Show J alfy I 1 newspaper m in L 1 la alff J u 1 I 1 central and i ari uta rutih h the tha best coring ruedi cint i as s adose a or two of st patricka pills they not only but cletuse the whole f batem and purify the blood bloo d for sale aale ly by pyne ak 1141 ben druggists dj aggis 0 K X T TH onest ite 0 K T many ol of the pioneers of oregon and Vashi naton have cheerfully te lilied stifled to the wonderful 3 properties leq of the I 1 art ditl ri tl l orf rf y kidney r tea arely te teta I 1 tf anti inti cleaf ilaa fl ezit fc to the t hii hi n i 3 fall and e taken IT hy aue nini rBt tit chuld or CHI can delicate wow 0 K T to is ft a most falling failing romp ramr t daina in the never ba back C k and was loine ti 31 i iiron ot urine scalding ec aldini or bu ina sensation while urinating moco mo A discharges and 1 all aall of either sex 41 1 at a 1 all I 1 k kairey ary t 0 2 I 1 mr J P blaize an extensive real estate dealer in pea des Moine alowa iowa narrowly escaped one of the severest attacks os of pneumonia while in the northern part of that state during darlng a recent blizzard ard 8 says ys the saturday review sir had bad occasion to drive miles during tha 1110 storm and was SO BO thoroughly chilled that he was unable to get warm w arm and inside oi of an hour alter after hia hi a return he ha was waa threatened ened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fey r mr blaize sent bent to the ne nearest a r est dang store and cot a bottle of ci C G of which ai h ha bad olten henl heard anti and took a aw number riber of large lare dosed ile ha seyit the effeil waa wonderful and that in tt a short time bo be was breathing eathine br quite easily casalv he kept on taking the medi me dicie elf a and aid the next day wis was able to come coma to des dea moines es jl mr blaize regarded his big cure as aa simply won darful bo 50 cent bot bottles for sale by arne malben DIU druggists JOTTINGS MB AIR orange seely beely of emery county favored us ua with a call today toay wn WE understand that wm win beck the jeweler has concluded to close out his bis jekeli jewelry ry here at once and will offer bis stock block end crid fixtures at private sale an and d auction next aeo krutil ku util sold A now new method of regulating the liver s stomach and bowels through the nerves A new new dill dia C covery dr miles berve and liver pills fil cure billious nesa ness bad taste torp torpid id liver piles constipation un equaled for men women and elt children ildren smallest mildest surest L I 1 60 50 doses 25 acta samples free at Nal benil I 1 cure we aut authorize our advertised druggist bosell to sell dr kin kins kings s new disco discovery verv for consumption boughs coo as and colds upon this condition if you are afflicted d with a cough cold or any lung throat or chest trouble and will mil use this remedy as aa directed giving it a fair trial and experience peri Deri ence no benefit you may return the bottle and have your money refunded we could not make this oner did we not know that dr kings new discovery could be relied on it never disappoints trial bottles free at smoot drug store large bize size and 12 afi rye nye and ami skin seln I 1 ment meat A C ertain certain anre for chronic sore eyel vetter fetter salt rheim scald head alu crolic ores I 1 bavar atch prairie sen Sc itches sore sora nipple wd piles it is cooling and ana so othin of esses have been cut cabied ed b I 1 t after all other treatment had tailed failed it is D it us un ina in 2 and 50 cent boxes boxed for eale h pvn A i maihen maiben 66 lem U V fmc n 1 11 em 99 b aw M ir CY UP for children a media cough cine should be abao reliable A insely and croup mother must be able to medicine pin her faith to it as to her bible it must contain nothing violent uncertain or dangerous I 1 it t must be be standard in in material and manufacture it must be plain and simple to administer easy and pleasant to take the child must like it il it must ue be prompt in action giving i imme immediate i di relief as childrens troubles ome come quick grow fast fast and end fatally or othen otherwise vise m in a very short time it must not only relieve quick but bring them around quick a ar children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long confinement it must do its work iu in moderate doses A large quantity of medicine in a child is not des desirable ira it must not interfere with tiia childs spirits ts appetite or general health ahl these ese things suit old as well as young folks and make bo giarman german syrup the favorite family medicine fi V al gonlag atour at conr joew 1 and elegant store in V ua N bui building effig to r r e fryy oc ci pied by the national bank of commerce centre street I 1 on monday april alth now new and complete lines of af SInEY MI ar av AND ladies furnishing goods 1 LATEST PARISIAN FASHIONS MRS H 13 W DAVIES W AT 1 I 1 TH 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 14 I 1 I 1 I 1 i i I 1 vie tho lumber lumbar business of ef arva is if not ran rail on a true or A 0 tim dimate ate basis today to day and tha directors the PROVO LUMBER t manufacturing CO HAVE IELA TE DECIDED TO HOLD ALL THEIR FORMER F TRADE AND I 1 ALL OTHER mir ia I 1 TRADE THEY GAJ CAN but it can only billy be jone done by treating 0 all alike with no tricks or misrepresent misrepresentation actions son P n ow on part and we p propose r doing I 1 it it this way from now on until further notice nodee we will sell all LUMBER 0 SHINGLES DOORS ETC AT ACTUAL COST for cash on only y I 1 we have decided not to make any profits for 1893 1892 sud 1593 1893 or even longer 0 if it tal tales takes es longer to get the ba business run ran on buies business principles bring 0 your cash and buy bay ou our r goods at achiel bostl 1 y WE WILL P OU OUR R COAL PRICES OES IN APAY A DAY OR TWO we aie strictly U inet anit IFT frosso 0 M now on P provo I 1 ovo L lumber I 1 a mb eia I 1 meg mfg 0 go 0 1 1 I 1 1 R ei E 7 W 1 SHOOT bupt supt SUP I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 1 ial i I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 W M I 1 4 11 N sa I 1 r 1 ra i ui 1 I 1 0 I 1 11 4 1 I 1 I 1 1 va N I 1 I 1 k A D A iii A I 1 A g 1 1 11 X r N I 1 1 1 I 1 z 7 I 1 for slants infants and Ch children lidren chort a la Is so adl ell adapted to chi children laren th abl Cant orli area colle I 1 arceo ameal rsm superior to any prescription gocr ach Diar rhima aills K worms giva slip and ami 1 tw da d to lao ifa U D begum lon ill so SA oxford EL bt brooklyn N Y lu injurious jurious th we ue of catora Cw casto tora a I 1 f Is so universal aa several years I 1 have hata 1 z ri gerits 1 its so well known that it seems a wa your Y OT lr ir castoria and thau always cons is pt retention ion to endorse 1 it re are t ia do so 0 as jt it teg lw cl L I 1 i families who do not tee kee caslo castoe re aults n elwa eaas reach waw irm F bl D D DD D new ibok york city ty the winthrop 11 mth street and nd ath ave late pastor bloomingdale Bel domed ormed chure new bwy york ode city tta Com pAnT 77 str braser naw var ana I 1 IS AV ff J t W 21 t YOU AR E r 1 pitr q US 1 1 its ita like lae throwing iving your away to buy badly tailored ill fitting i aing i 0 eliat is if y yon ears anything at all about your j ii rhonal appearance such stich gl goods will always be sold at ta alu I 1 w lowest prices hat but dietro they ra not cheap at any price and the most wonderful stories will avill always be told about them as long as is victims are ready to te respond and ready to believe such 3 iain ari our rightly L made 1 I 1 dress dresa and business suits interest an entire entile different class of 0 1 buyers their merits attract good jud judges ig C s of clo clothing a the satisfaction these g goods give wins ivins and holds bolds those who try them their superior style tit lit aud and I 1 finish leads those wh I 1 see them on oil others to seel seek them thein for the their irown own use I 1 I 1 CL I 1 a THIER HATTER Z y a U rF ITTER 10 at I 1 I 1 7 s 4 I 1 0 o 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 rn alei 19 ill 10 rm rf 2 ai I 1 4 0 9 C GREETING 1 SPRING un u n I 1 THE MOST ELABORATE STOCK OF 1 pw 5 ja ali y ff S NF 0 0 ca a EVER BROU GIrr TO PROVO everybody is delighted with the superb textures and the esqui exquisite zite shades the trimmings are as elegant as the market affords COME AT oi DM CH TURY ARE SUING mm PAST FASTI bolts ot outing cloth worth 15 cents selling forthe next 3 30 0 days at 10 1 0 cents per yard CLOTHS IMPORTED AND AMERICAN GINGHAMS GINGHA LA SEER SUCKERS RS FRENCH AND AMERICA CHALLIES PLAIN AND FIGURED SATE ENg PERSIAN MULLS INDIA LINENS just jest in and now on exhibition at th IV 6 so JO I 1 f V lh 4 I 1 I 1 we fire in ne 1 life accident 4 I dusenberry DUSEN BERRi KNOWLDEN plate glaga 6 GENERAL AGENTS I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 and colmey to lo Xo 10 all axx I 1 stampa beals collections Colle cHons 1 aade ade PRO va I 1 Z 1 ift eft M 11 DUN I 1 H ail 14 in S it of 1 thinking we aro ara bold out at the as 2 aki M 7 U r V a I 1 lve still thill have a good god line lilac of I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 dry goods bootsy shoes hatsh staple 0 wt e r a i a s curelia seg lit ift aiu save yon give us a call before making malang D your money as wo are selling a at aaa below cost I 1 ia 7 11 ewell E ft A WEDGWOOD is ASS I 1 gil E I 1 J A 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 FAIR WOMEN all bright beautiful and fascinating women are made more charming by bv the the artistic use of wisdoms famous robertine it enlivens enliven s the most regular beauty by adding freshness pu ity i and br brilliancy illiane v to the complexion TUE THE COCKTAIL taken before breakfast creata a false falee injurious appetite A wineglass wine gass full of ur dr He healeyy henleys Hen leys aleys english dandelion tonic taken before meals strengthens the lug digestive organs and enables you yot 1 to relish a hearty mem injury to stomach the storn aalt newspaper in tho tha I 1 I 1 territory outside salt lal C acty ty I 1 a |