Show A miraculous ESCAPE last wednesday don colton son sin of 8 DJ 1 J colton after putting n on ITH loud load of buy all 10 driving aay aitay from the mick juanc i I 1 hp time to see sec the upper und end of the stack at allt CS to fall on his two brothers ed and charily who were standing where lie he had just loaded 1 11 ne he called to them thein to nm but it was too 1 1 hutc hifle to malc escape md nebout four tons of hay fi 11 Iu buryin burying r them beneath it t don call called forra 0 IU IP but no ove heard but mrs colhou wil 10 11 ran to his fiss assistance I 1 Mance when they began to t 11 work 1 frantically then air collet came ant all 8 B 0 0 coltons collons hired man who had bad heard beard the taci it I 1 cries for help hell in avery a very few minutia 9 seemed like aes ages to hiam they he 1111 d uncovers UnCover cd the children and found ed black from su suf location fo cation while charlie did not show the cl feets of his imprisonment for an hour bour or more mon while pitching the hay from over then they could hear ed saying C why dont yo vot ann irry y A it 14 W was a terrible experience for a I 1 concerned mrs colton wits waa made ill f for some time t by the shock |