Show correspondence G so S lb ill city aug elst eist 1855 BD ED 2 srm sim r n this city on saford ay evening abc alc atc I 1 irl in goo roo rood I 1 d health and pl kills having harling left san oal cal on the 91 june br ny s san jose iriss Is ion lion Slon lon ion lon the etli jim june dr near sacra ment city dill on ii ld L r d jat and col Itee ltee beesch hilli mill carson valley il e 0 on n the july i pr oar cp some home packers us on MaryM congh 4 IG 16 nien men 2 women C dagons wagons and 25 horses clorse arnd arld moul roul the names r if 0 he pin pir w re as follows P P and YIl yli Ellia zabe beb b pratt of if G S L ca C ii mr jenkin jonkin J akin in mrry ankin Jn kin aud and il rha Kha naido naldo mowery from san CA C il eld eid rs janes mon uon fis fit lt joeeph 1 M D of ut G 8 L ci cj aj y returning return ng from missions mission james pecks ack hen nen nemy y ool Col coltrin trial triny arld and sam 1 F 0 of G S L achy city 11 D nam top too 01 0 san pete utah thomas king and J C dotson holson of G R S I 1 L C ty M X S hadley adley II A thompson and C D ike lre ire for foru U 3 A we llad bad good lut luc by b the way goga soya i rii rit r it and ald water liet met many compall fr ft m utah uoti and che ibi states saw beveral hundred antl in I 1 ngi nyi on the writena of if M rivers i from whom ft hum hom ve we had it supply of salmon trout all ali v very cry friendly we W s were all weary with our bourni T v and p gel and thank thant tui tul cl to pet pt homp home and the acy of nn rue eting with our oar friends nod and faunn fainn a was more mere than we n e shall shail attempt to describe I 1 had been lowarl of 15 months duding during vhf I 1 had bad pr it it IP kopd kopa ropa rn tin the pacified rail Pail fiel alc aae with alide energy emerry and gitt rift that god saw lit fit to bestow upon uron me and with some gome degree digree of respectfully P P r 1 tyro vroni froni elder obas chas sikh clerk of 2nd and company to elder go G 0 A aam hl LITTLE BLUE july aj 1 elder elden G A S SMITH dear hrather brather rr 1 I write to inform you yoa hai that hat jam P F died of the hol hoi ra on the 2nd and of or this mient about twenty mlle mile east ept est of little biu bin 11 awas was taken sick tick while affy frim trim fr im thi company hunting horses near the and wiss was iett lott 1 tt at the thi ver Yer germillion million br dr rurh pugh who was in mft wit h s company ann ried on to overtake br blair comp compe ii r er rr Stev stevenson ellson kindly obtained a cannia e arid and ant sen back baik to have hm blin br ight op up to the tho the bomp company ny br dr fohn john jonil jonii U M 3 1 nr r ani and edmonie elin el i went wl falth h the carriage it and rame p ims lmh up with us about 2 lo cIoc on sunday morning the cholera appear rl to robve b ave aye left him but be lie am complained of fever intal tiow liow cl ve we wahid and anointed him arld and laid our hand upon him in the name of the fjord during daring the he day le lip continued about the same and through the hie ift abt thi wt marnin mornin mar mor nin abil mull vb Il travel travella ln 1 begot wois vois we filiip d his wagon hn jbv hi prairie bro iro ther ahr 0 M duel antt anti n lf if vi mith with ith two 1 I hers therm stayed with him until lie tiled tileo aa win h aras w is at I 1 icek ocoral ic pm the eiders elders aho who abo w rt r xi th til the concluded to bring his r maing to ile be lir vili till y ath w th th m it 11 a tin cofan could obtained he TT fadwa 1 tin from br lir Jick jack kuan ioan toan hi in char chat charge ge of vv william trin arin and br lt S sevi evenson made the COMM after anet ennit to tw eth r we canie came tn to the that the tin wat wa wak t not rot i it R s tinly n II lin ly to arh arv ansai r the purposes so we tur lur it in iii livey on the banks banta of the little blue the road fl fot oot t comes tomes close cloe to the bank of I 1 he the river ilver we afterward ti lim lir a council composed of X T gny guy robn roan E U G IT hom hor in n 0 11 dui dul pedr TId and myself kosht T guyman guam in was appoint appointed d P r f the fia fla tie company 0 M U duel dud wag was w is appo to the charge ol 01 0 br tours yours r in the SOP gop I 1 of chrit rs PS we ar at petrine alons along alv w 11 tite cholera has been amori amorist gt KS us but generally richt and aad bat but few dat hs of f ibe oth quor the follow Bf Is a 11 tit lint list t of the pros ret net rey and inhaber in maber raber et of the bih P b of S vent vint Ivill lr and ard their resl rest i 1 bences ince so far as known TS andrew moor moon vali c r anty jhn J ln il chit t r alvin all jil in wing win str sir tr R G S T L county daniel D limit hunt I 1 I 1 h b 9 K D Spra cu cc browny bron davs davy alonzo IL nal Pal P aili viah elah r C 9 L 41 ithen borrows jo pi ph hubble r chirib W lir lil go R talcott w kared pared and porter bp noer W hiltl a bik rik al wm IT cisper aaraas jan jac as il tiny ting george nalley bailey G S L eydt conati james 11 hi ler let it r lra ira irs 8 1 lorla J thurston Th union unton jain justn leonard Leona nl ja jat es ngn george mcbride rudi rodi ira n H itch lich john zohn C dewes dewey jar a cr aford alb aib 1 I ap georze george uni I 1 P Y uns ung J stin rtin hite hire marriner martinet dil lil mil mii D n c ci ui uny 5 etlas ellas farmr ch chi T r r jolin join A hunt hint james blunt ilnay L B D hunt john J ihn P chit ChiL chillster lster later andrew andri w J moore wn vm somervill Somer nH utah co count unlit jimes times irit r jos joi b ci ws ion I on county abram vati Tash burn hurn sn sin pite county truman leonard LeonA rJ J in S woodbury odb wyc on 01 sr V W itchy n cht r islya n eilas elias gir iner inen G w or we e N buker buer wm S covern covent seth Dt iton thomas rus ras ti i jhn J n crawfod crawford d on mission lamins lumus brebant M hant bant al ali am s n r ni nt le dwight harding amx J nathin han S wi IV ils lib 11 s weber weter county nathan bathan C tenny G C x ert ivert eri II 11 P if san abel Butter buttera fl idt idy id juab cou countr county rity jeph jseph forman wm win Mou houseley seley state of delaware 1 he toi fol lewIn members maem raea ibers residences unknown known ua arcil arch bald kerr jul jalu ui lathrop john rohn 34 gawers jome jote clr Cir virthran levi hinnen rii IIi rnea thomas thorns muir unit dennis dorothy rhe the a kiwit ulye s the finst first saturday in every ei ery month mouth at I 1 ocla km at wm Dr brownf ownys in the ward liea near T dib dit ive site ite lun lur the th court ho hone use all members who lee tee live lle within a reasonable dl distance tance who do not attend expect t i ini J and ahi others will wili take their places who sho will dp their flaty a al I 1 can apon I 1 ive jve I 1 i t anil ana sen in the g p vea ag 8 1 l i af t SPENCER NV WILTBANK clerk |