Show r41v 1 t alt gake rfribune 5 1944 Utah Liquor August Saturday MOVIE Credit Cut Lions' Outing for Blind Hikes Stock Opens Today in Canyon 16 GUIDE Morning - Opening Today Capitol—"The Ghost Catchers' and Star—"Broadway" and "Skylark" (Continued From Page fifteen) Salt Lake Lions club Lions member in cooperation with for blind will begin Sat- Murray Allen commissioner bedfor the outing exblind lodgings food and the 8 25 a at when in persons urday will be furnished by the Lions penses will leave from the Blind center ding club and the entire camp will be Delivery expense was 338829 a d East for a week of hiking taken over for the week cut of 35928 while enforcement fishing and boating at the Good They will meet with members of costs totaled $79972 a 35198 in- Fellowship lodge in Cottonwood the Lions club Wednesday evening canyon 11i miles below Brighton for a "frienship hour" and crease Directed by Fred Bradshaw While 1943-194- 4 I gross operating profits were $3281311 a $97856 Increase the $2557170 net profits reflected a 12469 drop due In a large measure to the $37139 reduction In earned discounts because of the switch from bailment to cash purchase methods 22 1867 John William Two Salt Lake motorists with The commission called attention W lst South is Taylor with at- severil charged to the June 30 inventory valued at tempted rape in a complaint'filed tickets parking meter violation outstanding appeared vo$2273119 or $1198248 more than Friday in city court and Friday and luntarily the June 30 1943 inventory If was taken into custody paid 50c Thursday each ticket isfines for Taylor the stock was in bailment the by Salt Lake police after an al- sued against them Police Court commission would not have been leged assault on a Clerk L I Acomb disclosed more than on 13th South between 5th girl and required to pay the Arthur Gaeth 1877 Harvard S1000000 for the additional mer- 6th West Wednesday night ave Thursday paid $10 for 20 chandise was given medical atThe tickets and Ethel Also included in expenditures tention girl at police emergency hos- outstanding 1425 Laird circle Friday Hedwick was the payment of $288000 taxes pital for injuries suffered when paid $5 for 10 tickets due to the federal hike on April 1 Taylor allegedly struck her A "The fine still will be 50 cents when the levy was raised to $9 a woman hearing for each parking meter violation neighboring screams of the called guards If violators appear gallon While from 50000 to 75000 from a near-b- y girl radio tube plant said Judge Joseph G voluntarily" Jeppson cases usually were held in bail- to her assistance police said DeIf it is necessary for a policement the commission has pur- tective C W Farnsworth city man to watch an automobile in chased and stored in the warehouse crime prevention bureau passing question when it is parked and to some 47000 cases at present with the scene took Taylor into stay on the Iscene to arrest the rum and brandy constituting about owner the fine will be $5 on the half the merchandise last ticket issued and $1 for each additional ticket issued Judge Discounting rumors that the commission may have overstocked explained Jeppson In rum and brandy reports show The new court policy was adoptrum and winter that during the ed Wednesday in a drive to clean brandy sales averaged between up several thousand outstanding 30(0 and 4500 cases monthly and Only cars of Beginning the dawn of his 45th meter violations that the present supply may be ex- birthday with a brisk hike with persons who have 3 or more hausted within the next 12 months Boy Scouts at Tracy Wigwam in tickets will be "marked" for The commission also explained Mill Creek canyon Ezra T Benson watching Lists are being comthat rurn and brandy were pur- celebrated his 1st birthday as a pleted of outstanding meter chased upon recommendation of member of the council of the 12 tickets national authorities at a time when apostles of the L D S church Frithere appeared to be no prospect day and ended the day with a quiet Assistant Appointed of addttional liquor being manufac- evening at his home 1021 Military Dr J H Jones was appointed drive with his wife and their 5 tured until the war's end by the Salt Lake county children Friday holiThe manufacturingas assistant county commission The 2nd Mr onto blends will the youngest apostle bring only day at a salary of at was in Benson physician born Magna Whitney Ida inarkeLas the government will release no corn for the distilling of Aug 4 1899 He was appointed an $80 per month bourbon whisky apostle one year ago and was sustained at the semiannual L D S here from Washington D C to conference in October He came make his home last June the increase being ascribed higher wages and increased Annual to Meter Fines Total $15 Centre--"GoIng- Prisoners" "U-Bo- at her alma mater Paramount She made her first talking picture there She'll play Diana Lynn's mother in "The Trouble with Women" If that picture really tells it will do the world a great service Betty Hutton Is so eager to go overseas to entertain that she's gone ahead and made plans F B I is check ing her over just as it does every performer who gdes across—and her studio won't know about ikuntil it reads this Now Showing Nly st theTown" ift Bountiful p m 7 Glory" (Bountiful)--"Uncert- ain 9 p m and "The 10:15 (3 hours) Nary Way" Tower (9th East and 9th South)—"Whistling in Brooklyn" and "Bombers' Moon" State—"Ralders of San Joaquin" and Follow the Leader" p Girl" and "Paris After Dark" and Fantasy" and "Hoosier Holiday" Holladay (Holladay)—"Fiesh R113sts and "Hat-Chec- k of Honey" Murray (Murray)—"Song Yehudi Nfenuhin was signed because he was a 'by Metro Then he was great violinist told what pieces he would play how he was to Act He said "Hu-u- h I'm a fiddler I know music—nothing about acting" Now the studio doesn't know what to do Why not let him How have his own way? Rialto-"Pin-U- On Stage and Screen and Lyric—On Stage "Gay 'Nineties Revue" with "Trocadero" "Weird Women" - 'Those Minor Keys' Revived in 'Atlantic City' well-know- ay Please Attend the Matinees for Choice Seats! p 1 'tot ryagal" 1P11:101osult1 Atone: WORLD WAR A NEWS PARAMOUNT AIR NEWS COLOR CARTOON ot ng 4sP' s' r-- PICIII "4 ib r takes that sweet-singin- g silver long away from hi talented lips with enough to'rock-it-to-yo- u the lyrics or "Ain't Misbehavin'" the years For the 1st time on the high-- I road of Whiteman's career the "king of jazz" steps down from the podium tucks that I tr (1!:! PICTURES GIANT Iv) :IN NOIV UMIEMPUBA111 ch old-tim- light-hearte- heart-stringi- baton under his arm and goes into the song "On a Sunday Afternoon" with Miss Moore Belle Baker star of the 1921 Ziegfeld Follies swells the alto richness into the throbbing notes of "All of Me" and the rippling heat of "Nobody's Sweetheart Now" and Louis Armstrong and its soft complaining partner of another day "I Ain't Got Nobody" both peculiarly touching in these days of loved and lover far apart Her renditions of "On a Sunday Afternoon" and "By the Sea" alcng with a choice of e tunes provide other food for many a fond reminiscence of good cheer and fellowship in a period whose very keeps its appeal vigorously alive through HOLLYWOOD—The old songs so dear to the heart of a nation are born again with a flourish In Republic's new musical "Atlantic City?' Starring Constance Moore and Brad Taylor with a supporting cast including suchn as Charley Grape-wiBelle Baker Colonna Jerry ethers Gallagher and Shean and the picture is a Ray Mc Careydirected production taking its audience by the hand down memory lane The lasting lyrics hummed whistled and listened to with misty-eye- d tenderness by folks lucky enough to have lived in the d and years before "Atafter the last war make recollantic City" a milestone of lection With Paul Whiteman and his band on the downbeat Constance Moore will sing the "After You're Gene" Apostle Mark 45th Birthday 30-d- --Ut- oftrn ) Mexican Actor Pedro Armendariz was discovered is interesting At a luncheon in Mexico City given to honor Mary Pick-for- d Armendariz was asked to a few words of welcome say back hoping she'd settled Mary remember her Spanish Instead he spoke perfect English a find" she whispered "There's to Dudley Murphy When Mary came home she talked to Hunt Stromtterg about him That's why he's playing a leading role In "Dishonored Lady:"' Please Don't Wear Him Out Van Johnson is so popular his studio gives him one week's rest He's already started a new Gillespie epic called "Dr Red Adams" in which he kisses Marilyn Maxwell but only after she buys a $100000 war bond from him When that's ended he goes into "Thrill of Romance" Spike Jones landed In England and he and his band are already en route to Scotland to tour field hospitals By Hedda Hopper h HOLLYWOOD Cal Chatterbin has gone back to Utah—"The Eve of St Mark" and "Roger Touhy Gangster" Invisibte Man's Revenge" and "Jungle Woman" Uptown--"T-he Way" 12:35 p m 3 5:20 7:40 10:15 i Studio— "Double Indemnity" and Short Subjects Gem—"Lost Angel" and "Swing Fever" Mario Sugarhouse)—"Whistling In Brooklyn" and "The Man From Down Under" South-Ea(Sugarhouse)—"Seven Days Ashore" and "Woman et 138-2n- Suspect Faces Morals Count Ruth Chatterton Returns To Movies Alma 'Mater 'II' Takes Drive Post Eldon A Eliason Deseret Right Blood Donors Found For Two Hospital Patients Mil- lard county has been appointed assistant state director of United War Fund and assumed duties in Salt Lake City Friday to assist Mr Schiller in supervision of the fall campaign which begins Oct 3 In all counties of the state ' Jo 77 (-11itix1 1 R-- 4 : ' 35 Sandy went to his bedside after he fell from an apricot tree to toa picket fence the hospital and was taken Phy SiCiang who said 2his liver of the was ruptured found needed type among 7 volunteers They were Joy and Czar Christensen Sandy With 2 patients in critical condition Ili need of immediate transfusion L D S hospital Friday night was without a supply of type "0" blood Emergency calls through police radio brought Fred Oxborrow 2324 Green at to give blood to Bruce Bayer 3 son of Mr and Mrs Hiram Bayer 253-7t- h East He was 1 of a half dozen volunteers Friends 9f William F Mc vs)1 1117--1:9A411:crs:7- 1 -- AM A c Cb -0-- - 13011 R IT - 4 7 Wirdstirti741taint: V 11-- 3' ANSIS E ON cy: TAI1BI - 34 'hclAcr - ROMITIEU 305 t r10- Kay Kyser in 'Swing Fever' wnrr a I - WOX11' r)ANC IhIG I STARLIGHT ROOF e '7 A I : -- Last Impoo91 tot Day r -- I : ' - with Robert Lowery Jean Parker s :r at la L i i - :::: i-- 1 A---z- Wit! NOM lama woad CAPTIVATING Spaglati Tendarloin Steak Diallers - ar - open Sundays 0- I - uf4)--yst- leel a BAMBOO BAR ri CIAI' winS - 94AS coA4 ef pk1 943tvvuol t apeolif 4'0141 10 Gayest Spot In Town on SUNDAY No Cover Charge 4-- 1111111111ILIDIROODIROAD 411 0taht: -- :t IA - tOrtaCiI:4 i - : 6 ( l‘v r: ) I I' MUSIC 4th Se & -- 19 Main For iteservatiorus Dial 54065 OPEN SUNDAYS Noon to Midalaht "Salt Lake's Most 1 ii '' t 11 Distinctive Night Club" zva':e:':Lt tglcion:f sko-R- 4 -7 API PICT ARCADELAST So & Sth W t LI lite a elVey 939 South Stole ' ses 1 9 tzx 47 40 AT S I 1 7-- al) tc fsa iorbe CS2-L Cafe I Sstpe:IgcilthflickD!linin:rnsd - It 4 t :-:-: - Ci 1 St:LT""---'"''- r - - 1 1 -- - : - 1 Vr C' CNHr::tt:'::::"---"$'1Et7-:- '1t'41111:11:: 1 IL :1 ! SHOW Music by Joe Mallory Hottest Swing from Open Sunday for Dinners I I 1 l 63 TONIGHT i g th swing---c- 1 I I "Clis31 ha rt et Stage and ' R BY 01 R Al'i I J4— 'A r 1146 m is U-BO- ALL-STA- : egiNADRYA 1 ! LAST TLMES TODAY --l- e- 2PL F47 ' oe-- t --- A' or:91 asi ' ' (''171:d I :- y - ANN RUTHERFORD J 5 2 I -A ' 4P - N IA: ' --- t'' Ll' — - if: ! - I -'' :r-- HOL17AYS - "' - - - 1 41641"' 4 "HOOSIER co toi- '- It' o-- - 1 '‘ ' -: r:laitjt pe -ii : ' ' 400N HOLLYWOOD CAST R Ray !Vinland 4 -- I Cool—Air Conditioned CLAUDETTE COLBERT -- -- L'i lit ----A- li ' ? - OPEN :12 00 PRISONER AT with AN to Midnito t f I "tel Direct From Today's Terrific Headlines liokPRICES 14c LAST DAY III"! - 1 - ILwitmitev t E Rle -- —CO-HIT- -- '1 " a 11Cit In EIS MYSTICAL MUSICAL! GEORGE MONTGOMERY ANNABELLA p m to midnight 1 So li 1 ra -- with vit ' THE YEAR'S '' - 1 4VaRC 3" ''''''-'21Af 4" 1 Lake's 71a Salt 5 7 If I Tr ! l SCARE-EWIES- T -11 apll- - 10III' nc:I 16- i 4-- PP- ' '1 - FOSTER '- 91 - I LI:Itio111 -:' ''' tredSkELTOflai 5P5Fitin03 ClitlaoGliiicAtlieAn l e r444 IN164r ) O'DRISCOLLI - 17'":' "TOP MAN" ir t - I'LaBir lff - -ed Feature-SUSANNA a: I 1 - - - 4100t--'- -2DONALD O'CONNOR - LOU CHANEY "FIRED WIFE" 00 ::- -t DAY Open Today 7'1 ANDY DEVINE 00 en d NEws : - i 411000 - 4 s4"4:7-- ' t LE0cARRILLO MARTHA :::: :1: - ti::: 1- t i ':?7-- ' '4 7: 1 s - 1 ((irottNAtht17117‘12:lnlaLetra-ItzltrAm:- ql ell$14 f 01 its- 07 ollsionsic11 A jr1411 : - ' CARNEY ' ill C g -' 7 : ' A y hsfir 'r7e:01 1 K ) WALTER CATLETT ir 11k 64' et Ae - ' 1' 4za i i s AT -- - 5z------01- j V' th 0 4-- ' V::72s '' - i- -- PAIGE DIANA BARRYMORE WEBB HOLMES' BAND and Clever Entertainers -- os 1 N"' - ROBERT SUPERB STEAK AND CHICKEN DINNERS 3 s 4 fW ill GLORIA JEAN 1i a 4th with Patio DEtt7011rull FOOD HIGHT - a 1 12:15 - vr i g— -- :oiv pm '11 t gk 7-- Li 11 II yr : ALAS oCC itisallir r 'pen mosam000lool :page victor n t2 ri 'A - tAtIsAII05115Vo or 4111 111 toto 1 I rt c vv rtak m EVERY - NOW NAME L FSRTURDRY - '' ' :7 Iil - - I ‘74:- :':: ' -- °' 'XIII: :7:- 11 pi ottoo0A 0' )1! A' iffl -- h Pr6- ' - DANCE DINE AND COMFORT IN COOL DANCE 'A i ITo41777 i L f New Et k 7 - i J 1 1 z r: - -- I l'''1 1 ''l 7 Nev I DINE a - 6- LI111 12 A 1 - 1 0 ow— p 4 0 ' 1' ' - - t" '''' 1 1 t"- - - 7 - 471 ill :&4k445S p'7 i :'''- N it it ::::'''':' t ' I I "THE NAVY WAY" Also ill ' (4:--1-6itiPti- 1:)17 i : 11 TWO FEATURES Kids Under 12 Years I ::-- f:' tt CARTOON i i' ! '- 't 2 SERIALS —10 1111:11114 isr44taaatheittiv it x N11:) lar : I ' 45e 0AAS“Ao-- 411 4 I N :Y :t: 1e)1 ? Ti s MOST EtAUTINI BALLROOM GARDEN A t :45 '1 Iii 5 ING IN AMERICA'S L ARGEST °Aim( Ile r:41s4 Omani alw DELIGHTFut came eTs Pm 111COUSITIFOIL: 11 ir ' 1 Noon :' 1 Eye James Cralg—Maraba Hunt 11 ANIOW T1 7 with Margaret O'FiEtl&ST C 1) ( 'o' SATURDAY of 12 &Clock 1 - ':- ellino' t ae''' ' II V :HA 71 ci- will SI I 0 scepa tv: t: ' -- ' 00 P717 "- - ''L I t)111 EVERY tir I c3v Leary ''' 777 1 N "Lii 0 - -- - Feature ! I0--- GIORGI --71- ' SP ' 1 8 " E t S :(7 11:11tr)11 11:147 tnall A - 1 TONIGIIT Orchestra Istmste Maeda Thrsmags Satarday—Opea Suadays - 1 I "" PAT rani 0" 1 7"-"- -- 141! - Brian Aherne 111 li2nd 1- - 6 : 6 itlet- t tT J Di- "' tit-41-L DIN I A ' r ' e -41- 71N-141 ANC IL f it T '''' -- ' -' - - 7'-'- rm-- -- |