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Show J 4 Magna Times, Magna, Utah THE SOCIAL SCENE What The Women Are Doing This Week September 3rd Marriage To Unite Popular Pair the popular and regarded pair. They are highly regarded in this In an LDS Salt Lake Temple Jones, another sister, will serve as area and members of prominent local families. cere many, September third, bridesmaids Miss Bonnie Gay Beagley, sister vivacious Miss Claudette Jones eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs to the groom, will be flower girl, Miss Shirley Bailey Claude B. Jones, will become the and John Keith Jones, brother to Plights Troth With bride of Grant L. (Sonny) Beagley, the bride, is Eldon Looser will stand as best Reid Cahoon Richards son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beag-leall of Magna. A reception will man for the bridegroom. The ushbe held that evening at the Utah ers will include Wayne Sandall, In an impressive ceremony perWallace Beagley and Don HarCopper Club. formed at the Idaho Falls Temple, Miss Jones has asked her sister. mon. Miss Shirley Louise Bailey exMiss Marilyn Jones, to be maid Prominent Pair changed nuptial vows Thursday of honor and Misses Bernice BeagAnnouncement of the early fall morning with Reid Caljoon Richley, Lila Mitchell and Marlene nuptials will be read with great ards. The bnde is the daughter of interest by the many friends of Mr. and Mrs., William R. Bailey and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richards. Friday evening, the newlyweds were honored at a reception in the Hunter Wardhouse. The lovely bride chose a gown 1 of white taffeta and Chantilly lace. It was fashioned with a fitted bodice, detailed with a row i" tho$e who entrust to us a sacred 5 5 of tiny buttons and high stand-u- p , ring-beare- r. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!, PEEL Funeral Home I responsibility, we pledge our constant, personal service. 5 I collar. The sleeves VISITORS WELCOME were three-quartlength and closed with tiny buttons. The softly draped skirt was ballerina length, and she wore a high tiara of seed d pearls which held her fingertip veil. Her bouquet was white roses surrounding an orchid. Pastel summer shades in taffeta and net were donned by bridal attendants, Mrs. William Dale Richards, matron of honor and Miss Daryle Bailey and Miss Gloria Bailey, bridesmaids. Little Marsha Ann Bailey was the flower girl. Assuming duties of best man was the grooms brother, William Dale Richards Ushers were Floyd Bailey, Jerry Richards, Joe Richards, Scott Richards and James Gallyer. For a honeymoon trip to Southern Utah, the bride chose a smart beige suit. The new home for the couple will be in Magna. er lace-edge- Wait 2700 South E Phone 2624 iTiiiHiiniiiininiiiniiiiininiiiiniiiiiiiniiuiininniininiinimiHniimiiniiiiiT RED CROSS DAIRY QUEEN DAY, AUGUST 27 One-ha- lf of all proceeds taken in this day will be donated to the American Red Cross. T1 neHonie and you'll agree WANT-AD- TIMES-LEADE- Back From Japan parents, Mr and Mrs. Grover Maj r and M.s Thomas Haydn Giles and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Reese and thr e children, who Re- Reese in Salt Lake City. cently arnvei from Japan, ire visitors at home of Dr and Dr. and Mrs. Richard Gallant Mrs. Ow on G. Reese for a short have retuined home after an In simple but prettily planned time. Mai - Reese u as associated vacation spent in the home nuptials, M.ss Barbara Noe with tl Judge Advocate GenPacif.c Noithwest of Salt Lake City, became the eral's Co ps , bride of Dr. LaVere Dee Poulsen, .11 The'x remain in Utah for Mr and Mrs. J L Poulsen left son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Poulsen 30 day - ocf ie traveling to Char- Saturday for a vacation t. .p to the of Magna, Friday evening, August lotte, V here Major Reese stale of 14 th. Washington, whe.e they will t.ie Un.versity of will be the guests of rclut.ves and The lovely bride is the daughter Virgin fi lends of Mr. and Mrs James C. Noe ol Thtv are also guests of their Beverly Hills, California, and a former stewardess of Western Air Lines. The ceremony was performed at eight o'clock at the Poulsen residence by Bishop Thomas E. . Uot Iks taleithM Colhngs m the presence of family cwKfmr Ink ifMl (34 mlkaa t anyravs rig Mgwd members and a few close friends tMS-a- .4 Utah M MM that ym m4i For her wedding, the lovely ko. CIMIW l.SOO mm lac Utah pplT jk ( bride chose a biege suit with Do you know that we have added 223.000 mile of wire to Utahs brown accessories and pinned an telephone aystem over 100,000 telephones, an increase of almost orchid corsage to her shoulder 100 per cent? She w'as attended by her twin All this growth has come at a time when inflation was steadily sister, Miss Beverly Noe pushing the costs of supplying good telephons service up and up und telephone rates have lagged far behind. Clayton Ek stood as best man for the benedict. As a result, our earnings are ao low that continued expansion of the sen ice is being hampered. Honoring the prominent pair, a social was given Saturday evenNo business can continue to grow without getting a fair price for its services a price that will produce a fair profit for the ing m Spnngville by a group of friends. present and future ownere of the business whose savings are needed to keep it growing. The Mountain States Telephone and Dr. Poulsen has been at St. Telegraph Co. Marks Hospital, where he served his internship. The young couple left on a short trip to Los Angeles, California. Miss Barbara Noe Becomes Bride of Dr. LeV ere Dee Poulsen te Mr. and Mrs. Ivo G. Rasmussen and two sons. Tommy and Kelly of Long Beach, California, arrived Sunday for a two weeks visit with Mr. Rasmussens parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Rasmussen. Mr. and Mrs. Don Zimmer and small daughter, Marleen of Lincoln, Nebraska, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bauman. ',:uu .''id i aw, - iil Her dollar are going further . . . she's buying more millc. Utah Milk Back Horn Again Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Rasmussen have returned home after a most enjoyable three weeks vacation spent in the cities of Tacoma, Seattle and Olympia, Washington, guests of relatives and friends. They visited brothers of Mrs. Rasmussen and their families and several nieces of Mr. Rasmussen. While on the trip, Mr. Rasmussen went deep sea fishing and caught a 15 pound King Salmon and a 10 pound Silver Salmon. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Shorty Breeze m former Tacoma, Washington, Magna residents. They wish to be kindly remembered to their many friends in this area. (3(p(fe0no BRING QUICK RESULTS. SPECIAL AUGUST Creme Oil ( Luatro-Lo- x Permanent Cold Wave ( j $3.50 Cut "canning time by 34 and preserve with an your fruit the cool, easy way electric freezer. There is less chance for spoilage, and fruits that are taste better . . . with that flavor. Your electric freezer saves you so many ways in step, work, time and money. Haircut and Styling Extra freezer-preserve- d ii just-pick- ed Dreaming up a dessert for club? Guoth dropping Or just a family maal? Haro's ona answer that serves every dessert occasion. Get a quart of Dairy Queen and serve it with your favorite pies at home. There's no doubt about it Dairy Qe m TASTES BETTER! RUY FROM YOUR DEALER in? 'j 0 111. MtM OKI Mti. MI MMe MB "I IL far Ask about our Childrens Permanent For Back To School. We will be dosed all day Sunday to honor our brother, Donald McCarty, who is leaving on an LDS church mission. His testimonial will be held at the P. G. Ward. DAIRY QUEEN West 535 UAU iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiimmm Dial 2193 V I was ahead in every way after this demonstration! o) lm 891 6 West 2700 South Sp01 oT Friday-Saturda- y, August 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)1111,11 Merrills Beauty Salon Main Street Magna 21-2- Phone 637 2 m I Special Prices August 1st to 31st William & wfamj f ;t ; 1 Your sitting pretty" behind the wheel Take this Bel Air model First thing youll notice ii the quality of the interior. figured on paying abeut $200 more for a now car . ; . until I discovered I Rich-looki- all that Chevrolet offered me. appointments. Roomy seats with foam rubber cushions. Turn the key to start the engine and youre ready to go. You con see oil around EittOQEl tSTT S You look out and down through a wide, curved, windshield. The panoramic rear window and big side windows provide a clear view in all directions. l Craile, one-pie- You get more power n less gas That's because Chevrolet's two great valve-i- n head engine are engines. In models, you get Powerglide the most powerful engine in field Chevrolets the new -- Gear- Blue-Flam- e. 115-h.- lot less gas. That's what you get with the new Powerglide automatic transmission. There's no more advanced automatic transmission at any price. shift models offer the advanced 108-h.- p "Thrift-Kin- g engine. smoother, easier stops An easy nudge on the pedal brings smooth, positive response fight now! Chevrolet's improved brakes are the largest e field. in the CHOICE .CARDS! FRESH CANTALOUPES, No. 1 Urge, lb PEACHES, Utah, large, 3 lb. GRAPES, teedleta, 2 lb EGGPLANT, Utah, lb GREEN SQUASH, Uuh, lb 6c 25c 35c 7c 8c GROUND BEEF, lean, freah, lb VEAL STEAK, lb LAMB STEW, lb LUNCHEON MEATS, lb PICNICS, Swift, No .bank, lb low-pric- e A demonstration will show you better readability Youre in for s pleasant surprise st the smooth, steady, ride of this new Chevrolet One reason is that model for model Chevrolet will weigh up to 200 pounds more than the other cars. big-ca- line lowest-race- d It's heavier for CombutalioH of fawergUJ auto made transmission and HS-- hj Blue-Flaengine optioned 0$ Two-Te- n and Bel Air model m extra cost. Let us demonstrate all the advantages r of buying a Chevrolet now! d MEATS HHufrmuiii everything you could want. Yet it's the lowest-price- d line in the field. And It's the Biggest brakes for low-pric- that Chevrolet offers just about 37c 57c 29c 51c 45c You get greater getaway with the new Powerglide A lot finer performance qki ptopu buy cwvtouTS nun any oihii caii on a PAUL0S AUTO COMPANY DIAL 6611 MAGNA, UTAH Hllllllllillllllllllltllll,,!! iHiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiniimnmimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmiiguiiimiiimiiiimiiuiiiiinmmmiimmumMimiiimiiiimunimiiiiMimmt |