Show NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBORS NEIGHBOR S lle cadle St diling I 1 S arx E pus used ed ill at blackfoot walk lilio ii GRAND junction GAMBLERS RAIDED rival coal companies jr Kii kiskil Kil in a merry war nt at hilling billing montano cvitic in an opium beleut c at wacouta Ta coina couta 41 WYOMING WISPS laramie B an irrigation TOP map of wyoming will be a feature of the eleventh acus report ou on the arid and bolt bell A proof of at the map WM was seat to state mead front Washl Wash oKlOn lugton ile ho suggested searld anil tile shael beatt r dy day there diax tax just been added to tho the stock of 0 tho the private ih hatchery of 0 the iho gordon campbell ditch compy company comp y fifty miles from cheyenne bauh or of site inko add california Califor ulo rainbow trout eggs the owned of tin ilia ponds pond expect to ori harriage pounds of as oab to the cheyenne market at acry cry Tuorn lue lug the douglas canal irrigation company halo filed their anacles ot of incorporation and nd talt ement of 0 clalia for fir water anti a uro re n now ow negotiating a a r saborn ell capIt allnUt with a i low to lo commencing work on their canal cronl in the spring tills this canal taps tap tho the north platte river at loci inez ix about fifteen miles long and when completed A ill cover acres of land all lying adjacent to douglas interest in awakened in tho the big horn A southern rn railway which la Is expected to bo be built from ill the northern PA at ile ui to tho the big horn region of wyoming the line lr be been nor and a right of way obtained from congress nori aarom mall the crow the rond road will start blurt from the northern pacific lit junction city and follow up tap tho big horn river to the mouth of tho ilia little aror thence up that stream to pass pu creek nod and to sheridan work on the road Is I 1 expected to comme oco early in ID the spring tile boneet ball given by tho the pickwick club was attended by fully person many were acro hero bero front from utah finials A hand sonto sum was wan realized tar dr boynton who has boco been at almy for tho in future 14 nit h the star of empire west westward nard ills removal will leave almy alloy without a roal real dent physician 0 1 U marx S T corn van now curtis and fred jones JODA forkim hunting party and loft left saturday afternoon for ilia vintan mountains they will sail bo be gone a i neck oak district judge knight Is coslic doity housed la in an jn in the county building mr air jennie moffat well noil known here died at al her bouto at 1 last tuesday tito tho was 75 years of age aeo and universally respected tito tho entertainment given la in almy saturday evening last in honor of tho the an R Iver sary of tho the port poet burns was waa ft a notable such Pas pardines dines as dano log music and readings were indulged to ID K haax jun jan 24 4 1801 IDAHO INKLINGS the ali 0 idaho north A JL south railroad giai ills filed with the secretary of state three profiles of the ibe road us as surveyed eyed noise bard nine bars ban of bullion valued at adf SIS were front from bere yesterday they aboy were the ilia product of 0 1110 famous phillips A sullivan eiloo at florida mountain billor City pocatello ruca tIld A singular death was discovered sunday morning this wila fildo of montpelier at the bartholomew freight wreck which occurred some time lat wook week A man mail had been seat up thoro there to watch tile tho wreck at tile the same time given a jug or of liquor when I 1 I 1 red eaton ealon cattle caino by with his train lio 10 observed the lifeless form kaid aad a nt once stopped slopped him train to investigate s sure tre enough the man was dead lie ifo bad built himself a camp fire cro rolled railed into lr it mid and died one aill abilo of lis leg was burned to a at tap and ills stomach roasted into a triad fried mass maa eaton telegraphed superintendent ryder and the body wa WM wal l talen talco to montpelier nampa bad a sensation la in tho the form of in an x press robbery a few days day ago thursday afternoon while the aba bocho bolho train au ii at the station awaiting the abo arrival of the express from froin tho that east it we w discovered that the tha door of the ilia combination express boj and smoking car had bad been broken in suit kud upon linvog tho abo disappearance of one ODO express pa a kage Lafle and the anes shotgun was waa noted A search was instituted for t tho he stolen articles artl clesi and elio was ilia covered at under der iscaro it caro wa ware boime much lo 10 ilia surprise of jim agnew the express mes bouger his bla overcoat which lio lie had not biswal QI was found in the buano suano place the shotgun was wan not recovered two were arrested ou on suspicion or of being concerned in tho the robbery blackfoot news the biggest and boldest steal known to cat tl of has han juit been brought to light through ilia of four of our we bli cattle dien thomas sparks william burko burke J W mccoy and 11 II G band in ID tho the teal steal the thieves are to have bavo gotten nearly eighteen carloads of beeves from aud and that portion of oneida county in anti and around american falle the train wait made up ul at carnes pocatello and america falls and was marked for portland at ab pres present entitle it la not dot known who ito imen robbed batitis but it Is generally believed that all 1 it of our principal dien aro are loidia A expert reader of brands li Is now at pay ot w here the train as and in pecking pec ting tho ilia brands branda and an our cattlemen aro arc awaiting ills 11 rodom tito tho officers have not lit in getting nil all tho the parties impei bated anti and for that reason the acus withholds tile tho names nanice fur for the present COL CULLINGS the alie salvation army barracks barrack at dent dor der acre slightly fligh lly alain Aged by fire wednes day right A tar mull service c has bion established between idaho aud via Fr oaland noen no en times ft a week ten acres of ground about aboul a mile north ca ciet t of boulder were told sell Thu thursday raday for ta an earn A year ago this laud was waa puro billed at sio 50 an acre long A Coin stocks store at long moo was wu burnea friday morning incurring a in loa of chete wan wait no insurance on oil t tho lie building or block the origin or of the bra la is not known at pueblo on friday jamen Beok beckwith with was ac quiLted of the ibe murder of gaui more in the tha criminal court ill both inico a were ranchers und mid ft a loud bc between LLla I 1 thorn bare callin icare always look last summer they mot met in deadly conflict tied GaIll was wail killed the ibe verdict given general satisfaction grand junction jonathan star judge ball list lad a busy buny unto llano of it last another was wa mado made upon tho the and teen of thorn them nuro era found lit in out iho net utter acter tile thu haul alicy worn taken before it alio judge who ho hoed filled each of thon I 1 5 50 0 and cosit thoro there it will ill be me ell or eight of loolu who will ill nul 1101 be able to pay their one fine find and will RO go to jail in james A maxwell al tather father of janina T maxell state ena incer new found load dead in III hl hi chair ci at boulder friday g lie d prayer allotting and ami u b lra booting nn olins ting at tile t C I 1 hurrle hurr reh li ilia iho provi night and was ILL him usual health cheo ho he returned rutur howo ln he BILL do down 11 to read thu the paper und land was wan found in ill tho the moral ing will the paper at ill in haud DION MONTANA rANIL MATTERS I 1 chinook Op hiton cattle fare fal said in bolter beLter shapo than aboy have been at this unto of winter during the ibo past pahl three years yearn and in consequence coom OUT our aru are feet log loc jubilant Ar aranthon anthor of rich ore Is 1 reported I 1 lo 10 tho the alatia in A new bolst was wan recently edited addad to tile tho nili ioa e a qa q all bonx in fl aliu level in 14 cc DOW ID pru grems the ore tr I 1 anges from W 0 to 1611 clr tou too tho wine Is 1 capable of outputting a carlond carload per week st at this athla alario aad Us its capacity anait y 1 la I 1 bennoll i lyl li creamed ton 1 incisi lit n all gid told aro arc to la the iho work art are amplo employed emp loye Y ed by ilia mines and But toil 57 men of this number tho the anaconda employs employ 1500 all ders of billings aro am rasping the iho as 01 11 benefit iron from a war the of ahn borky rork fork slid and bear coal r coal JH al now I 1 1 0 w offered lic ed at cano third per ten ion th alinn f formerly 0 r tia fly kenneth deegan loue ao ecwin of the tha ati ill flooring mill wh closed out by by ill the 1 crl net I 1 n AI hank blank tile the debt to ilia iho ban baak was wan for fop oli only ly sool mr air dougan dojean sill pro probably b ably bubly roi inic business in a short george max Ab lonborg una WU liana lawrence horo ore arratt d 1 ni at W his TI timber b b by under liberia buckon 1 I mere taden to LIVIO tou that men an anre ax wanted fur for steeling stealing lumber from the ilia line irlo light company part pan of which won was in tile construction of a house lit in charles 1 orrell of trull Trall Crook WM was sort aly injured by a viol 4 bromcho ferrell wa WAS f to tile aird when jt it suddenly roared reared und tied P alnick tr I 1 ick hin hanion oil the head two iwo boy bossy calk alit through lils his skull dr wells walla of liv ingston loff ston attended ailin and aad pronounces his bl injuries not necessarily fatal NEVADA NUG buggers GErS rono reno liaa isa probably been tho t lie heaviest boet beef cattle shipping point lo in nevada this year dr S t abo bo in 1 n save ado asylum has bai tend crud his a 1 u n to take effect march lt AL ont court were capitalists to take lako hold of jett aptt district tile mines in that section of nye county would undoubtedly soon become paying properties the speaker of at ilia nevada assembly has ha instructed abo at arms to refrain front from selling foiling spirituous or dinall liquors liquor in the capitol building during the session on the abe comstock a great creat doal deal of exploratory work la Is being done und and the large holder ers of stocks tire aro hopeful thit that ill at any ally ono a strike of ore will be made which wilt will re the the market state stale polo pate french aft 0 r having ordered ton cars car to lo ship chip that ina ninny ny loud of batilo to Cali california fornis returned ills his cattle to lo tile range nogo oo on account of the of son san francisco ratio Gaz otle rr far rat torso n received head of later cattle from his bis reach raach to la county 00 LILLY yesterday ito ho Is feed ing now bead on in the meadows divided open follows english mill ranch mayberrys Mayber rys t land and at padlock lie la is waiting for a ahme 10 lo tho the market beford selling austin advocate van dan beelor and charles towle bare aruck struck une one oro in the grest eastern mine nl lit bern ioa ed stone is and ad IV A van vaa reed shipped it ft carlond of antimony ore to san francisco last week C bell lie live or of ai it x an kioa oil kac k work on oa cottonwood with about ono one thousand tons of nickel ore oroa on ilia dump miscellaneous MITIS tho the seattle crockery company hu has filled failed rort portland land will try to place albina and ad east portland within lu its corporate limite Post or brooks brooka at seattle hats baa resigned real ned become to camblor bier la IQ tile iho national Mat lonal back at 54 cattle eattle george palmer fell fall goo feet fact iota into the allart abaft of the c hurch mine at placerville erville CI cal and ad was killed Il hannah annall II 11 byet ayea the tha indian on the puyallup reservation Is 1 dead tier her ago age was wa said kid to bo be one hundred acial aad two years year suit has bai been commenced la in superior court at fc tacoma by the northern Nort bern pacific railroad against G W hunt the railroad niao man for the recovery of with in etrest due upon three promis ory data the customs officers oni at tacoma on thur there dy day seized teals of opium the drug druff wax found lu in a trunk on ilia northern pacific wharf the trunk was coo signed to it 11 it edmunds portland rort laud or at milton a low few miles front from pendleton or edue iday the chinese were driven out of town by A nob moll of men tile the were led out with ropo ropes around heir necks the chinese wore were pretty breur roughly handled and it to IN said ald that two of them were badly hurt during the trial of ex police officer bay raymond and clouette Clouet tc for opium amur glIng in the united states court at bc cattle attle callao ter or of V U at bradshaw flod that during his bl term not a single can of prepared opium had been entered for duty a kt t the custom blouw this 9 tat emont she tho the great extent to which opium smuggling Is carried on related with tacks tack A prick may be b less le heroic ban a blow tut but I 1 1 lii is apt to be mor mom effectual one hornet will route a squadron equa dron of soldiers and a ready witted tied bewman aman once a horde bonjo of savages with ith tuck lack calls la in 1819 the tb whale ship lyzen while on a voyage to the pacific oman ocean met with all aa adaven lure which would havo have proved fault 9 to all hands handi but for a quick w or of one one day olt off one of the islando all the boata being after whales whale and but a few men left aboard tile the vessel a large band of armed na as ud adlay adl donly ny warines swarmed war ined over the tha bulwa bulwarks the crew new flew to the be leaving tuu the naked howl bowl lass ing la in full command of the alp hit the mate on n coming alongside took in ID the situation at a 1 abil ad quickly ordered ord fired the men to open the arm cholita chef te and scatter catter on dock deck all 11 the its tacks lack they could ond and lu in a a 0 aati it t fairly rained wk lacki upon the nale naked it stages the dl deck wits seen boon covered with them little nail dail they pierced the he feet foft of the iho iBl anderw who danced about with polo pain which increased with ever tep stop they took lack until nh ill fellnor ile of rag and gont thoy they tumbled headlong law lalo ilia sea ea and aau faai am acore II gintry |