Show democrats HARnis suna pa april 8 the TI 10 friends of the ex cleveland clevel duj will have things about all their own oan way at th democratic DeL cratie state convention convent conven tio ioa which in this city next wee k two thirds of the d delegates ole gates to the body boil have already been elected and nine tenths of these are in ia favor rf r f the man of destiny Tas balance have predilections for fait iou and other local favorites but bat it atia is thought that they will tall fall in linene lind grid vote for cleveland dele delegates jest j ast the same As for senator benator hill ho is not in ia it arid abid it does not appear that his name katrib has hae been broa broached chea by a single eingle one of the he four hundred delegates de leates g so BO fir far olec elected ted |