Show W awty LOVES AND our loves find and hates are of ou our 1 r own orn choosing but our likes and dislikes are directed for us KB by the decisions of others A casual criticism or sneer on the part of one with ishom we are in conversation will sot us against a person whom we know bat slightly and thenceforward he la Is adjudged by us as aa unattractive or nu unworthy worthy so again a hearty word of praise by another will influence our opinion in favor of ono one who may have far less in him that is admirable than the person whom we have conOm condemned ned on hearsay and with the measure that we measure it Is measured to us again we are arc often liked or disliked according to the worda wards spoken about us instead of according to our spirit and conduct this is a common mode of bat is it a fair conr duay ca 0 a o uni i gasn sa sn |