; ", and r23U3 old resurfaced Tel. floors and decorating. tinting polished. Steam-heateflrat-tla8159 Bo. State at. , I, 4 ROOM new boose fra rent ruomt. boarrl. 809 rJbmo 5d V68I4 He 281 3rd East. ROIoLd toll iu days only). rCSiNl v wHper. paper banging, tlntliig. Fairmont Palming, mMero house, ctoee ht. $22 69. 744 Oaldmlolng FIRST LLA88 board and room. No. 8 Emery News Co , .VV4 Noutli Btato at Tdeplior Wa e apte.. near Engle Bo. 1st West. ate. Waa. 221 f863 rtuwq EALBOMINING. r4n27 painting, paper rleaolng. wall aatch 3073 samples and esMmatca , holaecletn-log4 UM8 . 4H4 Bth avenue washing, floor polishing, general J9 per me. 0UIdrnB Homs 11 N. aad kaleotalntng. papvrhaugiug D. SMITH A 80N8. rseraneble. H709 PAIN Wag. 8325. ED. Was 922 r$787 ta take so er twa kiddles In my , WOCLD Ilk Was. 455. $8 West Second ftooth 1101 BE (teluiiBg. kalaowiinlTif aud wall bars: beat of care. Hy. .VM 2 , HOUSECLEANINa p271S pier PMne Was. 7M7 R. r453 8 ROiM mdera home at 131$ Ninth ry06 cleaning East, paper, window., wall GENERAL houaecksetag. KOLLb wallpaper, 8c roil lu davs only). TNUNffiNTS Call Richey A Company, $27 50 per month. washing, floor polishing Alma Gardner, Hr. 5aO Fairunmt psperhanglng, 4284 timing. riVHiB Pafotlng, b1747 Wssstch 8961. Vt'KVEYING Inatrnmea oonght. sold ar mat-a- d New I'b . SN Mouth at. 'lelcphtor Wv aureera. '(trailing murk. A. 2. CLFANING, waxing, window washing done, witch 273 for samplesBtgte by daf! and eaMmstcs. -'- .VW2 Bedbugs BzMmlnAted Main at. Duka, 22 Vo-itr7!7 EVe to 50c an hour by one who knows bow N dirt. A. U.Blrf' r.FBI LTB gunrintrml. rtH94 YOU will like toy work, painting, klwnlnng. Wan $46 W. V.l IIUoo W 4AI0 NBAS Lo It 2182 Hr, rafoa. Fdlhacr. Uy. ctcauiug. , ' tt. e4 1s. - '. ' fr MPRRlg Fnmltnra tloaplial make aid funlinra Ilka now and hparlolisrs In alt kinds of re flaming, 332 N. lat Waat. Was. 4133- .- r7nW 1 v Je t r FEATHER HATS feathers aud feather fans cleans I, 171 Bo. 3rd Ka t. ? dyed aud repaired OBTRICFI rd'fOl , I'AUFK hanging, pslodag, thitinf w no to hi a: estlumlloue cheerfully V. 5th Ibiu'b Was. 61 nd given kl LtiH rnn' CEMENTJiVOBX 10K expert cement wera, teWm work, aaad er R Rush. Hr 343. G347 rail . "7- - rOB EEXT Fr Bent HoasetflflplD wsi ra hltoa aria, mraern. ream auiua. ql9 HOI 8EK.EEPING reem, large, newly Inrelebed, all found, rent 98.00 per weea. Raleigh boteL 187 Eaat let Beutb. Phenn Wasatch wltb kitchenette. r987 919 rl84l nicely fumiabed front apt. Phone aad ' riara lights. 653 E. 1st Be. L 9, 3. H. JL RMS. ; bath: alas I rm., $U and $15. or nnfnrnUbed rms. Would aell e rent large bouse. Brat tocaUun, cheap renL 282 B 80. Temple. 1913 TWO rasa., private borne, gas range. 219 Buree r2105 L, 2nd 80., 6th and 6th E. Adults. ONE nice roem and kitchenette and clothes 772 Eaat 4th closet fra rent, reasonable. r2193 Be., city. HOUSEKEEPING9 apartments, suit. front electric newly furaisbed; cocking range. Ra Phone Was. leigb Hotel, . 17 B. let Eoulb. 47bO. r26t0 LIGHT boQsekeeping reaaoeable and rooms, 2734 modem. 619 North let West. TW'O roorn kitchenette, 'heated: 2 rooms private bath; 8, rooms, ground floor. 247 80. 2nd r3072 West. ONE housekeeping rbosa, light and bath, $12 r3781 month. 468 W. 6th Be. rto TWOntcei FOB 8ALB Rlackfoot, Idaho. Pekia cn(r. rt42l WE specie its is baying stereo. List with ns. and selling grocery STORE- - EXCHANGE, GROCERY 319 Ness BuUding-- . Phene Wse. 839. , ait t r4iU 271 FLI FF rugs made Was 2397. from old carpets and ruga RADIO CAUPFT A 1U)UBK Phone Jly--- 8006 W, r2t4 (LEANING CO. r.3529 cleaning binding, ailing and repairing Batlafactton High grade rags onr gitarsnted. Nove Hug Cleaning lo, TVas. Kl G 2460 trees an4 rosea gardening : roll U. Wilkinson prunerl - 4544 Wss. 17T9 W. LAWS8 planted amt repaired, also tree pruned and sprsyed. rim and shrubs for tale, all siW iokagkTgT U.and,M1. VAN w Tnmpl. Flrrpreof storage, moving, packtug MITT WplB (.ALL me and I will tell yea what your mov-la- g will cot. The toolngman Hti g jjrto-- . Harris MovijaT Was. 7J16. cipie. L. C. 0.1111 22J W. 6Ui ri4.$ !. WHFN yon move, call J. A. Mollrrup tli mat wlt$ tb large furniture van. I,oug dGtauce Was. 1542. Was. 8715 H trip a specialty. 14851 BOOrREPATRIKO asphslrnm and all kinds of nofa re. paired and patnted. J. H Mlcbels, lug Maa490 jor. Ilyttfid Kh5 W fllt'H, LAMdttAPE Hr MinlJUil. rtUBl LANDSCAPE Hit aw T ntr, rlU34 FJU.V4 YOU B- - ltE trVlalif Etoctrlr ' j445l OO NEKH ANY ELEVATOE REACH OCR- - OFFICE. 1MJNT Eetabtebed furniture hramrao, , e , HOTEI. BARGAIN. alt Lake City; ran at legation, oppnrtanity te ' 28-rprofit since ergaalaed; great moden. ng te Et btU praebaee growuig cnocem with guick retorna the bent earner oa Meta street; 11 te 51? on inveetmrnt. Mutt dlpoee of busmens withbe in 80 deeyn. $10,996 will handle: Phone Hy. and furniture; rent 01 t E12S.U) PM aoatb.EWO.O Thi fur&labed. cleulng .rcount of piece 1563-JB- , er write ewaef. 231 JL Slat 8o city. 11 0 elpetwe. U526 per nunlb , tee Uie eitremel lee rent aud the nxtrfltael POOL HALL AND SOFT DRfN K PAFflAltt oo per tton C tn connection eitb tb 2nd Booth. Price $1609.09; $8009.06 cash will eipne. thi. hotel, thi 1. out of the beet ntng . bnte handle; rent $75 09 per month. Nice place with miGob In tb cltr. SauU P rlOTd fine bar. Wasatch 4932. term. acd on f or exWanted thick dealer hotel; rent, tncladlng atenm hrat FOR THU TERSALESMAN toea perienced Good trenato per mouth. TO BELL HIGH-GRADRITORY UNS OF only Will trade fof bungalew MOTOR TRUCKS DIRECT TO CONSUMER AT tioa ; god"furB!fure. arnaU n In fra FACTORY PRICES ON LIBERAL' COMMIS- or houra, or we can put yon SION. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT cash payment aud balanc on rarjLany-tr- a GIVE MAN NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED. hotel oa Main street, on on of th REFERENCES, LEWIS HALL 760 brat transient corners on 338in street; rent, MICHIGAN. DETROIT, and hot water all the year-roun- d heat FOR TRADE-- A country store, doing a large I nuwia Uy gooA carliH per month. basinera at a large profit. Will trade fra only This an exceptionally .gran furniture. aud pets 1147 Tribune. or acreage cfcty property250, buy. i MEAT, groceries, brick; income from gonaixt-to- g modern, boos, 10tG state. Owner, am $109 Leasing apt., uf sboet n5 rooms and .balance are tn nad 24th st.. Ogden rlMl Broom Each apt. ha private bath tele aptSMALL money will buy beat busiaeve proposi-tto- n Beautiful pbuoe and nil modern convenience. la Ltah. Aaswer-Bo- s 194, Msgoa.Uteh, autosnatto eelf serving elevadowitaira lobb), 1944 tor. This house is filled every peerand night FOR SALE Confectionery end ire cream buei-hee- a. ing over $1609 per month above alt expenses. a at oa very the building MUST BELL. Ivey s Coof., Eureka, Long term lease This boose must be eold at rental. Utah. r2H49 once, and the owner will make a big sacrifice. CAFE, ruomh above; sell separately, terms. Uoee $850 down, or what have you got to trade? Devls, Utah Barings A t Troat Bldg. r5t3 If you want tlie best buy la town, let ua c LUNCHROOM and coffee houses Just the place show you this boose at once, as no reasonable liliMfot. trllK ba refused.. fra asan and wife; cash a - the modem way. W. FOR 8ALE 9777 Wss- - 854. D. BARNES BEAT. ESTATE CO VP ANT. 2. Iitrert. EM DmiIi II. 8TATB LIl t.NrlEU REAL ESTATE ERGKBB8. WE ARE ON THB GROTND TI W AN TED Apartment bouse er hoist -- No s gents. Address T5HO FRONT room, ground flour, $12 and $14; up Tribune, tail $12 Inquire 168 W. 3rd Booth. H733 $4809 and fixtures, 6 room Grocery stock THREE furaisbed rooms, modern, with pantry bouse; $3609 cash, bat $25 month. Phono r&496 and basement, cheap rent. 779 E. 4th 8v Hyland 4284. r47IO comFOR SALE Tailor shup in growing 3 BUNNY front rooms, ground floor, cioue tn, munity; only ooe in town; doing excellent 189 Bo. business. W rite or call W. I Hamilton, Tre- tboroQgbly renovated, well furnished. Art JhL-'9ftoigwiahrF-4(twyimw y" LARGE! front room, first floor, for light FOB SALE, trade or rent, garage at Vernal. ' E. 319 housekeeping; tight, gaa and bath. Utah; concrete- - building 99x160 fret. 408 Be. Temple r6rX)6 tOQOO Utah Seringa A Traet. Was, 8614. NICE front room with kitchenette, light, phone, MUST sell at once; sickness the cease; confecbath, linen. Inquire bet. 2 and $ p. m.. 161 Excellent tionery; new stock of fixtures. 1207 opportunity fra ka cream and lunch counter. b: 2nd West. Was. 7924- 5207 Hy. 2381. r5428 h. k. apte.. everything ONE, two or three-rooGROCERY Blftl.NE.H8: Exceptional oppor surrooaded furaisbed; large lawn; as objection to chilby tunity, eaat side location dren. Alee sleeping room. 106 Be. 2nd W. apartment houses. Groceries, ice cream. aft ri688 drinks, confectionery and meats; all fresh stock, Was. 9589. 858 $2200 00 fra stock and fixtures; about $1509 00 2 FRONT rooms fra housekeeping, r6497 Was, 40K2 E 1st Be. rC480 cash, balance easy terms. LIGHT housekeeping rom for rent, $19 per mo. AMERICAN partner with cafe experience want-tewkii some capital. Add. .Magna, Utah, r6A61 158 W. Ath Bo. Waa. 2160 R. Box 164. r63?5 THREE housekeeping rooms, rear r of 188 No. $2500 OR $1250 r5963 W.. Temple. Waa. 1300. capital wanted for aa .Interest in a local busiONE large room for light hoi eepln. $17 ness which will net 10 per cent from start : 8 Bo. State. r59T2 in money Invested per mo, This business will stand a ThofoUfttHvrarriaUooTorfoTr particular, TWO Tight" housekeeping rooms, rent reason- r64T7 407 Ness building, city. 203 Bo. &rh East. rt()39 cell at able. Hy. 2172 Tor tiebt $4800 GROt ERY stuck and fixtures, 6 room TWO furnished basement room Phone house; $2500 cash, baL $25 month. r69t8 5fk 2nd ato. . honeekeepiag. r6646 Hyland 4284, K. rma , ground flour, 229 Hnsel TWO H store Joiniug 4 room modern bun6016 GROCERY t., East 2nd Bo. , galow: stock fra tale at a bargain, bolldinlgs 4 IABB IN, kitchenette, ground for rent; reasonable terms to right partv. large room, floor, mod.; reasonable rent. 429 Alameda Sickness Is tbo reason for selling. Apply 1526 r63S4 8o. 3rd East. : ave. 6720 furnished apt. fra rent. 860 West lat ?6423 Bouth Wsa 656 M. JgBSONAX TWO rooms, nicely fnrniahed front apt.grea-aonabl- e bankruptcy; business troubles; con652 Bo. 2nd East r648t DIVORCE; wills. Interviews confidential. Legal tracts; National Law 849 TWO bmiaekeeping Constitution Information and advice free. rooms, W. 2nd Bo. r6500 association, 897 Atlas block, 84-3bldg , 81 Bo. Mato at. e4584 APT., 1. porch, h. and c. water In room: very fp-TDATE ateam baths, electric treatments, 58 E. 4th Booth. convenient. Hy. 894 R Swedish massage by experienced masuee, r 0 r655 Dale. Office hours, lo a. to. Jo IU jl. m.. Etta SINGLE room for h. k.; gas and . 1., $$ per 208 .McIntyre bidg Was. 6993. cl384 806 Bo. Fifth E r650t week R4 LEB PERMANENT R ELfLl IAUGE attracilve IT KTroom and k Itchen Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no ette, modern house, close la. 141 Bo. 2nd pain, continue work. Ask to ara pile r6504 Treatment. Bchramm-JohoaoEast. Waa. 6347-J- . Drugs.- ril34$ THREE rooms light housekeeping. 134 Leakers DR. ELIZABETH L. W18MER, graduate chirstreet, bet 8th nod 7th E., lat South. No opodist, 725 26 McIntyre bldg , 99 go. Main. 6943 Was. 2809. children. $19 Was. 2335. mtOO FURNISHED single room ifturaekeepinf apart-toeu- t; ANNIE GORTHIN gives ectentifle treatment bk tli room adjoining; $3. 698 E. Broad-wsy258 South 2nd aad massage. Waa. 7285-W- , m4547 r6695 East. JnE tores unfurnished room, gat stove. 124 BEAUTY BHOP. VERA B1THELL Be. 10th Ea4. 6666 All hinds of beauty work aed masasge. 829 Waa. 6292 1.- Phone Was. 1187 mftt6t 221 Judge Bldg. 7 TWO furnished H. K. rooms, $19. Lights MA88AGD aud electric baths at BrOwn'a Chironished. 631 E. 6th Bo. . i 11 yi11 7407. Bo Btafo.Waa. 637 practic Sanatorium, CLOSR in, two-roo. suite, vacant Saturday, k9649 $28 per month: beat and light furnished; THB latest fabrics, styles and high't quality rouple only, a children. 299 E. 4th South. r6732 workmanship at lowest po4ble price. South-gatth tailor, 707 8 McIntyre bldg. Waa. ell furnished front room. ONE large, airy. . P3127 4395. 4A3-718 B. 3rd South r735 Hy. DIVORCE FREE BUREAU OF LEGAL IN81 ITE of two front rooms and- bath, ground MATB. N. FORMATION. BANKRUPTCY, floor, atrictly modem; reasonable. 479 fik 4th THEWS, 409 HOOPER BLDG., 23 EAST 1ST - r859 Bo, Hy. 472. rt WAR. 2325. BOUTH. 8 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, basemeUl, ANY mak car repaired, and cylinders rebored pantry and sleeplog porch. 68 No. 2nd West. from the car. the without removing engine r6795 In Was. 7723 J. r!794 your garage. Call Dan, Waa. 6768 121 W. LIGHT boosekeepiug rooms fra rent. DR. W. 8. HUDSON, Itoniet, getUl practice, r69U 4tb South. r2305 Bank Bldg. 818 McCornick treatments and electric massage. SCIENTIFIC! For Bent Warehouse, 221 Judge-- bSdg. Open evenings until $ p. m. C2880 Was. 1187. WAREHOISB SPACE FOB RENT. A guaranteed laxBROWN HERB TABLETS. bote. 200 cboeolate-coateative. la air-tigenno pace pills, feet warehocsb way r4555 sqt'arb $1. Call Hyland 8999-J- . Rage and B.right of tkai with HI WEBT. API.OCATED AT REAR All LADIES, have your hair treated at your borne PLY MOTOR MERCANTILE COMPANY, 118 B. by one with year ef successful experience, rS!B3 specialising ta caip treatment, hair dyeing and W. TEMPLE. as moratog '!ily hair forCalt-W-engagements. g UNITS In fnrmnr Flnhnr brwr, 10th W.t ra rfil 06 evenings aud End Booth st., gnvsd t tnnhtge. N U4B ELECTRIC and scientific massage, 206 Brook rM15 Arcade, by Dr. Agnra Wtonell. For Bent Store And Offices MRS. M. YOUNG is at home to old gs well an office L 2 ee ea suite Steam new patrons. Readings day or evealoga. 810 heat; elevator aad Janitor service; brat toes-tio- a E. lat Bo. rfi48l In city. 192 Booth Boyd Park bldg.. WOULD like to adopt baby buy in good home. uM8 Main street. r6846 Tribune. Address 400 FT. floor sprae. tots of light, .oa pavement, close in. Immediate possession. Hy. WANTED A couple tra get married. Dont We'll take care of 4136 W. h4M2 worry If you're broke. your expenses, buy yora license, give yon FINE office room in lawyers auite ta Boeton all followed by 'w wedding supper, a dance, big a 4836 bldg. Phone Wee. 8491 and guarantee you a Rt of yvalusbi presents OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT -- I Urge and 1 and take motion pictures of vhs big event at small, an ideal auite, oswiy renovated aad no erat to yon. Fra full Information address riV41 decorated Located in the heart of Main 8t. Box B 82, Tribune. A, bargain for someons "Inquire Shields. 181 Ad- AHT7 wiats to by auto. . Mala SL Pbona Waa. A321. 95413 r6648 drera E 44, Tribune. BEAUTIFUL private office, facing on Broadiaesilenc, niasrags by Madam way. practically unobstructed view no Mala SCIENTIFIC 2nd Brooks Arcade. ripil at.; extension teiepbene. callers and telephone cared for by lady la charge of office. lueeaage Culture Beuty Suite 601 Judge Bldg. p802$ iratric Bfwlk sysM . at Bur ciallst. hair, -- mole. Birthmarks leyr Idaho. Address Idaho Realty Co. qH5 cured. No Superfluous scar. 65 Prery LoteL' Waa. 8567. hVfil BASEMENT, 224 Be. Btat street. Apply 863 rSS79 McIntyre bldg. OFFICE apace, 403 .Utah Bvga. A Trust bl'Jr MOVTNQ. BTOEAOE, ETC. Was. $614. r600l , MOVING, TOBAOK, PACKING, SflUTINO. 17x40 ft. with basement, steam STOREROOM, Tb Old HKLIABI.E UKDMAN COMPANY. heat; fine comer position, 2i2 East' 6th If you waul nenrten, flail un. Oldnt, ble.t, Bouth. Old established place, good drug or concirluMT bandinr at UOIUKHOLD GOuOd I I lb WEST. fectionery. In iulre eo premise. Jly. IPSO. REDMAS FIRKPROOr STORAGE CO., r)07 186 Bouth Nib Wrat. For Kent Qanget Phone: Was. 1464 and 1465. .f!94 MOVING, storage, packing, stripping. Wt operGARAGE fra rent, 20b 'North State st. Wsa. ate th largest moving vans m Utah. Also 9194 W. r3802 WaaaUh 1798. McPbe small vaaa. Plauo GAKAhS and repair shop for rent. Apply 0. Moving o. 5527 II. Needham, 247 E. 2nd Bo. 6411 ' FIREPROOF storage, also expert packing and 7 WO individual garages, $5 per mo. 221 E. 0 Revser FUenroof Co. hipping. Storage 4th Bo. Was. 9357 W. r349 Phone Wss. 6722 and 6724. , ml 70 .7 zL motor van fra prompt and J. M. TRUITT 8 careful moving; long diatauce hauling a CAEPET AND BUG CLEANING Phone Was 4400 pt470 LACU 8 new method guarantees rotor restorand careful moving Jenson Motor ing; grease spots reiuutd. Reasonable, Hv. PROMPT 4184. aa. Hyland hauling 4M3. r4668 nr specialty. eTfioO VH brat, sweep, vacuum ami eponge, on your I M. A MON TRANSFER CO. Motor movJ. floor ra tak them away. 9xW, $1.59; new ing vans; exprairaevd men. 89 Bo. State at. method. Button, Hy. 2390. h!39T Wse. 15!. BALT Lake Ueaning aad Dyeuig C.. carpeU, W E will mirra you fra f J per fernr. A. W. ruga, curtains and tapestry cleaned; expert Rytting Was. Bug 1 mi work. 265 E. 9th Ba Phone Uy. 4561 and 4562 h2033 I HEAP storage fur any tie4f msrrhandira, mall rare. I8.U0 per ntumh. Was, 4812. color restoring. NO braiiug. t)uick service; Ce. ni484 f Ptl2, , $1 50. Crarioh iarpet Uomeca, line Pldge rroduee 0962 M Hotels ind Booming House MisceUaneon y Roomi erara- - ae and lee Phene Win 7M)9 rMM KKELk lure isaed braashiwping apt., -- with 78 It kOcheustte; Ugat and gaa lari Eaat. nBG LGUkid tvf IU asm 2nd Wracr Waa. M3 h U4M1 W ANITA APIA, AM) E. 1st geutb Medera sdgT apt, from $4 week and ap. KXtLtHIVfi, im eeeeeteeplag nccommeda tlena If required; elect neal tad Waa. 2H1A gas appUaacra a4 borne pdTibngen. 4790. ONE downstairs Be. Main. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, BUSINESS OrPOHTUyiTIE3 BIINK-- k ..Inrl.l 71 r--J !l . ' Why pay re r6 & X. BARNES REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Waa. 4082, 4068. 836 South Mato Street. riV8 , , l PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE 4 BROKERAGE CO. 880 NESS - 104. WA8ATUH BLDG. t REALTORS. HOTEI. HOTEL BETWEEN STATE AND ' IN GOOD LOCATION, rent $278 per month, steam heat and hot water furnished. Hot and cold water in more than H f ,M Owner furniture In good condition. roomr, called out of town and will aacrifico; $8000; 4 will taka city home aa part payment, MAIN ? " 82 ROOM HOTEL DOING A VERY FIN BUNINEH8 Bent $130 per month, tong lease, tlora to, ideal for transient trade. Hot and cold water throughout bonne, plenty of private and publto , bath. Price $5000. easy terms. , ' MAIN 4 " BTREET Kent $125 per month, long lease, steam beat, hot and cold water; not the hlgbeet class place and to the world, but a good money-makPrice $2409; small cash payment respecUbie. will handle. , HOTEL .OFF BLOCK ROOMING MOrftFJS. ON BEST STREET IN CITY, 12 ROOMS Steam heat, furniture and floor coverings tn excellent condition. Rent $55 per month, tang small branfp$es lease. This is a high-ctorooming booed aad muat be seen to be apprePrice $2500; Included in this to a ciated. Small cash payment will $759 player piano. handle, balance easy terms. w m r 16 ROOMS IN THB HEART OF TH CITY. Steam beat, furniture practically all new and clean, rent $40 per month, to particularly adapted th transient trade, but can be filled with steady roomers. Price $1800; $590 cash. L HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PA KT U F NXA R BANQKIK I5LL- . APARTMENTS. ail good, rent $175, steam beat Furnitiy; and hot water furnished, a very desirable loPrice $6999; .$2509, trade. cation, bigh-claa- a cash. 4P R00M A AND e . 8 2 ROOM APARTMENTS WITH BLEEPING PORCHES Elegantly furnished, located ea aoath Main afreet doe in, furpace beat, rent $95 per month, clearing $175 per month. Price $3090; $1099 cash. XA S 14 4 ROOM APARTMENTS ROOMS, AND 8 APARTMENTS OF 3 DOWNSTAIRS ROOMS EACH LPMTAIRS. 3' baths, regt $59 per month, rooms always full. Price $1209; $409 . ca. j EAST 19 ROOMS LOCATED ON 4TH TWEEN 2ND AND 3RD SOUTH. BE- Therertont a better place in the city f unsh- oe rding house. The do would furnishings honor to any city home. Kent $75 per meatb. 8 tram beat. Price $1700; $500 cash. - , 8 ROOMS ON BOUTH STATE, FURNACE HEAT. Rent $50 per month, all arranged In sleeping rooms except living rooms,- - all rooms can be made tote housekeeping apartments. Price $509; $159 cash. ROOMS T about YERY DESIRABLE LOCA-tion- T xhi housek eeping. Income per month, rent $35. Price $590; $9 $159. IN fra ArrmnyeJ Ii . ff78$ HOTEL bargain; 20 rooms, dandy transient location, a Jblg money-makeThink, rent enly. $40. lease. Price only $10U9, $509 cash, bala&ce $85 per month. room, housekeeping, rent 12 $409 cash. 9 rooms, housekeeping, price only $500. $89, price $900. mod. dandy ROSS C. DAVIS. 209 Utah Barings A Trust Bldg. Waa. bldg., m 9. r671$ LEAVING TOWN. Owner mint tlispora of good 12 room apart- - ' meat boitra, located one block off State at. The building ia atrictly modern and I good coedition, aud rent la only $50 per mo. AH furnishings are high elans and like new. All apartmeuta rented Priced to rail quickly. Call and see it. Terms. Call Was. ;619. r9895 FOR BALE OR THAI) B Here la an opportunity for some one nbo wishes to engage In , the hotel business to trade their city property or farm property, If It to near Balt Lake, for this out-o- f town faotsL It to a splendid portnnity: located to southern Utah; buildiug and ground, all furniture and equipment. Bora 298 ttsh Savings A Trust Bldg. C. Davis. Wss. 2780 M670 TWELVE nicely furnished housekeeping apta,. with nice brick house, wltb beautiful surroundings, located close in. cm esst aide; price Call at duo Templeton $1000, $350 down. r559 bldg Was. 4WS. EVERY day I am ratling apartment houses, betels end rooming bouaee. Let jne rail yew. Roes . Itovts, 2u9 Utah Barings A Trust bldg. 845 Bo. Main at. Wss. 2730. rt8Al LIVE, energetic mm to handle mfg. agency. 1 all afternoona, $06 Bcott Bldg. r284i " HOTEL. 45 rooms; new furniture. -- , real rtl30 bargain. E 13. Tribune. I ROOM rooming bouse for sale. 132Vt Regeet trtst. 18 RM8 ckwe acctunt month. tn. q hwisekeeping, Bo. Temple te heat furnisheL located Owner railing ea at. of 111 health. Will net $125 Cheap rent. $500 will give you hpe KK.HT rooms, 282 K. He Was. 2151. for housekeeping. anfumisbed. r6658 Temple MbBTOAOES RICHEY per pue-- r6704 A AHD IQ AOT . COMPANY, 4284. W.tetrk . r.ltlnl Him hrmt mnrtgig. loin rit ml. Nt you 1 pr r.nt md 8 pr rnl. loin, mid. nd Intrmt nuut.l, b no or Mr. Rich.. At gugf IkU tout ud 8 por rrnt morti, ran got 8 pr rrnt if boml I. blf .trugd clfir. Hr WJJ pa. .. UlMHAtJ FOR HAL Rmn. of urrnt wd. will at h. risouunt a well secure tite miulrlng 4110 to bindl. Mill dlrngnt m 12 por rent, nod thil II will uf. Addr... A if. Tribnn. .4188 for I Him d -- . ,l. ,l rl il CIIIMNET SWEEP GillHN Am uol u .irouin; brntei. llio raknd Mot with ntMl bruilin; and girei rt.. bait. 2lt oiri IH.Id J Of fir. Hrott lldw. I 1 wl II. mil imrjn lk. rt3! 8ilt IWNMOWEBilSHXEPENEir BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED Sm have a number of exclusive Rating on the best hotel and apt. bouse In thocity, ranging from 7 to 100 room; also n nnmber of out-o-f town hotels. Bra at fra descrip tions and particular. , t W'o route of AM n uil red si jmir lKme by esirt K mm menUd Hy ail biw. atraes. tail J, H. tnrita, Mte hum If' |