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Show THE FIRST TA8TE Leirnel to Drink Coffee When a Da by. It parents realized tho fact llutt coffee cof-fee twtalns n drug cnffelro which Is eilally harmful to children, they would ilouliiloss hesitatu beforo giving giv-ing the babies coffee to drink. ' UU11 1 Mus a child In my mother's until fell first begun to nibble, thing at tbtlublu, mother used to give mo sips Cl coffee. A my parent used coffetjjxcluslvcly at menls I never j kucwjtra was anything to drink but cotfiiand water. 1 "Airtao I contracted the coffee habit onrh I remember when quite young, the rminunl uso of coffee so affected my ijwntN that they tried toasting wheat fed barley, thou ground It In the coffee mil, ns a substitute for coffee. "Ih tit did not taste right and they went kick to coffeo ngalu. That was I long ! fcro Postum was ever heard of. I cunt med to use coffee until I wu 27, I i"l ' km 1 got Into olllce wurk. I be- gan t' lava nervous spell. Especially after keakfutt I wag so nervous I 1 could rtarcoly attend to my corre- 1 spoiiJ oe. 1 ' At ilgh,t, ntter having coffee for! BUI'l II could hardly sleep, and on rising g the morning would feel weak and 1 tvous. ' A aVnd persuaded me to try Postum Post-um kj- ulfe and I did not like It nt llriffchut later when boiled good and itfcng It wa fine Now we 1 wniiUhJot give up Postum for the beat 'Ifee wu over tasted 1 ' now get good sleep, am free from Mrvousneis and headaches. I riuiram,,,! postum to all cuffee drink, j crn rUfc'a n Heason." ' Nasi given by Postum Co., Hattle I l " ' Jlch, Head "The Head to Well-vllle," Well-vllle," & ,,, j Everjjead the above letter? A new one pctars from time to time. They are "jjlne, true, and full of human I Interest? ' |